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Thread: The Shadow Hunters (U/C)

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    Default The Shadow Hunters

    Spoiler: Samuel Berezoff 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 10-13-2016 at 09:56 PM.

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    General Information:
    Name: Gresh
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Race: Githzerai


    Build: He has a slender musculature
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 175
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Yellow
    Distinctive Features: He has an intricate tattoo of a symbol representing inner peace on his chest

    Clothes / Armour:

    He wears a set of Agile resolve vestments, which makes him much more agile than others. Making feats like running up a wall, or balancing on a rail less than an inch thick not only possible, but easy. As well as it makes it easier for him to dodge or deflect attacks. He also possesses a Forked Lightning ki focus, which can make his punches and kicks also electrocute his enemies. He also has a pair of Bracers of defense. These mithral armbands can block pretty much any physical attack, but the force and momentum of the strike is still felt. (Think, Wonder Woman's Bracelets)

    Fighting Style:
    He uses unarmed combat, along with Psionic magic
    His style of combat, is the Centered breath style. It emphasizes honing his mental awareness to better utilize his Psionic magic. He calmly anticipates his enemy's attacks, moves swiftly across the battlefield, and excels at projecting his psionic energy outward.
    He can switch between several stances, and each stance has different effects. He has to keep a certain stance active for at least a post before he can change it.


    Masterful Spiral: When he is in this stance, whenever he kicks or punches, his range is increased by five feet, using psionic energy.

    Centered Defense: He regains his calm, and focuses more on evading, his focus gives him a bonus to dodge or block physical or magical attacks, and resist mental attacks (like illusions, and whatnot)

    Way of the Autumn Wind: Upon entering this stance, he performs a roundhouse kick which creates a freezing cold gust of damaging (damage: medium) and weakening (weaken effect lasts until the end of his next post). After that, whenever he gets hit by an attack (blocks count) he immediately moves 10 feet in any direction

    Mist on the storm: Upon entering this stance, his body becomes ghostly, and the next attack he makes ignores armor and blocking and weakens them until the end of his next post. Also, if he were to be hit by an attack, he becomes insubstantial, ignoring normal melee or ranged attacks, and halving damage from magic attacks. But after one use, the stance ends, and cannot be used again for six posts.

    He also possesses several stand-alone techniques


    Twilight touch:
    Target: Single
    Damage: Medium
    Effect: He taps his fingers against an enemy's forehead, disrupting their energy and blinding them for 1 post. It recharges in 3 posts

    Falling star strike:
    Target: Single
    Damage: Medium
    Effect: He leaps into the air, trailing fire and light. When he lands, the impact staggers, blinds, and burns his foes. Target is blinded for one post, and is on fire for two posts. Recharges in seven posts.

    Deadly Cobra strike:
    Target: Single
    Damage: Low
    Effect: He weaves from side to side , and then lashes his hand out like a cobra, leaving behind psionically poisoned wounds. Poison does low damage and lasts for 5 posts. Recharges in 8 posts.

    Diamond mind:
    Effect: If someone tries to access his mind (cause fear, or read it, ect, ect.) He focuses, and causes their assault to reflect upon the user. With enough will, the barrier can be bypassed, but doing so leaves the Attacker mentally drained (unable to use any powers that involve the mind) for two turns. If barrier is unbroken, Recharges in 1 post. If it is, 3 posts.

    Internal power:
    Effect: He focuses for a moment and heals some minor wounds. Recharges in 2 posts

    Defended mind: Any effects that stun, daze, dominate, or otherwise cloud his mind last for 1 less post
    Telepathy: He can communicate telepathically
    Pacifist: Unless he has to, he will not kill an enemy, even if doing so would benefit him.

    Personality: Calculating, Calm, Disciplined
    Background: Greth was a monk who studied and trained in an isolated monastery in the Elemental chaos for all his life. There, he learned all he knew about fighting, and the path to inner peace. Recently, a visitor to the monastery made him curious about the outside world. And so, with his master's consent, he went out to explore the world, and has been doing so for a year.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 07-15-2012 at 04:21 AM.

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    General Information:
    Name: Bjorkus
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Minotaur

    Weight: 335 pounds
    He is very muscular, built like a mountain
    Hair: White
    Eyes: Brown
    Distinctive Features: A diamond stud on his left ear
    Clothes / Armour:
    He has on a Set of rageblood hide armor. This armor was made from the hide of a mighty behemoth, and when he rages, he becomes much tougher and resilient to damage. He also has a pair of gauntlets of ogre power, which look like they are made of black steel, that increases his strength and damage of his attacks. He also has on a belt of titan strength, which is a rugged leather belt inset with chinks of polished obsidian. Which further increases his strength and endurance.
    Fighting Style:
    Bjorkus is a barbarian. He taps into primal power to use his rage to give him supernatural power, he utilizes powerful blows with his greataxe, as well as some primal magic in the form of shouts.
    He wields a thundering greataxe, whenever he lands a blow with this weapon, a shockwave of sound slams into his enemy, further damaging them, and knocking them back five feet
    As a barbarian, his power lies in his rage, his anger. His unbridled fury in combat is so great it makes him more powerful, and those who try to use it against him are fools, for, in the end, it will only mean their destruction. All of his rages begin with an attack, and to change rages,he must take one post to calm down, however he can still move and make attacks, but he will not gain the bonus of a rage.


    Crimson phoenix Rage
    Initial attack damage: High
    Effect: His mighty blow erupts in flame to engulf his nearby enemies as the spirit of the crimson phoenix enters him. As he rages, fire bursts from his weapon every time his strikes (dealing extra medium fire damage on top of other damage), and vitality surges through him to ward him from death (if a fatal blow were to hit him, he heals some of the damage, so he can keep fighting, but that effect can only be used once every 3 posts)

    Iron hammer rage:
    Initial attack damage: Medium, and the target is knocked back five feet.
    Effect: The primal spirits of iron fuel mighty attacks, and every attack that hits knocks his foe back 10 feet, and if it hits something, it takes extra (low) damage

    Flameheart rage:
    Initial attack damage: Medium fire damage, and sets foe on fire for 2 posts or until he can put himself out, whichever comes first.
    Effect: The spirit of the red dragon imbues his attack with fiery wrath, scorching his foe. As he rages, the fire of the dragon's heart lashes out at those that strike him, dealing low fire damage to enemies that attack him with melee attacks.

    White tiger rage:
    Initial attack damage: Medium cold damage, and the target is immobilized for 1 post.
    Effect: The spirit of the white tiger empowers his attack, freezing his enemy in place. As the tiger's rage fills him, winter's chill slows his foes. (As long as they are within five feet of him, they move much slower than normal)

    Standalone attacks: These attacks can be used whenever, regardless of whether he is raging or not. It he is raging, the effects of the rage are added on to it if it is a physical attack

    Goring charge:
    Damage: low (but the farther away they are, the higher the damage, up to medium at 20 feet, and High at 30 feet)
    Effect He charge his enemy, and gores it with his horns, also knocking them over. Recharges in 1 post. (target must be at least 10 feet away to use)

    Hammer fall:
    Damage: Medium
    He swings his weapon in a great underhand arc, and the impact lifts his target off their feet and sends it crashing to the ground, knocking them prone. Recharges in 1 post

    Arcing throw:
    Range: 25 feet
    Damage: Medium
    Effect: Spirits of wind and storm carry his weapon across the battlefield to smite his target, then linger around that foe to hinder it's movement. (weapon returns to his hand instantly, and target's movement is slowed for 1 post) Recharges in 2 posts

    War cry:
    Range: 15x15 foot area in front of him
    Damage: Low
    Target: All enemies in AoE
    Effect: His potent roar sends nearby enemies reeling in terror, pushing them back five feet. Recharges in two posts

    Vitality: He is very tough to kill, being able to take more damage than others

    Heedless charge: He gains a minor extra resistance to damage when charging

    Ferocity: When he is near death, his attacks increase in power and speed

    Rage-filled mind: When raging, he gains a high resistance to mental attacks, being able to shrug off all but the most powerful ones.

    Bloodthirsty: He will ignore all pleas for mercy, and always strive to kill his enemy, even if doing so would be detrimental to him

    Personality: Bloodthirsty, cruel, savage
    Background: Bjorkus is the leader of a large Minotaur warband. For years they wandered the land, raiding and pillaging as they pleased. Bjorkus believes that what is best in life is: 'To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.' He is a very cruel and violent person, and would kill any of his own men to ensure victory. He loves nothing more then to be in the thick of the fight, terrorizing and eviscerating his enemies.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 07-14-2012 at 06:33 PM.

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    General Information:
    Name: Brandis Zanne
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human


    Build: Muscular
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 170
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Distinctive Features:
    Battle scars all over his body.
    Clothes / Armour:

    He wears a set of Scale armor made from the enchanted scales of a hydra. The magic in his armor allows him to slowly regenerate any damage he has taken, as well as a small resistance to acid and poison. He also has a pair of Battlestrider greaves, which greatly increases his movement speed. Finally, he has a helm of heroes, which makes him immune to fear.

    Fighting Style:
    He is a pure fighter, utilizing his discipline and skill to fell powerful foes with accurate and timed cuts and thrusts of his glaive.
    His weapon is a Glaive of frost. At a mental command, he can coat the blade of it in ice, dealing cold damage.

    As a fighter, he does not use magic, but his skill is such that he doesn't need it. However, he does have a few defensive powers.

    Boundless endurance:
    Effect: He shakes off the worst of his wounds, healing slightly. Recharges in 3 posts

    Effect: He lets his adrenaline surge carry him through the battle, increasing his resistance to injury. Lasts 2 posts, recharges in 4.

    Defensive training: Stance
    Effect: With a soldier's discipline, he fends off attacks that would overcome a lesser person. He has a much higher chance to block attacks while in this stance (stance rules apply. See Gresh)

    Shooter's nemesis: Reaction (this power activates as a response to an event)
    Trigger: He is hit by a ranged attack
    Effect: The fact that his enemy is too cowardly to close to melee swells his confidence and awakens an inner reserve of strength which heals him. Recharges in 2 posts, or if he is hit by another ranged attack (this hit does not activate it)

    Lion-heart: He is very courageous
    Honorable: He is honorable to a fault, and will not cheat
    Melee only: He only uses melee weapons
    Battle-happy: He will challenge anyone he deems to be a worth adversary

    Personality: Honorable, Just, Virtuous, Courageous
    Background: At first glance, Brandis is just another soldier. But Brandis is different from the rank-and-file warriors of the warlord he has sworn himself to. His skill is unmatched, and his courage and intelligence is peerless. He fights with a noble bearing, and does not delight in the slaughter, only in the combat. He inspires the men around him with his daring deeds. he seeks out powerful opponents, and enemy officers over the common soldiery, seeking to end battles quickly and with little loss of life. He is, though, always up for a duel, no matter who offers it.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 07-15-2012 at 10:02 PM.

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    General Information:
    Name: Gwenn
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human

    Height: 4'10"
    Weight: 100 pounds
    Lithe, with barely a hint of muscle
    Hair: Light brown
    Eyes: Orange
    Distinctive features: A corona of energy appears around her head when she fights
    Clothes / Armour:
    She wears a set of Mind Hunter's plate armor. This armor further increases her mental resistance. Also when someone tries to attack her mind, the armor blasts them with a low damage psychic energy blast, which stuns them as well. She also has a pair of Battlestrider greaves, as well as a star opal ring which allows her to teleport up to fifty feet (recharges in two posts)

    Fighting Style:
    Gwenn is a Battlemind. Battleminds are tough and fast fighters who utilize Psionic magic to compliment their great martial prowess and natural resilience.
    She wields a lightning greataxe which, with a simple mental command, can have lightning arc all along it's blade, or return to normal.


    Psionic Lightning: She fires a stream of lightning from her outstretched hand.
    Range: 30 feet
    Damage: Medium
    Recharge: 2 posts

    Psionic Leap: Channeling her energy into her feet, she can jump up to 50 feet in any direction. This usually is followed up by an attack with her axe
    Recharge: 1 post

    Shatterpoint: She is able to see the weak points in any object or person, and with application of psionic energy, can cause the object to shatter, or to open past wounds on a person (scars and such, though, even if they are visible or not, most warriors have at least 1 past injury)
    Range: 20 feet
    Damage: Depends severity of past injury
    Recharge (for objects) 2 posts
    Recharge (for people, if it hits) 4 posts
    No recharge if misses

    Psionic heal: She can heal herself using psionic energy
    Recharge: 2 posts


    Mental confusion: Her mind is scrambled from past torture, and because of her multiple personalities,she is near impervious to mental assaults

    Speed of thought: Her intense training has increased her reflexes to near instantaneous, making it very hard to get the drop on her.

    Just won't die: She can take a lot more punishment than others, because of her pure will to live

    Psionic enhancement: She has channeled a portion of her energy into her limbs, which increases her strength and agility to much higher level than possible for someone of her age, size, and gender.

    Personality: Insane, Annoying, Unpredictable, Bipolar
    Background: Gwenn is...different from others. As part of her Battlemind training, she had to go under intense mental torture to test and strengthen her will. She passed, obviously. But she was...changed. Her mind became an addled mess of insanity. Her personality constantly shifts. At times, she appears lucid, but that can change into countless others. She could be Happy and laughing one moment, and then, in an instant, become angry and violent, flying off the handle at something minor. Being around her is dangerous, no matter what you are doing.

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    Spoiler: Mila 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 08-28-2013 at 01:43 PM.

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    General Information:
    Name: Mildred
    Age: 692
    Gender: Hermaphrodite
    Race: Possessed human


    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 130
    Mildred has an androgynous figure, with only the barest hint of muscle
    Hair: Lavender
    Eyes: Dark Grey
    Distinctive Features:
    Mildred is a hermaphrodite, which means he/she has both sets of genitals. When Mildred bleeds, her blood is black
    Clothes / Armour:
    Mildred wears basic cloth armor that has turned black from the blood that has been soaked into it. Mildred also has a pair of plain leather boots

    Fighting Style:
    Mildred combines expert swordsmanship with blood magic gained from her connection to 'black blood' the essence of the the Demon sword Tyrfing.
    Tyrfing is a cursed sword forged originally for the god of war. It fell to earth, and was used by violent men to further their ambitions. originally, it was a just and holy sword, but the years of use by evil men tainted it, making it evil. It is indestructible, and anyone else who tries to wield it other than Mildred, will be infected by a poison that paralyzes in seconds and kills in minutes, dissolving their body into a pool of black sludge. If it is ever seperated from Mildred, Mildred can will it to reappear into his/her hand with but a thought
    Most of Mildred's powers involve manipulating the black blood that courses through her/his veins.

    Blood lance: Mildred slices her hand and shoots blood out at an enemy. Recharges in 3 posts

    Scream symphony: The mouth of the sword opens and unleashes a powerful scream. The scream stuns the enemy for one post, and makes the sword vibrate, giving it a vorpal edge for 3 posts. Recharges in 4 posts

    Black Moon fang: Mildred opens a cut in her/his hand, and allows it to flow down the blade. Then, Mildred swings the sword, launching whirling blades from the sword. Charges in 2 posts, and the blades go 100 feet. Limit of 4 per attack

    Bloody needles: When Mildred is wounded, she/he can have blood shoot out from the wound in droplets, and surround an enemy. From the airborne droplets, long spokes shoot out to skewer the enemy from all angles at once, or on a time delay. Can activate immediately, or over the course of a second post.
    Blood armor: Mildred has the ability to harden his/her blood so it is stronger than steel, limiting the effectiveness of slashing and piercing attacks greatly.

    Dominated mind: Mildred is controlled by the spirit of Tyrfing. Because of that, Tyrfing dominates his/her consciousness, and it blocks Mildred's mind from mental attacks

    Demonic strength: Because of the black blood flowing through Mildred's veins, Mildred has strength far greater than a Human of his/her age and size.

    Personality: Not really any to speak of anymore
    Background: Mildred was once a princess of a Kingdom in the north. She was a typical teenage girl, who liked frolicking, and picking flowers, and other girly stuff. But one day, she wandered a bit too far, and she found a sword sticking up out of the ground. Because of her curiosity, which is common in all teenage females, she just HAD to touch it. So, she crept up to it, and grabbed the handle. Instantly, her mind was flooded with the presence of another, and she lost all control of her body. She had become possessed. Tryfing took hold of her little body, and made it slightly tougher, as well as adding masculine features with the onrush of the black blood. In that state Tyrfing forced the now hermaphrodite Mildred to Murder everyone in the village and castle, and then go on a world wide killing spree, which Mildred still is doing today.

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    General Information:
    Name: Xin Jiao (It's a chinese name. Xin is his family name)
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human

    Spoiler: Xin Jiao 

    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 150
    Slender Musculature
    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Green
    Distinctive Features: Mole behind his right ear
    Clothes / Armour:
    Light Steel armor over silk clothes padded with starched cotton.

    Fighting Style:
    Jiao uses 5 magical swords at once, each one floating around him. They represent the 5 elements of Feng Shui: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, and Metal. He also has some power over those five elements when he physically grasps the sword representing that element. They float around him, and he controls them by thought, and motions of his arms, hands, and fingers

    The five stars (only 3 pictured): These are a set of five magical swords. They are made of an unknown metallic material. Each of them is imbued by one of the five elements. They are distinguished by the tassels that dangle from the butt end of the handle.

    Red - Fire
    Blue - Water
    Brown - Earth
    Grey - Metal
    Light brown - Wood

    All of his abilities stem from his swords and the control of the elements through them. To use said element, he has to actually be holding said sword. He can only hold 1 sword at a time.

    Activated effect: Sends out a wave of flame that reaches 20 feet. Recharges in two posts
    Constant effect: Can manipulate any ambient fire nearby

    Activated effect: Sends out a high-pressure stream of water that can cut through steel. Recharges in 2 posts
    Constant effect: Can manipulate any ambient water in the area

    Activated effect: Causes spike of earth to shoot up from the ground around the enemy. Recharges in 2 posts.
    Constant effect: Can manipulate any ambient loose earth. (cause landslides, buildings to collapse, etc)

    Activated effect: Can cause plants or other wood-elemental material (including the wood in shields and weapons, and in some cases, armor), To rapidly sprout or decay. The sprouting plants can tangle up enemies for 1 post. Recharges in 2 posts.
    Constant effect: Can manipulate ambient wood. (cause a tree to fall, or make a wooden weapon or wood-backed or wooden shield to move slightly)

    Activated effect: Fires a beam of light that causes all metal that it hits to instantly rust. Recharges in 2 posts.
    Constant effect: Can manipulate ambient metal. (i.e. cause a suit of armor or shiel to fall apart by removing rivets, or causing someone in metal armor, or using a metal weapon to move slower.

    Personality: He is brash, an self-assured, with a bit of egotism.
    Background: Xin Jiao Is the son of a once-influential noble. Because of a scandal involving another family, his family lost their prestige and fortune. Jiao was angered by the slanderous action of their rival, and set out on a quest of revenge. Under the guise of a student, he found an old master of magic, and trained under him for 10 years. Upon learning all he could from the old man, he killed him with his own magical set of swords. The very ones he has now. He then returned to the town he was from, usurped the local lord, and had the rival family murdered. He now is a warmongering tyrant, who terrorizes the country. He is a very intelligent and powerful warrior.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 07-31-2012 at 03:45 AM.

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    Spoiler: Nalla 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 08-28-2013 at 01:42 PM.

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    Spoiler: Scythia Kalta 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 09-19-2013 at 02:35 AM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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