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Thread: (M) The Shadows that walk among Us. (IC)

  1. #1
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    Default (M) The Shadows that walk among Us. (IC)

    Castle Rock was a very small town, with a population of only a few hundred, the sign that denoted it was old and worn, and the buses that ferried the Con-goers was moving too fast for it to be properly read. They also didn't stop in town very long either, only for bathroom breaks and to get some food. It was a quaint little place, full of smiling people, and wide open spaces. It so happened that the leaves were changing color, and the town was full of Halloween decorations. But again, they didn't stay long.

    Back on the road, in buses that they had been in since six AM, and it was now nearly eight in the evening, they hadn't seen any signs of civilization for quite sometimes as they went further and further into the backwoods of upstate Maine. People were chatting and enjoying the scenery, and one by one, their cellphone reception vanished. This was warned about in anyone who took the time to read the brochure. It was another hour before they got to a large, Iron-wrought fence which creaked open ominously...and then they saw it.

    Castle Droknar, the property of an old, and incredibly rich European family, who's ancestor had it transported to america stone by stone from Wallachia, and was considered by the PSA (Paranormal Society of America) to be one of the top ten haunted locations in Northern america. Legends of it are ancient and many from its long history, and range form it being the location of a coven of vampires, to being built over a portal to hell, a place where children were brutally sacrificed to dark gods, and other foul atrocities and dark things occurred. The Perfect place for such a convention to be held.

    The buses pulled up in an outer courtyard, the last ones to have arrived. People had driven card, trucks, ridden on buses, and some, come in on Yachts (the castle was built on top of a cliff and had a dock at the bottom, legend tells that secret tunnels line the underground for miles). But all noticed it right away, and it was slightly unnerving. Outside of the idle chatter, and some wind rustling some leaves...the place was eerily quiet, and it was at least five degrees colder than it was in Castle Rock.

    They were guided into the castle by tall, black suited staff, and were checked in to private rooms, of which the castle had very many. They were given light dinners, and informed the Con would start tomorrow, and to not wander from their rooms. One by one, the many con-goers went to sleep, and except for 4 individuals, who unbeknownst to them, had a great destiny, was uneventful. For those 4 special individuals, their sleep was uneasy, filled with dark dreams and a strange sense of paranoia that someone, somewhere, was watching them.

    The next morning, the Con was in full swing. One by one people were entering the Con area, which included several ballrooms and other large ares, and included all the amenities such as panels, Q&A sessions, a merch area, and even a cosplay competition, and the Con-goers varied from people serious about the scientific side of things, such as ghost furries dressing up as Werewolves. But it was a Con, what do you expect.

    The merch area was quite packed with supplies for sale, and surprisingly...guns and other questionable things lined the shop stalls. To name a few:

    (the number next to an item is its wealth purchase DC, anything equal to a character's wealth bonus or lower can automatically be bought, but anything higher requires a check (done by me after you post your intent) and success will mean lowering your wealth bonus by a set amount (look on the wealth link for info)

    Spoiler: Suzie's Stuffies 

    (any licensed, restricted, or illegal gear will require a diplomacy check to see if they will show it to you, and the second number next to the purchase dc is how much more expensive it is for you to buy it post normally and I will roll to see if you would actually get it, this is any item with an increase to its purchase DC)

    Spoiler: Stalkers inc. 

    Spoiler: Slayer's Tools 

    Spoiler: The Armoury 

    But above all that, that night, on the brochure, they was to be a wild party going from dusk and until the break of dawn, with free booze and dancing. For now, we leave our heroes at the Con's opening. How will they spend their day?

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  2. #2
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    In the last few rows of the bus, there sat a strange, brooding figure, arms crossed and head slightly bowed. His face was obstructed by the thick woolen hood of his jacket. For most of the trip, he had kept to himself at sat almost unmoving, only shifting every now and again to adjust himself. Even at the sight of the castle, the mysterious figure remained unphased. Only when the bus stopped in the courtyard and the bus driver called for an exit did the hooded man finally move.

    "... Oh shit... Are we here already?" the hooded figure mumbled groggily. He took off his hood to reveal a still sleepy Patches who was just now finally stirring to. He quickly picked up his backpack and followed the rest of the con-goers, taking in his first glimpse of the castle as he went. He wryly smirked, partly because he was impressed, and partly because he was fantasizing about finding some old treasure inside. For some reason, though, he felt a slight chill in his spine, but he opted to ignore the feeling altogether.

    The con-goers were all herded by tall, black-clad men. Whether they were security, staff, or both, Patches couldn't really tell. Either way, he, like all the others from the bus, went through the whole check-in process in a neat single file. All along the way, a few bellboys and porters had approached and asked if he needed any assistance, but he always refused since all he brought was a backpack full of essentials. The way they kept insisting did add to the strange atmosphere, however.

    Shortly after, Patches was led to a decently sized room by yet another persistent bellboy. That was the eight one since he'd left the bus. "Your room is in here, sir. Do call room service if you need anything else," the bellboy meekly said. Patches simply smiled and nodded, raising a hand to wave the man off. Before he could do so, though, he felt his stomach rumble. It was then he remembered that it was already well past dinnertime, and none of the guests had eaten yet. The thief opened his mouth to call out to the bellboy, but the man, as if having read Patches' mind, cut him off. "Dinner will be served shortly, sir," he said bowing before taking a step back and opening a door.

    Much to Patches' surprise, another one of the uniformed staff was already waiting outside the door with a light meal on a tray. The waiter gently placed the meal on a nearby desk before bowing and exiting. The bellboy followed as well, but raised his head for a final say. "Enjoy the meal, sir. Oh... and please remain in your room for the night. It would be for the best." And with that, the staff disappeared behind the thick door, leaving the thief alone in his room.

    Patches spent the next hour unpacking, settling in, eating, and showering, then the next half hour after that just lazing about. He'd thought about the last thing the bellboy told him. Why would not leaving his room be for the best? No explanation was given in the first place. Immediately, Patches sat up and made his way to the door. He opened the room and peeked out into both sides of the hallway. It was eerily silent, and not a single soul seemed to stir. The thief scoffed and smiled, thinking that he was free to roam if nobody was there to stop him in the first place.

    As soon as he set one foot outside the room's boundaries, however, he felt a sudden, unexplainable survival instinct kick in. Any assurance he had in himself had all but gone, and only a strangely palpable dread remained as he sheepishly slunk back into his quarters. Strangely enough, as soon as the door clicked closed, the dread washed away once again. Patches decided not to press it any further and just continue lazing about instead.

    The thief jumped back onto the bed and almost immediately began to suddenly feel sleepier and sleepier. This was very much strange to him since he spent most of the bus trip dozing off, but the urge to sleep was too strong to fight. With a final sigh, his eyes slowly closed and he fell into a deep, uneasy sleep.

    The next morning, Patches woke up in a cold sweat, breathing somewhat heavily. Looking around, he saw that he'd fallen off the bed in a tangled mess of sheets and blankets. He almost jumped upon the sudden chiming of the grandfather clock across the room. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the con had already started and he was late. Wasting no time, he hastily threw on something comfortable but stylish and hurried over to the convention proper.

    The place was already packed and lively by the time he got there, much to his delight. So many people, so many pockets to pick. He walked around multiple times at first, getting a feel for the general layout of the place. At the same time, he was scouting out possible marks, as well as any security patrols or CCTVs.

    In the middle of his rounds, though, he stopped at a booth that caught his eye. The big sign on the top said "Slayer's Tools." Pretty corny name, but the merchandise they were selling were definitely not what Patches was expecting to see in the middle of an oddball convention. He mulled over buying a shotgun at first, but he decided to leave it, since there was no way he'd lug around a shotgun during a thieving run. A row of tasers on display did pique his interest, though. Simple and easy to use, and fucking painful too. He'd originally planned not to bring any weapons to the convention, but a little backup protection wouldn't hurt. He whistled to call the attention of the stall's attendant and raised the weapon in his hand. "Oi! Mate! How much for this here taser? I'd like to get one."
    Last edited by Ma1chbox; 10-01-2018 at 01:15 PM.

    Currently on hiatus (possibly for good)

  3. #3
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    It was already growing dark when they left the little town of Castle Rock behind them, the only sign of civilization besides the road had been a prison, not far outside of town, a bright spot among the darkness.

    Lying next to her on the back seat was a dog-eared Anne Perry paperback she'd grabbed from one of those Free Library boxes while waiting for the bus, already finished. Did it wind up there because the original owner got tired of it, or was it after they found out she'd helped her friend kill her mother back when they were young, all those many years ago? A sticker in the book asked her to leave it someplace public when she was done with it, so it could be shared with someone else, hopefully the bus driver wouldn't throw it out later.

    June and Jon's voices crooned to her through her earbuds, but she paid no attention to the lyrics - it was just soothing to hear them singing. Jon had actually made a big fuss about sharing the tracks with her, since they weren't releasing the album for another week, but she knew her parents were worried about her, ever since....

    A murmur ran through the bus as it slowed, and glancing out the window, she could see finally see the castle, lit up for the Con guests. She thumbed the music off and slipped her phone into her pack, along with the earbuds. Sabina had promised to call, but since they left town, reception had dried up. Hopefully this place had wifi.

    It was noisy and chill when she climbed off the bus, the last passenger. It was weird how quiet it was, but perhaps it was because everyone was so tired after such a long ride? Shouldering her pack, she followed the other Con guests into the entry of the castle, wishing she'd thought to bring a jacket with her. This was colder than the town had been!

    But weirdly enough, once she was inside the castle, it didn't seem all that warmer despite the press of bodies ogling the walls as if they expected something to leer out at them. Not that it would be surprising here.

    After checking in, a black-suited porter asked for her bags.
    "Just got my pack here," she said, slinging it onto her right shoulder. He gave her a sniff of disapproval, but beckoned her to follow him as they went up a staircase and along hallways until he suddenly stopped at a door.

    "In here... Miss," he grumbled, fumbling with the key for a moment, then swung the door opened. The room beyond look like it had been decorated during the Renaissance, with the only concession to the 21st century was the installation of a few electric lights and a door that lead to a tiled bathroom with a cast iron clawfoot tub that Elizabeth Báthory would have felt at home in.

    "It's... nice," she offered, wondering for a moment what Hunter would have thought about this room. And then a pang of sadness as she remembered.
    "A light supper will be brought to your room in a few minutes," the porter sniffed. "We recommend that you do not leave your room tonight, the halls can be treacherous at night. There have been... accidents."
    "Accidents?" she frowned, putting the pack on the bed. Weird. Dressing table, wardrobe, chair, weird picture of some guy wearing period clothes staring at her intently from the wall, but no tv or phone? "Isn't that like against hotel regulations?"
    "I believe it was the hotel inspector who had the last accident."
    She giggled, but one look at the porter's raised eyebrow made her realize he was serious. "Oh. Is there a phone....?"
    "In the lobby," the porter sniffed. "Out of order."

    She fumbled for her wallet and pulled out a twenty, which she gave to the porter. He frowned at the bill curiously and glanced at her, then seemed to belatedly realize it was a tip, which he reluctantly slipped into his pocket as if he was afraid it would bite.
    "Do... have a pleasant night," he said just before leaving, somehow making it sound more like an option.

    Her attention turned to the picture hanging on the wall, for how long she wasn't sure, jumping when there was a rap on her door, breaking her concentration. But there was no porter outside, just a covered tray with a singular black rose in a bud vase. Dinner turned out to be liver and onions, with a side of spinach, and a small carafe of green tea.

    The bed turned out to be surprisingly comfortable, stuffed full of down with down comforters, but she tossed and turned before finally sitting up with a sigh and looking at the picture on the wall, before going to the bathroom and bringing back a towel, which she used to cover the picture.

    The next morning, another sharp rap on the door woke her. The tray from the night before had been replaced by a continental breakfast, which she brought back to the bed. She frowned, looking up at the picture - apparently during the night, the towel had fallen off.

    "It's just a stupid picture," Sabine muttered, nibbling on the hard roll. But she went into the bathroom to dress.

    The workshops she was interested in weren't starting until later, so Sabina decided to drop into the hustle and bustle of the Dealer's room.

    Stalkers had all this surveillance gear that made her eyebrows shoot up, wondering who could afford to buy this?

    Slayers had a nice taser, well within her budget that she purchased after watching a guy she'd seen on the bus the night before purchasing one. But she was a little surprised to see all the guns - was it legal to have these out like this? How did they do background checks here? And wondered if they had any silver bullets behind the table? For novelty purposes, of course.

    She stared long and hard at the kits, before purchasing a first aid kit and their basic evidence kit, thinking how handy the later would have been when they found her at the dig site. They also had multi-tools, which reminded her of Hunter, so she picked up a Leatherman Rebar in Stainless steel rather than the black anodized. It would be easier to see if she dropped it.

    At the Armory, they had actual armor and swords, as well as numchucks and throwing stars, which made her smirk. But the Kukri blade with the silver worked into the metal reminded her of Veer, so she impulsively bought it as a present for him, tucking it into her pack.

    The leather armor reminded her that she needed something warmer to wear, so Sabina went in search of a vendor selling jackets or at least a nice hoody.
    Last edited by Enigma; 10-01-2018 at 07:29 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Patches Spot roll = 6

    Patches cannot see any cameras or security systems.

    Wealth Roll (Patches)
    DC = 7
    Result = 23

    Purchase successful, Patches's wealth decreased to 4, he has been downgraded from middle class to struggling.

    After some bartering and talking with the stall owner, Patches successfully purchases a taser. (5 feet range, deals electrical damage, simple weapon)

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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    Sabina search roll - 18

    Sabina successfully finds 'Anarchy Brothers' A stall that sells various leather goods such as gloves, boots, and jackets. While they obviously cater to the 'tough guy' type of crowd, there are some women's jackets, and they look quite well made. The Shopkeeper informs her that every product she sees here is hand made from cruelty free leather.

    She can easily afford and purchase one

    Leather Jacket - Light armor +1 defense bonus, max dex bonus +8

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    They had a nice classic motorcycle-style jacket with the slanted zipper and epaulets on the shoulder, with a belted front and lace up sides, with zipper slash pockets and a snap coin pocket. The inside had a quilted liner, and there was a pocket that looked good for a phone.

    Momma June would have a fit when she saw it, but right now she didn't care. It looked warm and would keep the wind and the rain out. She decided to splurge a bit on a pair of gloves and a plain biker cap, looking so Marlon Brando. Maybe she'd find a steampunk booth to get her a pair of googles to accent it with?

    The jacket fit well, but it was still a little loose in the neck, so she picked up two red bandanas, one to wear, one to tuck into a pocket. She then went to the Ladies. Tucked into a stall, she hung up her bag and the new leather jacket, then pulled out one of the bandanas. It was as she shook it out that she realized they had worked small skulls into the paisley pattern.

    She shook her head and sighed, but draped it around her neck. Slipping on the leather jacket, she moved her phone to the inside pocket, then slipped on her pack and went to check herself out in the mirror.

    Most of her cash was tucked away in what Momma June joked was her 'treasure chest', but she had a billfold in her back pocket with $20 and a plastic card that read, "You're under arrest", which she checked. Too many years of being in crowds at her adopted parents' concerts had made her wary about pick pockets, which is why she had the throw-away wallet. Driver's license, student id, and a credit card tucked in her right front pocket, along with a single large bill for emergencies.

    She looked... different. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing? A pair of giggling girls entered, bringing in the muted noise of the dealer's room. Checking her phone, still without a signal, Sabina decided to rejoin the con.
    Last edited by Enigma; 10-01-2018 at 03:46 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Casually sitting in the middle of the bus, Garmr was surprisingly excited to be going to this Con. It had been years since he had last indulged in his love for the supernatural, so the prospect of finally reliving some of his best childhood memories brought on a good bit of nostalgia. The appearance of the ominous castle only leads to Garmr being even more excited for the Con, as the atmosphere perfectly fit the subject matter at hand. Trying not to get his hopes up too high, Garmr decided to take a nap, so that he would be refreshed for the coming day.

    The bus came to a sudden stop, sending Garmr flying forwards and sending Garmr’s meager belongings falling to the floor. Upset, but almost bursting with excitement, Garmr thanked the bus driver as he exited into the crisp, cool air, there was a feeling of unease among the group, but this didn’t deter Garmr. After all, we were all strangers, so something like this was to be expected.

    Following the black-clad staff, or at least who he believed was the staff, Garmr filed into the growing line to check in. After a lengthy process, Garmr was guided by another one of the black-clad staff to what appeared to be his room, which he found to be quite the improvement over his small apartment back in California. However, he couldn’t shake this feeling of eeriness, between the atmosphere and now the staff.

    Putting what little he brought down on the bed, Garmr heard a knock at the door. This was quite strange to him, as he hadn’t expected anyone. Rushing to the door, he discovered another staff member with a paltry little meal for him, which upset Garmr. Despite his meager living, he always ensured that he had three-square meals a day. However, not wishing to offend the staff, he thanked him quickly and began eating.

    The rest of the evening was uneventful, with most of it being thinking through what he would get at the Con. Finally, it came time for Garmr to go to bed. At first, he had trouble falling asleep, which he easily attributed to jitters, until the restful hand of sleep finally came to him. Garmr awakened the next morning with a start. He quickly sat up in bed, covered in a cold sweat and with some grain of fear still lingering in his mind. However, this quickly went away as he realized that it was finally time to go! Jumping up and getting dressed, Garmr hurriedly made his way to the Con.

    Entering the first room, Garmr quickly realized that the Con was packed, but his larger stature made sure that could still see over a good portion of the crowd. Checking out all the different costumes and events, Garmr’s eyes happened upon the glint of what appeared to be a longsword. He felt almost drawn to the sword, but that could just be his love for fantasy talking. He made his way to the front of the table. “Excuse me, but how much for the sword?”

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    The sword is of excellent make, with a filigreed and blade and a handle of mother of pearl.

    Purchase dc = 11

    Wealth roll = 14

    Purchase successful, Gormr's wealth bonus decreased to 6

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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    Link sat in her seat on the bus excitedly, smiling as she read over the comments to one her videos on YouTube. When they had stopped for the break in the small town of Castle Rock she had met many fans of hers that were heading to the con. She gave them pictures and autographs on their phones, and even kept some of them to post later on her channel about the whole trip. She was excited, but nervous as well, a nervousness she hadn't felt in a long time.

    As the bus rolled to a stop outside the great big house she looked out the window to view it, but before she could she pulled her eyes away from the window. "It's not real, they aren't real," she told herself quietly as she stood, grabbing her belongings and waiting for an opening to exit the bus.

    Once she was off she took in the air and smiled to herself. It was cooler here, but after being on the bus it felt refreshing to her. She was ushered along by the staff, wearing all black and not seeming very friendly. As she was taken to her room, she became fascinated with the architecture of the building, reminding her of the many other locations she had filmed at for her videos.

    Once she was at her room the lady who brought her there quietly said, "Dinner will be served shortly, please stay in your room until tomorrow. It's for the best." Link simply nodded, used to hearing warnings like this at the other places she's visited. The lady soon left, closing the door Link sat down on the bed, giggling to herself. She picked up her phone and quickly put it into Airplane Mode and waited for the food to arrive. It wasn't long, there was a sharp knock before the silence took over the room once more.

    She got up and went to the door, opening it to find a small meal, and what appeared to be a box resting on the tray next to her food. She took both in and sat back down, quickly eating the food before turning her attention to the box. It turned out to be an iron-on patch of one of her makeups, most likely from someone on the bus. After all, she had made it public she was going to the con. She slipped the gift into her bag and got ready to settle down for the night, knowing she'd be getting up early to do her cosplay.

    She slept somewhat peacefully, tossing only slightly as the night went on. As her alarm sounded she bolted upright, slightly out of fear, but mostly out of excitement. She immediately got out of bed and began working, pulling her makeup out of her bag along with multiple sketches of what she was turning herself into. She stared at the sketch for a moment, sending a chill through her entire body. She shook her head and sighed, trying to work the anxiety that was rising out of her.

    When she was done she smiled at herself, happy with how she looked. She completely changed the structure of her face, her features became skeletal as her chest broadened slightly, the ribs protruding grotesquely. She thinned her waist as much as she could, also thinning out her arms and legs, making them look as if nothing but bone was there. It took her overall about four hours to complete, and by that time the con had started. Since all she had on was her painted over underwear and paisleys, she'd have to take her book bag. Pulling out the small lock she had, she locked the zippers together before carefully putting the bag on her shoulders and heading to the con.

    Entering the con Link felt a wave of pride hit her as many people came to greet her. She smiled and talked to them for a bit, giving autographs and taking pictures before circulating through the con. She had to stop every once in a while to take pictures or sign things, but she didn't mind. After walking around for a bit she she found the booth Slayer's Tools. She looked at the wares before finding a disguise kit. She looked at it for a moment before giving in to her urge. "Hey, how much for that disguise kit?"
    Last edited by Undead_Fears; 10-02-2018 at 11:20 PM.

    Sig by Evie

  10. #10
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    Satisfied with his purchase, Garmr was already more than satisfied with this trip. After all, where else could you buy an actual sword! It was at this moment that it crossed his mind that this might not be the most legal thing, but Garmr shrugged. This was all meant for fun, after all. For the rest of the day, Garmr went about exploring the invention, seeing if there was anything of note.

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