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Thread: [M] Burning Battalion (1x1 BurningSun22 x SaltyIrishman)

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    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Default [M] Burning Battalion (1x1 BurningSun22 x SaltyIrishman)

    The road was bumpy as the taxi carried Hestia, no Anna, into Grandus. Her heart was racing, and her skin was clammy, but she kept a calm and collected face even though she was in enemy territory. It was different facing the enemy on the battlefield and extinguishing their life essence, it was another thing to pretend to be one of them. The taxi came to an abrupt stop as she was lost in thought.
    “Get out! I’m on the clock and have other clients to pick up.” The driver demanded, his voice pulling Anna from her thoughts. He spat chewing tobacco out the open window as he waited impatiently.
    “My apologies. Yes, here is your fare.”, she said handing him the money, not knowing if she was giving him too much. The driver yanked the money from her hands and sped away, causing water from the pavement to splash against the bottom of her light blue dress. What the fuck?! It was bad enough this servant’s dress was constricting and itchy. It would not due at all if she had to fight last minute if she were found out, but she had to blend in. The dress was made of a starchy material and clung to curvy figure. It fell to ankle length and went all the way up her neck, buttoned tight. How does anyone breathe in this thing? she thought as she dragged her bag to the dilapidated building that would be her new home. It appeared to be an overcrowded apartment building. People here lived in squalor and guessing from the smell, probably did not hold the best hygiene practices.
    Stopping for a moment Anna took in her new surroundings. Everything was so noisy. There were cars beeping, people yelling, multiple feet banging upon the pavement. It was a stark contrast to the quiet and peaceful nature of Famus. Not to mention the air she inhaled. It was like an ominous gas that poisoned her with every breath. It was oppressive and made her want to gag. This tainted air came from the gray monstrous factories that loomed in the horizon. How do people live like this? I cannot wait to be back in the country… This place was advanced in technology but lacked by societal means. It was easy to see most here were impoverished and only those with magic or served were rich. Not to mention everyone was rude and angry all the time. At least in Famus those without powers had the ability to move up from poverty. There was also wealth spread equally, it was rare for people to be so impoverished as here.
    Once she was in her room it did not take Anna long to settle in. Her apartment was a small studio with a bed in the corner, a small bathroom, and a kitchenette. She did not have many belongings, and everything was neatly put away. What took the longest was carving out a secret area for her guns and ammo. Those would be needed in case she needed to fight her way out of here. She had a mission after all, gather intel on the enemy and get out. It would also be helpful if she could find where POW were kept and could formulate a rescue mission. But that would be harder on her own. She knew others like her were infiltrated among societal ranks within Grandus, but she could not rely on them nor could she give away her position.
    Anna got a glimpse of her new self in the mirror.
    “You can do this.”, she told herself. So, what if she was used to brute force and violence to get her way? She could learn to blend in and be a meek, unassuming servant. There was a small doubt as she stared into her reflection. She did not recognize herself. Prior to departure Anna had undergone a makeover. A strange chemical was applied to her flaming red hair that bleached her hair to a soft blonde. It was so strong that chemical burns had appeared on her scalp, but she had withered through the pain and it was mostly healed by now anyway. Her luscious curls were replaced with straight hair that had a slight wave to it. Length had been taken from her long hair to make it more manageable. Now she wore it up in a tight and clean ponytail, with her bangs pinned back to blend in. The blonde color of her hair made her eyes appear lighter shade of aquamarine, almost like broken sea glass. This small change had transformed her completely, for better or for worse she was not too sure yet. Anna sighed and welcomed her new life.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    A couple of weeks had passed since Anna’s arrival in Grandus. She had learned the hard way to keep to herself and how to live the life of a servant. The start of every week was the same. She would be assigned to a house that she would be responsible for everyday duties. Also, for any request the master or mistress of the house desired. A servant could stay in the house for a longer rotation, only upon request.
    Anna’s first assignment had been with Mr. Gabriel Brooks. He was a middle-aged divorcee, recently discharged from the military. The reasons why were suspicious, and Anna had hoped to find out through snooping. He was a water Arcanist and spent most of his time in his green house tending to his plants. However, the man had a temper. When she first introduced herself, Anna held out her hand and had made eye contact.
    “Hello Mr. Brooks. I am Anna, your servant for the week. Please let me know anything I can do to help you during my time here.”
    Before she had even entered the house Mr. Brooks had given her a hard back handed slap. It instantly split and swelled her lip. An indent from his Arcane ring making an imprint upon her lip.
    “It is Master Brooks to you, peasant scum! All the new servants are the same. Happy and chipper, well you will learn your place. Rule 1. Never make eye contact and Rule 2. Only speak when spoken to. Now the duties I expect of you are placed in the kitchen. Do them perfectly and you won’t need to be punished. I’ll be back by dinner time.” He roughly pushed past her as he entered the taxi that was waiting for him.
    It took everything Anna had within her to calm the rising flame of anger within herself. She wanted to turn and blast him with her flame thrower power and burn his smug ass to a crisp. However, she kept her composure and went into the house to perform her “servant duties”.
    Another client, Mrs. Lydia Taft, had purposely followed Anna around the house and knocking things over or undoing all the cleaning she had done. Making Anna redo the tasks she had just completed. If Anna gave a rebuttal, she got a thwacking from a thick switch the woman kept faithfully at her side. She bared through it and continued her work while also gathering intel. At the end of workdays, she would send secret messages back to Famus. Despite the constant torture and physical abuse, masters and mistresses of the house were quite loose lipped around servants. Numerous guests would come and go and easily gab while servants waited on them. In the end all of this would be worth it. But Anna would be dishonest with herself if her pride wasn’t bruised and sometimes, she did cry herself to sleep at night after a tough assignment. She could not fathom how people lived like the permanently. If this was her actual life Anna might have taken her life by now.
    Now Anna stood at her newest assignment. This would be her third week and third client. She learned to not make eye contact and to always address the owner of the household as Master or Mistress. She would also not speak unless spoken to. Her current appearance did not seem to match any of the other servants she had seen about the city. Maybe she had to get a good name for herself before people respected her or moved onto another new servant to bully around. There was a bruise on her right eye and her lip was still slightly swollen. There were also slight scratches and broken skin on her arms from the switch. But she still managed to stand tall, but with her eyes averted down as to not challenge her new owner of the week. This household would be a Master. Her new assignment for the week would be to Otto Von Schmidt. Anna knocked on the door and rang the bell once, awaiting a reply.

    Spoiler: Hestia/Anna 
    Last edited by Moonlit_Fae; 05-11-2020 at 11:56 PM.

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    Otto was reading when the bell rang. He shook his head to clear the fuzz surrounding his brain. He looked down at the book he had been reading and realized he had been reading the same passage over and over. Stupid, Otto. You cannot be stupid here. If you are stupid, you are as good as dead. He stood from his chair and walked through the house. His boots scuffed on the hard floor.

    He stood in front of the door for a moment, hesitating to open it. If it was the Royal Advisor, he might be put through the gauntlet again. He shook his head again and steeled himself for the possibility of borderline torture. He opened the door with his regular, practiced blank mask of a face. It wasn't the face of the Royal Advisor, but the face of a girl. Blue eyes, one swollen and bruised, studied his own. Blonde hair with the slightest hint of red was tied back. Her lip was swollen. She seemed uncomfortable in her dress. She was very pretty, but he didn't take too much notice.
    "Good evening. What is your business at House Schmidt?"
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    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Anna had kept her eyes up even though she knew she was not supposed to. It was his voice, it seemed kind even though it was monotone. Her eyes locked with his and she noticed the grey color that peered back at her. She also took notice of his neatly combed black hair that revealed a handsome face. Yet the expression on his face seemed harsh, so she instantly looked back down to the ground. I hope he is not as mean as the others...., her heart beat increased as she wished this to herself.

    Anna gave a deep courtesy, eyes still downcast, to show respect and then handed him her papers.
    "Master Schmidt I am Anna, your servant for the week."
    The paper read
    Name: Anna Cauld
    Age: 25
    Occupation: Servant
    To request a servant be kept longer in service for more than 7 days please contact the business office of Commerce with a formal, written request. Lodging and food may be provided if the household owner wishes. If not the servant shall leave at the end of each work day and come back to provide any services the household owner requests.

    Anna stood there awaiting her orders. He would need to provide her with duties she needed to perform and what he expected of her. She wondered if he would have her live here like the others did or send her home after each shift. She dare not move from her spot and enter the house until she was invited in.

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    He watched as she curtsied, then thrusted a shief of papers towards him. He took the papers, brushing slightly against her hand. Her hand was very warm compared to his. He looked down at the papers, skimming through them.

    "Master Schmidt I am Anna, your servant for the week." He looked up from the papers for a moment.

    "I see. Very well, come in. I have a servant's quarters." He stepped to the left, allowing her into his home. "To begin, you may clean the upstairs. There are cleaning supplies somewhere. If you need me after that, I will be in the library." He waited for her to enter, then closed the door after her. With a small wave of his hand, the locks quietly clicked into place. "Find some of the other servants, they will help you get settled. You do not have much things, I presume?"
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    Once Master Schmidt invited her in, she entered slowly brushing by him at close quarters. His presence was dominating and powerful, yet somehow seemed secure. Anna made a small mental note that she liked that about him. She observed him as he closed the door with a wave of his hand. Hmm very powerful indeed. An earth Arcanist specializing in metals perhaps? The house seemed very grand even for someone in military service. Even the other clients she had served did not have this much flamboyant power on display. He must be high in ranks.... Famus did not treat their Arcanist this well. Most lived in assigned barracks. The higher officers having bigger rooms, but all were still kept close to each other and reminded of their ranks. Kept close like dogs on a leash. No grand taste of freedom such as this display she walked into.

    Anna gave a slight not. "Just the one bag Mast Schmidt. May I ask what I am allowed to do when off duty? Or do you need me to be permanently available at your request?"
    She needed to get a feel of what her life would be like for the next week and how to plan accordingly. It would be hard to gather intel and report back if constantly watched. He seemed to already have multiple servants though, whom she would make a mental note to make quick friends of. If that was the case maybe she could easily blend in. Starting with the upstairs might be useful...perhaps an office or a bedroom to look into. As he gave her her commands of what he expected she stifled a smile. He was easy to giving orders but it was casual and not as harsh or rough around the edges as he seemed to be in her first impression of him. Maybe this will be a pleasant stay...
    Last edited by Moonlit_Fae; 05-21-2020 at 02:29 PM.

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    "When you are off duty, you may do as you please. All I ask is that you do it quietly. If I need something, you may be called upon, but I rarely do." He walked through the house, leading her. As they walked, he pointed things out that would be important for her stay. He showed her the kitchens, the dens, the library, and various other rooms she would need to know. The layout of the house was very simple, in a grid-like pattern.
    After nearly twenty minutes of showing her around, he stopped. They had reached the last room.
    "That is all. I will be in the library, should you need me." He stepped aside and made his way to the staircase. At the end of the hallway, he hesitated.
    "Anna, is it? I hope you have a good stay here and find I am not too demanding." With that, he turned and left, returning to his place in the library, the book he had been reading still sitting on the table, open."
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    As he lead her through his home she was surprised. No one so far had been so formal and polite toward her given her fake status of servant in this society. Not that they knew they knew that she really wasn't a servant, but that was besides the point. This stay would be enjoyable indeed. It was nice to know she also had her free time. She made a mental note to be quiet, since it was his only request. Before she went downstairs he replied. "Master Schmidt, nothing you request will be demanding as it is my role to serve you." she then gave a slight bow as he left.

    The first few days of the week had gone by fast. It was already her 5th day. Anna made it her duty to be there for every need Master Schmidt required. She did her best to anticipate his needs. After long days of work she would cook for him and as he retired to the library, she would provide him with his drink for the evening. Anna had only wished that she knew his favorite meal, she wasn't even sure if he enjoyed her cooking. He was very polite and mostly kept to himself so she would never know if he approved of her servitude. She did her best not to bother him when he was in the library. That place seemed to be his safe haven. He also seemed very busy, always on call and working weird hours and she did her best to work around the chaotic schedule. The rooms she cleaned were immaculate. She never let one spec of dirt settle in this home. Anna was mainly responsible for the upstairs rooms as other servants had been assigned to other parts already. At first she would look around and snoop for information, but there didn't seem to be much. Either Master Schmidt was not careless with information or there was just none to be found. There was nothing to make a mental note of. She even sort of felt bad for trying to gather Intel here, but she did not know why. Maybe it was because he was the first kind master she had served in her new life. On her days off Anna would work out or read. She mostly kept to herself and remained in her room. Occasionally she would sit out in the backyard or go for a stroll around the nieghborhood. There was also a piano she was dying to play, but since Master Schmidt required she be quiet she dare not touch it.

    Anna had only really gotten close to one servant named Mary. She was an older portly woman that seemed to have been there the longest. Her greying red hair was always tied into a neat bun. She had trained Anna and became somewhat of a mother figure to her. Her first day there she had tended to her wounds and fed her home made soup. And throughout the days she had teased Anna. It helped to fill a hole in Anna's heart she didn't realise was there because her own mother had been absent. Anna knew she would miss this place, she only had two days left.

    The two were now in the kitchen getting ready to make the evenings dinner.
    "Ya know Otto will be missin' ya when you leave." Mary said in her rough accent as she chopped some onions for the meat pie.
    Anna shook her head. "I doubt Master Schmidt will notice when I'm gone. He has multiple servants and mostly keeps to himself." She continued to knead the dough that would be the crust of the pie.
    "His first names Otto, you can call him that. And ya he keeps to himself and doesn't speak his mind but I can tell."
    "I will not call Master Schmidt by his fist name. We are of different stations. It would not be proper."
    "Ya well either way he has taken notice of ya cause your easy on the eyes and very cute."
    Anna flushed, her cheeks a bright pink among her pale colored face. "Enough of that Mary, he will be home soon for dinner. It would be best if we pick up the pace so the meal will be ready for him." Mary just let out a raspy laugh in response.
    Anna decided to take her frustrations out on the dough as she finished kneading it and then lining the pan with it, preparing it for the meat filling. Mary is just just trying to get a rile out of me as always. I shouldn't let her get the best of me. But I will miss this place...
    The thought brought a smile to her face.
    Last edited by Moonlit_Fae; 05-23-2020 at 02:47 PM.


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