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    Default [T] CANDY-POP DEATHCULT IC (duh)

    Location: CPDC Really High Cosmos Central Command and Observatory... the HQ

    Orbiting above the lovely pearl of a planet that is Gustatus, the CPDC HQ once held great influence over the planet, maintaining stability between the many flavorful factions that all had a tumultuous relation at some point. Sadly, such tension is rising yet again, and the CPDC, while still managing a massive military force, lacks popular opinion. As of now, most members of the CPDC remain on the station, either honing skills in the over-elaborate holodeck training areas, lounging around, or studying the political and social matters so that they can act quickly to any distress and keep the planet from crumbling into an unsavory, chaotic mess.


    As of now, the largest concern is over the Salties and Bitters as they were often the cause of brewing conflicts and strife overall. The planet had already suffered a world war, and it was up to the CPDC to avoid another. As to how they go about it, will be the question that everyone on Gustatus asks with grave concern.

    Meanwhile, throughout the space station, the intercom crackled to life and was heard by all.
    "This is Commander Sharp, all agents must report to the war room immediately for an update on current events and missions. Those who refuse will be admonished. Sharp out."

  2. #2
    Poppa Squirrel
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    As Kandy sits in her recliner, feet propped up on one of her admirers while she paints her finger nail. She kicks her admirer "Cha, like my foot, you know, is like, not high enough. Do I like need to find another peon to rest my pretty feet on?"

    As the intercom crackles to life she screams "Someone change the channel already, wait, silly me, that is the intercom."

    As the message comes through, she looks to her peon "Look, why don't you be a good boy and scamper down to that lil ole war'ie room. Nawww, Commander poopie pants might unsubscribe me to Starbucks flavor of the month chocolate. Oh well, alas, I suppose I should like get up or something." as she waits for a moment. She looks at her wrist watch, an annoying look comes across her face before screaming
    "Will someone play that damn dramatic music already?!"

    Dramatic music plays in the background as Kandy gets up mumbling "I really have to talk to my agent about this stuff, stupid Musician's union really screwed the pooch on this one." as she walks to her door, the dramatic music plays as the door opens, as she steps out of her room, continues as she starts stepping down the hall before she stops rolling her eyes
    "Okay smart ass, enough with the music already."

    Kandy starts down toward the war room. Once outside the door, she looks around with a pouty look "Do I have to open this door MYSELF? As If, I just did my nails."

    She finally opens the door "My agent is really going to hear about this..." as she mosies into the war room looking around, taking time to look to see if her nail polish has scuffed. With the knowledge that polish is killer cute, she skips over to a table plopping in the oversized recliner, well, it might not have been a recliner a moment ago, but she redrew it. As she sits, she opens a KitKat bar and waits for Commander poopie pants to say what is up.
    Last edited by Storm; 12-22-2018 at 06:26 PM.

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    The library…it was the perfect place to be alone and ponder the world. Here no one pushed you to move quickly or act without thinking. He hated those that were energetic and did not think before speaking…thinking on it though…maybe he was just being bitter. The book had been with him for over three hours now and he was only fifteen pages in. He took in and digested everything. Anything he looked over he could remember…it just took him an incredibly long amount of time to get through it. Extremely slow photographic memory was extremely useless on the field…it did make him a decent scholar.

    He heard a loud noise blare through the library. It broke the perfect silence of this place…not only that but it made a comment about how those who were not there asap would be reprimanded. “Uuuuuggggghhhhhh…” The long drawn out sigh of someone who felt no urgency in anything slowly thought it over. If he did not get up, he could remain in this place for another hour or more in peace…however he might then but stuck in other areas. Despite being slow outside his mind was very quick. He would not be able to handle staying in his room alone for long periods of time without going crazy.

    As was customary to himself he took five minutes to make sure his course of action was confirmed. He would go to this meeting…he would not be reprimanded, and he could continue with his life. Yes a perfect plan with no loopholes or problems. As such he suddenly found he had taken ten whole minutes to even get up.

    He figured he would do what he always did. Now that a plan and an action was decided he would move swiftly. He ran, very quickly to the meeting room. He figured it would only take him two minutes at a sprint. But to show up twelve minutes after an announcement…this was a problem. As he made it to the door he could hear someone inside. A sweat drop started to form out of his blue hair. He pulled up his black trench coat to cover his mouth. The less he showed maybe the less he would be noticed. They were polo opposites…and they would be alone in a room.

    This was…problematic…at best…

    He closed his eyes…shoot…fourteen minutes. Time flies when you are wanting to avoid someone. He pushed through the door…sat down and said nothing. He simply look straight ahead. If I do not make eye contact…I’ll be…safe?
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  4. #4
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Kandy had already rummaged through the refreshments and selected a crystal glass and had poured some tea inside. She was back at her recliner which she had redrawn several times to get just right when Nigai entered. She batted her chocolate brown eyes at him thinking that blue hair boy with the black trench coat oh so was mysterious.

    As Nigia sat at his chair, Kandy giggles "I likie, so mysterious" while looking to her tea. Moving her head side to side looking at the tea, giggles "this just isn't going to do..." as her chocolate brown eyes turn white, she moves her finger over the glass before touching the top of the liquid ever so quickly. The top of the tea crackles as several cubes of ice form within the tea. Her eyes return chocolaty brown as she admires her tea now iced "Oh much better if I do say so myself..." giggles "...gee, I did say so myself, didn't I, I just crack myself up sometimes."

    She looks over toward Nigia waving, her tone sweet "Oh, such a rude girl you must take me for, name's Kandy, you can call me … anytime" winking "..really though, Kandy is just fine, what should I call you mysterious man of mystery?"
    Last edited by Storm; 12-21-2018 at 06:24 PM.

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  5. #5

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    He had…already failed…the girl noticed him slip in as if he strutted his stuff. He knew he should have worked harder on sneaking but it just never occurred to him…why hide if you never need to get close. He felt uncomfortable, not only was she noticing him…she was actively looking at him. Why there were not more people in this room…quickly someone…anyone…alas…his prayers were rarely answered.

    He watched as the girl summoned ice that made its way into her drink. It was a warm drink so he supposed she must have been lazy and wanted to cool it off. He never believed magic should never be used for convenience. In fact he almost never used magic himself. Only in desperation…as a secret. It was better used a trump card then something to flaunt.

    She waved to him which caused a bead of sweat to roll down the side of his face. Thankfully the side that was covered by his hair. No…no no no no no no no no…she introduced herself…doom was about to befall him. An introduction only ever meant one thing. She would desire for him to reveal his own name. Panic…his gloves felt a little sweaty. He felt as if his throat was going thick. He would rather shoot her…or just simply run away.

    Kandy…that was her name and when she asked for his he screamed mentally. Why would she do this to me…


    I can just ignore her. Yes that should be simple enough. Just pretend he was deaf. What can she do about someone who is deaf? It was at this point that the delicious bitter sight of flat straight tea caught his attention. Uggghhhhh…I want it.

    He had no choice, with nothing to write on he had to communicate. He bolstered up his courage. Three words that is all he would need.

    He took a small breath in, “Nigai…” Euphoria! He would almost cry.

    Not yet though. “Tea…please…” Whew…he was getting tired. He could not stop yet though. He needed just a bit more. Just a little sugar on it to make sure she was willing to give him some. “Thank you…Kandy…”

    He was exhausted. He sat heavy in the chair. Hopefully that would be all he would need to say.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  6. #6
    Poppa Squirrel
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    As Nigia spoke, Kandy listened, the cute guy wants tea? She sets her own glass down next to her recliner and skips back to where the refreshments are.

    "Okie dokie, one tea coming on it's lil old way."

    She removes another glass from the cabinet setting the empty glass on a serving tray. She pours tea in the glass and ponders for a moment what the cute guy takes in his tea.

    She takes sugar setting 10 cubes on the tray before taking a small bottle of honey also setting it on serving tray.

    Does this boy like warm or cold tea?

    She takes a small ice bucket and tongs, dropping several dozen ice cubes in the bucket. She smiles all happy to the serving tray. Yet it does not seem complete. 'Sheesh, I'm such a silly girl, he might want lemon' runs through her mind.

    She steps behind the counter looking at a basket of lemons. "There you are..." she giggles as she takes a lemon setting it on the counter.
    "Gee, you are not going to fit in the glass at all are you?" while looking around. She reaches under the counter and removed a knife. Oh what a pretty knife it is too. Holding the knife, she looks at the blade, such a pretty blade, so sharp, such a lovely knife indeed.

    Holding the knife, with a beaming smile, she walks around the counter standing in front of the lemon. A giggle under her breath, she sets her hand atop the lemon, excitement dancing in her eyes as she brings her oh so pretty knife, setting the blade on the lemon skin. Excitedly she inhales as she slides the pretty blade across the skin, slowly, deeper the blade slides, wet juice on the blade, dripping to the counter. Though it is not red and sticky, she loves how the lemon bleeds. As the lemon separates on two, she grabs her pretty knife handle and is ready to stab the lemon. Panting she giggles "such a pretty pretty blade."

    She continues to quarter the halves and sets them on the serving tray. She lays the knife on the counter before smiling sweetly picking up the tray.

    She walks over to Nigia setting the tray next to him, in a sweet tone "tea sweetie, didn't know what how you drink it, think I covered anything you might want in it." still with an excited glisten in her eyes.

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    Whisper awoke with a start, the name Sharp on her tongue as she cursed the interruption of her sleep. Her pale blue eyes squinted at the fluorescent light as with the grace of a cat, she slipped from her bed and padded over to the mirror. Pale skin like poured milk graced her in the reflection, one slender arm rising to smooth down the wispy ivory hair.

    "Ah," she sighed, continuing to work the pale strands into some semblance of control. "I shall surely be late..late...late." With practiced fingers she began to paint her color placed in such a way as to accent her features--a mosaic of beauty. 'Finishing touches," she thought as she opened her wardrobe, picking a glossy shirt of pink, a maxi skirt of orange, and a flowing robe of both. With a final glance at her visage, 'such a pretty girl', she left her room to join the others.

    It was like a queen that she walked the halls, head held high and eyes focused front. First a right, then a left, her heels struck the floor. The war room before her, she placed her palm against the metal grain and pushed, a waft of cool air meeting her. She entered, a nod given first to Nigia, then to Kandy. "Sugar will rot your teeth," she said to no one in particular, then approached the drink counter. Ice, a splash of water, and a tall glass--the perfect drink--was all she required and with it in her hand, she found her place and sat, her attention on the room.

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    Kandy moved and skipped over to where the tea was. Ahh…he thought to himself, so that is where it was. If he had not asked then he might not have a found it until after the meeting started. Then everyone would once again be asking him things. He could not afford to have to speak in front of so many people again. No this planned worked out great. There was no way that this would all fall apart on him. Brilliant work if he so did say himself.

    It was taking her quite a bit of time to pour his tea. On another note…was he early to something? How had he managed such a thing? He was on time or late to practically everything in his life. He glanced over in Kandy’s direction and happen to notice her looking at a knife. She seemed to be cutting it very precisely and when she did, she seemed to be quite happy with her work. Nigai could appreciate someone who took their time and enjoyed well-handled work.

    He gave Kandy a nod as she came over to him and he flashed a very small satisfied smile. He had already thanked her so he did not feel a need to handle that twice. Too much talking.

    As he looked to the spread though his eyes glazed over…what am I supposed to do with all this? He could not deny it was nice but there was just…so much. The sugar would be rejected…bitter was his life and his way. He did however decide to squeeze some lemon into his tea. He figured it would be safe enough to use two of them.

    As he was finishing with the preparation of his perfect tea another lady entered. She mentioned how sugar will rot our teeth…yes…I suppose…it seemed like a weird concept to throw out. Then again he did have ten cubes of sugar in front of him. She nodded to him which he returned to her. This he could get behind. Not her attire, this lady was a walking rainbow of obnoxious…it had its uses but if he had to pick…Kandy seemed the more amicable. Then again he did not even remember these two…though he felt like he should.

    He sipped his tea and gave a small happy hum. Nothing else needed to be done. He moved the tray slightly so if another wanted tea, lemon, sugar, or ice they could take from it.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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    Chanting played over the his speaker, as the person sat, rather, kneed in prostrated form. Heady, spied incense burned in a censer. His tense muscles, covered in sweat from the heat and the length meditation, Castor remained there, quietly, barely moving, deep in prayer. Closed to the world, deep in his own mind. He emptied himself of all wants, needs, desires and thoughts. He was at peace.

    And then that peace was broken by the announcement. Opening his eyes and getting up, he sighed. Turning off the chanting and snuffing out the censer, he dried himself and got dressed in his uniform, making sure everything was perfect. Checking himself in the mirror once more, he took a short plug from his bottle of pepper wine and making sure his mustache was perfect, set off for the war room.

    Arriving there, with quite a sour face, or he did not like being interrupted, he took his seat quietly.

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    Once everyone had made their way into the large room, a cyan-like hue holographic projection was displayed above a Smart table with Commander Sharp swiping through images and various documents related to the missions at hand. The projection just looked like their solar system with nothing much else displayed yet.

    "Alright. Get a load of this." Sharp made her presence known among the group of agents. A smirk started to grow on her face as she continued. "We've got some interesting missions that recently sprung up related to the relations of the various factions on our world." The projection took the shape of text and images of their missions were displayed.

    "Our first distress was sent by Princess Sweetums' parents, the royal family of the Sweets. Seems the teenager is infatuated with a member of an influential family from the Spicies. We're still gathering intel on him, but seems that he's promiscuous, a drug dealer, and a raver. Seems he seduced her into an eventual one night stand and hasn't returned her calls for roughly... two months. She is obsessed with him and still has hopes that he'll come back to her. She even has a wedding dress picked out... and is likely hooked on drugs and needs mental help."

    The visuals of the hologram flickered before displaying the princess and the target.

    "Her parents want us to locate this Spicy stud and knock some sense into him, figuratively speaking... unless you can talk him into a duel. Then you can justifiably kick him around. In the end, just get him to call her back and renounce any interest in being with her so that she may finally snap out of it. Unsurprisingly, this isn't her first time. If we don't fix this, the Royal Sweetums will bring political hell to the Spicies. This objective has been codenamed 'The Fix'."

    "The second objective originates from a now-derelict Umami vessel off the coast of a tropical island. After several Umami security teams were dispatched, all communication was lost shortly after arrival. There is not much more intel that we can offer as the Umami government refuses to give much information, stating they know nothing. We'll just have to scout the vessel ourselves. This has been code named 'Savory Surprise'.

    The holographic projection continued to display images from both objectives as Commander Sharp finished up. "We thankfully have time to spare, and so you will all be working together on one objective before starting the next.

    "So, which objective do you wish to take on first? I have an advisor ready depending on the mission you pick. Agent Sahvri is one of the Umami's finest while the Sweetums royal family has appointed Agent Swisher. One will be called in once you have made a decision." Commander Sharp remained present if any questions needed to be answered, and also had no better plans for the moment unless she wanted to grind her teeth in frustration looking over repetitive reports.

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