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    Legends……Stories passed through time…We've grown quite fond of out tales of heroes and their deeds of the past, forgetting that we are just remnants of their greatness. The flame their sparks ignited have long withered and died leaving only darkness in their wake. But Still the Embers burn waiting to become new flames, New legends. But to do that…..….…..They need a spark.
    "This is Lisa Lavander, bringing you up to date news from around the world. Today marks the first anniversary to the end of the Faunus civil war. Though only a year after the final battle ended the White fangs leader has worked hand in hand every day with the Hunter academies to repair the damage their organization has brought to people of remnant."
    "Not all of the white fang however are as content as the main faction as fringe outliers continue to conduct violent attacks on Dust shipments and harass travelers on the road demanding tribute for safe passage. A tax they claim the people of remnant owe all faunus…."

    The AI newscaster continued on describing the recent attacks to the virtually empty bar where a few of the local bandits and a traveler or two took refuge from the storm outside. Everyone was on their best behavior which surprised even the barkeep but not Talvon. As he sat at the back of the bar enjoying his lonely booth he finished his glass of whiskey. These people had bigger problems on their minds than each other. The militant faction was heavily active in this area, they weren't small splinter groups like the news claimed. They were organized and rumor had it they had a new leader too though no one knew his name or seen his face or even heard his voice, even his announcements came through several different mouth pieces or voice changers. Only their actions and purposes exposed his existence Every attack perfectly timed and orchestrated, Someone had to be issuing the orders.

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    Sorrel let out a soft breath and smiled to herself as she walked down the hallway out of a meeting. She felt pretty good after a meeting with some of the White Fang to help make life better for the faunus and discuss other issues to help with peace efforts. It had been a fairly long meeting, which required a lot of energy, and it was over until the next one where they would again discuss actions that could be taken to help others. She stopped at a window and looked out smiling at the view outside, it wasn't a perfect day, but it was still a day, and a positive one at that.
    "I hope we can help solve more problems and have peace soon" she thought as she looked on.

    She thought a bit more and frowned a bit as she thought of some of the violence within the extremists of the White Fang which promoted violence as a means of equality, it was kind of sad to think about it.
    She shook her head and smiled again determined. "I will do anything I can to help unite and make peace. We can achieve this, and I can help! My efforts will help for sure in the future!" She nodded to herself as she became determined again to continue to try and make progress, delighted at looking forwards to the next meeting where she would go out and have a mission to help physically. She then continued to saunter down the hallway enjoying the thought of going out on a mission to do something super exciting.

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    Saurells wishes and positive attitude were infections. Many of those around her as she walked though the halls of the coalitions main branch shared her views. However, the problems lie in who they were fighting. The whitefang were a militia on both ends and lacked any standard uniform or identifiable marks outside of their larger scale operations or meetings, this is what allowed many of their oppoeratives to do their work among the common populace even if that work was to radicalize someone effected by the conflict or to recruit them to help end the violence.

    As she would turn the corner leaving the office she had just been inside moment before, light and sound would temporarily be lost as the hall way was consumed by a large explosion reducing the offices to rubble and shaking the foundations of the very building they were inside of. The hall immediately outside of the office was covered in smoke as many injured soldiers and emplyees realed from the blast trying to get a grasp on what had just happened.

    As the smoke and flames cleared through the now gaping whole that used to be an office several men in black coats wearing red grimm masks entered the damaged hallway. As an injured man reached out his hand for help one of the figures just raised their weapon and shot him without even looking.

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    As Sorrel rounded the corner and left the office with her happy saunter just going about her day, suddenly a blast of air knocked her over from behind. As she fell forward, she instinctively did a forward roll while simultaneously pulling out her Sparkling Solitaire( aka her long pole) and then immediately bounced up and turned around to face the direction of the blast. Her jaw fell open for a second and she looked quite bewildered at the sight behind her. What was once a ver neat and nice office, hallway and building was now ruined. Rubble, smoke and just disaster. She regained her composure quickly and began to look around. She then heard shots and quickly focused on the sound and saw the murder of a helpless victim from a creepy man.

    "What's wrong with you! Why would you do such a thing?!!?!" she yelled at the creepy guys in black coats. She couldn't fathom why anyone would just destroy a building and then kill victims. She stepped a bit closer but cautiously as she stared at the mysterious and quite unfashionable red grimm masks. "who are you people!?! You should seriously think of a new fashion sense, because it doesn't look too nice."
    I don't know what they want. but maybe it's not so bad? I mean, I'm sure someone can restore the building, and people will be ok, once these guys leave, I hope they'll leave nicely, I mean they did do damage already...She thought as she told them of their distasteful fashion and asked who they were.

    She gripped her weapon with one hand and clutched a glittery pouch in her other hand, she didn't want to fight, but wasn't sure what these disastrous reckless creeps would do or what they wanted, but it didn't seem positive.

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    Two of the masked men just laughed at Sorrell's rebuke before leveling their pistols at her and opening fire. They knew full well that she would have her aura up since she wasn't as dazed as the others they'd run across, but that didn't matter to them.
    The third turned his back on them holding a large dust blade in his hand. "Take care of Ms.Morality, I'm going after the director of this bunch of traitors."
    "YES KING!"
    The duo shouted as they continued to shoot allowing the third member to retreat deeper into the building.

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    Sorrel rolled her eyes in disappointment and frowned as as they laughed at her and open fired. She wasn't at all in the mood for this, and now one of them was running away. She was not about to let that one run away. She quickly thought of a plan to go after the third creep and bypass the two in the way.
    "My name isn't Ms. Morality, it's Sorrel Rosafarben, you unfashionable jerks."

    She quickly and luckily dodged and hit away a bullets as they came at her, and threw the glittery pouch she was holding to the floor. It made a huge pink glittery dust cloud masking her figure. She then used her semblence to raise the assailants off the ground and high in the air as she ran under them, and off to follow the one who ran off, letting the two gunmen just fall to the ground.

    She ran deeper into the building off in the direction of the third creepy jerk with the large dust blade.

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    The two soldiers caught unawares of Sorrells abilities quickly found themselves slammed into the ceiling both injuring and incapacitating them. Even as Sorell dashed past them to chase after their leader they were effectively helpless as the glyphs vanished and they fell to the floor in a heap.

    All around Sorrell figures in black were raiding the building and compound, there was fighting yes but they were clearly searching for something only destroying a room and its contents after they had ransacked it. They moved in small organized teams as they went building to building and room to room, in fact it would be incredibly difficult to keep chasing after King in the mayhem.

    As Sorrell stood on the edge of the collapsed floor looking down to the lower floors and the many cloaked figures her scroll would begin to vibrate a single message sent to her by the head of the white fang.
    "Come to the bunker now, URGENT!"
    Last edited by IejirKothar; 06-08-2019 at 01:29 AM.

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    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorrel looked around at the creeps who had destroyed the building. She didn't know what they were looking for, but she for one was looking for the one with the large dust blade. As luck would have it, she didn't find or see him at that moment. As she was surveying the surroundings and determining a plan of action, her scroll began to vibrate. She almost ignored it, but thought it best to check, even at time like this.

    "Come to the bunker now, URGENT!"

    She frowned. What was so urgent that she needed to be there now? Wasn't her duty to be where she was? The assailant was still in the building, was she just supposed to let them get away??? She shook her head. Whatever the case was, she knew she couldn't defy the orders this time. Follow the rules they say. She thought about arguing for a second and then decided that because it was urgent, maybe there were bigger problems there. After all the message did say urgent.

    She then quickly headed over to the bunker as fast as she could, because, the message did say urgent, and so whatever was going on was probably more urgent than the situation where she was at.

  9. #9
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    Councilor Lent, a large barell chested man sporting a rugged reptillian hide paced inside his bunked his hands holding a small scroll meant to hold only a small bit of information not shared between towers it was an old technology that allowed for some information to be protected from remote hacking but the draw back was that the information was easy to lose should the device be destroyed or stolen. He knew that was what the red fang were after, they weren't wearing their usual outfits but he knew their tactics well. "Damn it Sorrell where are you!?" He muttered checking his own revolver and still only seeing two unspent rounds.

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    Sorrel hurried as fast as she could to the bunker. However, she did take a bit longer to get there as she was running along the way, using her semblance to lift other intruders in the air and dropping them down again. A passive attack to help the other whom they were fighting. As she hurried along the way she realized just how many of the ugly creeps there were. She frown as she hurried along. It was so sad that all these people had come to destroy the place. Instead of peace once more, it was more violence. She shook her head as she ran along. Finally after some time she reached the bunker expecting there to be some kind of emergency. She quickly slid in and up the Councilor Lent.
    She saluted. "Sir! I am here reporting for urgency!"
    She looked around a bit and then back at him. "so uh... what's the urgency emergency?"

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