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    • You may have up to three characters.
    • A character can only catch up to one Pokemon per day (real days, not IC days). Any Pokemon the player encounters is equal to the highest level Pokemon in their party, to a maximum of 60, and a minimum of 5.
    • Pokemon can't gain more than a single level each day (real days, not IC days).
    • Make sure to include your location, in an easily seen location, in all your posts.
    • This RP is freeform. That means that characters do not need rely on a GM to progress the story or post. Players are responsible for this. This was the rule for the past OOC. You may play with this same rule as well, but there will be small places where the GM and Co-GM will help progress a storyline of some kind. Overall, however, the players create the storyline and progress it as such.
    • The GM will occasionally do small side stories or missions, and will sometimes hand out rewards.
    • I reserve the right to change or edit these rules at any time.

    Spoiler: Rewards 
    Last edited by Vulpes; 10-29-2018 at 07:25 PM.

  2. #2

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    Sephy smiled and giggled when the young boy mentioned that Twinkle was cute. She was unsure at what age boys began to hate cute things but this boy seemed to still have the mindset of all pokemon are cool. She could really come to appreciate his sense of adventure and carefreeness. His shouting had the opposite effect and made Cleffa twirl as it was just happy to get attention. The little Cleffa giggled itself when it was poked. The boy spoke and she nodded in agreement it was rare for there to be a small pokémon around that could play with a baby. She thought that Hiru and pi and this place had been a lovely start to an adventure.

    When he mentioned that his watch seemed to be having issues with teleportation Sephy grew a bit concerned. If they did not work correctly then would that mean that she could get stuck away from home? She gave a rather nervous laugh. Certainly she did not want to start panicking in front of a younger boy. Even then he seemed to be quite content. Maybe she was over reacting?

    The boy was so much more insightful then she had expected. He honestly seemed to know everything about Cleffa and he had not even lived with her. She felt a little ashamed with her lack of knowledge. She thankfully knew the basics but beyond that she did not have a clue. She wanted to ask him, 'but wait how should I raise her? After she evolves where should I release her?' However she was cut off before even getting a word out.

    Unfortunately panic would soon overcome her. A large rock came crashing down right next to them and the thud knocked Sephy onto her knees. Cleffa bouncing and with a playful yelp, “Cleffa!” Sephy looked around trying to figure out where this thing had come from but then noticed the rock getting up and moving. She felt sweat drop from the side of her head and she instinctively scoped up the happy Cleffa. The rock moved past them and charged somewhere…she shivered and held her little Twinkle close. Cleffa snuggled into her thinking it was just a hug.

    That was a graveler…breath…just a pokemon. Maybe someone was battling nearby. Accidents happen right? She was quite frozen where she was. She looked and saw the boy in a more defensive position. Next to him was this…large green sword wielding thing. It looked really aggressive and those blades looked…well…

    She managed to shuffle her way to her feet and move away from the center of town. She panicked and found a wall nearby she could lean against. Twinkle looked quite confused but was content all the same. She was taking in deep breaths. This was way to scary…

    Hiru looked back to her and she gave him the least confident grin she could. The boy was not even phased by this…she knew it was silly to go on an adventure.

    “I suddenly feel like I am not cut out for this.”

    It was her nerves talking. Her determination would come back once the shock was over. After all, she looked down at Cleffa’s happy face. If a baby could face that then why was she so worried. “Where did you say your friend was again?”
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  3. #3
    Archmage of RPA
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    Hiru watched as the girl moved to a wall clearly in fear while the small pokemon in her arms simply seemed to be enjoying itself. Picking up Pi, Hiru moved over to her and gave her a soft smile. "Scary isn't it?" He said before she asked him where his friend was. He wasn't quite sure and could only shrug. "No idea, let's just go looking for him shall we?!" He said grinning and turned to walk away.

    The boy remembered when he first started his adventure, and made his way to the Johto region through Kanto. Victory road was a horrible place and he ran into two Onix's fighting each other back and forth. Was nearly crushed by the tail of one of them. Yet he made it through and luckily suffered no damage. It was a scary world for Hiru as it was and he was sure she felt the same fear.

    Stopping after taking a few steps the boy turned around and gave her a heart filled smile and nodded. "It gets easier, don't worry. Even Pi gets scared but we make it don't we buddy?" He finished his sentence off while referring the final bit to Pi, in return the pokemon waved it's paw in the air in agreement before snuggling it's owner. Hiru laughed softly and scratched it's head. His scyther on the other hand simply stood it's ground next to Hiru following him silently to the pokemon itself, it knew they were really dangerous and his trainer was completely oblivious to the matter.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  4. #4
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Village of protecting time, Region Unknown
    A young boy with his nose in the book walked in the path of the charging graveler and without even looking, backflipped over the rock pokemon. When the rock type reached the man he was charging at, he pushed at the man. Who held his ground and soon it was obvious that the rock type and the human were wrestling. After a few minutes, the graveler had the man above his hand and threw him against a wall. Before there could be worry about the man, he was up and charging at the rock type.

    Soon the boy walked by the duo hiding next to the wall, softly speaking as he walked by, seeming to recite different herbal recipes from the book.

    Village of protecting time

    Inside the house there was a warm glow, a Monferno poked his head up from behind the couch. Happy to see Tristan, the monkey danced and then jumped on the man. The door to Orenas' room was open and there was a soft sound coming from within. Other than that, the house was quiet.
    National park, Johto

    Jerome has been helping the security department of Johto for the last few weeks. He doesn't really know why they seem so spooked, but he figured if there is something to see here. Then at least he should stay and help make things stay safe. While hopefully actually seeing whatever had the team so scare... Now though, now he isn't so sure anything is actually going on. As a matter of fact, he was currently falling asleep in the top of a tree while his Kangaskan below munching on grass. She has been happier these last few weeks than the rest of the time she has been with him. Which was pretty rewarding itself, then there was his trusted partner, Norm. He wasn't sure where the umbreon was, but he wasn't overly worried either, knowing his friend would let him know the second something went wrong or happened.
    Last edited by Arcus; 10-22-2018 at 11:06 PM.

    Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy

  5. #5

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    Sephy nodded when he mentioned if it was scary. Yes, yes it was. Hiru turned and mentioned that they could go look for his friend so she decided to follow the guy with the green sword thing. She felt that if she needed protection she should probably stay closer to the boy. She blushed a little embarrassed. Shouldn’t the older person be taking care of the younger one. She twisted her hair in her finger…a nervous habit she had been trying to break.

    She smiled when Hiru mentioned to her that it would get easier. She looked at the little Cleffa in her arms and could never imagine putting this little one in a battle. No she would need to protect Twinkle with everything she had.

    She looked over to where the graveler had charged and almost shouted and a boy with his nose in a book dodged the charging rock. Another man was wrestling with the rock type and she just honestly though everyone was amazing and crazy.

    The boy walked towards them and she looked over at Hiru and said, “Are you able to do that sort of stuff? I don’t think I will ever be able to?”
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  6. #6
    Archmage of RPA
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    Hiru shrugged to the girl and nodded. "Wrestle with pokemon? Yea, I don't see why not. There was a pokemon boxing Tournament a few years back in Cerulan City. There they did boxing matches with pokemon. Some of the people trained there with their pokemon. It was neat, cause there was this one time that a Hitmonchan was boxing his trainer, and the trainer won! Then shortly after that match ended they healed him right up and were at it again. I thought it was really cool!" He spoke with excitement and grinned widely remembering the moment. He went with his father who seemed to enjoy those things.

    Examining the area he looked at the boy who had passed them by and completely ignored the rock type. Assuming he was alone, and may have an idea he rushed over to the man and tugged on his shirt lightly. "Excuse me! Hi! I'm Hiru! Can you help me out? I'm looking for a man named Tristan! He came here to meet up with a friend and I tried to follow but got lost." He seemed to be glowing with excitement, Pi on the other hand had hopped off and moved over to Persephone and Cleffa peering up at the two with a curious look, the small pokemon was letting his trainer be his usual self while Pi on the other hand wanted to see Cleffa once more and play.

    Sky watched his trainer charge off and gave an odd looking sigh as he rudely caught the man's attention. The bug type followed the trainer and took the tip of it's blade and grabbed the back of Hiru's bag dragging him back a bit trying to move his trainer away from the man. Before Hiru could get another question out, he felt himself get pulled back by his Scyther and blinked in confusion before looking at him with an odd look. "What's wrong?" He asked the pokemon who said nothing and released the boy unsure of how to respond to him. He could touch Hiru and use the power Hiru had to speak and tell him no, but one should know that right?
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  7. #7
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    "Looks like your Scyther at least has some manners," The boy said to Hiru. "That's a good friend you have there," he said lowering his books slightly so that his green eyes could be seen over top of the book, but he never took them off of the book. "As for who your friend might be looking for, the only person in town that I know of that has brought a stranger into town is Maya. I'll show you to her house," he started to walk off. Turning a page in his book as he headed, "Oh and also, I'd be careful in this town, if I were you. Not everyone is as welling to help random strangers as I am. Maybe follow your Scythers' lead when trying to greet someone." He warned and walked through town, a light bell echoed through town. Soon children came rushing out, dancing from roof to roof, jumping over barrels, and hiding in Alleys with a giggle. None of them seemed to get close to the trio though.

    Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy

  8. #8

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    Sephy kind of looked slightly horrified at the concept of a boxing tournament with pokemon. Training with your pokemon was a concept she had never really thought of. He also mentioned a sotry about a hitmochan and it took her a solid few seconds to even remember what that pokemon looked like. She was shocked to hear that a trainer actually beat a pokemon. She looked down at Cleffa and thought about how while she could win against Cleffa a bigger pokemon would be…really difficult. “That really is amazing!” She wondered if she really wanted to if she could get that strong…

    She watched as Hiru approached the boy and she noticed that Pi had run over. Sephy was nervous but set Cleffa down so it could walk and play with Pi as they moved through the town.

    Sephy heard the boy speak and her cheeks puffed out a bit. She thought that Hiru had not been that rude…

    He had mentioned that this was not a safe town and that they needed to be more careful. As she started to look around she noticed that a lot of the townsfolk were avoided them. She sort of felt bad…like they really did not belong. After Hiru found this friend of theirs…well maybe she should take off to a new place?
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  9. #9
    Archmage of RPA
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    Hiru frowned at the man who said he had no manners, but then spoke of him having a good friend. Of course Sky was a good friend, He was Hiru's friend. And Hiru had the best of friends. Or so the boy believed. But he still crossed his arms in a pouting state and looked away mumbling. "Atleast I look at people that I-" His words were cut off again by Sky who pulled him back more. Hiru only glanced up at the pokemon with a curious look before laughing.

    "You're right about Sky he's a good friend and a beautiful pokemon!" He said and then looked to the man who spoke again to him. His mother had warned him about talking to strangers, but the boy was so care free and overly excited that he often skipped over that matter. Yet at least the man in front of him agreed to take him to where he believed Tristan would be. "Awesome!" He shouted and grinned attempting to take a step forwards, but Sky interrupted by taking in what the man said and stepped in front of Hiru. The pokemon was just a few inches taller and took lead following the man keeping on alert for anything that may happen.

    He had been in his own little world to much to catch on to what was going on around him, completely missing most of the kids jumping about and what not, but in the midst of things, his watched made a loud dinging noise before the screen lit up. --Mission!-- was the text that popped up which caused him to gasp. "Ooo!" He quickly slid back to Persephone and grinned. "One fun thing about the watches! You have this thing where it randomly comes up from time to time saying mission!" He said and pointed to his watch, of course hers would have gone off at the same time but he continued on. "I've only been on two myself and didn't really do much but I got me a Magikarp and two Unown from it! I don't know what the reward is or how it works, but just with the tap of a button..." He said and hit a few things before stopping just above the accept button. "You hit accept and you get pulled away into a whole other time thingy! But the best part about it is when you finish you return just to the point in time where you were before. That's how it's been for me anyways." With a nod Hiru grinned at the girl. "Example!" He spoke and hit the accept button before his image along with Sky were overtaken by four rings where they whisked away for only a second before appearing once more.

    Pi on the other hand was sitting back, staying with Persephone and Cleffa. When she placed the pokemon down, Pi’s cheeks sparked with excitement as it happily hopped around Cleffa with an excited look doing it’s best to try and play with the pokemon while they walked.

    Spoiler: Mission! 
    After his appearance took shape, Hiru grinned and nodded. "And I'm back!" He shouted with a grin and looked to his watch in which a pokeball materialized in his hand where he stared at it for a few moments peeking inside to see what his prize was. With a gasp he stared deep inside the ball with excitement. "A mimikyu! I always wanted one! It's so cute and it's different, and it looks like a Pikachu but it's not one...." His voice trailed off as he caught onto how loud and obnoxious he was being.

    As he quieted down he heard another 'ding' noise from his watch.Hiru placed the ball in his bag seeing the six slots were full on his strap and hit the "Open" button as a New message popped up. It was something new that he didn't see before and was quite new to him.

    Greetings everyone.

    It has been a long time since I have given out gifts. The recent uprising in criminal ideologies has proved concerning, and thus my team and I have been working strenuously to combat these issues.

    However, seeing that it is one of my favorite holidays, I feel the need to celebrate once more. Relaxation is a striking temptation, but it is needed from time to time.

    Seeing that it has been quite a while since I last aided ringers, I want to re-establish our relationship with this gift.

    Displayed across the screen and yet another pokeball materialized in front of him dropping into his hand. Surely if a 13 year old boy could have a non fatal heart attack from over excitement he would. Not only had he gained a Mimikyu, but inside this second ball seemed to be a familiar face of a Haunter. The pokemon was sticking it's tongue out and had a cheerful look to it. Much like the one he had met during his mission.
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 10-31-2018 at 08:55 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  10. #10
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    "All of you can relax," The boy said. "Not like anyone is going to outright attack you... Unless you give them a reason too, anyway. They just aren't going to trust you and most probably won't get close to you." After a few turns he pulls up next to one of the cabins. "This is where Maya and her family lives, if your friend is anywhere. Chances are if your friend is in town and then he was going to come here. To my knowledge she is the only one who has ever brought outsiders with her when she came back.

    Then without another word, he walked away and continued reading his book to himself. As he left the two of them alone.

    Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy

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