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Thread: An Outcast's Revenge - [M] [Grey & Pit] [IC]

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    Default An Outcast's Revenge - [M] [Grey & Pit] [IC]

    Rated M for language and violence.

    Convel scanned the area with his sharp eyes. He blinked here and there, his fur blowing in the slight breeze. The weather felt nice today. They had had some not so nice weather but today was a tad better. He twitched his ears from side to side, creating a 360 degree circle. He licked his chops and then headed back towards the den area. There was nothing going on right now. There was a hunting party of 3 out in the feilds, but other than that everyone seemed to be resting. Convel didn't have too much to worry about right now.

    He continued to the dens and entered his own, greeting his mate, Fae, with a warm lick and a soft nuzzle. Dispite the harshness that could come from Convel, he was sweet to his mate. He believed it should always be like that. There was no reason to be cruel to someone you were supposed to love. Well, there was an exception with children. Children seemed to always get out of hand and even though they were loved by their parents, harsh love was still necissary. "Where is Tala?" Convel asked Fae. "I think she is down by the river." Fae responded in a sweet and gentle voice, the voice she always used.

    Tala was in fact down by the river. She was jumping at the little fish that swam near the edge, determinded to catch one, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to. The river was beautiful right now, so sparkly. Tala's carmel eyes glowed in the sunlight. Her herself appeared a carmel color at the end of her paws where they were wet. The rest of her was a cream color.

    Tala had a wolf-ish grin on her face and even giggled to herself a bit. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth a little until she leaned down and lapped up some water, quenching her thirst.
    Last edited by giraffesrkewl; 12-08-2012 at 07:01 PM.
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    The wind was blowing in every which way, swaying the trees and causing the clouds to zoom by faster and faster. The babbling brook had turned into a raging ocean with water flying at everything a mile a minute. A tree rumbled before tumbling to the ground, right before a dark wolf with scared eyes. The wolf darted away, but no matter where he turned, there was another danger waiting for him.
    He kept on running until he reached a cliff. He stared out at the river below and saw a pale brown wolf staring up at him. She seemed to be walking atop the water. The wind blew her fur and she bowed to the wolf above. Her mouth did not move as she spoke.
    It is time.

    Kizasi awoke with a start and was on his paws in a matter of seconds. He sniffed at the air and when he found that everything was clear, he let out a sigh.
    His golden eyes scanned the calm field he had fallen asleep in. He knew exactly where he was in relation to the pack. It would take hours of walking to make it to the pack, but he was going to obey his dreams.
    Today is the day.

    Kizasi darted through trees and bushes, finding his way through the dark. He was built thanks to the years he had spent preparing for this very day. He had known this day would come.
    He had just never imagined how excited it would make him.
    Kizasi plotted different plans in his mind, then trashed them and thought of new ones. He'd have to have a plan before he took over the pack.
    A very good plan.

    The dark wolf let out an exhausted sigh of relief as he saw other wolves walking about. He had left in the earliest hours of the day and now, with the sun blazing in the sky, he had made it.
    Kizasi carefully padded through the overgrowth, making sure he wasn't seen. He raised his head as he saw the alpha of the pack.
    He knew it was Convel. His mother had taken him to see the alpha's son before and he could never remove that awful stench from his nostrils. With Raul dead, Kizasi assumed Convel was the alpha now.
    That all worked in his favour.
    No one knew who Kizasi was, or his mother Kiwa. Only the older wolves remembered her, but it wasn't important enough to.
    Kizasi watched the alpha retreat to his den and started off towards the river where the alpha said his daughter would be.

    His footfalls were nearly silent until Kizasi reached the water. He stepped in the river and carried his tail high.
    There she was, the alpha's daughter.
    She seemed to be playing with the fish. Kizasi watched her until she took a drink. He took this as his opportunity.
    How would he approach her?
    "What is a pretty young wolf like yourself doing out here all alone?" Kizasi hoped he didn't sound too much like an outsider. He didn't belong to the pack to know their accent.
    He walked up to her but kept a good distance between them. "I don't believe you know what goes on around here, do you?"
    Last edited by Ashen; 03-11-2012 at 11:26 PM.

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    The young canine had just finished licking her chops, getting the last of the water droplets, as some outsider approached. As she heard a voice from a bit down stream her head couldn't help but rise i curiosity. It turned out that this male was speaking to her. She had never seen this male before and she knew the pack well, with ehr parents being the Alphas and all. Her head tilted slightly as the strange comments that came out of this wolf's muzzle.

    "I'm not alone. My pack is all around me. Who are you? You're an outsider.. what are you doing here..?" She said causiously. Her paws were forced backwards a few steps. She wasn't comfortable. Outsiders were usually a bad sign. Usually they would approach the Alphas first, but when one comes around without permission or acceptance, something was usually up. She eyed him carefully, sensing any more that he was going to make in case he was some rouge rabbid brute. When he approached a little more her ears went back slightly. "What do you mean what goes on around here? It is my pack.." She said still confused. She watched to see what would happen next.
    * may we meet again *

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    Kizasi watched the female's signs of confusion and perhaps a little fear. He set down in the water and waved his tail, wetting his back. "Your pack?" he repeated, deciding to play the dumb card. "You look a bit young to be the alpha. Perhaps the daughter?"
    Kizasi smiled and stood. He turned his back to the other wolf. "I always wondered what it was like to be an alpha," he mused. "To look out on all that territory and know that it belongs to me."

    Kizasi shook his head, letting his fur flow. "What am I doing here?" he repeated. "Let's see... I'm getting a drink." He sniffed at her once more. "My name is Kizasi," he said. "I was exploring. See, I was born out there." He faced the deep part of the woods. "It would take hours to get to my exact birthplace. I suppose you could say I'm lost."

    He turned back to the female. "You're real lucky I'm a nice guy," he said with a smile. "There are wolves out there that would love to make you a meal. Look at you. Pretty, young female, all alone..." He bowed his head a bit, showing his respect. "And an alpha-to-be nonetheless." Kizasi rubbed his face with his paw, making sure he touched his scar. "The world is full of cruel things. I didn't give this scar to myself."

    Kizasi stood and took another step towards the female. "I'm not here to harm you. I find no pleasure in ripping wolves to shreds. I'm here to explore, like I have been for so many moons. Perhaps I'll stay a while." Kizasi looked directly at the wolf. "If that's okay with you."

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    Tala simply watched this stranger as he went on and on explaining himself. He had a lot of body movement and emotion in his words it seemed. She couldn't tell if there was a reason he was speaking like that or maybe he was just like that. She just listened to him speak, her reactions changing slightly to all his words. But she stayed confident and just sat there.

    She cleared her throat before speaking. "You're right, my parents are Alpha, but I'm part of this pack and therefore say it is mine because I belong to it." She said. "I'm Tala." She looked at the sparkling water after, pondering his words a little bit. "How did you become seperated if you were born right in the area..?" She said with a questioning tone. It didn't really make sense to her. It sounded like he was part of this pack if he was born not far from here.

    "But, I do know this world is cruel. Even though I am a young female I am strong, and can take on any apponant." She said, letting out a puff of air from her snout after, a bit in annoyance. Everyone saw a young wolf as a weakling.

    "I'm sorry but I don't have the permission to let an outsider stay with us, that's my parents choice." She said, then shrugged her wolf shoulders. She licked her chops and stared at the male with her honey colored eyes.
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    Kizasi looked at the girl, trying to keep his face emotionless. "I don't know what happened for me to be born without a pack," he lied, although he was good at it and it didn't show. "I like to imagine that one of my ancestors had had to save his alpha, but in doing so would be banished from the pack and the territory forever."
    The male smiled at her. "You would have to ask my mother why I was born an outsider. Well, you could be able to if she was still alive."

    Kizasi raised an eyebrow at the other wolf. "Any opponent?" he repeated to himself in fake awe. He closed his eyes and started walking towards her. He walked right past her, using his other senses to see where he was going. When Kizasi reached the edge of the river, he stopped and breathed heavily. In the next moment he flew towards the alpha's daughter and pinned her to the ground. Kizasi finally opened his eyes and gazed into the female's. "There will always be someone stronger than you," Kizasi said. "My mother told me that."
    He stepped away from her and shook his coat. "I apologize for that," he said with a smile. "If I hurt you I mean."

    After a minute the dark wolf turned towards the forest again. "An obidient girl, hm?" he said slowly. "Won't make plans without your parents." He tossed his head over his shoulder and his eyes softened as they met hers. "That's good," he said. "Some girls wouldn't dare talk to their parents at all before making a decision. Where might your parents be? I should love to speak with them."
    A million things were going through Kizasi's mind. What if she ran off? What if he had already ruined his chances of forming any kind of bond with the alphas? What if Convel and his mate turned him away?
    What if he recognized him as Kiwa's daughter?
    Kizasi smiled to himself. There was no way he could recognize him.
    And there was no way they could turn him down.

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    Tala moved her head as the male moved around, which he seemed to do a lot. She kept squinted eyes on him, just in case. He was a bit sketchy even though he did seem nice. She didn't know whether or not to believe his statement about not being born with a pack. She'd never heard such a story, but maybe it was true.

    In the next moment she was thrown to the ground with this stranger standing over her. She didn't really react because she knew it wasn't a threat, even though it was rather rude. She rose to her feet and shook off her pelt and looked at the male. "There will always be someone stronger than you, too. I said I could take on an opponent. I never said I would win.." She said in an almost saddened tone. She shook her head, laughing slightly a bit.

    As the stranger turned his body to the woods Tala approached closer and within a second was on top of the stranger like he had done to her. Despite being a female, she had a good set of muscle. Her dad was a really strong, large, thick muscled wolf and those genes had passed to her. Sure, she wasn't strongest but she could put up a fight if she had to. She let out a snort in the male's face and got off.

    "Well the Alpha's do control anything, so I would expect any pack members to check with the Alpha's first. They just happen to be my parents." She said backing up a little and sitting down again. "They are over in the dens. I will show you." She said and she rose to her feet. The dens were just a few yards into the woods. In about 3 minutes walk they arrived in front of the dens. "That one is theirs." Tala said, pointing her snout in the direction of her parents' den.
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    Kizasi smiled at the girl. "You cannot beat everyone," he said happily. "But then, you can't lose to everyone either. I'm sure there's someone out there that you could be without trying."
    His tail swam through the river, the tip reaching the rocks inside.

    Kizasi was taken by surprise as the female jumped on him. He could have easily thrown her off but he decided that wouldn't be wise at all.
    "You're pretty strong, aren't you?" Kizasi pointed. "Completely took me by surprise." He rolled onto his paws and shook the rest of the water from his coat. He stepped away from the river and started after the wolf.

    Kizasi studied every den he walked past, knowing he might have to memorize them later. He stopped in front of the alphas' den and paused.
    What would he say?
    Kizasi turned to the female behind him. "I thank you, my lady," he said and bowed a little. It felt so awkward for him, sweet talking so much when he hadn't socialized in years. He turned back to the alphas' den and slowly padded inside, giving the alphas time to realize he was here.
    "Hello?" he called and angled his ears so that he could hear everything going on inside the den. "My name is Kizasi. I venture into your territory in peace."

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    Tala laughed a little harder than her regular laugh at his comment. "I don't need pity, I'll take you on anytime." She said with a flick of her tail. She was just messing with him. She was a friendly wolf and that showed easily. Sometimes it got her into trouble though. Everything this wolf said could be complete crap, but, she was being friendly to him right now. It didn't matter what she thought or did anyway as long as she took care of herself. In the end it was her parents' decision.

    Tala nodded back to him and put a soft smile on her face as Kizasi thanked her. She headed back down to the river after she showed the stranger the way.

    Convel twitched his ears as he heard an unfamiliar voice outside, along with his daughter's. He rose to a sitting position and before he could move again the stranger was approaching inside their den. Convel stood up and padded to the stranger to keep him from going farther into the den of his family. "You are an outsider. I ask, what is your buisness here? We can talk outside the den, please." Convel said. Convel wasn't a really rude Alpha. He wasn't all tough talk and brute strength. He was going to hear this wolf out. He noticed the scar on his face right away, those were always signs to watch for. Although, he could have gotten that scar from just about anything.

    Convel waited for the stranger to turn around and head outside and then he followed after. Convel stared at the outsider waiting for his response. The wind blew through Convel's poofy fur, giving him a large appearance.
    * may we meet again *

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    The sight of the alpha up close surprised Kizasi. He knew the male was big, but he wasn't expecting him to be as big as himself, if not larger.
    Kizasi nodded and stepped out of the den. When he was out in the sunlight again he turned to Convel. The wind seemed to increase his size and Kizasi could only assume it had the same effect on him. He bowed his head a little and brought his shining eyes to meet the alpha's. Kizasi found Convel examining his scar and offered a smile. "When I was little I was mauled by a bear. Luckily my mum was there to save me." He reached his tongue to touch a part of his scar. A bear hadn't left that mark there. How was he to explain his own mother had given him that scar, and not only that but on purpose?

    Kizasi sat down in front of Convel and let his tail waver behind him. "The pack must feel very safe with you protecting them," he assumed. "Look at those muscles." He pretended to be fascinated by the wolf's legs. "I didn't come to flatter you."
    Kizasi rose so that he was the same height as Convel. He remembered something about his mother telling him standing the same height or taller than an alpha was a sign of disrespect so he soon slunk to a lower height. "I was born in the outlands and have been living there for my entire life. It's quite lonely being out there with no pack, but I suppose you wouldn't know how that feels. I was looking to explore the area for a while and, if you permit, maybe stay in the pack, if only just for a while."

    Kizasi's heart was pounding and he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body. He could barely contain his excitement and anxiety.
    He was nearly bouncing on his feet before he told himself to stop. How weird would it look if he was bouncing around like a pup?
    "If you do not permit, sir, I shall leave immediately. Of course, I do not expect you to trust me instantly. If there is any way I can assist you or the pack I'd be more than happy to attend to the task."

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