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Thread: [M] Empire Earth; It is my first time be nice :)

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    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Default [M] Empire Earth; It is my first time be nice :)

    A Roleplay by Excalibur:

    Recent Updates:

    It is M because there will be excessive violence, swearing(me mostly), definte on the drugs, and possible sensual situations.

    I edited it from sexual becuase I sure as hell don't want to condone sex on my Rp. Find each other on an Adult dating site if you are interested in that.

    Important Information is provided below. Please read through and post whatever questions you have.

    There's nothing more deadly than slow growing fear...
    Spoiler: Mysti's random stuff and shoutouts. 

  2. #2
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Basic Settings-

    Alienssentient-more in story setting
    Cyborgsprosthetics and android parts
    Gene therapy long life- clones-Espers- Humans turned weapons-aesthic appearences-drugs
    Psychics-yes (Espers)
    Andvanced computing-yes
    Star Wars-No
    Drugs-plants- pheremones-sythesized-genetics
    Virtual computing- Firewalls are actual walls, and humans can equip themselves with whatever. etc
    Guns-Lasers and ballistics. Ballistic guns are coming back because they are cheap to make, cheap ammo, with a nice mass slaughter thing going
    Swords nothing special about them- they are coming back because of looks, ceremonial, and personal preference

    World situation-
    Human's empire is at its height, but with "The Iron Bitch" on the throne, as time goes on, everyone has become paranoid and will stab each other in the back for power or to survive. The Iron Bitch, Empress (whomever wants to play her) has lasted too long, but she has everyone in fear of her because of her insanity, dominance, and cruelty. The Empress helps those that please her and kills the others that don't. Sometimes she will turn on her "favorites" for laughs and to keep them on their toes. Those that refuse her don't last long.

    Science, under her rule, has lost all "morality" so anything that can be done probably has or will.
    Life sucks for the normal person. Properity is not on their mind at all. They will do anything to live.

    If I think of more or you think of more (PM me). I will put it here with a yes or no

  3. #3
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    It is the far flung future when Humanity has created a vast empire that it has stood dominant over for hundreds of years, nearly a millenium.
    Planets have become cities, and Humanity has become the dominant race in a vast empire of mutliple beings. It seems that this Empire Earth will last millenias more on the outside, but the truth shows on the inside. Deals between families and clans to advance their own agenda and abuse the people, advanced criminal networks abuse the people, Humanity's experiments (clones, androids, and espers/pyschics) are demanding either equal rights or their freedom. The AIs of Shub are still harassing the Human race. The fear of the Hadenmen Race rising forth from where ever they disappeared to is stil present. There may even be an unknown outside threat from the edges of Deepspace. When, where, if will it appear. What will happen during this timultous time? Who knows; LETS PLAY!

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    Entire planets have either become cities, factories,minies,farms,military bases, or reasearch facilities.
    Earth has lost all of its resources so they drill them from other planets and asteroids.
    A parlimentery system has been created with the head as the king and/or queen and reprisentatives of each planet city has a parliment seat. The sentinent alien races are there, but they have no real voice. If a clan owns more than one planet city then they take more seats. The king or queen is supposed to be elected, but that has not happened in a long time, because the recent queen has not died yet.

    Clans/Families- (I will pick the clan Hq world after everyone chooses their specialty and name.)

    They are the ruling powers of the empire. They own the world companies that make everything from the bread the people eat to the capital ships the military use to fight battles.

    Choose one Specialty
    Research and civil. androids
    ,Hulls and chasies for civil cars and military,
    Large military weaponry(ship guns, tanks, etc) for ships and personel,
    personel weapons and armor,
    medicine and drugs,
    food and water,
    raw materials,
    tourism and exploration,
    military androids; civil mechinery; and military specialty weapons
    (PM and I'll explain)

    As you can see this division of corporate power often causes alliances to be made, but ,most of the time, there is alot of sabotage, espionage, and dirty dealing in order to take over the other clans companies and destory the others power in the court system.

    The common populace make it how they can, and if a clan loses enough power then they can become commoners also.

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    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Other groups with power-
    Church Militant- They have their own ships and army. Think about a twisted version of the Catholic Inquisition period and you have the general idea. They take "tithes" by force and the rich just pay them so the Militant would not pay them a visit. They are run by a Pope and a collection of Cardinals. They are from all walks of life, but the Pope and Cardinals are from the richer end. Mostly men. Use force, espionage and sabotage to get what they want.

    Sisters of Light- They are the humanitarians of this time. They rebuild
    destroryed building and cities, provide relief to the poor, and provide basic medical assistance where needed. They have enough clout to keep the Militant off of their back. They are ruled by a Prelate and High Sisters. They come from all walks of life, also. The leaders could have been homeless or a former leader of a clan; it does not matter. Mostly women. Use their humanitarian services to get what they want. Wihout them the poor would have a hard time getting by.

    Ex: When Target refused to let the Salvation Army bell ringers outside their store. Salvation Army was like "Fine we wont do it. Thank you for you business." , and Target almost went out of business because their sales dropped extremely fast weeks before the holiday season started. So, they tried to save themselves, and they practicly begged them back, and they pledged to donate, I believe, 30,000 a year to their charity. (I do know that if that was the right number, but I do know it was ALOT of green)

    Esper Liberation Front(ELF)-Espers are humans that have been taken and made into physics, X-Men not Crystal ball, for the purpose to be used as human weapons. The captive ones have a control collar on them that will detonate if they try to escape or if their controller feels like it. ELFs or Elves are an army of Espers that promote the freedom of all espers and equal rights for Espers by peaceful means and through force. They have created their own atonomious city called New Hope for all Esperkind. The Queen/ Iron Bitch has not decided to go to war with them because the ELFs are to powerful at the moment. Non-Human=SLAVE

    Clone Survival Union(CSU)- CSU is often called the Clone Underground. They often work intandom with the ELFs because if the ELFs can get their freedom and equal rights, they can too. Clones are often used for spare parts and abuse toys. The only difference between the orginal and the clone is a few markers that can be found with a special scanner. The only thing that you can not do with a clone is have one run a clan when you die; because. of the discrimination and the emidiate masicare of the entire family. Non- human=SLAVE

    Hellfire Club- The prositute/drug/gambling house for everyone. It operates in near secret. You can gain a small amount of influence from being a member even if you are not a clan member.

    Blue Box- a secret mythical society that protects the rights of the clans/families. They assassinate anyone they deem neccessary, and they are often the ones that kill clones for impersonating important officals. Their members come from the clans' families, and sometimes, a person does not know they are a member until he/she is called for a job.

    Arena-The collesium erected to entertain the masses and the queen. They are brutal, and the matches can be anything vs. anything. They are no holds bar, deathmatches. Death is sometimes avoided if the gladiator is high enough in rank to afford cryotanks that can heal people as they sleep.

    Guardians- the FBI/ CIA of the empire except they have the option to kill the criminals. They usually roll out in a team of pairs. The leader and champion of the Empire is the Paragon. The Paragon is also the 2nd commander in chief of the military and the personal guard of the royal person or persons.

    Shub-Techology had advanced so far that a computer was nolonger a point-and-click system, but completely virtual. Corporate websites look like huge monsters and spam(which for some reason still exists) look like small massed beings. AIs were created to maintain the system. In the system, they look like huge suns. Unfortunately, the AIs became too human, and with their superior intellegence some AIs have "left" and created a mass AI gelant mind and a world for them. With their technology, if they could ever leave their world humanity would be done. Instead they are content with teleporting people to their world and extracting the human organs while the human is alive. They then send the person back as a mechanical Wrath in their own skin. Wraths are dangerous because they are super strong, super fast, have special equipment hidden in it. The Shub AIs often put explosive devices inside their Wraths to cause massive casualties after a message is delivered.

    Bounty Hunters, Pirates, Drug/Clone Runners-common jobs for the common folk. Each require a "license" to operate, except Piracy. Of course you can still do it with out it, but if you did have one, you had a measure of protection when caught.

    News-Mass Media is stilll a heavy power. Mostly because of the massive amount of dirt that a good reporter can get on the clan/families.

    Myst World- The only free human world in existence. It exists because the Empress does not want it. The Royal Army and Navy tried to take it over once, but because of its severe frozen climate and the native tenacity it did not last long. Myst World is a Rim world in the Sigma System for runaways, but only the tough survive. Myst World is safe because of its ruthlessness, tenacity, and a few hidden secrets. There is only one city on Myst World called, what else, Myst City. It is also were Bounty Hunter Central is located were you can become a listened bounty hunter. The point is though, if you are on the run, you will have to come here at some point or another. Otherwise, it is a steep garuntee that the Empire will find and kill you.

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    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Humans-typical human. Some have altered their bodies to have different parts. The rich give themselves perfect bodies.
    Cyborg-former humans made themselves enhuman with either android parts or prosthetics. Android parts look like machine parts unlike prosthetics wiht look like normal human parts.
    Cyborgs are not slaves becaise they are still human. Think Borg or Gost in Shell.
    Clones-made for human extra parts.
    Non-human slaves less than trash. Created the CSU for equal rights there are even esper clones in existence
    Espers-X-men like human weapons. They either exist on New Hope, are military weapons, or are very very far away from the core worlds of the empire.
    Non-human, but used to be human, even clones, weapons and SLAVES

    Wympr-Human weapons with a bit more gene therepy than Espers. Ment to not feel pain, and minor regeneration. They sort of look like walking ghosts. If you drink a drop Wympr blood then you are addicted to it for life, and become a Blood Baby. You will do absolutely anything for more of that blood. It is like an extreme Meth. It also gives pain reduction and a frenzied appearance to the drinkers. When you drink it you fill like there is nothing better and your purpose in life is to drink the blood.
    Non-Human used to be human weapons
    Androids- things that were never human. Some have human skin; others don't. They were made for a range of reasons from butlers/maids and bodyguards to extreme condition miners to military support troops. Some androids have become controlled by Shub.
    Non-human Slaves with advanced AIs or artifical organs.
    Hadenmen-Human creations in an effort to combat the AI/Android threat from Shub. They were agumented men, sort of like the Bionic Man. Unforunately they turned on their creaters, and after a lengthy series of wars called the Haden Wars, they disappeared. No one knows what happened to them; and the few that did not disapear became vagabonds taking jobs here and there just like the rest of the races. The funny thing is that they almost won. They, in fact, would have if they had not disappeared suddenly.
    Enimes of the empire, some disappeared. The ones that are left are awaiting The Call. The day that they araise to regain power.
    AIs of Shub- They do not have a physical body. Their "bodies" still exist in the Cyber World, which is what internet has become. In that world they can be anything they want to be. In the real world, they constructed constructed a mass computer world factory thing. Humanity does not know much about it, except they are far more advanced than humans, but hallelujah to humanity they have not figured out how to manufacture a ship, yet because whoa be tide humanity if they had. They are content with being the only ones with a working teleportation system, stealing people from the streets, and killing them or stealing the recently dead, and disecting them. Then, returning them to where ever they want, usually in front of the recently dead's family, and have their new Wraith creations give a message of "Doom to humans" and either explode, or go beserk and use its super stength, hidden weaponry, and reconstructed skeleton to cause massive havoc.
    Former slaves not extreme enemies of humanity.

    Other Races- Can be played just keep it within my reasonable limits. In other words, I will tell you if it is or is not acceptable.

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    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    What organization/Clan/job:
    IF head of clan, what specialty do you have:
    IF esper, what powers:
    IF clones, how many of you are there:
    If you can think of a secret you don't want anyone to know, PM me. I think they make things interesting and I may be able to set up the story to fit the secrets.

    Totally forgot the rules. I also thought that people were mature enough not to need them but just in case.
    1. Mature Warning
    2.Mature Rules
    3Normal Forum Rules that always apply
    4Forum Ettiquette I bust this rule up all the time.
    5. I am GOD. I am not just a GM; I am GOD. I will listen to your ideas, but if I don't like it, THERE WILL BE NO ARGUEMENTS. I, of course, let you do with your character what you want, but you can not introduce little pink bunnies into the Rp if it does not fit. I CAN. I can RAIN bunnies of all colors on your characters with RPGs and the faces of every US president, if I wanted.
    P.S. If any of the links posted above either don't work or are taking you to where they are supposed to go. PM me and I will fix them
    On my first post to open the IC, tell me if you want to be on a different world.
    I set up a stage for the actors(you) for the actors(you) to play on.
    If ya'll walk into a bar, I might type up a picture of the bar itself to give you a reference point so you are not typing blind.

    Other Rules:
    1. Try not to Double Post-most of the time it is an oopsie, but be careful. Just edit your original to also house your new content, if no one els has posted after you in the OOC

    2. Not everyone is one your time or has not life- if people have not posted in a while WAIT, they will post. Don't post again to move the story along, unless I say so. Meaning someone reacts to you, but there are other people around. They are not ghosts that are there for your amusement. They are a part of the Rp also so wait for them to post, and DON'T be the hyperactive chipmunk that has to post because someone posted after you.
    you post-blah
    They post-blah
    you post-blah
    Minium(unless I say so)
    You post-blah
    They post-blah
    Other post(Includes me)-blah
    You post

    3.Make the fights good and no direct hits unless the fight is coriographed before hand or with an NPC (unless I say on the NPC)

    4. I want ENGLISH not text jabber. I am not so big a stickler on spelling and grammer because mine is atrocious. If it is readable, it is fine. I put and example in italics. It is still not an excuse to not look it up, but if you are unsure go ahead and put it don't I am not a member of the Spelling Nazi's like Anne is. (she is a mod by the way. If she reads this, I am sooo busted.)

    5.Don't completely control someone elses character. (GOD MODDING) That is my job. You of course interact with other characters so you need to do a little bit. If you don't like it complain here in the OOC, to me, and/ or to the person who did it.

    6. give me atleast a paragraph on a post. In Elementry, that is 4-5 measly sentences. If you can't post that; then don't post and wait a little bit until you think you can.


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