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Thread: [M/R] Eternum: Blood of the Gods

  1. #1
    The Big Meme
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    Default [M/R] Eternum: Blood of the Gods

    Rated M/R for Blood and Gore, Sexual Content, Bad Language and other.

    This Roleplay is GM'd by myself, Death of Korzan

    Read Eternum: Of Gods and Demons!

    Watch the Trailer!

    By the time I had finished telling the first part of my story, a small crowd had gathered around me, dressed in the blues of Namor and the Reds of Rome; a trio of Crocolykes pulled up bar-stools and sat down with mugs in hand, full of ale and with thick heads stroking the glass rim at the top of the mug, staring at me with inquisitive yet eager eyes.

    Keeping a close watch on the newcomers, I looked down at my son and smiled. "What happened next daddy?" He uttered excitedly, engrossed in the tale I was telling.

    "Yes Bard." A certain Combrogian who was quaffing beer bellowed. "Continue with your tale!"

    Giving the man a look that would kill, I turned back to my boy and smiled as warmly as possible.

    "Well I'll tell you son, we're not even at the good bit yet..."

    With Party and Family on the line,
    A Swords Edge, Cannon, and Fighter Pilot's so fine,
    We'll rough and we'll fall,
    Through darkness and all,
    And in the end, madness was solice,
    Blood will be blood,
    Spilled before battle,
    Crimson paints the picture,
    Of men who came before us,
    And those destined after,
    Upon us like insects,
    Gods doth look from above,
    The alliances must be won,
    Or Eternum's fate be done...


    Unless you intend to read Eternum: Of Gods and Demons then please take the time to read this summary, as it will loosely cover what happened in the First Book.

    This Roleplay is set on the distant planet of ‘Eternum’. The planet is currently at the stage of technology that the Roman Empire had, with the hygiene levels of the same era, although both have been enhanced by Earthborn colonization on the planet. Earth is now a space faring civilization, colonizing many planets and spreading their race further across the stars. They come armed with Auto and manual powered machines and weaponry that they would be prepared to use if they come under attack.

    The world of Eternum is split into two mega continents, the Northern expanse and the Free South. The Northern Expanse, officially known as ‘The Imperium’ is run by the Roman-like ‘Namor empire’. It’s civilization practically replicates the Roman empire, being ruled by a lead emperor, who sees over everything in the Empire. The Imperium is made up of 6 different kingdoms, the desert lands of Afragi; the tropical land of Zamibia; The Druidic forests of Combrogia; The hot, almost Mediterranean like archipelago of Hercine and the mountain Kingdom of Dun Moriga. All have been conquered and integrated into The Empire, and all seem to host different races or sub-species of the prominent denizens of the planet.

    The Free South, otherwise known as the ‘Cold Wastes’ is a freezing cold icy wasteland that is the home of the very warlike and violent Arcturus tribes, that are spread all over the polar region. It is the only area on the planet that is free from the tyranny of the Namor Empire and the combined forces of The Imperium. The land is ruled by the great king Korzan, the Arcturian who traversed the Underworld and sailed down the River Styx to gain his position of high king, uniting all of the warring tribes and forcing The Imperium to let their hold slip off of the Wastes. The Cold Wastes have remained free for 20 years, fighting The Imperium all over their icy continent; however, their freedom seemed jeopardized when the earthborn humans landed on Eternum and shared their hyper-advanced technology with the empire.

    On a particular cold night in the city of Branjaskr, the capital of The Free South, Korzan sat atop his throne, watching his most loyal subjects dancing in the celebration of 20 years of freedom from the oppression of the empire. His closest friends stood next to him, but even they could not expect what would happen next. It happened fast, but when it was over, Korzan, son of Odin and High King of the tribes, was dead, with his throat slit and his crimson nectar pouring over his throne. The assassin had escaped quickly, but had left a letter showing the brutal truth of the situation, the earthborn and The Imperium had decided to form an alliance, and had resorted to marching on Branjaskr by the years end, scattering the tribes and reclaiming the Wastes. The Nord’s of The Wastes refused to back down though, and war preparations were being made…

    Whilst being partially true, what the Norse tribes do not know is that the earthborn involved in the war are companies seeking riches and raw materials for their involvement, as actual earthborn government representatives refuse to become involved in a war that they are not involved in, although the Norse tribes openly show hostility to the hyper-advanced extra-terrestrial humans, going as far to kill them on the spot.

    Due to the death of Korzan, Odin, prince of the Gods and the first born son of Ra, in a fit of rage caused by the fact that Korzan was his demigod son, released immense levels of magical energy, flooding into the ground and mutating plant life and animals, but also flooding into the bodies of certain magic-using members of society, enhancing their abilities to superhuman levels. The magic also flooded into the few demigods that existed on the planet, making their abilities stronger. However, the radiation has appeared to create monsters of ancient legend and imagination, such as Dragons and Minotaur’s, and they seem to be attracted to the irradiated individuals and attempt to kill them, and due to the fact that they are creatures of imagination, they can only die temporarily, as they are being of pure magic.

    Due to the fact that creatures of imagination are being created, beasts such as Lycans and Vampires are also being created, but in very small quantity, and a handful of unlucky citizens became infected with the new magical diseases, Lycanthropy and Vampirism. This source of imagination also created the new Gods; Lupinus, god of Wolves and Dogs and Attaxia, God of Blood and Bats, the patron Gods of the new species.

    Another problem that has been caused by Odin’s release is the stirring of the underworld, the magical energy has allowed some members of the dead to regain life and human bodies, members of the ancient Roman army, heroes and soldiers, of Ancient Greece, including demi-gods and Egyptian warriors and magicians are returned to their new home and the new world of the Gods and they are choosing sides.

    After reports of attacks in every area of the Imperium, forces led by Decius Marcius traveled to maintain peace within the Empire whilst it's Naval forces embarked to commit a huge offensive against the Southern Wastes in an Earthborn business backed venture into taking the province. Whilst this happened, Decius organised a small group of people who would travel to Tartarus, realm of the 12 Demon Lords in order to reclaim the 12 Stones of Alcamor, relics left behind by the greatest wizard of all history, relics which were supposed to grant large scale power to the force that held it.

    Whilst Decius Marcius continued his own journey, he was met by Mars, who gave him the demon-blade 'Hate', which was imbued with the spirit of Shacorai, a very powerful and manipulative Demon under the domain of Destruction, one of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and one of the 12 Demon Lords of Tartarus. Mars also gave Decius Marcius a warning to stay away from Hercine, which was at the time being besieged by revived Greek forces led by Hercules and Achilles, within a few days Hercinia, the capital city of Hercine had fallen to Greek forces, and the Namorian forces within it's walls all but crushed.

    During this time, Salvius, Decius Marcius's personal bodyguard and the man who had been given the quest to Tartarus met up with Gabriel, the Immortal Lotus, a member of the ancient Empire of Eden; he also met up with his old friend and auxiliary Kuronus, who had been turned into a Werewolf since the God of Wolves and Dogs had surfaced and been created by Odin's upset.

    At this time, Hothian, Demon Lord of Madness was granted entrance into the mortal world in the Mages guild and he and his followers slaughtered the other Mages for sport. Under mysterious commands from his mother, a certain male demigod was charged with the duty of sending Hothian back to Tartarus, yet he was followed by Ovidius, a Spy who was charged by Decius Marcius's wife to see what was going on at the Tower after rumor of the events transpiring there traveled to Namor. Whilst there, the Demigod and Hothian had a skirmish whilst Ovidius escaped, until they were both interrupted by Chaaru, a Dark Elf outcast from the days of Eden. Hothian won the ensuing battle and marked the evil and sadistic creature with his mark, granting him power over his life, death and sanity.

    After a while of traveling towards Hercine and avoiding Combrogia, Decius and his Namorian units ran into a powerful Roman Unit led by Legate Septim, a son of Neptune. In the ensuing battles the Romans were routed, yet whilst believed to be dead the heavy amounts of life energy placed inside their bodies caused them to resurrect and continue their journey towards Emor, the capital city of the Imperium.

    At this point, the questing party exited Combrogia after very little enemy attacks and rendezvoused with the Princess Nesara of Afragia, who had come to bring news to Namor and Decius Marcius of enemies at their gates and a lack of Dwarven aid resulting in them looking elsewhere. After a brief skirmish with a few Germanic troops, Nesara was forced to join the questing group after her guards were killed and they were chased further into the mountain by the insurgent Germanic forces. During this part of the quest, Gabriel discovered a nest of Broodmothers, Arachnid women who were treated with large amounts of suspicion by ever culture within knowledge of them. He promised that he would try to build a bridge between suspicious Dwarven forces and the Broodmothers so that they may share the depths.

    Meanwhile at this point Salvius and the rest of the group managed to escape the pursuing enemies, they having been suddenly and mysteriously silenced by an ominous presence within the mountain. As they looked for a way out of a bottleneck they found themselves in, they were greeted by one of the ancient Gods of the Earth, wardens over the ground that would protect it until Eternum, God of the Ground, would stir from her slumber and relocate to a different planet. The ancient God allowed them passage into the mountains, though this showed a huge Orcish force that had been created by pure life energy and corrupt and disgusting thoughts mounting a huge offensive against the final Dwarven city of Ech Zilidar.

    Between the battle of Minerva and Hercine, Decius Marcius met with a mysterious huntsman who seemed to know too much for his good. Showing that he was friendly, the huntsman gifted Decius a mount named 'Silverwick', a huge horse-sized wolf with tusks, a species unrecognisable until Odin's disappearance and the resurgence of past life. Decius chose not to mount the beast however and instead treat it like a friend, in which Silverwick repaid him for by taking down a Dragon which had escaped Tartarus and killed many refugees fleeing Hercine.

    Out of the sky near Namor at this point, a ship fell from the sky and landed in Combrogia. Within the ship was Isabella von Bayern and a group of military troops who had accidently crashlanded and were quickly set upon by Viking troops. The troops were quickly dispatched by impossibly fast archery and from the forest came the Forest druids, the Druada. After the attack only Isabella remained from her scouting party and she accepted and offer to meet with the Elder Druada in order to decide what to do with the incursion that had already practically turned the native Combrogians into a nomad race.

    Once arriving at Hercine, Decius Marcius and his troops were instantly greeted by a small token force with Achilles in his ranks. After the conversation, Achilles attempted to demoralise the Fulminata, yet due to inspirational words from their leader Decius Marcius, Achilles failed in this regard.

    As the battle of Hercine begun, there were heavy losses on the side of the Namorians as Achilles, Percius, Heracles and Hercules tore through the well drilled legion of Namorians. After cutting through his defenses, Achilles finally did battle with Decius whilst he wielded Hate, after cutting down Decius's second best warrior (Behind Salvius). With the dying intervention of Salvius and the intrusion of Chaaru, who had tracked the blade down, expecting to find Gabriel, Achilles was defeated, though not permanently. In the process Decius had to saw through his own hand and break the tendons so as he could let go of Hate, who was slowly possessing his body and destroying his mind.

    Once the blade had been released, Chaaru began to try to slaughter everything around him, in which Silverwick managed to stop him whilst giving up his life. Chaaru slunk away from the battle with Hate, yet whilst the battle seemed lost it was from surprise aid given from a large force of Crocolykes that stormed the wall. After the Greek forces were routed and returned to life they were offered a place alongside the Fulminata and this option was taken by Hercules. The same offer was given to the Crocolykes, who also accepted but on different terms.

    During this time, the Romans had already arrived at Emor, ready to take the city, however by a huge display of intelligence and diplomatic ability, Decius Marcius's wife managed to stop the siege of the city and instead acquire the aid of the Romans in the coming battles.

    As the Fulminata and it's other acquired forces arrived at Emor, celebrations were had for a short amount of time before more was needed to be done. Decius Marcius and his legion were commanded to travel out to Dun Moriga with their new allies and to quell whatever invasion force lay within the caverns. Anne, an Earthborn and sister of Isabella von Bayern however organised a journey to Afragia with Marcius's house slave Suriyana and the Spy Ovidius so as they could attempt a diplomatic approach to the issues in Afragia.

    As the trio arrived in Afragia, the force heading to Dun Moriga were attacked by huge Germanic forces led by Vampiric members of their army, after discovering that their hearts were their weakness, the Fulminata slew them, yet the numbers were massive on the enemies side and due to pure Guerilla warfare and lack of knowledge on the area, it was apparent the Fulminata were finished. However, thanks to the Aid of Lord Kurosavi, a member of the Druada trio who commanded a counter-attack army to clear the path for the army, as the Druada realised the importance of them clearing away the enemy.

    As eventually the quest party were allowed into Dun Moriga, they were imprisoned after impertinence from Gabriel towards the King. However, luckily for them they were quickly broken out of prison by a mysterious man who seemed to be adept at killing people without them knowing he was there. Eventually however, Kuronus had to release his other side and went on a rampage, killing the Dwarf King and giving the questing party the title of 'Traitors' and meaning that they were wanted by law enforcement.

    Eventually, thanks to direction from Lord Kurosavi, Decius Marcius managed to soon find the direction he needed to go in in order to leave Combrogia. After thanking him, Decius began to approach the first summit of Dun Moriga. At the same time the quest party managed to leave Ech Zilidar and it was this moment that their rescuer revealed himself as the self same man who fought with Hothian and was tasked with sending him back to Tartarus, before any more questions could be asked about him, the party were surrounded by Redcoats.

    Meanwhile in Emor a secret group of Southerners had managed to slowly and carefully make their way into the city and into the home of Decius Marcius. Upon returning from where she had been out, Decius's wife discovered that all her servants had been killed, before she was forced to watch her children die in retribution for the death of Korzan, she was then slain in cold blood.

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Spoiler: Eternum: Blood of the Gods 
    This is just about everything that is important and everything that I have written for the Roleplay.
    I'm sorry if it's a lot to read but I felt that the more detail I put into it the more the World I'm trying to create stands out above the other Roleplay worlds that are created.

    Spoiler: FAQ 

    Spoiler: Accepted Characters 
    Last edited by Death of Korzan; 11-08-2014 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Spunky Monkey
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    Special delivery for DoK!
    I got you a few links to help your RP along.

    Roleplaying Games Directory – For advertisement.
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    They'll definitely come in handy, so remember to use 'em!

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    Count me in, Lord Korzan!

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

  4. #4
    The Big Meme
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    Awesome, glad to have you

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    Wow, this is awe inspiring.

    However there is a lot of material! Count me in! I'll be trying to figure out my limitations and everything before I post a CS!

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    Can we make Demigod characters now? Or no? I don't see it listed the 'Eternum: Blood of the Gods' spoiler, but I see you can still have godly parents on the CS. So I'm not sure!

  7. #7
    The Big Meme
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    Indeed you can! Just as long as it fits with the lore and stuff that I've stated (Such as no sons/daughters of Ra etc)

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    I tried to do something a bit more unique, and something with HUGE potential for character growth through the entire RP. I was a bit confused on some of the guidelines and what gods existed or if something is wrong let me know...but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

    Spoiler: CS 
    Last edited by Minkasha; 11-22-2013 at 05:01 AM.

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    First character inbound

    Spoiler: The Admiral that the first book desperately needed 

    And now, sleep. For it is half past 2 in the damn morning
    Can I return it if it doesn’t fit?
    It always fits. Eventually

    Spoiler: The pretty colours hide my lack of personality 

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    Default Gabrielle and Chaaru

    Gabrielles updated appearances.

    Spoiler: Appearances 
    Last edited by Epostle; 11-22-2013 at 03:02 AM.
    Welcome to my masquerade.

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