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Thread: Radical Revolution (R)

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    Default Radical Revolution (R)

    (R- Sexual Content, Drug References, Alcohol References, Crude Humor, Ideologically Sensitive)

    Millan Estate, 7:30 PM

    I sigh looking at Julia, she was really outta her kettle o' fish I could tell she was really outta her comfort zone in that dress. I wasn't to bothered by the suit. I felt bad though, these parties called for some fancy dress. The kind that limits mobility a lot. "You going to be okay?" I ask and she looks at me clearly upset her Firey Red hair flipping as she does. Normally she channels a ponytail but she'd let it down given the event today. "No I fucking hate these dresses and shitpiss events." She more so hisses at me then says.

    For most people the collar around their neck would let out a high pitch Bzzz sound and inject the freezing agent to prevent escape from the Morality Protection Agency (MPA) though for me & her that isn't a worry. My father had been a fucking genius and figured out how to get them off without setting them off. A trick he'd showed me before he'd been arrested and sent to a work camp for life. Most only get a few years but they'd wanted to make an example of my father.

    "What about you, you've been invited to the home of the man who took your father. The only family you had." She says with real concern of her face. It's true, my father had been the last of my living family. When he was arrested when I was 15 I was sent to foster care. I spent the next three years a ward of the state until I was legally my own guardian.

    Though the subject is still a sore one. "I'll be okay, this is to important to let personal vendettas get in the way." I say as our limo pulls up to the front entrance and we see the politicians lapdo- sorry, his Daugther waiting to greet us. I'm the 'Guest of Honnor' which was a polite way of saying his favorite example of rehabilitation. Though it was just an act on my part. In truth I knew his Daugther very well.

    Her father had adopted me just before I turned 17 so legally speaking he was my father. Like I mentioned though I'm also legally my own gurdian is all very confusing. Though if you really boil it down he is more or less my adopted father. Since I was 15 he'd been trying to groom me to be a political tool like Chasity was.

    He'd stop in almost every week to check on me, hell even tonight he'd paid for Julia & My own outfit. He hadn't a clue that I was the NTN memeber Big Iron. Even so I push those thoughts as I step out of the limo and help Julia out. "Sister!" The words are like venom on my tounge. Saying them to this puppet makes me feel ill, but the show must go on so I open my arms and invite her into a hug.

    Spoiler: Their Outfits 

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    Come on... Come on... I was beginning to wonder if he wasn't actually coming, not that I cared if he did or not. Henry, my dad's favorite little project was the whole reason I was stuck waiting out here right now rather than sitting inside and being able to work my magic winning over new contacts and sources in the crowd. I scratched at a small blemish on my almost perfectly manicured hands. They wouldn't be that way for long. Not once I got back to working with Aphrodite and Athena tomorrow. But tonight, I needed to be the perfect picture of sophistication for father.

    After coming home from self defense class, Father had stopped me and debriefed me about tonight and what my duties were going to entail. So, dutifully, I had gone straight to my room, bypassing all my usual activities, where I'd normally go for a ride with the horses and then practice my political skills on them as well, for my Father's sake. Thankfully the poor horses can't understand the things I say to them... If I were them, I'd probably buck myself off during the next show or something after the last debate I held with myself using the girl's as my witnesses. Aphrodite even ended up being called up to give a testimony against the NTN, which, of course I spoke for her. Even I didn't believe in my reasoning to bring down the NTN... I was just reciting things the government told us...

    So anyway, since I didn't work with the horses, I ended up just getting ready for the party, I went in the bathroom and hit the shower switch on. As soon as I did, the shower began to run, the lights dimmed a little and the mirror in the bathroom flipped over so I wouldn't have to look at my own nude body. There were doctor's that you went to for regular check ups, when you were a baby, emergencies... I went through the mental list of the only times when seeing a nude body wasn't considered a distasteful thing. I climbed into the shower, the water would only stay on for about ten minutes. The NTN resisting the government put tighter restraints on everyone, but it was just a timer on the shower. I shrugged my shoulders thinking about it, why did the government care so much that they wanted to keep people away so badly that they even limit people's shower time?

    Finally the limo pulled up, and I forced a smile. I'd always resented Henry, not because of him personally, but just because of the fact that I already felt I didn't have much of a relationship with father, and then Henry comes in, and takes the rest of his attention from me. I didn't care about the politics of the situation, I just wanted my father! Beeping sounded in my ear and I looked down at my cuff, it had been reading my heart rate and hormone levels and had picked up on my change of mood. I took a deep breath, calming myself just as Henry stepped up with someone else, holding his arms out invitingly, calling me his sister.

    I beamed back at him, "It's so amazing to see you here!" The lie rolled right off my tongue. "Did father buy those? They're gorgeous!" I gushed, playing up the welcoming sister role. I extended my hand to his female companion, offering her a genuine smile, "I'm Chastity Millan. Father told me to wait for you and fetch you when you arrived, so shall we?" I sidestepped, turning to leave, but never actually turning my back on them, that was a true sign of how much etiquette lectures I'd had to endure all these years.

    Spoiler: Chastity's Dress 

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    "Yes, it's fantastic to be here dear sister." A cancerous smile slips across my face and I point to my friend. "This is Julia Farklin. An old friend of mine." I say and Julia offers her hand out and gives a cheesy grin to her. "Your brother speaks very highly off you." As she says this I subelty flip her off, no one is around to see and my cuffs & collar are dummies long since deactivated.

    "Anyway Chasity do you know why father called me home? He said it was for some grand speech but didn't say anymore." I ask as I offer Julia my arm and she links it with hers. On the public we just close friends. But if your on the level it's well known if not universal knowledge that Big Iron & Texas Red are on again off again lovers.

    I was worried about what Governor Millan had to say. It's rare he gathers myself and Chasity in the same place unless it's something big. I had brought a micro-cam along and a few members from LTS & Iron's Gang are screening & saving any important footage.

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    I shook my head, "No, I've no idea. He just told me he had big news, some breakthrough of intelligence. It's really worrying me that he pulled it together so quickly because that could mean just more bad news... For the radicals I would be guessing, because he looked happy..." I felt my brows knit together for a moment, but forced myself to soothe my face back into it's business look. "And on a bit more of a selfish note, he completely blew off our dinner for my birthday. So he could pull together this elaborate dinner, and talk about catching more NTN 'terrorists'." I kept my face neutral. I thought the use of the word terrorist was pretty extreme sometimes. Even though I resented Henry for taking father's attention, I never wished to purposely cause him pain for it. I'm not that shallow. I know his past as well as anyone, who his father was. Who his father had been arrested by. We walked up the front steps, past other arriving guests. None of the others were able to walk straight in like I could though, so we didn't need to stand around and wait for normal security. We went into a side room, where Sid, my own guard for the night met with us.

    "Sid, Henry you know. This is Julia. Say hi." I teased him, he was always so serious, so stoic. He looked at them and gave them half smiles. "Welcome." He said stiffly. "This is Sid, he's awesome at his job." I smiled. He was a pretty good shot with his gun, I sneak down to the shooting range and watch them shoot sometimes. Not very often, because I'd get he- er, in trouble for getting caught down there, but I enjoyed watching the shooting and seeing the precision.

    I walked into the main dining area of the building, the one where Father would be making his speech. There were so many people here, I was itching to get in and start figuring out what I could... Knowledge is power after all. The more contacts you know, the more sources you have... But I was going to have to forego all of that tonight because Father wanted me to be seen with his darling project.

    We made it to our table near the front of the room, the meeting was going to start any minute, they really had made it just in time. I looked between the two and smiled, "So, this should be interesting..." I mumbled, raising one of my eyebrows. Neither of them looked thrilled about being here. I was about to tell Henry about an NTN member who had been arrested a couple weeks ago when the lights started dimming and I looked up to the front stage, Father was standing there trying to make his portly self look intimidating. I was angry at him still for earlier. I folded my hands in front of me and waited to hear what he had to say.

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    Two Hours Later

    I am in a rush, myself and Julia had nearly shit a house of bricks after his presentation. The very though of what he had suggested almost made my brain stop working. We'd called a NTN meeting and had changed. Julia in her normal leather and myself in my dress shirt and jeans.

    I pull on my old brown jacket as we rush out the door. "Chastity, tell Mr.Millan we had a last minute appointment for work." A lie but this was to urgent to let wait for another day. members of the NTN had already moved in and rescued the captive and were escaping. We didn't care how bad it looked that we left at the same time this was to urgent. The party was in full swing but we rush out and down the steps towards our motorcycles. I pull down my goggles as Julia slips on her helmet. We both start them up and roll off like two bats outta hell.

    Spoiler: Motorcycles 

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    "Father, you can't be serious!" I exclaimed, barging into the room he'd just walked into, leaving the party behind.

    "Hold your tongue Chastity. I am deadly serious." He said, looking me down. Normally I would shrink down under that gaze, afraid that if I didn't, I'd ruin all my chances to gain his approval. That didn't happen this time.

    "You'll kill thousands of innocent people! You said so yourself, you're not even sure if that's where any of them are hiding! I find it hard to believe anyone would have accepted going to this length!" I threw my hands out like I was trying to measure something. I was so frantic to explain myself, words were escaping me, something that rarely ever happened.

    "The NTN needs to be gotten rid of. And if a few buildings... or blocks and say the tunnels beneath them collapse in the process, those who are in the way, are just collateral damage to the greater good." My mouth dropped open after he finished saying that, he looked all smug and satisfied with himself. "Don't you agree daughter?" I looked back up at him and snapped my mouth shut. I wanted to punch him just then, it wasn't the first time I'd ever been angry at my father, but it was definitely the first time I'd ever really seen exactly how he was. I didn't understand why I had wanted his approval so badly for so long. I made it look like I was thinking about it.

    I softened my face and heard myself say, "Yea, I guess it can't be helped then, now that I think about it." It was my voice, but those weren't my words. They were only what I knew Father wanted to hear. Right then, I decided, he had no more control over me.

    "Where's Henry?" He asked suddenly. I looked up and shrugged.

    "He said they had some last minute appointment for work, they had to go." I told him honestly. He smiled, nodding slowly... "Did he now....?" He said quietly. I gave him a questioning look and then just shrugged again, nodding.

    "The official news cast will be that the radicals bombed the buildings after luring military units inside. This will both infuriate the public more towards them, and give us our cover-up for demolishing those buildings." Father was looking at me and I nodded. It was the typical way he carried out all of his little tactics against the NTN, but none of his previous plans had ever been so large scale. "This happens tomorrow, at Noon. And I'm sure there are NTN members there." He was smiling, but it was humorless... It kind of creeped me out a little.

    "And you want me to broadcast to the world about what happened at the complex after my next show..." I guessed when he kept looking at me expectantly. His smile widened.

    "Precisely." He said. I nodded, having no intentions of listening to his demands.

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    2 1/2 Hours Later, Elsewhere In The City

    "Move your fucking ass unless you wana get it blown off!" I shout under my mask. Both myself and Julia had sent out a message to everyone we could. People are fleeing like mad from the towers and the bombs are being deactivated by our people. We'd be fucked if his plan went through.

    If he managed to push the public against the NTN then every effort we'd make to prevent the next phase of his plan would be shot to hell. We'd been working our asses off and so far 13 bombs had been taken away. The last two were being worked on right now. They were set to go off at 3:30 AM it was now 3:15 AM we have 15 minutes left. "Big Iron, good news everyone has been successfully moved out. I sigh a deep breath of relief. "Hey, boss don't breath easy yet, you've still go a appearance to make." Julia says via walkie talkie. "Yeah, I hear you." I say and start up the steps outta the metro we'd been using as a base of operations for today.

    This speech was more or less to divert attention as our people fled. I smile and pull out a pair of boxers (yes, mine before you get any strange thoughts) I'm met by Texas Red whom has a pair of women's undergarments on (Again, yes her own we're NTN members yes but even we have some level of standers.) "Boss, is your voice changer good?" She ask and her voice comes out as a high pitched, yet musical voice. "Yes, it's fine let's hurry up and buy our people some time." I say slowly and my own, well not my own but a distorted low pitched scratchy voice comes out.

    Slowly I step up and out and as a helicopter shines it's light on us I smile slowly and look at Texas Red. "Hey, cops oh and governor Millian," the name comes out like venom but also in a very taunting way. As Big Iron I had a personal vendetta that I could truly fight.

    "Suck my $@&%!" I scream at the top of my lungs and slam a smoke bomb down onto the ground and charge off followed by Texas Red we're both nearly naked. Each only wearing a towel and our mask. This is how we dressed on our operations.

    Mind you we do wear undergarments but we tend to fling those off half way through as a distraction. I smile and give the camera the double bird knowing that it's a live feed and they've got no time to censor it. The nation, Millan & best of all My Father will see it. My father is proud I know because he's be able to tell me once or twice in various ways. As we flee further from the area in my ear piece I hear the final bombs been removed and disarmed. I let out a small sigh but keep moving.
    Last edited by Death101; 11-29-2015 at 05:13 AM.

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    I was watching the news, the banner at the bottom read,
    Breaking News: Terrorists plan to bomb city block thwarted. I shook my head, and smiled, though still averted my eyes as two of the rebels came streaming across the news feed almost completely nude. The screen went blue for a couple seconds before a frantic news reported came on the screen streaming out a list of apologies for the graphic display of indecency.

    I sighed and stood up, turning off the t.v. I could hear father yelling in the other room, he was on the phone, demanding that someone find out who had been at the party who had been a spy for the NTN. I retired to my room and flipped on my computer, pulling up public documents about the NTN. Most of it was just propaganda that you couldn't believe, but I knew how to read between the lines. I was looking for a way to contact them.

    I had one problem though... One look at me, and they'd know exactly who I was... The only way I'd be able to help was to gain their trust from the outside. I smiled to myself, thank god I was so good at computers. I shut my laptop and quietly sneaked into Father's office, I had figured out his pass code ages ago. I broke into his files, easily finding all the ones he'd collected about the NTN. I copied them onto the drive I had and walked out like nothing happened. I returned to my room and got started.

    I had nothing against the NTN, but what the government had been willing to do tonight... killing innocents... that wasn't ok with me. In fact, it was enough to push my allegiance over to the dark side... I smiled at the reference to an old movie that was no longer considered ethical. "Well father, I'm finally putting all your lessons to good use." I touched the collar around my neck. I was going to have to be extremely careful though...

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    "Boss, your fucking crazy." Julia gives me a hell of a grin. We're slipping off the fake collars we wore during our operations. We'd taken our real ones is set them in our own offices. We snuck out the back so to everyone it looked legit. We'd been working all night on a case people had seen us come in been told not to bug us and our collars were proof positive we'd been here. Or at least, hehe that They'd been here.

    My old man has a fucking fantastic mind and figured out how to take off the collars without setting them off. I sigh as I slip my collar back on and help Julia with hers. "Alright, let's head home." I say and grab my jacket. Julia and I shared an apartment in lower Dallas. "Right, want to get some booze on the way home?" I look over at her. "You fucking read my mind." She and me knew all the hot spots. Dallas was a huge crime zone. Booze were easy to find, politicians had set a law so that you needed to sign a bunch of papers to get legal booze.

    It was like a second fucking probation. They considered it to be a very dangerous substance. Which I'll give Millain, yes it's very dangerous but for different reasons then he said. Even so we knew where to get it easily so we get on our bikes just as Chastity's number shows up on my phone. I knew how much she disliked me so I wondered what she'd want. I slid my finger across my I-phone and then tap the blue tooth and slip my ear piece in before we start off. "What is it Chastity I'm on my way home from work?" I say as we roll outta the parking lot and onto main street.

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    Henry answered the phone on the third ring and I took a deep breath, I didn't want to cause any suspicions. I didn't know if he'd tell anyone I was inquiring about his father, or the NTN or anything. "Hey, I was just wondering if you and I could meet up somewhere. I needed to ask you a few questions about something. Just you and I please." I kept my voice upbeat and friendly, but my heart was racing a bit. I was, by legal definition, committing treason by looking for ways to aid the rebels.

    "I know it's late, it's not that urgent, it can wait until morning if you're busy..." I continued, I was tapping my pen on my desk. There was an article up on my laptop with pictures of Big Iron and Texas Red with a few other masked rebel members showing. I already had one idea of how to help out, but first I needed a bit more information on the group, solid information.

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