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Thread: NPC Submission Thread

  1. #1
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Default NPC Submission Thread

    Hogwarts has hundreds of students, and a large faculty team. That's not to mention the thousands of Wizards and Witches living their lives outside of the school walls. Of course, they won't all be player characters, but to fill things out a bit, we're allowing submissions for NPC characters, who may be controlled by any player. If you'd like to submit an NPC, please post their information here using the character sheet below.

    Please keep in mind when creating NPC's that they will be up for use by any player. This means they will be developed as a group, and you do not have more say over anyone else over how they develop. A database of NPC's will be created by myself and Juni as we get submissions for them.

    Spoiler: Sheet for non-player characters. 

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  2. #2
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Name : Eloise Halloway
    Age : 12
    Gender : Female
    House : Slytherin
    Year: 2nd Year
    Status: Pureblood

    Physical Description : 5"8, Blonde, Slender. Eloise has a 'dancers' figure,' long, narrow limbs and petite features that are quite pretty when she isn't wearing a pinched expression. Her long, silky golden locks fall past her shoulders, thin and sleek. She wears the darkened lashes and shadowed lids some would think more suited to an older girl; in a subdued version of a dancers' stage makeup.

    Personality : Easy to please, By the Book, Controlling; Eloise is a rather overbearing child, with a strict sense of right and wrong and a strong need to enforce correct behaviour. She has aspirations of prefect-hood in her later years, and won't hesitate to tell someone; loudly and insistently; if she doesn't agree with what they're doing. Though easily worked up, Eloise is not difficult to unravel; she is highly susceptible to flattery, and will quickly return to the fastidiously sweet, polite girl she is when she is content that everything is in order.

    Brief History : The daughter of a not-quite upper class pureblood family, Eloise felt the pressure to be the daughter Wizarding society expected her to be; though they were wealthy, the Halliway had a... muddy family tree, and though they were still invited to the right dinner parties, it was a dangling promise that any further slips in dignity could leave them deemed no better than the next Muggleborn! And now there's the rumours that her father left her mother, for a muggle! Eloise vehemently denies it, of course; father is coming home. He's just... spending some time away, that's all.

    Links :

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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  3. #3
    The Big Meme
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    Spoiler: Spinks Cobblebeam Liabold - Owner of Liabold's Library, Diagon Alley 

    Here's a utility NPC I thought up for you all to use!

  4. #4
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Thanks Korzan! What do you think about these potential images for him?

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

    Click here daily to vote for RPA!

  5. #5
    The Big Meme
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    That second one is great, that picture but with three chins is him xD

  6. #6
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Default WIP - Formatting Nightmare.

    Name: Duff Breckinridge

    Age/Year: 12 (2nd)

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Heterosexual

    Appearance: Duff’s most striking features are his handsome bushy brown brows he’s tease others with or possibly flirt with by flashing in a very animated way; and also smile lines that accent any of his expressions to be brighter and more positive. He’s a boy of average height for his age, 4’10” and he keeps his locks lazily swept to the left. His eyes are a classic Scottish green.

    Personality: (Primary) Arrogant, klutzy, clingy to people (and/or things) (Secondary) Brave, Extrovert

    (Duff finds his charisma and likability to be above his peers. What ironically attracts most people to him is the confidence his arrogance imitates, not that he’s naturally charismatic. He lacks the advance social energies or suave a naturally charismatic person has thus his effect is a pseudo placebo one. He keeps close to his friends and those he likes and at times if he feels they are in danger’s way, will forcibly pull them away out of a driven fear inside of losing them.
    When he trips or falls, or generally stumbles Duff becomes embarrassed and angry with himself – not finding peace with his physical awkwardness)

    House: Gryffindor

    Wand: 9” Rowan, Wampus Cat Hair core, ridged.

    Familiar: Whisk – A male Scottish Fold cat.

    Magic Level: 2

    History: few traumatic events in life. Loss of grandmother early two years ago, his magic burned down his family home and hurt a childhood friend.

    Other: Muggle-born.

    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.


    Name: Liam O’Dwyer

    Age/Year: 12 (2nd)

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Heterosexual (but also trans-attracted)

    Appearance: Liam is a little taller than the boys around him, at 5’ for such a young age. It’s what makes him stand out of the crowd as the black haired Irish boy is not practically noteworthy any other ways. He wears his hair down to his ears in wild thick locks that are a little kinky – suggesting he has some mixed blood somewhere in his line.

    Pimples are starting to form on his skin, they seem to like to cluster on his jaw in waves and vanish for a time before coming back again.

    Personality: (Primary) Shy, Touchy Feely, Narcissistic (Secondary) Brave, Extrovert

    (Liam has a yearning to be praised and feel a high degree of self-worth in himself. This ambition much like the hero’s quest but taken to an extreme where he will do rash things to achieve praise – even if it makes him uncomfortable. He wants the constant adrenaline high of feeling like an amazing person. It wouldn’t be noticed for how quite he speaks, but how he walks and talks lower people’s guards until the boy goes off and does something erratic or unexpected.
    Liam is always seem playing with his hands, touching objects and learns best with tactile tools. His handsy nature has him touch Oct often, stroking him. He may unintentionally touch or stroke a girl he likes if the attraction is strong enough.)

    House: Gryffindor

    Wand: 11” Vine, Wampus Cat Hair Core, mildly flexible

    Familiar: Oct – a male Spotted Owl

    Magic Level: 2

    History: String of tragedies. Irish families often mix muggle and magic fairly often. However modern tensions have started fights between the muggles and the wizards, resulting in a lot of violence or the threat of it in Liam’s life.

    Other: One wizard parent (his mother)

    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone. Note, Liam’s personality and history make him great for cannon fodder for events if someone is needed to run into danger to trigger something.


    Name: Lexine Darrow

    Age/Year: 12 (2nd Year)

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Appearance: Lexine has shoulder length brown hair that is a little on the fizzy side, combed with a flip over her side. Skin light as the complexion of her Scottish blood and woodsy brown eyes Lexine is a mildly pleasant as the average young girl her age. 4’10”

    Personality: (Primary) Coward, abusive/confrontational, animal lover (Secondary) Brave, Extrovert

    (Lexine has a bit of a violate nature. Her tendency to press her will upon others comes through crude or mean comments but is quickly put in her place by even crueler individuals. Her greatest compassion is for all of animal kind, seemingly giving them more of her heart than her peers. She interacts with others socially but from time to time can be rarely seen alone with an animal, most likely her familiar.)

    House: Gryffindor

    Wand: 7” Spruce, Wampus Cat Hair core, flexible

    Magic level: 2

    Familiar: Lexi – female Norwegian Forest Cat

    History: A few good things have happened in average life.

    Other: One wizard parent

    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.


    Name: Muadnait (Mwa-naht) Barry

    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Heterosexual (Not trans-attracted)

    Appearance: Muadnait’s brown hair is styled short to a pixy cut that does not fit her square face well. Her forehead is just a tad too tall as well and she’s not the most graceful of walkers. Her build is more lean, making her look a bit of a tomboy. She lacks the traditional female grace but is still small at 4’8”. Her eyes are a mundane brown.

    Personality: (Primary) Well-spoken/smooth voice, Relishes in even sportsmanship/Dislikes or hates underhandedness, Selfless (Secondary) Brave, Extrovert

    (Muadnait is a clear communicator and pretty efficient leader figure or group facilitator. While she’s not much to look at, something about her communication style is softer and more pulling than how she appears, giving her a unique blend of qualities. She manifests the traits of her house very well and her ego cannot even ponder the idea of cheating. Muadnait has a heart of gold and gives generously)

    House: Gryffindor

    Wand: 8” Rowan, Unicorn Hair core, flexible wand

    Magic level: 2

    Familiar: Tressa – Female Bombay cat

    History: Average life.

    Other: Pureblood

    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.


    Name: Brin Daly
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Demisexual (Heteroflexible)
    Appearance: Brin is black-Irish, standing at 5’. He has full lips and a button nose that is so wide it is not proportional to his face. He wears his kinky hair in braids styled up in a ponytail. His build is leaner and broader than the average white-Irish boy. His skin tone is a dark coffee color and clear of blemishes.
    Personality: Materialistic, Heart on sleeve, Charismatic presence (Secondary) Loyal, Helper
    Brin likes to show off whatever he’s got, but something is so charming about him that he’s often freely aloud to gloat. It’s easy for him to be a ‘cool’ kid because the airs around him are fun. There is never a doubt about how he feels and it makes him almost appear attention seeking when his presence turns people his way and he happens to be pouting, but this isn’t the case. Brin believes in honesty, and that translates into acting out his emotions without faking it. For all his showboating, there is also something endearing about the young boy when he wants to help someone and goes out of his way to make sure they are taken care of.
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand: 12” Willow, Wampus Cat Hair core, ridged.
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Pip – Male Long Eared Owl
    History: One bad major event has happened in his life.
    Other: One wizard parent
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.
    Name: Jacob Skelter
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Appearance: Jacob has the family blonde hair he keeps styled neatly tapered style. Eyes are a soft and light leaf green and when his expression isn’t jittery or nervous he looks friendly and attentive. While not remarkable, his smile shows some kindness and friendliness to it. At a pin needle’s drop his eyes can fill with fear and concern. He is 4’9”
    Personality: (Primary) Coward, Paranoid, Hygienic (Secondary) Loyal, Helpful
    Despite living a comfortable and loving life, Jacob has a metaphorical ghost he can’t shake off. He’s certain that something bad can come and take away all the good he’s been given. This isn’t a form of appreciation as it is more a fear of losing what he has in the expectation it should always be the happy and safe life he’s lived. He’s almost a stereotypical hypochondriac. Because of his nature to help others and be concerned for them, his hypochondriac nature extends to them as well, worried any moment something can get them as well. This can be crowding and domineering when he doesn’t control it.
    When threat comes, Jacob is the first to suggest running away and will help others run to escape rather than fight through any difficulty. He would never abandon anyone but may be locked in fear and equally useless. To his childhood sweetheart Basil, he would insist fleeing and forcibly take him away if he had to. His constant concern never leaves himself, his family, and Basil. Those he welcomes in his heart are only more to lovingly worry about, but Jacob doesn’t see it this way.
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand: 9’ Laurel, Unicorn Hair Core, bendy wand.
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Bruce – Male British Shorthair cat.
    History: Living a great life. Grew up in London and often worked at his aunt’s (Angelique Skelter)’s shop ‘Angelique's Antiques & Oddities’. In the shop from the tender age of 6 met Basil.
    Other: Pureblood. Aunt is Helena Skelter. Childhood sweethearts with Basil.
    Authors: Made by Mink, may only be used by Minkasha or G.

    Name: Saundra Mccallum
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Homoflexible
    Appearance: Saundra is well remembered for her beautiful full hair of red locks that come in thick curls. They are often held up in bows and curls she styles her hair in with the magic of her wand. The intricate updoes compliment her square face, making her look soft and becoming for her young age. Saundra also has pretty pale skin and while her features themselves aren’t striking, the way they are packaged is. She is of average height for the girls at 4’10” and thin built, small chested.
    Personality: (Primary) Empathy to the disempowered, goodhearted, Chivalrous (Secondary) Loyal, Helper
    (Saundra is a genuinely good and caring human being. While she may pureblood she wholeheartedly disagrees with any notion of superiority and it breaks her heart that people have developed this complex. She doesn’t carry her name with arrogance or pride, and in fact sees now privilege in her birthright despite all the advantages it has given her in life – she’s blind to them. While her heart is pure and well intentioned her youth makes her ignorant, not all upbringings were as peaceful and well to do as her own, this is what helps her see everyone as equal.
    Saundra is more than friendly and can easily bury herself in helping others rather than herself because she lacks boundaries and an abundance of good intentions. Saundra will be the first to get teachers or adults if she sees any purebloods being prejudice against muggle-born or half-bloods)
    House: Hufflepuff
    Wand: 7” Applewood, Unicorn Hair, bendy wand
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Wynda – Female Southern white-faced owl
    History: Average life
    Other: Pureblood
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.

    Name: Caolan (keel-an) O’Callaghan
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Homoflexible
    This Irish young boy keeps himself as pristine as he can. His brown hair is slicked back and his thin brows brushed. With his collar will always be a bow tie of a dark blue color to match his house pendant worn proudly on his chest. His clothes are never wrinkled and uses potions and masks to held control the ravages of puberty on his face. He has focused green eyes that hold the spark of intellect all Revenclaw house members possess. He is a tad shorter than his peers being at 4’8”.
    Personality: (Primary) Party Animal/Loud, Shy, Vain (Secondary) Critical Intellect, Planner
    Caolan keeps himself orderly, having a routine he follows in front of a reflection every morning. And by mid-day he will check again to see he is well off and before dinner a third time to ensure he is respectable. Caolan has a keen eye for appearances, for himself, and for others. Attractive and clean people are more his company for they make him feel comfortable. This may also come with a slight prejudice if a half-blood or muggle-born is dirty or unattractive, but as a pureblood his relationship to the dynamic of blood history is neutral.
    He is a quiet fellow but enjoys the energy and exchange of large crowds. A bit of an odd clash of personality but it works well for him: he will attend large groups or parties but choose to stay on the outskirts. Caolan won’t get himself directly involved with anything loud, but he likes to watch and loosely be a part of the event. If someone he doesn’t know directly approaches him Caolan clams up or tries to leave, it takes several times for him to warm up to a new person.
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand: 9” Chestnut, Dragon heartstring, ridged
    Familiar: Maxwell – Male Gopher Snake
    History: An average life.
    Other: Pureblood
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.

    Name: Basil Fitton
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Homoflexible
    Appearance: Basil has a splash of freckles from cheek to cheek, a strip that almost covers his entire nose. Blue eyed, this English young man walks with a happy pep in his step. He shares the gaze of intellect and his hair is a sloppy bed head style that often has strands shaking and moving with his energetic steps and mannerisms. Tall for his height is 5’
    Personality: Loyal, Encouraging, lucky (Secondary) Critical Intellect, Planner
    Basil is a personal battery for anyone around him. His lucky life has really made him into an optimist, and it empowers everyone around him with a sprinkle of positivity. One of his natural talents is being a motivation speaker, his intellect making him also able to lead small groups of people successfully. His loyalty is unshaking, personal relationships or promise of word. Commitment is important.
    Because of Jacob’s almost pessimistic fears, Basil balances the relationship out with positivity.
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand: 12” Sycamore, Unicorn Hair core, very bendy
    Familiar: Tip – Male Manx Cat
    History: Living a great life. Grew up in London, his parents frequently visited Angelique's Antiques & Oddities. From infancy, he has known Jacob and the two bonded as youngsters and been best friends until boyfriends in 1st year of Hogwarts.
    Other: Pureblood
    Authors: Made by Mink, may only be used by Minkasha or G. (Because he is connected to Jacob and Helena Skelter)

    Name: Eithne (En-ya) Moran
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd year)
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Appearance: Average
    Eithne stands 4’10” with thin blonde hair always held up in a bun with stray hairs to fall at her face at ease. Her features are not striking, ordinarily female with blue eyes equally ordinary in terms of beauty but have a light of intellect behind them. Her body type is a hair thicker than thin with growing breasts that are already large (D cup range). She walks very directly with eyes darting often to take in the surroundings around her. The airs around her are not pleasant and if someone looks at this second year into her eyes they can see she’s always thinking.
    Personality: (P) Behaves older than actual age, controlling, critical intellect (S) Critical intellect, Planner
    (Overtly if not domineering in intelligence. Uses her intellect to be observational and will control situations and events to gain advantage. Does not condone death and looks down at anyone who emotionally has outburst, even children her own age or younger. She is not compassionate but she’s practical if it’s required. She is difficult to swoon and only attracted to partners she can fully manipulate since she has given up on finding peers equal her mind)
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand: Willow, Wampus cat hair core, slightly flexible. 8” Willow, Wampus Cat Hair, straight with very light flexibility
    Magic Level: 3
    Familiar: Sciathán – a beautiful female Barn owl
    History: Eithne’s father fell in love with a muggle woman. A once proud man of a minor Gaelic pureblood family he surrendered it all to be with the muggle. While not exiled in more extreme pureblood families it denied Eithne the ability to inherit anything but the name of the historical family half her DNA comes from.
    In Hogwarts she has shown vast intellect, having straight scores in every class thus far to the point it has alienated her peers (even among the Ravenclaws). Unshaken by this Eithne peruses her knowledge to replace the legacy she was stripped of before her birth to make her own.
    Other: One wizard parent. Envious of Cary and Damara. Plotting to get them expelled.
    Authors: Made by Mink, may only be used by Minkasha or Death of Korzan.
    Name: Cynthia Renwick
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd)
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Asexual (Hetero-romantic)
    Appearance: Ugly
    Cynthia’s appearance does not help her relate to others, being yet another shortcoming in her sociability. Her forehead is far too tall and round, it almost appears her hairline naturally grows far too back, giving her a slight receding hairline. Cythia’s lips are very thin and her frame not too different, giving her no shape. Her body language is very confident – unshaken by her oddities. She dresses very clean and pristine with her outfits. Thin layers of brown hair are grown long at the bangs to try and cover her large forehead, sometimes they fall in her eyes, a bob cut reaches past her ears. Her eyes are brown.
    Personality: Touchy feely, blunt/straight forward, shameless (Secondary) Critical Intellect, Planner
    (Cynthia is a bit socially daft, but it is her greatest weapon to deflect bullying. She is very difficult to shake about her appearance, but is aware she doesn’t look like everyone else. Her oddness lines up with her sexual orientation which doesn’t compel her to seek human affection: she’s not pressured into the same romantic struggle other teenagers are. She is a smart girl who entertains herself with her curiosities rather than people.
    But if people do strike her curiosity, she will cross many lines unknowingly to satisfy it. Cynthia frequently forgets social etiquette. Her classic Ravenclaw intellect is a weapon she uses to fight criticism of her social behaviors – emotionally exhausted of being disconnected from people especially when she wants to is so sparse. )
    House: Ravenclaw
    Wand: 8” Red Oak, Wampus cat hair
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Dolly – Female Pastel Ball Python
    History: An average life.
    Other: One wizard parent.
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.

    Name: Malachi (Mah-lah-key) Cullen-Hariri
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd Year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Demisexual (heterosexual)
    Appearance: Standing at 4’10” Malachi is a handsome boy of Irish and Iraqi blood. His skin is a soft tan color, his hair thick and black upon his top like a glossy bush, brown eyes with hazel specs and very long lashes make his look more piercing. He has rosy cheeks from his Irish blood and thicker black brows from his Iraqi side. His lips are not think nor thin but have a kind lining to them that will make them kissable given a few more years to mature.
    His constant physical activity is helping him develop and lean body.
    Personality: (Primary) Humble/able to take criticism, playful, encouraging (Secondary) Self-confident/self-loving, follows personal sense of morality
    (Malachi has grown up in a mixed house of an Iraqi robotics engineer mother and an Irish Wizengamot father, Malachi has always taken it personally to keep an open mind to what others might have to say in regards to himself. He has grown up seeing the ‘blind spots’ his mother has, and his father has, knowing that he himself must have some ‘blind spots’ too. Malachi is willing to lend an open ear to criticism but ultimately, he is comfortable with himself and the final person to have say on his morality or his self-esteem will be himself.
    Malachi has grown up in a world of technology and awareness of magic. Arguably Malachi leans more to his mother and finds technology and what Muggles do far more interesting. Magic is more of a cultural practice to him rather than anything that holds true value in the modern world. He begrudgingly studies the arts in listening to his father’s criticisms – he shouldn’t get himself trained if only to avoid being a danger to others unintentionally with his magic.
    The mixed ethnic boy is a bit of a motivator, he likes to promote self-awareness in others. While not quite mature enough to call it ‘self-awareness’ Malachi does try to make his peers know where they are lacking and inspire them to work on those areas.
    His biggest flaw and perhaps hypocrisy is his disinterest in magic, the awareness of it, and seemingly unable to motivated himself otherwise. Another hypocrisy he has, albeit odd, is his cautious nature to half-bloods and mud bloods.
    House: Slythern
    Wand: 11” Maple, Dragon Heartstring core, slightly bendy
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Abbar – Male Gray Morph Owl
    History: Late birth child (mother in 40s, father in 70s at time of birth). Average life but tries to follow after his mother into the sciences to explore space, but father has deep interest in him practicing magic.
    Other: One wizard parent. Mother is fourth generation pure Iraqi immigrant into Ireland. Father is a Wizengmot (formerly a rather assertive member in M.o.M Auror Office). Is Fluent in Iraqi, and English, knows some Gaelic.
    His father is a remaining Death Eater who is slowly grooming his son to take position with the scattered, half-living, society.
    Authors: Made by Mink, and may be only used by Minkasha or G.
    Name: Tyree Kinnarid
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd Year)
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Demisexual (Heterosexual)
    Tyree’s brows are far too thick and wild for his face. Like two wild brown-redden colored calibers on his face he’s a bit of a hairy boy. He’s already developing hair on his chest, only promising for him to be quite furry when he becomes a man. His nose is unusually pointed, to some it could be seen as interesting, regal, or masculine but for the average admirer of beauty – it’s not his best feature. It certainly draws attention away from his otherwise average appearance of brown eyes and round structured face. Tyree is 4’11”. And despite his average looks, if someone were to study his eyes long enough they would realize it is actually very difficult to get a reading on his mood within them.
    Personality: (Primary) Silent type, Patient, Shrouded in mystery/secretive (Secondary) Self-confident/self-loving, follows personal sense of morality
    (Tyree doesn’t like to expose himself and possibly lower himself into state of vulnerability. To the general public he is yet another average young man among the crowd. To his family there is a keen feeling that there is more to their loved one than they know. And this is quite true, Tyree choses to exude and give off the airs of someone unopinionated and generically pleasant. This helps him keep arms reach to everyone: close enough to interact and be on call but not close enough to let anything show through the persona.
    Being so young he is still developing just where his own morality lies, but it is certainly gray – but he’d never share that with anyone. Often keeping quiet unless pleasant conversation requires something, he will stay among the masses and merely study or leave when he wants – often unnoticed. He is a master of deception in the making.
    It takes a personality like Tyree to handle the intensity of Nathara’s views of loyalty and fidelity. While he speaks more words to her than he would others, he never says much of her unwavering personality towards him – but he is thankful and it made him fall in love with her soon after they started dating. He will go out of his way to collect rocks and diamonds for her to enjoy and he at times ensures her possessions or his person are particularly clean to not bother her sense of hygiene.
    It is worthy of note that should Tyree and Nathara grow up together and fall down a moral path that is questionable – they would truly be a power couple with Tyree guiding them through the shadows and Nathara following into the darkness willingly)
    House: Slythern
    Wand: 9” Yew, Thunderbird Tail Feather core, rigid wand
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Q – Female American Shorthair Cat
    History: Living a great life.
    Other: Muggle-born. Dating Nathara Macfarland since the later half of first year.
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.


    Name: Nathara Macfarland
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd Year)
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Heterosexual (but also trans-attracted)
    Nathara has a generous diamond facial shape that accentuates her looks with sharp cheekbones. Light brown hair is worn in straight, shiny, layers and bangs frame her face well. Her eyes are a kind but ordinary shade of blue. Nathara’s brows are arched cleanly and it is clear this is done with some of her beautification as from time to time someone may be able to see stray eyebrow hairs growing. She also uses makeup to add more color to her eyes, brown or purple tones of makeup lay on her eyelids with round eyes of eyeliner. The girl is 4’9” with a slightly thicker frame developing as puberty sets on weight, but it fits her figure kindly and will continue to do so as she matures into an ample woman.
    Personality: (Primary) Hygienic, Loyal, Hoarder (Secondary) Self-confident/self-loving, follows personal sense of morality
    (Clean and exacting in her personality, Nathara will avoid things to that will make her appearance unpleasant. While not in the same exact vein as vanity – it is the discomfort of awry hair and sweaty physicality or messed clothes that bothers her more than anything else. She has a unique interest in crystals and rocks however, which can be her persuasion to go into nature when otherwise she’d stay indoors. Though she will wash and soap away any dirt any rocks she adds to her personal collection.
    For being so young Nathara has a healthy confidence in herself and wonders how she’ll change as she ages. One of her most devlopled traits is her sense of loyalty. As a girl worthy of the slythern house whose nature is prone to loyalty – there is no line she won’t cross in the name of such a trait. And this is what makes possibly dangerous in the years to come. She will execute whatever is needed for those she is faction with or allied to. And with her boyfriend Tyree there is no exception in this. Her love is nearly poisonous if her partner is not able to handle the extremes she’d go for them.
    It is worthy of note that should Tyree and Nathara grow up together and fall down a moral path that is questionable – they would truly be a power couple with Tyree guiding them through the shadows and Nathara following into the darkness willingly)
    House: Slythern
    Wand: 9” Silver Lime, Veela Hair Core, bendy wand.
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Whisker – Male British Shorthair Cat
    History: Living a great life. Dating Tyree Kinnarid since the later half of first year.
    Other: Muggle-born. Has some natural gifts in Legilimency.
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone.

    Name: Peigi “Cupid” Mcfee
    Age/Year: 12 (2nd Year)
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Heteroflexible (also Trans-attracted)
    Appearance: Peigi is a more overweight girl whose face rounds with the extra fluff of her adipose. Her stature is also short, 4’8” – making her look even thicker. Peigi’s most flattering feature is the color of her skin as it is very pale in complexion. But it cannot help when her hair is often left with dry ends, her nose is too flat, her lips fat looking rather than full and her brown eyes inspire little in them.
    Personality: (Primary) Attention Seeking, Gossip, Comedic (Secondary) Self-confident/self-loving, follows personal sense of morality
    (Peigi is already aware of her looks and while a small portion of her childhood ego cringes and aches there is a sense of freedom Peigi feels when no one is expecting her of anything. She can be casual but also close enough to others to study them and be in ‘the know’ without the drama falling too much on her. Being picked on never worked on her for she never reacted to it, which has repelled bulling and made her a bit of a social butterfly able to dance from group to group. Her gossip is her tool for attention: she loves being the messenger. Her dream scenario is the student body coming to her for the latest information on who is doing what in school.
    Often she’ll stay late just to see if she can spy on others. It stimulates her is and a blast when she is able to catch others in the act of something bad in or around Hogwarts. If it is someone she dislikes or wants something from she may very well blackmail them with threats of telling the teachers.
    Peigi has a knack for making others laugh, her voice simply has a natural ‘funny’ hoarse tone that makes her a great joke teller. This is what makes her so easily able to navigate social situations: everyone loves to laugh.
    For the fun of it Peigi may spice things up and use her natural knack for love spells on others, getting her the nickname Cupid by her peers who know.)
    House: Slythern
    Wand: 10” Rosewood, Unicorn Hair Cord, Bendy wand.
    Magic level: 2
    Familiar: Fluff – Male Maine Coon
    History: Average life.
    Other: One wizard parent. Her most famous ‘Cupid’ work was getting Tyree and Nathara together out of a dare Tyree was too dark and strange to get a girlfriend. But neither know it was magic that made them fall in love.
    Authors: Made by Mink, but allowed to be built upon and written by anyone. She is an excellent plot tool for anyone needing a snoop to spot players or as a GM roll to see if students are spotted doing something they shouldn’t. For those who want a little extra drama, she may cast a love spell on two people for the laughs or curiosity.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 03-15-2017 at 06:58 AM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  7. #7
    The Big Meme
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    Spoiler: Michael Odemayo 

    Spoiler: Tamara Rosier 

    Spoiler: Douglas Carrow 

    I hope that these are okay?

  8. #8
    My Son; My Sun.
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    Thankyou Minkasha, you're amazing <3 <3 <3

    And looking good, Korzan!

    I will try and get the reference posts for all these done today <3 <3 <3 Thankyou both so much for your amazing contributions to this RP!

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

    Click here daily to vote for RPA!

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    The Big Meme
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    That's okay xD Thank you for setting this great escapade up, and doing it so nicely (Seriously, is probably the most well organised Persistent World ever xD)

  10. #10
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    Name: Dennis Haney
    Age: 11
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Gynephilic
    House: Slytherin
    Year: 1st

    Physical Description: Dennis is a rather average looking English boy. 4’10, toss of brown curls on his head with some angular features that make his cheeks prominent somewhat, his lips are thin but wide. His jawline ends to a pointed chin with a faded cleft chin. Body type is lanky, but not overly so – yet not practically attractive or ugly. He is stereotypically pale from his English climate. Eyes are brown and light up when he is enjoy the view of someone in a rather inappropriate way. He tends to blush as he stares (but will mature to smirk as he grows up).

    Personality: (Primary) Pervert/Deviant (Fetishes: Round bums, Voyeurism), mean spirit/likes to tease others, selfless (Secondary) Self-confident/self-loving, follows personal sense of morality

    (Dennis can be a bit of a loveable jerk – to those who are close to him. Among friends and those who anger him he can have a very bitter tongue that lashes out. With his friends, the teasing is in good humor, though he doesn’t know when to stop. What makes him loveable is his willingness to do many deeds for those close to him.

    Dennis is growing up, and into his sexuality – learning its nuances of what he likes but more so learning the shame and embarrassment his natural instincts lead him to. He suffers from a bit of a wandering, and lingering, eye that doesn’t help him in social situations. As he’s discovering his weaknesses are peaking up skirts and looking at full bums. He’s not discrete and this part of himself Dennis does not have self confidence in. He would like a partner, but the shame of his behavior keeps him to look from a distance.

    His confidence comes in his knowing that he would do deceptive and morally gray things for those he cares for)

    Brief History: Lived an average muggle life thus far. Due to his peeping tom behavior to Damara, Dennis has found himself with a worse social dynamic with Cary and his friends – becoming yet another servant of the Mordushku boy. The threat of his pervert eye being ratted out by Cary and Co. keeps him obedient. He fears what the Headmistress might think or do if she caught wind of how quickly he had his eyes all over Damara the moment she walked in the front door of the boy’s dorm.

    Other: Muggle-born


    Start of Term Feast

    Into the Viper's Nest
    Last edited by Minkasha; 09-20-2017 at 06:24 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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