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Thread: The Recovery (post-apocolypse RP) [OOC]

  1. #1
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Default The Recovery (post-apocolypse RP) [OOC] --DEAD!--

    The Recovery

    several generations ago, a great cataclysmic event almost destroyed the word, tearing up earth and flooding and the explosions of nuclear power plants and warheads, as well as other unexplained phenomena, tore everything apart.

    now, many years after humanity was able to get back on its feet, the Recovery Forces are expanding their range of operations.
    helicopters fly them out with the gear they need to last for a while along with the training they need to survive in the wilds and ruins.

    but, the earth is no longer the exact same as it was before the events that change it. though most things seem the same, the real differences are in the creatures and people that live there. as things changed, and the radiation seeped into the plant and animal life as well as assumed effects of the phenomena, many things have morphed, mutated, and evolved in order to survive the changing environments.
    some of these changes have even affected the human race, giving some different physical characteristics and special abilities to others such as the ears and tails of different animals, better senses, different eye and hair color, stunted or accelerated growth, and rare mental abilities. but, because only a percentage was effected, this caused a small divide for a time, which still persists to this day. those not affected are referred to as the norms and those that are affected are referred to as mutants with some possible subcategories. thankfully, most hostilities between these groups are at an end.

    in present, humanity has a few large areas of civilization. only few are connected, and there are miles of wilderness and ruin in between.
    the leaders of these collective communities wish to reclaim or recover these areas and have formed the Recovery Force for this purpose. to explore, discover, clear, and assess for resettlement.
    they have recently expanded their reach and are sending out units to old ruins and possible settlement locations. some run into already existing settlements, and have existing orders to help them and bring them into contact with the rest of humanity if possible.

    if you've made it this far, that's the end of what you need to know on the setting.
    now is time for the rules and characters.

    Spoiler: rules 

    Spoiler: character creation 

    characters with mental abilities: 1/2

    accepted characters;
    Joanna Santos by BurningSun22
    RF members:
    Gerena R. Farner by Highland Sniper
    Tanner Six by Enigma
    Jalenyi (Jenny) BY SaltyIrishman
    Raylan Bennet by Acaelus

    Deceased characters:
    Ikanu by StarButterfly
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 11-16-2020 at 05:04 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  2. #2
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    name: Gerena R. Farner
    age: 21
    gender: female
    mutations: slightly stunted growth, wolf ears and tail, red eyes. this is accompanied by a heightened sense of hearing and smell. she also has above average endurance, and can only be outdone by a few.

    description: 5', short and slim, she can pack a punch.
    Her red hair is tied back in a ponytail that reaches her shoulder blades, and her eyes are a dark red to match. Her ears are the same color as her hair and stick out atop her head, and her tail has a stip of grey-ish white in the bottom. the coloring would have some say fox while the pattern of fur would have others say wolf.
    she has a few scars, most noticeable is the one over her right eye, which is normally covered by a hat or her hair.
    she does have a lovely, soft face that makes her look cute with her short hight and her ears, though she might deny it at times.
    She does have a slight hourglass figure with C cup breasts.
    she may be slim, but she does have muscle.

    backstory: born on the outskirts of the city Federin, located on the North American continent, she grew up in a rough neighborhood, having to fight quite a bit of the time. she grew up hunting as well, helping her family live and make a living in trade in the beasts they killed for hides and food.
    She grew up hearing stories of the old world, and how it thrived compared to how they presently lived. she wanted to go out and explore, to see the old world. and she held onto those dreams until they became a reality.
    when she was old enough, she went into SF training.
    though she was met with words and comments on her being short, a mutant, and a girl, she showed that she was as good as anyone else and even blew away some of the competition at shooting practice and tournaments as well as some of the martial arts training.
    she did git a little hot-headed at times about how people kept mistaking her for a fox and saying that she would never be enough. but she pushed on, sometimes after barking a nose or two. she was almost booted out for those.
    it was about 3 years after entering that she was assigned to a unit that would be heading out soon.
    she now eagerly awaits the last few days to leave and see the old world.

    specialty: tracker/hunter

    gear: a knife, Glock 18, P90, a canteen, mess kit, camouflage face paint, binoculars, rain poncho, extra ammo, some trail rations, sewing kit, cord, multitool, radio.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 05-16-2020 at 05:52 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #3
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    name: Ikanu or Ika for short

    age: 19 (looks 4 years older)

    gender: female

    mutations: she has bird wings and very good eye-sight. she can fly and she has hollow bones, can read minds that are in three times her wingspan but no farther, she also has air sacs in addition to her lungs and they are located under her lungs.
    She needs a lot to eat every day. 10000 calories a day if she can get it

    description: Ikanu has pinkish hair with orange and brown streaks. her bones are hollow. her wings are 13 ft or longer. she's very curious and listens horribly. she can take a lot of o pain without screaming and she is very claustrophobic.

    backstory: Ikanu or Ika, woke up inside a closed, dome thingie that was in some kind of old looking laboratory filled with broken machines, tile, glass, dust, rats, and all sorts of bugs. except, they didn't look like normal. some had extra limbs and heads, others had weird looking bodies. She pushed open the top and coughed as she sucked in actual air, choking and gagging, she looked at her surroundings. when she finally stopped, she got up, her legs were numb, cold and they hurt. she didn't know how to use them but she learned quickly. then she went over to one of the machines that didn't look as beat up from the other and put her hand close to it. sparks flew and she jumped back. the machine turned on. the picture was grainy, blurry, pixilated, broken, and blacken white. Parts cut out and the audio was fuzzy. She looked at the bright lights and watched as it mesmerized her. She saw scientists taking broken bottles filled with strange liquid and mix them around. she saw them out a girl inside a large, dirty shower looking thing and they took notes, they also put a bird in the same one and left them there.. she saw them run away and leave the place, forgetting to turn something off. then she the body of a girl, in the same corner that she was on before. she looked nothing like the first one. there was something different. she had... wings. Ika watched the images and sound break up and fade away with the one conclusion that she was the second girl. that day, she had a white, wet, dirty hospital dress that was sort of springy as it opened up at the bottom. She went and looked in the shower looking thing and there was no sign of anyone. no bird remains or human remains. She went outside to see the world looking different. there were broken buildings, overgrown trees, oversized animals, and it all scared Ika. She took a step outside as sharp rocks stabbed into her feet and huge leaves blocked her view. Then she opened up her wings and jumped up in the air, spreading them farther and farther until the were as far as they could go, then she caught flight, and flew away from where she first was, not remembering a single thing, she air was cloudy with dust and smoke and it was hard to breathe. she left wanting to know who she was, what she was and what was going on.

    specialty: She can fly pretty fast and see well but she doesn't know anything except for fighting moves, styles.

    gear: She picked up 20 shards of glass in the laboratory when she woke up and put them in a little sack. she didn't know what they were so she wanted to find out. she had nothing else except for her dress and her self and dirt in her hair.
    Last edited by StarButterfly; 05-14-2020 at 07:49 PM. Reason: character fixing
    your one and only, magical princess from another dimension!!!!! who kicks friggen butt!

  4. #4
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    I feel a few things need to be changed in order to better fit the setting.
    first off, she would have been born with her abilities.
    second, you need to get rid of some of your abilities since they seem a little overpowered. mind control and mind reading for starters and your ability to see things happen at such great distances. I'll allow you to keep the wings, but that doesn't mean you know how to use them that yell, could glide and slow your fall at least.
    I don't think quick healing is viable either. speed might be ok.
    the air sacks are fine. and I'll allow you to have some other mental ability, like telekinesis.

    backstory could use adjustment to fit the setting.

    now, there is the part that the idea is that you're part of the Recovery Force (RF)
    but, I'll allow you to be a "survivor" or something if you so wish.

    other than that, it's a good start
    you might lake a look at mine for ideas on how to better adjust yours to the setting.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  5. #5
    RPA Honor Guard
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    so is this like, far cry new dawn?

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  6. #6
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    never played it, so couldn't say
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #7
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    name: Tanner Six
    age: 24?
    gender: Male
    mutations: Mind Block (resists telepaths and mind control)
    Spoiler: pic 

    This man reminds you of a menacing bat. He has large green eyes that are like two pieces of old jade. His thick, straight hair is the color of black coffee, and is worn in a pony tail. He is tall and has a narrow build. His skin is deeply tanned. He has long-fingered hands, and his wardrobe is rather military in fashion.

    backstory: Raised in a coastal fishing village, they were raided when he was six years old. His family was killed and he was tied to a long rope on a back of a wagon to walk to Miami, where he was sold to the Uni for slave labor.

    When asked his name, all he could say was "Six"- and when they asked one of the raiders, he shrugged and said the boy had gotten tanner, so they named him Tanner Six. They then branded the school logo, a "U", onto his right arm, just below the shoulder. They assigned him to the Farm, under Mr. Scrubbs, an incredibly ugly and fat man who ruled over his domain with an iron fist.

    Some of the Students picked him out for experiments to increase his ESP abilities, whatever they were, where they injected him with shots that made him whoozy, then gave him some strange tests. Afterwards, they told him he could play in the ruins of the ancient ROTC building next door, where he dug up a bosun's pipe, which they let him keep.

    After two weeks, their results seemed inconclusive, but they had actually given him Mind Block. So they sent him back to the Farm.

    When Tanner was 17, he noticed that one of the Students was staring at him from the edge of the road. She came across the field and demanded to know how he was "doing that," much to his confusion. He told her that he wasn't allowed to talk to her, or Mr. Stubbs would beat him - and sure enough, the man was on his way. But when he was close enough to see who the Student was, his eyes grew wide and he sputtered respectfully, bowing and calling her "Mistress Morrow." He granted Tanner permission to talk to her, and stood off to the side nervously while they talked. She wanted to know why she couldn't read his mind.

    She would continue to make visits, trying to satisfy her curiosity.

    A riot broke out when Tanner was 20. Mr. Stubbs came down to threaten violence and the slave pen erupted into a mass escape - Tanner included. He managed to avoid the Uni patrols and made it to Homestead - only to be impressed into the city millitia. He learned how to fire a rifle and pistol, as well as how to fight with a knife. He showed some skills, so the Homestead Militia trained him to be a scout - teaching him how to track, forage, and otherwise survive in the wilderness. During this time, his troop would have occasional skirmishes with Uni troops, but eventually they met on the battlefield.

    When he awoke, attendants told him that they had lost the battle, and that one of the shots had gone through his throat - it was possible he might never talk again. Aside from a couple of lost teeth, they were able to suture up his other wounds, and he would make a full recovery.

    A month later, the Homestead Militia's Colonel thanked him for his service, gave him two medals - a bronze star and a purple heart, shook his hand with respect, and mustered Tanner out of the militia.

    Tanner made his way northward, avoiding the patrols, and eventually met up with the Recovery Force.

    specialty: Scout
    gear: Kabar knife, governor revolver (long colts and .410 shotgun shells), hunting rife, canteen, utility knife.

    Belt pouches hold extra ammo, bandages and ointment for first aid supplies, compass & chalk, flint & steel, fishing supplies, sinew, soap, and a bosun pipe.

    Backpack holds a leather poncho, blanket wrapped inside it, trail rations, spare ammo, and a black sweater with leather patches on the elbows and shoulders.
    Last edited by Enigma; 05-13-2020 at 06:03 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  8. #8
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Ok, Enigma, your character is fine, and I will put it on the accepted character list when I am able to
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  9. #9
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    I feel you are trying to sidestep some of my requirements by putting limits instead of getting rid of them.
    this causes me some frustration.
    don't mean to destroy your character or take away the most important aspects of it, but there are a few things that concern the balance of the party and the way it fits the setting.

    my character only has physical mutations that also include heightened senses.

    Enigma's character only has the ability of a personal mind block.

    although I allow the wings, air sacks, slightly faster healing (as you have described), and even the ability to read minds, I don't feel that the limitations and drawbacks you have given yourself are acceptable.

    I find little fault with your description and backstory. the only thing that I suggest is some connection to the RF, though it is not required.

    I don't mean to be harsh, but this is the second time I'm going over this. I'm trying to respect you and your creativity, but as I said, there is still the matter of how well it fits in the setting and the balance it has.

    if you wish, I could provide more direct suggestions if you find it difficult to change things yourself.
    on the other hand, you can either find a way to make your present idea work or create a character that better fits.

    I'm sorry if I'm coming off a little rough, but I'm trying to help.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #10
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    I don't think @bellpepper; has caught on to the idea that this is a post-apocalyptic world, about 120 years or more after.

    No network for smart phones. Who's got anything to hack? No governments past perhaps towns. Mayors are in charge, not governors or presidents. The Uni where Tanner is from had doctors, including some trained in medicine, but not many out there would.

    I think if she's a genetic experiment to grow wings, then she could have waken up in an old lab inside a cryostasis tube. Everything has turned into a jungle around the lab. Roads are crumbling, buildings and landmarks are falling, etc. No signs of the people who kidnapped her so long ago. (If they did kidnap her - perhaps they cloned her, easier to work the genetic strains that way, then imprint her with false memories).

    The question is if she still has hands. If so, then she can use the shotgun. If not, it's something useless she has to cart around.

    Now when it comes to psychic ability, it comes down to need. She's got a human head, why does she need to be telepathic? No hands, however, and being telekenetic would help her. Nothing infinite, say a reach of her normal human arms, about 24 inches or so.

    But she's already able to fly. It's too powerful. It's too easy.

    Look at Tanner - his mind is difficult if not impossible to read, he's illiterate (who's going to train him to read?), and thanks to a bullet, can't talk anymore. He's going to be struggling to communicate with the rest of the party using gestures and drawing on the ground.

    So if because your character's arms have turned into wings and you have no telekensis, your character is going to struggle like Tanner. She's going to have to depend on others. And it's going to be a far more interesting story.

    We can work on this to make it usable, but she can't be all powerful. Otherwise how would the scientists contain her? Pick one ability and work around that.
    Last edited by Enigma; 05-13-2020 at 09:33 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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