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Thread: The stars align

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    Million_Stars's Avatar
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    Fantasy The stars align

    Cheesy title aside I realized I haven't made a list for my most used characters. They're ones I made mostly through a long 8+ year roleplay so there might be changes in different roleplays with them

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    Coffee is always the number one choice

  2. #2
    Million_Stars's Avatar
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    Name: Aurelia Noelle Silverlin
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Species: Half-Angel | Half-Demon
    Occupation: Princess of [REDACTED]
    Powers + Skills: Holy Fire, Telekinesis, Water Manipulation, Regenerative Healing Factor, Healing


    Hair Color: Black
    Hair Style: Straight
    Eye Color: Green
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Build: Thin
    Height: 5'2
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: Scar over one of her eyes, huge seal tattoo on her back
    Dress: Formal attire (comfortable)


    Aurelia was born the only daughter of parents who were completely different species. Her mother being an angel while her dad was a demon. The only people aware of her existence was both her parents and the maids with the maids being split on how they feel about her. Otherwise she was looked at with scorn by her father who ignored her very existence when her mother was alive. Her mother was the only one who treated her kindly even helping her with her powers. Things changed for the worst once her mother was killed when she was 10 and her father directed his anger at her. Blaming her for every single thing wrong that happened. She would avoid going out of her room as much as possible until one day the kingdom was attacked when she had turned 16. The kingdom which was steadily declining as it was collapsed easily and it's king was taken care of. Aurelia was the only left and instead of finishing her off she was captured instead. For 3 years she suffered at the hands of her captors before finally being able to escape thanks to a huge civil dispute between the members. Aurelia didn't know where to go but she knew she had to avoid other people so with that she ran into the forest never looking back.
    Last edited by Million_Stars; 05-09-2023 at 02:14 AM.
    Coffee is always the number one choice

  3. #3
    Million_Stars's Avatar
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    Name: Nova Ophelia Eldridge
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Species: Phoenix
    Occupation: Adventurer
    Powers + Skills: Fire, Healing Tears, Bird Transformation, Self-Resurrecting


    Hair Color: Light pink
    Hair Style: Straight (sometimes in a ponytail)
    Eye Color: Blue
    Skin Tone: Slight tan
    Build: Slim
    Height: 5'6
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: Pierced ears, initials of someone tattooed on her hip
    Dress: Casual


    Nova was born as an only child to one of the most wealthiest families in the area she lived in. Her family seemed perfect and high class to everyone as the parents each held their own respective business. Her father selling "healing" magic trinkets while her mother worked in fashion. Nova was seen as the pretty daughter who everyone assumed would take over one of her parent's businesses or even better get married to a wealthy guy and increase her family's wealth even more. However this was something Nova didn't want. She hated living at home feeling suffocated all the time at having to follow her parent's rules, having to be perfect and charming to the other people in their city, etc, etc. She wanted to leave and get away from this life and the only thing that encouraged her was seeing adventurers that would pass by their city to get their materials restocked. Some months went by before her parents sprung up that she would be wed to someone from another wealthy family which caused a huge argument between her parents and her. She ran away from home at the age of 16 with only few of her most important items and dyed her sandy brown hair to pink. After two years in the new city she ended up at she signed up at a guild and got her wish on becoming an adventurer. Since then she's been on countless journeys discovering new places, people and albeit running into danger every so often.
    Coffee is always the number one choice

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    Name: Ellie Mavis Sinclair
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Species: Unknown
    Occupation: Princess of Adrisal
    Powers + Skills: Lightning, basic hand-to-hand combat, some weaponry mastery


    Hair Color: Brown
    Hair Style: Wavy (straightens it during royal events)
    Eye Color: Pink
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Build: Average
    Height: 5'4
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: N/A
    Dress: Formal attire


    Born the youngest to a prestige royal family Ellie grew up needing to be seen as a prim and proper princess. She had constant tutors come to the castle and teach her basic subjects and courses on manners and how to hold herself upright even how to dance was something she was ordered to learn. At her young age she couldn't stand being cooped up inside the castle and ended up sneaking out one day to the nearby woods. There she found old ruins of a long forgotten kingdom from the great war after hours of wandering around in there. Unfortunately these ruins were dangerous and without realizing it she woke up something in the ruins that attached itself to her cursing her in a way that she wouldn't realize until she awakened her lightning element. If she used her powers for too long the curse would activate and cause harm to both her body and her own mind. The king was both upset and angry at the news and made sure she stayed locked up inside her bedroom till she reached her 18th birthday. There she was freed and was sent on a mission to a kingdom called Puddinland where she met and befriended the princess there and then met a chief who was eccentric and had an interesting take on things and a healer who works for the castle who treated Ellie kindly and gave her peaches whenever she'd stay at her suite.
    Coffee is always the number one choice

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    Name: Olivia Winters
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Occupation: Student
    Powers: Earth manipulation


    Hair Color: Blonde
    Hair Style: Long and in a waterfall braid
    Eye Color: Green
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Build: Average
    Height: 5'2
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: N/A
    Dress: Cutesy


    Olivia was born as the youngest twin between her and Sophia Winters. The two were extremely close and played a lot together when they were young until at the age of 5 her big sister was bed-ridden due to an illness. She came back after 2 months much to Olivia's surprise and joy although her sister acted differently now compared to how she used to. Unfortunately she couldn't ponder the strange change as at this time Olivia woke up her powers which caused extensive damage to many areas as she tried to control it before her parents locked her up in what they deemed a safe room so that their lab wouldn't get any more damages in the process of her learning control. Sophia would always go and visit her but she wasn't allowed to enter past the glass wall so the two sisters could only stare at each other.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Name: Sophia Winters
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Species: Android
    Occupation: Student
    Powers: Laser beams, etc.


    Hair Color: Blonde
    Hair Style: Short and straightened
    Eye Color: Green
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Build: Average
    Height: 5'2
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: N/A
    Dress: Casual, School Uniform


    Sophia was a young girl that was the eldest sibling of her twin Olivia. The two used to play many games together in their home near the forest. Unfortunately though things didn't stay this way. One fateful day Sophia lost her life in an accident while she was out playing alone in the forest. Their mother in both grief and denial used the technology they were currently working on to make an android version of Sophia. Their father however was incredibly displeased finding it unnatural to see such a thing. The two came to an agreement that they would hide the truth about Sophia from Olivia and kept up the lie that Sophia was sick and that she had to be bedridden in a secluded room till she got better which at the time Olivia believed with no questions asked.
    Coffee is always the number one choice

  6. #6
    Million_Stars's Avatar
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    Name: Maya Greyson
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Species: Half-elf
    Occupation: Student | Part-Time Model
    Powers: Summoning


    Hair Color: Lilac
    Hair Style: Short w/ braids on the side
    Eye Color: Green
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Build: Slender
    Height: 5'1
    Tattoos/Piercing/Scars: Heart on her shoulder
    Dress: Fashionable


    Maya never knew who her father was. She was born out of a one night stand and was raised in a single parent household. Her mother was estranged from her own parents and lived alone in the city and ever since she was born it's just been Maya and her mother. Maya grew up relatively poor as rent wasn't exactly cheap and her mother was struggling to find another job to help pay their bills. When Maya turned 16 she went out to look for her own job to help keep them afloat as well as to start saving up for college. She didn't know what she wanted to do at the time but she knew she wanted a job that would keep her not just surviving but enough to be classified as rich. Maya was jealous of her friends at school who always showed off their designer clothes and accessories so that was a huge reason for her wanting to be weathly as them and finally an opportunity presented itself when she got scouted for a modeling gig. Nowadays she works as a model while going to school and just recently graduated from high school and applied to a public college to save herself money. She had immediately moved out from home and roomed with her friends in an apartment where she'd go and come after both work and school.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Name: Jeanne
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Species: Elf
    Occupation: Adventurer
    Powers: Water Manipulation


    Hair Color: White
    Hair Style: Braided pigtails
    Eye Color: Orange
    Skin Tone: Somewhat pale
    Build: Slender
    Height: 5'6
    Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: N/A

    Coffee is always the number one choice


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