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Thread: Hunted - Uprising {M} {IC}

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    Default Hunted - Uprising {M} {IC}

    Rated M for Mature. Contents of this story is generally suitable for persons ages 18 and up. May contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language. By submitting a character you agree to the rules and regulations of this story and RPA.

    Hunted: Uprising

    It had been ten long years since the war had ended. The government had grown more corrupt, and as such passed laws to keep those who had gifts in line. There was no ‘thank you’ to those who risked everything to ensure Warlock didn’t win. Instead, they were met with hostility and prejudice. What had they fought for? Humans were animals, brute creatures who cared nothing about those lost to war. That’s how most non-normal beings viewed humans now. That is how things were. In the eyes of the government, all non-normal beings were lethal and need to be detained, or perhaps eradicated. Another war is coming. Whose side are you on?

    “He went this way,” a man standing six feet tall yelled to another shorter man.

    “I got a visual,” the shorter man replied.

    Their target dashed down an alley away from the commotion on the street. It was National Pride Month. People filled the street with noise.

    “We got ‘em now,” the taller man said as he watched the target hit a dead end, “Nowhere to run.”

    Fingers trailed along the brick wall as if testing for a weak point.

    “Tae Yong. Enough running. Master Warlock demands your presence.”

    Blue eyes peered through the shadows of the overcast. Beautifully manicured hands brushed through delicately colored hair.

    “I have no intention of going back.”

    “Don’t test us. We’ve been given orders. Either you come quietly or we use force.”

    “So my father has grown desperate to bring me back. Does he fear I may tell of his plans? Tell me Nicholai, how would he respond when you go back empty-handed.”

    “We don’t intend to Tae Yong.”

    “Enough talk Nicholai, take him,” a third man spoke moving into Tae Yong’s line of sight.

    Nicholai dashed toward Tae Yong arms tight against his side. With swift precision, his hand launched and crashed into the wall behind where Tae Yong once stood.

    “You’ve gotten slower,” Tae Yong spoke, “But I told you, I’m not going back.”

    Nicholai pulled his hand from the wall and grunted as he stretched out his fingers allowing his muscles to overcome the shock of hitting brick. He moved quickly closing the gap between them. Nicholai launched an offensive attack colliding with Tae Yong.

    “I don’t want to hurt you,” Nicholai groaned when the two collided.

    “Then leave me alone,” Tae Yong jumped away performing a backflip before landing on one knee.

    Hands made of rock grabbed Tae Yong. Tae Yong’s eyes searched his surroundings for a way out. Only two of his father’s henchmen were visible, the third must be the cause of the elemental appendages that had ensnared him. Nicholai moved toward him sighing.

    “Are you hurt?”

    “Are you?” Tae Yong replied eyes locked on Nicholai. Nicholai’s eyes widened when he realized what Tae Yong was preparing to do.

    “Get down,” Nicholai yelled as a pulse of energy surged out of Tae Yong causing an explosion. The building began to collapse into the alley on top of them. Dust and debris filled the area reducing visibility. Nicolai grunted as he looked up. The parade goers were shocked and the police were immediately notified.

    “Dominic, Aarow, do you sense him?”

    “I do not,” Aarow said.

    “Dominic? Dominic?”

    The dust cleared. A spike was lodged deep in Dominic’s chest. Blood poured from the wound, Dominic’s head hanging loosely to the side.

    “FUCK! The kid killed Dominic,” Aarow yelled.

    “It was an accident Aarow. Let’s get his body back to Warlock and we will deal with Tae Yong later.”

    Just as the police arrived on the scene, Aarow and Nicholai used the scroll of teleportation, gifted to them by Warlock. Tae Yong landed roughly a quarter of a mile away from the destruction. His arm bleeding from the pressure of the rock hand. He groaned as he moved away from the bustle of chaotic humans. Shockingly, not a single soul noticed him. North Carolina was an odd state, one of the few that actually helped non-normal beings. He sat on a bench in the park trying to control his breathing to heal. It seemed his wounds were greater than he thought. The shrapnel from the explosion had lacerated him. He felt pain, and lots of it.

    “Auget Spiritus.”

    A butterfly the size of a bird landed on him, covering him with its wings. He looked into its eyes and heard its chirps. Closing his eyes, Tae Yong felt the energy seep into him. It was like several hundred tiny surgeons were mending him. When he was fully healed, the butterfly touched his forehead with its own and fluttered away, dispersing in the wind. Tae Yong looked out in the distance noticing storm clouds.

    “There was no forecast for that,” he said as lightning streaked across the bosom of the clouds illuminating them slightly.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 10-31-2019 at 05:30 PM.
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    Solaria stood only a few feet away as men rushed by, she was in the city for once her mother had let her out and trouble had seemed to happen. The girl sighed and frowned as she adjusted the small bag on her back. "Fucking shit now I wont get to go out for a whole year yay!" She shouted to herself dramatically and threw her hands up but paused moments later. "But.... I can see more gifts, Oooo~" she giggled happily and rushed down after the group of men until the darted into an alley, she paused and stood against the wall only to peak around trying to figure the situation out. "You've gotten slower." One spoke before he began fighting with others going back and forth. Her eyes blinked as she watched the display and it was over soon enough as the man in question was obscured by a dust cloud, as it cleared a horrific sight bestowed her in which she gasped and turned taking off into the streets. A man killed in cold blood before her was something she had never seen nor did she want to.

    Solaria ran for a few good minutes before stopping and slipping into an alleyway her breathing heavy from the sprint and her own figure doubling over with her hands on her knees. "The fuck was that?" She said between breathes before doing her best to slow her heartbeat and lengthen her breathing. Just as her mother taught her, slow your breathing and calm ones self and everything will he fine. Giving a heavy sigh, she slumped down and closed her eyes collecting her thoughts for a few. Glancing around the corner seeing smoke in the air from where the situation had gone on, she was sure she heard the crushing of a building as well so she made her own assumptions sighing softly. There was way to much going on already and sad enough she would have to tell her mom all about it. The bookstore she wanted to go to was down the street and if she lied and said she wasnt near it, then itd only rise more questions and shed have to lie more and then likely twist her own words.

    Just as her thoughts ran through multiple scenarios of lying the girl squeeked with fear heaeing a cackle of lightning just before the bellowing of a heavy thunder. "M-mom?" She questioned looking around then looked to the heavens before getting the slightest bit of excitement. "Nope, uncle" she beamed a bit feeling slightly better. Uncle Tae would save her right? In case her mom got onto her about why she shouldnt be out, to her he was always the level headed one. Giving the area a quick look around she peeked around the corner and then to the gathering of clouds. "Well if anything I should get back so uncle can protect me with mama." She said this and nodded making her way towards the gathering.
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 11-01-2019 at 01:36 AM.
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    Mattias walked down the street, squeezing past people. People were everywhere, dressed in rainbow colors, with faces painted in the various pride flags. He had yet to see a demisexual flag. He squeezed between a brick wall and two women holding hands. " 'Scuze me, ladies." He kept walking, not even waiting for a reply. He was trying something today. In recent months, he had been living in the wilderness, and it showed. His clothes were torn, his hair was long, and he needed a shave. He was going to get some new clothes and maybe a razor with the last of his money. So far, it had been going good. But as he squeezed past the two women, his nostrils flared and his pupils turned to slits.
    Take them. Rend them. Rip out their lungs and drink their innards. The Drake. Great. This had been the test, and he had failed. Shut up, you Venom-knockoff. He sighed, then continued on. He turned the corner, going from crowded city street to alleyway. He crossed through the alley and exited onto the sidewalk on the other side. Thunder rumbled. "Great, Just my luck. The day I'm drying fish is the day an unannounced storm rolls in."

    Meiko was walking through the park when she saw it. A boy landed in the middle of the park, bleeding, and then proceeded to heal himself with the aid of a magic butterfly the size of Meiko's hand. Meiko was shocked. He was just... openly using a gift. He didn't even bother to check for normals, he just... conjured a butterfly. Meiko's curiosity was piqued. She made her way towards him, intent on asking him some questions before she realized that maybe that wasn't the best course of action. Too late. She was already too far towards him to stop or double back, and there wasn't anything behind him she could pretend she was going towards. Shit. She shook her head, then continued forward. She sat down next to him on the bench. "Uh, hi... I'm sorry, I just noticed you used a gift. In public. You didn't even look around or anything, you just... healed yourself." She lowered her sunglasses, peering at him with rectangular pupils. "That, uh, isn't the smartest, maybe, I think."
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    Sam looked across the throngs of people, his laptop resting beside him. The mic was open, collecting the sounds of the parade going on around him. It was somewhat funny watching the pride parade going on around him, people celebrating their differences, yet mention the Non-Normal… Sam shuddered at the thought and went back to people watching, pulling his hood down lower to blot out more of the sun. Despite the heat around him, he just didn’t feel right without the baggy hoodie across his shoulders. Looking over to check the audio length and recording, he managed to catch a few people entering the alleyway. To him it seemed some members were already looking for a good time already. Sam gave a sigh as he went back to his screen, starting up a new audio recording and making sure the old one saved correctly.

    Lost in his own world, Sam was jolted out of his work when the ground around him shook. A rather loud boom rocked the area around them, drawing the immediate attention of the parade goers. Sam watched from a distance, not wanting to draw closer. Loud explosions and falling buildings usually drew crowds, and with crowds was fear. Last thing he needed was his stupid gift grabbing a fear of loud noises, making his career impossible without using it again to remove the stupid fear. Best to avoid it, and hope that the boom caught on the recording.

    “Lets try moving to another local and try getting some. Street Beats needs some diversity.” Sam spoke mostly to himself as he closed up the laptop. The parade had provided some great sounds, and the minor fame he found from some of the local college students was great. He’d have to get some more cards made up. Smiling to himself he moved against the flow of bodies, hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie and doing his best to avoid the people around him. It worked for the most part, eventually getting to the thinner, and eventually empty spots that he could pause through. Already he was thinking of places he could go for new beats, until an odd sound caught his attention.

    “What in the…?” Sam asked as he followed the source of the sound, eventually coming around the corner of a building to see the shimmering appearance of a massive butterfly vanish into the air. The chirping noise had been quite interesting to hear, but now he was stuck as the peal of thunder echoed off the distance, signalling the start of a storm. It would be a great chance to get some unique sounds from there. Even more frustrating was the desire to get a sound clip of the chirping. It might not make it onto the current mixtape, but the future uses was too great a chance, and how often did you get a chance to hear chirping like that.

    “As cool as it would be … it would mean having to talk to .. one of them. Okay, think, what would dad say in this. Best way to overcome fear is to approach it like you would a wounded animal… Easier said than done dad.” Sam spoke mostly to himself, peeking at the growing crowd with unease in his stomach.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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    Krystalline Moon
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    Standing on his balcony looking out at the city around him Gilbert was enjoying the cool October air. It was the only time of the year he could be outside without any worries. Well at least at home. The cooler weather was enjoyable. Smiling slightly he walked back into his home and got dressed for the day. Leaving his home he began his normal ritual of heading down to the coffee shop that was a couple of miles from his home. Though he didn't take his car this time of the year he walked.

    Reaching the shop it was as busy as ever. People coming to get their morning fix of joe before having to go to work. Lucky for him he didn't have to work. His Grandmother left him all of her money, stocks, and bonds. He had enough money to just live and not have to worry about money. He did play his hand at the stock market and has done quite well at it. After waiting in line for what seemed like an hour he finally got his iced mocha latte and three muffins. Leaving the establishment to go to the park and enjoy the quietness of what little nature was inside of the city.

    Once he reached the park he sat down on one of the benches as he began drinking his coffee. Though the quiet was disturbed by a rumble in the ground and the large bang. The sound startled him, and he stood up looking around trying to see where the noise came from. It didn't sound too close but it was loud enough to make him worry. Had a gifted decided to damage something, or was this something else entirely?

    Giving a large sigh he figured it was time for him to get home. He didn't want to get involved with this whole mess. Gathering his coat and muffins he began to make his way through the park in the direction of his home. However, something caught his attention and he stopped walking and looked at the beautiful butterfly that was flying in the air. It was quite different than any butterfly he had ever seen. It had iridescent wings and was the size of a bird. Then suddenly the insect disappeared in a flash of light. Looking back down to where he thought it originated from there was a young man sitting on a bench.

    He couldn't see his face but his short dark purple hair defined the young man. He was going on approach him to ask a question, but another person came out and approached him. This stopped Gilbert in his tracks. Where there was one person there were more, and he didn't like large groups. Granted he when to the coffee shop, but that was different he had been doing that for years and he had to work up to it.

    The sound of thunder shook him out of his thoughts, and he turned to look at the young man again. Walking out to the path he turned in the direction of his house and began walking. No matter how much he wanted to ask about the butterfly he just didn't want to get involved. He didn't need one of them finding out what he was. He had a normal life, and didn't want it to be disturbed.


    Killion was watching as the three men he and Warlock sent to capture Tae Young. They had chased him for quite some time before they were able to corner him. He wanted to see what Warlocks son would do when cornered. He needed to get a grasp on what possible outcomes and strategies he might need to employ to get him back. Though he was hoping that the young man would just surrender and come back quietly.

    However, that didn't happen as he used his power to not only escape, but to destroy the building he was standing on. Now one person was dead, and the others decided to withdraw from their pursuit. He had to escape Into the alternative dimension to be able to keep from going down with the building. Stepping out of his dimension back at their base. Slowly making his way to the room Warlock was in. He would have to give his report and he was not too pleased with the results.

    "Why is Tea Young so stubborn? He is just like his father, but…" Killion said as he stopped walking and shook his head. "I knew he was powerful, but I never expected him to use his power in a crowded area. Though Warlock will be pleased that he was able to control his power so well." Killion said to himself as he began walking once more. Once he reached the room he turned to face the door and then knocked.

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    Taeyong stretched allowing his body to feel the strain. Magical healing always left him sore, but stretching always left his refreshed. He sat for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do next. No doubt his father would have heard by now, and he’d be sending more henchmen to gather him as if he were some sort of prize to be won at a carnival. Closing his eyes, he allowed the wind to playfully blow his hair. He couldn’t remember the last time he just sat and allowed nature to speak to him. Though not completely down, his defenses where lowered to allow him a moment of relaxation, that is until a voice filled his ear.

    He looked to see a girl peering at him asking him questions about using his gift in public. Truthfully, Taeyong didn’t care about the laws the government had put into place concerning gifts. He needed to heal and he’d done it without destroying the park. The collapsed building was a different story, something he’d have to answer for later. This girl was sitting next to him. Why was she sitting next to him?

    “Why isn’t it the smartest thing to do? When you’re hurt you get healed right?”

    It seemed like a logical response. When a human was sick they went to the doctor and the doctor gave them medicine. How was his healing any different?

    His defenses were back in place and he felt others nearby. Had he drawn attention to himself by healing on a bench in an open area? Probably not the smartest thing to do. Thunder roared and seemed to shake the very ground.

    “It’s close now,” Taeyong said standing up. The clouds began to swirl and from the center a streak of lightning surge forth striking a few feet away from them. Taeyong was knocked to the ground from the sheer force of the shockwave.

    Taehyung appeared with a loud thunderous roar as he surveyed the area. The power he’d felt was Warlock, he was sure of it. His eyes landed on Taeyong then the girl. There were a couple more in the area. One of them was responsible.

    “Who are you?” Taehyung asked.

    Taeyong shook his head. His father’s henchmen took many forms. No doubt they’d already come back for him. He wouldn’t go back to that place, not after all he’d been through. His father was a madman, bent on causing the suffering of many. His superiority complex was enough to turn anyone with a conscience away. The words played over in his head. Humans were animals, animals that deserved to be slaughtered.

    “Did you not hear me? Who are you?”

    Taehyung took a step forward the wind gusting in response. Taeyong’s hair wildly flung around.

    “Did you cause that?”

    “Did he send you?” Taeyong said backing up. He’d never feared any of his father’s henchmen, but this man had an immense aura similar to his father.

    Warlock glared at Aarow and Nicholai.

    “Because of your fear you allowed him to escape, and Dominic is dead. Because you wanted to take it easy on him right?”



    “We had him cornered but we did not realize the immense power he had.”

    “I told you, he is my son. Did you think it would be easy? You have to knock him unconscious first otherwise you’re in for a fight. Where was the last place you tracked him?”

    “He was taking part in a Pride parade sir, amongst the humans.”

    Warlock’s scowl was evident. He moved across the room, books forcefully ripping from the shelves and placing themselves on the table in front of the henchmen.

    “COME IN KILLION!” Warlock spoke the door opening as he sat in his chair looking through the books. “I trust you have some news for me. Aarow, Nicholai, you are dismissed. Take Dominic’s body to the burial grounds and I will see what I can do for him.”

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    Angel frowned softly seeing Taehyung disappear in a flash of light and looked to the city sighing. "Why is it everytime i let you go out shit happens, last time a robbery, this time an explosion...." The woman looked in worry hoping her daughter was in no danger. This situation held issues with one of the top three Omegas as well which only worried her more. If Warlock was involved the city could be leveled. Giving a soft sigh she turned away walking towards Taehyungs home so she could wait for him and hopefully her daughter yetnher mind did poke at the friend she had said she was going to meet there. "John if you dont keep her safe...." She simply grumbled to herself.


    Solaria, on the other hand reached the park just moments after the bolt of lightning struck the ground. Without noticing what was being said, the girl wrapped her frail arms around Taehyung and with a giggling smile she hughed him. "Uncle Tae~!! I knew it was you, mama's lightning isn't as powerful but thats ok you can protect me." She said and looked up not taking a breathe or notice to her surroundings before continuing. "So there was this guy with three more guys who were arguing and then the arguing kept on and on and one said Taeyung bur with an o and and this thing happened and-" She gasped filling her lungs to continue speaking rather fast. "And and then this guy he sent out this pulse of energy kinda like Mommas electrical pulse thingy and then. Boom!" She shouted her arms going up. "There was a big explosion and then the building started to fall and I ran and and, and then I got scared and hid then I saw your thunder clouds and then I ran here and then here you are an-" Solaria quickly fell silent as she finally glanced over before squealing in a fearfilled tone hiding behind her uncle. "Him! Its him.... the guy with the boom that exploded!" She said quickly pointing in Taehyongs direction.
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 11-03-2019 at 01:56 AM.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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    "Oh, mom's gonna be mad…." John spoke to himself, looking over the broken building and the still gathering group of people. The explosion had knocked the building down and sent a lot of people panicking. He had come to the city with Ari, excited for the parade and food. Their parents, more so their mother, had agreed to allow them into the city for the even despite the risk to it. John pulled out his phone, checking the time and news, wondering if he should tell Mom before much longer. It was a great time, and he had even heard from Ari that she was going to check out a local bookstore. Even now he was still looking around for her, hoping that she would pop out of thin air. Knowing her gift, she just might appear. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, John began moving away from the wrecked building, getting away from the murmur of people and crowds, enough to see the onset storm appearing.

    "That's gotta be dad's boss. Maybe he can help." John thought hopefully. He already knew it was best to avoid the cops, despite shows and the like telling him otherwise. John understood it had something to do with his heritage, but it was a bad idea for now. He knew from talking with Tae and seeing him practice that storms were a calling card for him. He double checked the weather and could see that no storms were forecasted for the area. While he would hate to reveal that he had lost Ari, he knew Tae would be his best hope for finding her and not getting lost himself.

    "Besides, maybe I can convince him not to tell Dad." John spoke as he picked up the pace, heading towards the encroaching storm coming towards them. It was a quick jog towards the storm, but enough for a bolt of lightning to dart from the clouds onto the ground. John would need to hurry to make it. A part of him wondered why Taehyung was coming to town, especially with the parade in town. John reasoned that Ari had gotten ahold of him in help locating them. Right now though, it would just be a chance to find someone he knew who could easily help. John picked up the pace to meet with him.

    "Taehy… Ari!" John spoke up as he rounded the corner, noting the two of them. He didn't really note the others around before running over to them. Without much care he hugged Ari tightly, glad to have found her.

    "Ari, I thought I lost you. Our moms woulda killed us if they found out I lost you, especially after someone blew up a building for some reason." John started up before pausing to look around at the other people, quickly disengaging himself from Ari, hiding a blush on his face.

    "Not that I was worried or nuthin." John added.


    "Okay… it's time to get out of here. Way to many nons." Sam thought to himself, no longer worried about the sound bite or storm. With the gathering. Especially with kids, collecting fear would be almost impossible and put him at higher risk of getting in trouble. Hitching up his hoodie, Sam made his way away, taking it slowly to avoid getting seen by any of the others.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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    With everything that was happening Gilbert just knew something bad was going to happen. His premonition came true. A bolt of lightning struck behind him and the hair on the back of his neck stood straight up as he turned around to see a man standing on sringed ground. Gilbert's eyes when wide when he realized who was standing before the small group that had gathered.

    This was the same man that he saw on the news ten years ago. One of the gifted that was said to be the most powerful and the one that fought in that battle that day. He controlled the weather like it was nothing. His body shook not from the cool weather but out of fear of the man standing before him.

    His body wouldn't move at first as the man's booming voice spoke to the younger man with purple hair. They both seemed to stare each other down, and the voice of the young man reached his ears, but his attention was on the Omega. Soon he was finally able to get his body to listen to him and he quickly made his way out of the area. He just wanted to get home and lock the door.


    As Warlock spoke beckoning him into his room. Killion could tell just by his voice that his master was pissed. Well it was to be expected since the group of people he sent to bring his son home failed, but one of them was killed in the middle of their blunder. As the others left the room and Warlock sat back down as he approached his desk. Killion wondered if he should have interfered in the capturing mission and brought Tea young home. Even though his mission was to observe. Just standing in front of the desk with his hands behind his back.

    "It is as you thought. He may have a bit of an attachment to the normal humans. However, he used his powers in an area where there was an abundance of normal people. Because of the use of his powers there were casualties, and plenty of injuries. So, he doesn't have too much respect for their lives. Or at least he didn't think before using his powers." He said letting Warlock ponder this before continuing. "However, he did show great control over his powers. But, I must apologize since I should have intervened before Tae Young used his powers. It was my fault that we lost both him and Dominique." Killion said as he waited for Warlock to speak.

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    “Who?” Taehyung asked, but his question was intercepted by Solaria who came rushing up attempting to tackle him with a hug. Taehyung’s attention briefly fell on Solaria as he bounced her up and down with the wind as he often did whenever he saw her.

    “My little nugget, what are you doing here?” he asked, trying to make sense of what she was saying. Her words were jumbled together, but one thing was certain. When she pointed at Taeyong, Taehyung’s attention once again fell on him. Solaria mentioned the word “boom” and pointed at Taeyong. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Taeyong felt like an outcast. He didn’t know what to say. All he could do was observe. Granted the explosion was his fault, he didn’t calculate on it destroying a building.

    “Calm down little nugget, it’s okay, let me ask him a few questions,” Taehyung said as Taeyong raised an eyebrow. At that moment another young child entered the scene. They seemed to know one another. “John take Solaria and stand behind me.”

    Taeyong heard the little girl call the man Uncle Tae. He remembered the stories his father told him of his uncle, yet part of him never truly believed his father’s words. He wanted to meet the man behind the myths but he’d never found him.

    “Answer my question. Are you responsible for that surge.”

    “Yes,” Taeyong replied sighing. He wasn’t proud of it. Taeyong clenched his fist. “He sent them after me again. I wasn’t going to back down so I sent a message. He’s always after me ever since I left.”


    “My father. He,” Taeyong paused and sighed. “Why am I telling you any of this. For all I know you could be working for him.”

    Taeyong’s eyes landed on Taehyung and Taehyung felt something similar. He took a step forward and whispered. “Could it be?” Taehyung stopped when Taeyong’s energy spiked. A fight or flight response.

    “You’re like a beacon to them if you keep that up,” Taehyung said. “I give you my word, I’m not one of them. I felt your energy quite some distance away and mistook you for someone I know. I thought he was dead.”

    “Who are you?” Taeyong asked.

    “I asked you first.”

    “I’m Lee Tae Yong, son of Lee Tae Min,” Taeyong began.



    “Warlock. Your father is Warlock?”

    “How do you know that name?”

    “Because Lee Tae Min, better known as Warlock, is my brother.”

    The color seemed to drain from Taeyong’s face. “He told me you died betraying him. Kim Taehyung, the traitor.”

    “Is that what he told you? Your father wanted to summon death into the plain of the living, and doing so would cause an apocalypse. I did what I had to ensure this word continued to thrive.”

    “You only delayed its destruction. He is adamant about eradicating human life.”

    “So he lives? Why is he after you?”

    “I left because his ideals were chaotic. I wanted nothing to do with it, but he keeps sending his henchmen left and right to the point that I have to go into hiding.”

    “I’ll protect you,” Taehyung said.

    Taeyong’s eyebrow raised. Could he trust this man?

    “You’re worried about if you can trust me? I can tell you something only our family would know. Our bloodline allows us to transform into powerful elementals. Your father can transform into a dragon, an arcane dragon, a very powerful creature. I can transform into a Storm Qilin. What is it that you can transform into?”

    This had to be real. This man knew about the transformation. He knew a lot about his father, even his name. He wasn’t talking about taking him back to his father. He didn’t seem hostile at all, and even offered to help him. Taeyong couldn’t control himself. He rushed towards Taehyung and embraced him. He didn’t know why he was embracing someone he didn’t know, but he felt familiar. He felt safe. The initial shock quickly dispersed as he embraced his nephew.

    “I’ve always dreamt of meeting you, though I never thought it would be like this.”

    “With the picture that was painted of me I doubt it was a pleasant dream,” Taehyung said hesitant, but returning the embrace softly.

    “Thank you for proving him wrong.”

    Taeyong released Taehyung and looked at him for a moment. He’d asked what he transformed into.

    “Is it safe to do this here?” Taeyong asked. Taehyung’s head lifted to the heavens and the clouds responded sending heavy rain. It didn’t touch them, but the humans would scurry to get out of the rain.

    “I told you I will protect you. Now show me what you are.”

    Taeyong closed his eyes and took enough steps to put a bit of distance between them. Taehyung watched closely.

    “John, Solaria, if I tell you to run, you run.”

    Taeyong closed his eyes and controlled his breathing. “Chaos churns beneath the surface. The light is snuffed out. Darkness transcends. conteram a chao!”

    Taeyong’s form shifted, his powerful swelling. Taehyung’s eyebrows raised. This was dangerous because Warlock could pinpoint his son’s location from the power, but he was going to make sure they left as soon as Taeyong finished. The transformation was quick and what stood before them was a beautiful creature. Large butterfly wings stood out against Taeyong’s form. His eyes looked down on Taehyung, John, Solaria, and Meiko. That is when he noticed someone with a hood slowly moving away from the area, as if not wanting to be seen or caught up in what was happening. Taeyong lifted his head and Taehyung knew a roar was coming. He quickly allowed the thunder to cover the sound of Taeyong’s roar.

    “I knew it. Return to normal for now Taeyong.”

    Taeyong’s form slowly shifted back to his normal form. He sighed as he moved back over to Taehyung. “I have so many questions.”

    “You can ask them when we are no longer in the open. Come, let’s get to my house.”


    Warlock listened to Killion and shook his head.

    “How many times must I tell you, I trained him to be a weapon. He knows how to use his power, he just chooses not to. I am surprised he actually fought back. This means he is close to a breaking point. Killion I will entrust you to gather him, and take Nicholai with you. I am sure you two will get the job do--,” Warlock’s voice trailed off as he felt the power from Taeyong’s transformation. “Do you feel that? Ahh yes, the power of chaos. FIND HIM Killion, find him and bring him back to me. I must send Aarow on a mission to send the government a message. Let Nicholai know when you leave.”
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: The Return of a Story You May Want to Join!! 
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