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Thread: [R] The Walking Dead - IC - (ALWAYS OPEN)

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    Porcelain Doll's Avatar
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    Default [R] The Walking Dead - IC - (ALWAYS OPEN)

    [R] for potential gore, violence, horror, romance.
    If you want to join, read through the rules and send me your character sheet on the OOC.
    This will always be open, feel free to jump in anytime.

    What would you do if you walked outside and you saw zombies, roaming the streets? What would you do if you saw them, eating everyone in their path. What would you do if you lost your loved ones, not knowing if they are alive or not? What would you do if you were being attacked by one? What would you do, if one bit you? Nothing. You aren't yourself anymore, you can't control yourself. You are not human anymore. The lucky ones that are alive, are they really that lucky? They have to try and stay alive, try and keep others alive. They have to trust people, even complete strangers. They become vulnerable, confused, lonely, defeated. But they have to push through all that, it's the only way to survive the walkers. Will they live? Will they die?

    - At least two paragraphs.
    If you can't think of anything to write, write about their past, their thoughts and feelings. A bit about their history and feelings would probably take a good two or three paragraphs. This will give you character some more depth and make it more interesting for yourself and others.

    - Do not post again, if the person you have interacted with hasn't posted yet. This will stop all of the confusion and will keep everyone on track.

    - You don't have to be with the group. It isn't necessary. We can form small groups and eventually get into a big group. Maybe a few pairs or so will join the group later on. This will make the roleplay more realistic and if everyone isn't together, it won't be as clustered.

    - If you are going to be away/busy for some time that might affect the roleplay. PLEASE let me know! That way I won't have to chase after people and the roleplay won't be put on hold.

    - Remember you can always make new characters. So don't be afraid to kill off some of yours

    Accepted Characters:
    Spoiler: Porcelain Doll - Katarina Lose 
    Spoiler: Porcelain Doll - Ruby Smith 
    Spoiler: Lost - Christopher Myles Lowe 
    Spoiler: Lost - Michael Anthony Ross 
    Spoiler: bluemoon - Bridget Zeller 
    Spoiler: ElizabethStark - Ester Locke 
    Spoiler: ElizabethStark - Anna Locke 
    Spoiler: LegacyDreams - Ilia Captor 
    Spoiler: LegacyDreams - Jason & Ella Captor 
    Spoiler: TheShadeofBlue - Isaac Marlow 
    Spoiler: Ryokokalin - Wilhelmina Engel 
    Spoiler: luxwolf - Sans Lupo 
    Spoiler: MaskofSilence - Jace Langston 
    Spoiler: Heson Shadowbane - Janet Mullen 
    Spoiler: SolCandiez - Junko Liu 
    Spoiler: SolCandiez - Silvana Maria*Novelo* 
    Spoiler: SoulReaper --Markus Valentino-Leonardo Olivetti 
    Spoiler: SanAndreas - Aieko Littlesea 
    Spoiler: SanAndreas - Kimiko (Kim) Hokkaido  
    Spoiler: BurningSun22 - Julie Clearwater 
    Spoiler: deamonstalker - Damien Bucksteed 
    Spoiler: dooming803 - Dominic (Dom) Wilux 
    Last edited by Porcelain Doll; 11-10-2012 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
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    With a quick slash of her machete the walker's head separated clean off from the rest of its body. It was already getting pretty dark, Ester hurried back to where she was taking shelter, a treehouse in the backyard of an abandoned small house. She had with her a couple of supplies in a backpack she had found laying around in the streets, though she did not find much. She couldn't get into the convenient store; so she had to find resources scattered on the ground. She had had to tie her long black hair back because it would get in the way, as much as she didn't want to cut it.. It seemed as though she had no choice, it could end up getting her killed. She would cut it sometime this week. Anna's hair was already cut down short, she couldn't allow Anna to end up getting turned.

    Once she reached the treehouse, she scouted around to see if any walkers had crawled into the backyard, none had appeared. She climbed up to the treehouse, there was no ladder so it was slightly difficult to get into. But thanks to her excellent agility and ability to climb, she had no trouble at all.

    Ester threw the backpack into the treehouse and then climbed in and shut the hatch.

    "Ester!" a small, light childish voice had called out to her; Anna. Ester quickly shushed her. Anna was a cute and innocent six year old girl; her hair was a bright blond color and slightly curly, her eyes were a beautiful blue color which was more profound on her than it was on Ester's. Her skin a light color, somewhat like Ester's which was slightly more lighter.

    "You need to stay quiet Anna," Ester whispered,"I'm not sure what those monster's are attracted to; it could be sound, smell, anything." Anna looked down at the backpack and began looking through it. Ester sighed,"I couldn't find much, I think it's time we go elsewhere; our supplies are running low and the convenient store is outta my reach. It's nearly flooded with those things. I can't risk going in there."

    "But where will we go sis?" Anna asked worriedly. Her face suddenly brightened up,"Wait, we should go to auntie's store; she should be there right?"

    Anna's right, their aunt had been at work when this all happened, however; Ester doubted she was even alive. But there was a small possibility she was and it was a start. With a warm smile Ester spoke with motherly gentleness,"You're probably right, it's a good place to search. It's a long walk from here, do you think you can make it?"

    "Of course!" Anna jumped up in excitement,"I can't wait to see auntie Meagan." it's amazing how much a little girl could go through so much and still be so happy even when the world seemed to be ending. An admiring trait; she would need that.

    "I suppose we'll get going in the morning," Ester paused for a moment to gather her thoughts; they'd have to get through the neighborhood to get to the open field rode which lead to their aunt's utility store, which was about six miles east from that rode. Getting out of the neighborhood wouldn't take too long, about five minutes at most. However, with all the walkers about; it could take ten minutes. It was going to be difficult especially with Anna, but it was possible; she would follow through with her plan in the morning.

    "Alright Anna, get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." with a kiss goodnight for Anna, she nestled Anna in her arms.

    "Goodnight sis," Anna spoke sleepily and ended up falling asleep a few minutes later. Unfortunately Ester couldn't seem to find any sleep, she was restless. There had been a small opening above; looking out into the stary night she couldn't help but sort of doubt trying to live was actually worth it. But for Anna, she would try. No matter what.

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

  3. #3
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Killing was a skill that some people were trained for and others seemed to come by naturally. It was their shine. Bridget was not sure which category she fell into, but she hoped it wasn’t the latter. She had spent the last seven years trying to forget the ease with which she had drawn a knife across her father‘s throat. She blamed him, as he had trained her with a sergeant’s intensity to survive, pushing her hard and treating her with little compassion as he slowly slipped into madness. Therapy and medications had tamed her, and when the plague struck and she escaped the confines of the mental hospital, she was greeted by more death than she ever could have imagined. It ignited a spark in her, but she did not partake in the killing, finding the event beyond belief, thinking it was all part of a dream. As the days passed, she slowly realized the unbelievable was real…the impossible, a reality. She bided her time, observing and learning, as her body and mind came back from the drugged state that had been her existence in the institution. When she emerged from hiding into the undead city, she was ready to face the new horror . Gradually, she gathered the necessary equipment--weapons, clothing, food, and water. With a stuffed backpack across her shoulders, she made her way through the city that now mostly belonged to the walkers. She thought only of survival at first, but as the days passed, she realized she was lacking an important necessity…another set of eyes. She needed someone to watch her back and to share in the gathering of supplies. Hiding out, she came to realize just how tired she was…and very alone.

    Dressed completely in black, with a head full of unruly hair, Bridget slipped into sleep, her forehead bumping against the pane of glass on the second story window of the old home where she had taken up residence. She jerked awake, wrapping the worn blanket tighter around her slender frame and trying to stay alert. Watching the dark streets for any sign of danger had become habit, little time set aside for anything else. The house itself was quiet and relatively safe, the first floor windows broken but boarded over. When she had first arrived, the former occupants greeted her with open arms and hungry mouths. The lower level still reeked of their rot even though she had cleared the threat easily. She had made her camp on the second floor, gathering any remaining supplies from the kitchen and taking them all to the main bedroom. From here, she watched the yard warily, the cyclone fencing keeping most of the walkers at a distance.

    After several failed attempts to stay awake, Bree gave in to her exhaustion and threw her things on the king-sized bed. Closing the room’s door, she shoved a chair under the handle, giving it a firm yank to make sure it would hold. It would not withstand a constant assault, but it would provide enough of a warning to allow her to react. With her defense in place, she climbed onto the bed’s coverlet, draping her blanket over her lower half. Within seconds she was asleep, her dreams keeping the horrors she wanted to escape fresh in her mind.

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    Imperfectly Impossible
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    Charlie stood frozen, eyes glued to the scene in front of him. The window frame acting like a screen to the scariest movie the child had ever watched. The dead pushed and clawed each other as the forced their way to the child's father. It must have been love that drove Eric to protect the two of them in such a sacrificial way. The creatures bit, chewed, and tore the flesh right in front of Charlie's eyes. The smell and sounds making it through the window. The creatures then looked at the two others and began to groan. A few left and made their way to the window, Charlie watched as they crawled through still frozen. He cried out trying to tell his body to move but nothing happened. He looked and found his mother gone, which only caused bigger tears as he sobbed. When he looked back the creatures tackled him on the roof and he could see the decaying face as rotted teeth came down and sunk into his flesh.

    Charlie awoke with a start.

    Cold sweat and tears mixed with the strange warm dampness of his sleeping bag. He sobbed and tried to cover his mouth from making too much noise. He turned to see his mom asleep beside him. He reached out and whispered that he had a bad dream again, shaking her gently. The moment was trivial but to the terrified child it seemed forever as she finally stirred and rolled to look at him. Even in the darkness though Charlie knew something was wrong, his mother groaned. The moonlight came in through the window enough to show the atrophied look and the dead eyes, as Charlie's mom pulled on his arm bringing only her upper half out of the bag. Seemingly dismembered the dead woman grabbed Charlie and forced him to the ground before gnawing at his flesh.

    Charlie awoke with a start.

    He couldn't contain himself, as the sobs came almost causing his body to convulse. Soaked from head to toe he turned to see where his mother was. Whispering amidst the crying.

    'Mom....I'm....I'm scared.'

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    The photo of her family shook in Rochelle's trembling hands. They must be alive....they must she thought as she closed her sad eyes. Ruby sat down beside Rochelle and placed her arm around her shoulder, she took the photo away from her and placed it on the ground. "Looking at the photo won't bring them back" Ruby whispered as she patted her sister's leg. "What are we going to do Ruby?" Rochelle whispered back, opening her hazel eyes. Before Ruby could answer a loud banging noise made them both jump. The source of the noise was coming from the front door, it would most likely be another walker.

    Rochelle scrambled to her feet and bolted towards the front door. The door was always locked but Rochelle didn't want to take any chances. She lent against the door with all of her weight and searched with her hands for the butchers knife. Rochelle's fingertips brushed against the knife's sharp surface, she picked it up instantly and waited for the banging to stop. Ruby followed Rochelle and asked her if she needed any help, Rochelle ushered her away and clenched the knife tighter. "Just get some sleep" Rochelle ordered quietly. Ruby decided not to protest, not while her sister was under pressure. Ruby went into the lounge and curled up on one of the mattresses, they had brought the mattresses and blankets into the lounge, it was the room furthest away from the front door.

    Rochelle usually stayed up all night, too afraid that she would close her eyes a human and wake up as a zombie. Ruby insisted that they should take turns, but Rochelle didn't want to put her sister in danger. Instead, she slept during the day for a few hours. That way her sister would be awake and alert, plus the walkers weren't as aggressive in day light. Ruby couldn't get to sleep because of the noise of the walkers and she didn't want to fall asleep in case her sister needed her.

    After an hour, the walkers had finally given in. Rochelle sighed with relief and joined her sister on the mattresses. She placed the butchers knife beside her just in case, you never know what could happen. Especially now, everything was so unpredictable and unreliable. "Get some sleep Ru" Rochelle whispered as she stroked Ruby's hair. "Rochelle. We need to get out of here" Ruby blurted out grabbing her sister's arm. "We need to find supplies, find help, find someone!" Ruby demanded shaking her head. "We need to find mum and dad Rochelle, what if they need help?" Ruby added. "Get some sleep" Rochelle replied.

    Maybe Ruby was right, how long could they stay here for? Rochelle thought as she looked at her sleeping sister. She wanted to do what was best for her, but she wasn't sure how to do it anymore. Rochelle sighed as she realized that Ruby was right, they did need to get out of here. Rochelle shock her sister trying to awake her. "What's wrong Elle?" Ruby whispered sleepily. "We are leaving, bright and early tomorrow" Rochelle whispered not looking at her. "Okay sis" Ruby replied as she turned over. A big smile spread across her face, she knew she would be able to convince her sister to leave. She just hoped it was for the best and she wouldn't be leading herself and Rochelle into more trouble.

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    The suburb was quiet, uncomfortably so. The entire world seemed like a photo-negative version of what it once had been. He'd been on the road for the last few weeks, and things didn't seem like they'd get any better...maybe ever. There weren't many undead out here. There were a few stragglers, but those typically weren't much of a threat, so long as you kept your eyes open. He consciously tightened his grip on the crowbar in his hand, the end of it caked with the gore of more than a few of the walkers. He blew a heavy sigh.

    'I'm wasting my time...' A nasty voice in the back of his head kept saying. Isaac knew that, by sheer probability alone, his entire family was dead. Still, what more did he have? He had to at least find out. He'd tried e-mail, he'd trying calling, he'd tried everything. The only option was to make the trip himself. It had been a tough trip, but he knew he couldn't give up. He's seen a few survivors, but most of them had their own plans. They stuck together for a little bit before parting their ways.

    It was getting dark. He'd have to find a place to hide for the night. His attention was suddenly grabbed by the sound of a great deal of commotion up ahead. His stomach twisted into several knots. Up ahead, a huge group of walkers congregated around a house, slowly shambling around the house, searching for any point of entry. He silently crept behind a car, watch the entire ordeal unfold. Every so often, he warily looked around him, to make sure one of the stragglers hadn't crawled up behind him. After about an hour, the small pack seemed satisfied. They slowly dispersing, shuffling into the darkness.

    'They didn't find a way into that house. I need to find a way in there.' He thought with determination. Isaac stealthily crept to the house, doing a quick survey of the outside to make sure there were no more of those things tucked away in some dark corner. The dead were too stupid and clumsy to really ever find an effective means of getting into a house. He silently crept to the door and grabbed the handle and turned lightly.

    It was locked. He grimaced and looked around the house. He backed away from the front door and looked up. It was a two-story house. Whoever owned this house, which for all he knew was now empty, probably didn't think to secure the windows on the second story. (Isaac pushed away the dreadful possibility that the zombified owners were somewhere in the house)

    To the right of the house was a large tree, with a huge branch tapering off close to a window. His sharp, brown eyes brightened with excitement. He ran for the tree. It was large and thick, with plentiful branches for climbing. Jumping, he grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled himself up. Though by no means an Olympian, Isaac was healthy and athletic man who took care of himself physically. Scaling the tree with relative ease, he carefully made his way across the thick branch, coming to within a few feet of the window.

    Hopefully he could get it open. He didn't want to break it; that might alert the dead wandering around the suburb. With all the caution he could muster, he reached out and placed his free hand on the window. He pushed upward, his palm flat against the window. Nothing. He scowled, sliding the crowbar through his belt loop to free his hand. With both hands now, he pushed as hard as he could.

    He heard a plastic-sounding crack as the window fell forward and into the house, sending Isaac tumbling forward and off the branch.


    His hand instinctively grabbed onto the windowsill. Fueled by a rush of adrenaline, he pulled himself up and into the house. He clumsily climbed through the window and looked at his handiwork. He'd apparently pushed on the window so hard that he hadn't actually opened it, but had actually broke the plastic sliding mechanism, knocking the very window out of the frame. The window itself had cracked and scattered a few shards of glass on the floor. He grimaced at that. What if he'd alerted the dead? Anxiously, he peered out the open window for the longest minute of his life. They hadn't noticed! Feeling a sense of intense relief come over him, Isaac decided to take a look at the room he was in.

    It appeared to be a Bedroom. There was a large, king-sized bed against the wall to his right, with the typical sorts of decorations and furniture one would expect in a bedroom. He carefully sauntered over to the nightstand. There were a few framed photos.

    There were two. One of them was of a married couple, likely in their early to late 40s. The other had a picture of the couple with two teenage girls. They were both quite pretty, with long, dark hair, soft, delicate faces, and large-expressive brown eyes. A frown found its way to the man's face. He remembered when he was that young, it wasn't THAT long ago, but it sure as felt like it now, given the circumstances.

    'Shit. They had their whole lives ahead of them.' He took a seat on the bed, more thoroughly examining the photo of the two. Who knows what sort of ghastly fate these two had found?

    "Hell. I had MY life ahead of me." He said aloud. It was the first time he'd actually spoken in several days.

    He was alone, and he didn't like it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The suburb was quiet, uncomfortably so. The entire world seemed like a photo-negative version of what it once had been. He'd been on the road for the last few weeks, and things didn't seem like they'd get any better...maybe ever. There weren't many undead out here. There were a few stragglers, but those typically weren't much of a threat, so long as you kept your eyes open. He consciously tightened his grip on the crowbar in his hand, the end of it caked with the gore of more than a few of the walkers. He blew a heavy sigh.

    'I'm wasting my time...' A nasty voice in the back of his head kept saying. Isaac knew that, by sheer probability alone, his entire family was dead. Still, what more did he have? He had to at least find out. He'd tried e-mail, he'd trying calling, he'd tried everything. The only option was to make the trip himself. It had been a tough trip, but he knew he couldn't give up. He's seen a few survivors, but most of them had their own plans. They stuck together for a little bit before parting their ways.

    It was getting dark. He'd have to find a place to hide for the night. His attention was suddenly grabbed by the sound of a great deal of commotion up ahead. His stomach twisted into several knots. Up ahead, a huge group of walkers congregated around a house, slowly shambling around the house, searching for any point of entry. He silently crept behind a car, watch the entire ordeal unfold. Every so often, he warily looked around him, to make sure one of the stragglers hadn't crawled up behind him. After about an hour, the small pack seemed satisfied. They slowly dispersing, shuffling into the darkness.

    [i]'They didn't find a way into that house. I need to find a way in there.'[i] He thought with determination. Isaac stealthily crept to the house, doing a quick survey of the outside to make sure there were no more of those things tucked away in some dark corner. The dead were too stupid and clumsy to really ever find an effective means of getting into a house. He silently crept to the door and grabbed the handle and turned lightly.

    It was locked. He grimaced and looked around the house. He backed away from the front door and looked up. It was a two-story house. Whoever owned this house, which for all he knew was now empty, probably didn't think to secure the windows on the second story. (Isaac pushed away the dreadful possibility that the zombified owners were somewhere in the house)

    To the right of the house was a large tree, with a huge branch tapering off close to a window. His sharp, brown eyes brightened with excitement. He ran for the tree. It was large and thick, with plentiful branches for climbing. Jumping, he grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled himself up. Though by no means an Olympian, Isaac was healthy and athletic man who took care of himself physically. Scaling the tree with relative ease, he carefully made his way across the thick branch, coming to within a few feet of the window.

    Hopefully he could get it open. He didn't want to break it; that might alert the dead wandering around the suburb. With all the caution he could muster, he reached out and placed his free hand on the window. He pushed upward, his palm flat against the window. Nothing. He scowled, sliding the crowbar through his belt loop to free his hand. With both hands now, he pushed as hard as he could.

    He heard a plastic-sounding crack as the window fell forward and into the house, sending Isaac tumbling forward and off the branch.


    His hand instinctively grabbed onto the windowsill. Fueled by a rush of adrenaline, he pulled himself up and into the house. He clumsily climbed through the window and looked at his handiwork. He'd apparently pushed on the window so hard that he hadn't actually opened it, but had actually broke the plastic sliding mechanism, knocking the very window out of the frame. The window itself had cracked and scattered a few shards of glass on the floor. He grimaced at that. What if he'd alerted the dead? Anxiously, he peered out the open window for the longest minute of his life. They hadn't noticed! Feeling a sense of intense relief come over him, Isaac decided to take a look at the room he was in.

    It appeared to be a Bedroom. There was a large, king-sized bed against the wall to his right, with the typical sorts of decorations and furniture one would expect in a bedroom. He carefully sauntered over to the nightstand. There were a few framed photos.

    There were two. One of them was of a married couple, likely in their early to late 40s. The other had a picture of the couple with two teenage girls. They were both quite pretty, with long, dark hair, soft, delicate faces, and large-expressive brown eyes. A frown found its way to the man's face. He remembered when he was that young, it wasn't THAT long ago, but it sure as felt like it now, given the circumstances.

    'Shit. They had their whole lives ahead of them.' He took a seat on the bed, more thoroughly examining the photo of the two. Who knows what sort of ghastly fate these two had found?

    "Hell. I had MY life ahead of me." He said aloud. It was the first time he'd actually spoken in several days.

    He was alone, and he didn't like it.
    Last edited by TheShadeofBlue; 10-05-2012 at 06:14 AM.

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    A loud crashing sound coming from upstairs startled Rochelle. One of those zombies must of got through the upstairs window, she didn't even thinkthat they would be able to do that. "What was that?" Ruby asked now awake from the loud crash. "I..I think it's one of them" Rocelle replied as she jumped to her feet and scooped up the butchers knife. "Don't be silly! They can't climb...can they?" Ruby said nervously as she sat up. "I'm going to check, stay here" Rochelle whispered as she left the room and walked slowly up the staircase.

    She didn't know what the expect, could they climb? Rochelle shook her head as she continued climbing slowly. If it was a walker, how many would be up there? Would she be able to take them on by herself? These questions raced through her mind like her heart racing in her chest. Once Rochelle reached the top of the staircase she checked her bedroom, she opened the door slowly and peaked inside. She couldn't see anything that could of made a noise in there. Rochelle left her room and checked Ruby's, the door's hinges made a squeaking noise as she opened it. Nothing again. The only room left was her parents' room. Rochelle suddenly thought excitedly that maybe it was her parents, maybe they had found a way back home.

    The scared girl walked towards her parents' door and took a deep breath. Her heart was racing so fast, she swore the walkers would of heard it by now. Rochelle turned the handle with her free hand and pushed the door open, someone was inside and it wasn't her parents. The girl froze, she didn't know what to do. It wasn't a walker either, it looked like a young man from the back. He could be a danger towards her and Ruby, but what if he could help them? Rochelle crept into the room and shut the door behind her, that way if he was any trouble, she could try and kill him before him finding Ruby. But Rochelle knew that she shouldn't judge, he was probably a nice man. But she wanted to make sure first. "I see you've broken my window" Rochelle whispered trying to look aggressive. But it failed because her eyes were bloodshot and tired and her hands were trembling.

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    Three hours had passed and Ester still wasn't finding the sleep she oh so desired. She sat up slowly, trying not to disturb Anna. Anna slightly groaned and muttered something which Ester couldn't quite interpret. The treehouse was tall enough for her to stand in, she stood up to stretch her slim arms and legs. She couldn't wait till morning to start moving to the more populated part of Atlanta, the neighborhood in which she was in was six miles away; a small place. She debated over weather or not she should just go now, the dark would keep them more out if sight; plus Anna could see very well in the darkness. Unfortunately the walkers were more active during the night, there were many pros and cons to the situation.

    "Screw it," Ester muttered. She decided to go now; staying here was nagging too much at her to stay. The sooner she got to her aunt's utility store, the better. She shook Anna awake,"Anna, wake up." Anna began to stir, that was quick.

    "Is it morning yet?" She said sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.

    "No, but we're going to leave now anyways. The darkness should prove to be an advantage." Ester said, she knew Anna was smarter than most children her age, perhaps she had better perspectives on the situation.

    Anna just nodded and said,"Yeah, I wanna go now. To see auntie," Ester's heart sank, Anna still expected her aunt to be alive. The most naïve trait about her..

    "I'll wait a few minutes for you to actually wake up completely." Ester sighed. This whole thing was probably a stupid decision, walking six miles at night with walkers about. Ten minutes later and Anna claimed she was fully awake, she didn't look sleepy at all. Children were so full of energy, if only she had the same energy.

    Ester grabbed the backpack which had the supplies she had gathered just hours ago. She opened the hatch, and whispered,"Put the backpack on and get on my back." Anna did so without question. It was simple to get down for Ester even with the weight of Anna on her back.

    Once she got down she took the backpack off Anna's shoulders and placed it on her own. Each backyard here had a gate to each one, meaning she could go from one backyard to the next easily. When she was about to open the gate to the next house she heard a huge, BANG! A gun shot. Anna gasped loudly, Ester decided to ignore the gun shot and continue on. She crept from one to the next with no trouble at all; she only needed to go ten houses down to reach the exit of the neighborhood and out into the open rode, she had reached the rode at last.

    She figured since she had no trouble from the walkers that they were attracted to sound. Looking out unto the long rode ahead of them she could see no walker in sight. Strange.. There was also a couple of cars, she could hot wire one and just drive there. A better idea that walking.

    Walking for about a minute Ester spotted a truck, perfect. It was completely black and didn't seem to have any problems from the outside. She tried the driver door; lucky enough it had opened. "Hopefully this has gas in it," Anna said quietly. She opened the compartment of the truck looking for any keys, none. She scoffed,"Looks like I'm going to have to hot wire it." Before hot wiring she looked around inside the vehicles for any walkers, there was none. She began hot wiring the vehicle. Soon enough the car's engine was on and working.

    "Perfect." Ester said to her herself quietly,"Hope in Anna." Anna crawled to the passengers seat, Ester stepped in, she had gotten her permit a year ago. So she knew what she was doing, thankfully.

    The truck worked well enough, the engine was quiet, and the gas tank was nearly full. Her luck was great so far. It'd probably only take about nine minutes depending on how fast she drove. There had been just a couple walkers on the rode, eleven minutes later and she was there.

    "To aunties store we go!" Anna said enthusiastically.

    "Yep," doubt was drifting through Ester's mind as she drove her way through the city, driving towards her aunt's utility store. This was a bad idea Ester couldn't help but think. Super bad...

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

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    Isaac heard a quiet, human-like sound come from behind him. His eyes immediately went wide as he leapt from the bed, bringing up the crowbar. It was the girl from the photograph. Still, was she one of those things, but just hadn't decomposed? He made no move, but continued to look at her. The long, dark hair, the large, brown eyes, and the soft features, it was definitely the girl in picture. Nonetheless, she looked so much different now, like the events had worn on her (as they would anybody). Her bloodshot eyes made her look totally exhausted, and her hands were trembling. He probably didn't look much better. He hadn't had a full night's sleep in a couple days (resting for a few hours here or there whenever he could), and since he'd not shaved in almost a week, his face was thick with stubble.

    She must've been terrified. Isaac drew a heavy breath and lowered his weapon, putting one hand out before him as a calming gesture, suddenly feeling bad for possibly scaring her. In normal circumstances, people didn't break into houses. This was hardly normal, of course.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't think there was anybody else here. Every other house I've seen in this area has been empty...empty of normal people, anyway." His eyes shifted down to the photograph. Maybe she wasn't the only one here. He needed to continue on his way to the coast, but...

    "Where's your family?" He asked gently. "Is it just you?"

  10. #10
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Bridget awoke with a start, her hand going to the Glock holstered on her right hip. Hand resting above the grip, she held her breath and listened to the night. Something had awoken her, but whatever the sound had been, it was not repeated. There was a dim light coming in through the curtained window--the glow from solar carriage lamps on the street below--and she moved towards the double pane to look out. Standing, she squinted into the light and saw a strange sight. The walkers, they were moving en masse. Mindless creatures of opportunity, they tended to move in packs. She had noticed that any sound that promised a chance at food, drew them to migrate as one. Even the few at the fence surrounding this house were moving towards whatever had awoken her.

    She waited, finding that sleep now eluded her. If the dead were moving, that meant someone--a living someone--was drawing them in. She heard no screams, no gunfire, no shouting. Perhaps the victim was already dead. With a shake of her head, she laughed at herself. Was she actually considering going out at night to help a stranger? It was suicide. …and she had managed to stay alive by being smart and avoiding others that might cause her harm. Turning away, she crawled back into bed and flipped over only to find herself staring at the ceiling. In bed or not, she was not getting any more sleep tonight.

    In another room, a clock ticked away the seconds and the house creaked and groaned with the minute movement of wooden support beams. Moans from the undead rose and fell as they moved along the street, their shadows dancing on the ceiling. Bridget covered her ears and squeezed her eyes closed.

    “You never leave a man behind….” a voice suddenly whispered.

    Bree let out a moan of her own, redoubling her efforts to block out all sounds.

    “An army of one is never as strong as a group of many.” It continued.

    “Shut up!” Bridget commanded.

    “You were always weak. Never put your full effort into anything.”

    “I said to shut the f**k up!” She screamed, opening her eyes and catching a glimpse of the familiar shadow at the window. Reaching blindly at the bedside table, she grabbed the first thing her hand encountered and threw it at the ghostly figure. As the glass exploded outwards, she let out a muffled cry and jumped to her feet. The image was gone, but the disruption of quiet had attracted the tail end of the walkers. As one, they turned their milky eyes to the shattered window, the curtains billowing in the light breeze. She counted at least twenty. In a quick movement, she grabbed her pack and slipped its straps over her shoulders. Yanking the chair from the door, she ran down the hallway and took the stairs two at a time. When she entered the cool night, she ran from the dead and from the specter that had been her father.

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