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Thread: [M]Galactic Empires ::IC::

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    The Last Remembrancer
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    Default [M]Galactic Empires ::IC::

    Somewhere, a woman was screaming. Gunshot, silence.

    His father is kneeling on the marble floor, next to him. An Internal Security Soldier holds him down, on his knees, with a carbine pointed at the back of his skull. He had clawed and kicked as they dragged him out of bed, until they had split his lip and blackened his eye. He could feel his face swelling already.

    “Perhaps, now, with your sons life on the line, you are willing to discuss the deals you made with the Terran Directorate, selling state secrets?” Asks the knife faced man with the jagged scar that twitches his lips into a permanent, cruel smirk. He is hauled to his feet and behind him, something clicks.

    His father looks at him, and then back to the ISS officer. “Go fuck yourself.”

    “Wrong answer.” Knife-face nods to the soldier behind him. The barrel shifts down and there is an explosion of pain that cuts through his stomach. Blood sprays across the marble floor and onto the rich, imported fur rug that dominated the central space of the main hall of his families mansion. He slumps forward, in agony, but he does not scream. Only girls scream.

    “This one has some spine, it seems. Like his father.” Offers Knife-Face. “If you tell me what you told the Terran dogs, I can save him.”

    He thrashes on the floor, trying to hold in his guts. His eyes meet his fathers.

    “Its on my personal computer, hidden in a writing desk in the study. Just twist the ink well to the left. The password is Misericorde.”

    “Right answer.” smirks Knife-Face. He snaps a gauss pistol into his hand and fires twice. Once in the head, and once in the heart. “Traitor.” Knife-Face looks at the pistol, and with a tut, flicks the safety back on and re-holsters it as his father slumps bonelessly over, blood pouring from his wounds.

    “Though you did make good weapons for us.” Knife-Face then turned his gaze to him. “So boy, do you want to live?”

    Its all he can manage to spit a gobbet of blood at his pristine, black boots. Knife-face laughs.

    “Spine and spirit. Excellent. You know, my wife and I have been trying for a son for years. I think you'll do just fine.” He turns to the soldier. “Ice-box him immediately for medical evac. I want him alive and restored.”

    “Yes, Commander Shraplen”

    Shraplen. He thinks. Shraplen is the man I must kill.

    Years pass in a blur of torture. Mrs Shraplen, her two daughters, all despise him, torture him when the Commander is not present. They starve him, beat him, humiliate him. He nurses his anger, his hatred, his rage. He beats it down and forges it into something white hot, dense and dangerous. He enters military school, passes with honours despite his bionic organs. He enters officer school, and passes again with honours. His two 'sisters' do nothing but waste their lives, rejecting marriage proposal after marriage proposal. His 'mother' becomes a fat leech, worthless. Knife-face is the only one who attends the ceremony to see him raised to the rank of Second Lieutenant, and the pride on his twisted face makes him sick.

    Years pass in the military. He becomes known as the 'Iron Wolf' for his savage attacks on the Charabidians. He is known for flaying the animals alive for information, then decorating his quarters with their pelts. He rises through the ranks, over the bodies of his rivals if need be. His flesh, still weak from that first traumatic injury, is chopped away by the butchers of the Lyran Armed Forces for more metal, more plastic. He is a monster, and the men are terrified of him, but he does not care. As long as they serve him, fear will serve in place of loyalty.

    Finally, the Night of Shadows. Civil strife rocks the Lyran homeworld, and he claims control of the ISS for himself, in the name of Warmaster Dominic MacIntyre. MacIntyre, in return for this loyalty, raises him to the rank of Admiral, in charge of the ISS own war fleet, and millions of ISS soldiers, informants, agents and more. He is ready.

    It is the dead of night when the VTOLs sweep in on his second home. His men, loyal to him through terror, smash through windows and kick down doors, and gather up, at gunpoint, frightened servants to be interrogated, mind-wiped, then turned into combat cyborgs. His 'Mother' and 'Sisters', those he gathers in the dining room.

    Knife-Face and him watch as they are torn apart by dogs. He drinks wine as he listens to their screams, the tearing of flesh from bone. Finally, he turns to his adoptive father.

    “Anything to say?” he rasps from bionic lungs, his birth ones rotted away years ago.

    Commander Shraplen is in his nightclothes, handcuffed to a fine wooden chair. Old Knife-face turns to look at him with tears in his eyes.

    “I have never been more proud, my son.”

    He stands, smashing the table aside with a sweep of his monstrously strong augmetic limbs. He snatches up a gauss pistol, his true fathers personal weapon, and jams it into Knife-Faces gut. He fires twice.

    “How about now?” He whispers as the light fades from Knife-Faces eyes.

    “I. . I Love you.” Knife-Face whispers, and goes to his grave with that same, sardonic smile etched on his face.

    They firebomb the house on their way out. The mansion burns. A fitting pyre for the man who raised him.

    Commander Shraplen was dead. Only the Iron Wolf remained.


    Four fleets stand ready, across the galaxy. His has a special mission in this carefully assembled first strike, hastily appended. A mission entrusted to him and him alone by Warmaster Dominic MacIntyre. The Iron Wolfs orders where simple, to not only blast the homeworld of the Kel-Cyre into radioactive rubble, but to snatch the prize of the collectors ship from their hands for the Lyran Empire.

    He stood on the bridge of the experimental Dreadnought Purity, watching and waiting. Around him the bridge crew managed feeds hacked directly from Kel-Cyre communication and weather satellites, providing them with up to the minute information on the near orbital space of the elves homeworld. It would be a devastating surprise attack. In fifteen minutes, his fleet would attack. At the same time, fleets would assault Charabidia, Server 001 and even Terra. Four simultaneous decapitating strikes, in planning for months but accelerated to today because of the prize of the collectors ship.

    “Update on the Octavian Maiden?”

    “Still impounded, Admiral.”

    How long until that fool Quentin talked, and ruined everything? That traitor, turning down the chance to join her people in scouring the galaxy clean of filth. Then, what did he expect of a half breed? Too soft. Too weak. Too afraid.

    “Sir, energy spike from Objective Alpha!”

    He watched, alarmed, as alien engines flared to life and energy readings climbed.

    “Is it slipping its moorings?” he growled, his voice distorted by the replacement larynx.

    He snarled, thumping a carbon black fist into the command chairs arm. “If we lose Objective Alpha, months of planning will be wasted. All fleet units, attack!”

    “But, the other fleets, we are operating dark! The other homeworlds could realise what is happening, and we can't accelerate the time table!”

    “Thats a problem for someone else.” He rose, stalking towards the deck officer who was defying him. A long cloak of Charabidian hide trailed over his shoulders as he thudded towards the man, who was now shrinking away. “Launch. The. Attack.”


    Vice Admiral Yinlynn was aboard the Kel'Cyre Dreadnought. 'The Dawn of Light' and observed several ships of each species that had come to the meeting on her homeplanet. She was surprised they had all come quickly to discuss the matter of an ancient ship that had been recently discovered. Normally, it took months for the Concord to decide anything. Her crew where on alert, but they where still functioning as glorified customs officials, tracking the orbits of visiting ships from not just the Core Powers, but dozens of minor races. The Lyrans where represented by a single impounded vessel, the Octavian Maiden, held firm in docking clamps by an orbital station, after they had withdrawn their embassies and withdrawn from the Concert.

    Though that changed when one of her officers spoke loud and clear and shot up from her seat. "Admiral! Multiple wormhole signatures!"
    The Vice Admiral gasped in shock and then, gritted her teeth. The sensors showed dozens of opening vortexs, each one recklessly close to the planets gravity well. Immediately the screen filled with contacts, and hundreds of fighters backed by squadrons of destroyers poured through the snarls in space. Behind them came the big ships, Cruisers, and Battleships, flanked by Frigates. An entire Lyran battlefleet, roaring in hot. At the centre of the fleet, screened, was the largest Dreadnought she had ever seen. While most Lyran ships had a certain recognisable layout, this one was different. Even as she watched, the vast ship unfolded like a bird about to take flight. . .
    Those fins are radiators. . .

    “EVASIVE MANOUVERS!” She screamed, and held onto the rail as the Dawn of Light hauled around. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the monstrous super capital. It was twice the size of her own command ship, and built around a single, huge, gun. Even as she watched, the energy readings from the command ship climbed of the scale of their sensors.

    Around her ship it was anarchy. Defence systems opened fire, warships turned to face the charging battlegroup. Then the Lyrans fired. Frigates and destroyers, picket ships and carriers died in barrages so accurate that she swore someone was calling the shots for them inside the defence perimeter. Then the Dreadnought fired. A brilliant, blinding beam, visible from the surface of her homeworld. It punched through the orbiting north polar habitat, tearing through the facing shield like gossamer and out the other side, coring its reactor in one shot. Near orbital space was instantly reduced to chaos as the station detonated, raining debris across the northern hemisphere.

    “All ships! Defensive formation!” She was sweating. “Don't let them get any closer to the surface!”

    The following hour of naval combat would go on record as the most harrowing in galactic history. Using their capitals as a battering ram, the Lyrans smashed aside all organised resistance and quickly scattered the visiting alien ships, before taking pot shots at fleeing civilian craft and bombarding the surface of Kel-Cyre. Shielded habitats where smashed one at a time by the massive beam weapon of the Purity, each shot releasing titanic energies. Eventually, Vice Admiral Yinlynn, alongside the visiting Princess from the Charabidian Enclaves, Admiral Janessa Daysun-Shen, would be able to marshal an organised resistance. The Dawn of Light and Wrathful Hand led a counter attack that drove the enemy off, but not before they took their prize.

    During the fighting, Lyran marines stormed the orbital dock holding the Collector vessel, powered up its engines, and absconded with it as a prize.


    The news flashed around the galaxy at different speeds. It got to the Charabidians first, mainly because they spy on everybody. Rather than wait for confirmation, they moved the homeworld fleet to full alert. When the Lyrans attacked, bare minutes later, they found the Royal Fleet ready and waiting, and a massive brawl broke out over the homeworld that lasted for six hours. Despite taking heavy casualties, the Royal Fleet was able to almost completely destroy the invading Lyrans.

    Around 001, the Sentinax where forewarned by the sudden loss of contact with units on the Polar Habitat. They activated previously unheard of interdiction systems that meant the Lyrans could not establish a stable jump point, and the attack was called off. Rather than waste the trip, the Lyrans split their fleet and attacked 002 and 003, destroying war-vital fuel refineries, ship yards and orbital factories before retreating, hounded all the way. They would demolish several other facilities on their way out, ironically doing more damage to the Concerts future war effort than any of the other attacks.

    Around Earth, the warning came in time for the Lunar Fighter Defence Force, who where able to interfere with the initial waves, heroically sacrificing their fighters in suicidal ramming attacks against the larger capital ships when their ammunition ran dry. With the Lyrans thrown into chaos, the forces stationed over Earth would rally and drive off the attackers, who in spite as they retreated, blasted Luna's surface, opening colony domes to hard vacuum.

    Across the galaxy, millions died to that first attack, many of the them civilians. First came shock. Then, rage. Decelerations of War and promises of assistance travelled between the four powers, and they began to mobilise.


    For the Kel-Cyre, the shock lasted longer than the rage. Their beautiful homeworld had been savaged, and so many had died that their traditional funerary practices began to become overloaded. Crematoriums worked round the clock as over-stretched rescue teams combed through radioactive rubble for survivors. Plague and famine returned to Kel-Cyre for the first time in nearly a thousand years. Aid missions from other worlds were hampered by the debris clogging near orbit. Kel-Cyre had been smashed back into the dark ages, and their empire was paralysed, the head cleanly lopped off, their entire government dead in one savage attack, the command structure of their armies and navies shattered. While this damage would heal, it would take time.

    It was this Kel-Cyre, beaten, bloodied and nearly broken, that the fleet gathered at. Charabidian scout cruisers had shadowed the Purity and its battlefleet. Now all that remained was deciding amongst the commanders how to proceed.


    The cell was spartan and bare. Quentin was unsure what ship she was on, as she had been transferred several times, but her jailers had stopped being Kel-Cyre marines and had instead become Charabidian Royal Clan security agents. She had been questioned, politely but firmly. She had been fed, watered and allowed to clean herself, and the lights in the cell had dimmed to a predictable twenty five hour cycle. They had even provided some books. Pretty trashy romance novels from the Enclaves, but still, enough to keep her from going completely mad with boredom. She mostly ignored the books having no desire to read them, instead she exercised. Her jailers had taken her sword belt, regular belt, shoes and uniform coat. Anything that could be used in a suicide attempt, they had even scanned her for poison capsules not finding any. That was a cowards way out and Quentin always refused them when issued. The cell had an exposed pipe that she was currently using for chin ups.

    Finally, the cell door opened and she was escorted not to a witness room, but down a new corridor. After a short elevator ride, she found herself in an observation deck, looking out on the surface of Kel-Cyre. Sitting on a couch, looking intently at the view, was a Charabidian officer, from the braid on her shoulders, an Admiral at least Quentin had been a civilian too long and couldn't quite place the rank. Standing off nearby was another female, wearing subdued dark colours Quentin would expect from a servant.

    The two guards removed her manacles and gestured for her to sit. Cautiously, she did, and found her gaze drawn not to the officer with her sternly set face, but to the world outside the window. It looked scarred, bruised. Her keen eyes drifted across the scene, picking out bright flashes of metal that must be wreckage. While the ship had been impounded she had been isolated from all news, but this looked serious.

    “Currently, the remnants of the Kel-Cyres government is calling for your head on a plate.” the officer turned to look at her with a sardonic smile. “This is a culture that hasn't executed anyone in six generations, let alone a foreign national. You might be asking what you did to deserve that special treatment.” She leaned forwards again, her cats eyes narrowing as they fixed on the injured world spinning below. “48 standard hours ago, the Lyrans launched a massive attack. Thanks to computer viruses carried into the local data system by your vessel, planted there we believe by the Lyran ISS, the first strike that fell here was brutal and overwhelming. Down there, nearly a billion people are dead, injured or missing, most of them civilians. At my homeworld, I lost three brothers, six sisters, and my genetic father in one of the largest naval engagements our Clan has ever fought. Our casualties ran to the thousands, all military personnel, thank the spirits. The leader of the attack here jumped the gun we believe, so many worlds were forewarned” she stood, brushing her trousers clean of some imaginary dirt. “But the damage, to Throneworld, to 001, to Terra, is still severe.” She paused, before turning to Quentin. “And yet, and yet you tried to warn us. I want to know why.”

    "One of my technicians found the software. When he brought it to my attention I had no idea it was there. Shortly after I received a encrypted communication from the ISS with instructions to leave the software alone. My technician had already identified the virus. I tried sending out an alert but found another virus attached to my orders from the ISS had jammed traditional communications. I had to get creative but I managed to send a message on an outdated system. " Quentin said, her eyes drifting back to the carnage below unable to pull her eyes away. "Why you ask? I haven't been in the military for four years, I was placed in the reserves. Thanks, to my family ties there is no official record of this but my removal from active duty was not voluntary. As my superiors say, I have an attitude unbecoming of an officer. My step father blames it on my Terran father. I don't share the opinion of my people, the Lyrans believe themselves to be superior and want to control the galaxy. It's a fools errand that will never happen. We need to integrate with the rest of the galaxy or we will be destroyed in our attempts. That is why I did it."

    Admiral Janessa refixed her eyes on wounded planet below.

    "The commander in charge of this atrocity had one main objective. He stole the Collectors ship. The fleet command vessel had technology we haven't even begin to figure out yet. I think we'll need you, and your inside knowledge, before this is over."

    She turned on her heels and fixed Quentin with her gaze.

    "Can you follow orders? Can you, and your crew, fire on your countrymen? My orders are to get that ship back, using any means necessary. If the answer is yes, I am authorised to release your ship from being impounded and incorporate it into our strike force."

    "The crew will follow my orders, Captain Klien shares my views on our people. As much as it pains me if fighting my countrymen is what it takes to save my people then I will do it." Quentin said, looking at the woman before her knowing by the way the woman carried herself she was a skilled commander and no doubt would choose her words wisely. "Release my ship." She paused the words processing through her mind thinking what she would do if their positions were reversed. The Kel-Cyre viewed her as the cause of all of this, a mass murderer. The way the woman before her spoke made Quentin think her fate wasn't set in stone but there was no way the Kel-Cyre would tolerate her going free. "But not me."

    "Very honourable of you." a ghost of a smile passed over her features. "Very well. I'll keep you close as an advisor, on the bridge of the Wrathful Hand so you can advise us as we fight. And your ship can fight alongside us. And that should be enough to prove to the Kel-Cyre that you are innocent in all this."

    She passed a data pad to the woman.

    "Make a note of everything you'll need, and any staff you'd like transferred to work alongside you. I will be briefing the joint commanders shortly, and I expect you to be there.

    "Klein won't believe it from anyone other then me. I'll need to speak directly to him." Quentin said tapping away at the data pad. She mostly put down a list of some of her personal belongings, some civilian clothing, and a few books of better taste, knowing they wouldn't let her have much more. She really wanted to get out of her uniform, if she wanted to prove she wasn't in league with the Lyrans it would help to not be wearing their uniform and she never was a fan of the dress uniform she much preferred her fatigues when in uniform. " I don't suppose I could have my shoes back? I assure you I have no desire to kill myself. And there is the matter of the virus on my ship. My tech guys are good but they aren't experts. We'll need to make sure it has been scrubbed from the ship's servers."

    “Shoes can be arranged, as can some techs to help with making sure ships servers have been scrubbed.” She took the pad back and scanned the list, before handing it off to the woman waiting in the shadows. “I'll have the items brought to new quarters on the command deck. But now, we have a meeting to get too.”


    "Sons and daughters of Lyre, your destiny beckons. Stand with your brothers and sisters, stand with me, and together we will be undefeated. The past is our faith, the present is our strength, and the future... the future is our birthright! Sons and daughters of Lyre, the path toward a better tomorrow stretches out before us. Toward a future that is golden and eternal. But our journey together must cross a wilderness of hatred and bigotry, a landscape of lies seeded by the venom of our old enemy. Our foe knows us. He fears us. But we must not underestimate him. The Terrans, while they cower and snipe from beneath their veneer of civility and freedom, are soulless and hollow. They make their pithy, mewling claims of liberty and righteousness, and all the while, the aliens look upon the face of true humanity with loathing and disgust. The enemy sees us as abominations, mutant freaks fit only for killing. To the foe we are less than alive, but they will learn their mistake, my people. We will show them the iron and steel beneath Lyran flesh. We shall cast them against the unbreakable rock of our collective will. We will make them realize the truth that the children of Lyre know in their hearts: that our race, the Lyran Empire, is the next step in the evolution of mankind. When we came to Lyre we were lost, a broken collection of the defeated, without hope for the future. At first we thought our new world would poison and destroy us. How wrong we were. Lyre saw what was in every one of us, our strength and our indestructible spirit, and made it manifest. This great change was the rebirth of our people. A people fit to stride the stars and shatter our enemies. Sons and daughters of Lyre, you are the embodiment of that glorious legacy, the inheritors of the victory that we fight for every day. You alone are fit to forge the future and the destiny of our species. History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. We shall not suffer the irresolute and spineless men of the Terran Alliance to dictate our path! When you granted me the privilege of your leadership, I, Dominic MacIntyre, willingly sacrificed myself to the engine of our nation. My only goal to bring our people the absolute and deserved mastery of their destiny. I am humbled by the magnificent example that you my people have set. The workers and artisans among you who toil and ask not for a claim, but accept the honor of your leaders. The soldiers and warriors who burn with cold fire and unyielding resolve never flinching before the guns of our adversaries. The teachers and commissars who hold the very soul of our people in their hands, shielding it from the lies of the treacherous and disloyal. You seek reward in service alone. Each of you shares in the greatest glory of them all. You are the true Lyrans! Ruthless to those who oppose us, masters of those we defeat, unflinching in the face of adversity. I pity all those who were not born beneath our banner, for they will never know the touch of greatness as we do. And yet, there are some among our community who do not march with us. Voices raised in dissent and opposition. Soft minds that take the words of the Terrans for truth! To those who bear the seeds of rebellion in their hearts and question the way of the Lyrans, I say this: Would you have us embrace the very thing that rejected us? Would you make us lay down our rifles and surrender our armor, stark naked before a force that wishes only death for us? Peace is something we all desire, but the Terrans would make it the peace of the grave! Shattering our nation's spirit and burning us to ashes! Beware the puppets amongst us, sons and daughters of Lyre! Know them, and spite them! Give them no succor or shelter! If any one of you doubts the fidelity of another, be it neighbour, brother, parent, or child, speak! It is the sworn duty of my commissars to isolate and re-educate these misguided souls. To bring them back to our fold. Expunge their weakness for the greater good! Our victory is imminent. With our hearts tempered in the fires of war we strive forward and take the fight to the foe. Let us never forget the duty that we have taken upon ourselves. Our enemy is tenacious and bold. The Terrans and alien filth dared to turn their weapons upon that which we hold dearest. Our cradle, our homeworld, our... Lyre! This invasion will not go unpunished. This criminal act unleashed the whirlwind of our wrath! Our guns never tire, and we have beaten back the foe! Sent them... running! The path we have chosen is not an easy one. Struggle is the father of all things and true virtue lies in bloodshed. But we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail! In the blood of our warriors comes the price we must pay. Blood alone moves the wheels of history. And we will be resolute! We will fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win our just triumph!"

    Janessa turned of the transmission with a grunt of disgust, and the frenzied face of Warmaster MacIntyre disappeared from the screen. For a second she stared at the floor, before raising her eyes to look over the gathered commanders in the ready room aboard the Wrathful Hand.

    "Its war. The Lyrans tricked us all, it seems. They are even lying to their own people: claiming the Charabidians launched a surprise attack with Terran help on Lyre. But that is not our primary worry."

    She clicked and brought up two images, a map of Kel-Cyre with a series of red lines crossing from Lyran space deep into Kel-Cyre space, and the missing collector ship.

    "Target Bravo was stolen 72 standard hours ago. My scout elements have been shadowing the fleet that stole it, and have found a chain of deep space recharge stations. Like leaving a cache to cross a desert, these recharge stations allowed the Lyrans to sneak fleets right into the central territories of each Core Power. Several Clan forces back home have found similar stations. Strangely, they haven't been destroying them as they retreat. Our mission is simple, get the Collector Ship, Target Bravo, back by any means necessary."

    She flicked the screen, and the mysterious Dreadnought appeared.

    "This was the lead attack ship, and has been classified as Target Alpha." She frowned as the ship appeared, and shots of it, and its sister ship involved in the attack on Charabidia, in combat played on the screen. "As you can see, its main linear weapon, which we have nicknamed the line gun can penetrate any static projected shield and armour is no defence. Further, it is protected at all times by a shield, something we thought was impossible, even on a ship this size. Target Alpha is the main obstacle to the successful retrieval of Target Bravo, and we currently have little intelligence on this monster."

    She looked over the pirates, mercenaries, and rival captains arrayed around the table as her aide, Iroci, handed out dossiers with print outs of the available information. They where distressingly slim.

    "At this point, ladies and gentleman, I am open to suggestions."
    Last edited by dakkagor; 04-07-2016 at 01:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    The Dawn of light remained in position above orbit near the Kel'Cyre homeworld. Vice Admiral Yinlynn watched as the radioactive mist spread like a locust. She stood over the observation deck, staring through a hard case window between the room and the open space. Her hands behind her back as she was in uniform. Her hair combed neatly, still with a silky touch. As she watched, she heard the doors opened behind her. Two other Admirals had introduced themselves as commanders of the remaining Dreadnought sisters. Hammer Fall and Meteor Fire Fly. Rear Admiral Valah of the lower half, and Rear Admiral Avalleh of the Upper half. Both males, both almost the same features of light brown hair, slim bodies and charming looks.

    Vice Admiral Yinlynn remained where she stood and slowly begins to talk. "What is the statues of the naval fleet?" She asked, sounding more worried about the naval then her homeworld. "The Fleet is still intact though we lost quite a large number of ships again'st the Lyrans attack. Our Dreadnoughts are still operational in the outer rims near our expanded colonies." One of the admirals informed her. When she heard the good news of the sister Dreadnoughts, she slowly turned. "Good, then I want you both to use your fleet to protect our expanded territory. Use the medical ships as a escort carrier for our people, I want them on those colonies and begin to rebuild. Has the archives found any useful information on who is the next Royal Blood?"

    "Ma'am the archives are still searching for the next of kin who will take the throne. But I have to ask, is it wise to allow a Charabidian Royal to take command of our people?" Admiral Valah questioned of the motion.

    "She assisted and rescued us from a invading attack, she is the reason we are still orbiting and using her sources to rescue our people from a death cloud, she is the reason why we still live to fight another day." She approached the questioned officer. "Admiral Janessa is taking the role 'Acting Ambassador' until we figure out our own government branch and of royal kin to the throne. If we can not find the blood of the royals, then we have to look to our political officials and see how is high ranking, if there is no political official, then it is taken towards the military."

    "But ma'am...your the only high ranking officer left in the fleet." Admiral Avalleh mentioned.

    "I know, and if neither of those potential candidates are found...I would have to be placed as the Queen of Kel'Cyre." She sighs and takes a seat on her chair near her desk. "In the mean time, continue on the rescue efforts on the surface, we can not let any more death continue it's toll." She turned to face towards the window and observe her planet. "I swear the Lyrans will answer for this crime." Sitting quietly for a few seconds, she waved a hand, dismissing the two admirals to tend to their duties. Yinlynn closed her eyes as she had discovered about the information on the Octavian Maiden of it's treachery. The thought of the Captain and her crew assisted with the attack. She closed her eyes for a moment when she first had seen the Octavian Maiden and her captain.

    Before the attack...

    They stood in a long room aboard the Octavian Maiden, it originally had been designed to be a hanger but had been converted into a firing range. Across the room from them a good thirty meters sat several targets. Quentin turned to the table next to her that held a number of rifles and pistols. She looked at the selection then with a smile on her face then picked up a rifle that was a little shorter than most and wider. "This one right here has to be one of my favorites." Quentin said, moving up behind Taionia and handing it to her. "Small, light weight but still packs a punch with multiple firing modes." She moved up behind Taoina guiding the other woman into a firing stance as if she had never held a gun before despite the fact she fully knew this wasn't the case. "Bring it up to your shoulder and hold it there nice and snug, now gently lean your cheek against it, nice and soft like you are cuddling with a lover." Quentin sliding in closer behind Taionia leaning into her as she reached around caressing her arm until she reached her trigger finger. "Like all Sintaris weapons it has a double action trigger. Gently push on it with your finger until just before the moment of release. This is the point of no return. Let go here and nothing happens. But press just a tad more and bam." Quentin said, her hand still covering Taionia 's but letting her make the final squeeze.

    Yinlynn watched as she demonstrated how to hold and fire the weapon. Feeling her touch on her skin as she does the demonstration. She smiled shyly of course. She cleared her throat as she aimed with the sights and pressed the trigger. She missed several times of course, just to show Quentin she was not use to rifles as of yet. She sighs as she fired several rounds and missed. When she stopped, she lowered the weapon and looked at her targets. "Not a scratch." She said quietly. She looked at Quentin behind her and smiled. "Maybe this will be better?"

    She placed the rifle on the table in front of her and grabbed her own weapon, her pistol was in a hoist attached to her leg. A handgun was a 6 round plasma, much like the Earth Magnum gun. When she aimed to the targets, she pulled back the thumb on the weapon and squeezes the trigger. The sound of the gun was loud as it fired. The pistol shot back after the first shot, Yinlynn pulls the thumb back again and fires once more. When she fired all 6 rounds. She gives the gun a jerk, and the case pops out, she points it up and empty's the case. The plasma shell casings fell on the ground, as she grabbed a full casings, reloading the gun. She looked at Quentin with a smile. "Earth had some fascinating weapons which we like very much, but we can't control because their modern series went out of date years ago, along with the actual guns as well since they upgraded so much." After she finished reloading the gun, she placed it back in her hoist and clicks the strap on. "The .357 Magnum became my favorite, I was able to manufacture using superior technology and a lot of hours." She relaxed her shoulders, feeling rather exhausted after explaining.

    "There is something to say about classic designs. The nostalgic design about them. Makes us yearn for a simpler time." Quentin said, admiring the weapon before it was placed back in the holster her eyes then lingering on the hip that wore it. Sintaris Industries was all about having the newest weapons that they never really focused on any classic designs. Power, efficiency, fast manufacturing and low production cost is what mattered. Quentin had a few classic pieces in her collection but nothing like what Taionia carried. "Sadly we don't live in simple times. Rifles aren't to your liking we have a few other options." Quentin said, picking a hand gun up from the table. It was slim and sleek something small enough to conceal. Holding it with only her left hand she aimed at one of the other targets firing a single time. A small plasma round came out barely striking the target before fizzling out. "Doesn't seem like much at first but, 3, 2, 1." As she finished her count down the target exploded into a ball of fire, flames licking out to hit the targets beside it. "Delay explosives great for multiple targets and confusing the hell out your enemy for a few seconds. Can also be adapted for a rifle for those long ranges surprises."

    Quentin set the pistol down on the table, "Tell me though what are you interested in? Rifles don't seem to be your style and you already have a lovely, " She paused glancing down at Taionia's pistol or rather the general area of it, "pistol. What is it today that I can help you with?"

    "The other Admirals and I have wanted something special for the soldiers in future use again'st the pirates and bandits that continued to raid our convoys of merchant ships. Our naval fleet can handle the ships and destroy them with ease, but we want to push them off of our borders and into different territory areas. Generally the minor power territory, something a little fun for the soldiers to have fun with as well." She smiled as she picked up one of the laser rifles and aimed at the targets. She pressed the trigger and hits her targets numerous times as each target was filled with holes, or scorch marks. "I can handle a rifle, but yes, never really liked them enough." She turned and smiled to Quentin. She placed the rifle butt on her hip and aimed it up towards the ceiling. "Rifles are so...tacky, pistols are quite a challenge, especially when it comes to fighting the enemy, only having a few rounds again'st so many. Plus I always like to keep something on the side." She mentioned about her pistol.

    "But it's our specialists that might require something as well, something with long range and that can easily find targets without taking second guesses." She placed the rifle down and folds her arms under her breast area and smiles. "Do you have such a weapon?" She asked.

    "I do so love a challenge and I am sure I have everything needed to meet whatever your tastes are." Quentin said flashing a cheeky smile. "Weapons to help you with pirates will have to wait until our tour of the bridge. As for your specialist," She reached down and picked up a long rifle that when the butt was placed on the ground stood a little higher then Quentin's waist, which was saying something as she was a tall woman.

    "Light weight, long range sniper rifle. Weighs as much as your average rifle, can be broken down for easy storage." She said leaning the rifle against her side and opening a box about eighteen inches in length and six in width with a carrying strap, inside was a broken down rifle. "Assembly is easy and with some practice your men can learn to quickly put it together. The record is currently twelve seconds, but trust me not everything I do is that fast. Has a ten round magazine. Range is close to ten miles with the target guiding scope and an average of about four with the standard scope depending on the shooter's skill. My personal best is five and half. Sadly my shooting range aboard the ship is not equipped for a demonstration."

    "Well...that's too bad, I would have accepted your challenge if you had offered one." Yinlynn smiled as she stared in Quentin's eyes. While touching some of the weaponry on the table, she examined each one briefly and placed her attention back on the half breed. "I'm starting to think the weapons you have are not very cheap." She slightly smiled, "Is there a possible chance for a discount?" She asked while standing in a certain pose, her hand on her hip as her leg raises slightly, keeping on her toes. "Or do we need to do...'favors' for one another?" She waved her hair and smiled still.

    Quentin stared at Taionia trying to sort her out, she had to admit she had only met a few Kel'Cyrans and they had been nothing like Taionia. The few that she had met had been more like her tutors had told her stuck up and pompous. When she had first started her approach on the sale today she hadn't known what came over her. Usually she tailored her approach to who she was trying to make the sell to. Today though when she first saw Taionia, her plans of being prim and proper as she had been taught most Kel'cyrans would expect had gone out the airlock. Instead Quentin's inner teenager came out and she couldn't help but have a little fun, didn't help that Taionia was quite attractive. It seemed to be working, something that shocked her. "Perfection comes at a cost, if you want the best you are going to pay a little more but there is always room for negotiations." Quentin said holding her hand out for Taionia, "Perhaps a slight pause in our tour for refreshments in my private dinning room?"

    "Sounds lovely." Yinlynn smiled in return and gently placed her own hand on Quentin's and allowed her to guide to her dinner room. "What do most Lyran's eat often?" She asked, feeling more curious about the Lyrans. She usually heard they were always blood thirsty and war hungry.

    Yinlynn looked at her escort and couldn't help herself, but stare at her figure. She was indeed very beautiful and was an attractive body.

    She linked her arm with Taionia walking down the hallway leaning into her and playfully lowering her voice, "I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell anyone. Most Lyrans will never admit it but we aren't that different then Terrans." Quentin said, wondering how much Taionia knew about her. Most everyone honed straight on her dual heritage, she was a rarity among both Lyrans and Terrans. Though both originated from the same culture but neither would ever admit it. There weren't many half-bloods out there and Quentin tended to stand out. "My mother never sheltered me from my Terran side and the more I learned, I realized it wasn't all that different. Today we have a nice grilled chicken with a fresh salad picked from our hydroponics bay. I've selected a vintage red wine about sixty years old, grown on my family's vineyards."

    "Ah, it seems you have quite a taste in certain delicacy." She smiled as she stared at the food, and the beverage. "I heard about Earth's wine collection, although not much of our species can handle the same taste for food due to our bio-chemistry of our genetics, though we do love the salads Earth had to offer." She smiled as she sat down on the chair and looked at the salad. "The wine I heard about, but I never had the opportunity to try and taste it. If my body can handle it, I'm sure I would love to taste it." She smiled as she stared at the bottle, grabbing it gently from the table and examined it. "I read some of the Earth's taste testers?" She looked up to Quentin, "They would taste the wine to acknowledge the flavor and the taste." She laughed softly. "My people were just drink it and take their take consuming."

    "I think, I would prefer your people's way and not waste such a fine drink." Quentin said, coming up behind Taionia taking the bottle and encouraging her to sit down. "When the Terrans and Lyrans were united before venturing out into space we over populated our planet, resources became scare. Our scientists created synthetics that were easier to create and tasted nearly the same. But not quite the same, still to this day the Terrans use these synthetics. They can make a bottle wine in hour versus the years it was meant to take. While on Lyre we've returned to the natural way of things. Synthetic food while not technically illegal is frowned upon in our society, we as you no doubt are aware like to distance ourselves from our cousins. I'm sure you'll find our dishes to be very similar but much richer." She uncorked the bottle pouring a glass for Taionia and then one for herself before sitting down, "And much more agreeable with your genetics. " Quentin said, holding her glass up in a toast.

    "To our genetics." Yinlynn smiled and raised up her glass in return. She slowly takes a taste of the wine and licked her lips and smiled. "That is indeed quite a taste it has." Yinlynn says while wiping her lips with a napkin. And stares silently at some of the food on the table. Serving herself as she places the chicken lettuce on her own plate and uses the utensils placed at her disposal. She takes a small bite from the lettuce and slowly chews it. She smiled as she eats. "It is quite delicious." She complimented on the food. "If we were on Kel'Cyre I'm sure the service would be more delightful as well, including our melody music." She sighs as she takes the glass in her hand and swirls the liquid. "I have to say your ship is not what I had thought in mind." She looked around. "Normally we would expect something a little similar such as the Charabidians." She giggled. "Always with the fancy ships."

    "I like to keep a lower profile, often my cargo and occasionally passengers are very valuable best not to draw to much attention." Quentin said said flashing Taionia another smile. "And I can't say I've ever been the flashy sort. I suppose deep down I will always be a soldier. I've been to hundreds of formal affairs yet still feel out of place." She looked across the table at Taionia surprised that she was being this open with someone she barely knew and an alien at that. "As for the music, I wasn't sure if you had a preference." Quentin picked up a data pad pulling up a playlist and handing it over to the other woman.

    "I had been to thousands, and believe me, it gets quite tiresome after hitting the five hundredth party." She giggled as she took the remote and plays one of the songs on set. She places the remote down and sips on her wine. "I never had a known preference, I try to keep things simple and...secretive." She smiled, placing the glass on her lips and slowly takes a drink of her drink. She giggled and places the glass down, "And the Kel'Cyre are known to not to be able to hold their own drink." Moving her hand over her lips and hid half of her smile, she looked at Quentin with a glossy eyes and a happy expression. She cleared her throat and positions herself on her chair. "Sorry about that, I never get so...nimble after a few sips."

    "I enjoy trying new things, and my own preferences vary from situation to situation." Quentin said looking over to the Kel-Cyre before her noticing that she was starting to show the signs of being drunk. Lyrans like their Terran cousins were well known for being able to hold their drink. Having spent so long in a Marine unit she had quite a few drunken nights with her Marines and supposed she could tolerate more then most. She hadn't known the Kel-cyre had a low tolerance for liquor and made a mental note for future meetings with the race to stock an assortment of juices rather then fine wine. Her uncle's vineyard also produced several varieties of juices that were quite enjoyable.

    "My apologies, I must admit I am rather naive when it comes to ali... other races and their cultures." Quentin said stopping herself from saying 'alien', then standing up and holding her hand out for Taionia. "Perhaps we should end our tour a little early for today. Give us a chance to recoup. I have no other immediate engagements and another day in your company would be welcome. May I escort you back to your ship? Or if you would prefer I can arrange for quarters for you aboard the Octavian Maiden."

    Yinlynn giggled as she took the half breed hand and help her to stand up. She looked around, "M-m-my ship?...Where did I park my ship?" She gasps. "My ship..." She stopped and shook her head slowly. "I apologize, my um..." She cleared her throat, and waved her hand around for a steady stance. "I think it would be much wiser to stay aboard on your ship for..." She looked at Quentin and stared at her eyes. "My crew would most likely think less of me if they see their superior." She started to giggle. "Intoxicated." She laughed softly.

    She tried as hard as she could not to laugh at Taionia's state especially since it was only after a few sips of wine. She had a point on that note about not returning to her own ship in this state and it maybe wise not to let her own crew see her like this either. Instead of walking toward the door they had entered through Quentin lead her to a far door on the other side of the room. She tapped a code on the door causing it to open. Inside was a good sized room with several sofas and a large window that took up half the wall, through it you could see The Dawn of Light floating next to them. She lead them into the next room where there was a large bed and guided Taionia it it helping her lay down, then moved to head back to the other room where the sofas were thinking she would read a little while she slept the wine off. "You can rest here until you are feeling better." Quentin said.

    Draconian Homeworld.

    As the battle between clans progressed, Clan Master Verath of Clan Rinnenth watched as their enemy numbers begun to dwindle rather quickly. He was curious if the other clan warriors are either surrendering or retreating. Ordering his own warriors to rush towards the enemy clans' base and finish off the resisting fighters. Verath has been a busy Draconian since his time returning to the fold. Taking the role by force from his own brood brother, Merath, whom was lucky to remain alive. His second in command who is now Ambassador of the Draconia's approached Verath as he was observing the battle field. "Clan Master, we received a transmission from the Charabidians, they want to speak with you about the contract."

    Verath hissed and growled as the news came to his ears. "Informed the Royals we cannot interact on contracts at the moment, I am too busy taking back my home." Tharos stood next to Verath and watched the field of explosive bombs landing on the ground, gun fire shooting wildly on the field. "It is about the Lyrans, they attacked the kitty's homeworld and decimated the Kel'Cyre and severely damaged the other Power Cores." Tharos stated then hears a instant hiss. "If the Royals want our assistance, I can not attend to this time, but you can." Verath folded his arms. "Take the Dragon Fang, and several warships with you and meet the Royals, are they forming a meeting?" Verath asked and Tharos nodded. "Of course, they have a gathering aboard the Wrathful Hand. I will tend to it as you command." Tharos turned and took his leave, before he heard Verath. "Tell the princess, I said hello."

    Once aboard the Wrathful Hand.

    "So this 'Purity' is their current flag ship of their naval fleet, and the ships in their fleet are just standard military ships like we all have seen before?" Vice Admiral Yinlynn took the dossier from the assistant and read the information that has been gathered. "This ship seems to have no penetration of what so ever, and if it can destroy a ship with a single hit, none of our ships in our fleet can't handle such a devastating weapon."
    Last edited by MidKnight; 04-07-2016 at 10:53 PM.

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    "Good morning, sir. Coffee?"

    Captain Oryol sat at a small desk inside the Ready Room, a tablet in his hand as he poured over tactical reports. Night after sleepless night had taken its toll on the young man, evidenced by the dark circles surrounding his heterochromic eyes. His usually crisp and clean appearance had been replaced with a five o'clock shadow. After yawning deeply, the captain brought his eyes to his sullen second in command. While Ziva maintained her appearance and composure, Captain Oryol could tell that she had experienced as many restless nights as he had.

    "Yes please. Thank you Ziva."

    She didn't need to wait for confirmation from the captain. She was already on her way with the cup, placing it on the table in front of him only a few seconds before he spoke. Ziva took a seat at the opposite end of the small table, lifting her own cup to her lips and sipped from the caffeine-filled liquid mana. Ryker followed suit, setting his cup softly on the table. "What's the report?"

    "The Kel'Cyre home world has been decimated. Billions dead. Their fleet has been greatly reduced and, as far as we are aware, all leadership is either dead or missing. It'll be years before they're able to come anywhere close to the military presence they used to carry. Our government has already sent relief ships, but it's going to take more than that to help them. They're.... they're crippled, captain." Ziva's voice began to crack. A military officer she may have been, but it was clear that her heart ached for the countless civilians lost in the Lyran attack.

    Ryker sighed as he scrolled through the report, seeing nothing but negativity in the text.

    "....and, we've been ordered to attend a Summit, hosted by the Charabidians."

    "Indeed, to discuss a joint operation. Seems the Kel'Cyre lost an important possession during the battle." Ryker rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to process the rest of the report. "Alright, let's get under way. Signal the rest of the fleet. We'll be getting underway at 0900."


    "... At this point, ladies and gentlemen, I am open to suggestions."

    Ryker sat in his appointed place on-board the Wrathful Hand, listening to the delegation discuss their options. "A full on frontal assault would be pointless. The Purity would just rip us apart like it did the Kel'Cyre. We may have a chance if we can whittle away at its escort. If we can take out enough of the supporting ships, maybe we'll have a shot at the Purity. Have we considered boarding tactics?"

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    UWA home system
    At the time of the Lyran attack

    Being a somewhat out of the way mid-rim faction did have it's disadvantages, mostly with having to fend for yourself quite a lot and not having much sway on the galactic stage. But in other ways it had advantages. Mostly because the Lyran Empire more or less over looked United World's Alliance during their attack on the worlds of the Concert. The one strike fleet that attack may not have even been ordered to do so, some upstart young commander with something to prove, taking a portion of the fleet to take out what may have been seen as some backwater group of minor significance.

    It was true the UWA had no real enemies. One of their fleet ships, the Spirit of Redmont, had just returned from taking out a pirate base and was sitting in dry dock at the Military Conclave section of Conclave Station when news of the attack on the Concert worlds came through. Before the commanders could react, though, a relatively small wormhole opened up revealing a small fleet, 10 ships in total. Most of them broke against the anti-piracy defenses at the mining facility in the asteroid belt, but two broke through. "This isn't good" the commander of the Spirit of Redmont, one Lieutenant Taylor Redmont said. "They are considering pulling back to Conclave Station to mount a final defense" her second in command, Major Hannah Brown said. "This wont do, that means blowing the facilities as per the scorched earth policies, we need to mount a counter attack" Taylor said. "Call up our sister ships, we're going in" she said.

    It was quick and sudden, the three Spirits jumped straight out of their moorings, confusing the military commanders. As they arrived they formulated a plan of attack. "Port-side cannons have been brought to fire!" was the next order. The cannons fired their slugs, each cannon was double barreled, and there were ten cannons on the side, 20 slugs in total, 20 holes big enough for a fighter to fly through. The enemy ships stood little chance. The Spirit of Volarous was next, taking out the second ship.

    The presence of friendly ships had stopped the scorched earth tactic from being implemented, saving the mining facility, unfortunately the third ship opened up a wormhole to get closer to it's target. The three UWA ships quickly gave chase, their FTL drives spinning up and bringing them in front of it, just as a fourth signature was registered. "This is the Heart of the Conclave, moving in to support in the final defense" the captain of that ship said. This changed the tactic, especially with the new friendly ship parked right in front of the last enemy ship. "Tay? What are you orders?" Hannah asked. Eracor and Volarous will flank the Heart and help destroy the enemy from above" Taylor ordered. The enemy ship drew closer to the Heart of the Conclave, and when it was almost on top of her, she fired her railgun she was built around. Part of the explosion damaged the nose of the Heart of the Conclave, which was also the end of the railgun's barrel, and a piece of the enemy ship flew down the barrel and got lodged in there. The four ships went back to their docking stations, victorious.

    Current time
    The last ditch defense had earned them praise, and being told they were idiots for considering it at first. Unfortunately the Heart of the Conclave was going to be in for some serious repairs and couldn't be contributed to the fleet to help the Concert, so the Spirits would be going alone. One of the nukes that the last ship was carrying had, also, managed to break through the atmosphere, but fell relatively harmlessly into the ocean, striking an old forward staging point made out of a bunch of old deep-sea oil rigs, the clean up would take some time, but that was no concern of Taylor, seeing as she was the commander of this small fleet now. "Prepare to take us to the staging point for the Concert fleet" she said.
    Last edited by Fox Xalian; 05-17-2016 at 10:20 AM.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


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    Vincent watched as yet another of his fighter squadrons was destroyed. He gritted his teeth and growled into the mic. “Adam what’s the sitrep on those transports?”

    “Working on it sir, the last of the ships just left atmos.” Was the reply heard over the sound of screeching metal. “Gorram, leaving pieces of themselves behind to sir, I’m on my way up now. Buy me five more minutes!”

    “You got it Adam, hurry those civilians up, I don’t have much left for ammo for my bombers.” Captain Nadia cut into the comm-link.

    “Roger that Nadia, pull your bombers back and pull a close knit defense with the fighters. Let’s get this last civilian out of here before more damn Lyrans get more reinforcements.” Vincent barked over the link. “Helm! Get us between that fleet and the planet, last transport is heading up. Weapons, focus fire on their fighters, order our fleet to defensive pattern Delta three. We just need five more minutes! Let’s move people!” Vincent strapped himself in tighter as The Immortals Constellation made a hard left turn.

    “Bank starboard 20 degrees, pitch up 12 degrees, and fire the cannons…NOW” He watched as another destroyer took a hit from the cannons. Then the ship rocked, HARD. Alarms started screaming as he frantically typed on the command console. “REPORT!”

    “Sir, decks 3, 5, and 9 took a direct hit, sealing them now. Lost 12 defensive matrixes.”

    “Gorram, ok, move to mark 59 bearing 135. Let’s get that missile ship.” Vincent ordered.

    “Sir, Two destroyers moving directly at the Vorpal Fog!”

    “Scratch the missile ship, Move to intercept the destroyers,” he took a breath, “Adams, hurry your ass up here, getting beat to hell.” Vincent winced as another section of his ship took a hit.

    “I’m trying sir, civilians are almost away.” Adams replied.

    “INCOMING MISSLE!” The ship rocked as the armor took another hit. “Last ship just jumped out.” Captain Adam reported.

    “About time, Nadia and Adams, pull back and get the hell out of here. Meet at rendezvous Hell’s Wing’s.”

    “We aren’t leaving you Admiral,” Nadia interrupted.

    “That’s an ORDER CAPTAIN, Get your people safe. I’ll see you both at the rendezvous point.”

    Vincent cut the link and turned to his helm. “Buy them time to jump, drop the decoy ships and put up the Energy Deflector.” He watched as suddenly a fleet of “friendlies” appeared on radar. About time, only way they will see it is by looking out the window. There was a brief break in fire, and he felt the ship shudder as it made the leap into FTL. As they dropped out of FTL, proximity alarms started going off, and the ship swung sharply to the side. “NADIA, not so close, how many times do I have to say it!”

    “You had a good 100 meters Admiral, don’t yell at me because you weren’t paying attention.”

    “Nadia I have half a mind too…”

    To what Admiral?” Vincent could picture the smirk she had as she interrupted him.

    Never mind. I’ll see you both station side.” He replied through gritted teeth.

    Looking forward to it sir.” Nadia replied as the Vorpal Fog sped off ahead of them.

    A few minutes later Vincent stepped off into Hell’s Wing’s. The best Merc bar this side of the Rim.

    “Sir.” Adams popped up at his elbow, consciously making an effort to watch his Admirals back.

    “Admiral! Over here!” Nadia hollered from a table in the nearby bar.

    Vincent made his way to the bar and ordered a synth beer for the group, then made his way over to Nadia with the drinks. “Nice to see you again Nadia.”

    “You as well sir. So what’s our orders concerning all this mess?” Nadia made a general hand gesture at the reports on the table in front of them.

    “First I’m going to see about getting everything repaired and topped off. Fuel, weapons, crew. In the meantime scatter and find out what you can. Meet back here in two hours.” Vincent finished his drink and split up from his Captains. He had full faith that they would find out what this nonsense was about with the Lyrans.


    He sat down at the table, already knowing what his Captains would report. The news was everywhere about the Lyran invasion and them sneaking away with the Alien Ship.
    “Admiral, what should we do? I know you already have the news.” Nadia sat down and handed him a glass of whiskey on the rocks.

    “I’m not sure, at this point any decent pirate or Merc would take advantage of the chaos to score big.” Vincent stopped as Adams sat down.

    “But you’re not like that sir. Never have been, never will be.” Adams didn’t even hesitate before jumping in.

    “The Concert called for a meeting or a summit of sorts, everybody welcome. I’ll put it to a vote. Should we go and see what they want?” Without a word both his Captains raised their glasses. “It’s settled. At 0900 Standard time we move to the Wrathful Hand in Charabidian Space.”

    The Next day, with his partially damaged but fully crewed and stocked fleet, Admiral Vincent sat down in a meeting with so many Captains and Admirals that he didn’t expect to see. From other Pirates to some more shady Mercinaires, and even some highly respectable people from the core powers.

    “So my question is, if this ship is so unstoppable, why go after it? Why don’t we take the fight back to the Lyrans and start hitting their worlds?” Vincent stood up after the briefing to ask. “I’m not one to target civilians, but after that holovid and what they did to the Kel’Cyre, there are no more civilians in this war.”

    Sitting back down he felt Nadia briefly touch his hand. She knew the pain he was feeling by saying that. Now to see what everyone thought or if they even heard him.

  6. #6
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    After speaking with the Charabidian Admiral several guards had given her boots and jacket back. She put the boots on but left the jacket behind, she really wished she had been given time to change but she wasn't that fortunate. Without her boots on she stood just below six feet and with them she was over six feet. She wore her gray dress pants and a black tank top showing her well muscled arms. She may not have still been on active duty but still maintained a fit body. The Klein she knew from her days in school would be furious at her reporting to a meeting of this importance dressed as she was but the mentor she now knew would understand the wisdom to not walk into the room dressed in the enemy's uniform. On her left wrist the guards had placed an electronic bracelet, a tracker she figured allowing the Charabidians to monitor her movements. She had a feeling that even with the tracker she would rarely have a moment alone, always accompanied by a couple guards. Janessa said, they many need her insight in days to come but she still was a war criminal and wouldn't be allowed to freely roam without some sort of supervision. The bracelet looked to be more then just a tracking device, perhaps it had fail safe measures in it that could incapacitate or even kill her with the push of a button.

    She followed the Charabidian woman in and took a seat at the table looking around. Some of the faces she recognized from her business dealings others from her time in the military while there were some she didn't. Her eyes fell to one of the Kel'Cyre officers; Taionia, the other woman held herself with composure but Quentin knew her the destruction of her planet and the death of her countryman must be tearing her apart. She had always been such a gentle soul, the last few days must have been unbearable for her. Quentin wanted to run over to her, pull her into her arms just to hold her but now wasn't the time and she didn't know if she would even welcome the embrace. Did Taionia hate her for what happened? She was part of the cause of all this death and destruction. Or would Taionia understand that the Lyrans had used her?

    How would history remember her? The last few days had ensured that the name Quentin Sinclair would be written in the history books. What would she be known as? Only time would tell, history was written by the winners. Either way she felt the title history gave would not be a pleasing one. The Murderer of Kel'Cyre, Octavian's Fool or the Traitor of Lyre the list grew in her mind as she half listened to Warmaster Dominic's speech, she had heard many like it before. Propaganda videos were a common place in Lyran society. They were in schools, on the video streams even on monitors in city squares. They always seemed to be the same, proclaiming the glory of the Lyran, the treachery of the Terrans and other races. Instead of watching the video Quentin still focused on Taionia who hadn't even spared her a glance.

    When the video ended Janessa's aid handed out the meager dossiers that she flipped through not taking long as there was really no useable data here. Mostly just observations from the battle, the Purity was basically an unknown with powerful tools at it's disposal. Quentin had known the Warmaster had been commissioning the ships and Sintaris Industries had supplied some of the weaponry on the ship. In her data base she had blue prints that could be of aid. Judging by the fact these blue prints weren't in the dossiers the Charabidian either hadn't cracked the encryption on her private files yet or they had and choose not to share that information with the others.

    Ryker sat in his appointed place on-board the Wrathful Hand, listening to the delegation discuss their options. "A full on frontal assault would be pointless. The Purity would just rip us apart like it did the Kel'Cyre. We may have a chance if we can whittle away at its escort. If we can take out enough of the supporting ships, maybe we'll have a shot at the Purity. Have we considered boarding tactics?"

    Looking over to the Terran commander Quentin couldn't help but give him a small look of contempt, some things after years of conditioning were hard to let got. “Boarding Tactics? Have you ever faced off against a Lyran Shock Brigade?” Quentin said unable to help but sound arrogant, her mind drifting to the tattoo on her bicep, in Earth's distant history it was Odin's horn, meant to symbolize Odin's quest for the Odhroerir, a magical mead brewed from the blood of the wise god Kvasir. Nowadays in Lyran society it was a symbol of the Shock Brigade, an elite force of Marines. The tattoo was a sacred symbol to Marines and wear of it was earned. One was not allowed to get it unless they had been in combat, anyone who violated this was subject to punishment that could include capital punishment depending on the mood of the magistrate presiding over them. The fact that Quentin's had a ring and was in color showed she had seen more then her share of combat and the blood of their enemies had been spilled by her hand. She glanced up at Captain Oryol, his name familiar to her, he was a skilled commander by reports and most likely had fought against her people many times before. “A ship the size of the Purity no doubt has at least four Shock Brigades on it. Boarding would be suicide but by all means rush in and get yourself killed.” She said, thinking she may be exaggerating about the number of troops on the ship but then again maybe she wasn't. It was hard to tell with Warmaster Dominic and who knew which commander he had placed at the helm of the ship.

    “So my question is, if this ship is so unstoppable, why go after it? Why don’t we take the fight back to the Lyrans and start hitting their worlds?” Vincent stood up after the briefing to ask. “I’m not one to target civilians, but after that holovid and what they did to the Kel’Cyre, there are no more civilians in this war.”

    “There is no such thing as a Lyran civilian, all citizens are required to serve at least four years in the military. Every man and woman on those worlds you want to attack is a soldier. We have been at war as long as we have existed, believe me when I say the Lyrans know how to defend their own.” Quentin said, the thought of attacking civilians appalling her even with her own knowledge of her people and their tactics. It had been one of the things she had disagreed with her commanders on and a factor that led to her separation from the Marines. “And as the Admiral said our main goal is to recover that ship. Who knows what kind of technical advancements are on it. If the Warmaster is able to unlock those secrets then the Lyrans truly will be unstoppable.”

    Quentin looked around the room thinking her words may have been harsh and had offended some of the people here, but now was not a time for pleasantries. She looked over to Taionia again thinking her statement held a voice of despair in it, making her want to reach out and comfort her but she sat on the opposite side of the table and still hadn't even acknowledged her presence. “Before this attack Warmaster Dominic commissioned the munitions companies on Lyre to began production of a weapon like the one seen in this attack. While Sintaris Industries has been unable to successfully produce the weapon we have been researching it. We are still years away from a finished product. It seems one of the other companies beat us to it. We have barely moved past simulations and have been unable to make a working prototype that doesn't overheat and explode. I have the blue prints for the Sintaris design. Perhaps it may help shed some light on the workings of this weapon and find a weakness.”
    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 04-08-2016 at 08:04 PM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  7. #7
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    "A boarding action seems like the best shot we have of taking down the Purity" Janessa nodded to the terran, Ryker. "And while the Lyran Shock Battalions are fearsome, we have something even they should be scared of up our sleeves. In a few hours, my command should be reinforced by a force of Dragonoid mercenaries, with a full war load. I can't think of a better force to storm that monster."

    She turned to the young Kel-Cyre officer. She didn't envy the other woman. The fate of her people rested on her slim shoulders.

    "Their fleet was conventional, but top heavy. The Purity was escorted in her escape by 6 heavy battleships, 12 armoured cruisers and 6 carriers. But they only pulled out a dozen frigates and destroyers, leaving the rest as a rearguard. Again, thats a bit odd, but I'm guessing they have a reserve they are racing to meet."

    She pulled up shots of the various classes they had encountered so far.

    "From the hulls, it looks like these are conventional designs, but from their performance, I think we can safely say they have seen some discreet upgrades. Its heavy on railguns, autocannon and missiles, rather than energy weapons. That gives them a big detection and range advantage over our fleet, so we'll have to close under fire when we engage them before we can start squeezing off effective shots."

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    The hooded ambassador of the Draconians entered the room. Causing a sudden cold like feeling in the air. As he walked towards the Charabidians side. Heavy foots rumbled beneath everyone's feet as did the filled cups of water shook. Ambassador Tharos of Clan Rinnenth stood with his swings spreading then returned to a fold. He hissed as he looked among the ranking officers and other mercenaries. He folded his arms over his chest and observed the crew. "This is the assault force?" He asked as he examined each one. He inhales deeply, smelling their scent.

    "Kel'Cyre, I had heard about your home condolences." He looked at the Kel'Cyre officer, lowering his head slightly, a sign of bowing.

    He looked to the Terrans. "Terrans...your kind fought again'st mine...worthless opponents." He hissed and noticed the Mercenary Terran. "And I assume you neglect your own, judging by the appearances of your clothing, you do not share the same occupation as this one?" He stared towards Captain Ryker.

    He looked over the crew once more. Then noticed Taylor Redmont. "A Volarian?" He was surprised. "Last I saw your kind was in a tragic event." He looked to the Charabidian. "Are you sure they can assist us again'st the Lyran Empire?" He asked Admiral Janessa. He shook his head and looked at the holograms.

    He heard Admiral Janessa about the boarding party situation.

    "If you wish to board the Super Dreadnought and disable the ship within. Then you are going to need my warriors to fight again's their heavy enforcers, we can ensure they will be taken care of once my warriors are aboard. Heavy rifles and heavy cannons can blow a hole through their big metal suits most species use. Once inside, we can find the defensive weapon capability systems and destroy it."

    Tharos examined the images of the ships in the Lyran fleet.

    "You said they have top heavy class ships. Heavy weapons and armor can only mean one thing. They have slow speed. If these ships are indeed slow and lack maneuverability, we can easily flank their rear and destroy their life support systems. Not only that, but possibly destroy the ship along with their crew, leaving no survivors. Eye for an eye." There was a soft chuckle that escape his throat. "Also I have heavy bombers we can use once those weapon systems on the Purity are offline, we can lay a bombing run. Causing significant damage if possible."

    Tiaonna Yinlynn returns the gesture towards the Draconia mercenary and examined the brute as he examined the others. She looked over to Quentin for she seemed to be left out of the picture from Tharo's view. She looked to Quentin for a moment and closes her eyes and in her mind, she remembered a lovely event she had with Quentin.

    Memory flashback....

    Yinlynn felt the soft layer of the couch as she nuzzled her head and moaned softly while closing her eyes. She smelled the thick smell from the couch leather. The material of it made her nose filled with both joy and excitement. As she lay on the couch and smelling it at the same time, she moaned once more with a soft sound. Slowly moving her legs around as she moved her arms around the cushion and gives it a slight squeeze. "Quentin..." She softly whispered as she held the cushion in her arms.

    Quentin sighed as she walked down the corridor to her quarters from the Captain's ready room. She had been enjoying a nice visit with Taionia when the bridge advised her there was an urgent call for her. That had been close to two hours ago now and the call had been anything but urgent. It had been her step father wanting to go over her last sales invoice. She had made a sale to a group of Jirish merchants that she had managed to sell at above market value all the while making the Jirish believe they had gotten a steal on the merchandise. Still Victor didn't like the idea of selling to other races and audited everything she had sold going line by line. Something that could have waited until she was back on Lyre in a couple weeks. The detour she had made to meet up the Dawn of Light had only added a couple days to the trip and was easily explained by wanting to avoid Terran space. They currently were on the edge of Kel-Cyre space where the Dawn of Light was patrolling. She stepped into her dinner room then across to the door to her bedrooms entering the code to it getting ready to apologize for taking to long only to notice Taionia was asleep on her sofa. Quentin stepped fully into the room heading over to the sofa and gently sitting on the edge hearing Taionia call her name as she clutched a cushion. With a smile on her face she gently stroked her check and pushed her purple hair out of her face.

    Yinlynn smiled as she felt a brush going again'st the side of her head. When she curled up into a fettle position. She felt another body touching hers. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed Quentin was on the edge of the sofa. Smiling at her presence, Yinlynn wondered if she talked in her sleep? She was known to do this from time to time. Yawning and clutching on the cushion even tighter as a stretching moment. She licked her lips and slowly stared at the half breed woman. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice I fell asleep." She leans up to her side and rubbed her eye, trying to wipe the numbness from her body. She groaned and moaned as she tried to keep her body from falling asleep again. Her hair was frizzy and her uniform was out of place. She leans up to the woman, her body near hers. "Did you finish your business?" She asked as she sighs and looked at the woman's face. Examining her carefully, she could tell she had not an easy sell.

    She giggled for a moment. "I had a dream, I was on in the Avallah mountains on my home planet. I was retired from the naval fleet and decided to move there. My house was built from old amber wood and rock material. The house was nice, I had a pet name Skeeve, and he would sleep on the floor next to the fire pit. The wind blew in my face with a gentle breeze and I could smell the wood lands near my house. I tried to bask in it's beauty, but I felt the cold chill from the frozen mountains." She sighs. "It was a majestic sight." She smiled at the woman. "Would to see it someday?" She asked, even though she never had the home yet.

    "I'm sorry that took alot longer then I thought it would and could hardly be called business. More like my step father being a pain in the ass. How my mother puts up with him I have no idea." Quentin said, enjoying the way it felt to have Taionia leaning against her. She smiled again as she explained her dream. Quentin had been in the space above the Kel'Cyre homeworld but had never actually been down on the planet. "Sounds like a lovely dream. I would love to see your homeworld. Your ships are so lovely and some of the artwork I have seen is just amazing."

    She continued stroking her hand through Taionia's hair despite it being a little frizzy, her hair was still silky soft. Quentin couldn't help but stare thinking the other woman looked so cute ruffled up like this, her usually pristine uniform messed about. "Tell me in this dream you had did you live alone?"

    "I remember seeing a little child running on the vast green field, tall green grass. The child was no more then 4 years old, a boy. Black hair, slim body, not a fat chubby one." She giggled. "Kel'Cyre child, with blue eyes." She sighs, "I heard another voice, but I didn't see who it." She looked at the other woman. "But I do have an idea who." She smiled and gets up slowly while rubbing her head with a free hand and using the other to hold her balance. "What's for dinner?"

    Once she came back to her own state of mind. She opened her eyes and watched as Tharos begun to explain of what he can do. She sighs as she listened to what the others had to say in this.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 04-15-2016 at 05:14 AM.

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    Quentin looked over as Janessa mentioned they would be assisted by the Dragonoid mercenaries, she never had any dealings with them during her time in the military but had seen reports on them. They were fierce warriors, in the reports she had seen they always had difficulties in dealing with them and often had to retreat. She had been about to object again to the idea of a boarding strategy until Janessa talked about the Dragonoids, it may actually work with their help. Her eyes were drawn to the door at the sound of the heavy footfalls where she saw a large alien walk in. He was truly aliens compared to many of those present that physically looking weren't that different then the Lyrans. The reports she had seen on Dragonoids did not do them justice, they were larger then she imagined. The leader of the Dragonoids stepped up addressing everyone in the room seeming to skip over her, judging by his remarks to Vincent he no doubt was lumping her in with the Terrans. There really was little to mark her as a Lyran save for the partial uniform she still wore and an easy mistake to make if he wasn't aware of her situation, no one would normally expect a Lyran to be there during planning against the Lyrans.

    “I retract my statement, of a boarding attack being suicide. With Dragonoid forces there may just be a chance. Though just blowing a hole in the side of the ship and charging in seems a little foolish when you have a guide.” Quentin said, turning to Janessa knowing she wasn't a free member of this collation as her mind drifted to the bracelet on her arm, “Allow me to lead one of the boarding parties. I've spent longer then anyone present on Lyran ships I know the layouts designs used. Military ships usually have similar plans, I can lead your forces to the weapons systems without having to stumble in the dark. I also have marines aboard my ship many of them Shock Brigade, could level the playing field a bit.”

    The question now was would the Concert allow her to actually take part in this operation or was she merely there to provide information? She looked around the room taking note of each person present wondering to herself what their response would be. The Terrans would likely object, Admiral Janessa seemed to be logical she may go for it, she wasn't sure about the Volarian or the Dragonoids. Her sweep of the delegation stopped on Taionia their eyes locking for a moment before the Kel'Cyre closed her eyes breaking their gaze. Of all the opinions Taionia's was the one that concerned her the most and the one person she thought she would be able to read but couldn't. Quentin closed her eyes drifting away for a moment lost in a memory thinking it was a time that was forever gone.

    Memory Flashback...

    Yinlynn was aboard the Dawn of Light as it patrolled through the system. She was on the observation deck, gazing her eyes upon the stars. The room was large, fit enough to have 20 people. Though it was empty with a black marble floor, red walls, and dim lights. In the middle of the floor, was a table. Mahogany brown dinner table with a dark red cloth cover. On the table, a silver dinner candle set with platters around it. The Kel'Cyre were known for their dinner sets to be extravagant. This time however, a Kel'Cyre wine bottle was present which was less strong then what the Lyran had aboard the Octavian Maiden.

    As she remained where she stood, she watched as the Octavian Maiden was close to the Dawn of Light. She smiled as she waited. She was wearing a black and silver dress which glittered on the shine of the candle light. Yinlynn hears the door open and places her arms across the chest. "I was wondering when you were about to show." She says without turning her body around. "And here I thought it was the credits you only wanted." She says softly.

    She followed the Kel'Cyre escort that had met her at the airlock as he led her to the observation deck. She was glad for this little break, the Octavian Maiden had just got done with a supply run and was now out making deliveries after spending twelve weeks making sales. They had only gotten five days on Lyre before being sent back out. Klein had been the one to suggest she take some time off, saying he could handle the ship for a few days without her. Her escort opened the door for her and gestured for her to enter, Quentin stepped inside curious that it was so dark then noticed the table with candles set on it. She walked towards the table taking her suit coat of as her eyes adjusted to the low light. She set it down on the back of one of the many chairs hearing Taionia's voice her eyes focusing on the sound bringing a smile to her face. While straightening her tie and vest she moved toward the other woman, "Sorry about the delay, got stuck at a Charabidian check point with an over zealous commander. She was convinced we were hauling contraband." Quentin said moving behind Taionia wrapping her arms around her waist as she pressed a couple kisses to her neck enjoying the scent of her wondering if it was perfume or natural. She noticed Taionia wasn't wearing her uniform and partly wanted to see what the dress looked like in the light but the way she looked with the stars glinting on her was breathe taking. "I'll take a pretty woman over credits every time."

    Yinlynn moans as felt the arms wrapping around her waist, she leans her head back as she felt the kisses touching her skin. Closing her eyes with soft moans escaping her throat. She smelled her scent when she felt her body pressing hers. She sighs in relief and slowly turns her body around and smiles at the half breed woman. She leans her head forward and presses her lips again'st Quentin's. "That would be an excellent choice." She says softly on Quentin's lips and held her in an embrace, her hands on her hips and slowly moved towards to touch her lower back.

    She slowly takes a step back with her hand slowly moving away from hers. With the tip of her fingers touching hers, Yinlynn moved towards the dinner table set. "Charabidians are known to be a little hostile when they suspect something very suspicious. Especially traders when they travel across the galaxy." She hums for a moment before walking to a chair and pulling it back for Quentin. "They been trying to rule the Kel'Cyre once upon a time, but they never could, because we had already set a decree of truce between our species. If the Kel'Cyre should ever lose any of it's Royals, or Politicians, then the role of ruling would be left upon the highest ranking officer in the military." She smiles as she seated Quentin and walked to her own. "But most likely that won't happen since our highest officer of our ranks is an ass." She giggled. Placing her elbows on the table and her hands under her chin. She smiled to Quentin, "I trust captain Mallah has given you a generous greeting with friendly escort?"

    Quentin wished that kiss had last longer but allowed Taionia to guide her to the table then pull the chair out. It was a change of things, Quentin was used to being the 'gentleman' but the gesture wasn't unwelcome. She smiled as her companion took her chair and began telling her about Kel'Cyre. In the time she had known Taionia she had learned far more about Kel'Cyre society then in her years of school and had even learned some of what she had been taught was wrong. When she asked about her escort a half smile came to her face, “The good Captain showed me all the proper courtesies when I came aboard, though we didn't talk much on the way over. I don't think he likes me much.” Quentin said, half wondering if it was her or if it was the fact that his commander was involved with an outsider, a Lyran no less. It was a touchy subject on Lyre, courting outside your race wasn't something looked favorably upon. They could perhaps tolerate a Terran but an alien was unheard of. No one except Klein was aware that Quentin's relationship with Taionia was anything more then a business arrangement. Her family knew even less, Taionia Yinlynn was just a name on a ledger in their eyes. Whenever they met up it was always under the guise of a business transaction.

    Not wanting to dwell on the thoughts of what her people would think of them Quentin reached out taking one of Taionia's hands in hers, stroking her thumb across it, “I've missed you.” she said, before she pulled it to her lips pressing it a kiss. They had been sending messages back and forth and had even had a few video communications but it wasn't quite the same as sitting here together able to touch one another. “Have you been well? Anything of interest happen since we last talked?” That had been a couple weeks ago before Quentin had returned to Lyre, aside from the few messages they had sent arranging this meeting.

    Taionna smiled as she felt the gentle lips touching her hands with the sound of kissing reaching her ears. She held onto her hand as she laid her hand on the table, stroking her hand as well like she done. When Quentin asked how she was during the past few weeks. She releases a small sigh.

    "We managed to chase off the bandits that dare to raid one of our trading merchant ships that had arrived from the Terran homeworld. We were able to fight them off of course, but they were greater in numbers. The Dawn of Light held it's ground as promised, but we needed the help, so we called her sister. Hammer Fall. A Dreadnought Warship that came to assist our battle. She took a beating like we did, but were able to destroy most of the bandit ships. And took a few as prisoners. But they won't be able to recover from such a counter strike."

    She placed other hand on her chin and smiles at Quentin. "The Hammer Fall is much more stronger then this ship, but the Dawn of Light has been with us for a thousand of years. We can't let her go just yet." She looked at the east side of the wall and sees the paintings of previous Admirals who served on the Dawn of Light. 3 Males and 2 females. "Soon my painting will be on that wall." She smiles

    "I hope that you find a artist talented enough to capture your beauty." Quentin said. "Though with the art I have seen on your ship I doubt it will be hard task. The Kel-Cyre seem to have plenty of wonderful artists. " She had seen quite a bit of artwork and all of it just stunning. So different from the art she was used to, Lyran art tended to focus on military scenes and battles. It was much harsher then the breathtaking art of the Kel'Cyre.

    "What sort of delicious meal have your chefs prepared for us today?" She asked still holding Taionia's hand as the two of them traded turns caressing the others hand.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

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    “There is no such thing as a Lyran civilian, all citizens are required to serve at least four years in the military. Every man and woman on those worlds you want to attack is a soldier. We have been at war as long as we have existed, believe me when I say the Lyrans know how to defend their own. And as the Admiral said our main goal is to recover that ship. Who knows what kind of technical advancements are on it. If the Warmaster is able to unlock those secrets then the Lyrans truly will be unstoppable.”

    Some lady stood up and practically scolded him, making him feel like a schoolboy all over again. He put his arm out to stop Nadia from hurting herself by defending him. He knew when he was outgunned. He turned as the door opened a Draconian entered the room and even Vincent couldn’t help but flinch when it looked at him.

    “I assume you neglect your own, judging by the appearances of your clothing, you do not share the same occupation as this one?” It asked him casually.

    Vincent carefully stood up, mindful of the eyes on him. “I make my own path, I don’t neglect any Terran or species that is in trouble. I’ve heard stories about your people Draconian, about the things you do to get information. I don’t approve.”

    Turning to the young lady Vincent couldn’t help but smile. “Your right, no civilians means no problems. However I’m going to vote no for having your marines help us. My vote is that you can definitely help be our guide, but your marines can’t. But that’s just my vote, I’m sure everyone else has a different opinion. I am sorry your being put through this, it is tough forging your own path. I wish you luck in that.”

    "My vote is focus on getting troops aboard that monster, and have our bigger powers focus on the enemy fleet. If we work together we might just make it out alive." Vincent plastered a fake smile on his face and sat back down.

    Right away he kicked himself for letting the Draconian get under his skin so easily. Who cares what they think, you do good as you can. He smiled when Adams patted his shoulder to show support. Now just to hope that they didn’t rip him up to badly.

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