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Thread: 2nd Try: The Island- A Multiple Fandom RP (IC)

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    Member DannyPhantom's Avatar
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    Default 2nd Try: The Island- A Multiple Fandom RP (IC)

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    As the blue hedgehog started to come to, he became aware of the scents, sounds and textures around him. One emerald green eye opened, then the other followed. The hedgehog found himself under the shade of some sort of tree, with some sunlight poking through the gaps in the leaves. A groan escaped the hedgehog’s lips as he pulled into a sitting position. His knees were up to his chest, and his arms were placed in his lap as he took in the surrounding area.

    “Okay... where did Dr. Eggman take me this time? The last thing I remember was dealing with him and Infinite, but I feel like I’m missing something in between then and now. But what?” Sonic thought as he surveyed the area carefully for several moments before getting to his feet.

    “Egghead, where did you take me this time?!” Sonic shouted, not that he was expecting the doctor to reply to his question.

    Danny Phantom

    Danny awoke to the sound of waves crashing and seagulls making noises. One hand moved, feeling the sand underneath it. The human-ghost hybrid, who was currently in his human form, slowly sat up with a groan. His head throbbed, and Danny's free hand made contact with his head as the pain persisted.

    "Darn it. What... what happened?" Danny said, not realizing that he probably wouldn't receive an answer. He then pulled himself to his feet, wincing as the bright sunlight hit his eyes, which hadn't adjusted to the amount of light. The sand was reflecting the light, which didn't help the young halfa's headache.

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    Grievous felt only pain. His golden yellow eyes shot open as his torso pivoted 90 degrees upward. He coughed loudly, the rough metal of his “spine” riding up on his lungs. He clambered to his feet looking at his surroundings with a disdainful gaze. He was alone, it seemed, but he didn’t trust it. In fact, how had he gotten here...

    His thoughts were cut off by a yell through the trees to his left. His head automatically snapped to attention, his audio receptors immediately determining exactly which direction and how far away the voice had come from. He quickly strode through the thick jungle, his feet automatically gripping fallen logs and slick roots for traction. He nearly walked passed it, but he couldn’t miss the bright blue fur. He had never seen an organic like this, but it didn’t matter. They would tell him where he was and why he was here, or they would perish. Still hidden, Grievous drew the hilt of a lightsaber from his hip and snuck as quietly as he could behind the tree which the blue person was standing. His hand snapped forward and the blade ignited in front of Sonic’s throat.

    “You... tell me why I am herrre.” His “r” rolled like this organic’s would if they didn’t tell him why he was here.
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    The Aldecaldos had just set up their new camp in Tucson, Arizona. V & Judy turned in for the night. V woke up the next morning. First thing she did was to role over and great Judy but found she was alone. She bolted up right looking around. She began looking around frantically. She was in a wooded area not the desert she was the night before. She got up and began looking for Judy. "JUDE! WHERE ARE YOU?" She was also thinking "Where am I?"

    Anakin Skywalker
    The crew of the Millenium Falcon had just finished a mission against the Empire. Anakin went to meditate to center himself and find deep inner peace and purge negative emotions. He was known to remain this way for hours on end, when in this state it would take something extremely drastic to rouse him. Anakin suddenly felt a disturbance in the Force, he could not describe what he felt it was like nothing he had ever experienced before; in some ways worse than when he destroyed Alderaan but yet in other ways it was not. Anakin came out of his meditative state and found himself on a planet in a forest. He pulled his lightsaber to his hand. He didn't ignite it. He heard several voices shouting.

    Gail was flying back to Megadale in the She-C-10 after defeating another alien invasion with the help of other superheroes. The jet was on autopilot while Gail caught a nap. When she woke up the She-C-10 had crashed into a forest. Gail coverted the She-C-10 back into the Shehicle. Leaving the car to investigate, Gail figured it be best to have the laser lipstick ready just in case.

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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic carefully used his index finger to move the strange sword thing from his throat. He made sure to only touch the part that seemed to be the handle, as he didn't want to risk losing a finger.

    "Hey, listen. I don't know where I am. I was dealing with that stupid jackal and his phantom rubies, as well as a man known as Dr. Eggman. You haven't seen them, have you?" Sonic said, taking his approach cautiously, as he didn't know if he could trust the robot, or what it was, that was demending answers from him. For all he knew, this could be a ploy by Dr. Eggman himself.

    Danny Phantom

    Hearing someone shout, Danny immediately snapped to attention. His headache was starting to fade, and as his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he was able to see the forest in front of him.

    "Okay. Where the heck am I?" Danny said, now realizing that he wasn't in the Ghost Zone, or in Amity Park. He started to head towards the shouting, thinking that there might be some answers from the locals who lived here.

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    Grievous had never seen a person that was so brash around him, so careless. So, “not quaking in terror” or “fleeing desperately”. At least, not one that would be alive much longer. And certainly not one that moved his lightsaber. His grip tightened, and he almost ran the blue creature through with it, but relaxed his grip. The blade dissipated and Grievous stowed the hilt back on his hip. He rose to his full height and stepped out into the open.

    “I have neverr hearrd of somebody named Eggman. I am General Grievous, Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies. May I ask what yourrr name is?” Although it was hard to tell, his voice seemed more cordial than it had been before.
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    V was wondering frantically looking for Judy. She noticed a male child. "Hey kid! Do you need help finding your parents?"

    Anakin Skywalker
    Approaching one of the screamers noticed something impossible. Thinking to himself "How in the hell is Grievous here?" He examined his surroundings. He used the Force to grab a tree he then used his lightsaber to cut it down. "GRIEVOUS!" He then threw the tree at Greivous.

    Gail heard a conversation, she couldn't make out the words. Then there was a scream of Grievous. "What the heck is a Grievous?" She ignited her Laser Lipstick and began heading that direction.

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    Tyrael was standing on Sanctuary giving orders to the Horadrim...and then he wasn't. He found himself standing on A BEACH. But, for one as ancient as him, it did not faze him. It was curious, though. Normally he could still feel the connection to his brothers, but he cannot now. "Strange." With a flash, El'druin, the mighty sword of justice, appeared in his hand. He entered into the nearby jungle, if only to try and explore his surroundings, branches and twigs snapping as he gracefully walked among the trees. Though he was nearly nine feet tall and looked broader than any man, he still move with an inhuman air of gracefulness and his sword radiated a soft, warm light. His keen senses picked up the sound of conflict, and he headed toward it, keeping an eye out in case any threats appeared, and he soon became visible to the others; A massive human in hooded armor, of ebony skin.

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    Once again Grievous’s audio receptors proved useful. He heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting followed by the garbled roar of his own name. He turned his head toward the voice just in time to see a tree barreling toward him. He immediately dropped to the floor and rolled out of the way.

    Searching for the source of the voice, his eyes landed on a white cyborg holding a luminescent white lightsaber. The computers in his brain rifled through his memories, clearing the voice, and matching it to past experiences all in less than a second. He narrowed his eyes behind his own faceplate.

    “Skywalker...” his voice dropped with malice. “It seems you have taken a similar path to my own. Tell me, how is that working out for you?”

    Anakin chose not to address Greivous. He walked towards the monstrosity. He could feel the rage beginning to bubble up. He began mentally reciting the Jedi Code to calm himself down.

    There is no emotion, there is peace.
    There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
    There is no passion, there is serenity.
    There is no chaos, there is harmony.
    There is no death, there is the Force.

    He reached out with the Force he grabbed every rock no matter how big or small within range and flung them at Greivous. He leapt at Greivous.

    Igniting his own lightsabers, Grievous deflected the smaller rocks. In one fluid movement, he grabbed one of the larger rocks from the air with his foot, pivoted 360 degrees on his hip, and flung the rock straight back at Anakin. When he returned upright, he caught Anakin’s lightsaber blade within his own, forming an X with Anakin’s blade in the middle. He pushed back, and with the ignition of two more lightsaber blades within his upper arms, began to advance. His upper wrists spun, creating a whirlwind of flashing blue and green light. The jungle shredded around him.

    Anakin jumped back to give himself more room to maneuver and come up with a plan.

    Gail arrived and saw the fight. She had no idea who was the good guy or the bad guy. She didn't know much but what she did know was that the silver robot was not fighting fair. "White guy! Take this!" She threw the Mega Mascara at him.

    Anakin caught it. He examined the thrower and the thrown items for a moment. He thought to himself "That is one extremely pink Jedi. Is that a Jedi?" He ignited the blade. He noted it sounded off. He twirled it in his left hand. "Thanks."

    Anakin began concentrating his Telekinesis on Grievous' wrist joints. He needed to stop them from spinning. He could easily do it with Force Rend but he refused to rely on Dark Side powers.

    Grievous turned his glare on the newcomer. “I have never seen Jedi scum in your... hue, but I will get to you soon enough.” The robotics in his arms groaned as Anakin’s use of the Force slowed them. He stopped spinning them altogether and lunged forward, pointing all four lightsabers at Anakin’s chest.

    Gail looked around. "What is a Jedi?" She made sure she had the Laser Lipstick and Killer Curling Wand ready just in case.

    Anakin easily sidestepped Greivous using Force Speed. "I don’t know how you got rebuilt but I'll make sure that there is nothing left of you this time." He used Force-flash to blind Grievous allowing him to target the arms so he could sever them.

    Grievous grunted as the flash of light left his eyes blind. Even so, he could hear Anakin and estimate his movements. His wrists spun once, knocking away the Jedi’s lightsabers. While he was still reeling, Grievous reached out with a foot, grabbing Anakin by the chest and slamming him into the ground. He blinked rapidly as his vision returned slowly.

    When Grievous knocked the lightsabers out of his hand they deactivated. He reached out with the Force and began pulling them towards Greivous. With them deactivated they make no noise so Greivous wouldn't hear them. He pointed one at the knee connected to the foot on his chest. The other he had poised to go to his right hand when necessary.
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    Tyrael saw the combat unfolding and, with inhuman speed, lunged forward from Grevious's rear, he took El'druin in both hands, aiming to strike at the robot. But this was not a lethal Strike, for while he sensed darkness in the cyborg's heart, that evil may have left its mark on it, evil did not *rule* it, meaning it wasn't a lost cause.

    So, he turned the sword do the flat end would smack into its side, knocking it off of the boy he had pinned, possibly hurting and stunning, but not killing. "Hold, there is no need for violence." He would say after the attempt, no matter its success. If he failed, he would just dodge backwards out of the way. "Why are you trying to kill each other?"

    Those sensitive to the nature of things would be able to tell that, though Tyrael looks human, he is incredibly ancient and, and radiates with light so powerful as to be blinding in its radiance.

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    Grievous tumbled but eventually landed upright. He glared at the arrival.

    “You act like one but have no stench of Jedi. No lightsaber, either.” His own lightsaber blades dissipated. “I can only assume you know nothing of the crimes of the Jedi.” He strode forward, tucking his lightsaber hilts away. “I am General Grievous, Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies. When my own planet was besieged by alien colonizers, the Jedi did not come to our aid, or even stand neutral. Instead, they aided my enemies, in so, becoming my enemies. I have spent my life tracking down and destroying the Jedi scum that taint our galaxy.” He gestured to Anakin. “Here is one such Jedi. I have had dealings with him in the past along with his master, Obi Wan Kenobi.”
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