Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends, Fables, Tall Tales- we've heard one or another at some point in our lives and they have all been heavily sugarcoated. For some reason every one is afraid of telling the truth, no one wants to be responsible for ruining the imagination and wonder. I don't mean the "truths," that already exist- of the little mermaid turning to sea foam, of Alice and the looking glass, of Peter defending Neverland- all of those are lies. Your world of fairy tales are completely different from mine, whereas your picture books and movies are things of imagination, my grey skies and air heavy with that of magic and ill intent are real.

Sin, debauchery, pain, and suffering is all that we know. The world you read about is not full of rainbows and daisies. Everyday is something new, be it a new blood stain on the streets, a body laying face first in an alley left to rot, a public execution because some poor soul was caught stealing and the already scared shitless citizens have been oppressed even further, some rich bastard flaunting and parading around with pockets full of gems and gold to see what kind of women he can lure to lay with him, or the misuse of magic to completely change the flow of the universe.

Only those so full of evil and hatred take joy in watching the weak suffer. And it is only those who are so full that keep history from rewriting itself, but in the worst way possible.

In this world we call Entis, this world we call home, we have run out of hope for the light and for freedom. We have run out of resistance. We all are a dying race.

In the land of the north where the forests are dense and the mountains tower over everything with daunting shadows, resides the mother of dragons and queen of the fey and humans. She rules with a mouth full of poison and a fist made of iron. To cross her would be death in the belly of a dragon, or the pain of being burned alive, or squashed beneath her feet. Her name is fear, her name is evil, her name is…Maleficent.

"Is greed not one of the seven sins? Does it not tempt you to take what does not belong to you?"

"What prompts greed?"
"Fear? Power? Or perhaps both?"

"Whatever you classify it as, is definitely what Stefan was and I had the pleasure to watch as greed fell to his doom."

"When the curse of fear that blanketed the castle lifted, the realm of fey would no longer be hunted, home was safe."

"But what is love? Can you define it?"

"Is it too a tale? A curse?"
"I've had love and I've had lovers. I've lived knowing ignorant bliss and I've lived my life with a curse hanging over my head, but I've also lived knowing the hot tempers of passion and lust."

"Stefan my bliss and my curse, Diaval and prince Phillip my stoked embers and roaring infernos."

"All were affairs and all took but never gave, regardless all were mine."

"Though I suppose superiority counts as a gift in a way. Phillip- the lovely little dear let me rule- doing as I pleased at the drop of a dime."

"It was electrifying, but I spoiled him, so when I said 'no,' he lost his mind. He's not dead nor is he crazy, he's just...lost." "I've no idea where he is or where he went, but I'm sure he's catching his thrills elsewhere."

"The love I had for my beastie was maternal. I raised her- clearly a thing those three twits didn't know how to do- I protected her, but I cursed her to a death she did not deserve."

"But my love was enough to heal her, so I took her under my wing to help her rule the kingdom she deserved."

"My maternal love only went so far and as did my trust. Humans are truly difficult things to please, just as lust is a dangerous sin to part from."

"Aurora and Diaval both my loves, both with a darling attachment to each other and lust, both akin to disappointment and heartbreak, both only knew how to take as I continuously gave."

"For some reason I just can not kill what I love, but vendetta's are a curious thing. So with banishment came eternal silence and amnesia for my beastie and to be cursed as a crow once again for Diaval."

"I will not sit here and be made a fool of in my own kingdom and I will surely no longer give all that I have for everyone to just take."

"I will take what I please and not give in return, I will sing my song of glory as I watch the world burn under the scrutiny of my flames."

"This is my kingdom, of dragon scale, flames, and titanium."

All the land and sea to the west of Entis is where the Jolly Roger is a permanent part of the horizon, an environment of perpetual humidity, and rain. Where swamps thrive, where lakes grow so big you'd think they were an ocean, and where the beaches run coasts with sand as black as the midnight sky. Everything his feet touch and his eyes graze belongs to him. He takes what he wants, when he wants. This is the domain of the seafaring mongrel Captain Hook.

"Revenge is fucking great! I don't think anyone could ever be happier than I was when I got my revenge!" "But let me teach you a lesson on obsession and naivety. Don't have one and don't be it, simple as that." "Take my advice, unless you want your hand stolen by a child and fed to a damn crocodile!" "Anyways, that's besides the point I'm trying to make." "I want all of you washed up has-beens to know that here I am mother fucking K-I-N-G!"

"Everything my ship touches is mine, below the surface or on land it is or will be mine." "If you resist than you can kiss your sorry life goodbye. I don't want to waste time on sniveling brats and idiots who think they can be heroes."

"Just ask the poor saps on Neverland, they're nothing without their village idiot Pan, or a croc to distract me."

"But if I find you somehow worth my time, then I'm willing to take prisoners of war, or slaves, whichever I deem fit."

"If you got all that I'm off to have a little fun with Tiger Lily, maybe a mermaid or two."

In the south where the sun beats down, unforgiving with heat, and where wind carries crimson sand to scratch at your skin is the land ruled by a true serpent king. Nestled between a seemingly never ending desert and few mountains with oasis far and few between is where Jafar continues to build the kingdom he has always dreamed of. Using brute strength, razor wit, and black magic, the King cobra has melted the color of blood into the sand and created rivers of poison to herd the poor sheep he governs, lest they be lost to the dungeons forever.

"I don't need to brag and shout profanities, or riddle you with past woes. I will just tell you what I have done to better this atrocity of a kingdom." "Simply put, out with the old and in with the new. Aladdin and the old sultan are dead, Jasmine is my slave and the genie is sealed away in his lamp in some far off distant land buried ten thousand feet underground."

"Now if that's all, I have a kingdom to rebuild. Oh but do send my regards to the red queen, she gets so lonely when I don't visit."

To the east is where nothing makes sense. Where the flowers talk, where you have to be three feet tall just to get to some places, where you never know weather up is down and down is up. A place that makes you feel like you snorted a bunch of pixie dust is where the 'The Butcher' lives, but most know her as 'The Red Queen,' or the 'Queen of Hearts'. Contrary to her title she hates the sight of blood- the irony.

"Agrabah is quite a lovely place, what with it's beautiful red sands. I'm trying to take a page from my darling serpent and have everything coated in red here in Wonderland."

"I don't want to see any white, it's such a traitorous color…my sister's favorite color."

"It's not strong enough to dethrone me and the help of a little girl doesn't make it any stronger."

"But it seems blue was strong enough to kill my beloved jabberwocky!"

"Deep breaths dear, it won't do to get all worked up….one…two."

"Right, everything is okay, they were painted red in the end and Hook was sweet enough to give me a new pet. Such a cutie pie the never beast is."

"Oh! But did I tell you about the Hatter?" "My, my, what a man! He's such a tease too- always running away right when I've got my hands around him. But he can't hide what's behind his eyes."

"Maleficent said it herself, lust is a dangerous sin that can stoke fires so high you become reckless…or something along those lines. The Hatter will be mad about me, just you wait."

"And when he does, well red has more than one meaning, something my darling snake taught me oh so well."

"Now away with you, I've got a city to paint."

But where are the saviors?
What happened to them?

Many have been killed, others are lost, and only a few are a part of "Spellbound". A small group of fairy tales that exist to bring back happily ever after.

Spoiler: Lore 

Spoiler: Characters