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Thread: A Collection of Wonders

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    Epostle's Avatar
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    Default A Collection of Wonders

    General Information:
    Name:Valora Maniumdottir
    Age:(Since the age of Man)
    Race:Neraphim (Demi-God/Human/Demon)


    The picture depicted shows one of the conquered worlds, giving Valora slightly different appearances. Her skin fades more to a grey-ish tone. The illumination rune marks upon her body are of a demonic essence and charges as she prepares her offense. Her aura is actually cyan when passive, non-combative stance. Valora stands at 5ft 5in tall. Her eyes bear the mark of Manium, eminating a powerful, yet horrible gaze. In the middle of her chest, it appears that their is a bleeding mark of purple (the color of gods blood). From the mark on her throat, is splits and cracks down across her chest and slightly below her chin, indicating a brutal blow a battle.

    Instead of the picture bearing hooves for feet, they are almost purely human in nature, except for how the toes being to form more like talons.

    Clothes / Armour:
    The armor she dawns is as depicted in the picture, with a few more tears.

    Fighting Style: Headstrong, favors the offensive. Valora boasts expertise in melee combat, but with powerful magics that can handle most opponents at range, or if the opportunity presents itself. Her ideal is to overpower the opponent. Agressive, but not wreckless.

    She bears 2 warglaives, both eminating rune marks in a cyan fashion. The warglaives were a gift from her godly mother, to destroy demonic entities, and those who would perform un-justful acts. The warglaives have an ability to break apart and become shard fragments that can re-assemble if needed. The shards are sharp, but the magics that are augmented with these warglaives are to be feared, as they can fire beams, create prisons, and have a very unique ability to drown out Holy and Demonic attacks. Valora can also go unarmed in the event of having her weapons taken, broken, or even vanished. Her nails are sharp.

    Valora's spell abilities mostly come from the imbued warglaives, but does provide option in case the weapons are destroyed.
    Warglaive Magic:
    Stasis of Maniumdottir - Her godly trap, breaking the glaives into small fragments to surround her opponent and create a trap. Can be used offensively and defensively. Can be broken if the shards are being focused.
    Corrupted Warglaives: Deals extra damage to Holy and Unholy creations.
    Maniumdottir Reckoning: The warglaive splits into shards, and begin to fire Manium based projectiles at the opponent. Takes 1 turn to charge, the next turn to fire.

    Unarmed Magic:
    Manium Bomb - Creates a bomb of Manium, takes 3 turns to charge. If under the affects of Power of the Manium, the Manium Bomb charges in 2 turns. This attack is area of affect.
    Overpower - Creates an energy barrier surrounding Valora, then releases projectiles. Less effective at greater distances. If under the affects of Power of the Manium, the barrier around Valora grows absurdly large, encompassing a greater area.

    Dawn of Magic - Manium handles much differently than the basics of Magic, Runepower, and Magicka. Absorbtion, manipulation, and destruction of manium produces different affects. Absorbtion will overload the opponent, forcing them to use their magic early than intended. Manipulation, including conversion, will transform the magics into a completely different element than what is desired, and may even shatter. Destruction will cause the Manium to instantly retract into Valora, sensing its impending doom. Mage based characters can dampen or even negate these affects if talented.
    Power of the Manium - Magic flows through Valora and is influenced heavily by her passion. Increased ability power when provoked or cornered.
    Maiden of Despair - Her presence instills fear into opponents, causing nervousness. Wears off after 1-2 turns, depending on opponents character.
    Glorious Warrior - Melee ability is on par with the best of warriors. Can falter to greater warriors.

    Manium Crystal - Converts any 1 spell into pure Manium for Valora to absorb. Though this will not heal Valora, this will give her a boost in her abilities.

    Extra Damage vs. Holy and Unholy characters.
    Manium is hard to abuse by other characters.

    The hole in her chest can be targeted through magic powers to hinder Valora's ability to fight.
    Stronger Warriors can overpower her Warrior based abilities, unless under the affects of Power of the Manium or Manium Crystal.
    Stronger Mage characters can overwhelm her Manium abilitie, unless under the affects of Power of the Manium or Manium Crystal.

    Use this section to describe the Personality of your character and his/her Background:
    Hell have no fury like a mother scorned. Valora loved all her children, including Gabrielle, her last born son. After Garbrielle's death, she has finally found it necessary to walk into the normal realms once more, and stop her hiding from the Gods and Demon Lords. With her son's death, and the element of surprise, Valora has the chance to finally get her revenge, not only for her failure as a warrior, but as a mother.

    Valora was never always corrupted. She was born of the first generation of humans, and as a demi-god. Her main intention was to use her spellsword like abilities to quell demon invasions, and to save the mortal realms. It was during these fight that she would fall for another first generation human, Braiga.

    Braiga, a son of Odin and Valora, the daughter of Maniumdottir, would soon marry and bear many children, 8 of them in fact. Her downfall would soon come to light many weeks before she would give birth to her fina child, Gabrielle. She was found by a Demon Lord, who began to corrupt the Manium, and waged battle against the warmaiden, only to find that this was a trapped for her. The Demon Lord, with his cursed breath, was able to sneakily force her to consume cursed Manium, forever tainting her with demonic entities.

    Soon after she had given birth to her final child, Valora would wonder away for days at a time. Soon, Braiga felt something amiss, and found that Valora, corrupted by the demonic entity, began to summon a portal for a demon invasion as well as eating from the God's Tree of Knowledges. After a long and hard fought battle, again Valora was bested by the aid of Odin, and the god speared Valora through the chest, propelling her into the portal. Thinking she was dead, they turned away form the portal as it closed, only to deal with the aftermath of Braiga's failure.

    As Valora was forced through the portal, the spear altered her path into the portal, and sent her to a realm that Gods or Demons could not reach, the Nether. It was here that Valora would regain control of her former self, though still corrupted and able to see more clearly than ever before. It was here that should would make allies and slowly wage war in the Nether, to push a crusade to conquer it. It was also here where she learned that without some form of powerful intervention, he chest would never fully heal.

    As what would seem years passed, Valora felt a terrible pain through the damage point of her chest and saw a vision of her son being slain and put to rest. Valora, in all her might and rage, let out a horendous yell that accidentally created a wormhole, out of the Nether, and into the mortal realms. This was how she was going to get her vengeance.
    Last edited by Epostle; 12-28-2019 at 06:22 AM.
    Welcome to my masquerade.


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