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Thread: The Cost of Greed - Salamander (Beta) vs. Robin (Iwazuma)

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    Antivan Crow
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    Default The Cost of Greed - Salamander (Beta) vs. Robin (Iwazuma)

    Somewhere in Creation...

    Deep in the Threshold lay a temple forgotten to all but the most learned of scholars. Even to seasoned explorers, it held little value due to being ransacked many times over by looters. However, those who possess both great knowledge and great power know the terrible artifact hiding within this place must never be disturbed lest the Green Sun Ligier be returned to the world. Of course there were some who seek to either control or unleash that awful power. That is where we find ourselves today...

    In the Temple of Ligier, an Exalted Sorcerer known as Radiant Salamander makes a visit to ensure the wards around the artifact remain strong. However, what he will encounter is not some cult leader or nightmarish creature bent on destruction... but a powerful treasure hunter named Robin, who happened upon the temple and its hidden truth. This is the tale of what transpired when the two potent fighters crossed paths in an unlikely place and time.

    The Temple of Ligier

    While the temple has been entirely reclaimed by the wild forests of the Threshold, its walls still stand almost completely undamaged by the ravages of nature. Most of the damage is, in fact, clearly caused by the various conflicts that have arisen over the long-since looted treasures once held within. There are a few large holes in the ceiling, a few semi-destroyed walls, and other common hazards typically associated with antiquated ruins.

    The Grand Chamber of Ligier is a large open area with ceilings as high as thirty meters, and is at least one hundred meters across on all sides. Truly a testament to the Green Sun itself. There are catwalks on all sides, accessible by the large staircase at the rear of the chamber, as well as a large ritual stage opposite to those same stairs. It is upon this stage that the Viridian Torc of the Yozis rests, a seemingly mundane and corroded piece of jewelery which only shows its true form to those of sufficient power. It is this artifact that is the catalyst for the strife witnessed herein.

    The Combatants

    Dorian Rabenstein, a.k.a. Radiant Salamander, played by Beta
    Robin Turnickey, played by Iwazuma
    Last edited by Salroka; 06-09-2018 at 04:11 PM. Reason: fixed typos
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    The wanderer Robin had to admit, he'd never seen a place quite so...old-looking. Normally he kept to the inner city streets wherever he roamed, staking his claims on the more fortunate than himself and building himself a life on the black market with the mountain of illegal goods he pilfered. But for once, he had decided to go exploring. While he hadn't expected much to come out of a trek or three through the wilderness, he had somehow happened upon an ancient-looking temple of some sort of significance to some people long past. People who probably carried a lot of loot here to their false gods. Perfect.

    Robin scanned the area as he hacked his way in through the underbrush, wiping sweat off his brow as he entered what appeared to be the main chamber of the whole place. "Whoo! I really gotta work on my cardio." Robin replaced the serrated blade on his back where it belonged and took scope of the chamber. Goddamn, the place was huge. Whatever these people were praying to, he must have been some really important guy in their existence. Robin traipsed towards the center of the room, taking care not to step on any of the various bugs that crawled all over the place. How many thousands of years old was this place, anyways?

    Looked like there was some sort of ritual dais towards one end of the chamber, which Robin gravitated toward. Perhaps this was the location where countless people were sacrificed in bloody ritual to please the angry spirits up above. Or this was where they had their mandatory orgies. Or something. Hell if he knew, he wasn't an archaeologist. But it didn't take one of those to spot something sparkle faintly atop a small pedestal on the stage. Robin bounded over to the dais, hopping up atop it for a better look. "Well, hello, gorgeous." The jewel glittered like emerald and looked perfectly preserved despite the sure signs of decay the entire rest of the temple had been going through. This was a fine treasure...either nobody had been here since the peoples' demise, or someone was guarding it. Either way, tough luck. This was definitely going to sell for a few hundred thousand if he could find the right buyer.
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 06-12-2018 at 10:41 AM.
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    Antivan Crow
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    Patrolling the exterior of the Temple of Ligier was usually quite boring, and this instance seemed like it would be no different. "No news is good news, as they say. I'll take boring and quiet over eventful and violent." Then, almost as if in response to the statement, the sound of steel against stone rang put against the sounds of the wilderness. "I suppose I asked for that. Best find out who it is this time. Wouldn't want everyone's favorite primordial monstrosity to wake up, now would I?" And with that, Dorian jumped atop a pile of stone rubble, then onto a pillar, then onto the roof of the temple itself. (Charm used: Monkey Leap Technique - 3m spent. 1hr duration. Jumping may be used in combat with no penalty, jump distances/heights doubled)

    While he cursed himself a bit for being caught unaware, Salamander knew it was not really his fault. The temple was fairly large, for one. A single man, even an Exalted one, could not feasibly patrol it flawlessly on their own. For two, it had been at least a decade and a half since anyone other than Salamander himself had set foot on the temple grounds. Still, he could not simply attack for no reason. The temple's contents were not dangerous unless the intruder was of notable power, after all. Instead, he would watch over the Viridian Torc through a hole in the ceiling. If the visitor was powerful, they would inevitably be drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Unfortunately, what was exactly what happened today. The rather plain-looking man headed for the Torc and confirmed Salamander's worst-case scenario. He was there to revive Ligier. Well... shit.

    As usual, they would be offered one chance to leave with their life. Leaping from the roof and through a hole above the ritual chamber, Salamander slammed to the ground hard, yet remained unfazed and even landed completely vertically. Naturally this was to show the intruder that they were not dealing with just some random interloper. No normal man could fall from such a height unharmed. Salamander was no normal man, of course. He was Exalted. In any case, it was time to deliver an ultimatum.

    "I'd really rather you not touch that, sir. Much as I applaud your like of beautiful things, I would rather not have the Green Sun manifest on this plane again. Last time, it took thousands of us to stop him and his ilk. I have a feeling things would be worse if he came back. So do me a favor and just be on your way. I'd prefer this not get messy, you see."

    As he spoke, Salamander took a few slow but deliberate steps toward the unknown person and drew his bow. Initially, there was no arrow to be seen. That changed a second later, as a glittering golden arrow seemed to materialize from the air itself. He would not fire just yet, but his intent to do so was VERY clear. (Charm used: Phantom Arrow Technique - 1m spent. Creates Arrows out of Essence alone)

    The stage was set, but how would things play out? Not even Salamander knew that.

    Total Motes used: 4 Personal, 0 Peripheral.
    Motes Remaining: 24 Personal, 80 Peripheral
    Last edited by Salroka; 06-12-2018 at 09:58 AM.
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    Robin's eyes glittered in turn with the emerald gem as he examined it more closely, searching for any signs of wear, tear, or damage, and finding none. It truly was a magnificent work of art, and one someone would likely be missing a lot very shortly. Robin cracked his neck. There could very well be booby traps of some kind. He had to take this very carefully. Reaching out ever so slightly, he prepared himself for the worst. Hell, if a giant boulder started chasing him, he could always outrun it. His index finger gently stroked the emerald; it was of smooth, cool texture, just inviting him to take it.

    He was just about to pocket the necklace and run when a loud crashing sound from behind made him scowl. Oh, perfect. He had company. Robin, completely unfazed by the sudden appearance of another person, turned slowly, his eyes leering at the man who had happened upon him. He boredly and annoyedly glossed over his speech; he was talking about something called the Green Sun? The hell was this guy thinkin'? Or maybe he simply wasn't. Either way, Robin was having absolutely none of it, even as a golden arrow materialized out of thin air in threat. It was clear his departure was on this man's urgent list.

    "Alright, listen here, buddy. Last time I got the 'sacred treasure' shit lobbed at me and I bought it, I got swindled out of thirty Gs. To be this just sounds like desperate 'I got here second and have no other options' chatter. And frankly, that darn just pisses me off, ya know?" He spoke calmly, his right hand casually drawing his machine gun. Luckily, he had the magazine already charged with electricity from earlier today; he wasn't going to have to waste his time and energy charging it.

    "Sorry there pal, but I got money to make. Might even be able to get me my own fuckin' place if I sell this beaut. So why don't you just turn around and pretend I was never here. Like you said...don't want things to get messy. Or hell. Maybe I could buy the drugs you smoked to riddle off a speech like that. Green Sun. Fuckin' crazy, man." He waited patiently for Archer Boy to get the idea and give up and go home, but instead found himself in a tense standoff. Fantastic. He wasn't backing down.

    "'Kay. Don't say I didn't warn ya." Quick on the draw, Robin aimed and fired a spray of bullets directly in the strange character's face...only to watch them uselessly plink right off, the spent casings sparking impotently on the ground as Robin growled with annoyance. He was fighting a man immune to bullets...this was apparently happening. Again.

    Charges used: 0
    Current charges available: 5
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    Antivan Crow
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    Salamander figured it would come to this. It usually did, after all. Those who sought to rob the temple or release Ligier were rarely reasonable enough to leave peacefully. Thankfully, the intruder's weapon was quite ineffective. The projectiles stung, sure. But the damage was purely superficial. Sighing after the man ceased fire, Salamander's essence flared to life. "You were given a chance. A shame you didn't take advantage of it." The golden arrow was loosed from Salamander's bow with a thunderous boom, which was incredibly unlike the usual "twang" sound made when bows normally fire.

    The arrow splintered into eight different projectiles of brilliant white-gold light and spiraled in a helix toward the intruder, merging into one projectile again just before impact. Why did they do this? To get around defenses more efficiently and add force to the impact itself. If all went according to plan, it would also kill the opponent. This combination charm, known as Blazing Starfire Assault, was the epitome of Salamander's archery prowess. It expended a significant amount of magical energy, but it was also incredibly useful for all but guaranteeing an opponent suffered damage regardless of their defenses.

    After firing, Salamander would wipe the tiny cuts on his face and neck. These "bullet wounds" would leave a bit of a burning sensation, but little else. Frankly, the fact the bullets damaged his clothing upset Salamander more than the discomfort of the scrapes and cuts. They weren't particularly expensive, but finer silks were not easy to come by in the Threshold. Still, such diatractions were momentary at best. There were much more pressing issues at hand, after all. Returning his attention to the intruder, Salamander readied himself for the counterattack... if they were still alive, that is.

    Motes Spent: 14 Personal, 0 Peripheral.
    Motes Remaining: 10 Personal, 80 Peripheral.
    Willpower Spent: 1.
    Willpower Remaining: 9.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

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    Robin remained silent at the bravado of his opponent, keeping his eye on the golden arrow loaded into the protector's bow. That was the most important thing to worry about at this moment; he could exchange witticisms when he WASN'T in danger. For a moment longer, both adversaries were silent and immobile, waiting for the situation to change, for the volatility of the moment to overflow.

    And with the violent BANG of the bow, Robin's sensed jumped into hyperdrive. His eyes tracked the arrow as it split into parts, each flying at him in turn. As they converged, he made his move. Just before the deadly projectile reached him, he quickly stepped backwards, reaching and slashing with one of his machetes at the powerful arrow before him. It was practically a blur; if one blinked, they would miss his defense. With another loud BANG, the arrow was knocked flying, and Robin scoffed. "Come on! I've fought archers better than this in the streets! They're called gunmen. If I can cut down bullets, do you honestly think you can-"

    Robin stopped himself short as something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. The arrow had hooked back out of his field of view, and was speeding back toward him with all the speed of the original shot. He had realized it only a moment too late; by the time he had turned to slash again, the arrow had slammed into his shoulder, knocking the hobo to the ground, rolling straight to the side and crashing back-first into a wall. All with a beautiful, deadly display of lights that surely ensured the intruder's death. At least, that's what Robin was sure his foe was thinking.

    After a few moments, Robin let out a loud whoop of excitement. "Holy SHIT, dude! That was fucking incredible!" Robin leapt to his feet, dusting his jacket off. There was a large hole surrounding a nasty burn mark on the leather, which he scowled at, but his sheer enthusiasm overcame the anger for the moment. "You have GOT to teach me that after I'm done kicking your ass! If you live, that is." Robin chuckled as he sheathed his machete once again, keeping his hand behind his back. "That's pretty kickass, after all."

    Robin's hand behind his back sparked and crackled with electricity as he prepared himself for the battle to really heat up. "But hey. I wouldn't be this fuckin' cocky if I didn't think I could take your ass." Robin smirked as he continued his slow walk back to his opponent. "Now then...ready? Tank THIS one." Robin's electricity formed itself into a spear of pure lightning. With a slight twirl, Robin unloaded his deadly bolt, the spear blazing at Dorian at incredible speed, looking to pierce and electrify its target with all the power of Zeus. With any hope he was less immune to lightning than bullets...otherwise his bravado was going to lead a very long, painful fight.

    Charges used: 3
    Charges gained: 5
    Charges available: 7
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 06-20-2018 at 08:55 AM.
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    Antivan Crow
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    Salamander smirked as the arrow was deflected, knowing what would come next. However, the man seemed to all but ignore the damaging attack. The force of it knocked him back, but the arrow itself seemed to deal not damage at all. Worse yet, it seemed like the powerful combination of charms caused the intruder to become an instant fan of Salamander's. Frustrating, to say the least.That did not mean there was time to think about it, though. The intruder quickly launched an electrical attack in retaliation for the arrow, and it was a split second from hitting its mark.

    Quickly weighing his options, Salamander allowed the bolt to hit him. No sooner did the electricity start aurging through his body, did the Solar's essence react. A charm known as "Spirit Strengthens the Skin" instantly reinforced his already impressive endurance, allowing him to fully endure the attack with no lasting damage. It was still quite painful, but once more the damage was superficial at best.

    "Okay. Lightning. That's not something I see often. Allow me to retort." As if responding to his words, a large machete-like blade appeared in Salamander's dominant hand. It glowed furiously with a holy golden light, and its edge whistled through the air as its wielder made a single step toward his opponent and was swung at the opponent. At the apex of that swing, the weapon flew through the air toward the lightning user. The impromptu combination of the "Glorious Solar Saber" and "Iron Raptor Technique" charms was taxing on Salamander's mind, as he had not practiced it enough times to treat it as if it were a standard part of his magical arsenal... but he figured it would catch his opponent off-guard. After all, swords do not generally act as ranged weapons. To further indicate the fact that Salamander was burning through magical power, his caste mark appeared upon his forehead and glowed as brilliantly as the sword that was rocketing toward the temple thief.

    it did strike him as strange, though... his initial attack did nearly nothing, despite being powerful. And the opponent did not seem to use any charms that Salamander was familiar with. Just what was this man? Regardless, he would need to finish this sooner rather than later. His Caste Mark appearing meant he was out of personal essence and would now be drawing from the peripheral essence that surrounded him. If push came to shove, Salamander would ensure he shoved hardest.

    Motes spent: 10 Personal, 2 Peripheral.
    Motes remaining: 0 Personal, 78 Peripheral
    Willpower spent: 2
    Willpower remaining: 7

    (Hi, Kayne. I see you viewing the thread. I hope we're entertaining you. Hit me up sometime, man.)
    Last edited by Salroka; 06-23-2018 at 04:51 AM.
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    Oh, great. He could tank a lightning spear, too? This was going to be incredibly infuriating. He'd taken on defensive goliaths before, and it always took some sort of impossibly strong attack or lucky circumstances to break them. Luckily, he had one of those on tap, but it was going to take a while for him to get there. He'd have to stall, and when his opponent could dish out hits like the one he just took, it'd only be a matter of time before he figured out just why Robin hadn't died from a frontal assault like that. This was going to be an uphill fight, and probably one he could flee. But damnit, that money was calling to him, and he was going to get it one way or another.

    "Alrighty then. Don't say ya didn't ask for this." Robin was quick to ready his machete again, but the instant he did is when the mage/archer launched another attack...this time with a sword? Just how many classes was this guy? His forehead was glowing the same color as his sword. Maybe that was the source of his energy? Robin did not have any time to consider this possibility, as it was hurtling towards him at breakneck speed. Robin's reflexed were fast; he managed to clash blades with the golden sword, something he would DEFINITELY have to steal once this was over, knocking it off course. Its path was more direct and its momentum more powerful than he realized, however. It drifted to the left about four inches, hurtling right by his exposed face and ever so slightly nicking his earlobe as it flew by. Robin probably would have felt that if his adrenaline wasn't flying right now.

    Robin leapt right back into action, a machete in one hand, his SMG in the other. I have to keep him busy while I charge up. Otherwise I'm done for. Robin's weapons flew in tandem, slices and shots coming in from several directions in a gorgeous display of sword and gunmanship, the two melding together in a fighting style he affectionately (and quite unoriginally) called gun-fu. He knew this would be very unlikely to put a dent in the mage/archer/swordsman/whatever, but he had to stall for time while his body built up more of his bioelectricity. By now, his body was beginning to crackle with the intense amount of energy it was building up, enough that a few sparks leapt his foe's way, threatening to sizzle and singe his already ruined clothing more.

    "You, sir, are an immovable brick wall and a powerful fighter!" Robin could respect incredible power. Sure, they guy who was wielding it was an asshat in his way, but Robin could dig fighting for one's convictions. Whether those convictions be scrapping for his loot, or defending it, or whatever. "Name's Robin. Hobo, gun scavenger, semiprofessional asskicker." Robin's smirk was noticeable as his arms moved in perfect synergy, refusing to give the mage even a second to collect his thoughts and prepare his own rebuttal.

    Charges used: 0
    Charges gained: 7
    Charges available: 14
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 07-06-2018 at 04:05 PM.
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    Antivan Crow
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    This odd person was beginning to grate on Salamander's nerves. His weapons stung, but caused no real damage. Was he just a distraction? If so, it was time to kick things up and actually fight. By the Unconquered sun, even if he WASN'T a distraction, Salamander had seen and heard enough. As the irritating man's pointless attack rush ceased, the golden blade that the Solar had conjured dissipated into nothingness. The sparks that coursed across his foe's body did not escape Salamander's notice, confirming his feelings that it was time to bring this conflict to its inevitable conclusion. As Robin gave his name and occupation, Salamander gathered essence around him and began to cast a spell.

    Taking another step forward for dramatic purposes, Salamander's anima practically exploded into existence and enveloped him in a golden light that resembled a suit of armor with a red feathered cape. However, that was simply the "iconic" appearance of the anima itself. The spell he was casting was far more impressive. The incantation began quietly, but ended in what was practically a shout. "Pounding drums and clashing steel, our foes will soon know fear. Overbearing strength and magic, their numbers we shall shear. Weathering pain and standing strong, all shall know our might. Essence clad we charge again, by the sun's golden light. Rejoice and shatter the chains that keep you bound!" As if commanding the world around him, the sound of drums and battle could be heard faintly throughout the temple. However, that was merely a prelude to the spell's real effect.

    Mid-incantation, Salamander began to float into the air. Once he reached a height of around three and a half meters, wisps of light began to emerge from the surroundings. Rocks, plants, water, the walls of the temple, even from mid-air. The least gods and spirits that governed such things responded to Salamander's arcane call. These wisps began to form a shining golden exoskeleton which surrounded the Solar, who looked at Robin and smiled. Soon, the basic frame was completed. Next to form would be the shells of the weapons the new construct would use. In one hand, a massive hammer with a head the size of a large boulder. On the opposite shoulder, what was very clearly a projectile weapon of some sort.

    While still incomplete, the construct was very clearly large and dangerous. Salamander knew the man would not stay idle and allow himself to simply be killed, so he steeled himself for some sort of retaliation. While the man had done only minimal damage thusfar, there was clearly some reason the Torc of Ligier responded to him. Even as his golden anima enveloped the construct he was making, Salamander could not let his focus falter. He had to finish guiding the little gods to their proper places on the construct's frame so they could form the protective armor plates. It would not be much longer now. Robin had sealed his fate by stalling for time.

    Motes Spent: 0 Personal, 28 Peripheral.
    Motes Remaining: 0 Personal, 50 Peripheral.
    Willpower Spent: 2
    Willpower Remaining: 5
    Last edited by Salroka; 07-16-2018 at 07:14 AM.
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    ".....Ah, fuck." Robin screeched to a halt as he heard the incantation, sheathing his machete and holstering his gun. This was NOT good. He had hoped by keeping things small for just a little longer, he could charge up the big one, but it seemed his time was very quickly running short. The glowing behemoth taking form around his opponent was looking like one hulking monster, one that'd make Robin into a pancake if he even let it touch him. Not good. Not good at all. Robin took three steps back. He was going to have to go all or nothing on this one. Robin cracked his neck once, his hands at the ready to unload his built up charge on his probably suspecting opponent.

    "Okay, ya fuckin' jagoff. I just wanted a good clean fight for several hundred thousand dollars. But if you're gonna fight dirty, then I suppose I better get right in there with it." Robin's crackling electricity began to grow, moving up his body into his arms, which now glowed with a light nearly as bright as the mechanism forming before him. Large balls of electricity formed in his hands, which he hurled with all his might. The first one hovered over top of the mech, hardly noticeable despite its size against its form. The second one struck the first, merging with it to construct an ever-larger ball of pure lightning. Three, four, five, six times he threw, continuing until he threw his tenth. By this time, a massive sphere of electricity sat over top of the warrior-mage. Robin, panting a moment, stood up straight.

    For one more moment, he stared down his foe before smirking. "It's been a ball, man." At that moment, the electrical sphere fell atop the mech, engulfing it in its electrical radius for a moment before it exploded with an incredible flash of blinding light and deafening explosion, rocking the temple itself as it pulsed with electricity. Ionic discharge littered the temple's air and ground, giving the entire area a positive charge from the fallout as Robin watched with manic glee. Even if, SOMEHOW, the asshole had survived such a firework of a current, he would be left in a prime position to recharge again. But that wasn't going to happen, because he had clearly won the battle. Robin plopped down onto the stairs leading up to the amulet, waiting to see the flaming wreckage and the charred corpse that he would then very quickly teabag before grabbing his loot and running. No doubt noise like this would be attracting attention, even this far in the middle of nowhere.

    Charges gained: 5
    Charges used: 17
    Charges available: 2
    Battlefield effect: Ionic deluge grants Robin an additional 2 charges per turn for the next 3 turns spent within the temple.
    Karma is the best.

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