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Thread: Friday stories

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    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Default Friday stories

    So every friday, I will be dropping some writing here every friday. I will try to make it a chapter to a story or a short story, depending on my mood.

    Which I will be keeping everything as a collection here in this post

    Spoiler: Stories 
    Last edited by Arcus; 03-07-2022 at 03:23 AM.

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  2. #2
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Default Secrets of the Mist chapter 1

    "What do you think our new member will be?" Talia asked, looking around the break room. Enjoying her cheesy snack, while she gossiped and talked with her co-workers. "Who knows," Ryan responded looking to the broken coffee machine like he could mentally command it to work.

    With a crunch Bridget brought the attention to her, as she ate with an annoyingly loud apple. "I hope shes' a mage," She said managing to not spit her apple.

    Lenne who looked slightly annoyed that he was failing to take a nap, "Well shes' probably going to at least have magic." He said and Talia thought for a minute, but Bridget spoke up before she could. "Not necessarily," she said and making Ryan almost immediately groan. "Please don't bring up, Todd," he said and Talia couldn't see why not.

    Todd maybe part of a different department, but he was a good example of people who find ways to be useful in their jobs and duties without magic. Bridget chuckled, "Fine, but if she does end up being like Todd. I will get to say, I told you so." Ryan rolled his eyes and retorted, "Well, assuming she does, what do you think she will posses?" He asked, leaving Talia feeling like her question just got re-asked.

    The breakroom fell quiet, except for Bridgets' annoying apple.

    Lenne eventually spoke up, "Maybe we know it's a lady right?" He said and murmurs rippled between the small group. "Well, maybe she'll be an Fluran? You know, because-" he stopped mid-sentence because of the flat looks Talia and Bridget were giving him. After a moment, she said "Oh, please continue, why do you thing the lady will be all about flowers." Instead the blonde shook his head, making his curls bounce.

    After a couple more guesses from the group, Ryan leaned on the counter and said. "Well, let's think this through. Talia, you're a Hydran," Talia nodded. "Bridget's a Elecrum," She simply watched him. "Lennes' a Pyrian," the curlie cue simply smirked, "And you guys know that I am an Oburian. So maybe, ice or earth magic? Those would be help for good balances in our team." Everyone thought about what he had said and it would make sense, "Those would help balance out some of our strategies." Talia spoke up, Lenne nodded, but Bridget spoke up "I'd actually be curious to see what new things we could do with someone from those fields." Which was a good point, we continued talk and chit chat until the boss' voice could be heard calling for a gathering from a outside the room.

    The group looked at each other, Ryan ended the conversation with a short. "Whatever they end up being, I don't care, so long as they end up being helpful with our job." Which everyone agreed with as they left the room. As they entered the big room, that made up the area for our section of the department. The other teams were already gathered, so when the boss saw the small team. He finally spoke up, "Now that everyone is here. I'd like to introduce the newest member of this exploration and expansion corps," gesturing to a meek looking woman with a good sized satchel, long dark hair and skin darkened from time under the sun.

    The woman gave everyone a little wave, before setting her gave firmly on the ground. The members of the small group all exchanged a look, but their attention was quickly drawn back to the boss as his voice boomed with his usual authority. "Her name is Nancy, I'd like you all to make her feel welcome. She has not only held various jobs and has had many experiences from well outside the comfort of a city, but she is also new to town. So if anyone is willing to show her around town, I'm sure she would be very grateful. Right?" He asked turning her gaze to the clearly nervous woman, who all she could do was quickly nod. Before he turned his attention back to the group and his voice boomed once more.

    "Now, I know everyone is aware of the rumors, but I just wanted to confirm them." Turning his gaze to the small group, soon the whole room followed as the boss continued. "Our newest member will be assigned to team Mist." None of them bothered to react, they all had already figured the rumors were true anyway.

    The boss nudged the new member, "Well, now that everyone knows Nancy. I believe it is time for Team Mist and their newest member to get aquainted." Nancy nodded and gulped, before slowly making her way across the room. Well aware of the entire room staring her down, watching her every move. Including that of the team she was supposed to be joining, making her even more nervous about this decision she made to apply for this job.

    Hopefully everything would workout.

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  3. #3
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Default Secrets of the Mist Chapter 2

    Its been well over a week since Nancy started, right now the days were dull, but that's how all new jobs start out. First couple weeks are always dull, as they make you fill out paper work and do trainings you may or may not already know about. Which for Nancy, it has definitely been stuff that she 100 percent knows and it has taken her everything that she has to not fall asleep during the orientation and safety classes.

    At least her teammates seemed nice, even if they did keep bugging her about what magic she used. So far, she's managed to turn the conversation in other directions and she will do that for as long as she has too. A loud ringing bell sounded making Nancy jump from the desk she was at. Up in an instant, the person teaching the current class had been about the current known areas and survival tips of surviving inside the dense ancient forest that almost seems to act like a guard between the human world and the unknown.

    "That means' something has happened," the older employee said. Which Nancy has already kind of assumed, the two of them walked outside of the room and went down the hall to the big open area that seemed to seemed to act a main gathering area. The boss stood there waiting for everyone to gather and even with people filtering in. Nancy felt like there were less people in the area, than when she started on her first day. Which made her wonder if Boss had purposely chosen a day when most of the groups would be there? She wondered this for a minute, before she saw her team come in and found herself wondering for not the first time what they did while they waited for her to be 'fully trained.' That however, she didn't have much time to think about this time, because only a few moments after the Boss' voice rang out.

    "Team Sunset hasn't reported in at the scheduled time and scouts sent out to follow the trail that they were supposed to take haven't seen them. Not only that, but both of the scouts that were sent out have returned injured." That wasn't good Nancy thought and she could hear the murmurs rippling across the room. "So as a precaution, We would like to set up 2 full teams to send out and see if we can find any sign of Sunset and if we are lucky bring them back. So if you'd like to volunteer for being put on the team, please come sign a paper up here and once everyone is done I will start looking through them and making teams." Almost as soon as the boss was done taking, people started heading to the front to sign up. Nancy somehow managed to get up there without too much shoving and signed her name. She didn't know how likely she would be picked for one of the search parties, but considering how much experience she had with tracking. She really really wanted to help if they would let her.

    While they waited on word of who would be picked and the teams that would be formed. Nancy was taken back to the classroom to finish up the so called class. Which she was so busy thinking about the lost team, that she obvious wasn't paying any attention and led to the older employee to create a quick pop quiz. She knew he was probably trying to prove a point, but when she handed the quiz back to the teacher. It was clear she had passed with flying colors. So her mind went back to the ancient forest and just what danger the missing team could be in.

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    This is a great idea :) I'm excited to see more about the different types of magic users and what they can do. :)

  5. #5
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Quote Originally Posted by MimiDumpling View Post
    This is a great idea I'm excited to see more about the different types of magic users and what they can do.
    Thanks, I hope you enjoy the story and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcus View Post
    :) Thanks, I hope you enjoy the story and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask
    I love it so far :) Nancy kind of reminds me of a friend irl. :) I'll definitely ask if I have any questions and I'll be here next Friday for the next bit! :)

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    Default Secrets of the Mist Chapter 3

    Thankfully, the boss called everyone back to the big room, before the end of shift.

    Which Nancy was more than a little happy about. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about the lost team, which made her become unofficial enemies with the person who was teaching her supposed class today. She had nothing against him, but he wasn't happy with how much little she ended up listening. Pushing the man out of her head, Nancy gave her full attention to the boss. Ready to learn who and when the search teams would be going.

    While it only took everyone a few minutes to gather up. The waiting felt like a lifetime, it was hard to wait. So when Nancy was more than a little thankful when the boss finally spoke up, "First off, let me thank each and everyone of you that signed up. Seeing so many of you that are willing to help each other means a lot to me and while I normally would probably get a little sappy about just how many you did sign up." A small ripple of laughed shifted through the room, making Nancy wonder what was funny. "However, considering we are likely short on time, let's instead cut to the chase." He said and Nancy gulped.

    "As you all know I plan on sending 2 teams out to find any sign of Sunset. Now to my surprise, an entire team signed up. So the first team, who until this is over will be referred to as team Vine, to be going will be made up of; Levy, Magnolia, the Surrie twins, and Todd." He explained and Nancy turned to look as a group of people started to all heads towards each other, so she could only assume that they were the people that were just called out. Nancy couldn't help but wonder what each of their skills were, they had to be skilled to get this job, but she hasn't been there long enough to really know anyone.

    Her attention was quickly snapped back to the boss as his voice echoed, "As for the second team, I must admit the decision was easier than I thought it would be. Why you ask? Well, as luck would have it, turns out that this entire team had decided to volunteer. Now while, I don't know if they planned it or not, but I figured if they all wanted to go. Then I might as well let them go, so everyone congratulate Team Mist on going out on this search and wish them all the best of luck." Nancy turned her head to the members of her team who were already starting to celebrate getting picked to help. When the boss stopped all of them up short and made her jaw drop a little, when he finished with. "Including our newest pup to join our group."

    Just like that, everyone stopped and turned to look at her. Like they couldn't believe the new girl had signed up to volunteer as well. As uncomfortable as Nancy was with all the eyes and as much as the stares made her want to hide. Instead, she took a deep breathe and started towards her team. She was surprised to get picked, but was even more surprised at the fact that they all had volunteered too. Hopefully, it was a good sign for what was to come.

    For right now her discomfort did not matter. What did matter was that there were people out that needed their help, people they were supposed to work with. They couldn't just let them down and do nothing. She would do her best to help find and rescue Team Sunset.
    Last edited by Arcus; 02-13-2022 at 11:17 PM.

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    Default Appologies and chapter 4

    I accidentally missed last weeks' entry. So this week entry may be a tad late, but I'll be putting in 2 chatpers to make up for it!

    Spoiler: secrets of the mist chapter 4 

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    Default Secrets of the Mist Chapter 5

    It felt like a lifetime, before the Rations were ready, but that was probably just because of Nancys' nerves. She made sure to thank the cafeteria for the rations and water. As well as promising, to bring them something when she got back.

    She was the last one to meet back up and without a word, Lenne tossed her the bowstaff. Which she caught and he whistled, "Didn't think you'd actually manage to catch it." He said, so had he meant to embarrass her? Or why did he do that? She wondered, strapping the long wooden weapon to her back. Everyone checked over what they had grabbed, just to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything and then headed out of the back door of the building.

    Nancy jumped as she heard the heavy doors lock behind them. Looking behind her, she wanted to say something, but before she could. The rest of the team was already walking ahead and Talia asking, "Aren't you coming?" Nancy jumped again and hurried after the rest of the team, but she looked back and couldn't help but wonder how'd they know to open the door for them.

    The forest before them was taller than the building she worked in, she didn't think they touched the sky. But it certainly did create a dark curtain for the boundary of the forest, not a sound could be heard from either side. As Team Mist now silently walked to the forest, it took a few minutes until they were properly in it. There were signs of people everywhere and Nancy assumed it was because of the fact that this must be where every time always entered and looked to the rest of the team.

    Glad that they didn't have to track the missing team from here, because she wouldn't be sure which way to go, not with all the different possibilities. So for now followed behind, as Talia with the map led us to where the team was last heard from. As we traveled, the massive broken limbs and damages to trees. As well as the giant footprints left in the soft parts of the forest, left no room for question how dangerous this place was to anyone.

    Everyone else had their weapons of choice at the ready. Nancy seemed to be the only one who was looking around, not instantly ready to attack anything and everything that might be attack them. Nancy was the only one who didn't seem like she was holding her breathe, as she took everything in and she was getting more than a few looks from her team for it. All the same, she would keep her wits about her, because now she had too.

    She knew soon a lot would happen, it was in the air. The only questions was what would it be and if what would show itself would have seen the missing team as well.

    They were finally in the forest and Nancy was as determined as the rest of her team. To not only find the missing team, but to find them fast and to hopefully bring back survivors. This forest was deadly, but they weren't alone.

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    Default Secrets of the Mist Chapter 6

    The first day passed without much trouble happening. The biggest issue the team had, was when they came across a rather large carnivorous plant that had grown into the path. Nancy didn't see any reason for it to die and they all agreed that using magic would probably just draw more attention to them. So using large vines and a really long stick, to get it off the path and they took it as far off the path as the plants' stem would allow.

    When they set up camp, they did so onto the 10 foot wide well worn path. Where they knew what was around them and were used too. Nancy volunteered to stay up that night, the rest of the rest of the crew tried to tell her that it might be better for to take a night farther in. She insisted she wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. Which was true, because she could still feel something in the air and couldn't relax until whatever it was would show itself. Even so, her team didn't seem quite ready to trust her to guard them at night. So eventually she said, someone could stay with her. Which they still tried to convince her to get some sleep, which wasn't going to happen. The rule was that no one was on guard by themselves during the night anyway.

    Ryan was the one who ended up staying up with Nancy. Whom, as everyone was falling asleep, climbed a tree to keep watch. After a while, Ryan spoke up, "Are you sure want to be up there?" He asked, sounding a little concern and she nodded, "Ya, this helps me have the high ground and a better view of things around me." Silence hung between them.

    The only things Nancy could hear in the darkness was Giant Tree toads, which thankfully sounded very very far away. As well as, some Canopy Perchers, which were mostly harmless to people. So she sat enjoying those sounds as she kept watch. They continued watching things for quite some time. It was a quite some time before Ryan broke the silence between them. "So why were you so insistent on taking the first shift?" He asked softly, as to not wake the others.

    She didn't answer for a moment, before looking down at him. "It's hard to explain, I just know I won't be able to sleep for long until it happens." Nancy said and silence fell between them for another moment or two. Before Ryan responded, "What happens?" Seeming more than a little confused by the statement, which she didn't blame him. It wasn't like she could really explain the feeling very well. It was just something she could feel, but couldn't see.

    When she didn't respond, Ryan just sighed and looked around.

    The next morning, she and Ryan had breakfast before everyone woke up and while everyone else was eating and packing. The two took the chance to get a nap in before they had to head back out. Once they were on the road again, Nancy just took a deep breathe. It soon became hard to tell time, but thankfully there was just enough gaps between the taller than life trees. That they could watch the shadows stretching and shrinking through out the day. It was quiet until the team heard a growling and everyone turned toward the sound of it. Ready for a fight.

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