As someone told me lately: "Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
- Elphaba, Wicked
“One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
― Henry Miller
"The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed. Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is vast and we are so small. There is really only one thing we can ever truly control... whether we are good or evil."
- Oma Desala, SG-1
“If you make snap judgments about people and are unwilling to look into their past you’ll never begin to understand them.”
- Joan of Arcadia
"If you’re trying to get your worth from someone else, you can’t fulfill your own true nature, which is what I’m all about. Like and hate is a paradox. You’re a hero, and you’re not perfect. You were horrible to someone because you cared. Another paradox. If you accept that they both can exist simultaneously, then you can find peace in the contradictions, which is where you’ll find Me.”
- Joan of Arcadia