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Thread: Soldiers without purpose. (SwP)

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    Hot Soldiers without purpose. (SwP)

    Ivern was getting a hot dog from the cafeteria.
    "Graduation." He said out loud.

    "Are you excited?" The cafeteria lady said while she prepared his hot dog.

    "Not at all." He thought.
    "Yes, it's quite a honor, I can't wait to officially be a soldier." As he took his order.
    "Well, you should you know! Only two of my family members ever graduated!" As she started to clean the counter.

    He walked away, and tried to sit at a table alone.
    It was him, that guy... God he hated him... He came out of nowhere, nobody knew him, and ever since he joined he aced out all classes, like it was nothing.
    "They still selling hot dogs?" He asked me.
    "Yeah, I just got one."
    He walked away, not a word, not a gesture, as emotionless as the first day he arrived.

    I looked at him ordering, can't say I wasn't pleasantly surprised when he didn't get one, apperently I got the last one.
    My luck for getting one after classes.

    He sat besides me, why did he do that? Did he want my order? Was he angry I said something wrong?

    "Two more hours." He said.

    I ate my order, and he said nothing, didn't move, didn't talk, didn't even turn his head.

    "Well..." I said, just before I wanted to stand up. "I-"

    A classmate walked up.
    "I didn't know you two were friends!" She said, as she sat down.

    It was awkwardly silent. He didn't even move, and I didn't even know what to say.

    "We are having a farewell party later tonight after graduation, will you two attend?"
    "Yes." Said the guy.

    "I- I will not." I said. I don't know why, I just felt like if he was coming, I shouldn't.

    "That's unacceptable!" She said with a smile.
    "I'm assuming you are coming after lunch! You better! We are preparing and if you don't come, I will report you to the principle, and I can still get you expelled!"

    It made me shiver...
    "She could..." I thought to myself.
    "I- I will go." I said.

    "Good! It's a date! I'll be seeing the two of you after lunch!" As she stood back up and left.

    "She was joking you know." The guy said.
    "No she wasn't." I said, as I stood up, and cleaned my face.
    "Maybe she wasn't... Yet she wanted it to be?" He said, before I walked off.
    "You better show up, or she will inquire on me." I said to have the last word.

    I went to my room, I had to wear my uniform today for the first time.
    "I wonder if I'll get shot the first day." He laughed.
    He shrugged it off, no way they'd shoot him first...

    He got dressed and quickly went to the theater hall, he didn't want her to have any excuse.

    "Boo." As Quart poked his side.
    "I waited for you, you know." He said.
    "Asshole." I thought he wouldn't show up, he never shows up at anything.

    "You can play the piano!" She said, as she directed him towards the piano.

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    Stony, of 20 years age and 5' 11.5" height, a certain look kind of like a caveman, thought he was dressed up sharply in the new uniform. Too bad those of his village of that country, Harfeld, might never see it, on him, he considered to himself. He checked the pocket on his chest. Good, it is there.He meant to have it with him still. Well, now, there was nothing more, he thought, other than to go on to the theater hall now. He heard that every one of all the cadets would be there, besides many others.

    He did not take long to get there. Too bad, he thought, in this area there was not a good view of night sky with the stars showing clearly. It was something he missed since he came here. But once he did come, those here saw his proficiencies and skills were of value and he was desired here, as he hoped. He had heard there was the powerful enemy force, that all men who could fight would be needed for defense against their aggression. He could not just ignore that and let the island they all were on be overrun.

    He came to it and went through the doorway into the theater hall. Right away he heard someone playing music, it seemed to be a piano there. He went on through where cadets and other people were standing to reach that woman who told him to be there, with everyone else being there.

    "I am here, as I said I would be," he announced. "I know there are great expectations with me after all that which I passed with honors."

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    He sat down unwillingly.

    "I don't know how to play the piano..." He said, knowing the inevitable answer.

    "This is the sheet music, here is a explanation on what key is what tone, and besides that, you'll just have to learn to read!" She said with a syndical cheerful commanding tone.

    He sighted.
    "Comeon! No diddledaddling! You have one hour to study!" As she walked off.

    He took a moment to gather his thoughts, and looked around, the open auditorium was quite beautiful on such a day, the view and the plants helped too.
    Everyone seemed busy, unbelievable in such a situation, with everything thats going on, and the fact they already graduated, they still had the mind to do these trivial things.

    He started reading the explanation, and played every key a few times. And started playing the music.
    "Dammit, guess I can play the piano..."
    He rehearsed the one song for a hour to get the timing and tone right.

    After a while, they stopped preparing and started to let people in, it was getting quite crowded at the start already.
    "It's not even mandatory, why would people even wait in line a hour before it starts? Looks like the entire base is coming..."

    He just sat there as an idiot while they gathered, he wasn't sure if he was allowed to leave, stand up, or even ask for a drink. He was sure however is something went wrong, it wouldn't be his fault.

    He took his attention towards the entrance.
    You didn't need any ticket, yet everyone got greeted by the headmaster none the less.
    "She wasn't even present at the first day of the year..." He thought to himself.

    He thought to himself how odd it was that everyone was so distant, professional and no nonesense the entire year, and how strange it is they were actually even excited for such a stupid event.

    It's basically just that damn stage manager hosting all sorts of stupid random acts, he isn't even sure if they even have a schedule... Just shows that nobody takes this stuff seriously.
    -Bonk.- As Selphie bonked him on the head. "I can see by your eyes and mannerisms I don't like what your thinking mister! You better straighten up and take this seriously!" She said sternly pointing her finger at him.

    "It's disgraceful how you present yourself! I have no idea how you expect a future with a attitude like this!" She sticked out her tongue, and pulled her lower eyelid down.
    She bonked him again, and walked off.

    "I hate my life." He thought to himself.

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    Stony looked around for a while. He finally saw a familiar face. He came over. "Jared! You made it too!"

    That one answering to the name Jared turned from the couple of others whose recounts he was listening to up until then. "Stony! It is not like anyone didn't make it. We did not all pass with honors, you lucky dude. But everyone was passing. And you know why, too. From here on out, we are available to be put out where combat is needed when it happens. And it will happen, surely! We all can see the news showing how things are leading to that."

    Stony said, "You don't have to be negative about it. Whenever it does happen, everything of this island is imperiled. Only those from here in combat might save it at all. And we have help, from beyond. Don't you have any trust for such?"

    "What would that be? Like you and your ancestors? Just because you know the names of many of them does not mean there would be help to you from that."

    "And so I just passed with honors, and there was no help to me, while you just passed. Go ahead then, keep thinking that way. If you cheat anyone it would be yourself."

    Jared just gave Stony a sour look.

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    The head master walked up to them.
    "I couldn't help but overhear."
    As she shook their hands.

    "I assure you, anyone who cheated or cut short on the examination, will have what comes to them." As she lets go of their hands.
    "I am sure you will serve our country proudly, and none of the trust or investment trusted upon you, will go to waste."
    She looked sternly one last time. "What honors you get, is how you contribute, the honors you gain in school only mean we expect more from you, then the others." When she stepped away to greet the new guests coming in.

    Ivern played with the piano. "Fucking 40 more minutes!" He thought out loud.
    "Can't they just come in, take a piece of paper and leave?!"

    Quarts bonked him.
    "Are you being a hassle again?" He said with a smirk.
    "I don't hope to be on your team, you'd probably make me work twice as hard." He left off.

    "Why are they taunting me?" Irvern wondered.
    "I'm still not going to let this event be fucked up by me!" He said out loud.

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    Stony had noticed that head master hitting the guy at what seemed to be a piano, right on his head. Why would she do that, he wondered, but then she came over to him and Jared as Stony talked with Jared, interrupting them, to say the things he wondered why she would. When she left to speak to others, he glanced again at where the guy sat where he would play what would be music, and notice the guy speaking something loudly, and then this other person hitting him on the head. That guy spoke something further out loud. Stony said, "Why are people hitting that guy there to play music, right on his head, for?"

    "What do you mean?" Jared asked.

    "Didn't you see that? That head master and that other person there have been hitting that guy a few times on his head! Why do that to him?"

    Jared looked for a while. He said then, "That is Ivern. We can go talk with him, and you will find out." Jared indicated to Stony to follow him, and he started walking across the room to where Ivern sat to play the music. Stony followed him across the room, winding around clusters of people standing here and there.

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    He noticed he said that a bit too loud, some people looked over at him...
    He blushed, and focused on his piano during his embarrassment.

    Ivern played a few notes, he should get the hang of this if he has to do it all day, he wasn't playing off tone, or anything erratic, they shouldn't complain...
    He did peek around though, just to see if anyone was still staring at him.
    Then it caught his attention, two people going straight through the crowd, right at him.
    "Oh god, that can never ve good news." He thought.

    He cleaned his uniform as they headed towards him, and was preparing his speech; "Hello gentlemen, what seems to be the issue?" Too formal he thought...
    "Excuse me, is there anything wrong?" No, no, no...

    "Happy graduation day! Is there anything that I can do?" Yes... Yeah... That will have to be it...
    He started to focus on the piano, he wanted to seem busy, maybe they would leave him alone.

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    Jared spoke, having come up to Ivern as Ivern focused on his hands being on the keys. "Hey Ivern! Remember me? We were taking courses together before. Well, I am Jared if you didn't remember. This is my friend Stony. Well, everyone calls him that."

    Stony then said, "I appreciate you making yourself available for providing music here for this event. I think that's a great thing. But a couple of people were hitting you on the head, which I noticed. That was sure awful of them. I can't understand why some people are so bad, prone to hurt others. In the village where I am from no people are seen acting like that!"

    Stony hoped that Ivern would open up to them with this, he could see Ivern might be really guarded, tending to stay closed up.

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    Ivern let go of the keys, and turned to face them.

    "Yes, I do remember you." He started, as he waves over to stony.

    "It's not like I had much choice." He thought, then shrugged it off and put on a smile.

    "Of course! It's the main event of the year! It's not like I'd want to miss out!" As he stood up to shake their hands.

    "Oh and don't worry about them, they are just different, they are more like those elitist city people, all they care about are their silly games." As he gazed away, to break eye contact.

    "Glad you two didn't mind coming to the event, I'm sure we can make some progress out of it, if we try."

    "If you guy's don't want a backrow position, I'm sure Selphie wouldn't mind some extra people, I don't think she declines anyone willing to help."
    His face was a bit tired, it sure took some of his energy to learn how to play the piano in just a hour, not that they knew anything about that.

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    Stony looked thoughtful, and then turned to Jared. "What do you think? We don't have to watch from the back row. Maybe Ivern can let Selphie know we can be available for something that is needed."

    Jared responded, "Hmm. I think it could be a good deal for you. Today took a lot out of me already. I am tired as it is, and not up to much further and would settle for a back row position."

    As Jared looked like he would walk off, Stony felt the uniform's pocket on his chest, making sure of what it held. He said, "Alright."

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