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Thread: Star Wars: Bureaucrats [Hannelorian x Kach] OOC

  1. #1
    Kach's Avatar
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    Default Star Wars: Bureaucrats [Hannelorian x Kach] OOC

    Star Wars universe. Boom, the Republic is kaput. Empire rolls out the grey carpet. Suddenly there is a while lot of 'transitioning' that needs to be done. That's where the Logistics Core comes in, a government is only as good as it's paperwork. (Yes, I am pitching bean counters as an RP)
    Enter a two-ish person team traveling all over the newly formed Empire to determine such things as: do garrisons need to be created, re-enforced or withdrawn; is the native population desirable for 'labor drafts'; are there natural resources not being fully exploited; are the locals paying enough taxes?
    Of course, it's no easy feat, you can't just show up with a clip board and check boxes, unless maybe you were 'persuaded' too. Of course there are pirates, rebels, local unrest, and the cold dangerous void to contend with. And don't get me started on the beings that think the Logistics Core's duties are a waste of time. (They are the worst!)

    So I am thinking humans, unless you wanted to go with an 'accepted' Imperial race. To clarify which gender do you prefer playing? I would read it as male from your ad. I'm perfectly fine filling the other half either way.

    I am thinking characters need to be flushed out a bit personality wise, because interpersonal conflict and how the team reacts to situations will be important.
    I personally don't usually make huge character bios but I am thinking along the lines of:
    -name, gender, age
    -some personality traits
    some bonds
    Some flaws
    Anything else you think is important enough to get in stone before starting character wise?

    It makes sense to me that they would low level officers, to get a least a hint of respect and maybe fear from the rank and file. From the quick research I have done, (On the starwars combine website. Not too worried about how Cannon stuff is.) Imperial Security Bureau seems to be the the organization it would be under, unless we want to make up our own Logistics Core organization.

    I guess we will need to determine a scope of duties. Don't want to dump too much info, so I will stop there and eagerly wait what you have to say!

    Spoiler: Dramatis Personae 
    Last edited by Kach; 09-06-2022 at 11:29 AM.
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  2. #2
    The Grey Lady
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    OKAY! Let's do this!

    To clarify: a) I prefer to play the female role, when offered the choice. b) I don't see why the Imperial Security Bureau couldn't have a division that is solely devoted to logistics. So it would be something like the Logistic Corp of the Imperial Security Bureau. It definitely falls under the greater umbrella of "intelligence."

    I would agree that we don't need to flush out every last detail of a character's life with a big ol' sheet, but rather - the information you've requested seems more than reasonable to get the proverbial ball rolling as it were! Although it might be fun to add a field for home planet, just for kicks. And yes, human imperials works just fine!

    In terms of rank, I was thinking something along the line of Lieutenant. You've gotta figure there are just legions of those folks within the Empire. Not the bottom of the ladder, certainly not the top, but could potentially lead a unit/team etc...

    I would think a good place to start would be in the field, the pair starting off on a mission, on a new planet (new meaning old. But what is old is new again. so new really meaning, just falling in line with the Empire). Starting perhaps with surveying the locals, gauging degrees of compliance. Intelligence gathering and the like. Thoughts?

    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #3
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    Blast! In my haste, I have indeed made a grievous error. This should be in the private rp board. Please accept my humble apologies. I will see if it is something a mod can relocate, or we will burn it down and start anew.

    Excellent, I can work with that. Now the real question! Black or grey uniforms? Or perhaps something different for Logistics alone?
    Home planet, good idea! Lieutenant was along the lines I was thinking. What do you think about one being the team lead if not in rank, in title? Might add tension?

    On mission sounds like a good starting point, I am thinking they have already made introductions, so we can skip over that awkwardness, but they haven't worked much together yet.
    How does Qilura sound?
    The leg work is the fun part! Then submitting all the reports, endless reports!

    I am leaning toward a naive man who worked for the government logistics on Coruscant under the Republic and wants to get out and see the galaxy, and is not so eager to get shot at.

    I am thinking a droid or two as well, just clerical and utility. Possibly the little floatie dudes who I am having a dickens of a time pinning down.
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  4. #4
    The Grey Lady
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    Thanks for looking into that, Kach! I am completely amenable to one of the duo acting as Team Lead or mission leader, or whatever we really want to call it. And if they're both the same rank, it's just a first among equals kinda deal.

    I like the idea of grey uniforms. I find it to be just such an exceedingly pleasant color. Though I speculate they would have assorted patches indicating their department/purpose.

    Definitely agree that they have worked together on at least one prior occasion. Though this might be the first time the two were actually put together for a mission. Also, Qiilura had me at luxury foodstuffs. (so what if it's only the raw materials! The idea they might one day be delicious foodstuffs, I'm in).

    As for me, here's what I was thinking -

    Name: Marienna Beren
    Age: Mid-Late 20s
    Homeworld: Alderaan, later (we all remember the big boom)Per Naboo
    Personality: Serious, generally described as no-nonsense, however shocking to most, she isn't exactly the rule follower the Empire wants her to be.

    The Alderaan thing was just a thought - homeworld destroyed during her youth, she now finds herself in the civil service of the Empire. Emotional conflicts, repressed trauma, all of that. Mysterious past, possibly some minor resistance activity. I guess it sort of also depends how far into the Empire's life span we are. Before her current position, she served the Empire in a number of locations, transferred around for various reasons, maybe the occasional misstep or two.

    Last edited by Hannelorian; 07-04-2021 at 09:26 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #5
    Kach's Avatar
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    Okay! Did you have a preference at all?

    Haha! The notion of grey being a pleasant color is an amusing one. Not the word I would have expected but I can dig it!

    Excellent! LT Beren indeed looks like an interesting person. I dig the Alderaan link.

    Corwin Fischer
    Early 30's
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Personality: Curious and cordial, he wants to get through the day with as few hiccups as possible. Once something catches his interest though, he sometimes forgets when to give up or where to draw the line.

    Working for the Republic before the transition, he served in a government administrative position. With the end of the war, he was looking for a change. He had never gotten out and seen the galaxy and tired of office work. Having no interest in being shot at, he joined the intelligence branch and sent to the Logistics Core.

    I am thinking a utility droid. KV-2 for piloting and accessing/ correlating data. (Space Math)

    And a shuttlecraft of some sort. Speeder bikes? Got to have speeder bikes.
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  6. #6
    The Grey Lady
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    Nope. Fischer can be the commanding officer if he's up for it!

    Always speederbikes. Also I imagine there are shuttles are Empire HQ down the planet to ferry people back and forth from near planets or the lovely ever present Star Destroyers orbiting the planet.

    Anything else we need? Do you want to start? Do you want me to start? Oh I'm just so excited!
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  7. #7
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    What is the worst that can happen if we missed anything? Not like a planet will just blow up!
    If you want to start feel free! lol I am still keeping a low profile after my last fiasco. :p
    Maybe be tomorrow by the time I can reply, just a heads up.
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  8. #8
    The Grey Lady
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    I will kick us off then and post a link here. Also no worries if you can't reply tonight (or whatever time zone you are currently experiencing)
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  9. #9
    The Grey Lady
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    Just gonna leave this here for ya:
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  10. #10
    Kach's Avatar
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    Wow-wee! That is a beautiful word picture! *performance anxiety kicks in* back to you! Oh BTW let me know if Berens is carrying a sidearm as well plz!
    The final battle,
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