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Thread: [M] Sniped Through the Heart [Hannelorian & Iwazuma]

  1. #1
    The Grey Lady
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    Default [M] Sniped Through the Heart [Hannelorian & Iwazuma]

    What does it mean to be perfect, truly? What does it mean to be the best? How long can one hold onto titles and accolades when the next best thing is already behind you. Watching, waiting, calculating, performing. At first, it's hard to notice, but the fear is present always in one's mind. Until one day, everything that you were afraid of has come to pass.

    What happens when a singular corporation is effectively the government? When all opposition, rebellion and threats must be eliminated, their stain removed from the very fabric of existence? Humanity is stripped away from those who serve. Literal and figurative humanity, a breed of super soldiers with one exact purpose. To be the arm, to be the very weapon itself that will silence those who dare rise against the powerful control of of Osnen. For theirs is the power and the glory, and theirs alone.

    Can shadows be made flesh? The shells of soldiers whose lives and histories have been erased just as that of their victims, is there a force powerful enough to break through the madness and return one to the world of truth, emotion, and love. When humanity forsakes their corporeal nature in favor of the mechanized to outperform and outpace in the name of fear and control, what will be left?

    What does it mean to be human?
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #2
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Oh, hey. This is me. Surprise!

    Basic Information
    Full Name: Regina Carlisle
    Name Meaning: Regina: ‘Queen’ in Latin. Carlisle: Old English, ‘From the walled city’.
    Nickname(s): Killdroid, Robo-Cop, Terminator, Prototype, Reggie (do not call her this)
    Age: 24
    Date of Birth: 6/26
    Zodiac Sign: Cancer
    Hometown: Kristaline, small rural Meracyn village
    Current Location: Osnen Bioelectrics and Fuel Main Base
    Nationality: Osnen
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Religion: Atheist
    Political Affiliation: Loyal to Osnen
    Education/Occupation: Bachelor’s in Statistics/Soldier of the Brotherhood
    Living Arrangements: Constant lockdown, under supervision
    Species: Human

    Physical Appearance
    Face Claim:

    Scent: Beyond the faint scent of metal, raspberry and mint
    Voice: Surprisingly soft given her appearance, usually quiet
    Hair Characteristics: Shoulder-length, raven-colored, usually kept in a ponytail
    Eye Colour: Amber
    Height: 5’9”
    Weight: 91 lbs (without cybernetics), 183 lbs (with)
    Body Characteristics/Build: Well-toned, lightly muscular, ideal for prolonged motion and combat
    Tattoos: None.
    Piercings: Single, right earlobe
    Go-To Outfit: Military fatigues
    Staple Accessories: Gold and silver earring in her right ear (sentimental, from home)
    Clothing Style: Prepared for combat, typically military-acceptable. During leisure, often mismatched
    Distinguishing Characteristics: Left-handed in spite of her impediments, blank expression, wears minimal clothing for her left arm and leg

    Physical Ailments: Missing left arm and leg, moderate scarring along left torso
    Neurological Ailments: Disconnect from emotions, occasional night terrors, depression, inferiority complex
    Sleeping Habits: Occasionally has night terrors. Usually sleeps light. Wakes easily.
    Eating Habits: Less than normal to compensate for her reduced natural body weight. Will not eat anything with lemon in it.
    Exercise Habits: Cardio daily, strength training every other day. Relax Sundays.
    Drug Use: None.
    Alcohol Use: Socially. Will avoid if alone.

    Likes: Guns, training, challenging herself, spicy food, being outdoors at night, red velvet cake, the occasional video game
    Dislikes: Failure, too much heat, obsolescence, being the center of attention, too much pressure
    Positive Traits: Fearless in battle, problem solver, good with delegation, extremely tenacious, clearheaded
    Negative Traits: Cracks under pressure, tends to forgo emotions for logic, not a great team player, believes she must do everything on her own, struggles with socializing
    Physical Strengths: Strength (bolstered by metal prosthetics), speed and accuracy with guns, capable pilot, CQC expert, left side is bulletproof
    Physical Weaknesses: Shut down by strong electricity, struggles when surrounded, relies on cybernetics in physical combat
    Love Language: Patience, tender care, emotional support
    MBTI: ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Values: Independence, perseverance, mental fortitude, compassion, passion for interests, security
    Outlook on Life: Realistic
    Goals/Desires: (short-term) Endure the trials necessary to gain the trust of the Brotherhood, (mid-term) Prove her value as a weapon to herself, (long-term) End the war and retire to finally gain some alone time
    Fears: Failure, being worthless to others, being alone, lightning
    Habits: Lip-biting, gripping her right shoulder, occasional foot-tapping
    Hobbies: Training, cooking

    Weather: Snow, rain
    Colour: Orange, red, brown
    Movies: Sci-fi, fantasy
    Music: Anything that isn’t country. Enjoys smooth jazz.
    Food: Barbecued ribs
    Holiday: Halloween
    Beverage: Apple Juice
    Alcoholic Drink: Jack Daniel’s
    Animal: Cheetah
    Prized Possession: Lucky nickel (rare misprint)
    Quote/Lyric: “Never waste your feelings on people who don’t value them.”

    Father: Carson Allegro Carlisle (deceased)
    Mother: Aeris Melanie Carlisle (deceased)
    Brother(s): Alex Erdrick Carlisle (deceased)
    Sister(s): None
    Work: Soldier of Osnen Bioelectrics and Fuel
    Pets: None
    Reputation: Known as a merciless killer with no emotions, tends to keep to herself, a bit of a gym monkey
    Last edited by Iwazuma; 09-28-2023 at 12:47 AM.
    Karma is the best.

  3. #3
    The Grey Lady
    Hannelorian's Avatar
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    Basic Information

    Full Name: Anke de Heer
    Name Meaning: Anke; grace. de Heer; master.
    Nickname(s): the Phantom.
    Age: 26
    Date of Birth: 09/22
    Zodiac Sign: Virgo
    Hometown: Asuran, a moderate sized coastal village
    Current Location: Osnen Bioelectrics and Fuel Main Base
    Nationality: Osnen
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Religion: Atheist
    Political Affiliation: Loyal to Osnen
    Education/Occupation: Masters in Piano Performance/Soldier of the Brotherhood
    Living Arrangements: Fairly free, not regularly under any supervision
    Species: Human

    Physical Appearance
    Spoiler: Anke 

    Scent: Wild flowers
    Voice: Soft, melodic, has a signature lilt.
    Hair Characteristics: Blonde, just below the shoulder, usually in a tight bun.
    Eye Colour: Deep brown
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Body Characteristics/Build: Well-toned, lightly muscular, ideal for prolonged motion and combat
    Tattoos: Flowers of unknown origin trailing up the right side of her ribcage.
    Piercings: Two piercings in each earlobe
    Go-To Outfit: On duty, military fatigues, off duty, usually some form of dress.
    Staple Accessories: Irremovable silver anklet band.
    Clothing Style: Work attire, otherwise feminine, always well matched and coordinated.
    Distinguishing Characteristics: Small vertical scar along the left side of her neck

    Physical Ailments: None, Anke is in peak physical condition.
    Neurological Ailments: Emotionally detached from most things, as expected of her position.
    Sleeping Habits: Insomniac
    Eating Habits: Exactly as prescribed, nothing more, nothing less. Does occasionally enjoy a snack.
    Exercise Habits: Cardio daily, strength training most days. 1 rest day per week
    Drug Use: None.
    Alcohol Use: Moderate, mostly in social settings.

    Likes: Socializing, training, making the occasional fool of herself, playing the piano, being useful, cold weather.
    Dislikes: Stupidity, rash decision making, most other people.
    Positive Traits: Fearless, at times relentlessly positive, logical, a team player.
    Negative Traits: Impatience, slightly disconnected from her own emotions.
    Physical Strengths: Speed, accuracy, strength
    Physical Weaknesses: Is an un-augmented human.
    Love Language: small acts of kindness, patience.
    MBTI: INTP, Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving.
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Values: Strength of character, honesty, mental fortitude, compassion.
    Outlook on Life: Optimistic
    Goals/Desires: To ultimately break away from her life as a soldier.
    Fears: Loneliness, Death, the fallibility of others.
    Habits: Eye rolling, sighing, occasional inappropriate laughter.
    Hobbies: Playing piano, cards, eating.

    Weather: Snow, frigid temperatures.
    Colour: Red, Black, White.
    Movies: Sci-fi, fantasy, horror
    Music: Classical
    Food: Pasta
    Holiday: Indifferent
    Beverage: Water
    Alcoholic Drink: Tequila
    Animal: Magpie
    Prized Possession: Mother's wedding ring.
    Quote/Lyric: "You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard?
    You can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart"

    Father: Johan de Heer (alive)
    Mother: Elizabeth Talbrook de Heer (deceased)
    Brother(s): None
    Sister(s): Fleur de Heer (alive)
    Work: Soldier of Osnen Bioelectrics and Fuel, recently transferred, Sniper specialist
    Pets: None
    Reputation: Known primarily for her talent on the field as being ruthlessly effective. Otherwise, she is known for a generalized kindness and sense of humour.

    Personality and Basic Background

    Born into a small but close knit and loving family, Anke has from a young age been instilled with the desire to succeed and make her family proud. Her passions tend to be more creative pursuits and endeavors, hence her love of the piano and classical music. Early on she was identified for her quick reflexes and physical prowess, and upon the accelerated completion of her education, alongside her family, it was decided she would volunteer for military service as a teenager. Her sharpshooting and marksmen skills were trained and honed, transforming Anke into a ruthless and effective murderer.

    Anke displays a considerable emotional detachment from her line of work. Putting herself in dangerous situations, taking lives with no hesitation all comes rather naturally. It is an odd trait, given Anke is generally regarded as kind and affection, caring for her friends, though can be quick to anger or become irritated by the perceived mistakes of others. A part of Anke longs to depart and continue a musical career of some kind, she is of much more use as a trained killer. Anke was recently transferred to her current station where she met Regina and others.
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 09-28-2023 at 12:34 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.


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