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Thread: [M] Lies of a Tenant (H)

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Default [M] Lies of a Tenant (H)

    Game is set in the tenant of the Rocky Mountains (this will be important for you to know later.)

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    She was the smallest of the overseers. A petite figure and slim by anyone's count. She had her mother's face, most said. For the most part she was a welcoming person, but like her father she was socially awkward. She would hold a tense smile to anyone that made eye contact with her, mainly because she didn't know what else to do. Wave? But... that made her feel uncomfortable. Smiling felt better. It was safer. And sometimes it really did make her smile to see certain people.
    She usually wore the standard jeans and tanktop with a pair of worn out boots. Nothing in the Tenant was new. Whatever was shipped here was scavenged by the military from the abandoned homes.
    The Tenant was always hot for her, almost too hot. But she didn't dare change into shorts. She had made that mistake before and had cut her leg up when she went up to the Farms. Her dad had fixed her up and gave her sound advice. Jeans were safer, leather was better. But leather was rare to come by. And anyways jeans were good too. They protected her legs.
    When she did get cold she would slide on the heavy Navy jacket her dad had passed on to her. It was far too big for her. But she loved it anyways because it smelled like her dad and it made her feel like she was in his arms.
    They sometimes got to see each other. She would make the effort to go up to the Business section and visit him at the hospital for lunch. But most of the time she was too busy taking care of the civilians and he was busy tending to the injured. They did make time for each other though. Just not enough, she felt.
    She was busy now, as it seemed like she always was. The government made sure to keep their workers busy. They didn't want too much time on their little workers' hands.
    Currently she was waiting outside the elevator. It wasn't moving, it was waiting for her actually. But she wasn't moving just yet. She had to wait for anyone that wanted to go up to the Business section to eat or shop, visit the hospital, etc. It was currently nine in the morning and she was standing beside Casey, someone she didn't really like.
    He was hot headed, in her opinion. He was mean and cruel, and to her it seemed like he didn't have much feelings. To say he was empathetic would be a complete lie. More like apathetic. Except to be apathetic he had to not care. But he cared far too much for his job to be exact.
    He wasn't any fun to be around, and she found herself getting into tense moments with Casey. She blamed it on the fact that he was a jerk. He always found something wrong in her. He liked to condescend her. She could do the same. But her mother had raised her better than that. Kill them with kindness, her mother had always said. Or with a gun, her dad had always added.
    "You need to get more sleep instead of messing around at night." Casey snorted next to her. The comment had been brought on in retaliation to her yawning into her hand.
    Spring tried not to narrow her eyes. Narrowing her eyes would give her crow's feet, her mother had once told her. But it was so hard in a case like this when she just wanted to punch Casey in the face. A temper is not a girl's best friend though. Kill them with kindness.
    She turned her blue eyes towards the ginger beside her. A smile slowly rolled its way across her face, "Thanks for the advice, Case. Maybe you could do with taking some too. Mouthwash, much?"
    Casey scowled down at her. But Spring wasn't moved by his glare. Instead she scowled back at him, trying to beat him at his own game.
    Okay, her mother may have taught her to kill with kindness. But she had her father's temper.

    You may begin.
    Last edited by Kicks; 10-29-2014 at 12:34 AM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye was in a rush, more than usual actually. It was just about time to go and she was hardly ready- seeing as how she woke up late. The past week or so she had been feeling under the weather and it was definitely causing a bit of difficulty. She didn't let it stop her though, being a doctor was not a profession where you got very many sick days of your own. Her hands ran through her long, blonde hair, pulling it up into a ponytail as she scurried Logan along to get some breakfast. He was just like his mother in this way, not a morning person. Faye glanced down at her watch and groaned with toast still hanging from her mouth. And as if it happened just to make this morning worse, she suddenly became overwhelmed by that nauseous feeling. What a terrific way to start the day.

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    Shoes, jeans, shirt, and name tag. That's all he needed.
    Right? Blake counted off the items on his fingers for the millionth time that morning. Even with a simple enough thing to go to work with as a coach he still sometimes forgot something. One day he forgot to wear his sneakers until that little brunette girl reminded him. God bless Colton's daughter. Blake couldn't remember how many times she had pointed out what he was missing just as he reached the elevator.
    He was leaving his bedroom when he caught sight of Faye. She wasn't looking good. Well, she hadn't been for a few days. But today she looked even worse.
    He would offer to make the breakfast, except they both knew how that would go. His bacon fear never left and he had learned quickly that burning eggs was quite possible.
    "Granola bar," He stated while taking out a cereal bar and passing it off to his son. Score. Daddy saved the day. At least, that's how he felt for a moment. Just those little things made him feel like a super dad.
    He grabbed Faye by the shoulders lightly after having passed off the granola bar and looked her up and down. No, she really wasn't looking good.
    "You sure you don't want to stay home?" He asked her. Though he wondered how well that question would fare. Doctors, he had quickly discovered, were busy bodies and were always in high demand.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye blinked at Blake at first, not even really registering that he was there. What? What did he ask her? "Oh yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine. An I've got a lot of patients who need me so I need to be there." Faye reassured him and ran her thumb over his cheekbone softly. She never imagined him being able to get more handsome but there he was. It was so great the thing that had happened since they left the team. It was so great to see him happy and healthy and it just made her feel a little bit better.
    "Come on kid! Let's go." Faye said with a smile to Logan while taking Blake's hand and walking out the door, ushering Logan along as she went.

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    Blake wasn't all that convinced by her being fine. But he knew if he argued she would still go to work anyways. All he could do was maybe surprise her with a bath by the time she got home. A bath and some soup. Some soup he would have to pick up from one of the little restaurants because God knew how awful he was in the kitchen.
    Even though he knew she wasn't feeling that well, that didn't stop him from kissing her before they went through the door. What could he say? Germs couldn't stop him from loving up on his beautiful wife.
    He made sure that their child had his backpack before they left. If anything, he didn't want to find out that he hadn't been the one to forget something only to have Logan to forget something like a lunch or his backpack.
    When Faye took him by the hand, he closed the door of their apartment behind them and headed down the hall. The lights were dim, he had come to find. But he knew they would be brighter by the time he returned to the apartment because someone was bound to notice them needing changed.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye smiled a little bit when Blake kissed her but didn't get to stop to enjoy it, anyways, Logan would probably find that gross. He was a kid.
    "Are we gonna be late?" The little blonde boy chirped up while slinging his backpack on over his shoulder.
    "If you keep walking like a snail then maybe!" Faye told him with a grin before he took off down the hall towards the elevators. She now leaned over onto her husbands shoulder still holding his hand knowing she wouldn't get to see him until the end of the day again. Honestly, Faye wasn't too keen of this whole tenant set up thing, but she guessed it was necessary to avoid the zombies again so she didn't ever bring it up to anyone but Blake ever so often.

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    Blake broke into a grin the moment Logan took off down the hallway. He turned his eyes down to Faye briefly just to admire how funny she could be with the boy. And then he lifted his eyes back up to admire how fast their kid could run. Being a coach, this made him almost too proud to see. If he wasn't careful he would turn into one of those dads that would challenge anyone that his kid could beat theirs at anything.
    An arm wrapped around Faye's waist as they progressed down the hall. It always felt like a short walk to the elevator but that was only because it meant hours and hours of not seeing each other. Sometimes he would see Logan because he worked at the school as a coach. But he mainly worked with the older kids, the kids that would actually comprehend what he was teaching and take it as a life lesson (because it was.)
    Casey had to open the elevator long before he saw more people join in with the crowd. Already people were inside of it, making room for others. The elevator was huge as it was, ten times larger than any 'normal' elevator. And to think, they still had to stop at other floors on the apartment section to pick more people up.
    His eyes narrowly skimmed over the small family before moving on to something more interesting- which was just the wall.
    Spring on the other hand delivered a tense smile before looking back down quickly as if she had maintained eye contact for too long. She tried not to rise them up again when she noticed that one of them wasn't looking so good. But she knew the woman was a mutant like her dad. So she couldn't possibly be becoming a zombie. That worried her sometimes with the human residents. To contain a break out in the Tenant... well, she didn't want to imagine that day which is why she had to keep a close eye on it.
    "I... hope you're not contagious..." She said in a quiet, choked voice as if she regretted talking immediately. Sometimes she was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Talking with people wasn't exactly her strong suit, even if she knew them. "I mean, no not like that. I meant... well, I meant... I mean, you're a doctor and- I mean... um..." She trailed off and looked down again with a furious blush across her face.
    Casey snorted beside her with a sneer on his face as if he were containing all the kinds of insults he could throw at the moment but had to stop himself because he couldn't instigate a fight in the Tenant.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye looked at Spring and smiled. It was surprising to Faye that their family and her own weren't closer. Blake, Colton, and herself had been together on the team for a long time and she knew Blake looked up to Colton but being a country apart could really weaken a relationship it seemed. When Casey snorted Faye glanced to him then back to Spring. "Well, between you and me, if I was contagious, I'd totally cough on that guy." Faye nudged her head to the side a little bit towards Casey and pretended to whisper but it was clearly loud enough for the boy to hear. She then smirked and climbed aboard the elevator behind Logan.

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    That made Spring smile. She would have laughed, but she didn't know if that were appropriate or not. So instead she just smiled quietly while inwardly cheering Faye on. If she were and she did cough on Casey and Casey got sick... ha! Spring would laugh it up! But knowing Casey he would only attempt to get her sick, so it really wouldn't work all that much in her favor.
    Too bad.
    The elevator rides were always brutal. It was a large metal box that lifted them higher and higher with each floor. But that wasn't the brutal thing about these rides. What Spring hated most about them were the many stops to get everyone at their floor. She wished there were a simpler way, but there wasn't. She wished the government didn't force them to keep such a tight schedule. But it was necessary to survival. Or at least that's what they had all been told.
    Spring put her mouth into her hand again and yawned deeply. From the corner of her eye she saw Casey glare at her. That smug look on his face made her want to turn around and smack those freckles off his pale face. But she was smaller than he was by a large portion. And he could pin her easily, that had been proven before.
    Maybe she could toy with his emotions. That was a neat thought. But she decided against it. She would not abuse her ability like so many others before her had. She would merely put up with his attitude and hope to God he got crushed by a falling sign from the business section.
    "Next floor then." Casey decided and stepped into the elevator. He didn't wait for Spring's affirmation, just forced her to get into the elevator by pretending to start pushing buttons.
    Spring stepped in behind him with a grimace on her face. What a manipulative bastard.
    Long ago Blake had discovered the best way to get over the fear of heights was to... do nothing about it. He had only gotten over it when the zombies came forward on land and began to eat everyone in their sight. It was because of them that he was forced into this Tenant and onto elevators. After a long while he had finally gotten over his long irrational sixteen year old fear. Which was a blessing in its own way but a tragedy as well because of the zombies.
    But the best part about the elevator rides wasn't feeling like a victor every time they went up a floor, but rather having an excuse to be squeezed closely with Faye. Even after sixteen years of marriage that same newly wed feeling had never left. In fact, it had only grown stronger. And stronger from there once Logan had come along.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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