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Thread: (M)SCAR: The Beginning. The End.(OOC) (H)

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    Default (M)SCAR: The Beginning. The End.(OOC) (H)

    Rated M for scenes of violence, gore, coarse language, sexual situations, religious content, and anything else I may have missed that may offend your sensibilities.

    Banner by The Gypsy Queen

    This RP is open to any who participated in Episode One. There is one open spot which has been reserved by Merry Gentry

    Welcome ladies and gentlemen to episode two of the SCAR saga. I would fist like to say a hearty welcome to our returning players. I would also like to say that this episode will differ from the last in that this will be about character development and not about combat. Okay, fine. It is SCAR and there will be combat, but it will have a much lesser role than in the other. Now to put you all in the mood, I would like to present the SCAR theme as provided by The Gypsy Queen

    And now that you’re in the mood, let’s get this show on the road.

    Spoiler: Timeline 

    Disclaimer(statement made to save one’s own ass): This RP is a work of fiction. The SCAR team and world setting was inspired by the Blade Trilogy, Supernatural, and Vampire; the Masquerade, and virtually any other horror fiction you can name. This is meant to be a tribute to these works and I do not own any of the aforementioned properties.

    The Rules:

    - No killing or stealing from another character without permission.
    - nazguljcg(me) and StormWolf will be CO GMs, and what we say goes
    - No one liners.
    - If you want out or can’t post for any length of time, please let me know
    - All RPA rules apply
    - No Metagaming, Godmodding or Power Gaming
    - Co Op posting is allowed and encouraged. And given that this RP will need dialogue to progress, highly recommended at times.
    - There is no posting order and you may post as often as you wish. I only ask that you wait for at least two people to post before you post again. This rule may change if some players begin to dominate the game
    - Have fun!!!!!!
    - Anything which I have excluded shall be deemed included

    Spoiler: SCAR Divisions 

    Spoiler: Security Clearances 

    Spoiler: Monster Manual 

    The Armour: The pictures in the links are just a guideline. The armour may be customized any way you see fit, within reason.


    Character Sheet:

    Name: (nicknames if any)
    Description: (You may use a picture, text or both.)
    Ability: (Note: Abilities must not be limitless in power, and must have a drawback.)
    Skills: (Write what your character is adept at. Keep it within reason.)
    Armour: (Light or heavy, helmet optional)
    Weapons: (No laser or plasma weapons. Also no rocket launcher type weapons.. Ambidextrous characters may wield two pistols, swords. I do not want every character to be ambidextrous. Weapons should be modified in some way, you may use your imagination here)
    Miscellaneous Items:
    Bio: (There is a seven month gap between missions. If you like you may add to your bio the events surrounding your character in those months. Your character will not have been sent on any major missions in that time. Please note that I will not be adjusting my bio. If you want to know what happened to Claire in those months, ask me or check out the SCAR one on ones)

    My Character:


    Okay, I think that’s it. I would like to remind everyone that as a GM I will allow you to do pretty much anything you want to do where your characters are concerned. If you have any questions about an action you wish your character to take, feel free to ask me. I will never tell you, you can’t do something, unless it is completely outrageous or moves too far away from what I have planned. But I may advise against it. If I advise against your character doing something, and you still go through with it, you must accept whatever consequences come with the action.

    Presenting the creative writers of S.C.A.R

    Nazguljcg: Claire Hannon

    The Gypsy Queen: Veronica "Vee" Valez

    DB Wolf: Aaron Young

    Security of Mem: Lyrico Deceased

    Mysteria: Shannon "Shane" Adair

    Kirra: Chase Holdsfield Deceased

    The Comedian: Ethan Blake

    Merry Gentry: Samantha "Baket" Bonachoi

    StormWolf: Malcolm "Mal" Maverick

    Cookies Ahoy: Kristy Masterson

    Daza: Yakim Kozlov

    Ryudo: Marc Wright

    Auki: Karen Ancheta

    Yoruyonaka: Charlie

    ShadowStrike: Adrian Delacroix

    Last edited by John; 09-01-2010 at 07:05 AM.

  2. #2
    An Olithreach The Gypsy Queen's Avatar
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    Mwahahaha! First post.

    Name: Veronica "Vee" Valez

    Age: 26


    Weight: 112 lbs

    Spoiler: Vee Valez 

    Ability: Pseudo-precognitive senses - the "spidey-sense." Technically, Vee doesn't sense things before they happen, she just reacts to them so quickly it seems that she does. This has been linked to an over-active adrenal gland, and as a result she suffers from intense insomnia, occassional hallucinations, paranoia, and mood swings. She is also usually unaware of any injuries she might sustain.

    Skills: Vee is adept with guns. She is ambidextrious, quick and agile. She is an accomplished gymnast and runner, but her small size limits her badly in hand to hand combat. Her sharp shooting is top notch, though.

    Armour: Light, no helmet.

    Weapons: Usually, a pair of Glock 39s, but Vee is very adaptable with her weaponry. She tends to favor high caliber pistols or sniper rifles, but can do some significant damage with a shotgun or rifle.

    Miscellaneous Items: Vee wears a dog tag chain with five tags on it, each one with a roman numeral from I to V.

    Personality: Vee is cheerful, bubbly, and generally happy to be around people. She is eager to please and quick to blame herself. She believes herself to be not particularly bright, and she indeed forgetful and sometimes quite socially awkward. She makes up for it by sheer force of will. She never stops smiling and is quick to dismiss her own problems to aid another. She is, though, slightly neurotic and prone to having hallucinations, so she has a lot of difficulty know what's real and what's not.

    Bio: Vee was born to a military family that promoted physical activity before academics. Her small size and boyish figure and difficulty in academics kept her from much acceptance in school, but she never got into any fights... she never had a problem dodging punches.

    Her father was emotionally distant but still involved in her life, and was very proud when his daughter joined the military police. In basic training, she was subject to a litany of "accidents" as other soldiers attempted to harass her. Again, she got into no fights. It was until Vee actually dodged an accidental misfire that her superiors started to note her unusual reaction time.

    During her training for SCAR, her adrenal gland suddenly kicked into overdrive. She immediately stopped sleeping, became paranoid, and was plunged into a world where she was rarely in control of herself and could never tell what was real and what was not.

    Vee was involved in a number of operations around the world, and never talks about any of them. Her dog tags are the only proof they ever happened. She usually just dismisses any questions about them with a smile and a hallucination.
    Last edited by The Gypsy Queen; 03-13-2010 at 12:20 AM.

    The Queen is back and rocking out.

  3. #3
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    This was pre-approved by Naz

    Name: Aaron Young
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'10”
    Weight: 145 lbs

    Ability: As a technopath, he is able to hack, and pretty much control the amount of energy a piece of technology has; effectively shutting down or overloading either portions or the whole thing.

    Aaron can't use his power on anything that hasn't been primed for his brain signals,and the only people who can do that quicker than normal (on his own it takes a few months for electronics in constant contact) are SCAR personnel. That extremely limits the amount of technology he can influence on his own in the field, but luckily SCAR has equipped his PDA with the ability to prime the tech. The PDA takes a while to Prime though.
    Skills: Sniping, medium training in pistols
    Armour: light armor modified with an electronic network.
    Weapons: CheyTac Intervention that can be hooked up to his PDA, a USP 45. with a silencer.
    Miscellaneous Items: PDA, 10 silver intervention clips, and 11 silver USP 45. clips, a small UV flash light
    Personality: Friendly, and adaptable, he's focused on getting results. He's a risk taker who enjoys living in a fast-paced lifestyle but also doesn't mind the slower monotony of everyday life. Extremely loyal to his friends.

    Bio: Aaron was born in Albany, New York living with his father and mother in a two bedroom apartment, where he would spent most of his life. He began to exhibit interest in electronics at a young age, especially his father's laptop. After a few months of using it the computer overloaded. Smoke started to come out of the keyboard and activated the fire alarm.

    His father was enraged but he soon got over it. The problem was that almost every piece of technology he came in constant contact with soon overloaded. Aaron didn't know how it happened, nor did his parents; they just knew he kept breaking things. They stopped buying him new electronics.

    Soon after SCAR came in and recruited him, testing out the limits of his power and training him in it's use alongside with firearms training, especially long range marksmanship.
    Last edited by DB.; 03-13-2010 at 12:38 AM.

  4. #4
    Security of Mem


    Name: Lyrico [pronounced: lryic-oh]

    Nickname: 787

    Age: 25

    Height: 5'

    Weight: 100 lbs

    Spoiler: Lyrico 

    Better image of his clothes. Lyrico doesn't exactly look military grade. He ends seeming to look more like a teenager or a child. He tends to like create doodles under his eyes, his favorite design is the line with the dots. It seems so teenager if you really think about it. Only teenagers put eyeliner down their cheeks and wear the clothes he wears. He tends to wear flexible leather pants and sweaters for he complains about it being cold even in the summer months. He complains a lot about temperature.
    He has pale skin and odd blue eyes. They aren't hazel because it seems like the splash of green doesn't mix at all with the blue. It tends to be green around the pupil and bright blue as the rest. You could simply say he has blue eyes. Like the pictures his hair is black and medium length. He seems youthful for his age. And he tends to wear combat boots. His usual wardrobe consist of neutral colors blacks, whites, browns, and grays.
    The pictures I'm using for the description are like normal pictures. So in a sense, all I did was add color to the image of what he looks like.

    Lyrico has a new outfit. A nice little suit. He probably won't ever wear. But now he designs his hair too. By not straighting it, it curls and waves. Check out the new image.

    Ability: EPG- Emotion Psychic Guardian. The ability to have his emotion force harm on his enemies. Usually with invisible psychic like hands that rip whatever body part he chooses. They are naturally much stronger then human strength by 5 times. And the stronger his emotions are the strength rises by one. The downside to this ability, is that him himself doesn't have any physical strength. All his strength comes from his mental and emotional stability. And even then his power will falter if his mental and emotional states aren't stable.

    Skills: Because he hasn't much life experience he can't become a karate master and he actually doesn't know much about computers. His biggest skill is his intuition. He seems more able to sense that something will go wrong or if there is something dangerous about to happen. He even has a better understanding of psychic residue left over by psychic soldiers.
    It all has to do with him having to control his emotions. In that sense he has he has to feel when he's getting out of control. He can bring this knowledge to almost anything.

    Armour: Light: Just sorta likes wearing bullet proof vest and stuff. He says to much gets him hot.

    Weapons: Flamethrower Shotgun- A shotgun with a flamethrower bottom. It can shoot burst explosions of flames from it's flamethrower side. As well as empty explosive rounds for those quick get out of their situations. It's modified to fit his rather peculiar situation. Image of Shotgun Flamethrower

    Pistol- There comes in a time when you need a quicker weapon with less heavy duty power. That's where the pistol comes in. It usually just chucks out silver bullets. But he also has some modified energy absorbing bullets. Basically a psychic has to draw out power to perform a psychic ability. The bullets stop this from happening. They act as a cushion enabling uncontrolled burst. This makes them susceptible to the other group attacks.

    Miscellaneous Items: Lighter, he has some fantasies of burning and the smell of fire. He likes keeping a lighter in his pockets, just to smell it and sometimes to fantasize about the flames licking and burning a building or even a person.

    Personality: He has turn himself off. Mute, no emotions. He tends to rather be callous and cold hearted. But that's because he has been taught that to control his powers he has to shut off his mind or he'll lose it.
    Despite it, you'd think a 25 year old be well more mature. And in the end he ends up being a little less then mature. He's rebellious and doesn't like to be given orders. Though being SARC has allowed him to mature a little more. When he does have the capabilities of showing his emotions it as watching someone go through a rainbow of emotions in 7 seconds flat. He has to think long and hard to control everything or everything just ends up getting out of control. To out of control.

    Bio: Lyrico has regressed a lot of his past. He knows he had grown into a nice and quiet home. Good family. And he knows he had abilities even then when he was young. It never seemed that hard when he was a kid. Since the innocence of a child was that he didn't want to harm anyone. It began to get harder in middle school, since by then you have a sense of individualism and more personal worth. By the end of middle school and high school it got worse. The anger and every other emotion just sort of got out of hand. Every student who had ever caused him any harm turned into just a bloody pool of bits and pieces. Instead of confessing to it, he was the kid who was caught with his hand in the cookie drawer. They labeled in his freshman years mentally unstable. And he was locked away for quite some time. From about 15 to about 22. From there it only seemed to get harder. It wasn't like the medicine they forced down his throat stopped him from feeling anything. And it turned out to be more of a hassle. He guess this place SCAR found out about his abilities. And they began to help lead somewhat of a normal and better future. At first it seemed hard, but after a while like all things it became easier.
    He still needs some work, but he's better now. And seems to live somewhat comfortably. He'll probably never contact his past again. Assuming that they probably wouldn't want to see him again after all that he had done.

    Theme Song: Priestess- Lay Down

    Rage Against the Machines- Bulls on Parade
    Last edited by Security of Mem; 03-13-2010 at 12:37 AM.

  5. #5
    ~RPA's Lady of Peace~
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    Name: Shannon “Shane” Adaire

    Age: 29

    Height: 5’6’

    Weight: 135

    Description: Shane is tan and thin with long dirty blonde hair and deep piercing brown eyes.
    Spoiler: Shane 

    Ability: Pryomancer. Shane can create fire at will but her drawback is that if she uses her abilities to her fullest level she could potentially incinerate herself or those around her.

    Skills: Level headed, quick thinking showing extreme grace under fire, well versed in the use of fire arms and switchblade knives.

    Armor: Shane chooses light armor as anything else she considers to be too heavy to wear. She can be seen wearing jackets and matching pants or a full length drover coat. Usually it will be the latter that she is wearing over top of whatever she has chosen to wear that day. Both wardrobes contain multiple pockets and are made of a special Kevlar blend for protection purposes. All of Shanes clothing is completely fire retardant.

    Weapons: Shane has little use for weapons since she can control fire but she does carry for more inconspicuous reasons a Glock 26 9mm subcompact with regular rounds/silver nitrate rounds. Shane uses a Honey Comb which is precision manufactured at great expense. Hiding it in a sleeve pocket it has the innocuous appearance of a simple hairbrush, but the fully functional brush also acts as a sheath that conceals a highly effective stiletto dagger made of steel.

    Miscellaneous Items: In her various pockets she carries extra ammo, cell phone, various hair ties, mini flashlight, a cross necklace that was her mothers, pen and paper and always has at least one bottle of water on her.

    Personality: Shane appears to the common eye to be a fun loving type of person but has a serious side. She considers everyone to be an acquaintance but yet considers very few people to be a true friend. When she is on task she is extremely focused and little can deter her from her agenda.

    Bio: Shane is a true army brat which she always found to be both a blessing and a curse. Having had to move from place to place afforded her the gift of being able to travel and see new places. It also provided her with an abundance of time that was often spent alone as she never really had time to make friends. For Shane, this suited her well because she considers few people to be trust worthy or close friends. Only a select few people in her life have ever garnered the title of “friend.”

    The downside of being an army brat was the consistently having to move. It wasn’t the fact that Shane had to leave people behind, or homes behind as they meant little to her. It was just the damned constant process of packing and unpacking that had always gotten under her skin.

    Shane’s mother Leahna Adaire passed away when Shane was seventeen years old. She was a loving and kind woman who gave her all to her children and husband. Shane’s father was military all the way but he loved his family with a fierceness of a lion who wanted nothing more than to protect his family and to be sure that his family could protect themselves. He accomplished this by making sure that when his wife passed away he taught his children how to defend themselves instructing them in firearms and various means of self defense.

    Shane only has one sibling still alive. Her younger sister “Kara” which is short for Karilea was born five years after Shane. Even though they are both now on their own and parentless Shane can still be overprotective of her younger sister. Her older brother Michael was killed in a tragic car accident when he was only seventeen years old.

    During the time that the family spent being transferred from army post to army post Kara spent most of her time playing with the other children while Shannon herself spent most of her time alone. It was during this time that she had by accident one day realized her capabilities to create and manipulate fire at will when working on a report that she found to be difficult. Balling the paper up and throwing it into the trash can she had been thinking to herself how she wished she could burn the whole damn report and within seconds the pages caught on fire. Grabbing the report and throwing it into a metal trash can Shane was stunned but yet amazed at what had happened, not to mention pissed off because she had to start the report over completely. Trying her hand at creating fire at will again she eventually over time learned to control her gift with more precision but never did she allow her family to become aware of her condition.

    After their father Charles passed away and Kara had settled down to marry Shane herself decided to travel and finally settled down after having landed a job in Baltimore, MD. It was close enough to VA to still be able to visit her sister and still provide her with a location that gave her a good paying job with a steady source of income.

    One night while Shane was out with a fellow co-worker for a very random night on the town Shane had been walking home after having just left her friend at her doorsteps. Shane’s own apartment was only a few blocks away. On the way there however Shane noticed another woman being attacked and drug into an alleyway. Without thinking twice Shane had raced into the alley way and had used the defense training to attack the attackers which gave the other woman time to flee. However unknown to Shane the attacker had accomplices waiting in the alley. When Shane had found herself outnumbered she was forced to call upon her pyromancer powers to ward off the criminals but as a result of her actions an innocent patron who had heard the skirmish and was coming to her aide was burned severely in the incident. Having intended to hit one of the assailants with the fire ball they had managed to dodge it and the bystander instead had been hit. The gang had made their escape and Shane was left to call for the police and stay with the injured party until the police and ambulance arrived.

    When the police arrived the young injured incoherent woman who was badly burned kept repeating that Shane had done it. Shane tried to tell the police that the woman was in shock and didn’t know what she was saying. The police having been under the impression that Shane had assaulted the woman had taken her into custody. Word spread quickly throughout the town via the gang members who couldn’t believe what they had seen. Down at police headquarters Shane was locked up.

    Before Shane knew what was going to happen or even had time to call her sister or a lawyer some men arrived at the police station. Shane was immediately released into their custody. Shane never did know how they managed to get her out or what lies they had told the police to get her out, she only knew that it was the beginning of a new world for her. It was her introduction into the world of S.C.A.R.

    In the time that has passed since her last SCAR mission Shane has been working hard at learning how to control and manipulate fire on a more extensive level than what she could before and can control it to some degree better than in the past. She still runs the risk of self combustion if her powers are used to their fullest levels.

    There's nothing more deadly than slow growing fear...
    Spoiler: Mysti's random stuff and shoutouts. 

  6. #6
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    I'll join on the condition that I get rape vision.

  7. #7
    Security of Mem


    Quote Originally Posted by Stream View Post
    I'll join on the condition that I get rape vision.
    lol...really now.

  8. #8
    An Olithreach The Gypsy Queen's Avatar
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    The answer is no. Just no.

    The Queen is back and rocking out.

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    Name: Chase Holdsfield
    Age: 25
    Height: 5' 4"
    Weight: 110 lbs
    Spoiler: Chase 

    Ability: Chase's power is still being studied. The known facts are listed below.
    Chase notices everything. Every sight, sound, smell, etc.
    With physical contact, Chase is able to learn every memory you have, even you don't remember. Due to this, his mind has become shattered.
    But the true danger of Chase resides in his other power. Chase has the ability to forces people to see his into his mind. He can make them see any thing he noticed and even alter it in a way that makes it seem worse than it was.

    Skills: Chase can figure out a persons biggest fear after being around them for moments. He notices everything, due to his power, which makes puzzles easy for him. Chase is also able to aim quite well due to his ability to see the mathematical equation for distance.

    Armour: Light, if any.
    Weapons: Chase is normally not allowed to touch weapons, especially guns. However, Chase normally carries a multiple silver blades hidden on his person.
    2 Kukri - forged of silver with serrated teeth sharp enough to be used as a scapula. They are carried on his waist.
    2 Falcata - Forged of silver. They are carried on his back.
    2 Electroshock Knives - These knives have built in tasers, able to put out 200,000 volts. Four times the amount used by military and police officers.
    20 Throwing Knives - Forged of silver. They are stored on his body at random locations.
    Miscellaneous Items:
    4 5foot wires - Made from a silver titanium blend developed by SCAR attached to a retracting system.
    A single razor blade kept hidden somewhere on him.

    Personality: As a socially awkward person, Chase is unable to have a hold a conversation for any length of time. Of course, Chase is unable to do anything for a length of time without freaking out. He has a habit of touching people and things with no regard for personal space. Of course touching him will result in Chase freaking out again. However, Chase isn't completely lost to the world. Due to years of therapy with his personal doctor, Chase is able to preform normal task with little issues.

    Talking with Chase is tricky. Depending on his mood, Chase will ramble on about the smallest details or will stare at you blankly. There is no real way to know what he is talking about. Chase spends many of his therapy sessions talking in great detail about shaving. It can be extremely disturbing. But he always tries his best to help, and fight against his own disturbed and broken mind just to prove his worth to SCAR.
    Bio: Chase[hide=WARNING ACCESS TO INFORMATION IS RESTRICTED AT LEVEL 3]The following are the gathered details of one Chase Holdsfield.
    Chase was born in Greenwood, Indiana to Jerry and Amy Holdsfield. They raised him until the age of 14. Both Jerry an Amy where killed by a drunk driver. He was soon adopted by his uncle, Fred Smith. A year later, at a parent teacher meeting, Fred was informed that Chase had perfect scores on all of his test in every class. Due to this Chase was given the opportunity to start taking collage courses. He quickly started mastering the courses. In four years time Chase had gathered enough credits to acquire a masters degree in mathematics and applied science.

    It was at this point that Chase was approached by SCAR. They told him of their special program and asked if he would like to join. Chase was quick to jump aboard. He quickly became the top of his class. During his training, Chase's power was documented. He appeared to be able to notice every detail of everything. And he remembered it perfectly. This skill allowed him to create a gap between himself and the other trainees. During weapons training, Chase was extremely accurate and quick. Thought where he really excelled was knife training. He was more deadly with the knives than most people where with guns. Due to his extremely high marks, Chase was elected to join a group of high ranking SCAR operatives. His first mission was scheduled for a one week from graduation.

  10. #10
    Security of Mem


    Quote Originally Posted by The Gypsy Queen View Post
    The answer is no. Just no.
    The answer should be Yes Yes Yes. Look at me funny stranger.

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