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Thread: A 3-person Pokemon Adventure discussion form...

  1. #1
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Parody A 3-person Pokemon Adventure discussion form...

    This is a custom one. Branched from the main RP. But primarily focused on one solemn group of travelers.


    The Discussion center... is open.

  2. #2
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    Person number 2 here! Just waiting on Novidome! So what do we need to know to make this run smoothly? What info do we have to know?

  3. #3
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    Hi, I was just recruited to be person 3, I think!
    I have exactly zero information, however. What exactly is happening? Please explain the situation, and spare no detail I don't even know what "the main RP" is supposed to be haha

  4. #4
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Just this...

    For data...

    For all who are interested in Pokemon and are into Pokemon... Knowing about them. this is an RP unlike any other and one that allows Real life face claims. Alot of people out there may have an issue with that... but you know what... to each their own. Every idea is different and every dream is unique. No matter how out there it may be. or who is telling it.

    This is where it's at... So... any who are interested... come. Come and learn about what's in store...

    This is a reboot of the Pokemon Adventure. With the previous chain of events still in play which led to current point... Current point is that the main group is in Sedalia, Missouri. Jeremy and Sandy were in Jefferson City... But now... East of St. Louis, Missouri. Nearing Caseyville...

    it's about the kids going on a pokemon Journey. These kids are celebs and are the offspring of the United States Superstar Macie Melody Lightfoot "The Rising Star" She was known to single handedly beat the evil team... Team Magma and Team Aqua. However there was a third team involved although that fizzled out and it laid down with two teams... not 3. 17 years later from that... it's now the kids going at it. But here's the kicker... the Evil Team Magma has returned and has kidnapped... ABDUCTED the Rising Star in a sake of revenge for her foiling their plans years before. They are also coming after the kids with submissive messages...

    One being: "You Rising Lights... Passion Kiss... Wherever you are... Consider this as a warning. 17 years ago... your mother stopped us from our greatest triumph. Foiled our plans. But this time... we are not taking that chance as last time we didn't consider a measly Lightfoot to be much of a threat. This time... we're taking precautions in ensuring that none of you lightfoots can stop us. You stopped us once... this time... things will be in our favor. If you want your mother... to be healthy... You will heed our warning and back off from our ambitions. Don't interfere with our plans. Because for doing so... will mean the end for the Rising Star. She'll be the first meal for Groudon. You won't be warned again."

    So... they're on a journey to become masters but to also become strong enough to be able to fend off the evil team and be with the ability of saving their mother and stopping Team Magma and Team Aqua from awakening the ancient pokemon and causing cataclysmic devastation upon the world... Just as their mother had done 17 years prior...

    All while adhering to their celebrity obligations...
    Randy Darnell-Lightfoot near Stateline separating California from Nevada.

    Jessie Levinson in Burbank...

    Here are the details for anyone who forgot or are in need of them...

    "The United States Pokemon Region. With all pokemon... Rare, Mystical, special and common. Up to Generation 7. We can also have as many characters as we like. Pose as many as we feel is right. The only condition is that we are all able to keep close track of them all. We can come up with a certain Plotline. And the Villainous teams are Aqua, Magma.

    It's the entire U.S Continent.

    The Gym line-up:

    Cleveland Gym
    Samuel Eastmoon- The Apache who specializes in Rock and the Tension which comes into it. The Gym Badge: The Apache Indian Rock badge.

    The New york City Gym
    Grandmother Elizabeth Burke- Leslie B.Burke’s grandmother and with a obsession with steel. Dare to face off with the Steel plated personality? The Gym Badge: The Titanium steel Badge

    The Chicago Gym
    Retired Ace Lieutenant Royale Partridge- Treats everything with Military Protocol and demands nothing less of fellow gym trainers who greet Wary Pokemon Trainers. The Gym Badge: The Flying Ace Badge

    Colorado Gym
    Charlene E. Sherman- The Icy Flame and chill of the Arctic. Her Selection of pokemon show no mercy to the icy plight that shall come. Use to be a hero known as Arctic Mind. But is now a Gym Leader. So be forewarned if she has her pokemon use one of her moves from her previous life. The Gym Badge: The Arctic Soul Badge

    Salt Lake City Gym
    Dolcea- Master warrior and embarker of the normal Pokemon. “Let the strength of your pokemon’s spirit and skill be their guide” is her Motto. Gym badge: The Skill Badge.

    Las Vegas Gym
    Ashley Vandervelt- The Insightful fairy strategist- Use’s fairy Pokemon and studies their peculiar behavior inside and outside of battle. Gym Badge: The Fairy Tale Badge.

    San Francisco Gym
    Rei Hino- Psychic Maiden of the Metropolis Shrine. Sensing moves and Aura’s of people. ”
    The Spirit world is very unpredictable. The mind is unforgiving. Is your Mind able to foresee what’s coming?” Gym Badge: The Spirit badge

    Hollywood Gym
    Serena Tina Dinah Black- Retired Hero Thunderic Fury. The Electric Snapping Fuse.
    “Wanna test the wrath of Thunder… Come and feel the Electrocution that shows no Mercy.” Gym Badge: The High Voltage Badge

    Los Angeles Gym

    Spencer Rhapsody- Devoted husband and father- Retired hero known as Spiritual Arctic-Frost. Favors the ground and the power it unleashes. The Arctic is his primary obsession. “If you respect the Earth… It’ll respect you. We are not the masters of the Earth. The ground that shakes us is prime example of that fact.” Gym Badge: The Earthquake bracing Badge

    The Phoenix Gym
    Paul Alvin Charles Rhapsody -Retired hero Honolulu Torch Paul. “The fires that burn and the Fighting power of a Pokemon speaks loud. Leaves an impact. When they speak… You better pay attention and listen closely!” Gym Badge: The Fighting Fire Badge

    The Houston Gym
    christine-moonstar-crystal-langley- The Dragon Specialist. Japanese by blood. American by culture. “The Dragons are Mythical creatures that deemed to be feared. They’re the Creatures from Medieval times but they’re the Aerial power of their wings Be forewarned as their rage… is like none other” Gym Badge: The Dragon Rage Badge

    The Orlando Gym
    Sora Creed and Carly Chase -The ESP Twins- Into Water pokemon and Dark Pokemon to show the terror of the dark pokemon’s intent. “The ocean’s kind surface masks a terror from the deep. The dark that inside a pokemon’s soul can be faced. But can you overcome it’s dark presence?” Gym Badge: The Nautical sea and Darkness Badge

    In the Anime... and the Manga and all that... that would be the max. But for the Gym aspect... we're doing it in a way where we can hold more than 8.

    Gym #1: Cleveland - The Rock Gym. Slogan: "The Rocky tension of the Nation. "Face the Rock of Power""
    Gym #2: New York City- The Steel Gym. Slogan: "Come meet the Steel plating foundation of the nation"
    Gym #3: Chicago- The Flying Gym. Slogan: "Take to the skies in the wind and the air. Reach up for the Sky!"
    Gym #4: Salt Lake City- The Normal Gym. Slogan: "Come and show us your skills with normal array"
    Gym #5: Colorado Gym- The Ice Gym. Slogan: "Trail through the Icy Peril. The Arctic snow shall bring no delight!"
    Gym #6: Las Vegas Gym- The Fairy Gym. Slogan: "It's a fairy world, Don't be shy... come and say Hi!"
    Gym #7: San Francisco Gym- The Eerie Ghost/Psychic. Slogan: "It's a spoooooky Eerie road. Travelers and trainers take warn."
    Gym #8: Hollywood Gym- The Electric Shock. Slogan: "Prepare for a high voltage Shutdown. Can you handle the power of the Electrical surge?"
    Gym #9: Los Angeles Gym- Ground Breaking. Slogan: "Shake, Rattle and Quake! IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! Watch the ground snap and rumble you away!"
    Gym #10: Phoenix Gym- Fire/Fighting Combo. Slogan: "Taste the Fire of the one's soul and the fighting spirit of a Pokemon's heart!"
    Gym #11: Houston Gym- The Dragon Gym. Slogan: "The fierce rage of the Dragon. Can you tame the Dragon's raging fury?"
    Gym #12: Orlando Gym- The Water/Dark Gym. Slogan: "The terror of the Deep is near. Tread carefully/The Dark spirit of the pokemon. Can you escape the dark that comes?"

    The details or rules are as follows:
    Just sign up. Then go to the actual thread and post a starter... of how your character enters the story.
    You don't enforce that there are only 4 moves that a pokemon can use or learn. In the Rp... all pokemon can use all moves that it knows. All Moves. Whether it be weak or strong.
    There is no need for levels... Just go with all pokemon being at any level... No specific one.
    Have as many characters you like... But as long as you're able to keep track of them all.
    It's in the USA Region but the Region is condensed so it's not a exact Match to the actual US even if it might seem as such.
    This has a couple or so strains of what's in the Anime... to keep it honest. You can befriend pokemon before getting a license. It is normal and don't let anyone say it's not. Because i've seen a few other Rps that consisted of Pokemon that managed to do the very same thing or close... if not exact.
    The Prof. is Professor Oliver Queen. (Thought of by me.)

    Jeremy K. Lightfoot. That's me. As you know...

    A young teen. Not too focused on the ways of the world due to how his family was always protecting him. Although... that's what one would usually believe. Think. What the real deal was that Jeremy was not just average. He was more. He was a coming out gay youth. A Gay youth who was also a developing drag kid. Drag Teen to be more exact. Plus not only that... he was also a celebrity. Known to the world as Passion Kiss. Of course that not only was it his celebrity singing stage name... but also his Drag Kid/Teen handle. Identity. That was his total bag. Complete bag. It was who he was... The complete part of what he was... Inside and out. What's more is that he also was believed to look like the Advocate Desmond Napoles.

    He is Gay. Plus has a soulmate named Sandy Westmoore. So... If you see Sandy and Jeremy kissing and the sort. That's why. They're gay. Gayer than a 3 dollar bill.

    Sandy Westmoore is a member of Jeremy's Entourage and close friend. Best friend and again SOULMATE. There is nothing straight about them. Nothing.

    They have friends of their own that they made while at camp the summer before the journey started... They're also part of his Entourage. So... Expect them from time to time at checkpoints.

    Lisa Pidgetta Lightfoot and Nicole Eunha Lightfoot. They're straight and are very beautiful. They like taking the world by storm and are not afraid of life. Their mother taught them the ways and made sure that they knew that they didn't have to be perfect. As long as they tried hard and gave it their all... No matter what. They'd always be something. Someone. Proud. Winners. Competing is okay sometimes when you're in a contest and want to try and win something. But it doesn't define you. It's just something that you're doing in the moment. Nothing more.

    Nicole Eunha Lightfoot...

    Her middle name is the name of the S.Korean Superstar Jung Eunbi Worldly known as Eunha. She's a member of Gfriend. And one of the godmothers of Macie's kids. Nicole is able to speak fluent Korean, Italian and Japanese. Plus french and spanish. Same goes for Lisa.

    Darlene Lerner... Nickname Pidge. But only as a passing Joke for her being a little bit of a geek and or nerd. She too is gay and the nickname is only tolerated by ones that she sees as her buds. If you're not a friend of hers and call her that... you better scatter. She will nail you. But she's very vocal and outfront about everything. If something gets to her and or bugs her... don't expect for her to not state something. She will. And without question.

    Those are who are on my team... Human of course.

    The U.S Region. And the story is just a journey to get all the badges needed for the chance to complete in the Pokémon league tournament located in Washington D.C.

    But along the way celebrity gigs pop up in the fold. And also danger. Like the threat of Team Magma/Aqua trying to redo the one thing that they couldn’t last time. Awaken a legendary Pokémon from slumber. This time thereby succeeding in the endeavor..."

    A sum of my very characters...

    Name: Lisa Pidgetta Lightfoot
    Gender: Female
    Race: Asian
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Good
    Age: 16
    Body Type: Lean
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 175lbs
    Complexion: light light tan
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Relationship Status: Single
    Personality: A Lover and a musical heart
    Mannerisms: Honest
    Likes: Friends, Music, People who tell the Truth, listening to the radio
    Dislikes: Drugs, Bloodshed, Bullies, People who waste her time with false alarms, Backstabbing double-crossers.

    Hometown: Metropolis, Kansas. Currently: Burbank, California.

    Pokemon: Crawdaunt- Female.
    Zebstrika- Female
    Drillbur- Male
    Roggenrola- Female
    Gothita- Female.
    Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female
    Machop- Male
    Electrabuzz- Male
    Magmar- Male
    Tyrogue- Male
    Oshawott- Male

    Lisa is the first born daughter to the Rising Star. She was born as being a rather optimistic sort of girl. Philosophical to a fault and very curious of the world. Looking at everything. She was believed to be rather athletic. But instead... she became a celeb like her mother.

    As she grew up to early childhood... She got into dancing and some singing as she was with a musical knack just as her mother had. She would sing in her sleep... One song that she sang was...

    "We're walking in the air
    We're floating in the moonlit sky
    The people far below are sleeping as we fly
    We're holding very tight
    I'm riding in the midnight blue
    I'm finding I can fly so high above with you
    Far across the world
    The villages go by like dreams
    The rivers and the hills
    The forests and the streams
    Children gaze open mouth
    Taken by surprise
    Nobody down below believes their eyes
    We're surffing in the air
    We're swimming in the frozen sky
    We're drifting over icy
    Mountain floating by
    Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
    Arousing of a mighty monster from its sleep
    We're walking in the air
    We're floating in the midnight sky
    And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly"

    In her teen years... She's started to fall into a bit of a rough crowd and possibly started up a habit.


    Nicole Eunha Lightfoot
    Race: Human.
    Ethnicity: Asian-American
    Like: Dancing. Singing. Reading. Running and making people come together as one. Sweets and living life.
    Dislike: Drugs, Bullies, Thieves. Liars. Evil doers and dishonesty.Smoking.

    Her middle name is the name of the S.Korean Superstar Jung Eunbi Worldly known as Eunha. She's a member of Gfriend. And one of the godmothers of Macie's kids. Nicole is able to speak fluent Korean, Italian and Japanese. Plus french and spanish. Same goes for Lisa.

    Nicole's Pokemon:

    Pyroar- Male
    Druddigon- Female
    Roggenrola- Male
    Spearow- Female
    Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female


    Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot
    Age: 15
    Race: Asian-American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and angelic
    Hair: blonde or any color
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: Past Emotional Scars

    A young teen. Not too focused on the ways of the world due to how his family was always protecting him. Although... that's what one would usually believe. Think. What the real deal was that Jeremy was not just average. He was more. He was a coming out gay youth. A Gay youth who was also a developing drag kid. Drag Teen to be more exact. Plus not only that... he was also a celebrity. Known to the world as Passion Kiss. Of course that not only was it his celebrity singing stage name... but also his Drag Kid/Teen handle. Identity. That was his total bag. Complete bag. It was who he was... The complete part of what he was... Inside and out. What's more is that he also was believed to look like the Advocate Desmond Napoles.

    He is Gay. Plus has a soulmate named Sandy Westmoore. So... If you see Sandy and Jeremy kissing and the sort. That's why. They're gay. Gayer than a 3 dollar bill.

    Sandy Westmoore is a member of Jeremy's Entourage and close friend. Best friend and again SOULMATE. There is nothing straight about them. Nothing.

    They have friends of their own that they made while at camp the summer before the journey started... They're also part of his Entourage. So... Expect them from time to time at checkpoints.

    Jeremy's pokemon:

    Gurdurr- Male.
    Simisear- Male
    Excadrill- Female
    Roselia- Female
    Roggenrola- Male
    Gothorita- Female
    Alolan Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female
    Machop- Male
    Electrabuzz- Male
    Magmar- Male
    Tyrogue- Male
    Oshawott- Female

    Jessie Levinson
    Nicknames: Star
    Race: Italian-Caucasian
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Age: 16
    Body Type: Slender
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 185lbs
    Complexion: Radiant
    Hair: Golden Brown
    Eyes: Green
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: None
    Relationship Status: Single
    Personality: Cheerful
    Mannerisms: Pleasant
    Likes: Fries and Burgers, Cats, Korean Music. Boys and Dating. Reading & singing
    Dislikes: Nasty people. Greedy people. Windy weather. Being home alone. being ditched.
    Smoke: Yes

    Jessie's Pokemon:

    Charmeleon- Female.
    Pidgeotto- Female.
    Dragonair- Female.
    Timburr- Male.
    Zebstrika- Male
    Arcanine- Female
    Name: Curtis Bart Payne Allen
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Caring, Bubbly and very heartfelt
    Mannerisms: honest, punctual. timely
    Likes: Running, anything that goes fast.
    Age: 16
    Race: American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and bright
    Hair: blonde
    Eyes: Dark Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: None

    Name: Saphiroth C. C. Lightfoot
    Gender: Male
    A Recently coming out Singer and strong supportive brother to Jeremy, Lisa and Nicole.
    Name: Saphiroth Casey Cornelius Lightfoot
    Nicknames: Angelic Masterpiece
    Personality: Caring, Bubbly and very heartfelt
    Mannerisms: honest, punctual. timely
    Likes: Music, Singing, Dancing, Family, Listening to others sing.
    Dislikes: Beatniks, Thieves, Bullies, Drug Users, Head cases.
    Age: 17
    Race: Asian-American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and angelic
    Hair: Blue
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: None

    He was the teen who at a young age was with the features that looked as though they were carved by angels. He looked like a hot model too. However he wasn't. He was just an average teen or so to speak. He was also a singer. It truly came all out due to a summer at band camp. He was attending camp for that summer and from that... a kept silent talent was born and made a reality.

    He was a trainer too... He got his pokemon license a couple days before Jeremy and the two girls did. He traveled North a ways and then came down... and made it to Hwy 24 where it would take him right to Buckner. Not knowing it was where his brother and sisters were gonna be going. It was when he saw a patch of woods that looked rather thick and luscious and saw that it was getting late at night. He then made his way in through the woods with his trusty pokemon partner Panpour. He nicknamed him Aqua. It felt fitting for him and it was a water type pokemon... so it made sense. He only got to a certain point when he then saw a light flickering... it didn't look like trouble... but he was with defense. He treaded careful till suddenly he reached the opening and saw a group of trainers. He recognized them as his siblings...

    (That was how he entered)

    His only pokemon to date is Panpour.
    Name: Randy Darnell
    Gender: Male
    Nicknames: Singing songbird
    Race: Caucasian
    Class: Normal
    Age: 30
    Body Type: Slender
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 205
    Complexion: Radiant Tan
    Hair: Blondish brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Relationship Status: Married To Macie Melody Lightfoot
    Personality: Positive and romantic. Musical to a fault
    Mannerisms: Honest and compassionate
    Likes: Singing, Kissing, Loving, hugging and Music.
    Dislikes: Rap, Violence. Anything that hurts his family.

    Randy's Daughter from a previous Marriage:

    Jasmine Darnell.

    Randy's Pokemon:

    Jasmine's Pokemon

    Name: Alice Neville
    Gender: Female
    "A Housekeeper to the Lightfoot family and a well cared part of the family"
    Nicknames: Witty Lady
    Race: Caucasian
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful
    Age: 35
    Body Type: Slender
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 200
    Complexion: Radiant and fair
    Hair: Light Brown
    Eyes: Green
    Handedness: Right
    Relationship Status: Straight
    Personality: Feminine but burly
    Mannerisms: Helpful and at times witty
    Likes: Cooking, cleaning and tending to the family's needs.
    Dislikes: Liars, dishonesty, Heartaches

    Alice's Pokemon

    To all who're interested. Come one and all. Come Sign in and speak your intrigue. Speak it with pride.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Randy shall look like that.

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    Oh okay I get it, I think.... So we are basically playing as the Lightfoot kids or probably teens now, going to save their mother? So we get to make our own characters and have our own bad guys too? Is that what the main idea of it?

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    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Actually. No. All that is correct except the part of we all play the lightfoot kids. I'm the one playing them. You two play as trainers that you create... but regardless... all are after the same goals. Saving the captured individuals. Competing in the Pokemon league. by going to every gym and defeating all the gym leaders. But on Jeremy's side... it's more to it than that as he's a celebrity and adhere's to celebrity obligations as well along the way. Jessie's side is where she too is competing... but is also out to seek revenge and avenge her landlord... plus currently now in sight of sticking up for a young girl who happens to be an heiress. Although no one knows of it... at the current point in time.

    That's what it is...

    You two create your own characters... but we 3 set out on the same journey together...

    Shall it be via Randy Darnell-Lightfoot's group... Jeremy's Group... or Lonewolf Jessie Levinson's group?

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    Wow, thank you for all the information! What an intricate universe you've got here, with so many interesting characters. Great job at developing this elaborate story!

    Sadly I'm afraid this is a bit farther from my alley than I had anticipated, so I'm going to have to decline the challenge of signing up. I wish you loads of fun with this RP, maybe I'll check in at some point to read what you've been doing Good luck stopping team Magma and Aqua!

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    No worries Novi! Thanks for willing to give this a shot with us! I'll see you in our story!

    So Lightfoot, is there anyone else that you could think of to join this or do you wanna try this by ourselves?

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    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRINCESS SARAH View Post
    No worries Novi! Thanks for willing to give this a shot with us! I'll see you in our story!

    So Lightfoot, is there anyone else that you could think of to join this or do you wanna try this by ourselves?
    We could try it on our own... for a while. Just to see how it takes off. Just to see what comes of it all. We might get lucky. Who knows...

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    Okay, so do we need to move to a 1x1 form now or are we good to continue here? Do we have to continue on here? How would the standards change since its just us?

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