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  1. #1
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    ROUND TWO--Inn of Madness
    Raider (Kiro) VS. Samurai (Dnafein)

    Judge: Bluemoon

    The ancient inn is of an unusual design, featuring stairways that lead nowhere and doors that open into deep chasms. The windows hold no view, but light filters through--bright flashing light that blinds as it strobes. Even the floors are in on the joke, some slanted, while others hold designs that circle in a dizzying pattern. It is an inn of distraction, a playing field of fun...unless your life is in peril.


    You will find yourself in a room with a spiral design covering the dingy floor. Light finds its way in through the windows to your right exposing a stairway that leads down to your left. Faded flames and stars dominate the walls in a memory of better days, but only the fool sees its cheer in the present. This is a meeting room perhaps...but the pole and girders overhead speak otherwise. Take your time...enjoy the show...for it is about to begin.


    As soon as you look upon the room it registers your presence and begins to entertain. The spirals on the floor begin to rotate and the lights from the window start strobing, creating blind spots in your vision. Merry laughter fills your head, while hands clap to the rhythm of an unheard melody. The shadow of a character with bells on his twin peaked hat leaps from wall to wall, an entertainer and observer for the show.


    You have 5 posts per person and 72 hours to respond between posts. There will be a judge's post after two rounds (two posts each) and after the fourth round (four posts each).

    By the flip of a coin, Kiro will go first.

    (For this round, each of you will be given only 1 extension, as we want to make sure this round is finished in a timely matter. Exceptions may be made for extreme cases, but please try to get your post in on time. If you need an extension or need to drop out for any reason, please let your judge know as soon as possible.)
    Last edited by bluemoon; 03-09-2020 at 03:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Archmage of RPA
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    Ingo grinned and snarled to himself, his crooked smile filling his face as he tossed one of his axes in his hand staring around the room. This room was nothing and surely a fun playground for him.
    "This is all you got?!"
    He shouted out to the entity that brought him here. Ingo nodded to the beat of clapping hands and clapped along as he awaited the arrival for his oponent. Ingo was sober to say the least a state of mind he was actually happy for, for once that is. A drink would likely cause this crazed room to go all sorts of ways for him. Yet the dwarven man knew he wouldnt turn one down if presented.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    The skin pulled tight across Kano's shoulders, the scars still pink and mottled. The samurai twisted and stretched, his muscles and his skin. Masamune's eyes scanned his surroundings, as it pulled at his attention he forced himself to focus.

    The samurai's eyes located his foe; Kano knew the game now. He understood where he was and what was expected of him. Masamune placed his hand upon the hilt of his blade, the other upon his saya. Pushing himself forward, the samurai charged. As he closed he drew his sword to strike, aiming to split his opponent in twain.

    (1d6)[5] (hits on 456)
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  4. #4
    Archmage of RPA
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    Ingo who happened to be enjoying the clapping and feeling the beat to an extent happened to get too caught up in the rhythm of it and paid no mind to anything before him. That is until a splatter of blood erupted from his shoulder as a large blade was sunken into it.
    Ingo shouted and moved back a couple paces as the blade retracted. His eyes setting on the samurai man who was before him blood trickling down his blade.
    "Bout damn time you show yourself."
    Ingo said as a grin crept across his face, and drawing his two axes Ingo rushed up and swung once! Then before his blade came in contact he swung with the other axe aiming for his chest with the first while his second aimed for the mid section just under the ribcage.

    (1D6)[3] swing one
    (1D6)[6]Swing two
    4-6 hit
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  5. #5
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Kano rotated as his blade caught on his opponents body. His momentum carrying his body past his foe. The samurai's eyes observed his opponents move, and pushed himself further along. The move allowed Masamune to avoid the first strike, the second struck though off the mark.

    Kano slid to a stop and shifted his grip; His blade held vertically before him. The samurai studied his foe, stepping forward Masamune thrust the tip of his katana at the gnome. The blade in his hand leapt gleefully, thirsty for more of the short man's blood.

    The samurai, followed the thrust with a step to the left, and a slash aimed to the gnomes side. Masamune's blade whistling through the air.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  6. #6
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    The word was whispered from the walls...the ceiling...and the floor. A harsh laugh boomed, and the shadowed figure with the odd cap leapt about at a rapid pace. A loud metallic clang followed, and the sound of a whirring motor was heard as heavy shutters rolled down over the windows, blocking all the natural illumination in a wink. Pinpricks of light flickered in the air as the floor started to shudder, the coils on the carpet spinning faster...and faster.

    The floor opened up under the feet of each fighter, dropping them down to the level below before another strike of blade could meet flesh. The only radiance came from two candled wall sconces, revealing four walls and no exit. The observer appeared, once again dancing his merry step. But it wasn't his movement that was that of the samurai and the raider. For each time they moved, whether to advance or attack, the walls inched closer, taking a small piece of the arena with them.

    Disembodied voices urged the fighters to continue, each picking their favorite and shouting words of encouragement. The taint of smoke drifted in the air, cloying in its sweetness...and was that the scent of candies? A roar of excitement went up...then a hushed silence...

    Let the fight continue..
    Last edited by bluemoon; 03-20-2020 at 02:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Archmage of RPA
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    Ingo grinned widely and took a stand as the blade missed whizzing through the air, and went to counter ignoring the faster pace and pulse of things. But as his counter attack was made the two drop instantly.
    "The fuck?! Kinda shit is thi-"
    His words froze as he hit the ground and just barely managed to land using an axe to steady himself. As he did his teeth gritted and he advanced towards the Samurai.
    "Alrighty mate..... tell me yer name would you? I wanna hear you say it while I behead ya!"
    Ingo shouted as he rushed and swung forwards with the axe. Him being completely oblivious to the moving walls as all the small man saw was blood and death. He wanted blood he wanted to behead his foe l. He wanted more...

    4-6 hit

    - - - Updated - - -

    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  8. #8
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    The samurai's focus shifted from his opponent as the floor dropped under him. Kano shifted hismweight to land lightly on his feet, his arms to his sides. He smoothly moved his blade before him, holding it horizontally. Before he could refocus on his charging enemy, the samurai was distracted by movement.

    Masamune studied the wall as it moved with each step hos foe took. Focusing his hearing he could hear the movement behind him, even as the voices tried to drown them out. The samurai wondered how long it would take for those walls to pose a hindrance. Suddenly he realized his opponents aim and jumped to the side, the axe sinking into the layer of skin atop his shoulder before Kano could pull away.

    The samurai brought his knee up towards his foes stomach, as close as they were it was the best lead attack. Masamune then spun away from the shorter man and swung his blade buildijg up speed to strike.

    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  9. #9
    Archmage of RPA
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    Ingo's axe struck true. It was a slowly building blood bath. His right shoulder coated in blood as it seeped down his clothes. While the swordsman himself was gaining more cuts then him. Ingo was up by one strike. As Ingo let his mind focus on the man before him the bloodlust filling his mind, he readied to attack yet a swift knee came to his stomach causing him to lose a bit of air, and following the knee was a blade. Just as the gnomish figure dropped to duck he felt the wind through his hair, a few strands coming free from his head as the blade passed his figure.

    With a smile he took this as an oppurtunity and took both axes l. His form low as he quickly took aim for both legs. One slash, two slash. He aimed for both kner caps. If he could slow his oponent he could kill him. Take off the head maybe.

    4-6 hit
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  10. #10
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    The samurai's blade missed and Masamune felt the blades hunger resurged. Kano grimaced and did his best to control it, still it was constantly there. The samurai's will reinforced itself and his hands tightened on the hilt; The battle wasn't over and the blade thirsted again.

    Kano kept his attention on his foe, yet kept aware of his surroundings. The walls continued to move in around the opponents; and the space closed in. The samurai saw the moment he was waiting for and burst away from the fight. He ignored the sound of blades passing through the area he had just stood.

    Masamune sprinted up the corner even as it continued to shift. Reaching the top he leapt across the gap; Corkscrewing as he did, the samurai swung his blade down at his opponents location. The blade surged forward gaining speed as it moved.

    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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