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Thread: [M] The Horror of Habergam House (IC)

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    Default [M] The Horror of Habergam House (IC)

    It was trouble getting to the Habergam Estate. But then, it was always going to be trouble. The family was hardly ever seen, and never at gatherings larger than could fit in a carriage. Their never-ending wealth afforded them a palatial manor in the countryside, far from the prying public. To an outside observer, one might assume the entire family line had crippling agoraphobia that prevented them from ever leaving their estate.

    But just over three weeks agone, invitations had streamed out like a flock of paper birds, presenting every aristocrat with the chance to peer behind the curtain. The Habergams were hosting a ball! Their reasons for doing so were unfortunate, but nonetheless, it was cause for celebration. Every seamstress and tailor in London, Bristol, and Edinburgh were flush with work dressing England's finest!

    The gentry of England waited with bated breath for the fated day when the mysterious oaken double doors of Habergam Hall were opened to outsiders for the first time in living memory. And finally, after achingly awaiting the hour, guests began to arrive.


    Snow swirled in the evening air, fat fluffy flakes dancing in the velvet blackness of night. It had been snowing for the better part of the day, and every surface was coated in a thick blanket of hazy white. If one squinted a particular way, one could almost fool themselves into seeing the stars coming down to join the festivities.

    Drivers urged teams of horses pulling carriages and stagecoaches of all shapes and sizes (and warmth, depending on how wealthy the passengers were) down narrow twisting roads through dark forest. The only sign they were heading in the right direction were the faint tracks of the previous coach, already filling in with snow. But just as every driver pulled their coat tighter around their shoulders, every aristocrat nervously checked their pocketwatches, and every mind began to doubt, is this truly the way to the ball?, their carriage turned the final corner and came into view of the estate.

    Already, guests were amassing in tremendous numbers. Servants stabled horses and brought drivers inside for hot cider, while others guided aristocratic men and ladies toward their respective coatrooms. Then, the clock struck 10 o'clock, and the doors to the ballroom opened. The evening had begun!
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  2. #2
    The Grey Lady
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    When a seemingly ordinary invitation arrived addressed to the Dowager Duchess of Kent it felt rather uneventful. Another envelope to be added to a stack that eventually would receive a reply, and if one was particularly lucky, that reply might come from the Dowager herself. More often than not, invitations not accepted were responded to with warm regards and a polite decline, an inevitable excuse that had to be accepted by the recipient as few were ever graced with such a presence. The invitation would pass through the hands of the letter carriers to one servant after another, until it would finally reached the white gloved hands of the butler one Giles Thompson whose family had serving the Dukes of Kent practically since time immemorial. It was only when the envelope was turned over and the golden seal revealed would it arouse interest and spark a fire that would travel through the house at break neck speed.


    When was the last time anyone in society could recall such a seal? How was anyone to know if it genuine as so precious few were ever received in the recorded history of the island nation itself. It would be enough to send the butler to his office to consult some dusty old volume or other that contained a list of seals, coats of arms, assorted crests and adornments of the noble families of the realm. Indeed it could be verified, but for such a precious item, it would fall to the Duchess herself to open.

    Such was the mythicality of the house of Habergam such was the intrigue and the allure. The silver tray carrying the letter beneath a sterling cloche could not be delivered anymore hastily. The sight of such a thing would have caused a lesser woman to faint, the shock so incredibly overwhelming but not Caroline. The servants waited with breathless anticipation for the Duchess to slowly break the seal and open the letter, she read it silently and when she was finished she set it down upon a wooden coffee table and turned around to face the crowd which had gathered their eyes pleading to know what it said.

    "It appears that Lord and Lady Habergam are entirely unwell, soon to be in God's arms." A veritable gasp escaped the captive audience, Caroline herself shaking her head, hands now clasped together. "They wish to see their daughters married. Daughters. A shame." Had she known the Habergam's had two daughters? Perhaps, perhaps not. So little was the information that came out of that estate. But to have daughters was almost a sin, it was the duty of any woman to produce a son and heir. Now every man in the Kingdom, perhaps all of Europe would be desperate to get their hands on those girls to secure their wealth for themselves. Pity. "Send for Madame Harrow, and of course my brother." Madame Harrow, the seamstress, the best in London and her brother, well, she needn't really think of him. He would do exactly what she wanted. That was how this worked after all.

    The carriage that carried the Dowager was on a grand scale, one to rival those of the Royals themselves. It was well insulated, gilded in gold with ornate decorations in floral patterns climbing the edges like ivy. The carriage itself was made from thick wood polished so neatly one could see their own reflection. The inside was adorned in a rich red velvet, the cushions on the seats were plush but firm, the compartment smelled of lavender and rose. It was pulled by her driver and team of four black horses all bred and raised on the estate in Kent. The outer doors were emblazoned with the cypher of the Duke of Kent, now her beloved son. Despite the winter weather outside, almost a storm the coach was warm, and the Dowager sat rather comfortably in her mess of petticoats. Sat across from the dowager in the carriage was her faithful maid, ever a shadow, who undoubtedly would gather plenty of good information from the coterie of servants to the elite of the elite.

    The horses pulled the group with no trouble despite the conditions. Caroline seemed unbothered by the wilds and the dark, a part of her understood why a family such as the Habergams would choose such a remote location for their estate. To be far from prying eyes was a luxury and privilege. Even though she lived in a grand castle and had for all of her life, hers was one of service, she stood front and center, a visible part of the aristocracy, a steadfast force in uncertain times.

    "He'll be there you know." Martine said in a hushed tone, though there was no need for whispering in such a setting. Martine was also one of the few servants who Caroline would allow to speak to her directly with herself speaking first. "Seb?" Caroline asked, blue eyes now peering out of the windows and staring off into the dark of the distance. "I'm counting on it. There isn't an eligible man of means, or need of means who won't be there. Pathetic, no?" Caroline had worked almost religiously on purging her German accent, in favor of an acquired English one. She had molded herself into an English Duchess ever since she arrived here, appearances were everything.

    As the estate finally came into view, Caroline found herself slightly caught off guard by it's beauty. This was generational wealth at its finest. The kind that spoke of miles of secrets buried beneath the frozen earth. "My God... they weren't joking were they?" She asked to no one in particular, her eyes wide. They were the society folks who had long spoken of the storied family and their lands. It was hard to imagine, one simply had to see it. As the carriage pulled to the front, the servants of the Habergam's rushing forth to roll out the carpet for the Dowager, not red of course, that was reserved for the Royal family themselves, and she was only a cousin. She emerged gracefully, a gloved hand reaching down to take the hand of a footman who assisted her in stepping down. True to fashion, the Duchess wore a stunning gown of dark blue with embroidered golden accents, the corset was perfectly fitted, not too tight, but enough to show off her slender figure, how beautifully she had recovered since birthing her child some years ago. As opposed to crinoline which was just coming into fashion, Caroline preferred the petticoats for volume, the sleeves were cuffed and short, accompanied by matching evening gloves, the neckline plunging more than most would dare, but that was Caroline, she would show off every asset she had. Dark locks tied up neatly, impressively crafted, her neck and wrists positively dripping with diamonds and jewels. She was the picture of beauty on earth. There were fewer women of such beauty, grace and elegance. Caroline had earned her reputation. With the flick of the wrist, the fan she held in her left hand unfolded, the fabric made of the same silken cloth as her dress, she held it before her face for a moment before being guided inside. Let the drama unfold.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #3
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    Sebastian sat in the plush interior of the carriage, his gloved hand delicately holding the gleaming gold pocket watch. The soft glow of the carriage lanterns cast a warm light upon his face, illuminating his features as he inspected the timepiece. Outside, a gentle snowfall created a picturesque scene, delicate flakes swirling and dancing in the wintry air.

    With a practiced flick, Sebastian opened the pocket watch, revealing the intricate mechanism within. The golden hands moved steadily, marking the passing seconds with unwavering precision. As he observed the rhythmic motion, his mind wandered, contemplating the purpose of his journey and the hidden motives that lay beneath the surface.

    The invitation to the Habergam manor lay on the seat beside him, its elegant calligraphy beckoning him to partake in the enigmatic world of the elusive family. Many assumed his intention was to court one of the two daughters, a move that would solidify his family's standing in society and enhance their legacy.

    As he stared at the pocket watch, his gaze turned introspective. The ticking of the timepiece seemed to synchronize with the beating of his own heart, a reminder of the limited time he had to uncover the truth that lay hidden within the walls of the manor. His lips curved into a faint, enigmatic smile as he pondered the intricate web of alliances, ambitions, and whispered secrets that awaited him.

    The soft sound of the carriage wheels rolling over the snow-covered road created a soothing rhythm, lulling Sebastian into a contemplative state. The wintry landscape passed by in a blur of white, the snowflakes landing softly upon the carriage windows, casting an ethereal veil over the outside world.

    In this moment of solitude and anticipation, Sebastian's eyes flickered with determination. His quest for knowledge and his underlying purpose went beyond the expectations of society. He sought to unravel the mysteries that swirled within the manor's opulent halls, to unearth the truth that lay hidden beneath the layers of polite conversation and genteel demeanor.

    The carriage rumbled to a halt, and the gentle sway of the journey came to an end. Sebastian could hear the soft crunch of fresh snow beneath the carriage wheels as the coachman skillfully navigated the wintry road. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the moment that awaited him outside. Closing the pocket watch with a gentle snap, Sebastian slipped it back into his pocket, the weight of his purpose lingering in his mind.

    With gloved hands, Sebastian carefully opened the carriage door, his breath visible in the cold air as he stepped out onto the snowy ground. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of breathtaking. The Habergam manor stood proudly before him, its grandeur accentuated by the pristine white blanket that enveloped the surrounding landscape.

    The courtyard of the manor was adorned with elegant sculptures and meticulously trimmed hedges, their forms softened by the layer of snow that adorned them. Gas lamps cast a warm, inviting glow, their flickering flames dancing against the falling snowflakes. Footmen in livery hurriedly attended to the arriving guests, offering a helping hand and warm smiles.

    Sebastian adjusted his coat, the fine fabric shielding him from the chill in the air, as he made his way toward the entrance. His footsteps left imprints in the freshly fallen snow, a temporary mark of his presence in this realm of opulence and intrigue.

    As Sebastian's gaze swept across the courtyard, his eyes locked onto a figure that stood out amidst the sea of guests. There, amidst the glittering throng, he spotted Caroline of Hanover, the Dowager Duchess of Kent. Her beauty was unmistakable, her presence commanding attention.

    The night was just beginning but it promised to be a very long one for the young Wintershield.

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    The carriage slammed into a snow-ditch, waking the professor with a start. He held his head momentarily as a headache overcame him. But, thankfully, it passes in short order. However he couldn't quite shake a feeling. One that was incandescent in texture, and that followed him like a wake in water. Though again, much like the headache, the feeling was gone as well.

    All that was left was the vacant sound of his carriage and the idle stares from his youngest brother, Tiberiu. Though, his mind fixated on a letter. A letter from the Habergams.

    He only read the letter a handful of times now. He still wasn't quite sure if it was real or not. He didn't expect the Habergams to really see much in him, but he understood how prolific the family was. So, when he received the letter from his youngest brother who was visiting at the time, it came as a complete shock. However, what was even more of a shock was why he received the letter.

    "The Lord and Lady are on their death beds," croaked Sorin, "And they're marrying off their daughters.." He looked over at his youngest brother, "Have you been married?"

    Tiberiu shakes his head, "It's been three years since I last saw Magdalena and I have yet to seek a fair lady to marry. Honestly frate, I've been taking after you."

    The professor's brows furrowed slightly. "What do you mean, Tiberiu?"

    The young man sighs heavily, "I've recently begun my studies in theology, and it's taken me to some strange places. Which, has taken up most of my time."

    Sorin grew frustrated at this, looked back at the letter, and then said, "We're going to that ball. Three weeks time. Cancel your trip to China, I will need you to be here in the United Kingdom. We are going to have you be married off to one of those Habergam girls so
    you have some heirs to leave behind in the event you somehow die in the pursuit of knowledge."

    His eyes trailed from the letter to a bored and disinterested Tiberiu. The professor knew that his youngest brother was not going to enjoy this, but he also understood that he wasn't just going to let his youngest brother, who in his late twenties, go without a wife. So, bringing him was only reasonable.

    As such as the carriage crossed the threshold of the estate and came to a rest, the scent of high life whiffed into the professor's cold nostrils. He recoiled slightly as Lords and Ladies of all walks file through double doors. Dressed in his finest "daily" wear, of which was a three-piece suit tailored black and yellow, he followed after them; being guided to hang up his coat.

    Once fully inside, both Sorin and his brother were in awe of the architecture. The design of floor, walls, and ceiling, top to bottom, were made with expert care. The attention to detail made both men flush slightly. Sorin, himself, has only seen this level of detail in Greccoroman architecture. "To think that such a powerful family built a home all the way out here," uttered Tiberiu within earshot of Sorin.

    Sorin glanced over to his brother and smiled, "The opulence of antiquity can only compare to the opulence of modernity."

    From here, the two brothers found their place near some of the other intellectuals that carved out an area in the ball when it was open to all. However, Sorin kept his eyes on the all the major players present, taking mental notes of all who were vying for a seat at the Habergam throne.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-29-2023 at 07:42 PM.

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    Travis had been working on a new project when he'd received the invitation.
    He and Johnathan had been working on a horseless carriage for a while now, which they intended to power using a small steam engine not unlike that found on one of the locomotives.

    "A'right. The pleasure is rising. Le's see if it'll turn." Travis said as he opened a valve. The piston began to operate and turn the wheels.

    “It seems to be working well.” Ben was saying as the wheel turned.

    “Perfect. Na le’s see how fa’ we can take it.” Travis said as he opened up the valve more and the piston operation sped up with the increased flow. Yet it all began to shake.

    Before Travis could shut it off, it spun itself apart. The wheel came off and rolled into a wall and the pistol disconnected and clanged to the floor.

    “Gah damn it!” Travis shouted after the comotion stopped and he shut off the valve. He walked over to the mount they were using “The bloody bol’ sheared off.”

    Ben walked over to inspect the damage as well “Perhaps we need something sturdier?” He suggested.

    It was at this moment that a knock came from the workshop door.

    “Best no’ be the bloody neighbors. I’ve had enough complaints!” Travis said as he went to the door. He usually gets along with most people. But his neighbors usually took issue when he was working on one of his projects. Especially when it made a racket.

    But it was a postman Travis found at the door, not one of his neighbors.

    “Travis Scott?” The man asked.

    “Aye. tha’s me.” Travis said before the postman handed him a letter.

    And with a tip of the hat, the man walked off to continue his delivery.

    “What is it, Travis?” Ben asked as he approached.

    Travis looked it over. It had a particular seal on it that he didn’t recognize. And sure enough, it was addressed to one Lord Travis Scott. He never thought he’d ever see that. He had only just inherited some land from his Uncle and was making plans to see it. It seems word had gotten out, and someone thought him a Lord.

    “Can’ say I know.” Travis said, still turning the letter in his hands before he opened it.

    He read the letter. And then he went back and read it again.
    The Habergams? He’d only heard of them, and they were so isolated that they might as well be a legend.
    And now Lord and Lady Habergam were on their deathbeds, and seeking suitors for their daughters and were hosting a gathering to facilitate.

    “Well?” Ben asked, obviously curious about what it said.

    “The Habergams ‘r’ hosting a gath’ring ta pair off their daughters a’fore they pass on.” Travis said, still not entirely sure what to make of it. “I’ve been invited.”

    Ben seemed a little more surprised
    “The Habergams” He said, as if trying to wrap his own mind around it. “That’s… it’s unheard of. Let me see that.”

    Travis didn’t argue. Just handing the letter over.

    “What?” Ben muttered as he read. And then read again before looking over at Travis.

    He could only shrug.

    “Well? What are you going to do?” Ben asked

    “I’m no’ sure. No’ much for gath’rings.” Travis said matter of factly.


    It honestly didn’t take as much convincing as expected. Travis had no real intent on marrying into the Habergam family. But he wouldn’t mind finding a lady of his own, and there was likely to be quite a few there.
    Not to mention he might find others who might be interested in his projects. Funding would be great for him as materials cost money.
    So, he finally decided to go. Though he grumbled at having to wear his good suit.

    He was later standing outside the Habergam doors with others before they finally opened.

    He waited for the others to go in before entering himself and looked around. Patting himself down to make sure he had everything. His derringer, just in case. His pocket watch. His wallet. His pipe, matches, and tobacco. And some tools. Sure, he was supposed to enjoy himself a little. But he was a constable first, and he should be ready to carry out his duty at need.

    This place was amazing. Too fancy for his taste by far. But beautiful nonetheless. He couldn’t help but stare at it all as he moved inside and to the ballroom.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 06-25-2023 at 09:36 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    The Grey Lady
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    The setting was lavish, it was luxury on a scale that only the wealthiest of the wealthy could have hoped to achieve. Brilliant whites and gleaming shades of gold, magnificent portraits of assorted members of the Habergam family and other notables. The floors were pristine and composed of stone that no doubt had been at least in part Italian marble. The architecture was unmistakable. Someone had spent quite a lot of time and quite a lot of money in making this house one to royal even the grandest of the Royal residences, Windsor and Hampton Court could never.

    Despite the gilded walls and the levity in the air, something else was happening. Something darker, but it was hard to put a finger on it. Of course at every party there were such questions, doubts, disappointments at seeing certain people or not seeing others. The evilest bit of gossip that seemed to hit just too close. It was all there for the taking and Caroline knew that. If she had been to one party she had been to a thousand, and if she had been to a thousand she had been to ten thousand. They were all the same in some sense, rich buffoons from all parts of society, the reputable Lords and the disreputable, all gathered together. Hushed conversations about you know who, and you know what. Is she really wearing that? Isn't she too old for him? It was somehow always the fault of the woman.

    But nothing clouded Caroline's head more than the thought of the Habergams themselves and the mystery they held. No one was unknown to her, there was no one she hadn't met at least once or twice (well, of the people she cared to know) except for them. A part of her was desperately bothered by this. She needed to feel the power of wealth, the power of knowing everything and everyone and all of the business. Then again, a man was also on her mind. That should have been the most troubling thing, not some daughters who for all she cared could have been ugly as sin... but what if they were beautiful? What if he took to them? And they or one to him? How irritating.

    Then as if by speaking of the Devil, or thinking of the Devil he had appeared. Her eyes caught sight of him. Sebastian von Wintershield. Martine was right, Caroline knew she would be. She was no fool, neither of the women were. Caroline of course had pretended not to see him, not at first. Instead opting in to conversation with the Earl of some such, a man called William. He was ever so boring and far too old to wed either of the girls, but then again there was no clock on men. Everyone present, the aristocracy knew Caroline, they had been to her parties, they attended her celebrations, they had done charity together, everything one could imagine. She was the talk of the ball for those assembled. She was radiant, beautiful and commanded the attention of everyone in the room. She could joke, she could laugh and smile and charm any man who came her way, not that she had to try too hard.

    The women loved her or hated her, they wanted to be her, or to kill her. But tonight she had eyes for none of them, instead settling into petty conversations here and there, before she finally raised a hand as if to part the sea and walked over to Sebastian, a gaggle following behind her as ever. "Darling." Caroline called in a sweet voice, she cocked her head to the side and extended a gloved hand toward him. "I should have expected you to be here. Is that desperation or... mere curiosity?" Caroline asked without much of a thought, the words poured off her tongue smoothly like the silk she wore. "It is certainly a beautiful home, would you not agree?" The hand that had been extended as if for him to kiss it raised to his cheek and stroked it softly. "Of course you do."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Sebastian von Wintershield wandered through the grand halls of the Habergam manor, marveling at its exquisite beauty and the unmistakable air of opulence that permeated every corner. The lavish décor, adorned with gilded accents and intricate tapestries, spoke volumes about the family's wealth and status.

    As he moved through the crowd of nobles, Sebastian effortlessly engaged in conversations, his charismatic presence drawing people towards him like moths to a flame. He exchanged pleasantries with fellow aristocrats, exchanging anecdotes and witty remarks, his charm captivating those around him.

    He admired the elegant gowns adorning the women, the fine tailoring of the gentlemen's suits, and the sparkling jewels that adorned their necks and wrists. Each individual seemed to embody a different facet of high society, and Sebastian relished in the mingling of power and influence that surrounded him.

    Amidst the mingling guests, he caught glimpses of familiar faces. Lady Arabella Kensington, her laughter infectious as always, regaled a group with her charming anecdotes. Count Augustus von Stirling, with his effortless grace and charm, mingled effortlessly, captivating those in his vicinity. Duchess Amelia Sinclair, the epitome of elegance, conversed with a group of distinguished gentlemen, her refined demeanor commanding respect.

    Sebastian found himself surrounded by the elite of high society, indulging in their idle chatter and vying for attention amidst the grandeur of the Habergam manor. As he mingled, his eyes caught sight of the unusual figures that stood out in the sea of nobility—a constable and a disheveled scholar. Their presence seemed out of place, yet it piqued his curiosity.

    But then, his attention was swiftly redirected as he saw her, Lady Caroline, gracefully making her way toward him. Her beauty was unmatched, radiating an aura that outshone even the most elegant of nobles. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of their passionate nights together, a time when they explored each other's bodies and shared intimate moments. It was a chapter he held dear, before the damning "evidence" surfaced, clouding their past with suspicion.

    "Neither, m'lady," he said, his voice steady and answering her initial question. He accepted her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it, his emerald eyes never leaving her gaze though. "Conviction." His words carried the weight of his determination, revealing that he was driven by a resolute purpose beyond mere desperation or curiosity. He released her hand and straightened his posture.

    "And yes, this mansion is a marvel," he continued, his tone veiling the complexities of their shared history. "But it pales in comparison to the elegance standing before me." A sly smile danced upon his lips, a mask carefully crafted to conceal the turmoil that lay beneath. In this grand manor, where appearances were everything, Sebastian knew they had a role to play—a game to engage in amongst the high society. And he was all too keen to partake, to navigate the intricate web of social dynamics while pursuing his own hidden agenda.

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    At the striking of the hour, the ball began exquisitely. Members of the gentry mingled and talked, navigating the social sphere with varying aptitude and dignity. The air was alive with anticipation. Rumors and wild guesses alike dominated the conversation of the evening. Those who had stories to tell told them to a captivated audience.

    The ballroom was unlike anything else. Despite the veritable sea of nobles and the fleet of carriages, there was room for a host double the size. The ceilings were high and arched, held up by some trick of the architecture that left the view totally clear to the magnificent mural of constellations painted there. The shades of the gas lamps were adjusted just so that it gave the illusion of a genuine night sky, stars twinkling. Works of fine art lined the walls, framed in gold.

    At the far end of the ballroom, a set of grandiose double doors stood before two curved staircases, another set of doors tucked between them on the ground floor. Along the grand wings of the stairs, marble statues stood in recessed niches, looking for all the world as though they had been frozen in motion and were waiting to move again. The floor itself was pure marble, intricately inlaid with symmetrical patterns and polished to a reflective shine.

    Just as the conversation of the evening hit a lull, the doors atop the far staircase opened. Silence slid through the crowd like a scythe through wheat. A man walked out with purpose, coming to a stop at the edge. He wore a bottle-blue double-breasted tailcoat with gold buttons and looked, if anything, somber. He opened his mouth to speak.

    "Good evening, and be welcome. I am Edward Habergam, brother of Tiberius Habergam, and I am the Master of Ceremonies. My nieces, Elizabeth Habergam and Atalanta Habergam," he moved aside to make room for the pair of young women who took his place.

    The pair were obviously sisters, sharing the same chestnut-hued hair as their uncle, but that is where the similarities ended. Elizabeth, the elder, stood on the left. She was tall and slight, wispy and light as a cloud. She looked at the crowd but did not see. Atalanta, the younger, stood on the right. She was stouter than her sister and thicker around the waist. She swept her eyes over the gathered nobles, making eye contact with some in turn. Those that met her gaze felt the sudden urge to avert their own. Both were splendidly dressed in what was soon becoming known as "Habergam Blue".

    Edward stepped forward again.

    "The Lord and Lady again express their regrets at being unable to attend, but wish everyone a pleasant evening and good luck."
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    "Lord almighty." Travis breathed as he laid eyes on the women. They were both fine young women.
    And when he and Atalanta met eyes, he felt himself to red and glanced away for a moment before forcing himself to meet her gaze steadily. All the same, he felt his hart pounding and had to release a held breath when she finally moved on.

    "Bloody hell, those eye 're fierce." He muttered.

    Atalanta Habergam almost looked like she could work. He shook his head. Na, she's a lady. She'd never 'stoops to that level. PH, bit she and her sisters were beautiful. He found himself straightening his suit and standing taller

    "I need a drink." He muttered "scotch."

    He began looking around in hopes of finding... there it was. A refreshments table. He strolled over to it and began to browse the spirits, opening one and taking a conservative sniff at it before closing it and doing the same with another. Finally, he opens one and takes a sniff...

    "Aaahhh. That smells like the good scotch." He says with a smile, pouring himself a small glass.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-09-2023 at 10:31 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #10
    Giga Onion
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    Dec 2013
    Here, There, and Everywhere
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    Give me an Idea and I'll see what I can do
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    Having had a plethora of delicate intellectual conversations, the main introduction came with the appearance of Edward Habergam and his two nieces, Elizabeth and Atlanta. Sorin did not care too much for the two young women, and was more tranfixed on the man. Meanwhile Tiberiu eyed the two young women, keeping his gaze on Elizabeth.

    Sorin observed Edward Habergam, and then the nieces. The Habergams. A family, again, he felt was far more elusive than anyone gave them credit for. Sorin always heard of them, always heard of their rumors and speculations in his office in London. He never wondered who they were or what they did to earn that reputation, but now he was beginning to feel it. He saw how they stood, how they presented themselves. It was strangely immaculate.

    Sorin grimaced slightly at the emphasis of the good luck. He knew why anyone bothered to come here, and he knew the stakes at which were set this night. The phrase felt double-edged, as it was both a signal to the bachelors in the room and omen to what's to come.

    But the air was thick with the smell of competition, and that night has only just begun.

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