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Thread: 【Mischief and Her Forbidden Emperor】「Mystress of Onions vs Dire Hoef」

  1. #1
    Giga Onion
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    Default 【Mischief and Her Forbidden Emperor】「Mystress of Onions vs Dire Hoef」

    Saint Augenstein's Cathedral. A desolate and forgotten place of worship just outside the towns of Dilven and Brasschot in Western Germany.

    This battlefield consists of a four room cathedral (the Main Hall, the Recreational Room, the Kitchen & Cafeteria, the Priest's Office) and 5km2 (3mi2) of open field before reaching a forest to the west, a village to the east, a lake to the south, and another village to the north. Both villages to the east and north are occupied with people, possible onlooker hazard. The current weather conditions are an overcast with a 89% chance of precipitation. Wind speed is 9kph with gusts reaching up to 10-15kph (6-9 mph) later in the day (weather will get progressively worse as the fight drags on).

    Winner of the coin toss goes to Mystress of Onions. She will be making the first post.

    Battle Begin!

  2. #2
    Mystress of Shadows's Avatar
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    "This place looks as old as me!" A childish giggle echoed through the cathedral as footsteps created a constant rhythm amongst the otherwise drab background ambiance. "Or, at least I think it does." In truth, she had no clue how old either she or the building was but she liked to daydream that she used to be an ancient queen, which would make her older than the building.

    She paused in the middle to observe her surroundings in closer detail, noting the cracks along the walls and pillars, the disrepair creeping across the once sturdy walls like a greedy fist pick-pocketing unsuspecting victims. The fantastical setting was ridden with mold and creatures scampering about. Even now, a wasp hissed past her, possibly to return to it home, wherever it might be.

    "Ah! But there's no one here. How boring." She paused for a second, and then had an idea. As she stood in the center of one of the vast rooms, she shouted at the top of her lungs, "Hey! Someone come here! I'm bored and I want to play!" A chuckle followed, though it was silenced by the ricocheting vocals that preceded it. Hopefully, that would garner someone's attention, if anyone was even around to capture the attention of.

  3. #3
    Giga Onion
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    And out from the distortions of spacetime came an unholy figure who heeded her call.

    A single foot came forth, and then another. Eventually revealing the ungodly abomination that is man.

    Out came the Forbidden Emperor, Holgath!

    The Forbidden Emperor, clad in his purple armor forged from the fires of Hel itself, stood tall within the abandoned cathedral; his eyes swaying across this battlefield. Though as his eyes rested upon the little girl, he bellowed out a laugh that was only fit for a demon of his size. "THIS IS MY OPPONENT!? SHE IS BUT A LITTLE GIRL GARBED IN PEASANT'S CLOTHING!! HOW DOES THE UNIVERSE EXPECT ME TO FIGHT SUCH A DEFENSELESS CHILD!? AHHAAAH!"

    He slowly stepped forward before immediately coming to stop just about ten feet from her front. At that moment, he knew why the universe had pin him against this girl.. She was no girl.. She was something else.. Something more vile than him.

    He growled lowly as he crossed his arms, expressing his clear emotions on the matter. "You're no child, in fact.. You're no human.. What are you?"

  4. #4
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    Stats: Random number for Cup card: 4

    Spoiler: Four of Cups 

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As the towering figure appeared before her, Mischief could do nothing but stare. Her call had actually worked! Someway, somehow, it had worked, and now she had been presented a playmate. He was enormous compared to her, but that was fine, and he looked like he was someone who knew how to have fun. As he stepped closer, she smiled widely, though that could not be noticed behind her almost ridiculous mask. Her eyes, however, were all that he would need to see her excitement as the many colors swirled around in them, sparkling with joy.

    Of course, his comment came of no surprised. She was just a little girl after all. She was a little spirit girl with a crazy outfit and a bunch of cards with magical abilities. As said before, she was just a little girl. That didn't mean she was a normal little girl, though. This man, whoever he was, also quickly noticed this and commented on it.

    "Of course I'm not human, silly. Though, what I am, I don't really know either." She tilted her head, her eyes glimmering once again. "But maybe one of my friends know. Here! Let me ask!" In one, swift movement, she pulled a random card from the small pouch resting on her back right hip. Within moments, it dissolved into nothing, leaving behind a faint "IV of Cups" written in the air.

    For a second, nothing happened. Then, in front of her began appearing a burly, stout man in a wispy form. Well, this will do, thought Mischief. Let's see what I can make of this. "Hey, Four! This guy wants to know what I am."

    Four let out a fierce laugh. "You wanna know her story, eh? Well, I've got quite the tale for you." At this point, he began walking forward, arms wide open, towards the towering man. "Care to listen, pal?"
    Last edited by Mystress of Shadows; 07-09-2017 at 03:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Giga Onion
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    He cackled with an unpleasant delight as he noticed the sudden use of terranite magics. This, even though he wasn't too knowledgeable on the subject, was a welcomed surprise. He gave a smile that was obscured by the smoldering flames erupting from his helmet due to his laughter. "You pleasure me even though I am your enemy? BAH! I have no time for sniveling dribble. Begone you apparition of thought and annoyance."

    He twitched his right hand towards the middle-aged man and suddenly a fiery torrent came flowing out from the Emperor's hand and towards the middle-aged man. "NO TIME FOR GAMES LITTLE GIRL! TIME TO MEET YOUR FATE!"

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    Spirit Cooldown: 2 posts or 1 attack

    Drawn card:

    Spoiler: XVIII - The Moon 
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As the torrent roared at Four, his body blocked any fire that might have reached Mischief otherwise. He let loose a roaring bellow, "GAH! Damn, that hurts. I'll pound you to a bloody pulp for that, scum!" With this, he charged for the man in front of him, fists clenched. Should he get within range, he would aim a powerful set of three punches towards his neck and lower jaw.

    Meanwhile, as Four was being attacked by the raging fire, Mischief drew a card from the Major Arcana, hiding behind her back as it was activated. Her body would hide a majority of the light, if not all, as "XVIII The Moon" was written in the air. Immediately, she felt the power swell inside her, and she set to work using it as Four began his attack.

    Mischief began to sprint towards one of the many pillars, but her opponent would see her still standing in the same place, looking at him with excited eyes. In addition to this, she conjured up false images of two other Fours charging at her opponent from different directions.

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    'One... Two... Three... Huh? The little girl is moving,
    ' he gave a devilish smile beneath his helmet, 'No matter.. She'll be dealt with personally..'


    With the extension of his arms and the swift draw of his blade, he called upon the fires that dwell within the blade. Seeing two more apparitions appear before him, aiming to do some considerable damage, the Emperor laughed in response to the sudden encouragement made by the little girl; seeing the little girl's face from behind the three men. "SUMMONS ARE NOTHING AGAINST MY FIRE!"

    He stabbed his blade into the ground, glancing at all three men with a wild smile across his face, "FEAR MY FIRE." He would then twist the hilt with his hand, at which would cause a fiery maelstrom to erupt from the ground and rise to the ceiling (breaking through said ceiling). He stood in the center of this fiery whirlpool of fire (that heated the air around it) waiting for the men to throw themselves in said fire. He'd stand there; watching it all happen.

  8. #8
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    Major Arcana cooldown: 9 cards
    Moon cooldown: 1 post

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    All at once, a storm of fire seemed to appear from the depths of the earth, and Mischief, safe behind her pillar, smiled in wonder at the power it displayed. Her image, the one that stood before this man, took several steps back as though to avoid the heat of the flames. The other apparitions, however, along with Four, could not avoid the flames at such close range. Four, the moment the flames swelled around him, vanished into nothing. However, the second he did, he was replaced with an image of himself.

    The apparitions were not affected by the flames. They were, after all, illusions. A mind trick. And Mischief decided to play to that. The images of Four would continue their charge at the attacker, but as they did, flames would erupt across their bodies, as though they were consuming the fire and using it for more power. I can't control any more apparitions than this, Mischief thought, but this is all I need.

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    Upon seeing these 'undying' apparitions reach an uncomfortable distance, the Emperor gave a sneer of approval to the aptitude of these spectral fools. However, that approval was only short lived when he decided to finally dawn on his momentary lapse of seriousness; coupled with a bit of idle banter. "Hm," he pondered, leaping back a couple dozen feet to further the distance, "It seems that your apparitions, although uncannily strong, do not serve a purpose other than forward melee combat. They do not have range, but they do have numbers. That, in and of itself, is an advantage but something else about them is.. Strange.." This momentary lapse of seriousness and wisdom is then replaced with his usual bout of insanity. "BUT NO MATTER. I'LL JUST SLAUGHTER THEM ALL IN A FURY OF STRIKES!"

    He tightened his grip on his sword, pointed it to the sky before pointing to the three apparitions with a look of murderous intent, and then he would swing nine times horizontally, nine times v
    ertically, and nine times diagonally. These swings would present themselves as shock-waves of pure fire, extending outward by ten feet every yard until it reaches a maximum distance of fifty-four yards before dissipating into nothing. Though with each swing he would, subsequently, level that entire side of the building; seeing as how these shock-waves tore through the concrete walls of this magnificently tragic structure.

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 07-11-2017 at 12:07 AM.

  10. #10
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    Random # for World Card: 2
    Random Cup Card: 8
    Spoiler: Drawn Cards 
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Once again, Mischief received a wonderful display of power from her opponent. However, such power took a while to present, and Mischief did not stand idly by as he took swing after swing. By the end of the first set of swings, her illusions had vanished. By the end of the second set of swings, she had drawn two cards, one with each hand. The first was a Major Arcana card: "XXI The World". Within seconds, she could feel the power of the card activate, and she could see the individual shadows as they lived and breathed. Darkness Manipulation. Nice. She smiled, until she saw her second card. "VIII of Cups". Crap.

    By the end of the last set of swings, Eight had appeared, front and center, amidst the destruction. She was an elderly woman, stout, but with a nasty look on her face. "Hey," Mischief said, "if you thought Four was fun, wait until you see this one. Have fun!" With this, Mischief quickly stepped into the shadows, hoping she could avoid Eight's wrath.

    Eight, having fully formed at this point, glowered towards the man who had just unleashed a hell-storm of fire and power. "You. You and that pathetic girl shall both feel my wrath." She seemed to be wheezing a bit as she projected her voice. An old woman like this would appear pathetic, but as she slowly raised her arms to either side of herself, it would quickly become clear that that would not be the case. The ground beneath them would begin to rumble as she gathered her strength to fight this spectacle of a fighter.
    Last edited by Mystress of Shadows; 07-11-2017 at 09:35 PM.

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