Saturday, September 4th, 2117
Third Floor Hallway, 4:00 PM.
Tilly was bouncing up the hallway, chatting excitedly to Dexter; another first year Gryffindor she had enlisted to explore the castle with her on their first day free of classes.
"Isn't it enormous!" she was saying, "I bet we could walk 'round here for weeks and still not find everything! Have you heard of the Marauders' Map? It's an old relic, Harry Potter was supposed to have owned it, it showed the whole castle on it, and everyone inside! Merlin, that would be so cool. Oh, hello, Fira!"
The feisty second year she had met at the Welcome Feast was coming up the hall toward them, looking sweaty and exhausted, but exhilarated. "What have you been doing, running laps?
This is Dexter," she introduced the raven-haired boy, "he's a first year, like me. We're exploring! Hey, you've been here a year already, you must know loads about the castle, and the grounds! Fira can give us the dirt!" she said happily. "Where can we find an adventure around here?"