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Thread: (OOC) Silent Lady: Mystery on Nyx

  1. #1
    Enigma's Avatar
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    Default (OOC) Silent Lady: Mystery on Nyx

    VSTC - Arcadia X-ray X-Ray Delta Niner Niner Zero, this is Vesta Space Traffic Control, you are clear to go to hyperspace. Acknowledge.
    ARCADIA: Affirmative, Traffic Control. We have condition green.
    VSTC - Niner niner zero, roger. You're looking good for trans-light.

    VSTC - Niner niner zero, this is Vesta Space Traffic Control, we have a problem on your vector. Request status check, over.

    VFC - Arcadia, this is Vesta Flight Control, you have a course deviation at five mark six. Acknowledge.
    VSTC - Arcadia, we show condition red. Confirm.
    VFC - What's going on out there?

    VSTC - Niner niner zero, this is Vesta Space Traffic Control. Be advised you have a serious vector deviation. I repeat: serious vector deviation.
    VSTC - Arcadia niner niner zero, do you copy?

    VFC - This is Vesta Flight Control to all ships in sector five. Be advised Arcadia niner niner zero is off course. All ships squawk ident.

    VSTC - Starship Arcadia, this is Vesta Space Traffic Control. Squawk ident. I repeat: squawk ident.

    Welcome to the Second Stellar Age!

    • Colonies are independent of their homeworlds.
    • Ships travel the distance between stars in weeks rather than decades.
    • Fusion generators run off of hydrogen or even water. Ships with scoops can dip into the atmosphere of gas giants to collect, compress and refine the gas into fuel.
    • ContraGrav (cGrav) generators allow a ship to throw up an opposing force against a suitable mass to allow a controlled descent or ascent in gravity wells, while reactionless thrusters convert energy into motion.
    • Ansible satellites provide FTL communication between systems.
    • Powerful non-laser energy weapons are mounted on large ships and battle machines.
    • Handheld weapons of this period is the Mk-2 Blaster, tangler grenades, bass stunners, and survival lasers.
    • Handheld ballistic weapons are either every expensive antiques often found in the homes of those who came on the first ships - or replicas used by the colonial re-enactment groups.

    It's been seven years since the disappearance of the New Horizons liner Arcadia.
    While they can't confirm it, it appears that the automatic pilot of the liner malfunctioned and for reasons unknown, the captain was unable to change their vector before it jumped to hyperspace. Ships on a pursuit vector could not find it, it's suspected they experienced some sort of drive failure and exited somewhere else at random.


    M-Class planet, rather Earth-like with different terrain types, 67% surface water and a 22% oxygen/75% nitrogen mix, 0.95 standard gravity. All visitors should receive a type 5 booster shot.

    Karmon Academy

    A training academy for those who wish to enter military or the survey services.

    The Sector Governor has awarded Karmon Academy the M-class planet Nyx in a land grant contract - colonization fees would then help support the Academy. While they have a preliminary survey of the planet, it's decades out of date and has only basic details, so they have decided to do a new survey.

    They have signed a contract with the Silent Lady, a converted Magellan-class survey saucer that now works as a tramp freighter to take a team of their students and teachers to Nyx so they can inspect it in greater detail, as who knows what sort of surprises this alien world may hold...?


    While the sector has a human majority, there are non-human races living here as well. However, there can only be two alien characters that are a part of this RP. Aliens must be approved. Any unusual abilities must be very limited and explainable.

    Heavy worlders are usually short (think space dwarves), while spacers and those born in low gravity environments tend to be tall and gangly with little muscle development, and may require an exoskeleton on worlds 0.8-1.5 gravities.

    Race Application

    Racial Name:
    Home World:
    Defining characteristics/description:
    Racial Strengths:
    Racial Weaknesses:

    Tech Application

    Tech Name:
    Last edited by Enigma; 07-01-2021 at 05:54 AM.
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  2. #2
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    Approved Tech

    Spoiler: Field Gear 

    Character Profile

    Characters are students attending their junior (triangle (point down) icon) or senior (diamond icon) year at Karmon Academy, and have volunteered either for the chance to explore a new planet, needed extra credit, or a combination of the two.

    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Specialty: (Line, Survey, Medical, Security, Scout/Recon, Engineering)
    Issued Gear: (Note - you are responsible for all personal issued gear.)

    • Karmon Academy issued Field Omni
    • Specialty Sensor Slab
    • Mk. 2 Blaster with holster belt
    • Individual survival belt kit with multi-tool
    • Field Helmet
    • Field Jacket
    • 2 field uniforms
    • 1 pair of boots
    • Field pack with bio-converter
    • Sleeping bag

    Additional gear: (What you bring, you have to carry)

    Approved Characters

    Coming Soon
    Last edited by Enigma; 07-01-2021 at 08:32 PM.
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  3. #3
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Ooh, seems interesting. These squishy science-types could probably use a bit of backup against aggressive wildlife. Here’s my species idea:

    Spoiler: S’kar 

    Spoiler: S’kar Tech 
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    Typically, the greater the gravity, the shorter the species as falls become more dangerous. How tall are they at the shoulder when they're knuckle-walking?
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  5. #5
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Far closer to a human range, generally 5.9-6.7 feet. Their chest and torso is what gives them a good amount of their height, along with a longer neck and generally longer, taller skulls.
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  6. #6
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Spoiler: Revek race 

    Spoiler: Revek Teck 
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-03-2021 at 06:45 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #7
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    Revek - at 1.06 gravities, any increase in strength is so minor as to be unnoticeable. At 50% water, we should expect more barren areas. Rivers and streams are probably few, so we're looking at springs and watering holes.

    Are these bipeds or quadrupeds? If they're quadrupeds, they can't run and shoot at the same time. They would need a harness to hold things on their chest. They would need to rest their elbows on a table in order to manipulate something with both hands.

    If they started as quadrupeds and evolved into bipeds, what caused that? You've described a world that's half water and the landmasses as mostly plains. What advantage would there be in becoming bipeds in a mostly flat world with little tectonic activity?

    As bipedal digitigrade walkers, they would need a means of counterbalancing themselves, so likely longer tails, which means they need a lot of room behind them. Skeleton changes would allow them to sprint, perhaps some distance running, but they would be slower than their quadruped ancestors. As trackers, they're higher off of the ground, so would be looking for more visual signs, and likely not as sensitive to smells.
    Last edited by Enigma; 07-05-2021 at 04:25 PM.
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  8. #8
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Fair on the water. Though I would say while any non athletic human would probably be winded, a non athletic Revek might only be breathing heavy. But this might just be due to their hunter ancestry.

    Bipeds evolved from quadrupeds.
    The reason why this would have been brought about be both environmental shifts and/or migration as some may have moved from the plains to the more forested areas where certain pray may be harder to find. The evolution to bipedal forms allowed them to climb better and gather other means of food besides meat. Though I can see their senses of hearing and smell decreasing, they would still be better than a normal human's.

    As for their tails, they would need room to feel comfortable, but not to live though not having enough room for their tail for too long might bring a small claustrophobic episode. Their tails may also be tools for social occasions in the newly developed culture resulting from being awakened bipeds.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  9. #9
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    Okay, this is a big change switching from quadrupeds to bipeds. The planet could have undergone a heating cycle where the plains grasses died off and the watering holes got too low. The trees, however, have deeper roots and better leaves to funnel the rain to their roots.

    Most likely we have a split happening at this time. The younger ones, whose paws were more flexible, began to climb the trees and go higher than the others, to go after the arboreal life that lived in the trees. When those proved elusive, out of desperation they began to eat the fruits and soft inner bark of the trees. Over time, their digestion over these improved and they became omnivores. Their paws, spines, and joints adapted over time for climbing the trees better, and they learned to use tools to extract honey or ants from their hives.

    Those who didn't adapt found themselves dying out, suffering from malnutrition until they learned to hunt the ground animals of the forest without becoming a meal for something else. When the plains recovered, they moved out, away from the trees and easier prey.
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  10. #10
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    and probably evolved differently, or not at all.
    If they didn't evolve to eat from the trees (either from the other animals up there, or the fruit and bark as suggested), they at least evolved to better hunt on the ground in the densely wooded area.
    I do agree that easier prey would have drawn them back to the plains when again inhabited by prey.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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