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Thread: Restart: A new world - IC {M}

  1. #1
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Default Restart: A new world - IC {M}

    It was warmer today than it had been all month, winter was leaving. Already groups of people were up in their hot air balloons while others bustled in the streets in the little town of Tibbif.
    It was in no way the biggest town, but it was in no way small either.
    Inventors worked on their machines with their colleagues and apprentices while hawkers shouted their wares on street corners while musicians played in front of a hat as wagons rolled by with the occasional horseless carriage with its engine chugging away as it rolls along.
    And outside of town sat the Kneff manner, a rather large house that housed a small family of merchants with a few hired hands moving with their own work to be done.
    Yes, today was just another normal day. . .

    Samica wiped some sweat from her forehead as she continued to work on the underside of the new horseless carriage Master Di was working on.
    She heard the bustle just outside the workshop as people and horses walked by and kids playing in the street. They were probably heading to the small ball field.
    She wouldn't mind going out to play a bit, but she enjoyed working on things here. She was just happy that she was able to get out of piano lessons so soon.
    She tightened down the last few bolts before pushing herself out on the little wheeled board. "I think that should do it," she says.

    "Perfect," Master Di said in his odd accent as he looks up from the engine under the hood, "dat's one less ding on de list. Now give me a hand over here."

    Samica got up and walked over the Master Di, "whatcha need?" she asked.

    "My hands be too big," He says, "I need dis bolt securing de engine right der." He points to where he needs it between too many other parts for him to get his hand in there.

    "Sure thing," she says and takes the bolt and tries to secure it as well, squeezing her hand through all the parts, "mmmmm," she gets the bolt started and hand tight, "well," she says in a slightly strained voice as she gets her hand back out, "it's in there, but I don't think it's tight enough. And it's too tight a space to get a wrench into."

    "You might be right der," He says with a hand on his chin in thought, "well, I suppose we need to make a new tool to get data tight." He sighs, "well, I don't dink I need you anymore today. I'll get working on de new tool. You go now."

    "Thanks, Master Di," she says as she grabs her cap and heads to the door, "I'll see you tomorrow." and she walks out the door to head to the ball field.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 12-30-2020 at 02:11 AM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  2. #2
    hella baked and extra sweet
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    Rays of light cut through the thin layer of dust in the study. It was beautiful, but the tickle in Pitou's nostrils where a sneeze kept creeping up only to lay in wait hindered their focus on the keys. They normally weren't in the study while Nencia rearranged, but today's lesson had been unnecessarily delayed. Pitou explained to Levinia that his sister had other arrangements (intentionally made for this time, he left out to spare her feelings), but the stubborn governess insisted that Samica's progress was "worth waiting for."

    Pitou couldn't be sure whether their mother had directed Levinia to ensure both siblings learned piano or if it was her own ego. Either way, Pitou was annoyed with the governess for wasting time, especially now that Nencia was pulling out the spring bedding and cleaning out the cabinets behind her to prepare for storing the thick winter comforters once they finished drying outside. The slender housemaid hurried out of the study with an armful of sheets meant for the master bedroom, leaving a current in her wake that stirred the dust. It made for a beautiful visual effect, but Pitou's nose screamed for relief.

    Once the final notes from the sheet were tapped out, Pitou lifted a hand from the piano to reach for the marionette resting on the bench beside them. The one chosen for today featured the curved hat and breezy tunic of an adventurer with sharp features and one of his eyebrows curved into a high arch. It had been carved in the likeness of a mischevious character from a novel Pitou had grown enamored with last year. They lifted the control high above them, the sleeve of their overcoat slid down to reveal a bony wrist that was pale from a winter spent avoiding the rain and cold of outdoors. The marionette sprung onto the piano, running along the keys to kick the side of Levinia's arm with its small wooden boot. She gasped, not in pain but surprised by her student's sudden outburst. Pitou offered an innocent grin and batted eyelashes in feigned innocence.

    "That's enough for now, yeah? Let the poor moppet go," the puppet chirped, though Pitou's chin and teeth never so much as quivered. "Lest I come at ye again, harder this time." Levinia's lips pursed, looking thinner than her patience. She began opening them to reply and Pitou quickly interrupted. "Sorry, ma'am. You know how Arthur gets. I best take him out now." Pointing a reprimanding finger, Pitou scolded the puppet, "Arthur a Bland, you know better than to disrespect a lady like that!" Pitou raced for the door, pausing to give a slight bow and thank to governess for today's lesson before they left. The governess shouted something in protest behind, but Pitou ignored as Arthur's legs raced beside them down the hall.

    The streets were lively as more of the townspeople were lured from their homes by fair weather. Pitou slipped in among them, inconspicuous but for the flouncy hair so blond it nearly looked white in the sunlight and knee-height marionette trotting alongside. A peek inside the workshop revealed a solo Master Di, so Pitou headed towards the field to look for Samica. If it was going to be so difficult to enjoy piano today, Pitou might as well referee some of the scraps his sister was sure to get into when the boys tried to cheat at whatever game they decided to play. Even years after the spunky girl moved in with the Kneffs, the local boys couldn't accept that Samica was able to outsmart or overpower them with ease. It usually made for an entertaining spectacle, much to Mother's contempt.

    ♥This set was made by my dear, sweet Ru.♥
    Spoiler: my poetry thread 

  3. #3
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Samica got to the ball field, where some other kids were already splitting into teams for baseball. Most of them were guys with one or two other girls wanting to join in with most of the others up in the stands to watch and chat. Some of her own friends might be up there, but she wanted to pay, not chat.
    She got in the line-up and waited to be picked. Some of the usual guys were there, none were nursing any of the bruises she had given them earlier in the winter season.

    "Well, well well," one said, Alvern, a larger boy of about 16, "look who showed up." Alvern was one of the guys she got into scrapes with, along with some of his friends. Neither side leaves without a bit a bruising.

    "Hey, Al," she says in a bit of a flat tone as she walks up.

    "Still working on your little toys with Di" Another asks before he was picked, Corvis, a more athletic boy. He was probably still sore he was beaten not once, not twice, but three times in various small competitions.

    "Just wait till you see what we're cooking up," she gave a wry smile, "it's gonna be great."

    The teams were really starting to form, and she was lucky to be but on a nice team.
    "Nice to have you, Sam," Fiddle said, though his actual name was John Fiddle Fermin, everyone just called him Fiddle, "Just keep a level head, I don't want another fight to break put."
    Fiddle was a little older, about 17 by now. He had a good head on his shoulders and always tried to keep the piece, though others like Alvern and Corvis got a little annoyed with him for it.
    "You know it won't be me starting it," Samica says.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  4. #4
    hella baked and extra sweet
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    The smell of something fresh from an oven lured Pitou onto a quick detour. The tops of oblong rolls glistened from crisped egg wash except in the diagonal split across each one where the spongey inner layers had burst through the crust. Cat-like brown eyes widened as the slender teen reached for their change purse. A coin or two was a small price to pay for such a simple, yet heavenly treat as bread straight from the oven. Not a crumb was left by the time Pitou stepped off of the cobblestone walk onto the unkempt grass outside of the playing area.

    Sure enough, Samica was already grouped into a team on the field when Pitou arrived. It was still too far off to pick up on what they were saying, but things seemed amicable at the moment. It seemed a bit late to join in, but baseball wasn't their favorite anyway because relying on others not to get out before they even had a chance was annoying more often than not. Pitou lingered under a tree near the edge of the stands, deliberating whether or not that was where they'd prefer to spend the afternoon after all. On one hand, the stands were one of the best vantage points should the game broke into a brawl. On the other, it was currently occupied by some of the blandest girls in town whose empty-headed banter was a bore to overhear and exhausting to be roped into.

    A glance upward revealed a limb with a decent stretch of level growth free from smaller branches. It was much less likely they'd be disturbed there, and there was still decent visibility. Puppet draped over their shoulder, Pitou reached for the branch and jumped off the trunk to hoist onto it. There wasn't any coverage this early into spring, but the bare tree was preferable to the gossip of dowries and moon tea. They sat, Arthur now propped against one hip, and watched the field below.
    Last edited by trouble.muffin; 01-31-2021 at 09:19 PM.

    ♥This set was made by my dear, sweet Ru.♥
    Spoiler: my poetry thread 

  5. #5
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Samica saw Pit climb up the tree as she walked over to the bench. Everyone else went to their respective bench or position and Fiddle acted as the Umpire.

    The game progressed as the pitcher throws the ball and the batter hit it with a *crack* and it went into the outfield. The guy ran as everyone scrambled for the ball as it was tossed to first base moments after the batter touched and passed the bag and headed toward second base as the ball whizzed past his head and he slid into second before he could be tagged.
    The next batter came up to the plate and got ready for the pitch and swung. "Strike one!" Fiddle called out as the catcher caught the ball and threw it back.
    He got ready and the pitcher threw the second pitch. *crack*. The ball bounced off the ground to the left of the pitcher and he bolted.
    The first guy bolted for third base as the second slid into first.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  6. #6
    hella baked and extra sweet
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    The back of one boot tapped idly against the trunk while Pitou surveyed the field below. Buckles glinted in the sunlight with each light thud. This game was always a bit of a slow burn for their taste, but someone in the family had to support Sam's interests.

    Mother tried to be impartial and the result was often kind enough. However, it was clear she still harbored some suspicion that Samica's adoption wasn't the result of empathy, but of infidelity. This was absurd, of course. Father and Sam were little alike in their interests or mannerisms and even less in appearance.

    After awhile Pitou caught himself staring past a cloud instead of down below and snapped his chin back towards the field. The wolfkin girl was finally next at-bat. "Alright, Sam!" Pitou shouted. "Show 'em what a real hit looks like!"
    Last edited by trouble.muffin; 01-13-2021 at 07:21 AM.

  7. #7
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Samica smiled as she swings the bat in a circle at her side and did a few practice swings when she reached the plate and got into position as Alvern nodded to the pitcher. She grinned. These guys were gonna make it hard on her. Well, they had another thing coming.

    The pitcher pulled back and threw a fastball.
    Samica saw an arrow for a split second and her eyes went wide before the bat struck home. The ball skyrocketed, up and up it went.
    Samica was a little stunned and put a hand to her head as she took a few deep breaths.
    The ball came back down in the outfield, and she was jolted back to reality as she bolted down to first.

    the first batter made it to first base with the second well on his way to third.
    Samica made it to second and stopped. This was sureal, what the hell did she just see? no one else seemed to be concerned.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #8
    hella baked and extra sweet
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    Pitou tracked the ball in the sky, squinting against the sun. Their ears twitched as instinct urged them forward to chase it. Even now the spry teen might be able to sprint below the ball’s trajectory in time. However, the choice had already been made to spectate and Pitou watched it land with a cheer for their sister.

    Pitou glanced back from the ball, which two boys were still racing each other to retrieve, to find Sam stationary on second. There’s no doubt she’s fast enough to have made it at least to third, if not home. What's wrong with her? they wondered. “Go, Sam! You still have time! Don’t just stand there!!” Pitou shouted with hands cupped around the mouth to amplify their voice.

    Leaning forward a little in their excitement knocked Arthur from the branch and Pitou lunged after to catch the puppet before it tumbled to the ground. They landed with a bounce back to standing and eyes faced towards the field once more to see if Sam had scored yet.
    Last edited by trouble.muffin; 01-31-2021 at 09:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Samica jolted and glanced at Pit before looking at everyone else end went back to sprinting to 3rd based and she had just enough time to make it before the ball got there.

    She let out a breath as she stopped.
    She breathed heavily with everything that was going on but tried to shake it off. She'd ask about it later.

    The next guy went up to bat and struck out to allow the 5th guy to bat.
    Samica managed to get home, but the last guy was tagged out at 2nd.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #10
    hella baked and extra sweet
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    "There ya go, sis!" Pitou called from the ground near the tree. Something about her face seemed off, especially for having just made it safely. Her teammates might not appreciate the company, but it was necessary to check in with Sam. Even after scoring she didn't seem her jovial self.

    With one hand raised to shield their eyes, Pitou approached the bench without crossing into the dugout. "Is everything alright?" they asked with a soft voice, not wanting to draw too much attention.

    Light hair gleamed in the sun like a beacon to spite any intentions of subtlety. The dark blue material of their coat grew warmer as the afternoon drew on and Pitou regretted not swapping it out for a hat instead. At least the breeze had picked up, licking around knees and flitting through their hair. Still, the heat would likely draw the slender puppeteer back inside once the game ended.
    Last edited by trouble.muffin; 01-24-2021 at 03:56 AM.

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