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Thread: Mimi's Gallery of Heroes

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    Member MimiDumpling's Avatar
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    Default Mimi's Gallery of Heroes

    ♥ Hi RPA!

    So I made a blog post sharing a character idea and was going to keep doing that until someone told me about this. :) (Thanks Enigma! ♥) So I will post my characters here. Feel free to comment on them and offer feedback. :) If you want to play with any of the characters or just wanna say hi send me a pm. :)

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    Name: Evelyn Wu
    Nickname: Evie
    Physical Sex:Female
    Orientation: Straight (?)
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Age:Young Adult (18-25)


    Evie is an empathetic and curious person. She is a positive and light person with a constant gleam in her eyes as if she knows a secret no one else knows. She goes out of her way to make other people happy, often at the expense of herself, and will become stressed and withdrawn if she feels like she’s not useful. She is a seeker of truth and has a strong sense of justice and what is fair. She avoids conflict when she can but isn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand her ground if she feels it’s the only way. Evie has a bad habit of overestimating her capabilities when offering to help someone and will often take on challenges she’s not prepared for.


    Evie stands at 5’5” (167cm) tall and weighs 120lbs (54kg). She is fit from an active lifestyle and work. Her hair is black, straight, and glossy with square cut bangs and cut short. On her left ankle she has a small birthmark, the size of a nickel, shaped like a turtle. Evie is fond of fashion and puts a lot of effort into making sure her outfits are both stylish and flattering while also practical and durable for when she has to chase a lead unexpectedly.


    Evie is a struggling freelance reporter. She is a skilled photographer and has some reasonable talent as a journalist but her thirst for adventure and bad habit of getting stuck in complicated situations has kept her from finding success in the industry. Despite her small frame she is fairly athletic and has run a couple marathons. She has beginner painting skills as a new hobby. Evie’s greatest strength is her intuition. She has a nearly supernatural sense for the secret, strange, and unfamiliar.


    Evie is the only child of Jun and Marjorie Wu. Her father, Jun, was a Chinese immigrant who came to the United States in his early 20’s seeking a better life. He worked in a factory until he died of illness caused by unsafe work conditions when Evie was 14. Evie’s mother, Marjorie worked as a middle school English teacher until her husband’s death. When her father died, Evie and her mother moved to a decaying apartment in the city. Her mother resigned herself to alcoholism and took a job at a local restaurant.

    During her late teen years Evie met a woman called Twig. She was an elderly and eccentric neighbor who was often seen burning sage in the courtyard, having pleasant conversations with clouds, and digging through the overflowing dumpsters that littered the alleyways. Evie spent most of her time with Twig listening to her bizarre and impossible stories of aliens in the supermarket and vampires selling food processors on T.V.. Through Twig she learned to see the things most people tend to ignore or misunderstand. The world became so much more colorful and interesting. So much more terrifying.

    As Evie neared adulthood her mother’s condition got worse. Evie took a job delivering pizza throughout the city on an embarrassing orange scooter just to keep the lights on. Her mother missed more and more shifts. At seventeen Evie couldn’t bear her life any longer. She had to get away from it all. Evie, desperate and bitter, used the spare key Twig had trusted her with and stole Twig’s emergency cash. She bought a bus ticket and made it as far as the bus station before her conscience pulled her back.

    Twig never forgave her, acting as if Evie simply no longer existed at all. Her mother never noticed she had left in the first place. More than anything Evie wanted to make things good again, like when her father was alive. She channeled her frustration into snooping around her father’s old workplace. Using the unique methods Twig taught her to “See the realness” she managed over months to uncover enough evidence to file a class action lawsuit against the company. After they had won the case Evie’s mother received a large sum of money and checked herself into rehabilitation therapy. Evie found herself emboldened by gaining justice for her father and now that her mother was recovering and secure she could finally start her own life.

    She decided to dedicate herself to justice and seeking the truth. With her clever wit, warm heart, and trusty pen she might just manage to survive her bad luck. Who and what will she find out lurking in “The Realness”?


    I made this character with modern rp’s in mind. I don’t think it would be too difficult to convert her to a different time period or more fantasy setting though. I might make Twig as a character as well or open her up if someone would like to play a crazy old hippy lady who may or may not be a thousands of year old fairy. This character is intended to be very good at picking up little quirks, details, and secrets but is otherwise just a human. I think she would go great with really powerful characters like a mortal sidekick kind of character. But don’t underestimate her! Evie and her pen can be a powerful force.
    * I will be adding more details soon.*

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    (Pictures are more for inspiration and similarity than exact appearances. :) )

    (Fairy drawing by JennyBunny)

    Name: Piper Strawberry
    Gender: Female
    Physical Sex: Female
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Race: Fairy w/ Human Form
    Age: 21


    Piper, like all fairies, is mischievous and enjoys having a little fun at others expense. Especially mortals. She has an impish sense of humor but a gentle overtone that suggests she means no harm. She is drawn to shiny things and curiosities and has little regard for her own safety when seeking to satisfy her curiosity. Like some fairies, but quite unlike others, she has a fondness for mortals and enjoys interacting with them. She remains loyal to the Seelie Court’s laws however and keeps her identity as a fairy secret from the mortals.

    As a fairy Piper has a vindictive edge to her. She will hold a grudge for quite some time and enjoys exacting small, tedious acts of revenge on those who wronged her. Though she has never found herself in a situation where she has to fight, she has many tricks to help her escape a dangerous situation. She will always prefer to run or hide than stand her ground and fight unless someone else is depending on her. Such a moment is one she dreads and has not yet experienced.


    Piper is very petite and slim with an almond shaped face and slightly pointed ears. She stands at 5’1” tall in human form. Her eyes are large and the color of dark amber with small flecks of gold that catch sunlight. Her hair is nearly platinum blonde and grown out long and adventurous. She has a small scar in the shape of an X on the right side of her right eyebrow from a child hitting her with a slingshot years ago. Her movements seem oddly light to most people, as if her bones were hollow. Her back is arched slightly more than seems normal and the fingers on her small hands are ever so slightly longer than most. She tends to wear elegant bohemian outfits similar to what one would wear to a festival or on a luxurious vacation.

    When in her fairy form she diminishes to 1’7” in height. Her wings are shaped like a butterfly’s and have a striking gold geometric pattern over a shimmering dark purple base. While transformed her human clothing transforms with her into a dress made of red flower petals. These petals mask her scent to predators and distort starlight to make her difficult to see at night.


    Among fairies, PIper's official occupation is Seelie Informant on Mortal Affairs, which is more of a title with a small stipend than anything else. Though technically employed by the Seelie Court itself, she has the same government authority as a mortal mailman. As a “mortal” she is a semi-professional acrobat in a traveling troupe of mortal performers who are unaware of her fairy identity.

    In her human form Piper is incredibly nimble and athletic but very small and has difficulty lifting heavy objects. She is an excellent climber however and even in her human form seems to float on air at times. She loves to cook, fascinated by the complexity of mortal cuisine, and has a strong nose for herbs and spices. She is a vegetarian however and is disgusted by the sight of cooked meat.

    In her fairy form Piper becomes incredibly mobile and stealthy. At night she is almost invisible, especially in starlight. She is very fragile however and due to the benevolent nature of her bloodline cannot rely on magic to protect herself directly. She knows several cantrips however that can distract or fool most animals, mortals, and average intelligence beings. Under the light of the full moon she is capable of entering a more powerful form and gaining incredibly powerful healing magic for a brief time before exhausting herself.

    Even by fairy standards Piper is small. She cannot withstand very much physical damage, especially while in her fairy form. Her curiosity can make her naive and therefore she can be taken advantage of with shiny enough incentives. Like all fae she is susceptible to iron sickness. Though modern fairies are much more immune to iron than their ancestors, she will become sickly and weak if surrounded by too much industrialization for too long. If too much iron enters her bloodstream she could go into toxic shock and die.

    If Piper goes too long without being exposed to starlight her spirit begins to wilt. After three days she becomes pale and sickly. After six she can no longer maintain a human form or cast spells. Her wings wilt and become too weak to carry her. After nine days she turns to crystal and is essentially dead unless taken to the Ashe of The Seelie Court (or the Morrigan of the Unseelie Court) to be revived.


    Piper blossomed twenty one summers ago under a lotus flower kept in a greenhouse outside of a small village in France. In the beginning she was little more than a mote of light darting about the flowers and spooking the insects hiding in the soil of the planters. As she reached maturity and developed her form she was sent with the other larvae to the Seelie Academy of Cohabitation With Mortals. There she was taught basic transformation magic to maintain a mortal identity, how to live as a mortal, and very basic fairy self defense tactics.

    She fell in love with human carnivals and circuses, enamored by the stories of mischievous fairies exploiting prohibition and embracing freedom along the Great American Railroad. She specialized in Mortal Arts and Culture and upon reaching adulthood she joined mortal society as Piper Strawberry, Acrobat Extraordinaire!


    I made this character for a 1x1 RP with Sabes. I might be open to play her again sometime but for now she is reserved for our 1x1 rp. :) Her details will be updated as she develops inside the rp she was created for.
    Last edited by MimiDumpling; 01-29-2022 at 10:49 PM.

  4. #4
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    She sounds fun, definitely! A mischievous fairy performing as an acrobat, should lead to lots of great encounters!
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
    She sounds fun, definitely! A mischievous fairy performing as an acrobat, should lead to lots of great encounters!
    We just got started so I haven't really explored her much but I'm having fun and excited to see where her story goes. :)

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    That's the best part, seeing how they develop.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    I agree :) I am only just starting my first RP but I am already loving how much potential for life and unexpected layers my characters have in an RP versus a story I write myself.

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    Care to elaborate? I'm interested in what you mean.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabes View Post
    Care to elaborate? I'm interested in what you mean.
    I feel like because I am limited to writing from the perspective of just my character and I have to co-exist with someone else in the story it creates the need for details I might not have included writing by myself. Like putting specific attention on something that seems important to my partner as a writer that isn't important to me yet. It makes the story just unpredictable enough to create a lot of new ideas. :)

    Edit: Like your little book of edible plants in our 1x1 rp. :)

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    Ah, I see! That is probably what makes rping with others so attractive for me too; it seems like you can't get this kind of connection anywhere else

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