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Thread: The Start of Term Feast

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    Default The Start of Term Feast

    Open to all residents of Hogwarts.

    September 1st, 2117.
    The Great Hall - evening.

    The Great Hall was sparkling under a thousand floating candles, each drifting in a whimsical circle where it hovered. The sky above was a dark, deep blue, the starts twinkling in the distance like reflections of the flames below. Towering banners lining the walls left and right of the entrance were boldly marked with the colours of the schools four houses; the bold scarlet and gold of Gryffindor, stamped with a roaring lion; Hufflepuff's warm yellow, bordered with black, the loyal badger as its totem. Ravenclaw's blue and bronze, adorned with a soaring eagle, and Slytherin. A coiled snake, on a border of green and striking silver.

    The long benches that ran the length of the hall were lined with students, talking and laughing as they reacquainted after the holidays. But at the creak of the large double doors that were the Hall's entrance, a hush fell over the assembled students; bar the shuffling of robes as they turned to look at the open doorway.

    There, looking very small amongst so many older faces, were 2117's first years; fresh from the boats that had carried them across the lake and about to be sorted into the houses they would spend the next seven years in.

    Professor Bat; an eccentric looking woman with a wide smile, frizzy red hair and a small pair of round, gold-rimmed glasses perched on the tip of her thin noze, clapped her hands; beaming at the first years. Then she turned, and began to stride down the wide path in the centre of the room, clearly expecting the children to follow. Their destination was clear: at the front of the hall, at the base of the teachers' dias stood a sturdy wooden stool. On top of the stool sat a rather old and ragged, pointed hat. As they fell into line before it, the hat stirred; what had looked like a fold in its' surface shaping itself into a makeshift mouth.

    "Ahem," the hat made a noise as if it were clearing it's throat, though it didn't have one. Then it began to sing;

    "The time has come, my little friends,
    to talk of many things!
    Like whether class will ever end,
    and why a snitch has wings;

    but first we'd better sort you out,
    so put me round your ears,
    I'll tell you what you're all about,
    your hopes and dreams and fears;

    If strength, fortune and family fame
    are what you're aiming for,
    you might fit in in Slytherin;
    and then there's Gryffindor,
    where bravery and nerve win out,
    or maybe loyalty's your stuff,
    your friendships strong as stone,
    then you might belong in Hufflepuff,
    where you'll never be alone.
    And Ravenclaw, the house of wits,
    where intelligence is key,
    if your mind is great, you'll surely fit...

    not sure? Well, leave that up to me. "

    When the applause had died down, Professor Bat unrolled the parchment they held clutched in one hand, and looked up at the nervous students before them.

    "Kattalin Lide D'Hearna," she proclaimed in a loud voice with a sweeping gesture toward the stool and the hat, beckoning the first of the students' to be sorted forwards.

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    Ella looked up from her place on the Slytherin table, surveying the line of bedraggled looking first-years with skeptical eyes. Who would Slytherin gain this year? None of them looked particularly promising - not to her, anyway.

    Though she could hardly be called easily impressed.

    The brunette tucked her hair behind her ear, adopting a bored look as the hat began its song. Terrible, as usual. It had an entire year to come up with this crap; surely it could come up with something halfway decent? As Batty called the name of the first to be sorted, Ella her back to the table, propping herself on her elbows to watch the Sorting, her expression one of someone waiting for something tedious to be over.

    Tilly bounced slightly where she stood, her eyes wide as she craned her head to take in the sight of the Great Hall. The dazzling sky, the Professors, watching from the dias... the four long benches, packed with students, all focused on them. Tilly bit her lip - which table would she be sitting in, at the end of the Sorting? Why did her name have to be Rowanwood? She would be waiting all night to find out!

    And, her stomach reminded her with a low, rumbling growl; she was hungry. Come on with the feast, already! she thought impatiently. Seeking a distraction, she turned to the students nearest her, hissing so as to avoid the odd Professor who had led them in hearing her,

    "So, where do you all want to be sorted? I'm thinking Gryffindor, myself! I have the lions' mane," she giggled, gesturing the thick, wild ginger curls that erupted from her head and spilled over her shoulders. "Though I wouldn't mind Hufflepuff - they seem like a friendly bunch. I just can't wait to get started! I can't believe we don't get to study Care of Magical Creatures till third year, it's so unfair!"

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    In the back of the group of nervous children, sat one Katrin Edlund. She didn't fidget. She didn't move. She didn't talk to any of the students. She simply sat in her spot, waiting. Observing everything around her. A trait some would have, by now, noticed as usual. She was dressed in the new Hogwarts Robes Professor Grimm had taken her to get. Her feet, however, were different from the rest of the black clothing. They wore no shoes. No, she absolutely refused. Instead, she wore socks. Big, fluffy, pink socks. The kind most people would wear as slippers.

    Her wheelchair was also a strange sight. There was speculation, gossip, about this. Some students assumed she simply refused to allow the medics and healers to help her. Others, more cruel, had decided she was faking it. None could guess the real story behind it. None could guess that the doctors at Saint Mungo's for Magical Maladies and Injuries had already tried their best to help her. Nor that they were simply baffled. If it's just from one of those muggle death traps they call cars, They mused while believing they were out of earshot, Then, it should be a simple fix! They wouldn't tell her this though. Oh no, who would want to tell a young girl, one who had just discovered all the amazing things magic could do, that they couldn't help her? That they had absolutely no idea what was causing it? No, they hadn't told her anything. Just that, maybe if she came back after the school year, they'd have a solution.

    That had been a hard day for the girl. Professor Grimm, who had taken her in, had tried his best to cheer her up. But to no avail. Still, the hard days, the bad days, were getting fewer and far between. Ever since a Mad Man with a Shoe had appeared on her doorstep. My Doctor. Come to take me away? She laughs at the question she had asked him on that fateful day. And he had done exactly that. Whisked her away. On her birthday no less! They had had a truly magical day. From a spinning pink cake, to a trip to Diagon Alley. She'd even gotten her first want. Bright pink, no less! And then, he had told her the best part, that he would let her stay with him.

    September First had come quickly. Met with excitement. They'd packed up their suitcases, and made their way to the train. She'd looked at him as if he were insane, when he said to simply run straight into the pillar. Ya know, i'm usually yelled at for running into things. . . She had commented with amusement. Still, she did it, pushing her way through with ease. The train ride had been long. But she hadn't minded. Soon, they arrived at the castle. Well, nearly.

    The boats. The lake. She'd looked incredulous at the professor who had accompanied them. You have got to be kidding me she had retorted. But, she'd only received a grin in reply. Before she knew it, a wand was waived, and her chair floated right into the boat. Totally freaking her out, of course.

    The steps, leading in, had been what her biggest worry was the moment she saw the place. But, it seemed the castle had prepared for this. Or, been prepared. She didn't know which. The moment she came up to the first one, something quite strange happened. The first step became longer, and a bit lower to the ground. Easily hopped on to. All it took was a small wheelie. Which, naturally, was met with cheering by the other kids. Then the next did the same, and the next. Before she could comment on it, she was at the top with the others.

    Now, she sat waiting. She notices Tilly and her bouncing, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she listens to the strange Hat as it sang a cute little song. She glances at Tilly, hearing the girl speak, hearing the girl ask where she wished to be sorted. "Hufflepuff." She said without hesitation. She didn't know much about any of them, despite Professor Grimm's best efforts to tell her. But, she knew he was in Hufflepuff. And so, that was where she wanted. And, she had every intention of arguing with that stupid stuffed hat to get it.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    Kattalin had known of her magical abilities, and knew that this day would come. She had packed, unpacked, and repacked for weeks before the start of term. She had bought her books and materials the day after she had received the letter. They were second hand books, being what little she could afford, but Kattalin treated them as if they were precious metals.

    She spent hours reading them, line by line and chapter by chapter. The symbols were fascinating to her, she had already taken pages and pages of notes. Her supplies were limited to only a few uniforms, her school books, her materials, her owl (whom she had affectionatly named Spearian, after one of her favorite writers in history), and a few other belongings she possessed. It wasn't a lot, but it would do and she had been grateful to go.

    She had tried to make friends on the train ride there, but she was soon discovering that she was... different. She was a poor muggleborn who had been raised by a foster family. It was hard for her to branch out, realizing that even though she was going to a place with others like her... she was still a muggleborn and to some, it was as if she didn't belong there. She spent the rest of the ride in silence, curled up on a bench and holding her Charms textbook tightly to her chest, though careful not to harm it.

    The carraiges were drawn by beings that she couldn't see, though having spent the past few weeks reading the most recent copy of Hogwarts: A History, she knew that they were pulled by thestrals.

    When they arrived, Kattalin felt nervous. All of them stood in front of the great hall and she paid close attention to the sorting hat's song. Then, quite suddenly... her name was called first to be sorted.

    The hall went quiet and she was shaky as she made her way up the steps, sat on the stool, and allowed the hat to be placed onto her head.

    'Relax, deep breaths, close your eyes,' she thought to herself. She heard the hat speaking to her and nearly jumped.

    "I am relaxed, but why are you not?" It asked, to which Kattalin thought about it.

    "Because I haven't adjusted to my surroundings yet. It's all so new, and it's been difficult to make friends." She answered truthfully.

    "And why has it been difficult to make friends?" It asked.

    "Because I'm different. People have treated me differently because I'm Muggleborn, even though I can use magic just like them." She answered honestly.

    "How are you different?" The hat asked her curiously. She could see where the sorting hat was leading to this. "Because I allow them to treat me as such. I just have to find my right niche, people whom I can trust and call friends. Until then I have to learn how to adapt," she answered.

    "Ravenclaw!" The hat boomed, to which she glanced up and smiled at the hat. She stood and made her way to the Ravenclaw table, already feeling in place now that she belonged somewhere.

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    "Katrin Edlund," Professor Bat's voice rang out once more as the clapping died down, and it was Katrin's turn. The students' eyes were on the blonde, a few curious whispers between classmates breaking the silence as they noted her chair. Grimm caught her eye from the staff table, his face beaming with a wide grin and his thumb held up in a silent, 'you got this!' gesture.

    She had watched quietly, nervously, as Kattalin had been called. And subsequently sorted. On her lap, sat a small brown black and white puppy. The small dog had actually fallen asleep, curled up into a little ball. Katrin had kept her hand over the animal's back, holding it in place.

    Now that had been a difficult conversation. The general consensus among the other Professors was that it was a pet, just like any, and thus not allowed in the Great Hall. But, with a bit of nudging and "look at his cute face!" ing, and even a bit of prodding from Professor Grimm, they had allowed it. After all, the animal was meant to help the girl.

    This, had, of course, gotten a few glares. But, she had ignored them. And so, when her name was called, she looked up nervously. And, so did a small brown, white, and black head. She slowly pushes her way up to the steps leading up to the stool. This time, though, they didn't transform for her.

    "Go on, K-9. Fetch the hat for me!" She urged with a grin. The little puppy jumped off her lap, tail wagging, and ran up to the stool to do just that. While the puppy did so, Katrin stole a glance up at Professor Grimm, who flashed her a thumbs up and a grin. She returned a smaller one of her own. The dog jumps, trying to reach the stool. The first time, not quite high enough. The second time she was close enough to pull the hat to the edge of the chair. By this point, the whole hall had erupted into laughter. Finally, a third jump, and K-9 managed to pull the hat off the stool.

    K-9 grabs the top of the hat gingerly in her teeth and drags it over to Katrin. Katrin grins and pets his head before picking the poor hat up and putting it on her head curiously. "Good girl, K-9!"

    "Well, I never... In all my days, I.. unbelievable!"

    The moment the material of the ragged old hat touched Katrin's golden hair, she could hear it again; grumbling about the dark stain the dogs' rather damp mouth had left on its' brim; though truth be told, it was hardly the first mark to have been left on it. It wasn't speaking aloud now, though, but rather inside her head.

    "Ahh, hello Katrin. Interesting... ooh, I know just where to put you! I can see the time you've spent alone - no one to rely on but yourself. You know, I can put you in the perfect place to become strong; strong enough that you won't need anyone's help!

    But maybe you have a preference?" the hat said, after a short pause. If Katrin could have seen it's face, she would have thought it was wearing a sly smile.

    Katrin laughs as the hat begins protesting the treatment. K-9 jumps up onto her lap, curling up again. Deciding her nap had been cut short. Katrin laughs again at the hat's complaining about the new stain. But then, grows serious as he begins telling her about the house he would put her in.

    She thinks about it. When he asks if she had a preference. "Professor Grimm is in hufflepuff. . . She replied, hesitant. She glances up at him for a second as she says this. It really was the house she wanted. She didn't want to go to a group of students and teachers she didn't know. She'd finally found a friend. . . But. . .

    "Strong?" She asks him. "Where no one can keep hurting me?" This said in almost a whisper. She was tired. Tired of all the cruel jokes. Tired of being pushed around. Tired of needing people. Hufflepuff would have been nice. But, this sounded better. So, with a sigh, she nods. "Okay"

    "Ah, yes. Hufflepuff - I can see why it might appeal. Friendship, and trust; but who needs those when you have confidence, ambition, power?! You'll do better in...

    Slytherin!" the hat boomed, it's voice echoing now to all the occupants of the Great Hall, and the table on the far left began to applaud; though she could see some of its' occupants looking over at her rather skeptically. Professor Bat was holding out a hand in her direction, to take the hat so that she could join her new house. Professor Grimm's smile faltered, but only for a split second - then it was back firmly in place, offering her encouragement.

    She hands the hat back to Professor Bat with a smile, then glances up at Professor Grim. It wasn't lost on her, the faltering smile. Even if it returned within moments. She offers one of her own, grinning.

    She begins making her way over to the table now cheering for her. Their skepticism also wasn't lost on her. A part of her wondering, for but a moment, if perhaps she had made a mistake. They didn't want her here. This group was for the strong. She was clearly anything but. Still, she shrugs it off. Deciding not to let it get to her.

    She finds a spot, in the middle of the table. She looks at the spot for a second, before deciding what to do. The students to either side of it scooted a bit more apart. She wondered if it was out of courtesy, or because they didn't want to be near her. She had no doubt it was the latter.

    She sets K-9 on the floor, and pushes her chair up to the bench. Then, lifting one knee, she brings her leg over the bench. She does the same with the other. Her hands firmly placed on her wheels, she pushes herself forward. So that she was half sitting on the chair, half on the bench. She then carefully moves her hands to the bench, and scoots forward the rest of the way.

    K-9 takes this opportunity to claim the abandoned chair as her own. Curling up on it. Moments later, the chair seemed to take off on its own, rolling away. It comes to a halt in a corner of the room. Katrin raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn't let it bother her. Instead, turning her attention to the rest of the ceremonies.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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    Astryd Elkridge;;

    A new year. Her sixth year. Astryd was happy to get comfortable between her friends and share the treats they'd gotten from the Honeydukes Express trolley on the train. Pumpkin pasties and several cauldron cakes were in her own robe pockets, but she'd traded a box of Bertie's Every-flavor beans for two chocolate frogs. One of the frogs escaped her grasp and hopped across the Great Hall's stone floors and she made a worried little face as she watched it crawl under the Gryffindor table, darting in between a second year student's jittering feet.

    "Hey, I got Harry," she said, showing the collector's card to the beater who sat beside her.

    "Oh, I've got five of those," the brunette said, waving at Astryd dismissively. In that moment, the doors to the Great Hall opened and the incoming students streamed through, walking down the isle between the four great tables.

    Astryd's elbows pressed against the hard wood of the Hufflepuff table as she watched the first years enter the Great Hall and looked on as the sorting commenced. She crossed her legs at the knee, her robe falling back to show off her high gray socks and then she smoothed the hem of her skater-style skirt unconsciously. She clapped as each new student was sorted.

    The redhead sat up and leaned forward slightly, elbows dropping off the tabletop as she watched the young girl in the chair be sorted; she puzzled over the dog in her lap and then watched it as it tried to help, considering it as a service animal - it was far too young for that, to be properly trained it took an animal a year for menial tasks. Exceptions were being made. Astryd looked past them to the teacher's table along the far end of the Great Hall and considered the faces there. Grimm stood out to her - not only because of her undying crush on him, but how he interacted with the girl, spying their traded grins and thumbs-up.

    "Hmm," she made a little noise in her throat and her friend looked at her curiously.

    "You day dreaming about Professor Grimm again?" The beater asked and Astryd promptly sent her elbow to meet the other girl's ribs, which set them both to stifled laughing. The prefect across the table from them narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat pointedly. The girls gigglesnorted, tipping their heads together as they tried to subdue themselves; Astryd bit her lip and straightened up, choking on a chortle.

    There were more students to be sorted, she knew and they were being disrespectful, though not so much as to draw attention to them. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and settled again, thoughtfully chewing on her lower lip.

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    "Hufflepuff," the blonde girl beside her had replied, when she asked about House preferences. Tilly grinned widely at her. "I hope you get it! Cute dog, by the way!" Before they had a chance for further conversation, the girl was called - Katrin, Tilly thought, watching with a giggle as the puppy ran to help the chair-bound girl with the hat. There was a moments' pause, and Tilly wondered if the hat was speaking to her; it seemed to pause like this with each student, before announcing their house.

    "Slytherin!" the hat boomed, and off Katrin went, wheeling her way to her new house's table. Tilly winced; she had heard rumours about Slytherin. But the girl had seemed nice enough, albeit a little shy; she resolved not to judge her on her house.

    "Tamilda Rowanwood!" Professor Bat called, and Tilly sprang forward, nearly bowling over the child in front of her in her eagerness to get to the stool. She took the hat from the frizzy-haired Professor on her way past and half-ran to the chair, thrusting it onto her head as she sat. The brim was damp where the dogs' mouth had clung to it, and she grimaced a little, wiping the slobber from her hand onto her robes.

    "Come on, hat! You know where to put me..."

    "Oh, I certainly do!" The response came, and Tamilda nearly fell from her stool in her excitement. The hat was speaking - inside her head!

    Brilliant! she thought, beaming. She must have looked a comical picture, the large hat falling over her eyes to her nose, revealing only her wide, toothy smile to the onlookers, bordered by her wild mane erupting from beneath the hats' brim.

    "Oh yes, boisterous, eagerness to develop your power, strong moral compass... I think you'll do very well in Gryffindor!" She heard it's voice echo through the hall, and cheers erupted from the table bedecked with red banners, fists thumping against the wood of the table. Thankyou, thankyou! she thought, wrenching the hat off and jumping from the stool to bound excitedly over to her table. "Hi! Hello! Hi! I'm Tilly!" she babbled, greeting her new housemates as she passed them until she found a clear spot. "Gryffindor, alright! Now, quick, whose next? I want to see this feast!"

    Caelin Grimm's face sported his usual wide grin as he watched the sorting, waving hello to his ward as she was called forward. He had been a little disappointed when she wasn't sorted into his own house; the sweet, shy girl had certainly seemed Hufflepuff material to him!; but the hat knew best. Now, a fiesty looking girl with a wild mess of hair was joining the Gryffindor table, and he clapped along with them. His stomach growled; he loved the sorting, but would have preferred to be tucking into the feast as he watched. Ah, well; it would come soon enough...

    "Professor?" A voice sounded behind him, and he turned to see a Harriet Wilson; one of the Hufflepuff Prefects; standing behind him looking rather anxious.

    "Yes, Harriet? What is it?" he asked the fifth year, wondering what had her looking so frazzled. The muggleborn was a shy girl, rather dumpy; but usually calm and polite. Right now she looked flustered, and a little annoyed.

    "There's... sorry, Professor, but there's a girl still at Hogsmeade Station. A first year, I think; I haven't seen her around before. She's just sitting there, refusing to come up to the castle. When I asked what she was doing, why she wasn't up here, she just sort ofcommanded me to come find someone to bring up her things. She won't carry them herself..." there was scorn in the girls' voice, which was out of character for her. Grimm surmised that the student in question must have been quite rude in her request... or command, as Harriet had put it.

    The Professor sighed, standing up. "Alright, I'll go and get her. Thankyou Harriet, you may join the other students."

    The girl nodded thanks, and made her way down from the dias to join the Hufflepuff table. Grimm looked longingly at his empty plate, then sidled out of the Hall, strolling along the side of the room to avoid interrupting the sorting.

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    Dawn hadn't been very shy about her appearance, despite the scarring on the left side of her face Her hair was brushed and tucked back behind her ears, her eyes sparkled and her new robes fit perfectly. She mingled with the crowed of first years, amusingly thinking to herself that while she was among the gaggle here she was a third year this year. She couldn't help a small chuckle as she listened to some of the excited chatter of the other students. Her eyes couldn't help but take on the old decorated stone walls of the castle, the enormous halls and the very life that the castle seemed to hold. The energy inside was moving and coursing every which way She wanted to follow and explore this wondrous place but she knew she needed to stay with the group, straying off wasn't an option right now.

    She cast her eyes into the main hall as they entered through the doors. With her good eye she could make out the room, the floating candles, the magic that permeated the room, the numberless students awaiting to greet them at the four separate benches, long benches. So This was hogwarts, the very school Ilvamorny was fashioned after so many years ago. It was so enchanting, So alike but so different, both in sight and in feeling. She'd read and heard many stories about hogwarts. Their sorting was very different, it involved a hat instead of four statues.

    Lost in her own thoughts she had wandered to far over bumping into one of the benches and knocking her knee on the edge. "Oh!" she gasped lightly quickly catching herself on one of the sitting occupants and blushed lightly. "So sorry." She whispered quickly stepping away with a sheepish smile before losing herself back into the crowed of first years and looking up to the front of the room. Another table held the teachers and a small stool with a hat on it.

    Wonderful! it was the sorting hat. Gazing at it she couldn't help but think that at her sorting at Ilvamorny. She had stepped into the center of the four statues, nervous and yet excited. Waiting breathlessly to see which houses would want her. How would it work here? Would the hat tell her which houses she would be best suited for? and then let her chose? She watched as other children went up before her, but she couldn't fathom what was going on inwardly. From what she did know of the four houses here they were very similar to the four back at home. Horned Serpents who favored scholars, Wampus who favored warriors, Thunderbirds who favored adventurers and Pukwudgie who favored healers. Out of the two that had reacted for her... she'd ultimately gone with Thunderbird and while she had never regretted it she was eternity grateful for the Pukwudgi's acceptance of her.

    Where would she be sorted? She couldn't keep herself from holding her breath each time a name was called, knowing that the time her name was called most likely grew closer.
    Last edited by P.K.; 03-10-2017 at 02:46 PM.
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    Default Part I: An Eggingsbaum Finds his Place

    Weeks Before...

    It was dark in the Mordushku household, as it always was. The ebony wood of the floors along with the dark-blue colour of the walls held a sombre tone across the entire building, wrapping the state of emotion within the confines of the house in an almost authoritarian regularity. Caryxander stood within one of the larger rooms in the house, flanked on one side by his father, Angron - who looked the spitting image of his son if the scars upon his face were ignored - and opposed by his distant relatives: his Uncle Erion Mordushku and his Second Year Durmstrang student son Kreshnik, who was both taller and wider than Cary, shoulders broadening out with his age. Behind both of the groups sat a line of chairs, where members of the Mordushku family watched silently, intrigued already.

    Between the two pairs of father and son sat a large table-like object that stretched from one side of the room to the other, connecting with the walls. It's bulk was completely solid, and the wood that made up its ceiling-facing top had been covered in fine black and purple cloth. Each opposing section had a small pair of hand-crafted steps that led to the raised part of the room, so that both of the boys would be able to easily climb it - though they weren't too small to hoist themselves up without the steps. Each side of the duelling platform led towards the centre of the room before quickly branching out to create a large circular surface for the two boys, a design that meant they could be as flexible with their movements as they wanted to, in case they desired to move around far more as they duelled - a physicality of spell-combat that the Mordushku's personally prided themselves on.

    "Cary." Angron leaned his head downwards to whisper in his sons ear, watching as Kreshnik marched up the steps with no delay, eyes looking with Carys before turning and laughing to his father, who smiled and nodded his head respectfully, his eyes betraying his inner thoughts on his Cousin's boy. Kreshnik was the Prodigy of the House Mordushku, the claimed best Wizard of his generation - the thought made Cary's blood boil, as it was a title he wanted. Kreshnik was powerful in Cary's view, there was no doubt about the prestige of his spell-casting ability, or his supreme education at Durmstrang. But Cary was stronger, he just had to prove it to everyone. "It's time." Angron finished, reaching away from Cary coldly before looking across the duelling platform towards Erion - there was no smiling now as the two boys moved into position.

    Cary's feet ran themselves across the well-made, short staircase that led up to the platform. Reaching the summit of the small climb, Caryxander turned to face Kreshnik - who was ready at the circular centre of the platform with a confident smile on his face. "Come." He mumbled, Albanian accent thick within his voice. "Let us have this done with." Cary stepped forwards, feet echoing against the hard ebony wood that lay underneath the black and purple cloth. Reaching the circular centre of the platform, Cary walked around its edge until his back faced his father, getting a gauge for how much room he would have during the duel. Kreshnik followed his footsteps, smile widening as Cary made the move. "I was wondering if you were smart enough to check your surroundings."

    "Oh, I'm smart enough to do much more than that." Cary said, no smile gracing his face.

    "We will see." Kreshnik replied ominously.

    Stepping forwards, the two boys drew their wands and shifted into their duelling position, wands out straight in front of them, hands raised about their hands and pointing towards the opposition. It was a basic duelling stance that had been taught for centuries - Cary knew others, but this was his preferred method of attack, making for quick and easy flourishes his his wand whilst keeping his arms and slightly-bent legs ready to shift. Kreshnik's smile still graced his angular face, shifting his average looks into a picture of ridicule - he felt that he would beat Cary, and no power in the world could change his mind on this.

    Angron stepped forwards and turned towards the spectating Mordushku family - which included Cary's mother Elizabeire - before beginning to speak. "The two combatants here, Caryxander Mordushku and Kreshnik Mordushku, have both openly stated their desire for the title of the Prodigy of our great and noble house." The assembled Mordushku family murmured and nodded amongst themselves, showing that they acknowledged the boys challenges to each-other, affirming the legitimacy of their duel. They had also decided who was going to win in their minds - there was no doubt about it, the Second Year boy would wipe the floor with Angron's boy. "Very well." Angron turned to face the two boys, raising his arms. "Let the duel commence." As he finished speaking, his arms lowered, signifying the beginning of the duel.

    Almost instantly, Kreshnik leaped forwards and thrusted his wand forwards, venom entering his smile as Cary kept calm and maintained his stance. "Locomotor Mortis!" He cried out, wand aimed towards Cary's legs. Shifting himself quickly from his spot, Cary dove to the side and recovered with a roll, watching as Angron dispelled the wayward spell as it shifted over his head.

    "Everte Statum!" Cary yelled in response, regaining his stance and flicking his wand left before jabbing it much like a foil. The blood-wood wand lit up for a moment before the spell pulsed from its tip, hitting Kreshnik in the side and throwing him backwards the way Cary had walked. Landing with a thud against the wood, Kreshnik forced himself up - smile missing - and rolled his shoulder. "You're better than I assumed!" He yelled, finally acknowledging Cary after his usage of a spell Kreshnik had only recently been taught by his father. Erion himself was now interested; Angron's boy hadn't even started at Hogwarts or Durmstrang, yet to throw spells from Second Year against his son - this was to be more interesting than he had initially thought.

    Angron merely smiled.

    "Rictusempra!" Kreshnik roared, throwing his wand left, right and then forwards. Cary shifting his pointing hand backwards before swinging it horizontally.

    Darting out of the way once more, Cary span around, pointing his wand once more towards Kreshnik as the spell arced way off of its mark. "Tarantallegra!" Cary cried out, watching as Kreshnik shifted his position as well to avoid the spell, rolling forwards and back upon the circle.

    The fight continued like this for another good fifteen minutes, one of the boys firing a spell and hitting very rarely, whilst the opposing boy shifted his body and moved around the circular centre of the duelling platform. Such as the way of duelling in the Mordushku family - the mobility of the body was something taught early, in the tender years before the children could grasp the casting of Protego or other protective spells. Cary and Kreshnik were relatively well matched, which spoke highly of Caryxander's ability, as Kreshnik had already bested all other Mordushku children so far, Angron convincing Erion to save Cary for last - as he stated it would be the 'most interesting confrontation', though Erion had laughed at such a thought.

    "Petrificus To-" Kreshnik began to yell, before being interrupted by Cary, who flicked his wind elegantly to both sides as he spoke.

    "Expelliarmus!" The spell echoed from his wand, smacking lightly into Kreshnik's hand and forcing his wand from his fingers with some force, the Albanian boy being forced to watch as his wand rolled forwards. Looking from the floor and then up at the younger Mordushku, Kreshnik rolled forwards.

    Cary smiled.

    Watching as the older boy rolled, Cary shifted his hand backwards and then forced his wand forwards, flicking violently to the left and to the right as the boy stood. "Cruris Expungo!" Cary yelled with the first flick, watching as Kreshnik's legs lost their bones and quickly sagged, twisting uncomfortably as he fell as quickly as he rose. "Ranunculus Erecto!" He finished the spell before Kreshnik hit the deck, watching as the young boy quivered upon the ground with clear discomfort.

    There was a moment of silence before the noises of Kreshnik's retching and vomiting filled the air. Many of the Mordushku's turned to each other, shocked in the quick dispatching of Kreshnik, voices quiet compared to the loud vomiting of the Durmstrang student. Angron watched with pride as the Albanian Second Year launched fat fist-sized globules of tadpoles from his mouth, some of them sneaking through his nose and landing upon the cloth with a sickening splat. Cary put his wand away, turning to Erion - whose face had turned to a snarl - and bowed, before turning to his father and the clapping Mordushku crowd and doing the same.

    Walking in the direction Kreshnik came from, Cary stepped off of the stage and walked over to his father, smiling wryly as he sidled up next to him once more. "Very impressive." Angron spoke as he watched Erion rush up the stage to cast a counter spell to the tadpole vomiting curse Cary had casted.

    "You knew I could handle him." Cary muttered, glad for his father's approval but more concentrated on his victory and the sign of his growing power.

    "I didn't." Angron looked down at his son, his eyes gleaming with straight-edged seriousness. "Kreshnik was a good Wizard. I knew you were good, but I was worried in case I threw you into this too early."

    "Well I guess you have your answer now." Cary replied, watching as Kreshnik sat up and was harshly slapped by his father, the Albanian man muttering about how the boy had 'embarrassed him to the fullest of his ability'.

    Turning to the small crowd, Angron rose his hands and shouted aloud. "The duel is done! A combatant has fallen and in his place rises the new Prodigy of the House!

    Caryxander Mordushku!"

    - - - - - - - - - -

    The Great Hall was sparkling under a thousand floating candles, each drifting in a whimsical circle where it hovered. The sky above was a dark, deep blue, the stars twinkling in the distance like reflections of the flames below. Towering banners lining the walls left and right of the entrance were boldly marked with the colours of the schools four houses; the bold scarlet and gold of Gryffindor, stamped with a roaring lion; Hufflepuff's warm yellow, bordered with black, the loyal badger as its totem. Ravenclaw's blue and bronze, adorned with a soaring eagle, and Slytherin. A coiled snake, on a border of green and striking silver.

    Caryxander had not spoken much of anything to anyone on the train ride from platform 9 and 3/4's, having left his family behind at the station. However, his ears had been verbally abused by none other than Percival Eggingsbaum, who had quickly decided to befriend Cary, deciding that the quiet Mordushku required to know everything about Percys life and the lives of his barely Pure-Blood family. Cary supposed that it was somewhat refreshing, as his family was rather reserved and preferred to keep their intimacies behind closed doors, yet Percy outed everything about himself and his family quicker than Cary could have asked: has an American; he had moved to England relatively early, yet not early enough to lose his accent; his parents were both graduates of Ilvermorny, etc etc. The list went on of things Percy had told Cary, and whilst Cary had not wanted to share anything about himself, he did so out of politeness - after all, by the laws of Pure-Blood status, Percy was indeed one of his own - that alone commanded some respect and politeness in their interaction.

    However, after they had described a lot of their outside lives to each other - Percy stating how he'd only recently fully gained a grasp on any sort of magic and was hoping that he could properly learn some spells and Cary stating that he had been learning magic for two years prior, yet wanted to learn more - Percy had almost refused to release Cary, pleased his newfound friend despite the clear polarity between their personalities. The Ugly boy had followed the Mordushku Prodigy all the way to the castle, yammering on about how 'they were going to be in the same house' and how 'my parents were in Pukwudgie so hopefully we will be in Hufflepuff' - as he had heard of their similarities from his parents, another fact Cary was 'pleased' to hear. Cary however did not want to be in Hufflepuff - he desired the green of Slytherin, where his family had resided ever since their first number journeyed to the Wizarding Institution. He kept silent on this however, as he listened to the other children surrounding him as they spoke in hushed excitement, covered by the mystically beautiful roof of the great hall.

    "So, where do you all want to be sorted? I'm thinking Gryffindor, myself! I have the lions' mane," A girl ahead of Cary and Percy giggled, gesturing to her thick, wild ginger curls that erupted from her head and spilled over her shoulders. "Though I wouldn't mind Hufflepuff - they seem like a friendly bunch. I just can't wait to get started! I can't believe we don't get to study Care of Magical Creatures till third year, it's so unfair!"

    "Charming." Caryxander spoke, voice clearly laced with thick, intentionally forced irony as he looked upon the girl. Percy meanwhile found himself sharing such excitement, turning to Cary and grinning as Hufflepuff was mentioned. Sniffing through his blocked nasal - as he had done for much of the journey, much to Cary's annoyance - and pushing his glasses upon the bridge of his nose, Percy looked back at the Ginger haired girl and grinned once more.

    "She seems nice!" He whispered to Cary. "And if she gets sorted into Hufflepuff, I'm sure she'll be great fun!"

    "You're deluded Percival." Cary muttered. "She's either a mudblood or she's an idiot - perhaps both." The boy held disdain for the girl's excitable boisterousness, she was nigh-on the anti-thesis of his character, the loudness to his quietness, the excitable nature to Cary's calm, modest demeanour.

    Percival had lost attention however, eyes scanning over the crowd to listen to other conversations, attempting to weigh up who might be where. "Hufflepuff." Another girl near to the ginger said without hesitation. Looking over at her, Percival was shocked to see her riding in a muggle contraption, yet found himself smiling again as things became more and more interesting by the second. Cary paid no attention, he was busy taking in the details of the hall and all of the teachers ahead.

    When the applause for the Hat's song had died down, Professor Bat stepped forwards and unrolled the parchment she held clutched in one hand, and looked up at the nervous students before them.

    "Kattalin Lide D'Hearna," she proclaimed in a loud voice with a sweeping gesture toward the stool and the hat, beckoning the first of the students' to be sorted forwards.
    The hall went quiet and she was shaky as she made her way up the steps, sat on the stool, and allowed the hat to be placed onto her head. Cary watched as the girl sat down, the ragged hat being dropped upon her small head. There was a pervading silence that filled the hall as the Hat spoke with Kattalin, before it cried out.

    "Ravenclaw!" The hat boomed outwards and the related table clapped thunderously, cheering as the smiling girl stood and rushed over to the tables, quickly finding a spot upon the table. Cary held his arms still, lightly clapping with his hands but not sharing the same vigorous action of the first years surrounding him.

    "Katrin Edlund," Professor Bat's voice rang out once more as the clapping died down and a moment of pause came across the crowd. Slowly but surely, a young girl wheeled herself forwards in her wheelchair, forcing Cary to curl his lips in disdain at the clear mudblood.

    "That's disgraceful, letting someone into such an establishment with that." Cary muttered, quietly, remarking on the wheelchair. His uttering was only heard by Percy, who turned to the Mordushku boy and shrugged.

    "I dunno, I think it's kinda cool." He sniffed hard once again.

    "You would." Cary responded coldly, shaking his head in disagreement as Percy smiled cheerfully.

    Watching as the girl muttered into her lap, a small dog leaped from her seated form and ran to the sorting hat, grasping it with its jaws before returning to the girl, both bringing quiet laughter and disapproval from some areas of the tables. There was another short moment of silence whilst the Hat communicated with the muggleborn 'Katrin', before it finally made a verdict.

    "Slytherin!" the hat boomed, it's voice echoing now to all the occupants of the Great Hall, and the table on the far left began to applaud; though she could see some of its' occupants looking over at her rather skeptically. Cary joined them, shaking his hand and keeping his hands at his side as he saw the girl wheel herself over the table that he desired - there was enough students in Slytherin that he wouldn't have to interact with the girl, but it was likely that he would run into her at some point - a moment he would rather not endure.

    Almost as quickly as the clapping and cheering had ended, the professor stepped forwards once more. "Tamilda Rowanwood!" Professor Bat called, and Tilly sprang forward, nearly bowling over the child in front of her in her eagerness to get to the stool. She planted the hat briskly upon her head and silence took the hall once more.

    It lasted for a very, very short amount of time, the decision being made within moments. "Gryffindor!" Cary listened as the hat's voice roared through the hall joined by the cheers that had erupted from the table bedecked with red banners, fists thumping against the wood of the table. Percy cheered as well, his excitement getting the better of him.

    "I wonder when I'm going to be cal-" Percy started, interrupted by Professor Bat's voice calling out into the crowd of First Years.

    "Percival Eggingsbaum!" she called, pupils flickering between the students as she waited for him to step forward. The clapping died down, a hush falling over the room once more. Percival's mouth remained agape for a moment, watching as Cary smiled and gestured for him to go ahead. Surprise turning into happiness, Percy darted forwards, politely pushing through the other children ahead of him before taking a seat the chair ahead. Taking his left hand, he once more adjusted his glasses and take another much-needed sniff before the hat was placed upon his head.

    "Hello Mr Sorting Hat."

    "Oh! Mr Sorting Hat aye?" The Sorting Hat spoke within Percy's mind with an air of amusement. "How very charming...I think I already know where I should put you..."

    "Wherever you want Mr Sorting Hat - provided my friend Cary comes along with me." Percy muttered.

    "Ah yes...making friends, being polite, clapping and cheering and a sense of deep honestly..." The Sorting Hug hmmm'd for a moment, before bellowing outwards. "Hufflepuff!" Standing up from the chair, Percival pressed his glasses back upon his nose and turned to the Hufflepuff house, watching as they clapped and cheered for him. Rushing down the steps towards the table, he thrust himself upon the chairs and smiled at those next to him holding out a clammy hand to say hello, not before making sure there was enough space for Cary to sit down next to him.

    After introductions had been briefly made with the other students surrounding him, Percy looked back at the First Years, finding Cary within the crowd. With abated breath he watched as the Professor Bat stepped forwards once more, waiting for the next student to be sorted, and to find the fate of his newfound friend.

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    Fira was sitting at the far end of the table, It was almost impossible to be by one's self at one of these tables but some people sure tried. Anyone who knew her from last year knew she was trouble. And it came as no surprise that some where shocked at her return after vanishing for the last half of the year, last year. Fira watched the sorting with glazed eyes, she was hearing what was going on but she was zoning out most of it. It was pretty much all the same as last year, kids just getting sorted into one of the four houses, there would be first years here and first years there. The other students would probably fill them in about her and she'd just remain on the outskirts.


    The crowd of first years was dwindling as each one was sorted into their house. Only a few remained now, and Dawn was standing out more and more amongst the shorter, younger students.

    "Dawn Scamander," Professor Bat called her name, and a few curious whispers started as attention was drawn to the brunette.

    Dawn gave a slight start as her name was called, it seemed far to soon! but time was just flying by it seemed. She'd watched the red head get sorted into Gryffindor earlier, what a comical sight she had been, so much excitement and energy! Dawn carefully picked her way through the remaining students . And the boy after that into Hufflepuff, he looked like a kind hearted fellow.

    At the front of the group now she felt that same heavy feeling that she'd felt before, a second sorting, she wondered briefly how many students got this chance, to feel this nervous, anticipating feeling for something like this twice! She let out a small breath before she moved forward and approached to take the hat and sit down with it upon her head. "Hello." She breathed with a smile. She didn't mind the eyes on her face as her's were looking above to the hat.

    "Hello to you, too. Hmmm, you're a little older than the usual lot. Ahh, a transfer." The hat spoke inside her mind, picking out pieces of information before she'd even thought them. "From Ilvermorny, I see. Now, where to put you... you're a considerate child, I can see that; though a little shy. Gryffindor could certainly help boost your confidence. Hard-working, too; and dilligent. Ravenclaw would help you nurture that intellect. But no... I know where you belong. Hufflepuff!" the hat shrieked, and an eruption of cheers rose from the yellow-bannered table.

    Dawn held her breath as the hat spoke into her mind. It was so very different! at Ilvamorny the statues reacted, each differently! But the hat spoke directly into her mind and seemed to know so much about her already! He considered three of the four houses for her in only moments but inwardly it almost felt like forever. Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? Hufflepuff!! Slytherin was not mentioned once but that didn't bother dawn as she breathed out another smile and a thank you to the hat before carefully taking it from her head. Three houses had been considered but one chosen, she was immensely grateful!

    Respectfully returning the hat the made her way down to her new housemates greeting them quietly as she found a place among them. There was no way to ease people into her appearance so she simply kept smiling as they welcomed in into their group.
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