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Thread: Providence [M] OOC

  1. #1
    Holocene's Avatar
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    Default Providence [M] OOC

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    Chief Science officer-
    Science Officer-
    Chief medical officer-
    Head Engineer-
    Chief Security Officer-
    Security Officer-
    Security Officer-
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  2. #2
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    Captain: Denki Kenta [Male Hylotl] 5'8" 135 lbs

    Born to simple rice farmers, Kenta was not satisfied with such a simple life. He was constantly getting in trouble for wandering off as a kid, going on adventures, and returning with various “treasures.” Knowing how short life is, Kenta took a life changing opportunity when he was about 15. A transport ship arrived to take the rice his family harvested, and Kenta stowed away on the ship. After some time hiding, the ship finally landed, and the young Kenta found himself in a large underwater city on a planet near the Hylotl home world. For almost a year, he found himself begging on the streets, barely making it by. Turning 16, an older Hylotl found him and took pity on him. The man ran a small salvage and had an old spaceship. Kenta worked for the man for two years, doing various deliveries. Here he learned how to fly a spaceship and really got a feel for the inner workings of the vessel. Eventually the young boy took on other small missions given to him from other people, trying to make some money for himself. His piloting skills increased, and he gained just barely enough fame to be recognized by the Letheia Corporation. However, he never understood the Hylotl’s hatred for Florans, and was hesitant to support their cause, of which he was unsure of. He did receive another offer though, from the Terrene Protectorate and at 17, they put him through pilot school, but the young boy couldn’t be bothered to show up on a regular basis. Getting a lot of heat from his higher ups, he barely made it through his schooling, and mainly cheated his way through. Because of this, Kenta is an excellent pilot and captain, but is unfamiliar with and rarely follows protocol. When he turned 18, he began to work for the Protectorate, and underwent 9 additional months of training to become an official captain. When the time came, the Protectorate gave him a ship and a crew, the SS Providence. His story begins on his first mission for the Terrene Protectorate.

    Often sarcastic, sometimes even condescending. Confident in his abilities, and believes he is right 90% of the time. He is still young, and not the most experienced, so he is prone to making rash decisions. Does listen to the opinion of others, however, always takes credit for their ideas when he agrees with them. He had a strong drive to succeed and is often considered a perfectionist. He wants people to see him as more than just the son of some rice farmers. He wants to become known by all as an amazing captain.

    His typical arsenal consist of a Hylotl style blade, similar to a katana. It is a double-edged sword, split down the middle, with a longer edge that is glowing blue and electrified and the shorter edge being made of metal. Being a one-handed sword, the captain uses a machine pistol in his free hand, one that applies the frost affect to those hit by it.

    Chief Medical Officer: Sir Goldshield of Valfurt [Male Glitch] 6'3" 230 lbs

    This glitch was built by two nobles, ruling a small agrarian planet. This class status and wealth is reflected in the gold used to forge this robot. He also has two younger sisters. Once he was old enough, his parents planned to marry him to a neighboring planet in an arranged marriage. As with many medieval marriages, this marriage was for wealth and good relations between the two planets. It was quiet awhile before Goldshield became truly self-aware. In fact, he had one kid of his own with the wife he was married to. At the age of 26, he was walking alone and observed nature run its course. He had a thought he had never had, he wondered what his role in nature was. This question plagued him for several months, before he just couldn’t answer it. He had to leave the planet, wander the stars, and perhaps find his own purpose. He spent a year and a half continuing to rule his people, all the while working on building a royal spaceship for himself. One that wasn’t just a small transport ship, but a small and fast ship capable of defending itself. At 28, upon the completion of his ship, the king took the ship and left. With no clear direction, Goldshield flew in a direction hoping to find something of interest. However, he just found more empty space and a lack of fuel. Running out of fuel and floating in empty space, Goldshield was found by a wandering vessel belonging to the Terrene Protectorate. Still perplexed by what his purpose in life was, the king wanted to continue his journey. He began to work for the Protectorate, going through their training and becoming a medical officer, working on various ships over a couple of years. Around 30, he found himself on the SS Providence.

    Goldshield has a genuine desire to help people, as he was saved by the kindness of strangers when he first became self-aware. He learned the way of medicine to help people who need it. However, his medieval tendencies still run strong. Often Goldshield is disappointed that people are against him sawing off their arm due to a papercut or when they refuse to let him use leeches on them when they sneeze. Still fairly new to this self-awareness thing, he is rather innocent and not adept at conversing with other humanoids.

    Goldfinger uses more defensive strategies when he is forced to engage in combat. He is typically equipped with a notched heater shield and a sabre style sword that inflicts the glow effect on those struck by it. His ranged weapon of choice is the crossbow, of which he uses different kinds of arrows, poison being the most common.

    Copilot: Chenzi Valsayri [Female Floran] 4'6" 105 lbs

    Born to a tribe with a particularly xenocentric greenfinger, Chenzi was encouraged to explore the stars and befriend the different races of the galaxy. She traveled the stars with her tribe and loved every minute of it. She especially liked the parts where she got to shoot and kill stuff. Her skill improved, and she was praised by her greenfinger. Several years of travel and practice went by before she was offered something very enticing by her greenfinger. The chance to become a protector with the Terrene Protectorate. She happily accepted the opportunity and began studying at their academy, where she met an interesting little Hylotl. Though not particularly fond of him being a Hylotl, she did witness his ability during a few practice simulations. Quietly watching the Hylotl, who she later found out was Kenta, she waited for the chance to become a part of his crew. Her training was complete by the time both her and Kenta’s training was complete. She bided her time, doing but only a couple missions over the course of nine months, until Kenta became a captain. When that happened, she happily signed up to become a part of his crew.

    Chenzi is very excitable, and for reasons she can’t quite understand, is only mildly annoyed by most Hylotl. She is not necessarily prone to violent outbursts, but when the time comes to shoot something, she goes a little overboard. Her approach to life is one of wonder. Life is mysterious and fun, and not meant to be taken seriously. She comes off as bubbly and carefree to most, and that’s not too far from the truth.

    Chenzi has a love for guns. She uses any and every type of gun depending on her mission. She particularly likes shotguns and grenade launchers, which is what she carries most often. There are two kinds of shotguns Chenzi alternates between, one that does fire damage and one that does explosive damage. She always carries a grenade launcher and a floran themed broadsword. Due to her floran nature, she often also carries bottles of water to protect herself from flames.
    Last edited by UserError404; 10-25-2018 at 03:20 PM.

  3. #3
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    Radon wheeler - novakid security officer: unknown age (no cares, steampunk/wildwest, male, no clue of his past, just wanders and stumbled across the security job.) Super hyperactive, talks a million miles an hour and gets easily distracted. Duel Western pistols and a rifle

    Baat Koh (axe beak) : 32 years old. Avian cheif engineer, male, left his mesoamerican like area to follow dreams of higher education despite families protest. He has high aspirations for himself. Bubbly and talkative. Has a dagger and a simple pistol for self defense

    Dahlia Amaryllis - (26 years) Floran greenfinger chief of security, female, needed a job and lodging. Doesnt speak of her past and hides her greenfinger abilities as that should mean she is the leader of her tribe and she doesnt want to answer all the questions. (Her predesessor neglected her tribe and the few survivors scattered. She was born on a terrene ship before her parent passed away.) She is strict and intimidating but on the inside is quite caring and beautiful. She is severely protective and will gut anyone who threatens a member of her crew. (Duel swords and a laser pistol) highly skilled in hand to hand combat
    Last edited by abbiejlee95; 10-25-2018 at 06:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Holocene's Avatar
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    Chief Science Officer- Walther Schädler (Human, Male)
    Walther has worked with the Protectorate for most of his adult 37 Earth year life. An expert in several forms of Biology, he was granted the role of Chief Science Officer on the SS Providence after he requested it for unknown reasons.

    Walther is a mission minded man, but generally easy to talk to, and far less condescending than most people of his education and stature. He spends most of his time aboard ship in the lab doing research, or communing with the other crew. However, he is not afraid to go on landing missions either, and he is somewhat familiar with the use of firearms to protect himself while on the missions.

    Walther stands at a 6 feet tall, at a medium sized build. He has pale skin, and unkempt dark brown hair, which he tends to let grow out. He has a jovial face with amber eyes, and a narrow nose.

    Walter often wears on board the ship a gray t shirt and loose gray pants. When he is in the lab, he will wear long black pants and a button down gray long sleeve shirt. he will wear the archetypal white lab coat when working with biological materials, but seldom otherwise.

    Junior Science Officer- Solara Windfall (Casian, Female)
    Solara is a Casian, a race of humanoids that resemble cats in their features. She stands at 5'7 tall and has a muscular build. Her fur is a mixture of a earthy red and light brown. Her piercing, predatory eyes shine a bright green. One of her triangular ears that sits atop her head is pierced with a golden ring and a green gemstone.

    She often wears black, form-fitting clothes, with long sleeves and legs. She also wears matching black gloves, and sometimes a hood and facemask.

    Solara is a quiet and reserved individual, often only speaking after she has thought something through. That is not to say everything she says is deadly serious or important, but she doesn't speak if she feels it doesn't need to be said.

    Solara has a degree in physics. She trains with a electro-blade every day, in order to fulfill the psychological need to protect herself. She often spends her time in the lab, or alone, only communing with everyone else for meals or meetings.

    Solara's home world was hit by economic and natural catastrophe when she was a young age. Her family fled the planet as refugees. However, during events that she has little memory of, her and her family were sold into slavery. Solara spent her formative years as a slave working on a energy farm on some desolate and isolated planet, separated from her family.

    As Solara grew older, her sharp mind was noticed by other slaves on the plantation, and they took to educating her, and training her wit and intellect. When she had just cusped Casian adulthood, she helped formulate a plan of escape and rescue. She escaped, and traveled long miles across the barren world they lived on, before finding a ship port where she notified a Protectorate ship flying near by, who then rescued the rest of the slaves.

    Solara, now free and alone, decided to join the Protectorate for a future. She went to school for physics, and decided to sign up for a science expedition where she could use her skills in a practical manner.

    Junior Security Officer- Aaron Talley (Human, male)
    Aaron is a 22 year old University drop out. Back on Earth, he came from a working class family and not much was expected of his future. But Aaron is restless. The idea of working at a shipyard for the rest of his life haunted him as a teenager, which led him to perform well in school so that he could go to University and have a shot at something greater.

    However, on arriving at University, he realized he didn't know what he wanted to do. After 2 1/2 years working toward a degree in History, he decided to drop out and scratch his itch for travel. Space, that was where he wanted to go, and so he did. He joined the Protectorate, but lacking any significant skills, became a soldier. He was trained as a security officer, and his first assignment was aboard the SS Providence, where he now finds himself.

    Before Aaron left Earth, he had never encountered an alien before. He suddenly encountered many after joining the protectorate, but he is still thrown off by their differences. Otherwise he is a laid back, but inquisitive person.

    Aaron has a desire for adventure, and will seek it wherever he can find it.

    Aaron stands at 5'11 and has slightly tan skin. He has a muscular build from his training, and keeps his light brown hair short for the same reason. His face is usually covered in a trimmed beard, but his piercing blue eyes betray his youth. Aaron wears the standard Protectorate security uniform.
    Last edited by Holocene; 11-05-2018 at 10:03 PM.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  5. #5
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    I suppose I should describe the ship we are on. It is an Asp Explorer, multipurpose ship. The cockpit has two seats, one of for the captain and one for the copilot. It has a top speed of 250 m/s, a max speed 290 m/s, a boost speed of 340 m/s, and a max boost speed of 394 m/s. The maximum jump range is 38.19 Ly. It is equipped with 4 small hardpoints and two medium hardpoints, a cargo hold capable of carrying 32 tones, and carries 32 tons of fuel. The ship itself has a mass of 280 tons with dimensions of 57 x 51 x 20 m.

    Anyways, that is enough of the boring technical stuff. Basically, it is a multipurpose scout ship. The body is painted a dark gray with two yellow-orange strips. It is equipped to fare well in combat without giving up its title of a scout ship, though it is one of the larger ships of its class. As you can see in the picture, the main cockpit has two seats, the one above for the captain and one below for the copilot. The two are connected to a small staircase behind the door, which leads to a small meeting area with a table and six chairs. A small room branches off here, which is the captain's quarters. The room has a small common area with a two person table and a very small kitchen. There is also a two person couch in the common area and a shared bathroom. On opposite sides of the room are two small alcoves, without any doors, that have beds and serve as the bedrooms for the pilot and copilot. Leaving the meeting room there is another staircase leading to the two floors of the ship. Throughout the ship there are small corridors and such allowing the crew access to the various inner working of the ship. The very back of the ship is the engine room, which is on the upper floor. In the middle of the ship is a small atrium area, similar to the one in the vaults in fallout, with the upper floor overlooking the lower floor, into the cargo bay. On the upper floor is the laboratories on the left and the armory and the sleeping quarters across from that, on the right side of the atrium. Taking the staircase that leads out of the meeting room, down to the lower floor, you will find a small mess hall/commons area. That area merges into the cargo bay. The common area, is slightly raised above the cargo bay, with railings and small set of stairs separating the two.

    As far as weapons go, there are six of them. There are two small burst lasers and two small multi-cannons. The burst lasers are thermal weapons, which are particularly effective against shields and don't require ammo but drain energy quickly and take time to recharge. The multi-cannons are kinetic weapons, which generate less heat and consume less power and are particularly effective against the hulls of ships but do require ammo. All four of these are turrets, which allow for the greatest mobility but less damage. It also is equipped with two plasma accelerators, which deal both kinetic and thermic damage. It is a powerful cannon type weapon, capable of ripping through even heavily shielding ships with a volley or two. However, it uses an enormous amount of energy and the ammunition is expensive. Additionally, the target must be directly in front of the ship. The weapons also require a charge up period and have a rather slow rate of fire. Lastly, our ship is equipped with a shield generator, electronic countermeasures, a chaff launcher, and a discovery scanner.

    Last edited by UserError404; 11-15-2018 at 02:41 PM.

  6. #6
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    BTW, you can post an image by doing [#img][#/img], but remove the #. The image button doesn't work.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?


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