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Thread: [M] The Brumal Horde (OOC)

  1. #1
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Default [M] The Brumal Horde (OOC)

    [Rated M for violence and horror aspects]

    In the frozen north, an army amasses. The Brumal Horde, consisting of seven sworn tribes of werewolves have joined forces under the rule of the Gelid Queen. They aim to sweep down the continent, slaughtering any resistance and ushering in an era of eternal winter. The Gelid Queen’s Empire will last forever!

    Elsewhere on the continent, clans of werefolk are readying for war. They must work together to fend off the lupine hordes, beat back the Gelid Queen, and stop her goal of endless ice. Will they succeed?

    Spoiler: The Setting 

    Spoiler: Lycanthropy Guidelines 

    Spoiler: Character Sheet 

    Spoiler: Accepted Characters 
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 07-15-2021 at 04:23 AM.
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  2. #2
    Alura's Avatar
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    |Name| Oddbjorn Vetle

    |Species| Kamchatka Bear (ursus arctos beringianus)

    |Human Appearance| Tall and by most approximations fair, Oddbjorn has well-kept dark hair that varies in length depending on how recently he was last visiting the nearest clan settlement. His facial hair tends to mirror the same passage of time and while his clothes are out of fashion they are clean and well-mended. Since he rarely maintains this form, he can sometimes have trouble moving into it initially and almost never prefers it when not in the presence of others. His skin is a bronzed brown and his eyes golden-green like translucent agate. A scar runs along his chest, white lacing through dark edges and very deep. He typically wears a simple undyed homespun shirt that incidentally hides this and trousers of the same simple materially dyed brown. His boots are sturdy hide and he typically moves about without any weapons beyond his grumpy glower.

    |Hybrid Appearance| Tall and barrel-chested, Oddbjorn has well-kept dark hair that varies in length depending on how recently he was last visiting the nearest clan settlement. His face is disturbingly human with a dark, brown-furred snout and sharp teeth. While he retains some use of his hands, his fingernails and toenails extend to full claws and he sports both a tail and a far larger frame. Ears and tail variably appear, sometimes one or none of them depending on how difficult or abrupt the transformation to hybrid might be. Oddbjorn spends more time than he might like in this phase, as he prefers to remain beastly in appearance and has to remember to shift back before his treks into the nearby encampments and settlements. Never having completed The Taming, heightened emotion or danger can throw him into this state and bewilder him, resulting in a large, half-mad and pained humanoid bear hybrid in which his control tends to slip more easily and make him more hazardous to any other weres nearby him.

    |Beast Appearance| Kamchatka bears look similar to Kodiak, save a bit more auburn in hue when the light is right. His golden-green eyes fade to a honeyed colour and his dark hair becomes nothing but a faint line of darker fur along his brown-bear spine. While Kamchatka are comparable to the Kodiak, or perhaps a bit smaller in size, Oddbjorn has always been large for his breed. Towering around the same size as natural polar bears, his wingspan is considerable and his powerful jaws and teeth have a way of offsetting all but the bravest enemies. While relatively passive and preferential to avoid conflict as a human, whilst a bear Oddbjorn would sooner scare off or eliminate threats than dither about with them.

    |Special Power|
    |Tardigrade| The "water bear" skill allows Oddbjorn to melt snow with his internal furnace and forge ahead through icy terrain without being drained as much by it as those who have less cold-resistance. This has surprising defensive uses, like allowing him to melt cold-based attacks/weapons and routine purposes like keeping companions warm, if he should for some reason not be able to get those pesky houseguests to leave him alone...

    |Personality| As per most werebears, Oddbjorn Vetle prefers a solitary life. He doesn't start trouble and he doesn't get involved in trouble other people start. He likes to do his work, collect his pay, relax in his humble cave, and go about it all again. Breaks in routine are incredibly annoying to him, and while he is gentle in his dealings with most of the clansmen he has been dealing with for nearly two decades, he has little to do with outsiders unless they have trade to offer. He likes food, sleep, and solitude. He dislikes people who piss upstream whilst he's fishing and windmill-tilting would-be fighters who are overly chatty. The world is a dark place and it's best to just accept that and do what you can to live peacefully and die unobtrusively.

    |Bear Grylls| A survivalist and seasoned woodsman, fishing and tracking are second nature to him. Need to know whether that insect pairs well with those mushrooms? He's the one to ask, provided you're willing to share. The ability to find sustaining food and shelter anywhere is a boon in most situations. The downside of this is that beyond basic interactions he can be abyssmal in social situations. He's definitely not to be trusted in long-term arrangements that involve four walls and more people beyond just himself. Nuanced bargaining? Not your guy. Starchy clothes? He may actually eat you.

    |Bear Bones & Bare Necessities| Honest, simple living has given him lots of sunshine, fresh water, and just enough social interaction to prevent him from becoming a complete menace. He may not be the soundest of mind rattling around in his cave, but he is about as sound of body as it gets. Good constitution makes him difficult to hurt and quick to recover from any illness or injury that does slip through his defenses. He can eke out a living almost anywhere by leveraging his physical health and strength into odd jobs of many different kinds. He also keeps homebrewed beer that he tends to down in large quantities around the time of the full moon in the hopes of sleeping through it. Most times he thinks it works well enough.

    |Ursa Major, Canis Minor| Despite - or perhaps because of - his lack of social graces, he tends to be very blunt. While he is not one for mincing words he gets on reasonably well with werewolves who aren't explicitly trying to harm him personally. His size and ferocity make them less than eager to try to get a rise out of him, and his pared-down manner of address and general aire of annoyance tend to read as commanding or at least reasonable to the pack animals. Once in a while the side effect of this is that an egotistical alpha wants to try his luck, but that tends to happen primarily with younger wolves who are still short of tooth.

    |Backstory| Oddbjorn has a cave, food, and a nicely laid out place to sleep and let the world go by around him. He had family and friends once, but most of them disappeared when he was young and he believes most of them were victims of the Gelid Queen. They are distant memories, and sometimes he cannot be sure what he remembers and what he has dreamed up over the years. He ekes out a rather good living with his trade and sometimes when he helps with settlement chores here and there in good weather they give him bread and more importantly - the hops he uses to brew the beer that lets him slumber through the roughest phases of the moon. Fishing and foraging provide his livelihood in the form of trade, and time to time in the warmer weather - whenever that actually comes - he might be found doing those odd jobs like hauling and cutting firewood, assisting the local blacksmith, and things of that nature. These forays are the only time he really shifts back to his human form. He is meticulous with his grooming in all but hybrid form, where he is typically unstable. That's it, really. He's a simple man/bear with simple wants.
    Last edited by Alura; 07-04-2021 at 02:49 AM.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  3. #3
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    I love it, the perfect werebear. Accepted.
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    Name: Lilura Alice Harper
    Species: Cougar, Puma concolor
    Human Appearance: Lila is a lean woman standing nearly 5’0” even. She has long golden blond hair that flows down her back and bangs that even fall to her eyebrows. Half the time her hair is up in a single ponytail other times Lila couldn’t be bothered to deal with it. Her eyes were also different. The left eye is a bright Amber color and the right a milky maple color. A jagged fresh scar runs from her forehead to her chin cutting through her right eyelid, causing the color change. Lila normally wears what she could steal, mainly cloth clothing and worn, torn leather boots.
    Hybrid Appearance: Lila gains about 3 more inches in her Hybrid form. Her lean frame dons more muscles. Large curved fangs appear in her mouth and her humanoid ears morph to pointed ears on the top of her head. Her body gains a light covering of golden fur, her face slightly morphs to have more cougar-like characteristics. Short sharp claws extend from her fingers. The jagged scar on her face becomes more noticeable since her right eye gets even duller. Her long golden hair actually looks like she freshly cut it to her shoulders, the bangs finally fall on either side of her face long and meeting the rest of the hair length.
    Beast Appearance: Cougars go by many names but they are still the largest breeds of the smaller cats. Her size isn’t overly massive, only standing 5’5” with a length of 5’. She has brightly colored golden fur covering her lean frame. Her hind legs seem more muscular than her front legs which give her more jumping power. She has larger paws and sharps claws. She also has a flexible spine so she can run faster and change directions easily.
    Special powers:
    {Wild Cat Scream} Though she can communicate like any cat Lila possesses the ability to emit a short ear-piercing scream, when in a life-threatening situation.
    Personality: Lila is quiet, reserved, and a loner. Being in an overly social situation drains her patience rather quickly. She tends to focus on the bigger picture with things and doesn’t have the patience to scale the fine details. She is loyal and devoted to a cause and tends to make quick decisions based on her personal feelings. She also tends to take everything personally and is difficult to get to know.
    {Super Jump} While in beast form Lila can jump up to 20 feet. When in hybrid form It’s lessened to 15 feet and in Human form, she can jump 10 feet.
    {Swimming} Lila is normally a good swimmer but will refuse to swim while in beast mode.
    {Fat Running} Like her Cheetah cousins She has a more flexible spine which causes her to be able to run faster, maneuver around objects gracefully, and change direction quickly.
    {Ambush Hunting} While in hybrid or beast form she can be seen lunging at her prey and knocking it off balance to get the upper hand.
    {Keen eyesight} She has the ability to notice things moving quickly and can prepare to quickly lunge.
    Backstory: Lilura doesn’t remember a time where she wasn’t on the move. Being a solitary animal she prefers to be alone rather than part of a larger group. She knows she had a family at one point, but doesn’t know what happened to them or where they would be at this point, but she knew that the Gelid Queen was responsible in some way.
    Last edited by Corvina; 07-05-2021 at 12:18 AM. Reason: correcting typos

  5. #5
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    Interesting, the cougar and jaguar will have some interesting interactions. Accepted!
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    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    I was thinking of making a wereowl and will get something up soon!

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    ah, yes, thank you.
    I'll start working on a character for you real soon and will do my best to have it up by the end of the week.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Spoiler: Flora Everest 
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-14-2021 at 01:27 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  9. #9
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    I like it! Accepted.
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  10. #10
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    We gots 4 peeps
    I'd like to get started.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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