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Thread: Expendable (OOC)

  1. #1
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    Default Expendable (OOC)

    Prisoner 49-0327:

    Good morning.

    It is now Thursday, August 1, 2143 09:43 AM Earth GMT.

    Your appeal has been rejected, and you have been scheduled for termination on Tuesday, December 31, 2143 at 11:45 PM.

    However, you may still be of use to the Corporation.

    On May 1, 2143, the Corporation won the rights to the Lyca system, on the edge of Known Space. Lyca IV is a gas giant, suitable for fuel processing. Gamma, the third of Lyca IV's moons, has a breathable nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere but is subject to extreme low temperatures during its night cycle. It is primarily covered by water, but there is one island.

    Survey probes have discovered an artifical structure on Gamma's island. This structure is not of human origin. As the other planets of the Lyca system are incapable of supporting life and none has been identified on Gamma, we assume this structure is of extraterrestrial origin.

    The survey crew reported the structure to the Corporation, then followed protocol by landing a survey team to explore the structure.

    Robotic explorer units were deployed, but were disabled when they crossed into the structure. Units were recovered and examined, no fault was found. Further examination suggested their systems were overwhelmed by random magnetic fluctuations. Two units were shielded and sent in.

    They did not return.

    Five of the human crew volunteered to enter the structure. Communication was lost immediately on entering the structure. A fiber optic tether was provided for wired communication, but communication was lost 45 minutes after entering the structure.

    They did not return.

    Your mission objectives:
    1. Explore the structure.
    2. Recover whatever remains of the Survey Team.

    Because this mission is rated as Extremely Dangerous, please note the following conditions:

    1. Attempt to escape or tamper with your security collars will result in your immediate termination.
    2. Failure to achieve mission objectives will result in your immediate termination.
    3. If you are able to only discover what happened to the Survey Team, your sentences will be commuted to life imprisonment (without suspended animation).
    4. Recovering a dead body belonging to the Survey Team will reduce the term of your sentence by two years.
    5. Rescuing a surviving member of the Survey Team will reduce the term of your sentence by five years.
    6. Terminating a surviving member of the Survey Team or a member of the crew delivering you to the planet will result in your immediate termination.
    7. Disable whatever is affecting robots and communications will reduce the term of your sentence by ten years.
    8. Provide substantial information on the purpose of this structure, your record will be expunged and you will be released on the inhabitable planet or station of your choosing.
    9. A Corporate Expert System will be provided to assist and monitor you while you are on Gamma. Failure to return with the Corporate Expert System will count against your sentencing and may delay your rescue from Gamma.
    10. Any unauthorized departures from the surface are subject to immediate destruction by the Corporate ship in orbit.

    Please state if you accept this mission.

    Spoiler: Background 

    [Hide=Corporate Expert System]
    A Corporate Expert System is a Tempest-shielded android with limited Artificial Intelligence (property, not person) containing personality cores, allowing the core to act as an expert in a particular field.

    The Corporate Expert System assigned to this mission has the following cores installed:

    Bones (Medical)
    Scotty (Engineering)
    Spock (Science)
    Rand (Administrative)

    These systems are nicknamed "Schizo" as they can sometimes flip rapidly between each personality as they fight for control. Physically, it is limited to baseline human abilities. As it will also act as your remote monitor, failure to bring it back will weigh against you.

    Spoiler: Character Creation 

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Approved Characters:

    49-7042 / ORI-7042 aka "Rigel" (Splat)
    49-7777 / Allister Caine (Ma1chbox)
    49-1199 / Nosau (Emet)
    49-0245 / Ivy Rae Tyler (AngelDellaNotte)
    49-0849 / Sonia Martinez (Azazeal849)
    49-1917 / Ted (Imperial1917)
    47-7606 / Croak (Crainium)
    49-8750 / Max Stone "Mad Max" (Potatrobot)
    49-2561 / Kimberly McDonnough (KaraMei)
    Last edited by Enigma; 07-13-2017 at 04:43 PM. Reason: Pictures removed due to changes at photobucket
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  2. #2
    Domina Noctis
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    Prisoner number: 49-0245

    Prisoner name: Ivy Rae Tyler

    Race: Human

    Sex: Female

    Age: 24

    Favorite Food: Mexican

    Augments: None, she isn't fond of medical procedures.
    Spoiler: Description: 
    Conviction: 42 counts of murder

    Sentence: Death

    Specialty: Forensic Analyst / Crime Scene Investigator

    Prisoner History: Ivy was born on a Jupiter 12, a colony station in orbit of Jupiter, her parents were upper middle class, her father worked as a foreman in the engineering department and her mother was a school teacher aboard the station. She excelled in school and was accepted for a scholarship on earth. Like she had in the schools on the station Ivy was top of her class until her senior year, when doctors discovered a tumor in her brain near the lateral frontal pole. The doctors were able to remove the tumor but there was some damage already done and the area of her brain was still degrading. She was forced to take a year off from school but returned afterward to finish her degree. None of the doctors knew this at the time but the damage to her lateral frontal pole affected her sense of right or wrong. She didn’t realize anything was wrong at first but as time moved on she began to realize her judgment was impaired.

    By then she had already moved back to the Jupiter 12 station and taken a job with the corporation security forces. She was hired on as a Forensic Analyst and was later promoted to also work as a crime scene investigator. When she started responding to crime scenes she couldn’t help but think about how she could commit the crimes better without getting caught. Her first crime was the murder of a man the security forces suspected was selling drugs, she was thrilled by the fact the security forces couldn’t pin the case to her. From there she commit another murder and another, each time she was able to misdirect the evidence away from her.

    It became a game to her to find out more elaborate ways to commit murders. After a while she began framing others for the crimes. Her downfall was when she killed a prominent station leader and tried pinning the murder on a rival politician. The station with the high number of cold cases brought in specialized team from Earth and cut all station personal out of the investigation. The Earth team was able identify Ivy as the killer and soon began looking into her other cases. They were able to connect 42 of the unsolved cases to Ivy. She was tried and convicted of the murders then given a death sentence. What the station in unaware of is Ivy was never connected to 13 more murders.

    Mental status: Her mental state began as merely have trouble determining what was right or wrong but over the years it has lessened to the point were she does and says whatever she wants. A kill order has been placed on Ivy if she gets out of line.

    Weapons: Ivy carries with her a Glock 41 Gen 4, her former service weapon. When she was on her killing spree Ivy tended to use objects at the scene of the crime rather then bring a weapon. She usually would use whatever she found handy, therefor allowing her to be versatile with her ability.

    Personal Gear: A portable, hand-held computer that can be used to scan crime scene allowing her to do data analyze outside of a lab. (For the mission only). A book or two, Ivy always has a couple books from the prison library. A pair of reading glasses, she is far-sighted and has trouble reading up close. She never had her eyes corrected with surgery not wanting to have surgery again after the tumor was removed.
    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 08-03-2016 at 05:41 AM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #3
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    Prisoner Number: 49-7042
    Prisoner Name: ORI-7042 aka "Rigel"
    Race: Android
    Sex: None, but has a male voice
    Age: Was built 9 years ago
    Favorite Food: 240v 10A
    Augments: None
    Spoiler: something like this 

    Conviction: Arson, Several counts of murder, Resisting Arrest
    Sentence: 87 "Life" Sentences
    Specialty: Engineering

    Prisoner History: The working android ORI-7042, or "Rigel" as he prefers to be called, was manufactured by the Orion Corporation on the Earth's moon. He, along with the many other identical androids serving around him, was built for the purpose of being easily acquired, disposable laborers in the mining colonies. These androids were designed to be personable, unable to act aggressively towards humans. Unfortunately for his producers, Rigel, along with three other of his android partners (christening themselves "Saiph", "Bellatrix", and "Betelgeuse") had fatal flaws embedded in their systems.

    Upon learning of their purpose as disposable tools, these four androids went rogue, rampaging through the facility destroying anything in their paths. (wip)

    Mental Status: Most of the time, Rigel is quite polite and agreeable, as his manufacturers intended. Unfortunately, what they didn't intend was for his circuitry to be misproduced, causing uncontrollable flashes of mania or anger. He is a tad sadisctic, taking pleasure at the expense of others. As such, he makes a lot of snide, insulting jokes. He has also developed a touch of pyromania. You might want to keep him away from anything burning. Note: Robot is one of his trigger words. Please don't call him a robot. You will regret that.

    Weapons: None, but he does have a mean punch considering his hands are made of metal
    Equipment: Toolkit of spare parts and equipment needed to repair himself or other mechanical objects
    Last edited by Splat; 08-02-2016 at 02:34 AM.

    and dreadfully distinct/against the dark a tall white fountain played

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    Spoiler: Quotes, sets, gamertags, things to click on 

  4. #4

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    Prisoner number: 49-1917
    Prisoner name: Ted
    Race: Human
    Sex: Male
    Age: 18
    Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes
    Augments: n/a
    Description: A nondescript white male, Caucasian. Approximately 5'5'' and 180 pounds. Short blonde hair, clean-shaven.

    Conviction: Jay-walking, causing a truck full of hazardous/explosive material to veer off its path, crashing into the support for an overpass, causing the payload to explode and collapse said overpass, causing a terrible traffic situation for a month while the overpass was repaired. Because it was a highway (and therefore nobody should be walking there anyways) and because of some dubious material found in the home, this was classified as an act of terrorism.
    Sentence: Life Imprisonment
    Speciality: Electronics. For bomb-making.

    Prisoner History: Born a boring man in a boring world, there was plenty of plastic, but it wasn’t so fantastic. Ted had an average childhood where his mother was horribly mutated by chemicals while at work (which the company refused to take responsibility for), where his father abused him (and eventually ate his own gun out of self-loathing), and his teachers adored him (a few doing so a little too much).

    Needless to say, he just wanted more love. Naturally, he found the wonders of the dark corners of the internet where he met all kinds of friends. One day a new friend of his suggested that he put his hours of reading technical books (the only books he could get) in a corner while he cried himself to sleep to good use. That was, of course, code for making bombs and Ted knew it. At this point though, he was going through that angsty set-the-world-on-fire teenage stage of his life and the feel-like-I'm-immortal phase. For the most part he was sent the raw materials and then he put them together however he saw fit. Then he sent them back and made sure to watch the 6 o'clock news.

    Then his friend had a new request. There was an overpass that needed a bit of demolition work. For it, the bomb had to be more specialized. Unfortunately, Ted could not figure out how to build the bomb even when he was given a schematic for it. Angry and determined not to disappoint, he stalled as long as he could until he came up with a simple plan. He knew that the overpass was nearby and knew that trucks with explosive/hazardous material frequently passed under it. In fact, part of the original plan was to detonate the bomb when one of those trucks passed through to maximize the damage. As the bomb was not forthcoming and the deadline was near, he figured to skip to the latter half of the plan. As it turned out, the plan worked perfectly. And then he got caught.

    Mental status: Sane-ish and angsty.

    Weapons: Semi-automatic pistol
    Personal Gear: The schematic that Ted’s friend sent him! They let him keep it! Well, after he hid it in... interesting places.
    Last edited by Imperial1917; 08-04-2016 at 06:05 PM.
    Spoiler: Around the Forum 

  5. #5
    The Replicant
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    Player: Azazeal849

    Prisoner number: 49-0849

    Prisoner name: Sonia Martinez

    Race: Human (mixed Caucasian / Hispanic ethnicity)

    Sex: Female

    Age: 38

    Favorite Food: Anything, as long as it's home cooked. Her mother was rather militant about this, and it stuck

    Augments: None

    Description: Sonia is a lean, imposing woman, with a hard, diamond-shaped face and a stone-cold glare that would stop most challengers in their tracks. She has dark brown eyes and a broad nose, set above a narrow mouth and chin. Her short brown hair is unkempt, and beginning to grow out. Her skin is fawn-toned and she sports distinctive gang tattoos on her face and upper arms, which take the form of jagged swirls.

    Conviction: Attempted murder, and a whole load of unproven ones

    Sentence: Life Imprisonment

    Speciality: Former gang hitman

    Prisoner History: Fast learning, naturally athletic and with a keen eye for practical problem solving, Sonia would have had all the makings of a successful woman if she had been born anywhere but the chronically underfunded ghettoes of New Detroit. In an area where youth unemployment ran close to 50%, and a brutally discriminatory justice system funnelled many youngsters straight from school into prison, the most attractive option for many was to run with the narco-gangs that dominated the ghetto streets. At least they offered a wage, and some semblance of belonging.

    Sonia committed her first theft at 14, and her first murder at 17, when almost without meaning to she fired a stub revolver into a street fight and claimed the life of a teenage boy from a rival gang. Over the years she gained prominence - too introverted to ever lead, but clever and cold enough to become one of the gang's premier fixers and hitmen.

    Her luck ran out when she was sent to assassinate a local politician, who had long been in the gang's pocket but was no longer toeing the desired line. Captured instead by the politician's bodyguards, it was of course Sonia and not the gang boss who took the fall for the attempted murder.

    Mental Status: Sane, although a hard life has built up many walls in her mind - probably too many to fully break down again. She is taciturn and slow to trust, and has an ingrained hatred for most authority figures. She does however prize loyalty and community, even though - or perhaps because - she herself is so seldom accepted into one.

    Weapons: Experienced with semi-automatic pistols, pump action shotguns, light automatics and hand grenades. She'll take what she can get from the offered armoury.

    Personal Gear: Prison Omni (which she rarely uses), a couple of old war novels, lighter and cigarettes, and clothes.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 08-07-2016 at 04:56 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  6. #6
    The Last Remembrancer
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    reserved as well, might recook something. . .

  7. #7
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    Ok guys - some questions have come up, so I've modified the character sheet.

    Weapons of this era are still the guns we know today. Shotguns, derringers, revolvers, and semi-automatics allowed. Bombs are not.

    Energy weapons do not scale down to handhelds yet.

    Equipment is being replaced by Personal Gear - basically everyone is issued a "ditty box" to hold their personal items. This thin-wall but durable box is 15 inches long by 12 inches wide by 10 inches tall. This is not to hold your clothes - that's a separate box. Think keepsakes - a print bible, for example, not the Gideon ebook.

    Most papers and pictures are electronic format, you can have them printed out on "plas" - thin plastic sheets.

    In your civilian life, you would have used Omnis - these are handheld computers that resemble today's smart phones - but these are smarter, with the computing power of top-rated gaming rig and synthetic diamond chip sets. While most use cloud backup, Omnis have one external memory slot. The memory chips are available as MicroSD cards offered in 4tb, 8tb, 16tb, 32tb, 64tb, and 128tb capacity.

    Prison-issued Omnis are more rugged. They have no external memory slots, you have access to a prison account for all media (very restricted on what's allowed) and cannot access anything outside the prison network. If you take one out of the prison facility, it becomes a doorstop.

    Synthetics (androids) typically do not need to eat organic food. Some may take in lubricants and coolants to top off internal tanks. You probably have an internal reactor for power, so your food would be what your reactor takes in - probably distilled water for a micro-hydrogen generator. A pint should last you all year. Or perhaps you're a recharging model - so your favorite food will be your charging voltage, perhaps 240V 10A? Let me know how long that'll last you.
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2016 at 09:16 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Player: Potatrobot
    Prisoner number: 49-8750
    Prisoner name: Max Stone (Sometimes called Mad Max)
    Race: Android
    Sex: Male
    Age: 38
    Favorite Food: 240 volts at 10 amps, with a 2 day battery life.
    Augments: Four arms.
    Description: Max occupies a matte-black, bulky humanoid frame, slightly larger than life, and built for heavy lifting. Two strong legs support his armoured hull while four powerful arms lift objects weighing as much as a tonne. His head resembles a skull without a lower jaw, with a crown-like row of squared ridges at the top of his forehead. His eyes are a pair of deep-set, red, glaring lights.

    Conviction: Pre-armature deadlock: 4 cases of manslaughter; 5 cases of permanent injury; avoiding arrest, resulting in deadlock. Post-armature deadlock: 6 cases of manslaughter, resulting in death-sentence.
    Sentence: Permanent deactivation.
    Speciality: Physical labour.

    Prisoner History: Max Stone, believe it or not, was once human; a very aggressive thug-type with an affinity for knives. Over the course of his life, he had built a resume that boasted a capacity for hired violence, and a criminal record that could attest. After committing the latest crimes to go on said record, he found himself on the run.

    At the time, the colony he lived on was enjoying the presence of the New Light movement, wherein the sick, the dying, the homeless and the depressed had the option to upload their consciousnesses into a vast matrix, creating an artificial but tangle afterlife where they could exist free from the troubles of life. However, this included most of the population of the colony, and after criminals like Max began using it to escape punishment for their crimes, the colony's Corporation stepped in, abolishing the movement. Members who had transcended to the matrix were downloaded and housed in work robots of all types, ensuring that everyone was a functioning member of society, whether they liked it or not.

    Max, not being particularly bright or skilled in anything useful, was given what amounted to a muscle robot and stationed in a warehouse, where he would lift and sort heavy shipping crates day in and out. After a brief adjustment period, Max became used to this new body and his lot in what would turn out to be a very long life, but old habits die hard. It was at that point that the Corporation realised that before they put convicted criminals into giant robot bodies with four arms, they should put measures in place to ensure their cooperation. Max was soon neutralised and his 'soul' was put on death row.

    Mental status: Max is sane, though his violent tendencies survived the transition from his human body to his robotic one unscathed. Having willingly given up his mortal body to escape his crimes, Max is content with his new chassis. He even finds it exciting sometimes, when he could pick up a one-tonne shipping crate and lift it over his head. This can often cause him to get carried away.

    Weapons: Three large, composite blades. Two knives, holstered in his lower-two arms, and a large sword, clipped onto his back. Each was built specifically for Max's use for the mission, and have thick, square hilts and segmented, trapezoidal blades.
    Personal Gear: A toolbox and numerous spare parts for performing repairs on himself, as well as a prison Omni.
    Last edited by Potatrobot; 09-15-2016 at 12:34 PM.
    Spoiler: More from Tate 

  9. #9
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    [ WIP ]

    Prisoner number: 49-7777

    Prisoner name: Allister Caine

    Race: Human

    Sex: Male

    Age: 41

    Favorite Food: Egg in a basket

    - Hardened alloy prosthetic left forearm
    - Bionic left eye with rudimentary target highlighting capabilities and a built-in flashlight

    Spoiler: Not McCree 

    Conviction: Multiple counts of piracy, corporate espionage, large-scale theft, smuggling contraband, and murder

    Sentence: Death

    Speciality: Sharpshooting (up to medium range), setting ambushes, smuggling, space piracy

    Prisoner History:
    Spoiler: Bio 

    Mental status: Sane. Smug, ballsy, and a pain in the ass in general, but still perfectly sane.

    Weapons: Seven-shot revolver, semi-automatic pistol, machete

    Personal Gear: A small carton of cigarettes, a weatherproof lighter, some small tools for prosthetics maintenance
    Last edited by Ma1chbox; 08-04-2016 at 02:23 AM.

    Currently on hiatus (possibly for good)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Potatrobot View Post
    I'd like to reserve a spot here. Hoping for an android character but I'll see what happens.
    Potatrobot takes the second android slot. When it comes to food, tell me your preferred charging voltage and the life of your battery. 240v 10A?

    And a big welcome to everyone!
    Last edited by Enigma; 08-01-2016 at 09:18 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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