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Thread: Stargate: Phoenix

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    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Default Stargate: Phoenix


    It's been four days since the discovery of the re-emergence of a stronger Goa'uld force and their first act was to destroy the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Sites. Major General Philip Kevin Loyer immediately halted all off world travel except to Earth, Atlantis, or Destiny.

    Major General Loyer, Pheonix Team-1 (PT-1), and other select Phoenix site personnel were sent to Earth for a joint briefing with the Free Jaffa Nation. The Free Jaffa Nation was the least prepared to handle the weaponry now being deployed by the Goa'uld. The Free Jaffa Nation reluctantly allowed teams of Tauri scientists and engineers to begin upgrading their Ha'tak ships.

    The members of the Pheonix Site have returned home. Major General Loyer immediately began updating Atlantis and Destiny. Colonel Austin began updating other Pheonix team leaders about the new threat. Captain Ward began overseeing the deliveries from Earth developed by Stargate R&D. Her favorite was the Projected Energy Weapon, based on the Traveler's Particle Magnum. As soon as Major General Loyer was done with his briefing she had to oversee the delivery of the two Gateship prototypes to Atlantis.

    Colonel Austin then gathered her team to discuss their first mission in the new war with the Goa'uld.

    Projected Energy Weapon:

    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 12-20-2023 at 12:33 PM.

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Oki'na sat in a medical exam room with another patient.

    Ahchew. Specialist Rohn Kegan sneezed. He was of a good higher by Aturen standards, which meant he was pretty tall by the standards of the Tau-ri. He shivered despite the coat her wore over his uniform. He looked pale, and sweat rolled down his face despite his obvious chills.

    Rohn would make the fifteenth patient so far with the same symptoms.
    Sneezing, coughing, chills, sweating, stuffy nose, low appetite, tiredness, headaches. A few patients were also developing cysts.
    He ha

    "Take this at every meal for a few days, even if it's only a light meal. Drink plenty of water, get some rest, and avoid contact was others." Oki'na said, handing him a bottle of pills.

    Rohn left and Oki'ns turned to finish filling out the exam report. Fifteen patients in three days. If they kept this up, half the base was gonna be down with it. They might need to get more supplies.
    And the way things were going, it wouldn't hurt to set up a quarantine just in case.
    She filled out a recommendation forum as well. She'd be surprised if no on else suggested what she was about to.

    Recommend to section off a base to quarantine patients.
    Recommend stocking up on medical supplies.
    Recommend all staff go through examination and subsequent vaccination.

    She sighed, knowing she was about to make a lot more work for herself. She grumbled to herself what this will all take to get done. But she was a medic, and her job was to keep everyone fit, and healthy so they can do their jobs.

    After finishing the form, she picked up the papers and walked out of the exam room and down to Dr. Koenig's office and knocked on the door.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-03-2023 at 12:31 AM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #3
    The Grey Lady
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    Time seemed to be moving in reverse, with the threat of the Ori eliminated one should have been able to breathe a sigh of relief. Not that there weren't countless other threats out there in the universe only waited to be discovered or unleashed. But now news of the return of the Goa'uld had broken, new system lords had risen to be dealt with. It seemed like only yesterday that been fighting against the Goa'uld not only to free the Jaffa, but to free the known universe of their reign of torture and terror. It was enough to make one's head spin. Then again, if one didn't get the chills from the thought of those pesky little snakes, something might have been wrong.

    "Please tell me you got everything." Dr. Koenig, affectionately known to base personnel as "Evie" demanded of a young officer assisting with the unloading of numerous crates. Off in the distance, Evie caught sight of Captain Ward, who was undoubtedly taking a keen interest in the new defense equipment sent by R&D.

    "See for yourself." The man replied with a smile, handing Evie a clipboard with a mess of papers attached. Taking the object into her hands she began to thumb through the pages. "My hero." Evie gushed for a moment, overjoyed that all of the requested supplies had in fact come through the gate. It seemed like every time she asked for something she would either get the wrong thing entirely, or less than what was requested. Their resources were spread thing across the various outposts.

    "Say that again Doc and I'll never let you down." He replied one final time and turned his attention back to the business at hand. Evie, now satisfied began the walk back toward her office, her mind slowly returning to matters more pressing on base. At Phoenix site, things were often somewhat more relaxed, and though Evie was an officer, she opted for a more casual civilian dress, save for when at ceremonies, official meetings etc... or of course on away missions when she did exactly as was required. The sound of her black heels clicked along the concrete floors, the white fabric of her lab coat swaying ever so gently as she moved. The breeze in the base was artificial, all resultant from the vast network of ventilation included when the place was built.

    Her elegant blonde hair, tied neatly up into a clean bun and black dress that came down below her knees, perfectly respectable. "Evie!" A voice called as she walked, turning around to face the source she smiled as she moved now walked slowly backwards down the corridor, ever on a mission.

    "Andrew Thomas, as I live and breathe. Aren't you late for a briefing?" Evie asked not in a judgmental tone, but one to remind him that he shouldn't be late Colonel Austin. That was probably the worst way to start a morning.

    "Yes, yes you're right. But." Andrew said, ever the scientist above all, he was naturally curious about almost anything and everything that was going on at the Phoenix base. "Any news from Earth? Something worth sharing? Other than obvious Goa'uld this and that?" His eyes were almost glowing, for lack of a better word with excitement. He had embraced his new home well and had been adapting quite nicely since his arrival.

    "No idea. I haven't even seen Loyer yet. I've been a bit preoccupied." Evie said still moving as Andrew now followed her, coincidentally they did need to move in the same direction to get to their respective destinations.

    "Phoenix Flu? Andrew asked, mocking a cough.

    "Not funny. And yes, you know it. Let's hope this years strain is kinder than the last one. I'm on my way to check in and do rounds. I feel awful, I've left Oki'na to fend for herself. I've two doctors and a nurse down." Evie shrugged her shoulders, it was just that time of year. After all this time she had finally fallen into alignment with the planet and it's cycles of illness. It had routines, just like Earth.

    "Gruesome." Andrew commented, rolling his eyes.

    "You. Briefing. Go." Evie waved a hand off, dismissing the man and turning back around walking forward back toward her office. "Oki'na, I hope your ears weren't ringing. I was just talking about you." Evie smiled and opened the door to her office, entering it and inviting the Aturen inside.

    Andrew all the while scurried back off to meet Ward and the rest of the team for the latest briefing.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "I hope it was all good things." Oki'na said, stepping into the office, "Sadly, I don't have much good news to give. We now have fifteen down with this flu."

    She handed the new exam reports alongside the recommendations forum before taking a seat.

    "Honestly, if this keeps up, it won't be long before half the base is down with it." She crossed her legs and folded her arms.

    While Evie might have preferred her civilian attire, Oki'na was a bit different. And it might have even been accounted as strange considering she was an Aturen ally, and not an official Tau'ri soldier, that she preferred her medical scrubs while on the job, normally felt at home in the SGC uniform. She was currently in the former, though her hair still had its usual Aturen aesthetic with the flowers and vines that never seemed to lose their place, though maybe a little neater than what would normally be found on the average Aturen.

    She'd been doing what she could on base for about a year, and felt she had gotten close with some of the personnel here. She hoped Evie was one of them, among others.

    "So, what's the word? Anything new?" Oki'na asked
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-03-2023 at 04:17 AM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  5. #5
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    Seargent Jade Wilkinson was one of the many MPs (military police) serving on Phoenix Planet she was sent to investigate why Airman Taylor Saunders had not reported for duty the last two days.

    Wilkinson knocked on Saunders' door but after several repeated knocks with no answer, she began to look through the windows. Looking through the windows on the back of the house she saw a pair of feed on the ground. Assuming the worst Wilkinson kicked in the door. The house reeked, it was so bad she could taste it. Using a handkerchief she covered her nose and mouth. She put on a pair of black latex gloves and checked for a pulse, luckily there was one, she no signs of a struggle or indication of any other criminal activity. She called the Frasier and requested they beam them both directly to the medical facilities in the mountain.

    "Dr. Koenig! Got a medical emergency!" Wilkinson got a nurse to help her put Saunders on a gurney.
    In a conference room used for debriefings and briefings, Ward and Austin were waiting for Andrew Thomas. They were both examining the Projected Energy Weapon. Austin used the Particle Magnum weapon several times when she was in the Pegasus galaxy. She wondered if this P.E.W. would live up to its predecessor. If it was half as good this P.E.W. would be her go-to sidearm.

  6. #6
    The Grey Lady
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    "As if I had anything bad to say about you." Evie found herself rolling her eyes and shaking her head, the smile on her face revealed that her sentiment was genuine. Evie had a fondness for Oki'na, her training was excellent, her instincts were always good and her approach was filled with the innate kindness and sense of community of her people. No doubt the product of the Noxian influence.

    Evie took the files, charts and recommendations from Oki'na and began to read through them. "I see." Fifteen was not an ideal number, but it was one that was manageable. However, it had the potential to spread far and wide, that was something could shut them down, and time was something that they did not have the luxury of taking off. "This is good work. I agree with your recommendations." Evie signed off on the documents required with the flourish of a pen. "No one goes off world without a thorough exam. If we even suspect they have symptoms, it's off to quarantine. We can use the empty barracks as a backup location."

    Before Evie's promotion she was the loyal second in command of the Bases' medical team. Now as a leader, and member of the bases senior leadership she had done her best to improve response and success rates. Overall, since she took command outcomes were better, and she liked to think some of that was to nurturing her staff and giving those truly capable like Oki'na additional responsibility.

    "No news, I haven't gotten a chance to check in with Loyner yet... but I'm assuming the tensions are rising high between the SGC and the Jaffa. A Goa'uld ascendency is devastating news for all of us. Have you had the pleasure of meeting a Goa'uld?" Evie asked when the door to her office was thrown open.

    "Gear up." A nurse called in and Evie nodded, looking to Oki'na for support. "Let's go." She rose to a stand and immediately grabbed a pair of gloves from the box on the edge of her desk, donning them along with a regulation mask. Evie was light on her feet, despite the heels, she was along side the gurney on the way to the infirmary in seconds. "Wilkinson." Evie nodded, looking down at Saunders and shaking her head. Her feet now stood on the bottom bar of the gurney, allowing the nurse and others to wheel her and the patient in. Her fingertips moved to Saunder's neck.

    "Pulse is weak and thready but there." Evie smiled beneath the mask, this was where she thrived. "Rapid test, let's go." One thing she had accomplished in the past year was developing the rapid test for the Phoenix Flu. Her hand extended outward, as they rolled into a bay a nurse handed her a fresh test kit. Ripping it open with her gloved hand, she ran the swab on the inside Saunder's cheek, handing it back to the nurse carefully for processing.

    "Talk me through it Wilkinson, let's go please." It was now for the first time that Evie had a moment to look up at MP Wilkinson, as she looked at her and sighed her eyes flashing with a look of displeasure, the ear tips of the stethoscope she slid into her ears, and pressed the device to the upper chest now exposed. "What the fuck Wilkinson?" Evie had noticed the handkerchief in lieu of a proper mask. "Really? You couldn't have gotten a mask? You know what we have spreading here." The sound of the lungs was heavy, there was definitely some kind of fluid building. There was also a rather distinct scent rising from Saunder's body.

    "Let's get a temperature, start IV fluids and wide spectrum antibiotics. Finish the vitals and let's get our friend into quarantine."

    Evie folded her arms and looked back at Wilkinson. "We'll get you tested, but like hell you're leaving this infirmary before we've cleared you and had a nice long chat. And for the love of God, put on a real mask."


    Andrew arrived at the conference room. "Apologies for my tardiness. I ran into the Doc in the hall." Evie was one of the people Andrew had closer relations with, the two got on like old friends. She also made her job to understand the cultures of everyone on the base, especially for those who hailed from outside of Earth. Her attention to Kelownan culture often made him feel at home.

    "New P.E.W.s?" Andrew grinned and oved to examine the new weapons. Ward and Austin had been talking about these coming in for awhile now, so he was pleased to actually see them. "Anyone have news from Earth?" For a split second, he almost said from home. In a sense it was a home, but not his home, this base was more so his home now.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "No, not really." Oki'na said, "But I've heard some stories from some of the teams. The glowing eyes, and evil voice. They sound a little-"

    That's when the door burst open and they were told to gear up.

    "Frick." Oki'na cursed. an unfortunate habit she had picked up during her time in training. She got up and followed Evie, fishing out a pair of gloves and a mask from her scrubs and putting them on as they walked and joined everyone at the gurney.

    "Pulse is weak and thready but there." Evie had said. That was good. There was still time to save them before she had to resort to a ritual of life. She'd seen plenty, and even participated in dozens over the course of her life. But she's not had to use it here so far, and she kinda wanted to keep it that way.

    Hearing Evie comment on the MP's lack of a proper mask, she fished out a spare and handed it Wilkinson as they continued to rush to the infirmary.

    At Evie's request, Oki'na quickly grabbed a thermometer and handed it to her before going for the IV, letting the nurse go for the antibiotics.

    "Maybe we should start issuing those out and asking everyone to wear one." Oki'na suggested. "Soon, we're not going to know has it unless they're tested, or it's too late. For whatever good the mask is going to do, anyway."
    They weren't anything special. It seemed the masks were better suited from a direct spread from the wearer, though it did help with some particulates and was better than nothing. Better masks might go a long way.

    Seeing everything else handled, Oki'na left to check up on the other patients. They needed at least some supervision in case something happened, after all.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Wilkinson had no real use for doctors after a drug prescribed by a doctor killed her father. The CMO of Phoenix was the least objectionable one most of the time during flu season was another story. Wilkinson already had the flu this year. After informing the doctor she expected a drunk and that they teleported directly here she took the mask offered by Oki’na. She didn’t mind taking some time off on the doc’s orders. She has been working extra hours with several MPs out with the flu.
    Austin hated the name for the new sidearm specifically because people would call them Pews. The eggheads who came up with the name in her opinion should be shot for that. “Yes, these are the Projected Energy Weapons.” She put hers in the holster. She then opened up a laptop. “As you know the snakeheads are back. I have distributed orders to the other team leaders. Homeworld Command has decided that we are to begin investigating old Goa’uld strongholds not under the control of the Jaffa to make sure the snakes aren’t reclaiming old territory. The screen behind Austin lit up showing what was on the laptop. “This is Tartarus, where the Kulls were manufactured. It has a Stargate shield much like ours, Kull armor can pass through it like it wasn’t there at all. Since we have no idea if the shield is operating or not we brought back three suits of Kull armor. We are going to investigate and make sure no snakes brink back the Kull.” The image on the screen changed to that of the Kull disruptor attached to a P90. "Just in case the facility is operational we will be bringing along Kull Disruptors as well. Our primary goal is to make sure the facility is permanently non-operational. If it is currently operational we must blend in. So the only weapons we will bring are the Kull Disruptors hidden inside the armor and the Plasma Repeater mounted on the wrists of the Kull armor. Does anyone have any questions?”

    Ward was disappointed she couldn’t bring the P.E.W. but had no questions.

    Austin then remembered something. "Before I forget due to it being flu season once again, I am sure the CMO wants everyone to undergo a medical exam before we leave, and as per Stargate protocols after we return."

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    "I guess after Sokar failed to breach the Iris, and all of those lost Jaffa the system lords finally figured out the secret." Andrew rolled his eyes, having taken in the details of the mission. It was simple enough, and besides one never knew what one could find in an old manufacturing plant. At the very least they may be able to scavenge other pieces of material for other PTeams or even to send back to Earth. It was sound. "The best we could come up with was PEW? Like pew pew? Andrew mimicked the sound of cartoon gunfire.

    Saturday morning cartoons were a strange tradition that many families seem to have had, especially those with younger children. His time amongst the people of Earth had taught him much, though he found quite a bit strange. Never the less, he was excited for another mission, another place he could visit. Soaking in the universe one world at a time, one trip through the Stargate at a time. It was something he felt extraordinarily privileged to be able to do.


    Evie, along with the other doctors and nurses and Oki'na conducted rounds and finalized treatment plans for each of the patients with the flu. This year seemed less severe than the previous one, though Saunders had certainly taken the worst of it. It was not the most pleasant of conditions, but with adequate treatment it was nothing more than a week or so of discomfort, well, that might have been putting it mildly.

    "Wilkinson." Evie said, still smiling as ever and offering something of a soft sigh. "You're done for the day, get some time in the rack." A part of Evie felt bad for having to reprimand Wilkinson. Sure, it was an important lesson, but even Evie had to acknowledge that she could be a little harsh at times, particularly during flu season. "Back on duty tomorrow." Giving Wilkinson a bit of time off was her subtle way of offering a bit of an apology feeling confident she had processed the information.

    "Oki'na." Evie called, turning her attention to the Aturen. "The infirmary is yours. I'm going to find the General. If anything goes wild, Dr. Westhouse is on call." Evie rested the stethoscope around her neck and turned to leave the infirmary. "Catch you up on the details? Maybe grab some lunch in the commissary?" Oki'na, Evie would best describe as a close friend. After all they spent nearly all of their time together in the med bay. "Oh and PT-1 is scheduled to gate out in just about an hour, we'll need to be quick when they're ready. I should be back by then."

    Evie took her leave and as if on auto-pilot she navigated the halls, having cast off her gloves and mask. It didn't take her long to reach the General's office, and so she knocked on the door and waited for him to bid her entry, when he had she opened the door and stepped inside closing it behind her and saluted the man. Of course she had to update him on the flu situation and her new standing orders, but she also hoped he would tell her what had the end result of meeting with the Jaffa back on Earth had been.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Oki'na looked up as her name was called.

    "Yes ma'am." Was the reply to being given the infirmary, accompanied by the mention of Dr. Westhouse.
    "I'll do my best." She said when PT-1's scheduled departure was brought up.

    She let out a long puff of air as Evie left. Being in charge of the infirmary wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but someone had to do it. She continued with the rounds, checking in on patients until she got to one particular one. Private Christopher Dohan. They had met in medical training and had become fast friends. He was the first one to start calling her private Doss, and she never really questioned it. Chris had been trained as a combat medic while Oki'na was closer to one of earth's paramedics. And while Oki'na had gone on a few away missions, mainly for humanitarian operations, though they ended up getting shot at on a few of them, Chris was attached to PT-3. Unfortunately for him, he was down with the phoenix flu.

    "Hey. There's private Doss. My favorite Aturen." Christopher said, sitting up in bed before almost doubling over in a coughing fit.

    "Hey, Chris." Oki'na said "Feeling any better?"

    "Not really." He said "Head still hurts, and I'm bloody cold."

    Oki'na leaned in to get a better look at him. Looking into his eyes. She pulled out a stick. "Say ahh." She said
    As Chris opened his mouth, she used the stick to keep his tongue down as she checked it.
    "At least you seem to be improving. But it's gonna be a few days yet." She said, looking over at the side table where an empty glass and a mostly empty pitcher sat. "You've been drinking plenty of water." She commented.

    "All in the book." Chris said with another cough.

    "I'll get you some more. Just rest easy, alright?"

    "Yeah, yeah. Could you get me a book while you're at it?" Chris asked, "If I'm gonna be stuck here for several more days, I need something to do other than talk myself horse, and play mind games."

    "I'll see what I can find." Oki'na said and walked off with the pitcher to refill it. She returned moments later. "I'll be back with a book later. Just get some rest."

    "All I do is rest." Chris said.

    Oki'na snorted and left. Walking off to where all the supplies were, she started setting out whatever they'd need for a swift examination and test of PT-1 before they left in...
    Oki'na checked the clock. About forty minutes from now. plenty of time.

    She was nearly done with her preparations when she heard a fit of couching start up. She didn't pay it any mind at first, since it was normal by this point. But then it lasted a bit longer than usual.
    She left her preparations to go and check. And she wasn't the only one, as she met a nurse about half way.
    They reached the source to find Specialist Whitetower with a hand to his mouth, and it was already starting to drip with blood. She leapt into action, doing what she thought she had to.

    "Call Dr. Westhouse, and get me .15 CCs of dexamethasone, 3 CCs of Phytonadione and 5 of Menadione. Get me IVs, now!" She called out, already trying to prepare a spot for the injections. If they didn't do something soon, Whitetower might just cough themself to death with blood loss.
    Nurses rushed to fill the requests.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-05-2023 at 03:41 AM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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