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Thread: [M] Lies of a Tenant (H)

  1. #1
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Default [M] Lies of a Tenant (H)

    A sequel series to "Divided Paths".
    Following the event of Aaron Thomas's death.
    Sixteen years later this is what America became.

    ~*~ No new players ~*~
    Last edited by Kicks; 10-23-2014 at 04:28 AM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  2. #2
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    "Land of the Dead
    Home of the Scared"

    _The search for a cure failed. _

    Sixteen years after the fall of Aaron Thomas, the evil he left behind sprung up. Monsters and zombies alike hungry and searching for food swam ashore to the mainland of America. The soldiers at Fort Trinity had no hopes of fighting back the immense waves. The military on the west coast failed at containing the outbreak.
    But the government was quick into action after having seen what the virus could do sixteen years previously. President Dix Rogers established what he called 'Tenants'.
    But even within the safety of the Tenants, evil still lurks. Zombies and monsters are not the only threat to those who have survived. Trials will come ahead that will force them to choose a side between the battle of good vs evil. And the question will arise: "Is the Tenant really safe?"

    Important Details

    Tenants are large buildings raising sixty stories high. Reinforced by unbreakable material, the tenants were the only safe places for Americans to live. The tenants had everything they needed to survive. But that will come later.
    No American could leave the tenants for their own safety as well as for control of the outbreak.
    America went down on permanent lockdown to stop the spread of the disease to other countries.
    4 tenants were built across the States. One in the mountains of Montana, another in the desolate Arizona desert. One tenant was set in freezing Alaska, and the last in the Appalachian Mountains.
    Outside the tenants zombies and monsters roam free, looking for anything that lives (or corpses) to feed on. It's a wasteland. Danger is practically spelled out across every street.
    Military and government officials have their own tenant located in Washington, D.C. When something causes for their eye to be caught, they move out in caravans.
    There is an electric station posted in Kansas. That is where the tenants get their power. It runs everything in America.
    Inside the tenants there are five government workers who run their assigned tenant. These five people run specific sections of the tenant.
    There are six sections of the tenant:

    The very first floor is where the government workers stay. Anyone can find them there.
    Apartments: First twenty stories.
    Farming: Second ten stories.
    Businesses: Third ten stories.
    Irrigation: Fourth ten stories.
    And the last, top ten stories. These stories remain a secret as to what goes on up there to the civilians.

    Anyone can choose to work in any of these areas to work (one person per apartment must work. Doesn't matter who. Mom, dad, son, daughter, etc. There is no limit to how many can work or where they work) :
    Businesses, Farmer, Irrigation worker.
    Anyone too old or not able to work can either be 'adopted' into someone's family, or are... taken care of by one of the government workers.

    Schedules and Jobs

    Business Owners/Workers:
    The government overseer is Casey.

    These people work on the fourth section of the Tenant. They are to leave their apartment and arrive at the elevator by nine for Casey to unlock the elevator and escort them up to the fourth section.
    Their schedule is:
    9am: Arrive at elevator.
    10am: Open up shop.
    1pm: Lunch break. They may choose to stay on the fourth section to get something to eat or return to the elevator for Casey to take a group down to their apartments.
    2pm: Return to work. Casey will be waiting at the elevator to take them back up.
    6pm: End of work. Return to elevator to be taken back down.
    Casey goes across the fourth section at 7 each night to see if anyone is where they're not supposed to be. He will escort anyone back down to their apartment. So if they didn't make it in time to the elevator or decided to stay behind, he will find them.
    Note: There are different businesses. Markets, clinics, stores, shoes, etc.

    The government overseer is Alec.
    These people work on the third section of the Tenant. Farmers can choose to live on their farms or have an apartment. Those who have an apartment are escorted by Alec at 7am to the farms. Each farmer is given ten acres of land and are assigned what to grow. Each farmer is responsible for growing three organics and raising five different breeds of animals at up to 40 animals per breed. The farms are lit up by UV lights from above.
    They are responsible for boxing all that they have grown for Alec to take down to the according businesses. At the end of each 'due date', Alec will come by and pick up what the famers have made. Each farmer is welcome to take a share of what they have grown by ten percent.
    Their schedule is:
    7am: Arrive at elevator/ (if living on a farm) get up
    11am: Lunch break. They may choose to stay on the farm to eat, or go down to the businesses or apartments. Alec will escort them by way of elevator.
    12pm: Return to work. Alec will arrive on the apartment floor by 12 to escort. 12:15 (because he needs to visit each floor in the apartment section) to escort from the business section. And will take them back up to the farms.
    7pm: End of work. Alec will be waiting at elevator to escort back down to the apartments.
    7:30pm: Curfew for farmers begins. Anyone caught out past this time will be escorted back to their farm or apartment by Alec.

    Irrigation Worker:
    The government overseer is Chloe.
    These people keep the water free of disease and clean for all living in the Tenant. They fix broken pipes, do plumbing, and work on the fifth section of the Tenant (unless called by someone from the apartment to fix plumbing. By which case, Chloe will escort them.
    Their schedule is:
    6am: Arrive at elevator.
    2:30pm: "Lunch" break. They may go down to the businesses or apartments for lunch. Chloe will escort them.
    3:30pm: Return to work.
    5pm: End of work. Return to apartments escorted by Chloe.

    Government overseer: Spring
    Those living in the apartments but have no job may have access to the elevator at these times to access the business section:
    9am: escorted by Casey
    11am: Alec
    1pm: Casey
    2:30pm: Chloe
    And they can return to their apartments at these times:
    12pm: Alec
    2pm: Casey
    3:30pm: Chloe
    6pm: Casey
    The elevator has an emergency key on its pad. When pushed by someone in the apartments, Spring will come and assist/escort.
    She is responsible for taking care of those living in the apartments and making sure all runs smoothly in the apartments from electricity to plumbing she makes sure all is operating accordingly. Out of all overseers, she takes most care and interest of the civilians.

    The floor that is easiest to access is the overseer floor which anyone can get by way of stairs from the apartments or by pressing the code 2489 into the elevator's passcode pad. The elevator will take them directly to the overseers as well as the stairs. The stairs only are available on the apartment levels and lead to any level of the apartments or to the overseer's level. They do not lead to the businesses, farms, etc.
    If a farmer living on the farms needs to speak to an overseer or see them, they can press the same code above into the elevator.

    Basically, in order to operate the elevator, a civilian must be escorted by one of the government overseers. Some of the overseers are a lot easier to ask for favors than others. Each overseer has something in common which is why they were chosen for the job they were given despite age.

    Other Important Stuff

    As mutants were released and freed, they began to mate with humans. Their offspring became known as Hybrid. Hybrids cannot contract the zombie nor monster virus. But there is another side to them. Hybrids seem completely human, aside from a special power they obtain. When the other side of them is provoked, they become similar to a monster. The effects can wear off from anywhere between minutes to hours before they return 'human' again.
    When mutants and mutants bred together, their offspring became known as 'purebred'. These ones cannot contract the zombie virus, but can contract the monster virus just as the other mutants can. They have an ability just as a mutant does.
    When the zombies and monsters came ashore there seemed like there would be little hope. Time was fading fast and they could only do so much before the barrier in Utah came down. During the time that the barrier was up, the government built four Tenants and evacuated Americans into them.
    It was hard becoming accustomed to living in the Tenants. But soon it would just become like normal life again. Except for there was no outside to get to.

    You should know this

    In bold I will make an effort to post the times and current status of the elevator because of the schedule layout to this RP.
    I will either do it in my writing or at the bottom of my posts with a format looking something "similar" to like this:
    Current time:
    Elevator status:

    This may begin slowly to build character development, etc. But it does quickly pick up pace after a little while.
    "I encourage you to keep your characters from the previous series. They will play a major role come time. But new characters! YES NEW CHARACTERS. I love new characters."


    So uh what Tenant will this one be located? The story will be placed in the Montana Tenant.
    So uh how do I start? Well I will make a first post that you can play off of or you can be like "I GOTS THIS".
    My character is human. I support you.

    I want my character to work for the government. No you don't. And by that I mean, no. x3
    So uh what's this going to be about? Wait and see, it's freaking awesome.
    Any other Qs? Ask freely.
    Character sheet
    You can choose to use this sheet. Or you can make your own. I really don't care so long as all of this information is included:
    Breed: Human, mutant, hybrid, etc
    History: what happened during those sixteen years to this specific character
    If of the viral breed, what power
    Career: (If you have one)

    Last edited by Kicks; 10-21-2014 at 03:03 AM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Haha you were actually part of my inspiration for this way back when we were messaging. So yea I am super excited for this. Wish I could say more but I can't.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  5. #5
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Reserved for when I get the inspiration to actually post my sheets.

    So what happened to them?

    Colton left the military after an honorable discharge. He took home several reminders (badges and insignia) of life in California and what it meant to be at war. These reminders now currently hang in a glass case on his wall in the living room of his apartment. He hung up his old Navy uniforms that remain in plastic cases in the back of his closet. When he left the military he finished medical school in Florida as a certified physician. He graduated with a specialty in trauma and worked in the ER in the state of Florida. Currently he works in the Emergency Room at the hospital of the Tenant (located in the business section.)
    He knew there would come a day when the zombies would rise up. It was just inevitable. So for that he taught his daughter what he knew of survival. He taught her how to control her ability and made sure that she would never use it for evil like Thomas had.
    When he heard the call of the zombies he took his own family to the Tenant in Montana when Dix called on Spring as an overseer.

    When they moved to Hawaii, Blake knew he wasn't going to finish high school. School had never been the place for him. Instead, he started up his own business with the help of the government supporting it. He started up a pool park in Hawaii with water slides, play equipment, diving boards, etc. It was there that he taught swimming lessons, water aerobics, and was a lifeguard.
    During the time of the start up, he had to work as a lifeguard on the beach.
    Blake took to working out again and soon built his body back into shape. It was a tedious task but he slowly trained his body into eating again and began to take medication and therapy for depression.
    Currently he is free from the confines of depression and no longer has to take medication.
    Blake now works in the business section as a coach at the school teaching students survival methods and building up their bodies to hopefully survive if anything were to happen.

    After extensive therapy and medication, surgeries and physical therapy Carson whipped back into shape. His heart has a pacemaker in it, but at least it will no longer fail on him if he gets worked up. He no longer breaks down into hallucinations or panic attacks. But he does prefer his privacy very much. Carson became a quiet individual to strangers, but opens up as a funny guy around people he's comfortable with. The scarring of the hallucinogen that destroyed his mental health and heart left him wanting to be away from too many people.
    He became a guns smith for the CIA after a recommendation from Richard and Carter to the Head.
    When the zombies came forward again, he had been living in Utah- closest to the zombie outbreak. He watched a lot of people die and turn but with ArraBella they made it to the Tenant in Montana.
    It is in the Tenant he now works as a farmer. He enjoys the solitude of farming and the stress-free environment.
    ArraBella went into nursing after Thomas was killed. She first became registered as a CNA but when the military paid her tuition and schooling she became a registered nurse.
    Currently she now works in the business section at the hospital as a registered nurse.
    ArraBella and Carson live together up on the farms. They are not married, though many have claimed there is "sexual frustration" between them. Admittedly, their relationship isn't entirely innocent either. If anyone were to ask them, they're just friends... with benefits... whom have lived together for years... share the same thoughts... never want to separate... yea... They're complicated.

    And then the others: Richard and Jerome are still enlisted in the military. They are part of the crews that help in gaining supplies for the Tenants and are often called to destroy and terminate zombies/monsters trying to diminish Tenants.
    Tamara and Anton were said to have vanished somewhere in Russia never to be seen or heard from again. But those are just rumors. They could be anywhere for all anyone knows. Doing anything.
    Clayton and Adalia both vanished (at two different times). And Dix was murdered; the news circulating around said he was eaten by zombies. But who knows? Rumors are rumors after all.
    Jonah returned to the UK to work for the British Armed Forces in the intelligence center. He lost contact with America when America isolated itself after the release of the zombies and monsters.

    Last edited by Kicks; 10-27-2014 at 04:25 AM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    lol yay glad I could inspire

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    [insert stupid joke here]

    Lies of a David Tenant

    *runs away*

  8. #8
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    You sir, have earned my respect.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    But I would like to join this RP as well. Though I need some more info, considering this is a sequel to another RP if I am correct?

    The other info I need is: Will I have had to be in the other game to follow this story?

  10. #10
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Ahhhhhh well this is awkward, yea I'm not accepting anyone who hasn't been committed to the previous series.
    But fear not, this does not change my respect for you.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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