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Thread: New skies, New Home [IC - M]

  1. #1
    AxelVanDeriz's Avatar
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    Default New skies, New Home [IC - M]

    Dear journal,

    the day has come. The pinheads have arrived, and though I am against this whole agreement, it must be done to save my race... we are a dying people most of us being males or too old to breed, young females are a rare... I suppose the right term, though terrible sounding would be 'Luxury.' the few females though, well over half of them are barren. My Guardian, Borris and I, are the ones that have been selected to partake in this experiment... maybe one day, some brave inter-galactic explorer will find you, my best friend and most trusted keeper of secrets. And may one day learn of our people... and how war, poachers, and diseases were our demise... 500 of us weredragons were tested, yet Borris and I were the only ones clear of diseases of any kind.. I must go now, my dear Journal... with any luck and trust, my race might survive... but if I, Borris, and the selection of Earthly people that were chosen, are to survive... we have to learn how to trust... learn to survive... and in my case... learn to love again.

    Signed for the last time, Nikkolai Voidsong, Prince of weredragons.

    Shortly after boarding the ship, Nikkolai was given a type of drug hidden in food to make him sleep for a few days. during this time, various tests would be run, and DNA samples of him and his guardian taken, cloned, and then injected into the test subjects via oral samples as they too slept. The DNA would have no taste, so the subjects would swallow with no regard... as soon as it was swallowed, their change begun as the DNA was absorbed into their bloodstream. semi-Unlocking both weredragon form, and fully unlocking full potentials.

    By the time Nikkolai would wake the multiple tests and DNA samples taken from him would leave him a bit dizzy, as he stood up, looking around with a confused look, he stumbled only slightly. Realizing he was naked, he felt no shame. Regardless, he didn't want to seem like a weird pervert. So he sprouted wings, large, black, scaly, and bat-like, then wrapped them around himself. As he did they too seemed to change, forming to his skin... becoming black and silky-soft clothing of sorts.
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    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    It was dark...even with her eyes open. Maybe they weren't? Blinking once, then twice, Ambra was sure that there was indeed no sign of light anywhere. It was unsettling to say the least, especially because something else in the room was breathing rather loud. Either that, or whatever it was was huge. shaking her head to rid herself of any negative thoughts she began patting around, trying to get a feel of where it exactly she was. Quietly fumbling around in the darkness she came across something soft and silky. She hummed in curiosity and gave it a tug which earned a startled grunt.


    The brunette nodded, but quickly remembered that they couldn't see and spoke up.

    "Brother? I thought they separated us."

    There was a sigh and another grunt, before she felt hands on her face, turning her head from side to side.

    "No, it appears they kept us together. Are you hurt?"

    "No, b-but your eyes are glowing...."

    True to her words Yakon's eyes were indeed glowing a startling white- quite a contrast to the pitch black that seemed to be never ending. The silence between the two was long, but they both knew what the other wanted to say, or what they were thinking. Coincidentally that along with their names, bond, and basic human function, seemed to be the only thing they could recall. Anything else beyond that didn't exist. Well except for flashes of extremely fuzzy memories, but that was it. Yakon's eyes narrowed at the small protrusions poking out from Ambra's forehead. Wherever they were, it wasn't safe. From what he could see there appeared to be more people trapped in cages like he and his sister, and to the very far left wall there were also strange creatures he had never seen before. The older sibling frowned and subconsciously pulled Ambra closer to his person, whoever was in charge was in for it.
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    AxelVanDeriz's Avatar
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    At about that moment, several lights suddenly flashed on, brightening the room. Nikkolai was on the other side of Ambra and Yakon's cage, directly behind them. A sheet of paper on a clipboard in hand. Studying the details carefully. After a moment he looked up, dark eyes looking them over, but seemed to focus on ambra a bit longer, studying her a moment before setting the clipboard back into it's holder with a somewhat loud Click. He then tilted his head in what one would assume, a highly intelligent curiosity. He then backed up and walked around, doing the same to the other cages. But he lingered on their cage the longest, it seemed, he seemed a little interested in Ambra.

    As he came back towards the caged siblings, another male figure burst into the room. Sandy brown hair and emerald eyes, whereas the first male, Nikkolai, looked almost... dark, his hair, his eyes, his clothing, were all black as night. But the second male appeared to have authority as he walked in, but then stopped short of the darker male, and kneeled respectfully.

    "What is it Borris?" Asked the first male. As he seemed to, seemingly ignore the second male until he addressed him. "Beggin' your pardon, my prince... the captain has informed me to let you know that due to minor complications, it will take a bit longer than previously expected to reach our destination." The second male said, still kneeling. "Thank you Borris. Now on your feet, and as you were."

    The second male, Borris, stood and bowed before walking back out the automatic sliding doors.

    Nikkolai looked over the siblings once more, standing a couple feet away.
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    As soon as the lights cut on both siblings turned toward the front of their cage and watched Nikkolai approach. Yakon didn't like the looks of him, he seemed to be assessing them as if they were livestock and he couldn't help but growl softly in annoyance. His growl deepened when he noticed the dark clad male watch his sister and shifted to block her from his view. Ambra on the other hand was curious, his ears didn't seem to be normal and she wanted to know more than anything what was going on and where they were. Just as she was about to speak up another male with the same ears entered the room and explained whatever predicament they seemed to be in.

    "What's going on, who are you?"

    It was Yakon that spoke up, his voice firm if a little bit wary. So far he didn't trust these two and the ogling the first one did didn't earn him any favors.
    Last edited by Lumi; 05-18-2019 at 11:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Suhuba awoke quiety, on cold metal, in the dark. He heard voices murmuring, then a sharp, harsh light came on. He blinked, and sat up. He looked around, dazed. He stood,and realized he was in a cage. He stepped forward, more confused than he had ever been in his life. Speaking of is life... where was it? he racked his brain for memory, any at all... there was none. He walked to the bars of the cage. Across from him, he could see two cages with two similar looking individuals, and a taller man outside with a clipboard. Next to him was another man in blue.
    "What is going on? Where am I? Who are you?"
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