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Thread: ❣ Crossed Lines ❣

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Default ❣ Crossed Lines ❣

    Recap and new stuff:

    Three years ago there was a terrorist attack on America. By use of a virus, the terrorists planned to completely wipe out America starting with California which held a great percentage of Americans. However, the president was quick thinking and issued a military led secession from California- basically, they blew California off of America's mainland. Now all California is an island some miles away from America. It is crawling with the walking dead and worse monsters. But you're safe from that.
    What you're not safe from however is the outbreak in New York. The state has been put on lockdown, but zombies and monsters wreck havoc on the state. The terrorists are behind the mess and work nonstop at bringing America down.
    The infection isn't the only thing endangering America though. The next election is coming up and the terrorists are working at gaining complete control of the government.
    There's only two ways this can end: taking down the terrorists or America's destruction. With secrets and mysteries unfolding, the end is drawing nearer and nearer.
    Anything Important:

    Anything important will go here. (E.g clues, updates, news, etc.)

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Opening post:

    While New York slept, something awful awoke. Monsters broke free of their furniture confines, zombies burst from the sewers, and blood began to pour. By the orders given by the terrorists, their army of the undead rose. People began to scramble for protection, locked their doors, hid away. They did anything they could to protect themselves from the horrors they thought they were isolated from.

    From deep within New York City, a red-eyed woman smiled to herself. Victory seemed just within her reach. Soon enough the whole organization would be in control and then the downfall of America would become reality.

    The morning after the attack was silent. Eerily so. The streets were thick with dried blood and disembodied dead humans. Monsters hid in the dark once more; sewers, houses, anything they could find. It was too early for the zombies' liking so there was nothing dead moving besides bodies as birds picked at them.
    You may begin.
    Last edited by Kicks; 01-12-2014 at 07:59 PM.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    The old man carried the teenager in his arms up the steps to the house. He opened the front door and found himself in a dark house where he could hear others moving around. He laid the unconscious captain down on the couch and went into the kitchen where he found the sergeant checking the metal. There were no dents in from last night's attack, but he had to make sure anyways. When he turned around and saw the old man standing there and watching him, he reached for his gun.
    "Shooting me will do nothing." Admiral Thomas informed him calmly. "It will only prove I am as real as the zombies about to come out."
    "How did you get in?" Sergeant Wilson asked warily. He still wasn't so sure if he were really seeing what he was seeing or not. But he had put his gun back in its place nonetheless. "Why are you here? I thought you were dead."
    "It's a long story." The old man told him with a small smile. He sat down at the table but still faced the man. "The simplest of which I shall answer with that I am able to manipulate health of myself and others." He pulled up the sleeves to his dark blue Navy jacket and revealed multiple bite marks. "I'm as immune to the monsters as Tamara is. I wish I had known that back in California though. I'm afraid I may have traumatized Cap by making him shoot me."
    The sergeant looked hesitant to step forward. But he did carefully anyways and examined all the scars and bites. "How is that possible? You're a mutant?"
    "Yes. Some time before the bunker went under attack, I had taken a unit out to district eight to push back the zombies. But one of them got me." The admiral informed while pulling back the collar to his jacket and showing his neck where a large scar stretched over his neck. "Ironic considering I was one of the people doing experiments on mutants." He chuckled out lightly as if the matter weren't morbid. "I would explain the science to you, but I fear the only person who would understand the anatomy is the one who almost got himself killed if it hadn't been for me."
    "You brought back the cap?" Sergeant Wilson asked while making a move to go into the living room. But he was stopped by the admiral pushing out his feet so that he couldn't pass by him.
    "I wouldn't if I were you. Think about what Richard had done when someone woke him up the first time he was back from California." Admiral Thomas stated calmly. "We were able to take his gun and subdue him, but his younger brother is a mutant. It's not smart to wake a mutant who just faced off with Tamara. We'll be lucky if he wakes up and doesn't start attacking something." When he saw the sergeant back away again and take a seat at the table, he smiled. "Now, fill me in with what I have missed."
    The sergeant tore his eyes away from the living room and focused them on the admiral before him. "How did you get to America?"
    "The terrorists captured me." Thomas answered back in a serene voice as if he were distancing himself from the events. "Brought me here to New York. They thought with my experience and knowledge of mutants that I would be able to assist them in taking over America. Such a silly request. So when I refused to do assist them, they began to demand what I knew. Torture is an interesting thing. It's all in the mind, you know. They soon figured out they couldn't get me to spill what I knew through torture, so they locked me up inside that awful fort while they commenced in carrying out their plan. I managed to escape my confines when Colton electrocuted Tamara. The electricity caused a circuit malfunction in the fort long enough for the locks to fail. It was a few minutes after I escaped that I came across the two. What a gruesome sight that was. You have no idea what that woman is capable of doing when she's mad. Now back to what I have missed. I heard about the execution of mutants, the conference meeting, the explosions and terrorism. Anything else?"
    "We returned to California." Sergeant Wilson told him after a long pause in thought. "To get information from the terrorists' base in Redding."
    "And by we you mean who?" Admiral Thomas asked curiously. "I mean, I figured Colton wouldn't be in New York alone. Probably still with that little boy I like- Zakai, right? Anyone else besides you?"
    "Three mutants." Jerome told him while a smile flickered onto his face. "Two cousins and a girl. The girl and one of the cousins has a thing for each other. But they're all more than capable of surviving something like this."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    The screaming and growling from outside didn't stop. The pillow on the ground just sat where he left it. "You're not alive. You won't feel it. You're like the monsters and they're like you. You can't feel anything... right? You... you can't..." He started shaking even harder and then glared, "DIE!" He shot the pillow. Then he did it again and again. Luckily for the pillow, he ran out of ammo. Unluckily for the pillow, he still didn't feel any better so he went over to the survival pack to get more.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

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    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake didn't have much trouble finding sleep despite the screams and hissing outside the window. A funny thing happened to him in California. He had been able to learn to block that kind of stuff out. He had learned after one almost fatal mistake that just because there was screaming, didn't mean you should ever get involved if it meant costing your life. But Faye in California had been another thing. They had spotted her from where they were on a roof and Blake immediately set out to getting her inside before she could be destroyed. There was only one other time in California- the time he had learned from- that he did something like that. And that was opening the door for a monster who looked human but wasn't. He learned then and there to ignore screams and pleas for help.
    Sleep wasn't peaceful in the least for him though. It felt heavy and exhausting. But he was able to fall asleep. He hadn't a problem staying asleep until he heard nothing but silence outside. That disturbed him and woke him up. Then he heard the front door open not too soon after the silence came. Someone had come inside the house.
    He brought a hand up to his face and rubbed his eyes to clear them of the sleepy fog. He felt hung over, but didn't remember drinking any alcohol.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Admiral Thomas and Sergeant Wilson both shot their heads up when they heard shooting from upstairs. "That doesn't sound good." The admiral commented but made no move to get up. "You should probably go check what's happening."
    "Yea." The sergeant agreed shakily. Why would someone be shooting? This didn't make any sense to him. Hopefully they weren't shooting each other or themselves.
    He stood up from the kitchen table and left the area. When he was upstairs and traced the sound of the shooting, he found Zakai, empty shells, and a destroyed pillow.
    "What are you doing?!" He exclaimed with wide eyes. Not only did the sight look absurd, but he was certain the kid had lost his mind. He went over and tore the pack away from him to keep him from shooting anything else. "My God, man! You could be attracting zombies with all that shooting and you've wasted ammunition!" He held up the survival pack with stern eyes directed at the child. "You'll get this back when I can trust you're completely sane. Now get downstairs, I can't trust you alone."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Faye never truly fell asleep. You'd think that screaming would become a normal thing to her, but it never did, and she didn't think it ever would. Her night mainly consisted of her just lying there, listening to Blake's steady heartbeat as he slept. So when he popped up, she was more than shocked. "You okay?" Faye asked quietly, seeing the blonde boy rub his eyes sleepily. She sat up beside him and ran her fingers through his hair softly and smiled.

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    Blake had completely forgotten Faye had been there. Had she slept at all the previous night? He knew she had been tired. But there had been a lot of screaming, hissing, and growling. He dropped his hand from his eyes and put it on her shoulder. "Headache." He yawned in answer. It made sense though. All that noise from last night and a restless sleep normally amounted to waking with a headache. Which was weird because despite all the chaos he had been so comfortable next to Faye. "Did you sleep?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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    Zakai was surprised when the sergeant suddenly yanked the pack away from him and he tried to grab it back for a moment, but he wasn't fast enough. When he was yelled at about wasting ammunition and attracting zombies, he came out of it slightly, staring at the pillow and wondering for a moment, what was he doing? Why was he doing this? When the man told him to get downstairs, however, his eyes widened with fear and he backed away shaking his head.
    "No. Uh-uh. Those things are down there. They're trying to get in! I can't! I can't! They keep scratching at the doors and windows! It's safer up here! They're down there right now! It's safe here!"

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
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    Faye dropped her gaze. "Not much. You think I'd be accustomed to the noise by now but it hasn't turned out that way it seems." Faye sighed and dropped her head down onto Blake's shoulder. She messed with the sheets of the bed in between her fingers nervously.

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