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Thread: Soldiers without purpose. (SwP)

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    Hot Soldiers without purpose. (SwP)

    High fantasy one;

    In a militarized world. Cities are basically army bases, you get born, and get trained to be a soldier, its the complete opposite of our world. Where everyone either explores on their own to make money, or gets a job.

    Basically 10% of the population has a job, 90% is a warrior as profession, thats what they do when they get born, when they wake up, when they love, when they die.

    Basically it still functions about the same as our world, first you go to grade school, learn sports and science (like writing and reading.)
    Like I said, it's high fantasy, so everyone is very skilled.

    Highschool is the difference, there it isn't much about mental tests, as they are about physical tests, if your able to apply the science, not understand it.

    I'm just explaining a bit, so you can see if you follow my track of mind.
    It should all be pretty obvious.

    Anyways, I want it to be long term, and I like starting things from the start, so preferably I will start at a young age. (Like 15-18 range)

    If you think your up for the task, and this is all stuff you have seen and done already, then I don't mind advancing it (ages 25-35), and see where we are at.

    And it's not so much military combat against each other, you'd be amazed that when you are in the same army, you hardly ever fight each other! Haha.

    The scenario is more involved around being inna city base, during a world wide war, that has lasted for thousands of years, to the point, they are at war, always, yet it makes little sense sometimes to be on edge.

    The whole "officers during a war thing."
    That you notice that officers are more busy reading up on affairs, watching the news, and busy looking and acting properly to their station, then doing any actual military stuff.
    What isn't odd when wars linger on for thousands of years.

    It is however the idea that they live active lives, and a lot happends everyday, so combat, adventure, missions, etc etc, would happen at some point.


    The idea is as such, our characters are raised in a world of war, where excellence and duty are the main attributes, a cold and unfeeling place where even the tinyest feelings are gestures, can change people's lifes.

    Much like our world, haha.

    Hence backstory, being rich, poor, orphan, or a from a big family, etc etc, is all options.
    The crossroad of where the two characters stories meet, is at the end of their adolescence.
    I was thinking graduates from highschool, before they specialized in a field, and a certain position.

    A bit of the drama that comes with saying goodbye to a large spectrum of friends, and cutting out parts of your life that won't have to do with your future.
    A good way of describing it, is like a highschool graduate joining the army, intending to be a officer.

    The setting is modern, however there is a fantasy aspect, and thats that "powers" can ve stored in crystals, these are much like a battery, we have all the technology we have now, just with this extra.
    Hence in a world of war, these magical crystals create a even most destructive environment.

    The idea is that during the war, they become sieged during, or after graduation, this will be the plotline.

    Two people from the same city, attending the same school, going into the same army, facing a siege together, and growing into what life dishes up for them.

    Obviously I can add more about what the school, lands, and people are like, and even the war.
    I'll start with this, I can add more when I know how clear you understand the concept.

    The idea is that its a small yet wealthy location, on a island, not far from the mainland. More like a Madagascar of africa type thing, almost completely different from the rest, yet also not.
    The problem that will come, is that by accident, or well, planned, they become the front of the war of the mainland, yet are cut off from the rest.

    - - - Updated - - -


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    Oh. And so nobody has to wonder, this idea is completely stolen and based off Final Fantasy 8.

  3. #3
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Alright, I will try writing in this with you, I will surely have questions as we go along, while I still like having creative input. Is this not open to others but only the two of us? It might have been placed to the forum for private roleplaying in that case, this forum would be for others who are interested to request joining it. It might have helped if I was familiar with Final Fantasy VIII, or even any of the Final Fantasy series, but I am not. Still I learned when presented with new games. I would ask around the start, who are the people where this takes place, do we have a name of these people, already? Who are they at war with, for all that time, what are those ones named? In all that time with ongoing war, has civilization grown, and advanced in any way? If so, how?

    To page me, or anyone else in the same way, do what is seen that I did. It is not a problem that it is brought up, I had to learn how to do that from someone else, and that was not very long ago. Put the @ symbol with the username immediately after it without spacing, as can be expected, and put the semicolon immediately after that username without spacing. You can't tell with doing this that it will work for paging while you have the draft, but it will work.

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    First of all, thanks for talking the time to play with me

    Secondly and all after, you don't need to know the series, it actually has nothing to do with it, it is based off it, yet its completely original, so don't expect even one reference of the series in it.

    Its just so people know this has nothing to do with my own reality.

    I don't mind people joining in, I will leave to fully up to you.
    Obviously people may ask anything in the OOC thread, I just like people able to have something to read and benefit from our work.

    Back to the story at hand.

    Alright, so there aren't many figure heads in this society, as usually everything is need to know, information is the hardest thing to get, in a world at war.
    The current political leader, together with some other political leaders in their field will be known, and I don't mind treading into detail about that, yet as this is a original idea, I never finished the concept, and never played it yet, so its not yet finalized, yet I can however, if you want me to.

    See the war like our world, 200 countries, none of them with allies, all fighting 4+ enemies on every side, all they know is that anyone not one of them, is an enemy.
    Does that make sense?
    We are playing in one of the bigger forces, lets say one of the main players for domination, yet obviously second, or third in the run, not sure how complicated I want to make it.

    The idea was however, like in the story im basing it off, there is a country with no regards for natural, health, sanity, or even love, thats now the leading competition for everyone, and is gaining momentum quickly in a war that was docile for a very long time.

    And as I said, it's modern era, however with one big or maybe very realistic aspect.
    In just 100km you can go from a skycraper computer with a nuclear reactor, to peasants feeding their cows with still horse and carriage.

    And the one thing that everyone invested in, that makes their cultures different, are these stones, which are charged with magic energy (this must be seen as things like crystals, that form over hundreds if not thousands of years, so very rare) which hold some sort of primal magic, which is very area based.
    Obviously this new country, has focused their entire civilization on making artificial crystals.
    Id like to keep that a little mysterious for now, for your own enjoyment in the game.

    Ill leave experimenting with @'s for now, haha, I expect you to find my replys fine now.

    Please do let me know what you think of my answers, and lets first get all the questions out of the way, and I can solidify the story and plot.

    Again, thanks for playing with me.

  5. #5
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    I will be glad when we might start, but I think I will keep having questions and comments about this. One thing is just the credibility of this advanced civilization of countries which progressed and that are always and continuously at war with each other through a thousand years and more... It is though for fantasy writing so we would do what we can with that. I think names are needed for things, like this people of this country where our characters are. Of course, we might want to submit names for our characters here ... perhaps with descriptions? A name of a leader could be relevant. What kind of structure does our society have? Is it capitalist, is it free market, is it totalitarian, is communist, is it feudal, or is it anything else? What belief system or systems are there? Is or are there any god or gods that may be involved?

    In my writing I have often used gemstones with powers that might be triggered and released, too. I had explanation of those prepared as being of cosmic origin, they would come rapidly to the world of fantasy as meteors, these would immediately form as cyclonic determinate electric phenomena, which would persist a long time as they gradually diminished. They were dangerous at this stage as they might follow anyone carrying any metal, and one would shock such person it would come upon with deadly force. When the cyclonic form diminished completely the glowing gemstone would be left, yet with a serious emination that would cause deformities from mutation on any who were too close or were handling them directly. This would be known from previous generations. The safe way to manage them which was learned was using the clear gemstones left when all the power had dissipated from earlier glowing gemstones to make shells for covering those still glowing, so they were contained in objects like orbs, emination reaching the clear gemstone material from inside would be absorbed and converted to emitted light, so that the glow would seem brighter through the shell being used. Yet they had a period of being usable but that capacity would also dissipate eventually as the previous ones did. These were rarer in some worlds and not so rare in other worlds. Does any of this seem interesting?

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    I assume you describe free trade as capitalist.

    Thats the reason for the equal and broad technological spread.
    Because they might be at war, yet at the borders, trade is still done.
    Spying and taking over technology, either as blueprint or as prize, is obviously normal too.
    Anything another country developed, every other country that wants it, spys on them.
    And yes, their progress was not as rapid as ours, they did not have many great people who progressed them, they did it in a slow and steady way.
    And if you call a seize fire, peace, and not war, they do have long periods of none-fighting.
    Which only continue as soon as they start to get comfortable.

    I have pondered upon the leaders and the character.
    I have decided to make the RP more interesting, I will make one reference from the game, and use their leaders as ours. Cid.
    Because its such a mysterious, complicated and realistic leader.( Unlike the leaders we have in our world, your sometimes amazed about they can dress themselves.)

    There are super fauna, creatures that didn't die by age, and have grown and evolved as a single organism over thousands of years.
    These usually are referred to as gods, if a country has one of these super faunas, you should assume the common man worships it as a god, and the high society just sees it as a paragon of their country.
    Hence real religion or gods, don't exist, maybe just for the greatest of philosophers.

    I think most of what you said is coherent. Just that my intension was that at the forming of the planet the gemstones came from outer space, and were found at a later time.
    Also they do not electrocute people with metal, and the opposite for the glow, mutations and things might happen with a highly charged gemstone, as you can identify their strength (usually) by their glow.
    When one is depleted, they are clear (sometimes) yet no glow.
    Which then are usually used as highly valueble currency.
    The only currency every country uses.

    So yes, besides a few details, I think your idea about them are very similar.

    And do keep asking questions, I also wanna work out the story, and such, and any mistakes I might have made, id very much want to address.

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    Ah, and as I said, I will work out the characters today? I wanted to do this RP together and step by step, so anything no necessary, i kept open.
    I think, and the country, and have a description tomorrow?

  8. #8
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Well, yes, free trade is capitalism, at least it is an ideal, for it. Capitalism also includes corporatism. Corporatism is not free trade. There is government involvement in capitalism being a possible scenario, that would not be free trade. So there might be one of these to define society in this writing, or more than one, as there may be more than one society.

    As described the leader or leaders might not be any of such things that are gods, but they are immortals. Right? And they might not be at all human, or maybe they are superhuman.

    If we build up things for it step by step we might do so quickly and still have in character writing soon. I think. I have ideas for a character I can write as, already. But you have ideas for what is involved for characters in this world, and you can speak more to that. You might choose to show what you have for a character you will roleplay as, already, that might help as a model for what to have included for my character.

    As this is in a fantasy forum I expect we will use fantasy elements, and more so as we continue on, as maybe we can.

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    (I'm super hung over, so if some things sound weird, forgive me, haha)

    I think the best way to describe it, is empireism, there a monarch, president or some form of a ruler, obviously every country is different, yet usually its a military country, with some sort of leader. Be it president or king or maybe even a religious figure.
    Yet any country that doesn't trade, usually is wiped out.

    Interesting take on that, no, the more vampiric, or super human type of people usually don't stand in any spotlight, they rule from the shadows, indeed those types may exist, yet usually they mingle among the normal people, unseen, or totally seclude themselves from society.
    Yet indeed that there are shadow rulers, whos power surpasses even the leader of the country, would not be uncommon, just highly rare to witness.

    The high fantasy theme, is more to get the edge off, instead of difficult science devices that grant powers, I have chosen to take gemstones, for a more esoteric approach, I think this will make it easier to play, and gets the edge off.
    Because having to say super fauna, cosmic energy storage, and immortals in none-fantasy, people will judge us, or at least me

    Ok, well, I don't even know who I am going to play yet, I guess I'm going for something different and again let the game inspire me, and play a weapon smith front line soldier. It's quite intriguing.
    This will be your typical protoganist type of fellow, which I will obviously give some of my own personal elements.

    As for the starting stuff.
    I pondered a bit about it, didn't really get the chance yesterday, yet I'll explain what I already have

    So we are starting on a off -shore island. This isn't rainforest tropical, yet more your florida, spain, or japan type climate.
    As typical, there are hardly and cities, just army bases, and some villages.
    Our country has a president, and has quite a idealistic governing plan, which allows a lot of freedom for their people to develop on their own, together with the flaws that come with that.
    That being said, the rules and qualitative bar for the people however is set higher then usual because of this "self development." Their military system is quite complicated as every individual has a different skill set, obviously what we call "school" subjects, like first aid, weapon handling, and map reading, are all things everyone should know. However everyone is judged by their asset towards the army. If you are unable to read maps, yet you are excellent at explosives, for example, it's just marked on your record, and they will allow it.

    Anyhows, we are on a off shore island, that's basically like a summer beach island, which gives a interesting dark/light side of things. Probably important for your characters background.
    This can be seen like a lighthouse island, big enough for one base, one village, and a forest, together with a inactive volcano.
    This means resources and items are scarse, unless deemed a necessity by the government.
    Yet has some unique other stuff that might be quite rare on other places.

    Alright, so another very interesting factor, is that everyone is basically dirt poor, if not connected to the government, or has unique family.
    Hence the ability that modern age equipment can be found, like hand held computers, yet don't expect to see them at places they are not needed, hence military equipment and civilian equipment can sometimes be a huge leap.
    The army bases are high tech, equiped with the latest technology, and usually have some very highly trained and educated professionals in charge, who all uniquely rule their base in their own way.

    Now our president is eccentric, which is quite uncommon, or even unheard of.
    Its a chubby short man, well in his 50ties. Who nobody fully understands, and almost handles every situation completely uniquely, you'd never be able to foretell how he will handle it, just that he will do so more efficiently then thought.

    Everyone has suffered greatly in this forever war, hence why almost everyone of worth, is gone. It's officers, who didn't die as soldiers, and got a position, and its soldiers.
    Together with a very small group that forms the entire government, hence why this eccentric president had a chance, as simply there is almost nobody left to rule.
    However hoarding, crafting and tactics, is always a priority.

    So, this thousand year war, because of all tha atrocities and losses, had falling into a cease fire, not because they wanted to, just because they didn't have the strength to put up a decent fight.
    We are (obviously) at the end of that cease fire, and we know that, because of this new empire, that uses chaotic and dangerous technology to gain an edge in war, they are utterly destructive, and don't take prisoners (usually) and burn down everything they find, leaving nothing but rubble.
    This put everyone else on edge ofcourse, yet as nobody knows where they will strike, as they don't formally declare war, and attack anything they get the chance at, there is also a lot of confusion.
    Their colours are red and black.

    Lets see, thats the starting location, the country, a bit of history, society and politics, the leader...
    I guess I just need to add about our own base and village, and a little about the other countries.

    Our base is run by a woman doctor, and yes, thats unusual, probably because they see this base as insignificant, they didn't mind letting none-soldier personell lead a base. As she probably volunteered.

    This also leads to a unique way the base is run, putting mental and physical health as the main ideals.

    The base if decorated with many local flowers, basically making it a sort of dome, animals, insects, and other creatures like birds, that are deemed useful, or just not harmful roam within the base, together with a lake, inside the base. Yet all very clean.

    Before I ramble on too long about the finer details, to make you understand everything you need to imagine the origin of your character, I'll just tell a bit about the known information of other countries, and then call it a day today, haha.

    So we have the big mean and evil country, going on a rampage, we have us, and dozens of smaller countries, an ocean separates this big mean evil force, from our own lands, here we basically are the dominant force, having the upper hand among our little bubble, hence also the cease fire.

    I felt I rambled on far too long already, so let me know if I missed anything, or said something wrong.
    Im going to cure my headache and hangover now, and after your next reply, if you have all the necessitys to make a character, I'll start on a intro post.

  10. #10
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Quote Originally Posted by AwsomeGuy View Post
    (I'm super hung over, so if some things sound weird, forgive me, haha)

    I think the best way to describe it, is empireism, there a monarch, president or some form of a ruler, obviously every country is different, yet usually its a military country, with some sort of leader. Be it president or king or maybe even a religious figure.
    Yet any country that doesn't trade, usually is wiped out.

    Interesting take on that, no, the more vampiric, or super human type of people usually don't stand in any spotlight, they rule from the shadows, indeed those types may exist, yet usually they mingle among the normal people, unseen, or totally seclude themselves from society.
    Yet indeed that there are shadow rulers, whos power surpasses even the leader of the country, would not be uncommon, just highly rare to witness.

    The high fantasy theme, is more to get the edge off, instead of difficult science devices that grant powers, I have chosen to take gemstones, for a more esoteric approach, I think this will make it easier to play, and gets the edge off.
    Because having to say super fauna, cosmic energy storage, and immortals in none-fantasy, people will judge us, or at least me

    Ok, well, I don't even know who I am going to play yet, I guess I'm going for something different and again let the game inspire me, and play a weapon smith front line soldier. It's quite intriguing.
    This will be your typical protoganist type of fellow, which I will obviously give some of my own personal elements.

    As for the starting stuff.
    I pondered a bit about it, didn't really get the chance yesterday, yet I'll explain what I already have

    So we are starting on a off -shore island. This isn't rainforest tropical, yet more your florida, spain, or japan type climate.
    As typical, there are hardly and cities, just army bases, and some villages.
    Our country has a president, and has quite a idealistic governing plan, which allows a lot of freedom for their people to develop on their own, together with the flaws that come with that.
    That being said, the rules and qualitative bar for the people however is set higher then usual because of this "self development." Their military system is quite complicated as every individual has a different skill set, obviously what we call "school" subjects, like first aid, weapon handling, and map reading, are all things everyone should know. However everyone is judged by their asset towards the army. If you are unable to read maps, yet you are excellent at explosives, for example, it's just marked on your record, and they will allow it.

    Anyhows, we are on a off shore island, that's basically like a summer beach island, which gives a interesting dark/light side of things. Probably important for your characters background.
    This can be seen like a lighthouse island, big enough for one base, one village, and a forest, together with a inactive volcano.
    This means resources and items are scarse, unless deemed a necessity by the government.
    Yet has some unique other stuff that might be quite rare on other places.

    Alright, so another very interesting factor, is that everyone is basically dirt poor, if not connected to the government, or has unique family.
    Hence the ability that modern age equipment can be found, like hand held computers, yet don't expect to see them at places they are not needed, hence military equipment and civilian equipment can sometimes be a huge leap.
    The army bases are high tech, equiped with the latest technology, and usually have some very highly trained and educated professionals in charge, who all uniquely rule their base in their own way.

    Now our president is eccentric, which is quite uncommon, or even unheard of.
    Its a chubby short man, well in his 50ties. Who nobody fully understands, and almost handles every situation completely uniquely, you'd never be able to foretell how he will handle it, just that he will do so more efficiently then thought.

    Everyone has suffered greatly in this forever war, hence why almost everyone of worth, is gone. It's officers, who didn't die as soldiers, and got a position, and its soldiers.
    Together with a very small group that forms the entire government, hence why this eccentric president had a chance, as simply there is almost nobody left to rule.
    However hoarding, crafting and tactics, is always a priority.

    So, this thousand year war, because of all tha atrocities and losses, had falling into a cease fire, not because they wanted to, just because they didn't have the strength to put up a decent fight.
    We are (obviously) at the end of that cease fire, and we know that, because of this new empire, that uses chaotic and dangerous technology to gain an edge in war, they are utterly destructive, and don't take prisoners (usually) and burn down everything they find, leaving nothing but rubble.
    This put everyone else on edge ofcourse, yet as nobody knows where they will strike, as they don't formally declare war, and attack anything they get the chance at, there is also a lot of confusion.
    Their colours are red and black.

    Lets see, thats the starting location, the country, a bit of history, society and politics, the leader...
    I guess I just need to add about our own base and village, and a little about the other countries.

    Our base is run by a woman doctor, and yes, thats unusual, probably because they see this base as insignificant, they didn't mind letting none-soldier personell lead a base. As she probably volunteered.

    This also leads to a unique way the base is run, putting mental and physical health as the main ideals.

    The base if decorated with many local flowers, basically making it a sort of dome, animals, insects, and other creatures like birds, that are deemed useful, or just not harmful roam within the base, together with a lake, inside the base. Yet all very clean.

    Before I ramble on too long about the finer details, to make you understand everything you need to imagine the origin of your character, I'll just tell a bit about the known information of other countries, and then call it a day today, haha.

    So we have the big mean and evil country, going on a rampage, we have us, and dozens of smaller countries, an ocean separates this big mean evil force, from our own lands, here we basically are the dominant force, having the upper hand among our little bubble, hence also the cease fire.

    I felt I rambled on far too long already, so let me know if I missed anything, or said something wrong.
    Im going to cure my headache and hangover now, and after your next reply, if you have all the necessitys to make a character, I'll start on a intro post.
    I hope you are feeling better, may you stay well.

    First I will just ask, to get this out of the way for myself, when you use "none-" in a word, are you meaning with that the prefix "non-"? I can understand the words if that is meant. But as this is being posted in the Fantasy roleplaying forum, I anticipate writing with fantasy, that it would not all be nonfantasy. It just leaves things open to what is still possible that nonfantasy would not. There are actually things still in this world, not to mention other worlds, that we don't know about. And really intelligent life besides human life is really possible.

    Granted those in human societies are human. And those characters we would roleplay would be humans, even mantype humans, among others who are likewise. Your mention of super fauna made me wonder.

    Any actual devices constructed from what is known to science uses materials that are available, including for any power needed, gemstones with power might just as well be used among the available materials, and such is beyond what is known to science among us here.

    I have ideas for the character I would roleplay. From what I have been told of this place, my character, a male of 20 years age, 5' 11.5" height, comes from a village of the country, where his ancestors, many known to him by name of his father's paternal and maternal lineages and his mother's paternal and maternal lineages, have lived in the same place for ages. He is called "Stony" by those who know him, he has a certain look kind of like a caveman. He joined the military base having concern for this country and any threat to it with his proficiencies being of interest to those there, including very good mapreading ability, and knowing the lore of the country's herbs for all sorts of medical needs. I will construct more for him as I can be guided to do with further discussion we have, including what can be strarted with for the in character thread.

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