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Thread: "The Golden Dream" [M] The Golden Dream [cwlee & DreamDragon101]

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    Default "The Golden Dream" [M] The Golden Dream [cwlee & DreamDragon101]

    Kara looked at her watch was she late and missed the bus or was the bus just running late. She did not like to be late for swimming practice. Coach Albert told her if she kept coming in late, she would lose her spot on the swim team. It was looking like she was going to be late again. Now today she could not be late because she was getting a new swim coach. What would the new Coach think if she was to come in late.

    "Oh, come on bus where you are at? You are making me late." she says as she pulls her phone out of her pocket and starts to dial Coach Albert’s number. But instead of getting him she ends up having to leave a message. "Hey Coach Albert, this is Kara. I am sorry I am not there, yet the bus is running late once again. I guess I will be there when the bus comes. Okay see you soon bye. Why does he never seem to answer his phone when I call him." she said as she hung up her phone and put it back in her pocket.

    Now by the time the bus finally came Kara had been standing there for over an hour. “Well, it is about time it got here.” she said under her breath as she climbed on the bus and took her seat. When the bus finally arrived at the gym Kara grabbed her backpack and started to run into the gym. But as she was turning the corner to go into the locker-room, she ran right into a young man that had just come out.

    "Oh, excuses me sir, I am so sorry please forgive me. I am running a little late today because the bus was an hour late arriving at the bus stop.” She said as she bent down to pick up his towel for him. Then as she handed him the towel both of their eyes met, and Kara’s face turned bright red as she blushed and looked away. “Um, have a nice day sir.” she said as she turns and quickly ran into the girl’s locker - room.

    As Kara was changing into her swimsuit the young man’s face reappeared in her mind. She wondered who he was. Would she get another opportunity to meet him she hopes so. But right now, she needed to focus on get herself ready before Coach Albert came looking for her.

    When Kara had finished changing, she quickly ran over to her locker and shoving her backpack into it. Then grabbing her towel, swimming cap and goggles she started to put them as she made her way out into the pool area. As she walked in, she saw Coach Albert standing next to the pool watching a swimmer do the butterfly across the pool.

    Now it only took Kara a minute to see who was in the water swimming and when she did her mouth dropped open. Was this the young man that she had run into in the locker-room a bit ago? But her thoughts were interrupted as Coach Albert spoke to her. “Ah there you are good morning, Kara. I was starting to wonder if you had slept in today.” He said as he turned back to look at the water again. “Oh hi, Coach. Yeah, I am late today all because of the bus was late arriving again. Wow! Look at that guy swim. Who is that guy swimming out there?” she asks as she watched the guy flip over and start to swim back towards them.

    When Coach Albert heard her question, he started to laugh. “Oh, that is Coach Jason; he is the one that is going to be your new Coach. He told me you ran into him in the locker-room a bit ago. Yes, he is good at swimming in fact he is one of the best swimmers in the state. He still has one lap left to go and then you can meet him.” he said as he patted her on the back.

    Kara sighed when she heard this was going to be her new coach. “Do I really have to meet him right now? Why can’t I do it later on after I am done swimming? I really do need to start my warmup swim right now.” she said as she put her towel down on the chair next to them. “Oh, Kara please wait for Jason to finish swimming. I think you will really like him.” Coach Albert said. But it was too late Kara had already dived into the water and started to swim. Coach Albert stood there shaking his head. “When am I going to get that girl to ever learn to wait for things?” he said out loud to his self as he stood there watching them both swim.

    After a few minutes of warming up Kara noticed that Jason had finished his swimming and was getting out of the water, she knew it would not be long before Coach Albert would be calling her to get out of the water as well. She also knew she had to obey him, or she would be in trouble. But as she was just about to swim up to the wall, she heard him call out to her. “Kara would you please come join me over here I need to talk to you.” He said as he turned back to talk to Jason again.

    Kara nodded her head as she swam the rest of the way to the wall, then jumping up onto the side of the wall she climbed out of the water. As she grabbed her towel she smiled and made way over to her coach. Coach Albert nodded his head as he watches her walk over to him. “Thank you, Kara, for coming. Now I would like to introduce you to your new Coach. Kara this is Coach Jason and now he is your coach. I will let you two get to know each other some.” he said as he nodded his head and turned to leave them.

    Now Kara was not sure what to say to him, but she knew she could not just stand there and not say anything at all. “Hello, Coach Jason.” she said as she looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. “It is nice to finally be able to meet you in the right way sir.” she said as she held out her hand for him to shake it. After she shook his hand, she continued to talk. “I had no idea earlier when I ran into you that you were going to become my new swimming coach. But now that we have met, I feel better knowing that you are going to be my coach. Oh, my listens to me ramble on like this, I am sure you have plenty of things you want to ask me about my swimming.” she said as she quickly looked away from him as she blushed. She could not run from him this time like she had done earlier but she knew she had to stay there and wait for him to talk to her.

    As Kara waited for Coach Jason to speak, she wrapped her towel around her and stood there. She wondered what he had planned for her to do first. Would he be really strict like Coach Albert was or would he be more of a lay back Coach that she would really enjoy being around? She did not know but she was ready to find out what he was like.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-31-2024 at 03:05 PM.


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