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Thread: Alien: Resurgence [M] (Bluemoon x Kach)

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    Default Alien: Resurgence [M] (Bluemoon x Kach)

    The Pegasus, a Stronghold Class prisoner transport vessel, departed from the Titus Penal Installation four days ago after dropping it's full cargo of 52 prisoners. That was supposed to be the end of their job, however there were two complications. The first was the two death row prisoners that need transport back to earth. The second was that the warden couldn't spare any guards for their trip back; it would be up to the eager ship's commander to oversee the deadly passengers' care. The voyage so far had been relatively uneventful.

    Cockpit, Pegasus

    Lucille Taves reclined in her seat that overlooked the main controls for the vessel, just like she had for the last nine years, as she sipped room temperature coffee from a plastic mug. The black, speckled with pinpricks of light, filled the view screen in front of her. A smirked crept across her face as she remembered an old conversation she had with the first Commander of the ship about what temperature was optimal for the substance. She didn't need to eat or drink, but found it made the crew more comfortable with her and gave common ground as people always complained about 'chow'. She looked across the readouts at her station. Nothing had changed since night shift began 12 hours ago.
    Lucille's thoughts returned back to their trip as she checked her watch.

    "07:30, morning already." Lucille announced to the empty bridge. "Peg would you please wake everyone?"

    The ship's AI, designated Prisoner Exchange Guardship Model 13, had microphones at all crewed posts for voice commands.
    The terminal screen at Lucille's station began to fill with text.

    "Begin -Reveille Protocol- for crew compartments -Captian's Quarters- , -Cabin 1 Top Deck-

    The ship's intercom in Katherine DuPre's and Quince McGovern's Quarters came to life with a synthesized feminine voice.
    "The time is zero-seven-thirty, rise and shine. The time is zero-seven-thirty, rise and shine. The time is zero-seven-thirty, rise and shine...."
    The message repeats until the cabin's occupants acknowledge it.

    Cell 22 Block A, Pegasus

    Kyle Jenkins had been up for a few hours. He had spent most of that time exercising and had began to sweat through his jump suit. He had been doing push ups for the last ten minutes though he had no way of telling what time it was in the barren cell. A bed was recessed into the wall on each side with a toilet and sink at the back wall. The cell door was a sheet of transparent aluminum, drilled with holes the size of peas at head height, and a small door in it that the guard put food through three times a day. That was the only way he had of telling time and how he knew he had been in this box for four days. He was glad to be heading back to earth.
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    Captain's Quarters--Upper Deck--Pegasus


    It was the third repetition and Katherine reached over to press the button on her wrist telecom to silence the noise, her brain correcting her before contact. She let her hand drop and groggily murmured, "I'm shining MEG, stop already." Immediately the IA shut down the wake up call, silence filling the room. Sighing, a yawn escaped her lips as she ran a hand through her ruffled locks.

    "Coffee on," she said as she slipped into her jogging suit, planning on getting in a short run before showering and seeing to the prisoners. Thirty minutes tops, and she would be ready to start her day. The sound of water dripping and the heady aroma of coffee filled the room as she finished dressing. It would be ready for her when she returned.

    Crew's Quarters--Upper Deck--Pegasus

    Quin was a light sleeper and he was sitting up by the time the first call to wake finished. "Locked and loaded PEG," he said in a chipper tone, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He patted his belly, already feeling the stirs of hunger. "Hope breakfast is ready, I'm starving," he said to the empty room. It took him only a few minutes to slip into his uniform, his tool belt cinched around his waist. A quick stop at the restrooms and a splash of water on his face was the only ritual he followed before eating.

    He was almost to the dining area when he spotted the captain and he nodded his head towards her. "Mornin' Cap," he called out as she trotted by him, his nod returned. He would already be on the job before she hit the mess hall...first to feed the convicts, then herself. Her routine was well known, the woman rarely deviating from it. It made things a bit easier, not having to worry about catching a sip or two before his shift.

    Cell 21 Block A--Pegasus

    Sal was awake, listening to the sounds of heavy breathing coming from the cell next to hers, her teeth tightly ground together as she moaned in frustration. The pillow over her head did little to muffle her wallmates grunts and groans and she envisioned driving a blade through his chest to shut him down. It had been hours, the man obsessed with working out, and she found herself counting his reps, her lips moving despite her desire to stop them.

    Fuming, the lithe red head rolled from her bed, using her open palm to slap the adjoining wall. "Hey about stopping now? Please? Some of us need our beauty sleep and it sounds like you are pumping yourself raw over there." She smiled to herself, the double meaning of her words intentional. It was too bad she couldn't see the guy...and he her...her underclothes nearly transparent with the layer of sweat coating them to her skin.

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    Lucille finished typing the last of her notes into the shift log at her console then checked her watch, ten minutes had gone by since the wake up call had gone out. She stood, stretching and taking a moment to jog on the spot, before heading toward the doors that connected the cockpit to the rest of the ship.

    The entrance to the cockpit was different from most ships. It had a small double door system like an airlock to prevent unauthorized access by prying the door open or jamming it when it tried to close. There was only enough space in between the sets of doors for two people to stand comfortably and the space was monitored by video that fed to the cockpit.

    Lucille hit the door control and the door in front of her opened with a faint hiss. She stepped into the small space and the bridge door closed hissing once more behind her before the inner door to the ship opened. Making her way to the Galley, she passed Kath heading back to her Quarters and offered a smile and greeting.
    "Good morning Captain."

    Lucille had loaded the foil covered premade frozen meals for the morning into the tall oven in the galley a few hours earlier so everyone could have a warm breakfast. Meal times were her favourite parts of the day. Spending time with the rest of the crew was always enjoyable especially on the lonely trips home when the ship was nearly empty. Normally they ate in the mess hall, but with only the three of them the galley was room enough and saved them from having to transport the hot food too far.

    Arriving at the Galley, she headed to the oven and offered a chipper greeting to Quince who was already eating.
    "Good morning Engineer McGovern, I trust you slept well.
    She took a meal out of the oven and brought it over to the small table Quince was eating at and took a seat.

    Cell 21 A Pegasus

    The slapping on the thick metal of the ship's hull made more of a slapping sound than any kind of knocking, but the rhythmic sounds halted as Kyle sprang to his feet.
    His neighbour's reputation had preceded her. She reminded him of someone he knew a long time ago. Kyle had a few idea's of how he could use her help but needed to get a better idea of her nature first.
    He leaned against his cell door, the cell block silent as a grave.
    "Beauty sleep? You Red? I'm surprised you haven't sweet talked the Jailer into opening your cell yet with manors like that.
    The final battle,
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    With a grunt, Quin looked up at Lucille as she joined him, swallowing the food in his mouth before addressing her properly. "Mornin'...and yes, I slept wonderfully. I suspect all is well?" It really didn't matter what the android responded, the engineer planned to run a full-systems check this morning regardless. In a matter of minutes, the AI could complete the analysis that would take him hours to do manually. Modern technology was sure a wonder.

    As he spooned in the last of the eggs on his tray, he reached for another one, knowing the lovey lady before him would have prepared an extra for him as it was his custom in the morning to devour two meals. He skipped the mid-day serving frequently, too busy to bother to come up for food. He offered her a smile, nodding at her tray. "Do you even taste that? I know it's supposed to make the others think of you as human, but isn't it a bother to pretend?" He chuckled lightly, tearing the foil off before digging into his second helping. Keeping the android functioning properly was also his job, but she appeared to be operating efficiently to his trained eye, but, perhaps a systems check should be planned for her as well.

    Cell 21--Second Level--Pegasus

    Sally scoffed, moving closer to the adjoining wall. "Well, aren't you the sweetest?" She laughed lightly. "..but in case you haven't noticed, our keeper is not exactly my type. I prefer the big strong healthy you...females just aren't my thing. Now, if that dark haired lunk decided to pay us a visit...he I could sink my teeth into...literally."

    She moved about her cell, as always looking for a weak spot. She didn't like to be confined and the past five years had been hell. Didn't they know she had an agenda? She smirked, looking at herself in the polished metal of the walls. She was a could she work her wonders on anyone in such a state? Sighing, she moved back across her cell, closer to her neighbor. They had not spoken much since their arrival, but she had gotten a glimpse of him before being transferred into this sterile cage. He would make quite the body guard, the beefcake just her type.

    Leaning against her door, she struck a post and put on her sultry voice. "Hey lover, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. This ole girl is lonely."

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    Galley- Pegasus

    "Engine bank three had some pressure build up again, I think the oxidizers might have started leaking again. I noted it in the shift log. No other deficiencies were noted. I will write up a dry dock request and leave it open for you to sign and submit."
    Lucille, not wanting to sound accusatory or displeased delivered the information like she was talking about fond memories with an old friend. She had a lot of time during the night shift, so she often took initiative and began the arduous paperwork required for various internal requests for her colleagues so they simply had to complete and submit it.
    She found it fascinating that Quince could eat so much in one sitting. She partially opened her meal, letting most of it keep warm under the foil as she took a few delicate bites. She would wait for the Captain and finish eating with her while giving the night report.

    Lucille let out a slight chuckle at the question.
    "I could ask you the same thing with how fast you pack it down. But yes, I do taste it, so I know how terrible it is."
    She shrugged with a rye smile as he ate.
    "I could stand in the corner silently and watch you eat without blinking if you would prefer.
    Lucille grinned as she took a sip of coffee from her weathered plastic mug. The cup had a dozen faded names printed on it in marker. It was always a conversation starter when new crew came aboard. She relished talking about the gift her first Captain gave her, and her first possession that wasn't company property. Most of the current crew had heard this story at least half a dozen times by now and carefully avoided the subject.

    Cell 22A-Pegasus

    Kyle wasn't excited to be her ideal choice of prey, but it couldn't be helped. He did note that she had noticed the other guy. The crew were careful not to use names in ear shot of them, but Kyle had been able to figure he was some kind of tech. More ideas and plans began to swirl in his mind, but taking the ship with someone who might literally stab him the back wasn't terribly appetizing. Especially when he had a plan in place for when he got to earth.

    Kyle stretched as he paced in his cell to keep the blood flowing to his aching muscles.
    "Well Red, what do you want to know? I was paid to kill people for five different organizations, then I got tired of the terrible pay, so I setup my own. I guess they don't like it so much when they aren't calling the shots anymore. What about you Red? How did you end up my neighbour?
    Kyle wanted to get her talking to see what would tumble out.
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

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    Quin nodded. "Thanks for that...paperwork is not my strong point." He chuckled. "...and yeah the food is shit, but a man's gotta eat. Grew up on big breakfasts and never got out of the habit." He rubbed his belly, the smile staying on his face. "...and it shows. One day I will work this off...but not today." He took a few more bites of food, then wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

    "As for standing and watching me eat? I think I will pass. Creepy ass shit right there." As was his custom, he wolfed down the remaining food, knowing Lucy was going to wait for the captain before she finished hers. One again...well known routines.

    He stood, putting the trays in the recycling bin and waiting for the sound of the compactor to start up before he turned to the android again. "I think we should schedule a routine check for you. My log shows it is past due...which is my bad. Came up a couple days ago and I forgot. Swing by tonight?"

    Cell 21--Pegasus

    Giggling, Sally sat down, putting her back up against the wall. "Well, this is just like a proper date, now isn't it? Talking all about ourselves. But I know you already know my story...otherwise you wouldn't be calling me by my moniker Red." She paused, running a hand through her ginger curls in an attempt to tame them. Licking her lips, she pictured the man on the other side of the wall, imagining him in a chair across a table from her.

    "I'll tell you what love, I'm going to tell you a story I haven't told anyone. Just 'cause you are special...and what do I have to lose now? Already have a date with a needle." She cleared her throat, wishing she had a cup of water in her hands.

    "Back when I was sixteen, I had this boyfriend. God...he was a cute little thing. ...and one day he asked me if I wanted to see something cool? So of course I said yes. He took me to this old warehouse...and I was sure he was going to try something creepy...but instead he led me to a body. An old homeless man that had been brutally attacked. It was kind of a turning point for me." She laughed, chewing on her lower lip as the memory played out in her head. "I felt all tingly and light-headed, but not from fear or revulsion. I was excited...and curious. We stripped the man down to get a close look at his wounds and I stuck my finger into one of those holes. That was really something! I felt a jolt of know. ...and he was all cold and rubbery...hardly like a real person anymore. I was hooked." She stopped talking, her breathing elevated from the retelling. After a few seconds had passed, she cleared her throat again.

    "So do you feel about me now?" The words said with humor.

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    Pegasus- Galley

    Lucille smiled thoughtfully at the thanks but waved it off. She listened intently as he explained about his eating habits, she figured he must have worked in at a factory or farm when he was younger.
    "If you start shrinking down I will think I have lost my skills as a cook." Lucille joked.
    She watched him get up and put away the trays, ready to bid him goodbye and wait for the captain, so she was surprised when he brought up the diagnostic. Had she done something wrong? She was designed to emulate emotion, so she couldn't hide the unease she felt.
    "I, um, yes, that would be fine. I have some time before night shift after supper. Thank you Engineer McGovern.
    Was there something she had missed? No, it couldn't be that... Quince said it was routine...

    Cell 22A- Pegasus

    "Well you do have red hair Red." Kyle replied flatly with a faint smirk. He continued pacing silently as she spoke, carefully considering her words. Kyle was pretty sure she was a bit of a head case, but was glad she didn't seem straight up looney. It wouldn't do him any good to poke the bear, so he decided to play it cool, she could still be useful.
    "Everyone's first encounter with death changes them. You either cower and cling to life even harder or you accept your fate and death loses it's sway over you. We are dangerous because we are no longer cattle, fenced in by death on all sides. We are wolves, free to hunt and live as we chose until our luck runs out. "
    His words were sincere, measured and even as he spoke.
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    Cell 21--Pegasus

    Sally scoffed. "Red...yes, my hair is that for sure...but I doubt that is the reason for you calling me the name." She rose to her feet, walking to the unused bed and grabbed up her prison duds. just wasn't her color. She slipped it on, knowing the captain would be arriving with their breakfast soon. It was one of her 'gifts', the ability to tell time by events. She went to bed and woke up at the same time...and their current warden always delivered their meals in a timely manner. ...and it was time.

    "I like the idea of being a wolf Twenty-two, but my luck is already up. Not much is going to change that...unless you have something you're not telling me. ...and I'm pretty sure if you did, you wouldn't share. So..."

    She didn't have a chance to finish her thought, the sound of a cart being pushed along the hall interrupting her. The red head came to the front of her cell as Kath came into view. The captain was freshly showered and dressed in her uniform as she approached the two prisoners, the name sewn onto the breast pocket of the jacket discretely hidden from view with a scarf.

    "Good morning Miss Billows...Mr. Jenkins. Please step away from the door." Kath kept her expression neutral as she nodded to each in turn. She removed the foil from the meals and put them onto a tray. It was the same food that the crew ate--still warm compliments of Lucille. Fresh brewed coffee, juice, and plastic ware were added before she opened the small metal flap that gave her access to the serving slot in each cell door. After setting the trays inside, she pulled up the chair she kept in the hall and took a seat, a cup of coffee in her hand. "Eat have ten minutes," she said coldly.

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    Cell 22A Pegasus

    Kyle shrugged, though Sally couldn't see it through the wall, as he sat on his bunk. "Honestly, it kind of is. I don't subscribe to that whole notion of naming people by their actions. That's media garbage. I call you Red because of your red hair, because your obviously passionate and I assume your fiery temper. If that's how were naming stuff now, you can call me officer puncher, planner, ship stealer, ship crasher, or chief. But I don't mind twenty-two."
    He found it interesting how hung up she was on the name 'Red', and couldn't help but wonder if she was a bit misunderstood.

    Kyle noticed her fishing for information but decided it might still be a little early yet to consider bringing her into the fold. Kyle spoke softly, just load enough for Red to hear over the noise from the cart.
    "It ain't over until the fat lady sings...."

    Kyle regarded their keeper from his bunk. He had sized her up when they were loading in. She put on a good front, but she wouldn't be a match for a career soldier likely twice her mass. If he got the opportunity, he figured he could over power her, and she was the only guard they had seen, so she might not have much for backup.
    Kyle gave a nod of acknowledgement and a friendly smile and replied simply.
    She didn't go out of her way to make their live's miserable and Kyle respected that professionalism, so for now he was curteous. Kyle got up and retrieved his food, relishing the coffee before digging into the food.

    "You think we could get a magazine or something boss? It's pretty dull down here and I need to check my horoscopes. And we could find out what kind of theme Red should have for her wedding."
    Kyle smiled at his joke, hoping his neighbour might chime in as well, but the request was earnest. Anything to break up the boredom down here would be invaluable, in more ways than one.
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

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    Level 2--Pegasus--cell block

    Although Kath did not offer a smile in return to the male convict before her, she did nod when his request was issued. "I'll see what I can do Mr. Jenkins. I believe there are a few hand-held entertainment modules available. Perhaps at lunch time." In actuality, she knew there were enough of them in stock for each cell to have one, but they were only given out when requested as the cell occupants tended to be a little rough with them. She would bring him one...but in her own time. The fact that they were easily accessible to her at this moment, did not factor into her decision one bit.

    Keeping her eyes on the cells as she sipped her coffee, Kath heard her stomach rumble in response to the smell of food. The two seemed to be taking their time eating, but it most likely seemed so because she was feeling impatient. She always ate with Sally, and waiting was an inconvenience, but one she was willing to accept if it put her in better standing with the brass. Leaning back in her chair, she looked from one to the other. Just knowing they were heading home to face their reckoning put them in a unique that made things a bit more dangerous for her. They had nothing to lose.

    Cell 21

    Sally smiled at the captain...and at the words spoken by her block mate. She was running through the names he listed in her head...choosing 'chief' as her favorite. It might get her on his soft side if she gave him a title of importance. Having a man of his stature on her side was always a good thing...and if he fucked her over, she could always end him.

    She was just starting to pick at her food when Twenty-two, now Chief she reminded herself, mentioned a wedding theme for her. She sputtered out laughter...and his comment. Well, at least he had a sense of humor. She could work with that. She liked the man already...which was a bit of a problem. Typically she only went after assholes when looking for a mark. Not that he had to be a potential victim for her to be interested. She had just been hoping for one last thrill before meeting the needle. Of course, she was putting the cart before the horse...there was a door to deal with before she could make any plans.

    She knelt on the floor to wipe up her mess, then lifted her head to regard the captain once more. "If handsome over there gets something to read, I wouldn't mind something as well. Maybe a bridal magazine with pretty dresses. Or some mind games. Love those!" She flushed the soiled tissue in the toilet, then put her tray back on the extended serving shelf. "I'm all done boss. Delicious as always," she said sarcastically.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 07-06-2019 at 04:59 PM.

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