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Thread: A 3-person Pokemon adventure. Jessie Levinson's Solo pokemon Adventure..

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    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Parody A 3-person Pokemon adventure. Jessie Levinson's Solo pokemon Adventure..

    Jessie Levinson and James however last left off arriving at a campsite lot that was not far from Big bear California... Jessie was off to avenge her landlord. As well as go on a Journey to compete for a chance to take participation in the United States Pokemon League Tournament...

    Dogwood Family Campground...

    Jessie: It's starting to get dark out. Would you like to pitch camp here for the night. It's rather cozy... Moreless.

    "Sure. I rather not stay out too late, so that sounds like a plan to me." James said, pulling out his wallet and started going through it, trying to figure out how much camping here would be for the night.

    "Does it cost anything?" James asked, putting his wallet away.

    "If it does, I can probably cover it, depending on the price." James continued.

    Jessie: It shouldn't cost much. Maybe about 20 bucks flat rate. I think.

    Pidgeotto: There should be a cashier nearby to give the money to... to pay for the spot we're wanting.

    Jessie: James, Let Pidgeotto do the paying. He can get there within just a few seconds or so.

    It was gonna be a campout... just one step at a time...

    "$20. Alright. Good thing that my parents gave me a lot of money that they told me that they had saved up for me in case I decided to go on a Pokèmon Journey." James said, before going off to find a cashier.

    However, his Riolu stayed with Jessica.

    "His mom told him that when traveling with a women, he should do the paying. Not saying that women can't pay, but it's more polite if a man does it." Riolu explained.

    Pidgeotto snatched the $20 dollars and flew up high into the air...

    Pidgeotto: *Crying out in a gliding cheer* pidgeotto!

    Jessie: *Chuckles* My Pidgeotto is wanting to just play... Pidgeotto, You silly bird... Come back with that $20. That's for paying for the Camping spot for the night. Come on. Silly bird. *Seeing what was about to happen next*

    Pidgeotto: *Hovering in the air and then Swooping down in a fast dive leading to the cashier with the money* Geotto!....

    Arcanine: This isn't a time to be playing, Pidgeotto. It's nice out here... but we can't afford to do anything that will draw attention to ourselves. There could be some wayward grunts from Team Magma close by. We don't want to expose the idea that we're here and they catch notice of us.

    Timburr: *Grabbing a piece of wood and using it to catch onto Pidgeotto's claw and stop him from flying around consistently* I'll get him. Time to have him calm down...

    Once calmed...

    Jessie: Okay, birdie... You done with the flying?

    Pidgeotto nods...

    Where did the $20 go? Did it already reach the cashier?

    James looked around for the $20 he lost, thanks to Pidgeotto. He even called out his other Pokèmon to help him search.

    "Pidgeotto, do you remember where you dropped that $20 bill? It's okay if you dropped it off to the cashier, but we need to know if that is where it ended up." Houndour asked Pidgeotto.

    Pidgeotto winked in a pose before...

    Pidgeotto: It's been given to the cashier. No worries. *Whistles* Come on... i sometimes play around... but i don't lose money that ain't mine. Besides that the cashier is only past those 4 stands of merchandise... I dropped the $20 dollars right in front of the cashier and made certain that he knew where it came from and from who.

    Arcanine: Someone should go ask anyway... We can't take that chance. This is the only place that's with an available spot to stick to for the night and camp out. Zebstrika... Come out... You have guard duty tonight.

    Jessie's Zebstrika came out and patrolled over to the camping spot and kept a watch on it. Checking to see that there wasn't any danger.

    Jessie: We'll get this. One way or another.

    Timburr ran over to set up some beams to help pitch up camp and get it set for the night...

    Riolu, now called Rocky or Rocking Fist, went to help Timburr with the beams, while James called out Poochyena.

    "Go make sure that the money was dropped off to the cashier. Not that I don't trust Pidgeotto, but I just want someone to make sure." James told Poochyena, who just nodded in response and went to find the cashier.

    Jessie grinned at the gesture and couldn't help but chuckle.

    Jessie: *Chuckling* You are so cautious. There's no such thing with throwing caution to the wind with you i guess... Is there?

    Jessie was amused. But it wasn't long before the campsite was put together and made to suffice for them and keep them in comfort. However... They were not gonna be alone for long...

    Someone was coming their direction... from the north... just miles distance. Were they gonna be friends... or foes?

    "Nope. You can't ever be too careful. Not in this day and age." James said, tossing one of his pokeballs into the air, letting out houndour.

    "I sense somebody, or someone, coming this way." Houndour, who was called out to get started on a campfire, said after sniffing the air.

    Just as Houndour spoke, Poochyena returned after confirming that the money made it to its destination. The Poochyena nodded to James and Jessica, telling them that the money was given to the cashier.

    It was only then that within a minute... there was a purple Aura just feet away in sight of them. Behind it was... A Mewtwo? A MEWTWO?! WHAT THE F---?!?!?!

    The Pokemon was friendly... but on guard. A few steps behind it was a teenage girl. This girl was standing at a height of 6'1" It was no... wait... it was a young girl. An 8 year-10 year old girl who came from a place that she once would call home... It was...

    ???: *To Mewtwo* Mewtwo, Is it safe up ahead?

    Mewtwo: *Nods* It's calm, Abigail. There's no threat in sight. It's just a couple of trainers and their fellow pokemon companions.

    Abigail: *Stepping into View* Okay... *Looking at the teen girl and teenage boy close by* Wh-wh-who are you guys? Are you two... lost?

    Jessie: Nope. We're on a journey. A Pokemon Journey... However i'm also on a quest and seeking to avenge my landlord. I'm Jessie. Jessie Levinson. The guy close by me is James. James Jones. He's from Vermont and is like a traveling dude. He's cool. What about you? What brings you out here?

    It was getting pretty twisty... But something was telling Jessie that from what she was seeing... there was a bit of a backstory or a tale behind where the girl was coming from and how she just so managed to come across to where she and James were currently...

    "Nice to meet you, Abigail. I would do introductions, but I was beaten to it. Anyways, may I ask where you come from? I don't see too many kids your age without an adult with them. Well, unless you count Mewtwo, of course." James said, looking to the young girl and giving a nod.

    Houndour wasn't convinced that this wasn't a trap, but didn't say a word. For now, being on guard was better than being catch with one's guard down.

    Riolu and Poochyena watched the scene, the dark-type Pokemon having its head tilted to the side in curiosity. Riolu, however, showed no sign of being curious, though he was.

    Abigail looked at the pokemon nearby and smiled...

    Abigail: They look so sweet. Are they friendly? Nice? *Suddenly facing the two again and trying to keep a low profile due to what she was running from* I'm Abigail Grayson....

    It was when they managed to all sit down...

    Jessie: and you ran away from home. Do i seem to guess right? No offense... but you do happen to look as though you're a runaway.

    Abigail: Yeah. *Looking down* The thing is though... i don't have a home anymore as my mom died when i was just a young girl. I was only 4 when she died.

    Jessie: *Gasps* So? Y-you're an orphan?

    Abigail: Uh-huh.

    Jessie: What happened to your father? Where did he go?

    Abigail: He went on an expedition all the way up in the swiss alps and he was on his way down the one side of the mountain when a piece of the ground gave way and the snow started coming down... causing an a-a-

    Jessie: Avalanche, Right?

    Abigail: *Wiping a tear from her eye as she was obviously upset mentioning about it for the fear that her father could possibly be dead* Uh-huh.

    Jessie: *Whistles* ... *Sighs sadly* Shit, kid. That sucks. Although at least you have had a family to hold dear to. That's something... isn't it?

    Abigail: I guess.

    Arcanine: Why are you out all by yourself? It's kinda cold out tonight and not exactly safe to be out alone. There are possible scouting teams of Team Magma and Team Aqua out roaming. Either one of them could have spotted you and really done a #.

    Abigail: I know. but my father... He was the most wonderful father in the whole world... He had this place up in Denver... A place just for the two of us. It was a really amazing place. *Pauses* What... Wait a second... Did that Arcanine just talk?

    Jessie: Sure did. Cinnamon Flame has the english speaking capability. All our pokemon do. We have this thing with us that gives them that particular knowhow.

    Mewtwo: *Looking to see the object* Wha-? Those things were said to be rare...

    More questions were being in the throws... however it was a good thing as it kept their minds from wandering about worrying of where Team Aqua and or Magma were possibly lurking. If they were even close by at that particular time...

    "Houndour and Poochyena aren't exactly friendly at first, but they'll eventually trust you. Riolu, I mean, Rocky, is more open to strangers, but as a general rule, gaining the full trust of a Riolu, or a Lucario, is easier said than done. I had Rocky for a while, and I don't think that he trusts me enough to evolve yet." James exaplined, advising against approaching Poochyena and Houndour until they decided to trust the newcomer.

    "You talk like I'm not even here and listening." Rocking Fist said, sitting down next to Poochyena.

    "Sorry. I just didn't know how to put it." James apologized to the fighting-type pokemon.

    Abigail: It's okay. I was a little timid when i first ran away. Didn't know who to trust. But it was halfway to where here is that i met Mewtwo. He was living solo and didn't really care much for human contact. Only thing was when i came across him... He looked at me with a means to perhaps of course aim at me. But when he saw that i was scared and i really was scared from the ones i was running from. He saw that i was all alone and terrified. He brought himself out from being distrusting of all humans and swore to protect me and defend me. I had a couple pokemon back at where i was staying... living with my guardian Miss Hilda and the man Beaumont. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out. She would call me Orphan and put me in the attic... Giving my room to her dog.

    *Rolling her eyes in disgust* Fernando.

    Jessie: Fernando? What kind of trippy ass name is that? Who'd want to name a dog... Fernando?

    Abigail: She even tried to steal my locket once. But i climbed out and got it back. I got it and made the move to get out and i started running... I knew they were gonna catch me if i were to stop...

    Jessie: So you just kept running.

    Abigail: As fast as i could and i'm not going back. *Turning in stubbornness*

    Jessie: *Scoffs* Oh god. I can't believe what i'm hearing come from you just now. You have run away from a home. With a roof over your head and 3... count them. 3 meals a day. A Warm bed to sleep on and not ever having to know what it would be like to be without. Why the hell would you do that? Are you cracked? Abigail... Kid. You are making a rather dumb move.

    Mewtwo: Abigail... Not to add salt to the issue... but they happen to be right. You have a home. A place to live and with 3 meals a day. A place with a warm spot to sleep. Comfort. Running away isn't the sole smart answer. it solves nothing. All it leaves a person is a sense of loneliness.

    Jessie: Besides... you don't ever have the idea of what you got... till the moment comes when you just find yourself being without it. Like me.

    Jessie then got to explaining...

    Wichita, Kansas then Metropolis was my one known home. But then when i dealt with a heavy loss... a Deep and personal one over the last 2 years close to 3... My new home became California. Been there since. However now... i'm on the journey to get my chance in competing in the Pokemon League then getting my chance at nailing the bastards who done away with my Landlord/Benefactor Andre Possleson. He took me in and gave me a home. An allowance and it was like 50-100 dollars a month. But i'd do some errands for him and earn my keep. All he asked was that i went to school and got an education for myself and that i stayed out of trouble for as much as i could. Because i'll tell you. He could frickin' tell that i was troubled and from the shit that i went through... It shook me and numbed me so much... I took to smoking. *Pulling out her pack of smokes* Cigarettes. I was that screwed up and it got to where... i could just shut down and say... the hell with everyone. But while i was going through the pains of what i lost. I dug deep and remembered that i still had a talent of singing. I did some Karaoke and there would be contests. One of them... no. two of them... were with prizes that came with Pokemon. Which are some of the ones i got with me. Charmander... Andre gave to me. Pidgeotto... i caught on my own. but the rest... Won from a contest. I came across a troubled person who also smoked. She's the daughter of a family that didn't give two shits about her. So... she did whatever the heck she wanted. This whole thing makes me think about the hell i went through... The things about it though... It's that... I am learning to flip it and put a positive spin to it. I focus on how to make better with myself. Because i know that i can get past it and make things better. Do i miss my father and Mother... And Brother. You better believe i do. I miss them alot. But i also know that in spite of it all... their passing was a blessing because it reminded me that we're only here for a short time. A very short time. And while alive... we have to make best of what sort of life we happen to lead. Just keep looking forward and keep going. Living. Because when it's your time to die... that's it. It's over. There's no redo's... no takebacks... nothing. You're done. But my habit... it's because i came to california... troubled. I dealt with my brother getting shanked and left dead like Cesar's ghost. Which was after my mother died of Scleroderma. End stage. It took her like a prized billy goat. Then my father soon after left and went for a drive... never came back. a little later... i learned that he died in a car accident. Then after that... later down the road... My brother gets mugged and beat up... Shanked and left dead. I am the only remaining member of the Levinson family left. I'm it. When i'm gone... it's done. The family line is defunct. Dead on arrival.
    Jessie: You see... Abigail. You have it lucky. You might be an only child in your family. But at least you still got a daddy. Me. I got nobody. No family. The only type of family that i did happen to attain... if at all for a while was when i was taken under the wing of my landlord Andre. However he was snuffed by Team Magma. So... now i don't seem to have him. You are throwing away the good life you got. That's a rather crappy thing to do. Wouldn't you think?

    Abigail: But you don't understand... You don't know Aunt Hilda. On the surface... she seems rather nice and kind. Sweet. But deep down... she's mean. REALLY Mean.

    Jessie: Tell you what, Kid. Come tomorrow morning. We'll take a trip with you back to your place. We'll stick by you for a couple days and see how things are. If things are really that bad as if may seem as you're the one that lived it. We'll help you pack some stuff up and grab your pokemon. The ones you left behind and you'll come with us. And yes. We'll also help you reunite with your old man. Trust me. I know what it's like to be without a loving home with loving parents and all. It sucks. Sucks the big one.

    Abigail: *Nodding slowly in understanding* Okay. I guess.

    Jessie: James... Would that sound like a rather sincere plan. It's the best move to make as this kid... as courageous as she's tryin' to be... in reality... when it comes right down to it... she's not gonna make it out on her own for much longer. She's gonna be pretty damn lost. Not knowing where to go... who to turn to. Nothing. And if any of those Team Magma and or Team Aqua dipsticks catch sight of her... she'll be lucky if she doesn't get clobbered into jerky pow by them.

    It was now a move to become guardians to the girl. But what could they see to do for her? Would they be able to help her and protect her from the cruel Guardian that she had ran from home just to get away from the clutches? What were they to do?

    Their journey presses on from there...

    That was how it would it would have been with the guy being with Jessie. But what if we had it where it was a female. It would be different... but the story goes on from where it last left off.

    As you know... Jessie Levinson had a habit. She smoked. But she was also able to sing. It was pretty cool. It was just barely a moment that passed and already she felt so bad for the young kid. She even wanted to adopt the kid. Give her a better outlook in life. Not be so alone. But what could she offer her as she too was on the road. the streets as she now had no landlord and was indeed on her quest to compete in the Pokemon league but also to avenge the loss of her landlord. To her... there was a objective in mind.

    At the Dogwood Family Campground...

    Abigail: I don't want to go back. Hilda doesn't love me. She's just acting as a caring guardian because of the money. Her and my daddy's supposed loyal lawyer. They don't want me. just the money.

    Jessie:*Lighting up* This is really sad, Kid. Abigail... *Smoking* Tell you what... Tomorrow morning when we all wake up... We'll take you home. Only to get your things that you'll need. Plus your pokemon that was left behind. You're gonna come with us. We'll protect you from your evil Aunt.

    Mewtwo: Abigail, We should see to it that you have a place to sleep for the night.

    Abigail: You're right, Mewtwo. *Yawning* I am getting kinda sleepy from all the running i did...

    Jessie: Let's set up camp. It's gonna be a really big day tomorrow.
    Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 03-19-2022 at 05:22 PM.

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    "I see that we have someone new joining us," young Piranha King says as she sees Abigail and Mewtwo join Jessie's gang. Pirahna had previously met Jessie en route as a fellow Gym Challenge participant, agreeing to advance to the very first Gym with her. Like the others, Pirahna was setting her tent up for the night.

    "Woah woah woah," Pirahna's eyes opened as she prepared a Dusk Ball, eyeing the large, light purple Pokemon, "are you Mewtwo? Like, the Mewtwo? The spoken-only-in-rumours-and-may-not-actually-be-real Mewtwo? Now that I think about it..."

    Pirahna began to mess around with Mewtwo's face as a grin formed on her face.

    "I don't know, it feels like a costume. You're a guy in a costume, aren't you? I can tell, because your skin most definitely doesn't feel like Mewtwo!"
    Last edited by King Poseidon; 03-19-2022 at 08:50 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by King Poseidon View Post

    "I see that we have someone new joining us," young Piranha King says as she sees Abigail and Mewtwo join Jessie's gang. Pirahna had previously met Jessie en route as a fellow Gym Challenge participant, agreeing to advance to the very first Gym with her. Like the others, Pirahna was setting her tent up for the night.

    "Woah woah woah," Pirahna's eyes opened as she prepared a Dusk Ball, eyeing the large, light purple Pokemon, "are you Mewtwo? Like, the Mewtwo? The spoken-only-in-rumours-and-may-not-actually-be-real Mewtwo? Now that I think about it..."

    Pirahna began to mess around with Mewtwo's face as a grin formed on her face.

    "I don't know, it feels like a costume. You're a guy in a costume, aren't you? I can tell, because your skin most definitely doesn't feel like Mewtwo!"
    Jessie Chuckles while smoking...

    Jessie: I wouldn't do that if i were you. That's not just someone in a costume. That happens to be an actual pokemon...

    Mewtwo: *Suddenly with his eyes glowing purple; Using Psychic* Refrain from touching me without permission.

    Abigail: *Gasps* Mewtwo... Stop. Don't do it. Please don't do it.

    Jessie: Pirahna.. Sounds atlantic. We should call you... Frenchy. You kinda remind a girl like me... of one. There was one in Burbank... However that girl was more of a bore. Or so the reputation seemed to have told.

    Arcanine: We should all get some rest. We're going to be heading to where Abigail lives and handle the situation of hers. Something about it seems a bit off.

    Jessie: How do you figure?

    Arcanine: Well... for one thing... The girl and her story of being on the run. Heading to the place that meant something to her dad and her. And the mean aunt. It sounds like a tall tale. But what if it's really true and she's in trouble?

    Jessie: We can't risk it. We have to help her.

    Abigail: *Yawns* I'm sleepy.

    Mewtwo: *Using Telekinesis on some of the Branches to make a makeshift bed for Abigail*

    Jessie: *To the Trainer* What brings you on the road? You competing for the tournament too? Are you going after something also?

    It was a bonfire conversation... What were they gonna speak about?

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    As the site for the bonfire was set up quickly enough and they had no difficulty in having one burning well, where they gathered then to talk, as evening came, a man came near, and Jessie and the others were startled.

    Answering the question "Who are you?" exclaimed in unison, the man said, "Relax, please. I am the Bard. Others at this campground know of me and I had thought it was explained to newcomers. I move from one campsite to another, making friends, telling interesting tales, most of those about this place or what is nearby, and give really helpful advice, for any who ask that from me for what they willingly tell me. If you all permit, I will sit and tell you some of any of the things you want to hear."

    Though the man was dressed in dark clothes, with a small hat that he wore low to his forehead, making him almost unnoticed in the dark background among the dark trees all around until he came near to the light from the fire where they gathered, they saw he was with a gentle face when it was in the light well enough, without malice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GodlyD&D View Post
    As the site for the bonfire was set up quickly enough and they had no difficulty in having one burning well, where they gathered then to talk, as evening came, a man came near, and Jessie and the others were startled.

    Answering the question "Who are you?" exclaimed in unison, the man said, "Relax, please. I am the Bard. Others at this campground know of me and I had thought it was explained to newcomers. I move from one campsite to another, making friends, telling interesting tales, most of those about this place or what is nearby, and give really helpful advice, for any who ask that from me for what they willingly tell me. If you all permit, I will sit and tell you some of any of the things you want to hear."

    Though the man was dressed in dark clothes, with a small hat that he wore low to his forehead, making him almost unnoticed in the dark background among the dark trees all around until he came near to the light from the fire where they gathered, they saw he was with a gentle face when it was in the light well enough, without malice.
    Jessie Nodded...

    Jessie: *Grins* Well.. It's swell to be meeting you. Kinda abrupt as you did rather catch us by a sudden surprise. But you're welcome to hang around with us for a bit if you are looking for a place to catch a breather or two. We were about to set up to catch some sleep. Well... At least Abigail was. She's... kinda a runaway. Ran from what she tells... a rather shitty life. Dealing with an Aunt who's not really an "Aunt" Aunt. But a legal guardian who's only considering her because of the money. Which is rather shitty and cruel... Although i don't think much of it as i'm an orphan as my parents are both... dead and my brother... Murdered. So... I'm a Levinson Solo. Which is my name. Levinson. Jessie Levinson. The young kid... 8 years old i'm guessing is Abigail Grayson. What about you?

    Jessie was open-minded to the gentleman. She didn't sense in being on guard all the time. Plus with Mewtwo on a protective front for the girl... it would be pretty excessive to just be all on guard... when in truth... there wasn't a need to be as such.
    Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 03-21-2022 at 03:17 AM.

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    The Bard breathed in, and then gave answer, "There is a whole lot each of you are dealing with. But if you are not letting me know so as to have advice from me, I won't presume to give any of it to you. Due to circumstances in my life, with some trauma, I had come to despise my name, I no longer use that original name. Some have called me Burt, and I have let them, though I don't think of myself as a Burt, either. But I have looked into a lot of lore, and made fascinating discoveries, which I have taught to some others. I have come to have followers, and among them I came to be known as the Bard. Some things should be shared generally, other things must remain hidden knowledge, that I inform to only few specially chosen according to how I find they can be trusted with very important things. I am from the Sanctuary of Soulsfort, an obscure place that had ancient historical purpose for refugees, it is a great structure built out of huge remains of this fossilized titanic sea sponge, on land that must have been under ancient seas where it had become buried. Looser sediment over it eventually wore away, and this very huge tall mound, about a hundred feet high, was left, with thin layers of hard mud over the fossilized tissues with spicules within that yet remain. There are cavities within that were made with further adobe layering into tunnels and rooms, which people who are now there dwell in. Many of them descend from refugees who came, while yet more refugees came for a long while. But the great difficulty to get there had it mostly forgotten to the rest of the world. They are very secure there. Yet there is the essential truth that I find which must not remain in one place, and I went forth with the mission for essential things from that to be shared where I go, while learning more that just very few should know. For now I have a base for myself right here in this campground. Some of the followers I have are here too."

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    Quote Originally Posted by GodlyD&D View Post
    The Bard breathed in, and then gave answer, "There is a whole lot each of you are dealing with. But if you are not letting me know so as to have advice from me, I won't presume to give any of it to you. Due to circumstances in my life, with some trauma, I had come to despise my name, I no longer use that original name. Some have called me Burt, and I have let them, though I don't think of myself as a Burt, either. But I have looked into a lot of lore, and made fascinating discoveries, which I have taught to some others. I have come to have followers, and among them I came to be known as the Bard. Some things should be shared generally, other things must remain hidden knowledge, that I inform to only few specially chosen according to how I find they can be trusted with very important things. I am from the Sanctuary of Soulsfort, an obscure place that had ancient historical purpose for refugees, it is a great structure built out of huge remains of this fossilized titanic sea sponge, on land that must have been under ancient seas where it had become buried. Looser sediment over it eventually wore away, and this very huge tall mound, about a hundred feet high, was left, with thin layers of hard mud over the fossilized tissues with spicules within that yet remain. There are cavities within that were made with further adobe layering into tunnels and rooms, which people who are now there dwell in. Many of them descend from refugees who came, while yet more refugees came for a long while. But the great difficulty to get there had it mostly forgotten to the rest of the world. They are very secure there. Yet there is the essential truth that I find which must not remain in one place, and I went forth with the mission for essential things from that to be shared where I go, while learning more that just very few should know. For now I have a base for myself right here in this campground. Some of the followers I have are here too."
    Jessie listened to what the bard said and grinned. She however started to have something come to her and before speaking up about it...

    Jessie: *Blowing smoke in the air* From what you said. it sounds like you had been around a time or two. Plus coming to places like here. I can't begin to imagine with it had to be like for you. Although... a refugee is nothing like an orphan or someone who is the only remaining member of a family. I don't know whether i have any relatives or not. I never got to thinking about it and i am sure that Abigail didn't think on whether or not she'd had any relatives. As far as she might be aware of... she could be the only child in her family and her father being the only parent she has left to know anything about. Me. I can't really say what i have left or not. All i can tell is that i am the only Levinson remaining. I was taken in by a guy who was very direct and big on responsibility. Big on working for one's supper.
    you didn't get anything for free. I lost him just last night. Late last night. Team Magma's head leader Maxie was at the apartments where i was staying courtesy of my landlord. There was something going on...

    Jessie flashed back to the moment in question as she explained the situation to the Bard...

    "Andre: But Maxie... i don't have the blueprints. I never had.

    Maxie: That's a LIE! You have the blueprints. You took them. Those forms of Data were to a machine that could help in the awakening of the legendary Pokemon Groudon. Without those forms... the machine won't be able to get fixed. Without that Machine... Groudon can't be reawakened. We already have that Rising Star. She's got the voice that is key. Plus she's also the bait for the young meddling brats of hers. The Entire Lightfoot family are a threat to my grand plan.

    Andre: I won't let you hurt them... Why would you want to hurt them? They never done anything to you.

    Maxie: They threaten my ambitions by existing. They follow the same path as she did.

    Andre: *Unleashing his pokemon* Beartic, Ice Punch against this evil vicious brute."

    Jessie: It was bad.

    Cinnamon Flame: *Nods* We're on our way to avenge the loss of the gentleman. *Whispering to Jessie* Jessie, There's something you might want to know.

    Jessie: What's up?

    Cinnamon Flame...I just had a talk with Mewtwo about something that might sound rather attentive.

    Jessie: What's that? Something awry?

    Cinnamon Flame: Mewtwo's got belief that Team Aqua was conducting something around Lake Arrowhead. He was there when He and Abigail crossed paths and from what he let out... Abigail... the young girl came to him from the southwest. So... she might be with a home nearby. Perhaps running springs or Big Bear which is from the East of here. However Team Aqua being spotted at Lake Arrowhead... Leaves a bit of a concern.

    Jessie: Team Aqua isn't the issue though. But if they're somehow up to something... Abigail could be in trouble if she had been at any time spotted by any of the members of team Aqua. They could come looking for her.

    Cinnamon Flame: What'll we do?

    Jessie: We guard her and don't let her get out of our sight... not even for a moment. Not a second...

    Something was starting to brew... but what it was... was uncertain.

  8. #8
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    The Bard said, "Levinson? I know certain Levinsons. You are not necessarily the only one. But explain things more to me. Team Magma and Team Aqua are such for you to really watch out for. So what team is yours? We should tell who are allies on that team."

    This group made the Bard more curious. He had thought that they would like hearing some of his knowledge and some of the tales he could tell them, around their fire, before they retired, as they looked like they might do not much later. But they still talked about real concerns that had their attention so much. And what might be help to them, he thought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GodlyD&D View Post
    The Bard said, "Levinson? I know certain Levinsons. You are not necessarily the only one. But explain things more to me. Team Magma and Team Aqua are such for you to really watch out for. So what team is yours? We should tell who are allies on that team."

    This group made the Bard more curious. He had thought that they would like hearing some of his knowledge and some of the tales he could tell them, around their fire, before they retired, as they looked like they might do not much later. But they still talked about real concerns that had their attention so much. And what might be help to them, he thought.
    Jessie: I'm not with any of the teams. I am on the quest to avenge my landlord. Team Magma is responsible. They're the ones who'll pay dearly. Plus... You believe that there are more of me out there? How? I don't know any of them. None other than the ones i mentioned. My brother Gerard was shanked and gutted like a prized turkey. Left for dead like Caesar's ghost.

    Jessie put out her smoke and pulled out her radio. She felt that perhaps some tunes or whatnot would lift the moods a little. She also wished to hear some Bard tales...

    Radio: *Broadcasting as Michael Rosenbaum* Hello everyone listening to me going around with the show. I happen to have been following the exports and the multiple newsreels that followed a certain celebrity expressed. Putting along all through the country. Going on tour and just getting that element called Love spread like jam on the bread. I don’t think it would get simpler than just to tell who it is… You know her… Love her and well… a whole bunch of you seek her as this goddess of love and light. Smacking the switch which puts the kiss on anyone in her path. It’s the one and Only Rising star. That’s right… It’s her. Macie Melody Lightfoot. I got her today on the show. Tonight’s the night beginning her final set of concerts. It’s funny though as she’s like so ****ing young and only like 17. She started back when she was like a newborn rat in a cage and barely let out to taste the sweet juice of celebrity pop. It’s like the diaper stage in the celeb business. You come out of the womb of the whole world and are like metaphorically naked. You have like nothing ****ing on you at all. But then because it’s like the new one has come… People see you and are like… “Oh my god. It’s… ” so and so. Or “Holy shit! It’s the …” So and so band. It’s like that for actors too. Not just singers. Or big time T.V personalities and news people. They have to go through all sorts of shit. Their days always begin like at like what hour… 4 in the morning. Radio DJ’s also have that sort of life. You have to get up… get dressed. Grab a granola bar that’s full of nutrients a cup of coffee and with their stuff needed for their job go out the door and there they go with their day once again. They come home and relax at night by day’s end thinking they’re off the hook only to have themselves on the go again… redoing it all over again. This celebrity has yet to find that out officially. But i think that it’s only just a matter of time before it hits home. Tonight however is the Grand finale of the National tour… So it’s gonna be all wheels racing and cooking. For tonight… the Rising Star’s here with us.

    Macie: *Broadcasting; On the Mic* Tonight is the night. It’s all come down to this. All of it. It’s so silly though. To think that everything i have experienced during this tour… all of it just to come down to this final destination. The Grand finale… Oh my god! I feel my heart just lifting like a cloud. This is it! WE MADE IT! ALRIGHT! All of this… it’s just about over. everything’s come right down to this moment. Here… Now.

    Michael: It has. It’s finally here to have everyone see and hear. You’re on the last round for the tour.

    Macie: yeah. I am. But i am rather relieved. I mean… i love my fans out there. Truly love them. But i’m getting a little tuckered out from the touring and i am also a teenage mother. A teen mom. Married. I have to get some time to be a mother. I don’t want my little ones to be always raised by my cousins… Or by their godfathers and godmothers. It’s not right for them to do that all the time. I have to take some time to do that too.

    Michael: Not easy to do while being a celeb… is it?

    Macie: Not at all. However… we both know what that’s like.

    Michael: Yeah. *to the listeners and viewers* This is all today… On today’s show of “Inside of You” With me… Michael Rosenbaum.

    Theme Jingle: It’s my point of view… You’re listening to “Inside of You” With Michael Rosenbaum…

    Michael: *Broadcasting on Air* Inside of You is a podcast recorded before a studio audience.

    Michael: *On Air* It’s been a long tour following this celebrity. Trailing all through the great U.S of A. Following you all over the place, Macie. It’s been a tiring but rewarding experience. Wondering on what you would do next. What you would plan next. No one knew till it happened. It was like Here you are on the shit… and out comes Magic and light as if you pulled it out of your rear rector and went: “Here we go again with another goodie from the Rising Star” You didn’t even hold back… Just… went at it. Each concert… going at it. You didn’t seem to give a shit if people questioned… You got with it regardless. How are you just able to go out there and literally kick ass with the million dollar kisses and the love spread that doesn’t seem to want to stop. Keeps on going and going like it’s with the broken switch that won’t fix itself and just doesn’t want to fix anything?

    Macie: *Broadcasting* I wouldn’t really know how it happens. It just does. It’s a continually rolling sensation. People love me because they think i can save their hearts from losing the love. But they really love me because i happen to embody the love that’s so needed. I’m like this new generation of Michael Jackson. Not saying that i came to replace him… and cause this shift where everything him is me. Or me… being him. It’s the fact that i seem to have this aura that is like him. Love. Passing a message. One that he tried to pass and it went in vain.

    Michael: So you’re like deemed as this new chance for people to love Michael as they well should have?

    Macie: I don’t know… I am guessing that it’s seeming as such. It’s so weird though. Really. Michael was a loving man. Sort of weird in a slight sense… i mean… he was eccentric in his ways. He was not like us in a normal sense. he was more than just him. He was a wild man on stage… but off that stage he was reserved and shy. But a bit weird as he never… he never could open to adults on a normal level. Just a business level. He could talk to kids fine as they were just innocent and loved. caring. sweet. But with adults… nothing but mostly business. Only because it’s like the one show i listened to of your’s michael… when you had Macaulay Culkin on the show… he said something that Michael could never articulate so well with adults or couldn’t sound clear. Where people didn’t quite get what he was trying to say and were construing it as something a bit bizarre. Like he was trying to say something and people would always hear… “Blah blah… Huh” He wasn’t bad at all. He was sweet and very loving to everyone. If someone was in need… he’d help them. Didn’t matter who it was. What it was… Legally. He’d just go and do it. He’d even go out of his way… Out of his way to just perform a random act of kindness… just because he could and it was from his own heart. No one told him. Pushed or forced. He did it. No cameras. Photo ops. He just did it on his own accord.

    Michael: That was him. But you… You were going off and spreading love.

    Macie: Yeah. That’s the thing about me… I got all this love in me and yet my childhood… it was not as loving as i would like others to suspect. It was sad.

    Michael: What was your childhood like? was it like “Boo hoo sad” or just like “Oh dear me” sad?

    Macie: It was nothing like that. It was more of a Sniffle and bunch of tears rolling down the face. Not that it was too surprising. My Biological mother and father were always at work. I would be left at home to fend for myself. Watching the house on my own. Everything from the lights to the alarm system. The house would be tended to by me. Don’t get me wrong… they were there… but for most of that time… most involved with their careers that it was like there was this bubble of obscurity upon them where they didn’t rip it open for a moment or so and come and Realize… “Oh Sweet mother of york… we almost forgot. Macie, Our daughter Macie is gonna be wondering where we are. We should pop in and check in on her.”

    Michael: It was all while you were in Stratford Connecticut… Used to live in that town. Right?

    Macie: Yeah. Once upon a time.

    Michael: Memories of that always come at you when you least expect for them to. Almost like you’d be trying to rewrite the past and turn a negative… into a positive and out of nowhere… a memory comes back and right off you’re like: “What the fuck?! Dude, what is that? Why am i remembering this bull now? I left it… and now it’s come at me… again?!”

    Macie: Seems like that… yeah.

    Michael: There are people out there just following you like it’s a whole new light for them. But they are also following others like you… This girl name Zoey. Amy Diamond… Serena Black. They’re being followed and grabbed like the booty patrol. People wanting their autographs too. Buying your merchandise and then theirs too.

    Macie: It’s as if there’s a bonanza of people going out of their skulls. Wanting more of everything. More of the Rising Star. More of the Empress heart. More of Amy. Of Serena… More of all things that got their name on it.

    Michael: Weird to think about that… isn’t it?

    Macie: Yeah. It is. Too weird.

    Michael: A moment ago… you said that you were a teenage mother… What’s that like? Being the newest recent coming of age Teenage mother?

    Macie: It’s a treasure. I love it. I don’t want people thinking that i’m into getting pregnant for laughs. Because i’m not. I didn’t even do it for such reasons. I was 16 when it happened. My boyfriend who became my husband Ridge… We did it in the sense that we were like so… so ready. We were prepared to take love to the next form as when we met… we were only like 15. I was this shy girl. So damn shy that if our life was a K-pop song… at that moment… It would be with lyrics from a song that went like: *Singing a piece* “gwansim eopsneun cheok amuri aesseobwado
    haru on jongil geudaega areungeoryeo
    donghwa sogui
    sinderella kkumeul kkul nain anya
    Baby Don’t you know
    Now I know
    Don’t you know

    salmyeosi anajwodo joha
    budeureoun misodo joha
    ajigeun seotun nae mameul nado molla
    Make me shy

    Tell me how can I love you
    Tell me how can I need you
    Tell me now
    geudaewa na dan duri
    Falling in love”

    Michael: You really feel like that?

    Macie: Yeah. I do. But it was true… He was very digging into me. He was like… According to phrase… “Jonesin’ over me.” He was loving me. He didn’t even know who i was till he saw me with my roommate best friend of Metropolis… Joanna. She was my first friend in that city when my new life began. This was before i became famous. It was like a couple months before i was discovered and life went from slow at a crawl… to WHOA! I mean… i didn’t even see it coming. Not like i would sit there and with arms out wide and making like: “Come get me. Fame… come to me now!”

    Michael: So… like fame was just the grease to your buns. Coming at you like: “Life shall meet you and rend you asunder with fame like a freight train.”

    Macie: *Laughing* Yeah. It was with such a feeling quite as what you said. But when Ridge and I met… He was just in love with me. Thought at first sight that i was lovely… beautiful. Wanted me for me. Back then… i was like nasally. Which is true… I was. However one night during the first two months… before fame came to jump on to me… i was walking home and feeling down because i believed people were judging how i was…. how i looked. What i did… what i would say… I was with this idea in me that i wasn’t gonna be good enough. Never realizing that Ridge didn’t think that about me. He loved me. This man… out of the blue who came in one minute and then gone the next… heard my plea… Listened and with a one two and Presto-change-o turned me to this. Permanent. It was soon after that where i became… What i am now. It all happened and so fast. Fast like a bullet.

    Michael: So… it was like you were this simple gal… with doubts one moment… then like a flash and blink… BOOM! you’re a supermodel all dressed in luscious.

    Macie: Yeah. However… Ridge still loved me. I could have been like the sleaze of Babylon and he’d still want me. It never phased him. Not at all. To him… I was exactly who i was meant to be… as he rather saw me. That was the only thing he saw. To Ridge… i was still Macie. Nothing about me warded him off. Nothing.

    Michael: That takes a lot to just come out and say… “This is your Rising Star with a news flash. I wasn’t always this hot supermodel. I was once upon a time this short gal with the nasal issue and with insecurities up the wazoo. Want to know what i was before… there you are… that was what i was.”

    Macie: Sure. Isn’t that what it’s about. To just get it out there.

    Michael: Kinda makes things rather awkward for those who never knew. But now… do know.

    Macie: It shouldn’t be anyone’s problem. It’s just one of those things that… if you’re gonna love someone or be a die hard follower of someone… you got to know all about them. Minus the parts that are rather dark and seedy. People deserve the truth… but not that much truth. Because i happen to be a fond believer of the fact that in a world like this… there isn’t a whole lot to believe in besides one’s self. And if they are pulled away from having that brief moments fantasy… something that lets them believe in there being goodness in the world… what would there be left for anyone to believe in? People need to believe in something even if it is something that isn’t all that well. If there is nothing for them to hold on to… The world… it’s already lost. Point simple. It’s lost.

    Michael: Kinda strong words there, Macie.

    Macie: It is… But it’s true. Without something for a person to believe in… what exactly is it that they have? Nothing. That’s what it is. Sad… it makes me want to just cry. But it’s the truth.

    Michael: Oh yeah. Even with the president out there trying to make like he’s this good guy and we all know… he’s not a good guy. He even lies on a daily basis. Always. He’s always tweeting. Tweeting such fabricated garbage.

    Macie: Yeah. But the sad thing is that back in January… i was awarded the Presidential Humanitarian award… By him. Him. I felt his heart. The heart that i really didn’t want to believe he had as his actions in politics and such… were so asinine. But he awarded me with also the Presidential Citizens award. I wanted to say what i thought of him… right then. But i couldn’t. There’d be a national outcry and plus it’d make everyone around me… look bad. Plus i was about love. The things i would have said… weren’t about love. I had to shove my feelings about him down like a poison pill. It made me so sick. But what could i do… i had the entire country on me. Their eyes on me. So… i had to grit and bare it.

    Michael: Not an easy thing for you to do. But what did your now husband think about it all?

    Macie: Do you really want to know? He abhors him like lunacy. He just hates Trump. I don’t blame him. I am not fond of Trump either but like it or not… i have to keep a subtle and rather neutral mind on him. I couldn’t speak my mind about the president.

    Michael: That’s sad.

    Macie: You bet it is.

    Michael: What about what it was like for you and Ridge when you gradually got serious. What was that like?

    Macie: It was like… I was being given the gift of love. Love that i kinda didn’t think i rightfully deserved. But Ridge at the beginning of last year… Around the 26th of January… He came to me… and proposed to me. On bended knee in the presence of Christopher Hayden… Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. But it was at the same time that Christopher was asking Lorelai to marry him. I remember that at one split moment… Lorelai and I both went as in a state of shock and of disbelief… “And the Hits… Just keep on coming!” Almost like a Radio DJ… but the thing was… we weren’t. We just said that as we were in shock. But as Lorelai and Christopher were talking… Ridge and i were and i remember shedding some tears but in the end… i was like: “Yes. Yes… i will… i will marry you.”

    Michael: Just like that?

    Macie: Just like that. I loved him so much that i would have married him regardless of any doubt. I would marry him right then… but that would have been too too soon. So He and i waited. A year and 3 months. It was a perfect wait. An honest and well deserved.

    Michael: Sometimes it pays off well to wait.

    Macie: It sure does. But it was soon after when… a month and 9 days later… i gave life to two baby girls. They’re so precious. They’re a symbol of Ridge’s and my love. We made them together. I was the one in pain as i was carrying them. But it was a gift from god. I was graced with them. So was Ridge.

    Michael: Earlier you mentioned about how you felt that people were pegging you as being like this… new aged Michael Jackson. With the same like aura… The spiel and the whole shit in deal. Like you walk into a room and right away people just knew… you were there. They wouldn’t right out say it… just that they’d know. Feel your presence there.

    Macie: It feels that way.

    Michael: What did you mean by that really? What did you happen to mean by people were just looking at you and because you were pursuing all this Love and light. Awareness to what’s going on…

    Macie: What i meant was that people saw the light. Saw the love. And because people knew that Michael was about love and knew that his music was preaching… expressing and telling tales of love. Love and his whole being was like magic. The Moonwalk. The smooth dancing and the singing talent that he could amass just by a simple step. It was magic. And when i said that he was weird in a sense… i wasn’t calling him weird or saying that he was. But that it was weird how he would just love kids… Be one to just articulate and understand them in ways that others could not. He was able to feel their heart Just by what… they would tell him. He could speak with them and it’d be fine. But to adults… people would misconstrue it as weird as he would tell them something and for some reason how he spoke… to people or reporters… they’d misconstrue it as something off and then because of that ascension… they’d spin it and make all these awful things about him… come out. Making him out in their minds… A Wacko. The hyperbolic thing… they made it into such a big thing that… if he were to say anything… No matter what it may have been… it was just right off weird. I watched some of the interviews that were done with him… Alot of the reporters made a total mockery of him. It made him out to be like that nickname that he found so offensive… “Wacko Jacko” People would sometimes call him that and it would be like as if… all people saw was wacko. The color confused black man. He had a skin condition… that happens mostly or worse to African americans. But others can get it too. White people… Jewish. Italians. French. Germans, Hispanic, Puerto-ricans… The list goes on. Anyone could get it. But African-americans have a sad and upsetting higher percentage chance in that. It’s just so… so sad and heartbreaking that any race of people could get it and suffer so so much with it. And there’s said to be like no absolute cure for it.

    Michael: It happens. But i wouldn’t really construe anything of it to be weird. Nothing about him was weird. Macaulay would say that what seemed weird about him was all the things we done to Michael. All the shit we put him through. He could talk to kids. They understood. Adults… not so much or hardly at all. Making where something he said… was either wrong or taken outta context.

    Macie: Exactly… However now…

    Michael: Now… it’s you. You’re out there… spouting love and throwing kisses to the public as if on demand. Loving one and all. Trying to convey literally the same exact message that he did and went in vain. It is just like here you are… only like 17 and you started way back when you were only 15. Starting out as just like this newbie celeb. You didn’t even get your stripes yet and already… everyone out there is just wanting to be so close. Everyone’s your bud. They all feel your love and light. Signing autographs with one hand… and then with the other hand… you’re with a microphone and or headset and singing like a songbird. A Canary.

    Macie: Yeah. That’s what’s all about… I barely walk into a room and right away people know that i’m close. That i’m there and among them.

    Michael: When you start your day… what do you do?

    Macie: I just start it all at a normal time. 7 in the morning. i usually get woken up by my agent, or manager. But now that i’m married… i wake up with my husband. We start the day freshening up in the powder room.. Then dress up. Head down a moment later to the kitchen for breakfast. While having breakfast, we sit and talk about our plans for the day and then once done… we make sure that we have what we need for the day… Kiss each other on the lips. Then out the door we go. Although it’s kinda redundant as Ridge and i haven’t been married that long. We’re still newlyweds. But that would be the casual start to our day as my celebrity life isn’t all that demanding. Not as much as all the other celebs life are demanding.

    Michael: Can’t see why not. You’re with all this fame. Money coming in. From several directions. Plus… You’re with a book that’s in progress of being put out… however something holds you back from that. You’ve been on multiple game shows. Your music is getting a whole ton of air play. People requesting it non-stop. There is just all this coming at you. It’s as though one look that the people grab at you… they’re hooked. You’re drawing people in.

    Macie: That’s right… I am. I do not even realize it as it’s just… me being me. I am not even trying to lure… People just come before me and they are taken by my presence.

    Michael: It’s like that message you have out and it’s been out since the start of the tour… What was it again… We’d kinda like to hear it again.

    Macie: *Laughing* Oh… You would… would you?

    Michael: Yeah. It’d be great.

    Macie: Oh my… Oh dear… Okay. It’s a message that i came up with but it’s still as true and pure… Sincere as the first time it’s been said and told. It’s: “One touch *Motioning to touch the side of one’s face*, One Kiss *Blowing a kiss” and it’s out the door with nothing but sweet sweet love.”

    Michael: Awesome. That’s really rad. You give off that message like it’s a way of life. That’s gotta be your Credo. Your way of life. Rising Star with an edge. An Edge of love.

    Macie: *Smiles* Yeah.

    Michael: However… it’s not gonna get people to stop wanting more. I mean it’s still like they crave for more. Don’t you hate that when you are out there just doing your thing… Thinking that people are finally just satisfied and then come to find that they just were only momentarily appeased and made you believe that they were all happy then as soon as you were at a moment of rest… you find that they are just grabbing and chanting. Calling out for more as if they’d never seem to have enough?

    Macie: Not really. But i do find it to be rather excessive and rather overbearing. I can’t be on the stage all the time. I do happen to have a life outside of being the celeb. Like a life being a married teenage girl… A Teenage mother… A High school teenager. I got to have some sort of normalcy. If they were me… wouldn’t they be wanting the very same thing? I am sure that they would want that. Courtesy… respect. gratitude revolving all it was they’ve done?

    Michael: Anyone’d want that. What gets us is that they don’t. I mean… take a look at us… We’re celebs. Going at it. Every single day. Without end. No rest. No time to catch a breath or two. Nothing.

    Macie: What was it like for you when you were doing your role for the series of Smallville?

    Michael: It was pretty hectic. There were like several days for filming of an episode. We had to get into costume and make up for the characters. Rehearse the lines and do voice training. When it came to filming… Some of the filming had to be done in Vancouver. There was also Australia. Cloverdale. The Hartley castle… had to be done up to serve as the Luthor Mansion. The Kent farm had to be filmed in Aldergrove. British Colombia. Each shot had to like be done just right and the lighting for the specific points… Like for dramatic… High Action. The lighting always had to be set in such a way. Plus the lines… You always had to rehearse them and rehearse them… Making sure that you stayed in character. It was easy once you had the handle of it. Reading on the lore of the character you had to play. Knowing what they were like. It had to be everything you were as you were playing as that character. Making it sound off more alive. For my good friend Tom Welling… he had to know how to play as this farm boy… Clark Kent. He had to being a simple farm boy. Normal. But not exactly normal… as he was not from the world. he had to come to terms that he wasn’t from this world. Then to having to learn about his alien heritage while still trying to be this normal but not so normal person. Then hear from the spaceship that brought him to Earth. Each year… he gets more and more into becoming what he’s meant to be. My Character… each year… Lex would get deeper into going heads against his father. It was never ending. But it was through that while trying to be friends with the town… The Kents. Of course… Jonathan Kent didn’t seem to like Lex much at all. Because of what Lex’s father was. He thought that Lex would be just the same as Lionel. Which he wasn’t… He was worse… Worse than his father.

    Macie: Sounds dramatic. Theatrical.

    Michael: Eh… well, it did seem as that sometimes but it was a good time. Working with good people like Justin Hartley, John Glover, Tom. Kristin, Allison… Annette O’Toole and John Schneider. Amazing cast. Plus the production crew. I mean… they would always just get things ready so when it was time to shoot… we would know what to do… where to go… how to lead it. During the 10th season… Tom was co producer of the show. He also directed some episodes. He did one for season 5. Fragile where he directed… but also role’d. Clark was befriending this meteor infected little girl who could control all things glass. If the girl got upset or mad… Oh boy. Watch out. There was one scene where he had to go somewhere to have a word with Chloe… He had Lois watch her or asked her to watch the girl while he went to see Chloe for something…

    The Scene plays…

    Lois: *To Clark; About Maddie* Clark, I’m gonna call the sheriff right now before we get sliced, diced, and pureed.

    Clark: Lois, I’m not sure she killed anybody.

    Lois: So someone else with the power to shatter glass just moseyed on in and murdered her foster mom?

    Clark: Just because she has this ability doesn’t make her a killer.

    Lois: I always knew you were naive, but come on. Don’t let her rosy cheeks and saucer eyes sway you. That girl’s one step short of the demon seed.

    Clark: Give me an hour. Then we’ll call the police.

    Lois: You want me to baby-sit that little glass-smasher? Does my life mean nothing to you?

    Clark: I don’t think she’s dangerous. If you’re scared, I can call Chloe.

    Lois: Who said I was scared? I’m not scared.

    Clark: Great. Thanks.”

    Macie: Wow! That must have been rather touching for Tom. Directing an episode like that. I wonder if he ever looked back at those times and wondered… Wondered if he could have done much more with it. More sentimentality. It sounds rather sweet.

    Michael: It does. But given that we’re starting to run a little out of extra time… Let’s get on to the part where we discuss your final set of concerts. Where you’ll likely go from hereafter…

    Macie: Oh… Uhm… Well… For the Opener to the concert for tonight that sets it off for this final set of performances… I as you know still happen to have the K-Pop girl group Gfriend joining me… but i believe that after the concert’s done… They’ll be leaving back to S.Korea. But while they’re here… i’m likely gonna have them open things up with a good # and since it’s summertime now. Have them perhaps do their #: Sunny Summer. It’s more fitting as it is summer and i would have them do Summer Rain. But that one might be a little… i don’t know… Sad. It’s a very sweet song. but just sad and rather… sentimental.

    Michael: It’d be okay. It’ll still be a rockin’ concert.

    Macie: It sure would. Throughout the last concert of this final set shows… I’m planning on having that sweet person i met sometime ago… I think it was like the other week when i met him and he met me… RuPaul. Having him come and do a couple #’s. It’d be a real hit.

    Michael: Him? You’re not serious are you?

    Macie: Yeah. I mean… Why not? It’d be great.

    Michael: nothing against that. It’s just rather… a shocker. Not that you shouldn’t do it. It’s just… that i never thought that i’d hear something such as that come from you.

    Macie: Surprised, are we?

    Michael: I’ll say. I am sure that the concert is gonna be a real unforgettable experience.

    Macie: Sure will be. It’s gonna have a bit of a mix-up in the song list. Shake things up a little bit. So to open… there’s Gfriend with Sunny Summer… The last night will have RuPaul. and maybe a surprise from that Korean singer Son Ga in.

    Michael: Impressive. You’re gonna have all that all within this last set of concerts. To unleash a grand finale… It’s gonna be a hell of a show. The best one yet to come and never forgettable. Ever.

    Macie: Will you be coming?

    Michael: Actually. I haven’t been able to come to your concerts. Kept having engagements to attend. However… you know what? I’d be thrilled to attend this concert. I am sure to enjoy every last second of it.

    Macie: *Blushes* Awww!

    Michael: Where’ll you go from here?

    Macie: Not sure… From here i might just take some time to maybe relax and attend my time being a teenage mother. I will still do minor social appearances and public greets within the city of Metropolis… my home town. but as for anything major… it’ll be dialed down a little bit and cooling off. Just a little bit. I am young… and pretty new still… But i am a believer that family comes first.

    Michael: That’s the truth. That how the life goes. Family first.


    Michael: This has been another podcast episode of “inside of you” with Michael Rosenbaum. Macie, we’ve been getting to know you rather well. and with everything there is about you… There is no mystery that you’ve got surprises up the hindside and through every orifice of your being. I myself want to thank you for allowing us to have the opportunity to get inside of you.

    Macie: Oh… it’s okay. It’s been rather delightful. I thought of it as something rather special. Being on a podcast show and sitting around just talking with you on things. Just getting to have this time to unwind. express myself in such a way others would love to but yet don’t.

    Michael: That’s so true.

    Jessie: That was a rerun. But Boy... What a broadcast. What kind of tales do you have? Care to share a tale or two?

  10. #10
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Jessie had the device out listening to a voice from it, and then another voice, and those voices spoke with each other continuously a long time. The Bard wondered. He had thought those here might be interested in some things he could have told them. Then Jessie and this other one with her were explaining things that were really serious, and they wanted ways to deal with one of them right away. But these voices she and others there listened to now, at length, didn't seem to have anything to do with any of those things. The others with Jessie kept looking at the Bard, as if staring with curious looks, but none said anything and they seemed to all be listening to the discussion from those voices. After all that length, it stopped as Jessie put the device down. And what she had been listening attentively to was something she heard before? She seemed to be saying it was. And now she wanted a tale or two from the Bard?

    "I could speak on a number of things you would have interest in, including stories that could seem to have relevance to us, and things about what is here, and about things nearby in the area. Yet you now have concern that one of the other teams will be looking for Abigail and causing some great trouble with her. That is serious. And as there are teams at this campground in a competition in the tournament, and you have concerns with a couple of teams you speak of, it had seemed like that meant you are on a team in the competition. I will speak on anything you really think would be of most interest to you, still."

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