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Thread: [IC REBOOT] Calling All Creepsters! [PG-13]

  1. #1
    Star of the Dawn
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    Default [IC REBOOT] Calling All Creepsters! [PG-13]

    RATED PG-13 for action/fantasy violence, mild depictions of occult practices and symbols, mild language, and possible sensuality/nudity.

    Calling All Creepsters!

    Spoiler: Plot 

    Spoiler: Factions 
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 10-26-2018 at 03:37 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  2. #2
    Star of the Dawn
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    Nothing like a late-night joyride to get a witch in the Halloween spirit...

    Diana Pendle soared high above the skyscrapers, too high up to be clearly visible to any of the humans below. It was already well into the nighttime, and the garish lights and sounds below easily distracted away from Diana and kept her hidden.

    And as it turned out, she wasn't the only one staying hidden...

    A colony of bats flew past her toward one of the higher rooftops, followed by cackling old hags riding brooms not unlike Diana's. More bats and witches flew by as well, along with countless ghosts and ghouls who perched on the rooftops, just out of sight of the unsuspecting humans.

    Diana frowned at the sight. Was something going on that she didn't know of? Steering downward, she landed on one of the skyscrapers and walked toward the crowd there, which was already starting to gather around the edge facing the many screens with all their brightly glowing ads and news broadcasts.

    "What's all the fuss?" Diana asked the nearest ghoul. "I thought we were supposed to lay low until we get our next orders."

    "You haven't heard?" The ghoul whispered in its trademark ethereal voice.

    "They're about to make the announcement!" A vampire said excitedly.

    "Oooh... I can't wait to see the looks on those humans' faces!" A plump old witch said, stifling a cackle.

    Just then, all the lights in the city below went out. The humans were all visibly annoyed, but the creepy-crawlies on the rooftops were ecstatic.

    "Shush... it's starting!" Said another ghoul.

    The assembled creatures all fell silent, and right on cue, every electronic screen in the vicinity suddenly turned back on, instantly catching the humans' attention. But this time, every screen displayed exactly the same thing: the words 'LEGIONS OF THE NIGHT' in stylized bold red font against a pitch black backdrop, accompanied by a modulated voice that boomed ominously through every audio device.

    "Our time is at hand, fellow children of the night. For too long have we all been ignored and shunned, but in seven days' time, that will finally come to an end. For centuries, we and those before us have depended on the fears of mortal men to maintain any level of respect, until the fools calling themselves the Ultra-Force saw fit to rob us of even that last measure of dignity. No more, I say! By the time you hear this message, the so-called Ultra-Force will no longer pose any threat to us, and on behalf of the Legions of the Night, I invite all our kin to join us on Halloween night, when these fools shall be sacrificed and our combined might strengthened, and then no mortal force will ever again dare to stand against us!"

    The humans could only stare at their screens in shock, several of their faces already pale with horror as they heard the message and hurried to tell their friends. In contrast, the crowds of dark creatures on the rooftops exploded with joy and celebration; ghosts and ghouls shrieked with delight, witches let out their loudest and shrillest cackles, and vampires bared their fangs in wide grins.

    "And to you miserable humans, you who have scoffed and laughed in the face of fear until now... Your precious heroes can no longer shield you against that which goes bump in the night. You are alone, just like we were. You are powerless, just like you have always been. So prepare to once again know the taste of fear."

    The screens all turned dark, and the audio devices fell silent. And just like that, the creatures on the rooftops descended upon the city in a laughing frenzy, all the while countless werewolves, zombies, and various other dark creatures appeared amidst the crowds below.

    Only Diana stayed behind, watching numbly as the attack began and the cackles and shrieks of the dark hordes mingled with the terrified screams of the humans.

    And so it begins.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 10-26-2018 at 04:09 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  3. #3
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    I had plenty of warning approaching this moment.... So why did I wait so long to escape? Oh man oh man oh man....

    Emily let out a yelp when the lights cut off in the city, plunging it into the darkness. IT was dark enough that she even pulled off the shades she tended to wear. The eyes she had in her sockets were dilated to work best at night and with her... Well with her undeadness she couldn't really undilate them easily. It wasn't always bad at night, but the city always had it's lights shining. She didn't move at all, just looking around at the various humans that were already starting to panic which soon started to infect her, although the screens that came on with their announcement wasn't the reason.

    She had lived long enough to understand how humans worked. Panicked humans won't care for the people around them. A riot would be the quickest reaction that they would turn to. Emily picked up her bag and hugged it to herself and started to shuffle backwards. ~Don't worry Emily. You planned for something like this. Just need to get back to the basement of your building...Should I risk a bit of a run? No, a jogging. I might need my muscles later.~

    With a nod of her head she turned away and started to going back to her apartment complex at the pace of a slow jog. The fastest she could safely go even as the Legion began to descend upon the city. She tuned out the screams as she kept to side alleys and streets to avoid the worst of the mobs. The only time she stopped was when she came across some zombies chowing down upon a fresh kill. She could feel the throbbing in her brain. The call in her very soul to join into the feast. She almost gave in if it wasn't for a hand splatting at her feet. With a quickness she grabbed the severed limb and snapped a finger off to shove into her mouth while the rest of the hand went into a pocket. With the hunger satisfied she finished her fleeing to her apartment, although instead of going up to her room, she went down into the basement. To the place she lovingly called her lab even if it wasn't really a lab.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    Yuu was smiling for once. The swarm of shrieking, cackling monsters crashing down upon an unsuspecting city was like a scene from a horror movie. It was actually entertaining.

    Still, Yuu hadn't bothered to jump down like the others - he never was one for crowds. Rather, he sat on the edge of one tall building, his long legs dangling off the side and back of his feet tapping against the brick in rhythm as he swung them back and forth. Sitting alone in the dark he looked almost like a little boy, if it weren't for the fact he was six feet tall and smoking a cigarette. Smoking was a habit he had picked up recently. It gave him a reason to leave the apartment and browse the convenience stores. More importantly, he thought it made him look cool. Which, for some reason, after centuries of meaningless existence, he still cared about.

    Yuu took a final puff of his cigarette before flicking it off the building, down into the chaos. He lazily pulled himself up from his spot and started walking along the edge of the building, hands tucked into the pockets of his overcoat, eyes still gazing over the city streets. He wondered how this would effect him. It certainly was an intriguing prospect, the idea that he could simply eat whenever he wished without the need for skulking about in the shadows and creeping through morgues and quietly digging up graves. It would be a lot easier now. It could certainly make for some interesting interactions, as well. He would no longer have to hide what he was. He could walk up to any human and say it, if he so wished, "I'm a jikininki." Yuu scoffed. Hell, Westerners would never know what a jikininki was. They'd probably laugh at it. It sounded strange in English. He could imagine it now, constantly explaining what a jikininki was, constantly telling his life story to giggling humans. He frowned. Tedious.

    Well, either way, he could eat easier now. That was the most important thing. Humans could just think he was a zombie, if they so wished, even if it did seem a bit discourteous to his homeland. "And what has Japan ever done for me?" Yuu murmured to himself. Like he gave a damn about courtesy, especially not to the land or to the people that had cursed him. He sighed, coming to a stop at the corner of the building and pulling another cigarette out of his coat pocket, placing it in his mouth. He decided he would jump down after the chaos had subsided a bit and grab one of the corpses those zombies had left behind. It had been a few days since his last meal and the hunger was growing. Soon it would start to effect his mind - and he hated that.

    Wait. His eyes flashed in mild surprise. Was that a woman over there? What was a human doing on top of a skyscraper? Yuu scanned her over as he lit the cigarette. A broom. Ah. Witch. He nodded to himself, breathed out a cloud of smoke.

    Still, what was a witch doing here, alone, rather than reveling in the destruction with her Legions? The question was interesting enough that he lept from the edge, landing (not very gracefully) onto the fire escape of the next building over. The building she stood upon. He meandered up the iron stairway until he came to the top. There, Yuu simply stood and watched the witch; waiting to see what she would do, waiting to get an answer to why she stayed behind. She was only a few yards away from him. He might have looked a bit creepy just standing there, gazing upon her from the shadows. But - here's a shocker - Yuu didn't really care. He just hoped she'd be interesting.
    Last edited by kowai; 10-27-2018 at 04:09 AM. Reason: Formatting

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    Song: Devil Trigger, Casey Edwards


    The sounds of his feet could only be heard by those with exceptional hearing. What would honestly give him away more so than his stealthy movements was the music coming through his headphones. It was fascinating to him that sounds that did not exist could be heard inside his head. At first he thought he was going crazy but it turned out…humans…listened to this for…fun? ‘The darkest of night falls around my soul; And the hunter within loses control.’ He glanced down and looked at his hand. Around it he held the bloodied pocket watch of a family he had killed when he first turned…his fingers were not designed to remove the picture inside and it bothered him. He saw the short stick was high and the other was almost as high. He shook his head. Late for humans…

    As he glanced up at the night sky he could smell others like him. Too many then there should be in this town. He moved by garbage and people who were sneaking away. Other than his clawed hands and his sharp wolf eyes all the other would think him..normal. ‘Gotta let it out, gotta let it out; Gotta let it out, gotta let it out’ His watched clicked and he felt the atmosphere change. It was time for his kind to move. He left the hood up to cover his ears but he decided he did not need to feel uncomfortable anymore…he lifted the back of his hoodie to allow his long silvery tail to come out. It swished eager to get moving.

    ‘All this rage that's inside me; Hold it fast, they've been dancing on this’ At first he heard the screaming and the sounds of delight from spooks in the area. Full chaos had erupted. It felt lovely to him…he had met a few of his people telling them that their time was at hand…

    ‘All of these thoughts running through my head; I'm on fire, veins burning red!’ He turned a corner and smelled the thick iron in the air…blood. A group of five to seven ghouls or zombies…dead walkers were around a group of humans. They looked to him as if he was their hope. The begged for help and he simply watched as the ghouls made their way through the family.

    When the ghouls were part of the way through one noticed him and asked, “Do you…ssslllluuurrrp…wanna turn friend?” Ze’ev walked over and simply said, “Do you…work for a witch?” The ghoul nodded happily. Lyncanthropes, ghouls, zombies there was a pecking order in the night world. Strength meant everything. At the thought of him finding the witch he grinned an evil grin. As he pulled out the headphones all he heard was, ‘Pull my Devil Trigger!’

    The ghoul had no time to react his claws had extended and sliced clean through the ghouls throat. A dark ugly infected blood oozed out of it and it fell to a loud bang as it hit a garbage can. The other six ghouls looked over and immediately launched towards him. Ze’ev pooled his mana and quickly shot out two icicle spears which embedded and killed the ghouls as they struggled in vain against the wall. The other two made sluggish attacks against him. Ghouls were slower but quite powerful…avoiding them was the best. He spun lashing out with his legs against one’s head and the others back. Shifting his weight he jumped off of the back of one and lashed out with his claws taking two more ghouls down with a few swift slashes. One of the few final ghouls managed to get behind him and bite him on the should. “GGGrrr….” He reached and flipped the ghoul up and over some blood pooling off of his shoulder. As he slammed the ghoul down he bit into its neck and tore. The blood covering his mouth and the front of his hoodie. Dead ripped flesh clinging to him.

    The last ghoul looked at escape and he called out, “Bring your witch master! Now!” The ghoul ran off. Though it was not long before he returned with a castor…


    The stench of gore and blood had taken over him for a moment. “She…was not the one…”

    He sat on the corpses of summoned dead. The witches body lay before him. Her head in one hand, a broke broom, and in his other the witches wand. He started to pick his teeth with it and looked about the battlefield. He alone was live here. Bodies of undead and human alike. He was unsure but most likely he had killed humans as well. Not that it bothered him. His hood was down revealing his wolf ears. He was resting…he had used a little too much mana in his casting. He looked and saw melting pools of ice, one particularly large on that shot up along a building. The witch had been stronger than he thought.

    After picking his teeth with the wand he held it up to the moon and howled a bloody victory howl. He saw it as a minor victory. He would not stop killing them until he found the one that did this to him. He saw a small child’s body on the floor and he thought of his sisters cub…the only way he could cope was revenge.

    He just noticed he had somehow ran and chased until he was in…what a small play area for children outside…it was a park but little did he know that. With the corpses around the wobbly thing he sat on as a throne he watched and waited until he felt combat ready again.

    Popping a headphone into his ear and keeping the other out for security he found he was quite a few song more forward. as he listed he closed his eyes. 'Red like roses fills my dreams and...'
    Last edited by Kortaga; 10-26-2018 at 07:11 PM.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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    Most would not have noticed the unusually large raven perched atop a nearby lamp post as they milled about their busy evenings. Too many parties, bars, and events to get to, to notice one odd bird perched on a lonely street lamp. She would be insignificant amongst all the hustle and bustle. It was incredible how imperceptive humans could be when they believed themselves to be safe. She could feel the forces of the Legion amassing on the roof tops though.

    Her black feathers ruffled in a light breeze that was blowing through the buildings. It was almost time. They’d move soon. She’d have to move on. A shame they couldn’t see the folly in their ideals. Flapping her wings the raven flew to the nearby rooftops only to find another sat atop the building as well. A witch. Was she Legion?

    Hopping over to the girl the raven cocked her head and spoke.

    “Are you with the Legion,” she cawed, “or merely a witness? Do you enjoy bloodshed? Or simply wish to chronicle the outcome?”

    Aradia had been around the Legion many times during her long life. She didn’t recognize the girl though, a new recruit? That was when the elder witch picked up on a more familiar presence. Yuu, she had seen the jikininki on many occasions, but had yet to have dealings with him. He was older, that she knew. Old enough he may have some insights that could prove useful. Had he come to similar philosophies as she? Had he let his mind fade to the years? Always interesting to find out. She’d speak to him after if she got a chance.

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    The raven’s question was a somewhat welcome break from the chaos going on down below, so Diana gladly obliged in spite of the circumstances. However, Diana first spared a glance toward Yuu. The Japanese ghoul had already acquired a reputation for being fickle in his loyalty to the Legions... but even so, could she really risk saying the wrong thing in front of a Legionnaire?

    “I’ve done some work for the Legions.” Diana said, knowing better than to leak any confidential details. “But this isn’t what I signed up for.” She left it at that for now. Despite Yuu’s reputation, one of the few things the Legion didn’t tolerate was betrayal. Yuu was more or less safe in that regard, mainly because he didn’t care enough one way or the other, but Diana was not about to bring the Legion’s suspicions on herself by saying too much too soon. Besides, who was to say their feathered friend wasn’t testing them, waiting to see if they would make a mistake? The higher-ups had become much more paranoid ever since the big night, so Diana certainly wouldn’t put it past them to try something like that.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    The trek had been deep, and the woods went deeper still. He'd been squinting through the sunlight, sweat rolling down the back of his neck as he waded through the row upon row of trees. Nick just smoked a joint while the Witches did their thing. In the crisp waters of that woodland stream, they cleansed and purified their bodies. Ridding themselves of all impurity. Sinking and submerging endlessly. Just throwing each others bodies into the waters over, and over, and over again. He was sat apart and away from them, but water still soaked and stained his clothes.

    It was sunset when they finished at the river. Twilight when they took him to the mark. His shape lay outlined in salt, ash and sand. They had told him it was to be a 'Transmuting of Evil energies'. Honestly, these days, he couldn't tell who what or where those energies ended up being sent to. But he went with them nonetheless. They always seemed to feel better afterwards too, so that was something he supposed.

    It was thick blood. Thick warm blood that dribbled and oozed down from the corners of the mouth. It dripped and dribbled, painting lines all over the face, threatening to swallow it whole at times. Always from the mouth too. Never the nose. He tasted the copper of it, felt the crunch of marrow under both tooth and foot, and he heard them. He heard all of them.

    Nick wandered out of the woods a few hours before the dawn. Large blotches of blood were stained into his white vest, some trailing down his arm. Where it had dried and cracked in places made it look like he'd been burned in places. He'd been clean shaven that morning, but the clotted remains of the ritual had now worked their way into his stubble. He was barefooted, and his stagger was lolling and clumsy. Twice he nearly fell over altogether. The fool was grinning like a idiot. Toothy smile spreading ear to ear. Cigarette in one hand, the other held ungainly upwards for supposed balance. He drew to a wobbly halt a few paces out of the Forests clutches.

    Raising both arms, he threw a triumphant "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!", into the air, before carrying on his way.

    He forgot entirely the whole day it took him to reach the city once more.

    Those Wicca Witches were crazy man.

    The divide between the somewhat Magical-esque Bear-Boy Nick, and the somewhat less carnivorous Human Nick, was a strange one. And it often had him conflicted

    Luckily for him, and his Papi he supposed, he could easily pass as just a pure-blooded plain old human. Unless you had prior knowledge, or were a species that could detect it otherwise, there's no way you could know from just a glance that he was what he was. And this was a ability that Nick both relished and took advantage of. Because for a lot of the time, he enjoyed being just a plain old boring human. Maybe even, sometimes anyway, he liked it more than the Bear things?

    Ugh. He still didn't know. The choice of his identity felt like a cough that would last forever. No matter how distracted he was, despite what he did to improve or repress, it would always be there. Tickling and nagging at the back of his throat. Occasionally erupting in a hack of raspy doubts and fears. People liked the human Nick. He had good friends, was a part of a solid clique of like-minded individuals. Human Nick had a home, a steady(ish) job that would get him by until better things came along.

    Nobody ran from Human Nick (Usually). Nobody tried to hunt and shoot human Nick (Usually). Nobody openly screamed in the street at the sight of Human Nic- ...Oh. Well nobody apart from this lady it seemed. The woman's shrill shrieks heaved him out from his stupor and dragged his consciousness back to reality with a painful thud. He blinked, trying to push the daze away from his eyes. She was pointing an indignant finger at him, more specifically his bloodstained shirt.

    Shit. He'd forgotten about that. Still hadn't changed out of it yet. She scrambled and ran from him. He was about to do something, apologise maybe, or make a quick getaway, I don't know, something. But then his ears caught up with his eyes. And suddenly everybody was screaming. Absolutely everybody. And not just at him. It was chaos. All of it. Everywhere he looked. Everywhere he turned. What the fuck was going on. People were being killed. Murdered right in the streets. In the open. Right before his eyes.

    All of them being horrifically killed. And all of them killed by people like him. It was all so much. All so completely and utterly fucking messed up. What the hell was happening. There was blood everywhere. Not just on him anymore. Nick was not ok with this. Not one bit. A man tripped and fell next to him, desperately scuttering and scrambling back to his feet. But before the motion coordinated with his limbs, some weird goblin hybrid like thing lunged at him. The man collapsed to the ground, the air physically knocked out of him.

    Nick didn't even need the time to think. He swung forwards, grabbing the creature by it's scruff. The, with a hard and heavy tug, he struck the creature against the brick wall by his side. The action had been unsettling-ly easy for the man. No harder than lifting a pebble up off the ground. And with a action so simple, the monster fell with an ugly thump to the floor, motionless. Dead or unconscious , Nick didn't wait to know.

    He strode forwards. Onwards and away from this absolute carnage. The world was turning mad before his very eyes. And honestly. He had no idea what the fuck he wanted to do about it. A child screamed in complete terror. He strained his head round to catch the noise, feet changing course instinctively. Fingernails clawed and scratched at the earth, the child desperately trying to get away. Some impish looking thing, he guessed of vampiric origin was draining the child. Ivory fangs sunk into its back, red already pooling through the fabric of the kids shirt.

    His hands locked around the monster and they pulled back as hard as they could. Yet despite his rather increased strength, the creature remained locked in, hissing violently in protest of the attempted removal. It must have been locked in with some sort of stupid magic or something. Dammit. The child just kept on screaming. Nick felt like doing so too honestly. The knot in his brow furrowed furiously as he kept on pulling and pulling. The man cried out in anguish,


    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    At those words, Diana completely forgot about the raven and took up her broom again. A child? Were they seriously attacking a child?!

    Taking to the air once more, Diana flew over the edge and spiraled down to get a closer look. Sure enough, there was the child, being gradually drained by some kind of vampire/imp hybrid, even as a man tried in vain to pry the creature off. How could the higher-ups have allowed this? That there were creatures out there for which animal instinct was the only moral code was simply a fact of life, but those creatures were always kept on the bottom of the hierarchy for a reason. But now, in all this frenzy, none of the other Legionnaires even cared enough to keep them in line, and a few were even encouraging them!

    The Legions' goal was to scare the humans, not massacre them all in cold blood... at least, that's what Diana had always thought. Either way, it was time to set the record straight.

    Taking a white-handled knife from her belt, Diana made a small cut in her hand and slowly approached the monster, all the while holding up the wound to let the scent of the blood reach the vampire's nostrils faster.

    Human blood was the standard diet of every vampire-like being, but witch blood had that extra magical kick that few vamps could resist. The imp-vamp's animal instinct kicked in as soon as it smelled the witch's blood, and let go of the child to go searching for the more desirable prey.

    But Diana was ready for this, and snared the imp-vamp in a telekinetic grip before closing the gap between them, letting her wound bleed into its eager mouth.

    “You like that?” Diana said, as if talking to a pet. The imp-vamp became much more docile as it hungrily lapped up the drops of witch blood, and Diana spared only a quick glance at the would-be hero, continuing to hold the beast in place until the child could be taken to safety.

    None of this constituted any real betrayal in the Legions’ eyes, and Diana would explain as much if need be, but there would be no rest for her after this either way.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    Aradia had begun to open her beak to continue her line of questioning when the younger witch raced off in to the chaos below. Squawking inelegantly as the girl blew past her on her broom Aradia ruffled her feathers indignantly and took flight after her. Upon landing behind the girl Aradia’s form seemed to stretch up and reform in to her true human form pale limbs becoming covered in a form fitting black dress with feather details that matched the raven she had just transformed from. Watching quietly she stayed back as the young girl lured the feral imp-vampire. It was an act of decency she had never seen amongst the ranks of the legion. It was possible certainly that they simply were few and far between, but it solidified her thoughts on the girl. She was young and perhaps a little naive, but her strong sense of justice and common decency made her malleable and not strongly allied to the Legion. A dangerous position if she didn’t have allies. Stepping from the shadows Aradia allowed her lips to twitch up in to a mysterious smile.

    “Uri,” it was almost a flat statement, but one could hear the magic buzzing as it left the elder witches mouth. Within moments the vampiric creature began shrieking and burning from the inside out.

    “You should have known your place pathetic creature,” Aradia murmured as the thing burned, “the other humans may be fair game, but children? Even the most depraved monstrosity knows children are off limits. I hope Satan himself has more mercy on you than I, for I would see you continue to burn for an eternity or two.”

    The monster let out a final shriek as the fire that blazed in it’s body burned it to ash in just a few minutes. A decent display of her power without exposing too much of her knowledge or age. Turing her gaze to the child her expression softened and her voice brimmed with power once more.

    “Obliviscaris omnia quae vidi,” she spoke the words quietly letting the magic do it’s work, “et caro patitur te ad sanandum. You are safe now child. No tears.”

    Turning to the young witch and what she could tell was some sort of were-creature, she held her hand out for the child who in an almost trance like state began to walk toward her. Would they attempt to stop her? Would they care? Would the question her motives? Likely the child’s parents were dead. She could take him should they have no other course of action. Nothing nefarious of course, that had never been her MO. No she’d raise the child until they were strong enough to go it alone.

    “How noble of you both,” she says never once glancing down toward the child, “especially one of you being a legionary yourself......are you one as well boy? Or simply a heroic bystander? I smell blood on you that is not your own, but I don’t sense malice from you.......why are you here?”

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