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Thread: [IC] Breach By Night [M]

  1. #1
    Star of the Dawn
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    Default [IC] Breach By Night [M]

    Rated M for content potentially including any of the following:
    • Action Violence
    • Strong Language
    • Possible Suggestive/Sexual References
    • Possible Nudity (Partial or Complete)
    • Possible Drug/Alcohol Use

    Breach By Night

    Spoiler: Plot 

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Spoiler: Characters 
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  2. #2
    Star of the Dawn
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    In times like these, it pays to have friends.

    Bud’s letter had been neatly tucked back into its envelope, which was now securely in the car's side door. Andrew Kincaid, the moment he’d received it, did not waste another second in carrying out his plan. The only part that had had him worried was having to keep up the ruse of a holiday vacation to avoid scaring the kids, and even now the results were somewhat mixed.

    Rachel was excited from the get-go. As soon as they’d made the announcement, she had raced back and forth all around the house, packing anything and everything that she might need, along with a few games for them all to play together in the car. Her energy level had gone down a bit since then, or maybe she had just sensed that not everyone was in the mood right now, but she was still quick to respond whenever anyone expressed interest in doing something together. Right now, she was occupying herself with a round of The Game Of Life 2 on her smartphone, having just graduated from college and chosen Robotics Engineer as a career.

    Stella had been more than a little annoyed, as the trip would take her away from what few friends she had - including her boyfriend Ricardo - and make her D&D games more difficult. It had taken quite some time to get her used to the idea, but a compromise was finally reached for her to take along her phone and laptop so she could keep in touch while they were gone. Her time right now was spent mainly on playing games with her friends over Discord, listening to music, and occasionally writing in a document on her phone just for fun.

    Alex had the most subdued reaction of the three, leading Andrew to wonder if maybe she had figured out more than she was letting on. Melissa had noticed signs of fear in Alex when Andrew had told the kids about their trip, and they had tried to reassure her, but just how much they’d succeeded was unclear. Rachel had even offered to play a few local-server games on their smartphones to try to cheer her up. In the end, though, Alex settled mainly for texting with her friends and listening to music, then staring out the window whenever the reception went out.

    With the kids more or less settled down, Andrew and Melissa sat in the front of the car, remaining focused on the road and attending to any issues or needs that came up along the way. Melissa was currently driving, leaving Andrew free to handle any phone calls that came up and attend to any last-minute work matters. In fact, Andrew had specifically instructed his assistant, Mark McCollum, to call him with any news from the DA’s office, and half-expected a call from the man any minute now.

    In any case, there was no turning back now. This was the only way for Andrew to keep his family safe and continue managing the Ledger case at the same time. If this case succeeded, the financial blow to the Naga crime syndicate would be truly devastating, and they would be left wide open to further prosecution for their crimes. But if it failed, it would be a sign to the world that Naga really was untouchable, and that was not the kind of world Andrew wanted his daughters to grow up in.

    They were about halfway there now, but the traffic was better than they’d expected. It wouldn’t be too much longer now.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 05-31-2021 at 03:31 PM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Stella had been rolling dice and almost shouting in the back seat for almost the whole ride up to this point.
    There had been quite a bit of "oh no"s and "oh yeah"s as Stella's character, Fern, a beastkin warlock/rogue had gown through a roller-coast of a D&D session with a few more plot twists than the normal session and many more interesting plot developments, some surrounding her own character and how they were the chosen of their patron out of all the other warlocks of the same.
    Many other characters had gotten some very high roles as well.
    But, it was the end of the session.

    "Whooo," she said as she took off her headset and closed her laptop, "That... was a great game."
    She looked over at her older sister Al, and not for the first time and was reminded what this trip might mean. Al's mood didn't help avoid the fact. This might be work for dad, and the needed to be out of the way for something.
    She sighed. "Hey, Al," she tried, "where's that smile? Come on, let's play a nice game, uh?"
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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    Alex’s eyes rolled over to her sister’s face like a glacier. She looked at Stella for a moment with hooded eyes and a very dry expression.

    “Mhm.” she shifted in her seat, then turned back to the window. Her phone buzzed with a message from her friends, indicating she had service again. She read the text, sending one back almost immediately. Still, her eyes drifted out the window and her mind to the real reason they were going out here. Obviously some Naga Syndicate stuff, in which case she wanted to be as far away from them as possible. It was astounding that Stella hadn’t figured it out yet, and she was supposed to be the “smart one”.

    She could feel her sister’s eyes on the back of her head and sighed.

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    "Jesse, just chill," she said and pulled put her own phone, "I just wanted to play a game with my older sister was all."
    She sent a text to Al reading "Hey, a face and attitude like that is only gonna make everyone else nervous. Be on guard, but also try to enjoy yourself."

    She understood the reason why she was a bit broody at the moment, but Stella had chosen not to think about it too much. Dad's work was dangerous, and this vacation was the perfect way to go into effective hiding for a short time while things blew over.

    "What do you say? Wanna play some among us?" She asked after sending her text. "How about it Rachel. You want in?"
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  6. #6
    Krystalline Moon
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    Sitting at a desk in his home Mark was looking over the information that had been left in his care by ADA Andrew Kincaid. It had not been long since he had been informed of the ‘mole’ within the investigation group, and the fact that Mr. Kincaid had been compromised. This whole mess was getting worse by the moment.

    It did not take more than a couple of days for his boss to fear for the safety of his family and arrange to get off the grid. Everything was falling apart. Yet Mr. Kincaid had continued with his investigation and his prosecution. If it were him, he would have given up by now, but that was not his boss’ way of doing things.

    Mark sighed deeply as he continued looking over the notes. He doubted Naga would come after him since for some unknown reason his name was not leaked. All of this did not make any sense to him, but as long as he could stomach it, he would help Mr. Kincaid to take down Naga.

    Some new information had come to light. However, Mark was not sure if it was something he should bother his boss about. Though Mr. Kincaid had told him that if anything had come up to contact him immediately. Grabbing his cell phone, he dialed Mr. Kincaid’s number. He just did not know if this information would be any help to the case or not. It was just a name after all.

  7. #7
    Star of the Dawn
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    Quote Originally Posted by Highland Sniper View Post
    "What do you say? Wanna play some among us?" She asked after sending her text. "How about it Rachel. You want in?"
    “Alright!” Rachel said smiling, quickly turning off her current game to switch over to Among Us. “I’m ready as soon as you got the code!”

    Andrew could not suppress a smile as he overheard everything in the backseat, and caught a brief sidelong glance from Melissa as she laughed quietly to herself. Stella had not failed to notice Alex’s distress and offered to play a game with her to cheer her up, and Rachel had immediately jumped at the opportunity to play with her two older sisters. With everything going on right now at work, little moments like these were what kept Andrew sane, reminding him of what he was truly fighting for.

    Just before the game could start, however, Andrew’s phone rang. He took one look at the screen and saw that it was Mark calling, but he turned briefly to the girls first. Rachel was already looking up at him, unsure what to do, but Andrew just smiled back.

    “You girls keep going.” Andrew said. “Just make sure to keep the noise down until I finish, okay?”

    “Okay.” Rachel nodded, returning her focus to the game.

    With that settled, Andrew accepted the call and held the phone up to his ear.

    “Kincaid speaking.” Andrew said, his mind promptly switching to ‘work mode’ as he awaited a response.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    Alex gave the long-suffering sigh of an older sibling.

    “Sure.” She closed her messages and her photos, then opened Among Us. The jelly bean-shaped astronauts danced across her screen as she joined the room. Soon, she was lost in the game, eyes narrowing and her tongue sticking between her teeth slightly as she unraveled the puzzle of who was and wasn’t a killer imposter. She groaned quietly as the rando crewmates the server had filled the room with chose wrong, again. Soon after, the game ended, and she closed the app and returned to staring out the window forlornly. Her mind wandered as she imagined some sweeping bird or dancing spirit flying alongside the car, swooping over fences and between trees. But that imaginary bird turned to a team of Naga Syndicate grunts chasing after the car, waving guns. Shivering for a moment, she adjusted her position and closed her eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
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    "Alright, let me get the server going." She said with a smile.
    Her two sisters hopped in. She wondered around, trying to be as clever as possible as she methodically murdered the rest of the crew. She finally won as the oxygen ran out.

    It was a great game for her. But as Al left and returned to looking outside, she couldn't resist her own worried frown.
    "Alright Rachel, how about another round?" She asked, trying to put a smile back on her face.

    She couldn't help but get more worried. Knowing that someone else was stressing over the stupid naga seemed to drag at her mood.
    She got a notification, but decided to ignore it until the end of the next round.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #10
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    Default Co-Op w/ Yamimoon

    While the girls began their next game, Andrew listened intently as his assistant spoke on the other end of the phone.

    Mark could only wait as the phone rang the moment he heard Andrew's voice he swallowed hard. “Hello, Mr. Kincaid. Sorry to bother you during your vacation, but I have some information on the case that you were working on. Do you have a moment to talk?” Mark said as he didn’t know who might have been listening to the conversation.

    “Yeah, I do.” Andrew replied. “What have you found?”

    It was a relief to hear Mr. Kincaid’s voice over the phone. He hoped that all of this was worth him having to take his family away from the city. Taking a deep breath he calmed his nerves and began to speak.

    “Well, Mr. Kincade. Afthe looking through the files that you confiscated from the Ledger Foundation. I have found a name that keeps popping up. However, this name is not connected to any of the accounts the business has access to. The name is Arthur LaVell. I don’t know if this has any relevance to Naga or not. But I thought you would like to know sir.” Mark said as he waited to see what his boss thought on the matter.

    “Arthur LaVell…” Andrew echoed softly to himself, drafting a quick note on his notepad. “The LaVell crime family was believed to have been wiped out decades ago, but if Ledger was involved with them as well as Naga, it could mean they were trying to make a comeback. I’ll look into this Arthur as soon as we arrive and see what business he may have had with Ledger. Good work, Mark.”

    With that settled, Andrew had wasted no time moving on to the next subject at hand. Now that Mark had just called, now was as good a time as any to follow up on the other investigation currently underway.

    “Any updates on the leak at the DA’s office?” Andrew asked. The sooner that leak was found and sealed, the sooner the Kincaids could all finally drop the act and go home. Needless to say, Andrew was anxious to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

    Mark smiled as he realized he found some good information for Mr. Kincade. He had gone back and forth for a bit on if he should tell the man about it. Well at least the information was good.

    “Thankyou Mr. Kinkade.” He said as then the subject changed to the incident with the leak. This made Mark shift a little in his seat. It was bad news that he was about to be brought up.

    “Unfortunately there have been no breaks in who leaked the information. From what they have told me that whoever did this left no trail that they have been able to find. However, there was a letter that was sent to the office last night that was addressed to the both of us. I haven't opened it yet." Mark said as he waited to see what Andrew thought.

    A letter? That sounded too good to be true, for their mystery mole to risk compromising themselves so soon. It could just as easily be a trap, so best to be prepared.

    “Have the letter checked for ricin or any other foreign substances before anyone opens it, then let me know what you find out.” Andrew instructed. “Is there an address, or any kind of identifying marks?”

    “Okay, I will get this letter to the DA’s office, and see if they can find anything out. Though there is nothing on the envelope other than our names. No return address, or even any markings. It is just a blank white envelope. However, it is heavier than just a letter should be. That is the only defining difference between it and any normal letter Sir.” Mark said as he looked down at the envelope.

    “Then don’t take it to the office yet, but let them know that a suspicious package was just received.” Andrew said immediately. An abnormally heavy letter was definitely suspicious, and even if it did turn out to be just a letter, the risk was too great to leave anything to chance. “Clear the area, call the police, and keep the letter sealed and isolated until they get there. Have anyone who touched the letter wash their hands immediately; that includes you. Do you understand?”

    Rachel had been too caught up in the game to pay much attention to Dad’s conversation. By the end of the game, however, she did overhear him asking whoever was on the phone to call the police, and there was a definite change in the mood of the front row of the car. Dad was even more tense now than he usually was at work, and Mom was trying a little too hard not to look worried. Rachel wanted to ask what was wrong, but she had always been taught not to talk too loudly whenever Mom or Dad was on the phone, so instead she settled for nervous glances toward her parents and each of her sisters.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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