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Thread: How does the reputation system work?

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Default How does the reputation system work?

    Good day, dears.

    Today we are going to learn a bit about our wonderful system of charms and likes, our one and only reputation system, also known as the "Rep System".

    What is rep?

    Well, in some level I guess it is like the "Like" option of Facebook which allows you to give a personal feedback to the owner of a really good comment or even the maker of a good post in some thread, stating your mind about how good/funny/brilliant/well written that post was to be earned with "rep".

    How do I rep?

    Simple. By pressing the Icon of a "Sheriff star", a window will pop up with the option of adding more words into "why would you give this person a rep" and by pressing "OKAY" you are adding to that person's reputation points.


    How can I view rep?

    1. Press the option of "setting" at the top most part of the site.


    2. You shall be able to view your latest 5 reps.


    The colors beside the rep?

    As you can see from the image here, there are colors given next to each Rep.


    Usually the blocks are green, but if they are dark squares it means that someone without enough rep power, for example, a new member, has repped you.

    Reputation Points and Reputation Power

    Quote Originally Posted by Auki View Post
    Reputation Points and Reputation Power are different things.

    Reputation Points can be seen in your User CP.
    Reputation Power can be seen beside each post, under your details.

    Reputation Points is the amount of Reputation you have been given by other members. To begin with, every +100 gives you an extra box. Then it becomes every +200 and so on as you get higher up the ranks.

    Reputation Power is the amount of Reputation you give to someone each time you Rep them. This goes up, for instance, every time you reach +1000 posts as well as with each green box addition.

    This explains why Siks has a mega high Reputation Power (He has posted a heck loads) but may not have a mega high amount of Reputation Points in comparison to you (You having been Rep'd more by other members).

    Also, moving your mouse over your user rep blocks (under your user name, near a post) will enable you to see a cool line of your rep achievement.


    Final Words?

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Troy View Post
    Also Guys just remember that giving rep is not only a good way to let others know that you approve of what they said but it is also a good way to let RPA as a whole know that that person is pretty awesome. So the next time you see a post the just makes you fall to the floor in laughter or a post in an IC that you think think is just incredible don't hesitate to rep them for it. It's like the saying goes what goes around comes around, and you are spread the love you will most definitely receive the love as well.

  2. #2
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    Default The RPA Guide to the Rep System (Stars, Bars, and more!)

    [Alternate Title: "Anything better than the title I came up with"]

    Anyhoo, I've gotten asked a few times how the rep system works, and what those colorful little bars and pretty colored stars over people's Avatars mean. Well... this thread is to explain them all.

    First, for any newcomers, vocab time. Here is a verb to remember.
    "Rep" (v). to give another user reputation points by clicking on the little 6-sided star at the bottom left corner of a user's post.
    (other tenses/conjugations: rep, repped, repping, reps).

    So for starters. Every member has what is called "Rep Power". This also determines how many stars or bars they will have, but we will get to that later. "Rep Power" determines how many reputation points a member is able to give another member each time he/she reps them. So, if you have 1 rep power (like most members do upon first joining and advancing from the 'newbie' rank), you can give 1 point of rep to people.
    every 100 points of rep will make your rep power go up by 1. so if you have 100 rep points, you will have a rep power of 2 (1 from the start, and 1 more for the 100 rep points). And so, if you get repped by someone with, say, 1000 rep power... that will give you 1000 points, which in turn increases your rep power by 10.
    Also of note, is that every 1,000 posts you make will add to your rep power by 1. However, it's much easier to get rep from other members rather than trying to spam your way up the charts. Besides, rep power gained form post count does not add to the stars or bars at all anyways.

    So... in summary:
    Rep points: 100 of these equal 1 rep power. The more the merrier, obviously.
    Rep power: the number of rep points you can give out each time you rep someone. This number is increased by receiving rep points, or by making 1,000 posts (and 2,000, and 3,000 and so on).


    Now here's where things get mathematical.
    The stars and bars roughly correspond to how much rep power a user has. It's a denomination system.
    Dark Green Bar = 1 Rep Power
    Light Green Bar = 2 Rep Power
    Yellow/Gold Bar = 3 Rep Power

    You get 5 dark green bars, and then you will get 5 light green bars, and then 5 gold bars, which in turn equals about 30 rep power. But what happens then? why don't users have like five zillion little bars?
    well... because then we get stars. every 30 rep power, the bars reset, and are replaced with a bronze star. Similarly, when you get 5 bronze stars, they reset and become a silver star. When you get 5 silver stars, they will reset and become the coveted gold star.
    What happens when you get 5 gold stars?
    ...we'll find out one day.
    but because of this, we can deduct from simple mathematics the values of these stars.
    Bronze Star = 30 Rep Power
    Silver Star = 150 Rep Power
    Gold Star = 750 Rep Power
    Platinum Star = 3750 Rep Power

    Now here's where things get complicated. Remember that every 1000 posts you make adds a rep power, without adding a star/bar, and you start with one rep power by default.

    So, take me for example. I currently have 1057 Rep Power and 6006 posts (as of this post on this the 23rd Day of October in the year of our Lord 2014), and I have a gold star and two silver stars (and a green bar).
    So... it's divided as so.
    Gold star = 750
    Two Silver Stars = (150x2) = 300
    6000 posts = 6 rep power
    1 default rep power = 1

    So, are you seeking the coveted Gold Star? (and the cool badge that comes with it?)
    Here's how you can find out how far away you are, and be within 3 or 4 of the right answer.
    If you have less than 1000 posts, you need 750 rep power to get a gold star. Every 1000 posts you have made, add 1 to that number (750). so if you are trying to get a gold star and you have 8,000 posts, you will need 758 rep power to reach it, rather than just 750. Make sense?

    Dark Green Bar
    = 1 Rep Power
    Light Green Bar = 2 Rep Power
    Yellow/Gold Bar = 3 Rep Power
    Bronze Star = 30 Rep Power (5 of each colored bar)
    Silver Star = 150 Rep Power (5 Bronze Stars)
    Gold Star = 750 Rep Power (5 Silver Stars)


    There have also been questions lately about how often you can rep people. It's common for there to be a little message that says "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to ______ again". so this works two ways. While there might be some amazing person named Zulera301 that you want to rep time and time again, the system prevents this (probably to prevent spam-repping). So instead, you have to rep 10 other people before you can rep "person A" again. However, you *also* have to wait 24 hours. so, if you find that amazing person, rep him/her, and then go rep 10 other people in the hopes that you will be able to rep the first person again, unfortunately, you'll have to wait 24 hours.
    Tl;DR--to sum up, you cannot rep more than 10 times per day/24 hours, and you cannot rep the same person twice till you've repped 10 other people.


    Contrrary to popular belief, Zulera301 is not perfect (but Zulera301 is awesome and smells good). If you have any questions, comments, or other inquiries and concerns, feel free to drop 'em here. Chances are, I can help you figure it out.
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    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  3. #3
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Q. Hi. Can I ask what is the difference between the dark green, light green and gold bars?

    A. Dark Green - 100 rep points
    Light Green - 200 rep points
    Gold - 300 rep points

    Basically the more rep you get the more the colour changes, and get enough rep those'll turn into stars and what not. More rep = more colours!

    Q. So on the profile page it says latest reputation received. does that show all of it or only ones that left a comment?

    A. It will show only your like five most recent reps (given to you or others), with reason or without.

    Q. Hi again, something else I am curious about. Admins have sometimes way more reputation points than me and way more posts to his/her name. And yet his/her rep power is actually lower. How does that work?

    A. Admins have it stuck to 10 rep points (Means that if they rep someone it gives only additional 10 points), reason for that is because Admins have unlimited rep options (Admins can rep as much as they want per day and not be limited to just 10 reps per day like any other members).

    However, it is not truely their "Real" rep points number, that's why Admins may have many stars at the bar below their title, yet lower rep power.

    Q. Does rep serve any special purpose or is it just an ego booster? Hah.

    A. Well. It's pretty thing to gaze at

    Q. How many people do you have to rep to rep the same someone again?

    A. About ten or so.

    Q. What are those bronze stares above the rep blocks that some people have?

    A. After getting a certain amount of gold bars, you get a a 'star' and then start getting the bars again (There are bronze, silver and gold starts)

    Q. I am starting to see something I hadn't noticed before: active members who seem to have hollowed out gems and no stars below their names on their profile pages and in the member lists. like this. What does this signify?

    A. That can mean one of two reasons:
    1. They turned off their rep in their settings.
    2. They were banned and their activities function was disabled along with the rep system.

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